Theory SDS_Automation

  File:    SDS_Automation.thy
  Author:  Manuel Eberl <>

  This theory provides a number of commands to automatically derive restrictions on the 
  results of Social Decision Schemes fulfilling properties like Anonymity, Neutrality, 
  Ex-post- or SD-efficiency, and SD-Strategy-Proofness.

section ‹Automatic Fact Gathering for Social Decision Schemes›

theory SDS_Automation
  "derive_strategyproofness_conditions" :: thy_goal

text ‹
  We now provide the following commands to automatically derive restrictions on the results
  of Social Decision Schemes satisfying Anonymity, Neutrality, Efficiency, or Strategy-Proofness:
    \item[@{command derive_orbit_equations}] to derive equalities arising from automorphisms of the 
      given profiles due to Anonymity and Neutrality
    \item[@{command derive_ex_post_conditions}] to find all Pareto losers and the given profiles and 
      derive the facts that they must be assigned probability 0 by any \textit{ex-post}-efficient
    \item[@{command find_inefficient_supports}] to use Linear Programming to find all minimal SD-inefficient 
      (but not \textit{ex-post}-inefficient) supports in the given profiles and output a 
      corresponding witness lottery for each of them
    \item[@{command prove_inefficient_supports}] to prove a specified set of support conditions arising from
      \textit{ex-post}- or \textit{SD}-Efficiency. For conditions arising from \textit{SD}-Efficiency,
      a witness lottery must be specified (e.\,g. as computed by @{command derive_orbit_equations}).
    \item[@{command derive_support_conditions}] to automatically find and prove all support conditions
      arising from \textit{ex-post-} and \textit{SD}-Efficiency
    \item [@{command derive_strategyproofness_conditions}] to automatically derive all conditions
      arising from weak Strategy-Proofness and any manipulations between the given preference 
      profiles. An optional maximum manipulation size can be specified.
  All commands except @{command find_inefficient_supports} open a proof state and leave behind 
  proof obligations for the user to discharge. This should always be possible using the Simplifier,
  possibly with a few additional rules, depending on the context.

lemma disj_False_right: "P  False  P" by simp

lemmas multiset_add_ac = add_ac[where ?'a = "'a multiset"]

lemma less_or_eq_real: 
  "(x::real) < y  x = y  x  y" "x < y  y = x  x  y" by linarith+

lemma multiset_Diff_single_normalize:
  fixes a c assumes "a  c"
  shows   "({#a#} + B) - {#c#} = {#a#} + (B - {#c#})"
  using assms by auto

lemma ex_post_efficient_aux:
  assumes "prefs_from_table_wf agents alts xss" "R  prefs_from_table xss"
  assumes "i  agents" "iagents. y ≽[prefs_from_table xss i] x" "¬y ≼[prefs_from_table xss i] x"
  shows   "ex_post_efficient_sds agents alts sds  pmf (sds R) x = 0"
  assume ex_post: "ex_post_efficient_sds agents alts sds"
  from assms(1,2) have wf: "pref_profile_wf agents alts R"
    by (simp add: pref_profile_from_tableI')
  from ex_post interpret ex_post_efficient_sds agents alts sds .
  from assms(2-) show "pmf (sds R) x = 0"
    by (intro ex_post_efficient''[OF wf, of i x y]) simp_all

