Theory Worklist_Subsumption

(* Authors: Lammich, Wimmer *)
section ‹Generic Worklist Algorithm with Subsumption›
theory Worklist_Subsumption
  imports "../Sepref"

subsection ‹Utilities›
definition take_from_set where
  "take_from_set s = ASSERT (s  {})  SPEC (λ (x, s'). x  s  s' = s - {x})"

lemma take_from_set_correct:
  assumes "s  {}"
  shows "take_from_set s  SPEC (λ (x, s'). x  s  s' = s - {x})"
using assms unfolding take_from_set_def by simp

lemmas [refine_vcg] = take_from_set_correct[THEN order.trans]

definition take_from_mset where
  "take_from_mset s = ASSERT (s  {#})  SPEC (λ (x, s'). x ∈# s  s' = s - {#x#})"

lemma take_from_mset_correct:
  assumes "s  {#}"
  shows "take_from_mset s  SPEC (λ (x, s'). x ∈# s  s' = s - {#x#})"
using assms unfolding take_from_mset_def by simp

lemmas [refine_vcg] = take_from_mset_correct[THEN order.trans]

lemma set_mset_mp: "set_mset m  s  n < count m x  xs" 
  by (meson count_greater_zero_iff le_less_trans subsetCE zero_le)

lemma pred_not_lt_is_zero: "(¬ n - Suc 0 < n)  n=0" by auto

subsection ‹Search Spaces›
text ‹
  A search space consists of a step relation, a start state, 
  a final state predicate, and a subsumption preorder.
locale Search_Space_Defs =
  fixes E :: "'a  'a  bool" ― ‹Step relation›
    and a0 :: 'a                ― ‹Start state› 
    and F :: "'a  bool"      ― ‹Final states›
    and subsumes :: "'a  'a  bool" (infix "" 50) ― ‹Subsumption preorder›
  definition reachable where
    "reachable = E** a0"

  definition "F_reachable  a. reachable a  F a"


text ‹The set of reachable states must be finite, 
  subsumption must be a preorder, and be compatible with steps and final states.›
locale Search_Space = Search_Space_Defs +
  assumes finite_reachable: "finite {a. reachable a}"

  assumes refl[intro!, simp]: "a  a"
      and trans[trans]: "a  b  b  c  a  c"

  assumes mono: "a  b  E a a'  reachable a  reachable b   b'. E b b'  a'  b'"
      and F_mono: "a  a'  F a  F a'"

  lemma start_reachable[intro!, simp]:
    "reachable a0"
  unfolding reachable_def by simp

  lemma step_reachable:
    assumes "reachable a" "E a a'"
    shows "reachable a'"
  using assms unfolding reachable_def by simp

  lemma finitely_branching:
    assumes "reachable a"  
    shows "finite (Collect (E a))"
    by (metis assms finite_reachable finite_subset mem_Collect_eq step_reachable subsetI)


subsection ‹Worklist Algorithm›

term card

context Search_Space_Defs begin
  definition "worklist_var = inv_image (finite_psupset (Collect reachable) <*lex*> measure size) (λ (a, b,c). (a,b))"
  definition "worklist_inv_frontier passed wait = 
    ( a  passed.  a'. E a a'  ( b'  passed  set_mset wait. a'  b'))"
  definition "start_subsumed passed wait = ( a  passed  set_mset wait. a0  a)"

  definition "worklist_inv  λ (passed, wait, brk).
    passed  Collect reachable 
    (brk  ( f. reachable f  F f)) 
    (¬ brk  
      worklist_inv_frontier passed wait 
     ( a  passed  set_mset wait. ¬ F a) 
     start_subsumed passed wait
     set_mset wait  Collect reachable)

  definition "add_succ_spec wait a  SPEC (λ(wait',brk). 
    if a'. E a a'  F a' then 
    else set_mset wait' = set_mset wait  {a' . E a a'}  ¬brk

