Theory Social_Decision_Schemes
section ‹Social Decision Schemes›
theory Social_Decision_Schemes
subsection ‹Basic Social Choice definitions›
context election
text ‹
The set of lotteries, i.e. the probability mass functions on the type @{typ "'alt"}
whose support is a subset of the alternative set.
abbreviation lotteries where
"lotteries ≡ lotteries_on alts"
text ‹
The probability that a lottery returns an alternative that is in the given set
abbreviation lottery_prob :: "'alt lottery ⇒ 'alt set ⇒ real" where
"lottery_prob ≡ measure_pmf.prob"
lemma lottery_prob_alts_superset:
assumes "p ∈ lotteries" "alts ⊆ A"
shows "lottery_prob p A = 1"
using assms by (subst measure_pmf.prob_eq_1) (auto simp: AE_measure_pmf_iff lotteries_on_def)
lemma lottery_prob_alts: "p ∈ lotteries ⟹ lottery_prob p alts = 1"
by (rule lottery_prob_alts_superset) simp_all
text ‹
In the context of an election, a preference profile is a function that
assigns to each agent her preference relation (which is a total preorder)
subsection ‹Social Decision Schemes›
text ‹
In the context of an election, a Social Decision Scheme (SDS) is a function that
maps preference profiles to lotteries on the alternatives.
locale social_decision_scheme = election agents alts
for agents :: "'agent set" and alts :: "'alt set" +
fixes sds :: "('agent, 'alt) pref_profile ⇒ 'alt lottery"
assumes sds_wf: "is_pref_profile R ⟹ sds R ∈ lotteries"
subsection ‹Anonymity›
text ‹
An SDS is anonymous if permuting the agents in the input does not change the result.
locale anonymous_sds = social_decision_scheme agents alts sds
for agents :: "'agent set" and alts :: "'alt set" and sds +
assumes anonymous: "π permutes agents ⟹ is_pref_profile R ⟹ sds (R ∘ π) = sds R"
lemma anonymity_prefs_from_table:
assumes "prefs_from_table_wf agents alts xs" "prefs_from_table_wf agents alts ys"
assumes "mset (map snd xs) = mset (map snd ys)"
shows "sds (prefs_from_table xs) = sds (prefs_from_table ys)"
proof -
from assms obtain π where "π permutes agents" "prefs_from_table xs ∘ π = prefs_from_table ys"
by (rule prefs_from_table_agent_permutation)
with anonymous[of π, of "prefs_from_table xs"] assms(1) show ?thesis
by (simp add: pref_profile_from_tableI)
qualified lemma anonymity_prefs_from_table_aux:
assumes "R1 = prefs_from_table xs" "prefs_from_table_wf agents alts xs"
assumes "R2 = prefs_from_table ys" "prefs_from_table_wf agents alts ys"
assumes "mset (map snd xs) = mset (map snd ys)"
shows "sds R1 = sds R2" unfolding assms(1,3)
by (rule anonymity_prefs_from_table) (simp_all add: assms del: mset_map)
subsection ‹Neutrality›
text ‹
An SDS is neutral if permuting the alternatives in the input does not change the
result, modulo the equivalent permutation in the output lottery.
locale neutral_sds = social_decision_scheme agents alts sds
for agents :: "'agent set" and alts :: "'alt set" and sds +
assumes neutral: "σ permutes alts ⟹ is_pref_profile R ⟹
sds (permute_profile σ R) = map_pmf σ (sds R)"
text ‹
Alternative formulation of neutrality that shows that our definition is
equivalent to that in the paper.
lemma neutral':
assumes "σ permutes alts"
assumes "is_pref_profile R"
assumes "a ∈ alts"
shows "pmf (sds (permute_profile σ R)) (σ a) = pmf (sds R) a"
proof -
from assms have A: "set_pmf (sds R) ⊆ alts" using sds_wf
by (simp add: lotteries_on_def)
from assms(1,2) have "pmf (sds (permute_profile σ R)) (σ a) = pmf (map_pmf σ (sds R)) (σ a)"
by (subst neutral) simp_all
also from assms have "… = pmf (sds R) a"
by (intro pmf_map_inj') (simp_all add: permutes_inj)
finally show ?thesis .