lemma SD_inefficient_support_aux:
  assumes R: "prefs_from_table_wf agents alts xss" "R  prefs_from_table xss"
  assumes as: "as  []" "set as  alts" "distinct as" "A = set as" 
  assumes ys: "xset (map snd ys). 0  x" "sum_list (map snd ys) = 1" "set (map fst ys)  alts"
  assumes i: "i  agents"
  assumes SD1: "iagents. xalts. 
    sum_list (map snd (filter (λy. prefs_from_table xss i x (fst y)) ys)) 
    real (length (filter (prefs_from_table xss i x) as)) / real (length as)"
  assumes SD2: "xalts. sum_list (map snd (filter (λy. prefs_from_table xss i x (fst y)) ys)) >
                        real (length (filter (prefs_from_table xss i x) as)) / real (length as)"
  shows   "sd_efficient_sds agents alts sds  (xA. pmf (sds R) x = 0)"
  assume "sd_efficient_sds agents alts sds"
  from R have wf: "pref_profile_wf agents alts R" 
    by (simp add: pref_profile_from_tableI')
  then interpret pref_profile_wf agents alts R .
  interpret sd_efficient_sds agents alts sds by fact
  from ys have ys': "pmf_of_list_wf ys" by (intro pmf_of_list_wfI) auto
    fix i x assume "x  alts" "i  agents"
    with ys' have "lottery_prob (pmf_of_list ys) (preferred_alts (R i) x) = 
      sum_list (map snd (filter (λy. prefs_from_table xss i x (fst y)) ys))"
      by (subst measure_pmf_of_list) (simp_all add: preferred_alts_def R)
  } note A = this
    fix i x assume "x  alts" "i  agents"
    with as have "lottery_prob (pmf_of_set (set as)) (preferred_alts (R i) x) = 
      real (card (set as  preferred_alts (R i) x)) / real (card (set as))"
      by (subst measure_pmf_of_set) simp_all
    also have "set as  preferred_alts (R i) x = set (filter (λy. R i x y) as)"
      by (auto simp add: preferred_alts_def)
    also have "card  = length (filter (λy. R i x y) as)"
      by (intro distinct_card distinct_filter assms)
    also have "card (set as) = length as" by (intro distinct_card assms)
    finally have "lottery_prob (pmf_of_set (set as)) (preferred_alts (R i) x) =
      real (length (filter (prefs_from_table xss i x) as)) / real (length as)"
      by (simp add: R)
  } note B = this

  from wf show "xA. pmf (sds R) x = 0"
  proof (rule SD_inefficient_support')
    from ys ys' show lottery1: "pmf_of_list ys  lotteries" by (intro pmf_of_list_lottery)
    show i: "i  agents" by fact
    from as have lottery2: "pmf_of_set (set as)  lotteries"
      by (intro pmf_of_set_lottery) simp_all
    from i as SD2 lottery1 lottery2 show "¬SD (R i) (pmf_of_list ys) (pmf_of_set A)"
      by (subst preorder_on.SD_preorder[of alts]) (auto simp: A B not_le)
    from as SD1 lottery1 lottery2 
      show "iagents. SD (R i) (pmf_of_set A) (pmf_of_list ys)"
        by safe (auto simp: preorder_on.SD_preorder[of alts] A B)
  qed (insert as, simp_all)

definition pref_classes where
  "pref_classes alts le = preferred_alts le ` alts - {alts}"

primrec pref_classes_lists where
  "pref_classes_lists [] = {}"
| "pref_classes_lists (xs#xss) = insert ((set (xs#xss))) (pref_classes_lists xss)"

fun pref_classes_lists_aux where
  "pref_classes_lists_aux acc [] = {}"
| "pref_classes_lists_aux acc (xs#xss) = insert acc (pref_classes_lists_aux (acc  xs) xss)"

lemma pref_classes_lists_append: 
  "pref_classes_lists (xs @ ys) = (∪) ((set ys)) ` pref_classes_lists xs  pref_classes_lists ys"
  by (induction xs) auto

lemma pref_classes_lists_aux:
  assumes "is_weak_ranking xss" "acc  ((set xss)) = {}"
  shows  "pref_classes_lists_aux acc xss = 
            (insert acc ((λA. A  acc) ` pref_classes_lists (rev xss)) - {acc  (set xss)})"
using assms
proof (induction acc xss rule: pref_classes_lists_aux.induct [case_names Nil Cons]) 
  case (Cons acc xs xss)
  from Cons.prems have A: "acc  (xs  (set xss)) = {}" "xs  {}" 
    by (simp_all add: is_weak_ranking_Cons)
  from Cons.prems have "pref_classes_lists_aux (acc  xs) xss =
                          insert (acc  xs) ((λA. A  (acc  xs)) `pref_classes_lists (rev xss)) -
                          {acc  xs  (set xss)}"
    by (intro Cons.IH) (auto simp: is_weak_ranking_Cons)
  with Cons.prems have "pref_classes_lists_aux acc (xs # xss) = 
      insert acc (insert (acc  xs) ((λA. A  (acc  xs)) ` pref_classes_lists (rev xss)) -
         {acc  (xs  (set xss))})"
    by (simp_all add: is_weak_ranking_Cons pref_classes_lists_append image_image Un_ac)
  also from  A have " = insert acc (insert (acc  xs) ((λx. x  (acc  xs)) ` 
                            pref_classes_lists (rev xss))) - {acc  (xs  (set xss))}" 
    by blast
  finally show ?case
    by (simp_all add: pref_classes_lists_append image_image Un_ac)
qed simp_all

