Theory HintikkaTheory

(* Formalization adapted from: 
   Fabián Fernando Serrano Suárez, "Formalización en Isar de la
   Meta-Lógica de Primer Orden." PhD thesis, 
   Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial,
   Universidad de Sevilla, Spain, 2012.  In Spanish  *)

theory  HintikkaTheory
  imports MaximalSet 

section   ‹ Hintikka Theorem  ›

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The formalization of Hintikka's lemma is by induction on the structure of the formulas in a Hintikka set $H$ by applying the technical theorem {\tt hintikkaP\_model\_aux}. This theorem applies a series of lemmas to address the evaluation of all possible cases of formulas in $H$. Indeed,   considering the Boolean evaluation $IH$ that maps all propositional letters in $H$ to true and all other letters to false, the most interesting cases of the inductive proof are those related to implicational formulas in $H$ and the negation of arbitrary formulas in $H$. These cases are not straightforward since implicational and negation formulas are not considered in the definition of Hintikka sets. For an implicational formula, say $F_1 \longrightarrow F_2$, it is necessary to prove that if it belongs to $H$, its evaluation by $IH$ is true. Also, whenever  $\neg(F_1 \longrightarrow F_2)$ belongs to $H$ its evaluation is false. The proof is obtained by relating such formulas, respectively, with $\beta$ and $\alpha$ formulas (case P6). The second interesting case is the one related to arbitrary negations. In this case, it is proved that if $\neg F$ belongs to $H$, its evaluation by $IH$ is true, and in the case that $\neg\neg F$ belongs to $H$, its evaluation by $IH$ is also true (Case P7).

definition hintikkaP :: "'b formula set  bool" where 
  "hintikkaP H = ((P. ¬ (atom P  H  (¬.atom P)  H)) 
                 FF  H  (¬.TT)  H 
                 (F. (¬.¬.F)  H  F  H) 
                 (F. ((FormulaAlfa F)  F  H)  
                      ((Comp1 F)  H  (Comp2 F)  H)) 
                 (F. ((FormulaBeta F)  F  H)  
                      ((Comp1 F)  H  (Comp2 F)  H)))"

fun IH :: "'b formula set   'b  v_truth" where
  "IH H P = (if atom P  H then Ttrue else Ffalse)"

primrec f_size :: "'b formula  nat" where
  "f_size FF = 1"
| "f_size TT = 1"
| "f_size (atom P) = 1" 
| "f_size (¬. F) = (f_size F) + 1" 
| "f_size (F ∧. G) = (f_size F) + (f_size G) + 1"
| "f_size (F ∨. G) = (f_size F) + (f_size G) + 1"             
| "f_size (F →. G) = (f_size F) + (f_size G) + 1"

