Theory Semantics

section ‹Semantics›

theory Semantics

no_notation funcset (infixr "" 60)
notation funcset (infixr "" 60)

abbreviation vfuncset :: "V  V  V" (infixr "" 60) where
  "A  B  VPi A (λ_. B)"

notation app (infixl "" 300)

  "_vlambda" :: "pttrn  V  (V  V)  V" ("(3λ_:_ ./ _)" [0, 0, 3] 3)
  "λx : A. f"  "CONST VLambda A (λx. f)"

lemma vlambda_extensionality:
  assumes "x. x  elts A  f x = g x"
  shows "(λx : A. f x) = (λx : A. g x)"
  unfolding VLambda_def using assms by auto

subsection ‹Frames›

locale frame =
  fixes 𝒟 :: "type  V"
  assumes truth_values_domain_def: "𝒟 o = 𝔹"
  and function_domain_def: "α β. 𝒟 (αβ)  𝒟 α  𝒟 β"
  and domain_nonemptiness: "α. 𝒟 α  0"

lemma function_domainD:
  assumes "f  elts (𝒟 (αβ))"
  shows "f  elts (𝒟 α  𝒟 β)"
  using assms and function_domain_def by blast

lemma vlambda_from_function_domain:
  assumes "f  elts (𝒟 (αβ))"
  obtains b where "f = (λx : 𝒟 α. b x)" and "x  elts (𝒟 α). b x  elts (𝒟 β)"
  using function_domainD[OF assms] by (metis VPi_D eta)

lemma app_is_domain_respecting:
  assumes "f  elts (𝒟 (αβ))" and "x  elts (𝒟 α)"
  shows "f  x  elts (𝒟 β)"
  by (fact VPi_D[OF function_domainD[OF assms(1)] assms(2)])

text ‹One-element function on @{term 𝒟 α}:›

definition one_element_function :: "V  type  V" ("{_}⇘_" [901, 0] 900) where
  [simp]: "{x}⇘α= (λy : 𝒟 α. bool_to_V (y = x))"

lemma one_element_function_is_domain_respecting:
  shows "{x}⇘α elts (𝒟 α  𝒟 o)"
  unfolding one_element_function_def and truth_values_domain_def by (intro VPi_I) (simp, metis)

lemma one_element_function_simps:
  shows "x  elts (𝒟 α)  {x}⇘α x = T"
  and "{x, y}  elts (𝒟 α); y  x  {x}⇘α y = F"
  by simp_all

lemma one_element_function_injectivity:
  assumes "{x, x'}  elts (𝒟 i)" and "{x}⇘i= {x'}⇘i⇙"
  shows "x = x'"
  using assms(1) and VLambda_eq_D2[OF assms(2)[unfolded one_element_function_def]]
  and injD[OF bool_to_V_injectivity] by blast

lemma one_element_function_uniqueness:
  assumes "x  elts (𝒟 i)"
  shows "(SOME x'. x'  elts (𝒟 i)  {x}⇘i= {x'}⇘i) = x"
  by (auto simp add: assms one_element_function_injectivity)

text ‹Identity relation on @{term 𝒟 α}:›

definition identity_relation :: "type  V" ("q⇘_" [0] 100) where
  [simp]: "q⇘α= (λx : 𝒟 α. {x}⇘α)"

lemma identity_relation_is_domain_respecting:
  shows "q⇘α elts (𝒟 α  𝒟 α  𝒟 o)"
  using VPi_I and one_element_function_is_domain_respecting by simp

lemma q_is_equality:
  assumes "{x, y}  elts (𝒟 α)"
  shows "(q⇘α)  x  y = T  x = y"
  unfolding identity_relation_def
  using assms and injD[OF bool_to_V_injectivity] by fastforce

text ‹Unique member selector:›

definition is_unique_member_selector :: "V  bool" where
  [iff]: "is_unique_member_selector f  (x  elts (𝒟 i). f  {x}⇘i= x)"

text ‹Assignment:›

definition is_assignment :: "(var  V)  bool" where
  [iff]: "is_assignment φ  (x α. φ (x, α)  elts (𝒟 α))"


abbreviation one_element_function_in ("{_}⇘_⇙⇗_" [901, 0, 0] 900) where
  "{x}⇘α⇙⇗𝒟 frame.one_element_function 𝒟 x α"

abbreviation identity_relation_in ("q⇘_⇙⇗_" [0, 0] 100) where
  "q⇘α⇙⇗𝒟 frame.identity_relation 𝒟 α"

text ψ› is a ``v›-variant'' of φ› if ψ› is an assignment that agrees with φ› except possibly on

definition is_variant_of :: "(var  V)  var  (var  V)  bool" ("_ ∼⇘_ _" [51, 0, 51] 50) where
  [iff]: "ψ ∼⇘vφ  (v'. v'  v  ψ v' = φ v')"