  definition worklist_algo where
    "worklist_algo = do
        if F a0 then RETURN True
        else do {
          let passed = {};
          let wait = {#a0#};
          (passed, wait, brk)  WHILEIT worklist_inv (λ (passed, wait, brk). ¬ brk  wait  {#})
            (λ (passed, wait, brk). do
                (a, wait)  take_from_mset wait;
                ASSERT (reachable a);
                if ( a'  passed. a  a') then RETURN (passed, wait, brk) else
                    (wait,brk)  add_succ_spec wait a;
                    let passed = insert a passed;
                    RETURN (passed, wait, brk)
            (passed, wait, False);
            RETURN brk


subsubsection ‹Correctness Proof›

context Search_Space begin

  lemma wf_worklist_var:
    "wf worklist_var"
  unfolding worklist_var_def by (auto simp: finite_reachable)

  private lemma aux1:
    assumes "xpassed. ¬ a  x"
        and "passed  Collect reachable"
        and "reachable a"
    shows "
    ((insert a passed, wait', brk'),
     passed, wait, brk)
  proof -
    from assms have "a  passed" by auto
    with assms(2,3) show ?thesis
    by (auto simp: worklist_inv_def worklist_var_def finite_psupset_def)

  private lemma aux2:
      "a'  passed"
      "a  a'"
      "a ∈# wait"
      "worklist_inv_frontier passed wait"
    shows "worklist_inv_frontier passed (wait - {#a#})"
    using assms unfolding worklist_inv_frontier_def 
    using trans 
    apply clarsimp
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) Un_iff count_eq_zero_iff count_single mset_contains_eq mset_un_cases)

  private lemma aux5:
      "a'  passed"
      "a  a'"
      "a ∈# wait"
      "start_subsumed passed wait"
    shows "start_subsumed passed (wait - {#a#})"
    using assms unfolding start_subsumed_def apply clarsimp
    by (metis Un_iff insert_DiffM2 local.trans mset_right_cancel_elem)

  private lemma aux3:
      "set_mset wait  Collect reachable"
      "a ∈# wait"
      "set_mset wait' = set_mset (wait - {#a#})  Collect (E a)"
      "worklist_inv_frontier passed wait"
    shows "worklist_inv_frontier (insert a passed) wait'"
  proof -
    from assms(1,2) have "reachable a"
      by (simp add: subset_iff) 
    with finitely_branching have [simp, intro!]: "finite (Collect (E a))" . 

    from assms(2,3,4) show ?thesis unfolding worklist_inv_frontier_def
      by (metis Un_iff insert_DiffM insert_iff local.refl mem_Collect_eq set_mset_add_mset_insert)

  private lemma aux6:
      "a ∈# wait"
      "start_subsumed passed wait"
      "set_mset wait' = set_mset (wait - {#a#})  Collect (E a)"
    shows "start_subsumed (insert a passed) wait'"
    using assms unfolding start_subsumed_def
    by (metis Un_iff insert_DiffM insert_iff set_mset_add_mset_insert)

  lemma aux4:
    assumes "worklist_inv_frontier passed {#}" "reachable x" "start_subsumed passed {#}"
            "passed  Collect reachable"
    shows " x'  passed. x  x'"
  proof -
    from reachable x have "E** a0 x" by (simp add: reachable_def)
    from assms(3) obtain b where "a0  b" "b  passed" unfolding start_subsumed_def by auto
    have "x'.  x''. E** b x'  x  x'  x'  x''  x''  passed" if
                      "E** a x" "a  b"    "b  b'"  "b'  passed"
                      "reachable a" "reachable b" for a b b'
    using that proof (induction arbitrary: b b' rule: converse_rtranclp_induct)
      case base
      then show ?case by auto
      case (step a a1 b b')
      from E a a1 a  b reachable a reachable b obtain b1 where
        "E b b1" "a1  b1"
      using mono by blast
      then obtain b1' where "E b' b1'" "b1  b1'" using assms(4) mono step.prems by blast
      with b'  passed assms(1) obtain b1'' where "b1''  passed" "b1'  b1''"
      unfolding worklist_inv_frontier_def by auto
      with b1  _ have "b1  b1''" using trans by blast
      with step.IH[OF a1  b1 this b1''  passed] reachable a E a a1 reachable b E b b1
      obtain x' x'' where
        "E** b1 x'" "x  x'" "x'  x''" "x''  passed"
      by (auto intro: step_reachable)
      moreover from E b b1 E** b1 x' have "E** b x'" by auto
      ultimately show ?case by auto
    from this[OF E** a0 x a0  b refl b  _] assms(4) b  passed show ?thesis
    by (auto intro: trans)