lemma pf_size: "0 < f_size F"
by (induct F) auto



lemma case_P1:
assumes hip1: "hintikkaP H" and
hip2: "G. (G, FF)  measure f_size 
(G  H  t_v_evaluation (IH H) G = Ttrue)  ((¬.G)  H   t_v_evaluation (IH H) (¬.G)= Ttrue)"
shows "(FF  H  t_v_evaluation (IH H) FF = Ttrue)  ((¬.FF)  H  t_v_evaluation (IH H) (¬.FF)=Ttrue)" 
proof(rule conjI)
  show "(FF  H   t_v_evaluation (IH H) FF = Ttrue)"
  proof -
    have "FF  H" using hip1 by (unfold hintikkaP_def) auto
    thus "FF  H  t_v_evaluation (IH H) FF = Ttrue" by simp 
  show "(¬.FF)  H  t_v_evaluation (IH H) (¬.FF)=Ttrue" 
  proof -
    have "t_v_evaluation (IH H) (¬.FF)= Ttrue" by(simp add: v_negation_def)
    thus ?thesis by simp
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lemma case_P2:
assumes hip1: "hintikkaP H" and
hip2: "G. (G, TT)  measure f_size 
(G  H  t_v_evaluation (IH H) G = Ttrue)  ((¬.G)  H   t_v_evaluation (IH H) (¬.G)= Ttrue)"                 
"(TT  H  t_v_evaluation (IH H) TT = Ttrue)  ((¬.TT)  H  t_v_evaluation (IH H) (¬.TT)=Ttrue)"
proof(rule conjI)
  show "TT  H  t_v_evaluation (IH H) TT = Ttrue"
  by simp
  show "(¬.TT)  H  t_v_evaluation (IH H) (¬.TT)=Ttrue" 
  proof -         
    have "(¬.TT)  H" using hip1 by (unfold hintikkaP_def) auto
    thus "(¬.TT)  H   t_v_evaluation (IH H) (¬.TT)=Ttrue" 
    by simp
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lemma case_P3:
assumes hip1: "hintikkaP H" and
hip2: "G. (G, atom P)  measure f_size 
(G  H  t_v_evaluation (IH H) G = Ttrue)  ((¬.G)  H   t_v_evaluation (IH H) (¬.G)= Ttrue)"     
shows "(atom P  H   t_v_evaluation (IH H) (atom P) = Ttrue) 
((¬.atom P)  H  t_v_evaluation (IH H) (¬.atom P) = Ttrue)"
proof(rule conjI)
  show "(atom P)   H  t_v_evaluation (IH H) (atom P) = Ttrue" by simp
  show "(¬.atom P)  H  t_v_evaluation (IH H) (¬.atom P) = Ttrue" 
  proof(rule conjI impI)
    assume h1: "¬.atom P  H"
    show "t_v_evaluation (IH H) (¬.atom P) = Ttrue"    
    proof -
      have "p. ¬ (atom p  H  (¬.atom p)  H)"
      using hip1 conjunct1 by(unfold hintikkaP_def)
      hence "atom P  H" using h1 by auto
      hence "t_v_evaluation (IH H) (atom P) = Ffalse" by simp
      thus ?thesis by(simp add: v_negation_def)
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lemma case_P4:
assumes hip1: "hintikkaP H" and
hip2: "G. (G, F1 ∧. F2)  measure f_size  
(G  H  t_v_evaluation (IH H) G = Ttrue)  ((¬.G)  H   t_v_evaluation (IH H) (¬.G) = Ttrue)"   
shows "((F1 ∧. F2)  H  t_v_evaluation (IH H) (F1 ∧. F2) = Ttrue) 
((¬.(F1 ∧. F2))  H  t_v_evaluation (IH H) (¬.(F1 ∧. F2)) = Ttrue)"
proof(rule conjI)                               
  show "((F1 ∧. F2)  H  t_v_evaluation (IH H) (F1 ∧. F2) = Ttrue)"    
  proof(rule conjI impI)
    assume h2: "(F1 ∧. F2)  H" 
    show  "t_v_evaluation (IH H) (F1 ∧. F2) = Ttrue"
    proof - 
      have "FormulaAlfa (F1 ∧. F2)" by simp 
      hence "Comp1 (F1 ∧. F2)  H  Comp2 (F1 ∧. F2)  H"
      using hip1 h2 by(auto simp add: hintikkaP_def)         
      hence "F1  H" and "F2  H" by(unfold Comp1_def, unfold Comp2_def, auto)
      have "(F1, F1 ∧. F2)  measure f_size" and
      "(F2, F1 ∧. F2)  measure f_size"
      by auto
      hence "(F1  H  t_v_evaluation (IH H) F1 = Ttrue)" and
      "(F2  H  t_v_evaluation (IH H) F2 = Ttrue)" 
      using hip2 by auto      
      have "t_v_evaluation (IH H) F1 = Ttrue" and "t_v_evaluation (IH H) F2 = Ttrue"
      by auto
      thus ?thesis by (simp add: v_conjunction_def)      
  show "¬.(F1 ∧. F2)  H  t_v_evaluation (IH H)  (¬.(F1 ∧. F2)) = Ttrue" 
  proof(rule impI)
    assume h2: "(¬.(F1 ∧. F2))  H" 
    show "t_v_evaluation (IH H) (¬.(F1 ∧. F2)) = Ttrue"
    proof - 
      have "FormulaBeta (¬.(F1 ∧. F2))" by simp 
      hence "Comp1 (¬.(F1 ∧. F2))  H  Comp2 (¬.(F1 ∧. F2))  H"
      using hip1 h2 by(auto simp add: hintikkaP_def)              
      hence "(¬.F1)  H  (¬.F2)  H" by(unfold Comp1_def, unfold Comp2_def, auto)
      thus ?thesis
      proof(rule disjE)
        assume "(¬.F1)  H"
        have "(¬.F1, (F1 ∧. F2))  measure f_size" using pf_size by simp         
        hence "(¬.F1)  H  t_v_evaluation (IH H) (¬.F1) = Ttrue" 
        using hip2 by simp    