subsection ‹Pre-models (interpretations)›

text ‹We use the term ``pre-model'' instead of ``interpretation'' since the latter is already a keyword:›

locale premodel = frame +
  fixes 𝒥 :: "con  V"
  assumes Q_denotation: "α. 𝒥 (Q_constant_of_type α) = q⇘α⇙"
  and ι_denotation: "is_unique_member_selector (𝒥 iota_constant)"
  and non_logical_constant_denotation: "c α. ¬ is_logical_constant (c, α)  𝒥 (c, α)  elts (𝒟 α)"

text ‹Wff denotation function:›

definition is_wff_denotation_function :: "((var  V)  form  V)  bool" where
  [iff]: "is_wff_denotation_function 𝒱 
      φ. is_assignment φ 
        (A α. A  wffs⇘α 𝒱 φ A  elts (𝒟 α))  ― ‹closure condition, see note in page 186›
        (x α. 𝒱 φ (xα) = φ (x, α)) 
        (c α. 𝒱 φ (c⦄⇘α) = 𝒥 (c, α)) 
        (A B α β. A  wffs⇘βα B  wffs⇘β 𝒱 φ (A · B) = (𝒱 φ A)  (𝒱 φ B)) 
        (x B α β. B  wffs⇘β 𝒱 φ (λxα⇙. B) = (λz : 𝒟 α. 𝒱 (φ((x, α) := z)) B))

lemma wff_denotation_function_is_domain_respecting:
  assumes "is_wff_denotation_function 𝒱"
  and "A  wffs⇘α⇙"
  and "is_assignment φ"
  shows "𝒱 φ A  elts (𝒟 α)"
  using assms by force

lemma wff_var_denotation:
  assumes "is_wff_denotation_function 𝒱"
  and "is_assignment φ"
  shows "𝒱 φ (xα) = φ (x, α)"
  using assms by force

lemma wff_Q_denotation:
  assumes "is_wff_denotation_function 𝒱"
  and "is_assignment φ"
  shows "𝒱 φ (Q⇘α) = q⇘α⇙"
  using assms and Q_denotation by force

lemma wff_iota_denotation:
  assumes "is_wff_denotation_function 𝒱"
  and "is_assignment φ"
  shows "is_unique_member_selector (𝒱 φ ι)"
  using assms and ι_denotation by fastforce

lemma wff_non_logical_constant_denotation:
  assumes "is_wff_denotation_function 𝒱"
  and "is_assignment φ"
  and "¬ is_logical_constant (c, α)"
  shows "𝒱 φ (c⦄⇘α) = 𝒥 (c, α)"
  using assms by auto

lemma wff_app_denotation:
  assumes "is_wff_denotation_function 𝒱"
  and "is_assignment φ"
  and "A  wffs⇘βα⇙"
  and "B  wffs⇘β⇙"
  shows "𝒱 φ (A · B) = 𝒱 φ A  𝒱 φ B"
  using assms by blast

lemma wff_abs_denotation:
  assumes "is_wff_denotation_function 𝒱"
  and "is_assignment φ"
  and "B  wffs⇘β⇙"
  shows "𝒱 φ (λxα⇙. B) = (λz : 𝒟 α. 𝒱 (φ((x, α) := z)) B)"
  using assms unfolding is_wff_denotation_function_def by metis

lemma wff_denotation_function_is_uniquely_determined:
  assumes "is_wff_denotation_function 𝒱"
  and "is_wff_denotation_function 𝒱'"
  and "is_assignment φ"
  and "A  wffs"
  shows "𝒱 φ A = 𝒱' φ A"
proof -
  obtain α where "A  wffs⇘α⇙"
    using assms(4) by blast
  then show ?thesis
  using assms(3) proof (induction A arbitrary: φ)
    case var_is_wff
    with assms(1,2) show ?case
      by auto
    case con_is_wff
    with assms(1,2) show ?case
      by auto
    case app_is_wff
    with assms(1,2) show ?case
      using wff_app_denotation by metis
    case (abs_is_wff β A α x)
    have "is_assignment (φ((x, α) := z))" if "z  elts (𝒟 α)" for z
      using that and abs_is_wff.prems by simp
    then have *: "𝒱 (φ((x, α) := z)) A = 𝒱' (φ((x, α) := z)) A" if "z  elts (𝒟 α)" for z
      using abs_is_wff.IH and that by blast
    have "𝒱 φ (λxα⇙. A) = (λz : 𝒟 α. 𝒱 (φ((x, α) := z)) A)"
      by (fact wff_abs_denotation[OF assms(1) abs_is_wff.prems abs_is_wff.hyps])
    also have " = (λz : 𝒟 α. 𝒱' (φ((x, α) := z)) A)"
      using * and vlambda_extensionality by fastforce
    also have " = 𝒱' φ (λxα⇙. A)"
      by (fact wff_abs_denotation[OF assms(2) abs_is_wff.prems abs_is_wff.hyps, symmetric])
    finally show ?case .