  theorem worklist_algo_correct:
    "worklist_algo  SPEC (λ brk. brk  F_reachable)"
  proof - 
    note [simp] = size_Diff_submset pred_not_lt_is_zero
    note [dest] = set_mset_mp
    show ?thesis
    unfolding worklist_algo_def add_succ_spec_def F_reachable_def
      apply (refine_vcg wf_worklist_var)
      (* F a0*)
      apply (auto; fail) []
      (* Invar start*)
      apply (auto simp: worklist_inv_def worklist_inv_frontier_def start_subsumed_def; fail)
      (* Precondition for take-from-set *)
      apply (simp; fail)
      (* State is subsumed by passed*)
        (* Assertion *)
        apply (auto simp: worklist_inv_def; fail)
        apply (auto simp: worklist_inv_def aux2 aux5 
              dest: in_diffD
              split: if_split_asm; fail) []
        apply (auto simp: worklist_inv_def worklist_var_def intro: finite_subset[OF _ finite_reachable]; fail)

      (* Insert successors to wait *)  
        apply (clarsimp split: if_split_asm) (* Split on F in successors *)
          (* Found final state *)
          apply (clarsimp simp: worklist_inv_def; blast intro: step_reachable; fail)
          (* No final state *)
      apply (auto 
        simp: worklist_inv_def step_reachable aux3 aux6 finitely_branching
        dest: in_diffD; fail)[]
        apply (auto simp: worklist_inv_def aux1; fail)
      (* I ∧ ¬b ⟹ post *)  
      using F_mono apply (fastforce simp: worklist_inv_def dest!: aux4)

  lemmas [refine_vcg] = worklist_algo_correct[THEN order_trans]

  end ― ‹Context›

end ― ‹Search Space›

subsection ‹Towards an Implementation›
locale Worklist1_Defs = Search_Space_Defs +
  fixes succs :: "'a  'a list"

locale Worklist1 = Worklist1_Defs + Search_Space +
  assumes succs_correct: "reachable a  set (succs a) = Collect (E a)"

  definition "add_succ1 wait a  nfoldli (succs a) (λ(_,brk). ¬brk) (λa (wait,brk). if F a then RETURN (wait,True) else RETURN (wait + {#a#},False)) (wait, False)"

  lemma add_succ1_ref[refine]: "(wait,wait')Id; (a,a')b_rel Id reachable  add_succ1 wait a  (Id ×r bool_rel) (add_succ_spec wait' a')"
    apply simp
    unfolding add_succ_spec_def add_succ1_def
    apply (refine_vcg nfoldli_rule[where I = "λl1 _ (wait',brk). if brk then a'. E a a'  F a' else set_mset wait' = set_mset wait  set l1  set l1  Collect F = {}"])
    apply (auto; fail)
    using succs_correct[of a] apply (auto; fail)
    using succs_correct[of a] apply (auto; fail)
    apply (auto; fail)
    using succs_correct[of a] apply (auto; fail)

  definition worklist_algo1 where
    "worklist_algo1 = do
        if F a0 then RETURN True
        else do {
          let passed = {};
          let wait = {#a0#};
          (passed, wait, brk)  WHILEIT worklist_inv (λ (passed, wait, brk). ¬ brk  wait  {#})
            (λ (passed, wait, brk). do
                (a, wait)  take_from_mset wait;
                if ( a'  passed. a  a') then RETURN (passed, wait, brk) else
                    (wait,brk)  add_succ1 wait a;
                    let passed = insert a passed;
                    RETURN (passed, wait, brk)
            (passed, wait, False);
            RETURN brk

  lemma worklist_algo1_ref[refine]: "worklist_algo1  Id worklist_algo"  
    unfolding worklist_algo1_def worklist_algo_def
    apply (refine_rcg)
    apply refine_dref_type
    unfolding worklist_inv_def
    apply auto


end ― ‹Theory›