lemma pref_classes_list_aux_hd_tl:
  assumes "is_weak_ranking xss" "xss  []"
  shows   "pref_classes_lists_aux (hd xss) (tl xss) = pref_classes_lists (rev xss) - {(set xss)}"
proof -
  from assms have A: "xss = hd xss # tl xss" by simp
  from assms have "hd xss  (set (tl xss)) = {}  is_weak_ranking (tl xss)"
    by (subst (asm) A, subst (asm) is_weak_ranking_Cons) simp_all
  hence "pref_classes_lists_aux (hd xss) (tl xss) = 
           insert (hd xss) ((λA. A  hd xss) ` pref_classes_lists (rev (tl xss))) -
           {hd xss  (set (tl xss))}" by (intro pref_classes_lists_aux) simp_all
  also have "hd xss  (set (tl xss)) = (set xss)" by (subst (3) A, subst set_simps) simp_all
  also have "insert (hd xss) ((λA. A  hd xss) ` pref_classes_lists (rev (tl xss))) =
               pref_classes_lists (rev (tl xss) @ [hd xss])"
    by (subst pref_classes_lists_append) auto
  also have "rev (tl xss) @ [hd xss] = rev xss" by (subst (3) A) (simp only: rev.simps)
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma pref_classes_of_weak_ranking_aux:
  assumes "is_weak_ranking xss"
  shows   "of_weak_ranking_Collect_ge xss ` ((set xss)) = pref_classes_lists xss"
proof safe
  fix X x assume "x  X" "X  set xss"
  with assms show "of_weak_ranking_Collect_ge xss x  pref_classes_lists xss"
    by (induction xss) (auto simp: is_weak_ranking_Cons of_weak_ranking_Collect_ge_Cons')
  fix x assume "x  pref_classes_lists xss"
  with assms show "x  of_weak_ranking_Collect_ge xss ` (set xss)"
  proof (induction xss)
    case (Cons xs xss)
    from Cons.prems consider "x = xs  (set xss)" | "x  pref_classes_lists xss" by auto
    thus ?case
    proof cases
      assume "x = xs  (set xss)"
      with Cons.prems show ?thesis
        by (auto simp: is_weak_ranking_Cons of_weak_ranking_Collect_ge_Cons')
      assume x: "x  pref_classes_lists xss"
      from Cons.prems x have "x  of_weak_ranking_Collect_ge xss ` (set xss)"
        by (intro Cons.IH) (simp_all add: is_weak_ranking_Cons)
      moreover from Cons.prems have "xs  (set xss) = {}"
        by (simp add: is_weak_ranking_Cons)
      ultimately have "x  of_weak_ranking_Collect_ge xss `
                         ((xs  (set xss))  {x. x  xs})" by blast
      thus ?thesis by (simp add: of_weak_ranking_Collect_ge_Cons')
  qed simp_all