locale an_sds =
anonymous_sds agents alts sds + neutral_sds agents alts sds
for agents :: "'agent set" and alts :: "'alt set" and sds
lemma sds_anonymous_neutral:
assumes perm: "σ permutes alts" and wf: "is_pref_profile R1" "is_pref_profile R2"
assumes eq: "anonymous_profile R1 =
image_mset (map ((`) σ)) (anonymous_profile R2)"
shows "sds R1 = map_pmf σ (sds R2)"
proof -
interpret R1: pref_profile_wf agents alts R1 by fact
interpret R2: pref_profile_wf agents alts R2 by fact
from perm have wf': "is_pref_profile (permute_profile σ R2)"
by (rule R2.wf_permute_alts)
from eq perm have "anonymous_profile R1 = anonymous_profile (permute_profile σ R2)"
by (simp add: R2.anonymous_profile_permute)
from anonymous_profile_agent_permutation[OF this wf(1) wf']
obtain π where "π permutes agents" "permute_profile σ R2 ∘ π = R1" by auto
have "sds (permute_profile σ R2 ∘ π) = sds (permute_profile σ R2)"
by (rule anonymous) fact+
also have "… = map_pmf σ (sds R2)"
by (rule neutral) fact+
also have "permute_profile σ R2 ∘ π = R1" by fact
finally show ?thesis .
lemma sds_anonymous_neutral':
assumes perm: "σ permutes alts" and wf: "is_pref_profile R1" "is_pref_profile R2"
assumes eq: "anonymous_profile R1 =
image_mset (map ((`) σ)) (anonymous_profile R2)"
shows "pmf (sds R1) (σ x) = pmf (sds R2) x"
proof -
have "sds R1 = map_pmf σ (sds R2)" by (intro sds_anonymous_neutral) fact+
also have "pmf … (σ x) = pmf (sds R2) x" by (intro pmf_map_inj' permutes_inj[OF perm])
finally show ?thesis .
lemma sds_automorphism:
assumes perm: "σ permutes alts" and wf: "is_pref_profile R"
assumes eq: "image_mset (map ((`) σ)) (anonymous_profile R) = anonymous_profile R"
shows "map_pmf σ (sds R) = sds R"
using sds_anonymous_neutral[OF perm wf wf eq [symmetric]] ..
lemma an_sds_automorphism_aux:
assumes wf: "prefs_from_table_wf agents alts yss" "R ≡ prefs_from_table yss"
assumes an: "an_sds agents alts sds"
assumes eq: "mset (map ((map ((`) (permutation_of_list xs))) ∘ snd) yss) = mset (map snd yss)"
assumes perm: "set (map fst xs) ⊆ alts" "set (map snd xs) = set (map fst xs)"
"distinct (map fst xs)"
and x: "x ∈ alts" "y = permutation_of_list xs x"
shows "pmf (sds R) x = pmf (sds R) y"
proof -
note perm = list_permutesI[OF perm]
let ?σ = "permutation_of_list xs"
note perm' = permutation_of_list_permutes [OF perm]
from wf have wf': "pref_profile_wf agents alts R" by (simp add: pref_profile_from_tableI)
then interpret R: pref_profile_wf agents alts R .
from perm' interpret R': pref_profile_wf agents alts "permute_profile ?σ R"
by (simp add: R.wf_permute_alts)
from an interpret an_sds agents alts sds .
