Theory Boolean_Algebra

section ‹Boolean Algebra›

theory Boolean_Algebra

text ‹This theory contains an embedding of two-valued boolean algebra into termV.›

hide_const (open) List.set

definition bool_to_V :: "bool  V" where
  "bool_to_V = (SOME f. inj f)"

lemma bool_to_V_injectivity [simp]:
  shows "inj bool_to_V"
  unfolding bool_to_V_def by (fact someI_ex[OF embeddable_class.ex_inj])

definition bool_from_V :: "V  bool" where
  [simp]: "bool_from_V = inv bool_to_V"

definition top :: V ("T") where
  [simp]: "T = bool_to_V True"

definition bottom :: V ("F") where
  [simp]: "F = bool_to_V False"

definition two_valued_boolean_algebra_universe :: V ("𝔹") where
  [simp]: "𝔹 = set {T, F}"

definition negation :: "V  V" (" _" [141] 141) where
  [simp]: " p = bool_to_V (¬ bool_from_V p)"

definition conjunction :: "V  V  V" (infixr "" 136) where
  [simp]: "p  q = bool_to_V (bool_from_V p  bool_from_V q)"

definition disjunction :: "V  V  V" (infixr "" 131) where
  [simp]: "p  q =  ( p   q)"

definition implication :: "V  V  V" (infixr "" 121) where
  [simp]: "p  q =  p  q"

definition iff :: "V  V  V" (infixl "" 150) where
  [simp]: "p  q = (p  q)  (q  p)"

lemma boolean_algebra_simps [simp]:
  assumes "p  elts 𝔹" and "q  elts 𝔹" and "r  elts 𝔹"
  shows "  p = p"
  and "(( p)  ( q)) = (p  q)"
  and " (p  q) = (p  ( q))"
  and "(p   p) = T"
  and "( p  p) = T"
  and "(p  p) = T"
  and "( p)  p"
  and "p  ( p)"
  and "(T  p) = p"
  and "(p  T) = p"
  and "(F  p) = ( p)"
  and "(p  F) = ( p)"
  and "(T  p) = p"
  and "(F  p) = T"
  and "(p  T) = T"
  and "(p  p) = T"
  and "(p  F) = ( p)"
  and "(p   p) = ( p)"
  and "(p  T) = p"
  and "(T  p) = p"
  and "(p  F) = F"
  and "(F  p) = F"
  and "(p  p) = p"
  and "(p  (p  q)) = (p  q)"
  and "(p   p) = F"
  and "( p  p) = F"
  and "(p  T) = T"
  and "(T  p) = T"
  and "(p  F) = p"
  and "(F  p) = p"
  and "(p  p) = p"
  and "(p  (p  q)) = (p  q)"
  and "p  q = q  p"
  and "p  (q  r) = q  (p  r)"
  and "p  q = q  p"
  and "p  (q  r) = q  (p  r)"
  and "(p  q)  r = p  (q  r)"
  and "p  (q  r) = p  q  p  r"
  and "(p  q)  r = p  r  q  r"
  and "p  (q  r) = (p  q)  (p  r)"
  and "(p  q)  r = (p  r)  (q  r)"
  and "(p  (q  r)) = ((p  q)  (p  r))"
  and "((p  q)  r) = (p  (q  r))"
  and "((p  q)  r) = ((p  r)  (q  r))"
  and "((p  q)  r) = (p  q  r)"
  and "(q  (p  r)) = (p  q  r)"
  and " (p  q) =  p   q"
  and " (p  q) =  p   q"
  and " (p  q) = p   q"
  and " p  q = (p  q)"
  and "p   q = (q  p)"
  and "(p  q) = ( p)  q"
  and "p  q =  p  q"
  and "(p  q) = (p  q)  (q  p)"
  and "(p  q)  ( p  q) = q"
  and "p = T  ¬ (p = F)"
  and "p = F  ¬ (p = T)"
  and "p = T  p = F"
  using assms by (auto simp add: inj_eq)

lemma tv_cases [consumes 1, case_names top bottom, cases type: V]:
  assumes "p  elts 𝔹"
  and "p = T  P"
  and "p = F  P"
  shows P
  using assms by auto