lemma eval_pref_classes_of_weak_ranking:
  assumes "(set xss) = alts" "is_weak_ranking xss" "alts  {}"
  shows   "pref_classes alts (of_weak_ranking xss) = pref_classes_lists_aux (hd xss) (tl xss)"
proof -
  have "pref_classes alts (of_weak_ranking xss) = 
               preferred_alts (of_weak_ranking xss) ` ((set (rev xss))) - {(set xss)}"
    by (simp add: pref_classes_def assms)
  also {
    have "of_weak_ranking_Collect_ge (rev xss) ` ((set (rev xss))) = pref_classes_lists (rev xss)"
      using assms by (intro pref_classes_of_weak_ranking_aux) simp_all
    also have "of_weak_ranking_Collect_ge (rev xss) = preferred_alts (of_weak_ranking xss)"
      by (intro ext) (simp_all add: of_weak_ranking_Collect_ge_def preferred_alts_def)
    finally have "preferred_alts (of_weak_ranking xss) ` ((set (rev xss))) = 
                    pref_classes_lists (rev xss)" .
  also from assms have "pref_classes_lists (rev xss) - {(set xss)} = 
                          pref_classes_lists_aux (hd xss) (tl xss)"
    by (intro pref_classes_list_aux_hd_tl [symmetric]) auto
  finally show ?thesis by simp

context preorder_on

lemma SD_iff_pref_classes:
  assumes "p  lotteries_on carrier" "q  lotteries_on carrier"
  shows   "p ≼[SD(le)] q  
             (Apref_classes carrier le. measure_pmf.prob p A  measure_pmf.prob q A)"
proof safe
  fix A assume "p ≼[SD(le)] q" "A  pref_classes carrier le"
  thus "measure_pmf.prob p A  measure_pmf.prob q A"
    by (auto simp: SD_preorder pref_classes_def)
  assume A: "Apref_classes carrier le. measure_pmf.prob p A  measure_pmf.prob q A"
  show "p ≼[SD(le)] q"
  proof (rule SD_preorderI)
    fix x assume x: "x  carrier"
    show "measure_pmf.prob p (preferred_alts le x)
              measure_pmf.prob q (preferred_alts le x)"
    proof (cases "preferred_alts le x = carrier")
      case False
      with x have "preferred_alts le x  pref_classes carrier le"
        unfolding pref_classes_def by (intro DiffI imageI) simp_all
      with A show ?thesis by simp
      case True
      from assms have "measure_pmf.prob p carrier = 1" "measure_pmf.prob q carrier = 1"
        by (auto simp: measure_pmf.prob_eq_1 lotteries_on_def AE_measure_pmf_iff)
      with True show ?thesis by simp
  qed (insert assms, simp_all)


lemma (in strategyproof_an_sds) strategyproof':
  assumes wf: "is_pref_profile R" "total_preorder_on alts Ri'" and i: "i  agents"
  shows   "(Apref_classes alts (R i). lottery_prob (sds (R(i := Ri'))) A <
                        lottery_prob (sds R) A) 
           (Apref_classes alts (R i). lottery_prob (sds (R(i := Ri'))) A =
                        lottery_prob (sds R) A)"
proof -
  from wf(1) interpret R: pref_profile_wf agents alts R .
  from i interpret total_preorder_on alts "R i" by simp
  from assms have "¬ manipulable_profile R i Ri'" by (intro strategyproof)
  moreover from wf i have "sds R  lotteries" "sds (R(i := Ri'))  lotteries"
    by (simp_all add: sds_wf)
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by (fastforce simp: manipulable_profile_def strongly_preferred_def
                        SD_iff_pref_classes not_le not_less)

lemma pref_classes_lists_aux_finite: 
  "A  pref_classes_lists_aux acc xss  finite acc  (A. A  set xss  finite A)
       finite A"
  by (induction acc xss rule: pref_classes_lists_aux.induct) auto

lemma strategyproof_aux:
  assumes wf: "prefs_from_table_wf agents alts xss1" "R1 = prefs_from_table xss1"
              "prefs_from_table_wf agents alts xss2" "R2 = prefs_from_table xss2"
  assumes sds: "strategyproof_an_sds agents alts sds" and i: "i  agents" and j: "j  agents"
  assumes eq:  "R1(i := R2 j) = R2" "the (map_of xss1 i) = xs" 
               "pref_classes_lists_aux (hd xs) (tl xs) = ps"
  shows   "(Aps. (xA. pmf (sds R2) x) < (xA. pmf (sds R1) x)) 
           (Aps. (xA. pmf (sds R2) x) = (xA. pmf (sds R1) x))"
proof -
  from sds interpret strategyproof_an_sds agents alts sds .
  let ?Ri' = "R2 j"
  from wf j have wf': "is_pref_profile R1" "total_preorder_on alts ?Ri'"
    by (auto intro: pref_profile_from_tableI pref_profile_wf.prefs_wf'(1))