from eq wf have eq': "image_mset (map ((`) ?σ)) (anonymous_profile R) = anonymous_profile R"
by (simp add: anonymise_prefs_from_table mset_map multiset.map_comp)
from perm' x have "pmf (sds R) x = pmf (map_pmf ?σ (sds R)) (?σ x)"
by (simp add: pmf_map_inj' permutes_inj)
also from eq' x wf' perm' have "map_pmf ?σ (sds R) = sds R"
by (intro sds_automorphism)
(simp_all add: R.anonymous_profile_permute pref_profile_from_tableI)
finally show ?thesis using x by simp
subsection ‹Ex-post efficiency›
locale ex_post_efficient_sds = social_decision_scheme agents alts sds
for agents :: "'agent set" and alts :: "'alt set" and sds +
assumes ex_post_efficient:
"is_pref_profile R ⟹ set_pmf (sds R) ∩ pareto_losers R = {}"
lemma ex_post_efficient':
assumes "is_pref_profile R" "y ≻[Pareto(R)] x"
shows "pmf (sds R) x = 0"
using ex_post_efficient[of R] assms
by (auto simp: set_pmf_eq pareto_losers_def)
lemma ex_post_efficient'':
assumes "is_pref_profile R" "i ∈ agents" "∀i∈agents. y ≽[R i] x" "¬y ≼[R i] x"
shows "pmf (sds R) x = 0"
proof -
from assms(1) interpret pref_profile_wf agents alts R .
from assms(2-) show ?thesis
by (intro ex_post_efficient'[OF assms(1), of _ y])
(auto simp: Pareto_iff strongly_preferred_def)
subsection ‹SD efficiency›
text ‹
An SDS is SD-efficient if it returns an SD-efficient lottery for every
preference profile, i.e. if the SDS outputs a lottery, it is never the case
that there is another lottery that is weakly preferred by all agents an
strictly preferred by at least one agent.
locale sd_efficient_sds = social_decision_scheme agents alts sds
for agents :: "'agent set" and alts :: "'alt set" and sds +
assumes SD_efficient: "is_pref_profile R ⟹ SD_efficient R (sds R)"
text ‹
An alternative formulation of SD-efficiency that is somewhat more convenient to use.
lemma SD_efficient':
assumes "is_pref_profile R" "q ∈ lotteries"
assumes "⋀i. i ∈ agents ⟹ q ≽[SD(R i)] sds R" "i ∈ agents" "q ≻[SD(R i)] sds R"
shows P
proof -
interpret pref_profile_wf agents alts R by fact
show ?thesis
using SD_efficient[of R] sds_wf[OF assms(1)] assms unfolding SD_efficient_def' by blast
text ‹
Any SD-efficient SDS is also ex-post efficient.
sublocale ex_post_efficient_sds
proof unfold_locales
fix R :: "('agent, 'alt) pref_profile" assume R_wf: "is_pref_profile R"
interpret pref_profile_wf agents alts R by fact
from R_wf show "set_pmf (sds R) ∩ pareto_losers R = {}"
by (intro SD_efficient_no_pareto_loser SD_efficient sds_wf)
text ‹
The following rule can be used to derive facts from inefficient supports:
If a set of alternatives is an inefficient support, at least one of the
alternatives in it must receive probability 0.
lemma SD_inefficient_support:
assumes A: "A ≠ {}" "A ⊆ alts" and inefficient: "¬SD_efficient R (pmf_of_set A)"
assumes wf: "is_pref_profile R"
shows "∃x∈A. pmf (sds R) x = 0"
proof (rule ccontr)
interpret pref_profile_wf agents alts R by fact
assume "¬(∃x∈A. pmf (sds R) x = 0)"
with A have "set_pmf (pmf_of_set A) ⊆ set_pmf (sds R)"
by (subst set_pmf_of_set) (auto simp: set_pmf_eq intro: finite_subset[OF _ finite_alts])
from inefficient and this have "¬SD_efficient R (sds R)"
by (rule SD_inefficient_support_subset) (simp add: wf sds_wf)
moreover from SD_efficient wf have "SD_efficient R (sds R)" .
ultimately show False by contradiction
lemma SD_inefficient_support':
assumes wf: "is_pref_profile R"
assumes A: "A ≠ {}" "A ⊆ alts" and
wit: "p ∈ lotteries" "∀i∈agents. p ≽[SD(R i)] pmf_of_set A" "i ∈ agents"
"¬p ≼[SD(R i)] pmf_of_set A"
shows "∃x∈A. pmf (sds R) x = 0"
proof (rule SD_inefficient_support)
from wf interpret pref_profile_wf agents alts R .
from wit show "¬SD_efficient R (pmf_of_set A)"
by (intro SD_inefficientI') (auto intro!: bexI[of _ i] simp: strongly_preferred_def)
qed fact+
subsection ‹Weak strategyproofness›
context social_decision_scheme
text ‹
The SDS is said to be manipulable for a particular preference profile,
a particular agent, and a particular alternative preference ordering for that agent
if the lottery obtained if the agent submits the alternative preferences strictly
SD-dominates that obtained if the original preferences are submitted.