subsection ‹General models›

type_synonym model_structure = "(type  V) × (con  V) × ((var  V)  form  V)"

text ‹
  The assumption in the following locale implies that there must exist a function that is a wff
  denotation function for the pre-model, which is a requirement in the definition of general model
  in cite"andrews:2002":

locale general_model = premodel +
  fixes 𝒱 :: "(var  V)  form  V"
  assumes 𝒱_is_wff_denotation_function: "is_wff_denotation_function 𝒱"

lemma mixed_beta_conversion:
  assumes "is_assignment φ"
  and "y  elts (𝒟 α)"
  and "B  wffs⇘β⇙"
  shows "𝒱 φ (λxα⇙. B)  y = 𝒱 (φ((x, α) := y)) B"
  using wff_abs_denotation[OF 𝒱_is_wff_denotation_function assms(1,3)] and beta[OF assms(2)] by simp

lemma conj_fun_is_domain_respecting:
  assumes "is_assignment φ"
  shows "𝒱 φ (o→o→o)  elts (𝒟 (ooo))"
  using assms and conj_fun_wff and 𝒱_is_wff_denotation_function by auto

lemma fully_applied_conj_fun_is_domain_respecting:
  assumes "is_assignment φ"
  and "{x, y}  elts (𝒟 o)"
  shows "𝒱 φ (o→o→o)  x  y  elts (𝒟 o)"
  using assms and conj_fun_is_domain_respecting and app_is_domain_respecting by (meson insert_subset)

lemma imp_fun_denotation_is_domain_respecting:
  assumes "is_assignment φ"
  shows "𝒱 φ (o→o→o)  elts (𝒟 (ooo))"
  using assms and imp_fun_wff and 𝒱_is_wff_denotation_function by simp

lemma fully_applied_imp_fun_denotation_is_domain_respecting:
  assumes "is_assignment φ"
  and "{x, y}  elts (𝒟 o)"
  shows "𝒱 φ (o→o→o)  x  y  elts (𝒟 o)"
  using assms and imp_fun_denotation_is_domain_respecting and app_is_domain_respecting
  by (meson insert_subset)


abbreviation is_general_model :: "model_structure  bool" where
  "is_general_model   case  of (𝒟, 𝒥, 𝒱)  general_model 𝒟 𝒥 𝒱"

subsection ‹Standard models›

locale standard_model = general_model +
  assumes full_function_domain_def: "α β. 𝒟 (αβ) = 𝒟 α  𝒟 β"

abbreviation is_standard_model :: "model_structure  bool" where
  "is_standard_model   case  of (𝒟, 𝒥, 𝒱)  standard_model 𝒟 𝒥 𝒱"

lemma standard_model_is_general_model:
  assumes "is_standard_model "
  shows "is_general_model "
  using assms and standard_model.axioms(1) by force

subsection ‹Validity›

abbreviation is_assignment_into_frame ("_  _" [51, 51] 50) where
  "φ  𝒟  frame.is_assignment 𝒟 φ"

abbreviation is_assignment_into_model ("_ M _" [51, 51] 50) where
  "φ M   (case  of (𝒟, 𝒥, 𝒱)  φ  𝒟)"

abbreviation satisfies ("_ ⊨⇘_ _" [50, 50, 50] 50) where
  " ⊨⇘φA  case  of (𝒟, 𝒥, 𝒱)  𝒱 φ A = T"

abbreviation is_satisfiable_in where
  "is_satisfiable_in A   φ. φ M    ⊨⇘φA"

abbreviation is_valid_in ("_  _" [50, 50] 50) where
  "  A  φ. φ M    ⊨⇘φA"

abbreviation is_valid_in_the_general_sense (" _" [50] 50) where
  " A  . is_general_model     A"

abbreviation is_valid_in_the_standard_sense ("S _" [50] 50) where
  "S A  . is_standard_model     A"

abbreviation is_true_sentence_in where
  "is_true_sentence_in A   is_sentence A   ⊨⇘undefinedA" ― ‹assignments are not meaningful›

abbreviation is_false_sentence_in where
  "is_false_sentence_in A   is_sentence A  ¬  ⊨⇘undefinedA" ― ‹assignments are not meaningful›

abbreviation is_model_for where
  "is_model_for  𝒢  A  𝒢.   A"

lemma general_validity_in_standard_validity:
  assumes " A"
  shows "S A"
  using assms and standard_model_is_general_model by blast