  from wf(1) i have "i  set (map fst xss1)" by (simp add: prefs_from_table_wf_def)
  with prefs_from_table_wfD(3)[OF wf(1)] eq
    have "xs  set (map snd xss1)" by force
  note xs = prefs_from_table_wfD(2)[OF wf(1)] prefs_from_table_wfD(5,6)[OF wf(1) this]

    fix p A assume A: "A  pref_classes_lists_aux (hd xs) (tl xs)"
    from xs have "xs  []" by auto
    with xs have "finite A"
      by (intro pref_classes_lists_aux_finite[OF A])
         (auto simp: is_finite_weak_ranking_def list.set_sel)
    hence "lottery_prob p A = (xA. pmf p x)"
      by (rule measure_measure_pmf_finite)
  } note A = this

  from strategyproof'[OF wf' i] eq have
    "(Apref_classes alts (R1 i). lottery_prob (sds R2) A < lottery_prob (sds R1) A) 
     (Apref_classes alts (R1 i). lottery_prob (sds R2) A = lottery_prob (sds R1) A)"
    by simp
  also from wf eq i have "R1 i = of_weak_ranking xs"
    by (simp add: prefs_from_table_map_of)
  also from xs have "pref_classes alts (of_weak_ranking xs) = pref_classes_lists_aux (hd xs) (tl xs)"
    unfolding is_finite_weak_ranking_def by (intro eval_pref_classes_of_weak_ranking) simp_all
  finally show ?thesis by (simp add: A eq)

lemma strategyproof_aux':
  assumes wf: "prefs_from_table_wf agents alts xss1" "R1  prefs_from_table xss1"
              "prefs_from_table_wf agents alts xss2" "R2  prefs_from_table xss2"
  assumes sds: "strategyproof_an_sds agents alts sds" and i: "i  agents" and j: "j  agents"
  assumes perm: "list_permutes ys alts"
  defines "σ  permutation_of_list ys" and "σ'  inverse_permutation_of_list ys"
  defines "xs  the (map_of xss1 i)"
  defines xs': "xs'  map ((`) σ) (the (map_of xss2 j))"
  defines "Ri'  of_weak_ranking xs'"
  assumes distinct_ps: "Aps. distinct A"
  assumes eq:  "mset (map snd xss1) - {#the (map_of xss1 i)#} + {#xs'#} =
                  mset (map (map ((`) σ)  snd) xss2)"
               "pref_classes_lists_aux (hd xs) (tl xs) = set ` ps" 
  shows   "list_permutes ys alts  
             ((Aps. (xA. pmf (sds R2) (σ' x)) < (xA. pmf (sds R1) x)) 
              (Aps. (xA. pmf (sds R2) (σ' x)) = (xA. pmf (sds R1) x)))"
            (is "_  ?th")
  from perm have perm': "σ permutes alts" by (simp add: σ_def)
  from sds interpret strategyproof_an_sds agents alts sds .
  from wf(3) j have "j  set (map fst xss2)" by (simp add: prefs_from_table_wf_def)
  with prefs_from_table_wfD(3)[OF wf(3)] 
    have xs'_aux: "the (map_of xss2 j)  set (map snd xss2)" by force
  with wf(3) have xs'_aux': "is_finite_weak_ranking (the (map_of xss2 j))"
    by (auto simp: prefs_from_table_wf_def)
  hence *: "is_weak_ranking xs'" unfolding xs'
    by (intro is_weak_ranking_map_inj permutes_inj_on[OF perm'])
       (auto simp add: is_finite_weak_ranking_def)
  moreover from * xs'_aux' have "is_finite_weak_ranking xs'"
    by (auto simp: xs' is_finite_weak_ranking_def)
  moreover from prefs_from_table_wfD(5)[OF wf(3) xs'_aux] 
    have "(set xs') = alts" unfolding xs' 
    by (simp add: image_Union [symmetric] permutes_image[OF perm'])
  ultimately have wf_xs': "is_weak_ranking xs'" "is_finite_weak_ranking xs'" "(set xs') = alts"
    by (simp_all add: is_finite_weak_ranking_def)
  from this wf j have wf': "is_pref_profile R1" "total_preorder_on alts Ri'" 
                      "is_pref_profile R2" "finite_total_preorder_on alts Ri'"
    unfolding Ri'_def by (auto intro: pref_profile_from_tableI pref_profile_wf.prefs_wf'(1)