(SD-dominated w.r.t. the original preferences)
definition manipulable_profile
:: "('agent, 'alt) pref_profile ⇒ 'agent ⇒ 'alt relation ⇒ bool" where
"manipulable_profile R i Ri' ⟷ sds (R(i := Ri')) ≻[SD (R i)] sds R"
text ‹
An SDS is weakly strategyproof (or just strategyproof) if it is not manipulable
for any combination of preference profiles, agents, and alternative preference relations.
locale strategyproof_sds = social_decision_scheme agents alts sds
for agents :: "'agent set" and alts :: "'alt set" and sds +
assumes strategyproof:
"is_pref_profile R ⟹ i ∈ agents ⟹ total_preorder_on alts Ri' ⟹
¬manipulable_profile R i Ri'"
subsection ‹Strong strategyproofness›
context social_decision_scheme
text ‹
The SDS is said to be strongly strategyproof for a particular preference profile,
a particular agent, and a particular alternative preference ordering for that agent
if the lottery obtained if the agent submits the alternative preferences is
SD-dominated by the one obtained if the original preferences are submitted.
(SD-dominated w.r.t. the original preferences)
In other words: the SDS is strategyproof w.r.t the preference profile $R$ and
the agent $i$ and the alternative preference relation $R_i'$ if the lottery for
obtained for $R$ is at least as good for $i$ as the lottery obtained when $i$
misrepresents her preferences as $R_i'$.
definition strongly_strategyproof_profile
:: "('agent, 'alt) pref_profile ⇒ 'agent ⇒ 'alt relation ⇒ bool" where
"strongly_strategyproof_profile R i Ri' ⟷ sds R ≽[SD (R i)] sds (R(i := Ri'))"
lemma strongly_strategyproof_profileI [intro]:
assumes "is_pref_profile R" "total_preorder_on alts Ri'" "i ∈ agents"
assumes "⋀x. x ∈ alts ⟹ lottery_prob (sds (R(i := Ri'))) (preferred_alts (R i) x)
≤ lottery_prob (sds R) (preferred_alts (R i) x)"
shows "strongly_strategyproof_profile R i Ri'"
proof -
interpret pref_profile_wf agents alts R by fact
show ?thesis
unfolding strongly_strategyproof_profile_def
by rule (auto intro!: sds_wf assms pref_profile_wf.wf_update)
lemma strongly_strategyproof_imp_not_manipulable:
assumes "strongly_strategyproof_profile R i Ri'"
shows "¬manipulable_profile R i Ri'"
using assms unfolding strongly_strategyproof_profile_def manipulable_profile_def
by (auto simp: strongly_preferred_def)
text ‹
An SDS is strongly strategyproof if it is strongly strategyproof for all combinations
of preference profiles, agents, and alternative preference relations.
locale strongly_strategyproof_sds = social_decision_scheme agents alts sds
for agents :: "'agent set" and alts :: "'alt set" and sds +
assumes strongly_strategyproof:
"is_pref_profile R ⟹ i ∈ agents ⟹ total_preorder_on alts Ri' ⟹
strongly_strategyproof_profile R i Ri'"
text ‹
Any SDS that is strongly strategyproof is also weakly strategyproof.
sublocale strategyproof_sds
by unfold_locales
(simp add: strongly_strategyproof_imp_not_manipulable strongly_strategyproof)
locale strategyproof_an_sds =
strategyproof_sds agents alts sds + an_sds agents alts sds
for agents :: "'agent set" and alts :: "'alt set" and sds