 interpret R1: pref_profile_wf agents alts R1 by fact
 interpret R2: pref_profile_wf agents alts R2 by fact

  from wf(1) i have "i  set (map fst xss1)" by (simp add: prefs_from_table_wf_def)
  with prefs_from_table_wfD(3)[OF wf(1)] eq(2)
    have "xs  set (map snd xss1)" unfolding xs_def by force
  note xs = prefs_from_table_wfD(2)[OF wf(1)] prefs_from_table_wfD(5,6)[OF wf(1) this]

  from wf i wf' wf_xs' xs eq 
    have eq': "anonymous_profile (R1(i := Ri')) = image_mset (map ((`) σ)) (anonymous_profile R2)"
    by (subst R1.anonymous_profile_update)
       (simp_all add: Ri'_def weak_ranking_of_weak_ranking mset_map multiset.map_comp xs_def
          anonymise_prefs_from_table prefs_from_table_map_of)

    fix p A assume A: "A  pref_classes_lists_aux (hd xs) (tl xs)"
    from xs have "xs  []" by auto
    with xs have "finite A"
      by (intro pref_classes_lists_aux_finite[OF A])
         (auto simp: is_finite_weak_ranking_def list.set_sel)
    hence "lottery_prob p A = (xA. pmf p x)"
      by (rule measure_measure_pmf_finite)
  } note A = this

  from strategyproof'[OF wf'(1,2) i] eq' have
    "(Apref_classes alts (R1 i). lottery_prob (sds (R1(i := Ri'))) A < lottery_prob (sds R1) A) 
     (Apref_classes alts (R1 i). lottery_prob (sds (R1(i := Ri'))) A = lottery_prob (sds R1) A)"
    by simp
  also from eq' i have "sds (R1(i := Ri')) = map_pmf σ (sds R2)"
    unfolding σ_def by (intro sds_anonymous_neutral permutation_of_list_permutes perm wf'
                              pref_profile_wf.wf_update eq)
  also from wf eq i have "R1 i = of_weak_ranking xs"
    by (simp add: prefs_from_table_map_of xs_def)
  also from xs have "pref_classes alts (of_weak_ranking xs) = pref_classes_lists_aux (hd xs) (tl xs)"
    unfolding is_finite_weak_ranking_def by (intro eval_pref_classes_of_weak_ranking) simp_all
  finally have "(Aps. (xA. pmf (map_pmf σ (sds R2)) x) < (xA. pmf (sds R1) x)) 
                (Aps. (xA. pmf (map_pmf σ (sds R2)) x) = (xA. pmf (sds R1) x))"
    using distinct_ps
    by (simp add: A eq sum.distinct_set_conv_list del: measure_map_pmf)
  also from perm' have "pmf (map_pmf σ (sds R2)) = (λx. pmf (sds R2) (inv σ x))"
    using pmf_map_inj'[of σ _ "inv σ x" for x]
    by (simp add: fun_eq_iff permutes_inj permutes_inverses)
  also from perm have "inv σ = σ'" unfolding σ_def σ'_def
    by (rule inverse_permutation_of_list_correct [symmetric])
  finally show ?th .
qed fact+

ML_file ‹randomised_social_choice.ML›
ML_file ‹sds_automation.ML›