        have 1: "t_v_evaluation (IH H) (¬.F1) = Ttrue" by simp       
        hence "t_v_evaluation (IH H) F1 = Ffalse" using NegationValues2 by auto                  
        thus "t_v_evaluation (IH H) (¬.(F1 ∧. F2)) = Ttrue" 
        by (simp add: v_negation_def, simp add: v_conjunction_def)          next  
        assume "(¬.F2)  H"
        have "(¬.F2, (F1 ∧. F2))  measure f_size" using pf_size by simp
        hence " (¬.F2)  H  t_v_evaluation (IH H) (¬.F2)= Ttrue" 
        using hip2 by simp    
        have 1: "t_v_evaluation (IH H) (¬.F2) = Ttrue" by simp
        hence "t_v_evaluation (IH H) F2 = Ffalse" using NegationValues2 by auto          
        thus "t_v_evaluation (IH H) (¬.(F1 ∧. F2)) = Ttrue"
        by (simp add: v_negation_def, simp add: v_conjunction_def)                
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lemma case_P5:
assumes hip1: "hintikkaP H" and
hip2: "G. (G, F1 ∨. F2)  measure f_size 
(G  H  t_v_evaluation (IH H) G = Ttrue)  ((¬.G)  H   t_v_evaluation (IH H) (¬.G) = Ttrue)"             
shows "((F1 ∨. F2)  H  t_v_evaluation (IH H) (F1 ∨. F2) = Ttrue) 
((¬.(F1 ∨. F2))  H  t_v_evaluation (IH H) (¬.(F1 ∨. F2)) = Ttrue)"
proof(rule conjI) 
  show "(F1 ∨. F2)  H  t_v_evaluation (IH H) (F1 ∨. F2) = Ttrue"
  proof(rule conjI impI)
    assume h2: "(F1  ∨. F2)  H" 
    show "t_v_evaluation (IH H) (F1 ∨. F2) = Ttrue"
    proof -     
      have "FormulaBeta (F1 ∨.F2)" by simp 
      hence "Comp1 (F1 ∨.F2)  H  Comp2 (F1 ∨.F2)  H"
      using hip1 h2 by(auto simp add: hintikkaP_def)              
      hence "F1  H  F2  H" by(unfold Comp1_def, unfold Comp2_def, auto)     
      thus ?thesis
      proof(rule disjE)
        assume "F1  H"
        have "(F1, F1 ∨. F2)  measure f_size" by simp
        hence "(F1  H   t_v_evaluation (IH H) F1 = Ttrue)" 
        using hip2 by simp    
        have "t_v_evaluation (IH H) F1 = Ttrue" by simp
        thus "t_v_evaluation (IH H) (F1 ∨. F2) = Ttrue" by (simp add: v_disjunction_def)   
        assume "F2  H"
        have "(F2, (F1 ∨. F2))  measure f_size" by simp
        hence "F2  H   t_v_evaluation (IH H) F2 =Ttrue" 
        using hip2 by simp    
        have "t_v_evaluation (IH H) F2 = Ttrue" by simp
        thus "t_v_evaluation (IH H) (F1 ∨. F2) = Ttrue" by (simp add: v_disjunction_def)            
  show "(¬.(F1 ∨. F2))  H 
  t_v_evaluation (IH H) (¬.(F1 ∨. F2)) = Ttrue"
  proof(rule impI)
    assume h2: "(¬.(F1  ∨. F2))  H" 
    show "t_v_evaluation (IH H) (¬.(F1  ∨. F2)) = Ttrue"
    proof -
      have "FormulaAlfa(¬.(F1 ∨. F2))" by simp 
      hence "Comp1 (¬.(F1 ∨. F2))  H  Comp2 (¬.(F1 ∨. F2))  H"
      using hip1 h2 by(auto simp add: hintikkaP_def)              
      hence "¬.F1  H  ¬.F2  H" by(unfold Comp1_def, unfold Comp2_def, auto) 
      hence "(¬.F1)  H" and "(¬.F2)  H" by auto
      have "(¬.F1, F1 ∨. F2)  measure f_size" and
     "(¬.F2, F1 ∨. F2)  measure f_size" using pf_size
      by auto
      hence "((¬.F1)  H  t_v_evaluation (IH H) (¬.F1) = Ttrue)" and
           "((¬.F2)  H  t_v_evaluation (IH H) (¬.F2) = Ttrue)" 
      using hip2 by auto      
      have 1: "t_v_evaluation (IH H) (¬.F1) = Ttrue" and
           2: "t_v_evaluation (IH H) (¬.F2) = Ttrue" by auto
      have "t_v_evaluation (IH H) F1 = Ffalse" using 1 NegationValues2 by auto              
      have "t_v_evaluation (IH H) F2 = Ffalse" using 2 NegationValues2 by auto      
      show  "t_v_evaluation (IH H) (¬.(F1 ∨. F2)) = Ttrue"
      by (simp add: v_disjunction_def, simp add: v_negation_def)      
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lemma case_P6:
assumes hip1: "hintikkaP H" and 
hip2: "G. (G, F1  →. F2)  measure f_size 
(G  H  t_v_evaluation (IH H) G = Ttrue)  ((¬.G)  H   t_v_evaluation (IH H) (¬.G) = Ttrue)"           
shows "((F1  →. F2)  H  t_v_evaluation (IH H) (F1  →. F2) = Ttrue) 
((¬.(F1  →. F2))  H  t_v_evaluation (IH H) (¬.(F1  →. F2)) = Ttrue)"
proof(rule conjI impI)+
  assume h2: "(F1 →.F2)  H"
  show " t_v_evaluation (IH H) (F1 →. F2) = Ttrue"
  proof -    
    have "FormulaBeta (F1 →. F2)" by simp  
    hence "Comp1(F1 →. F2)  H  Comp2 (F1 →. F2) H" 
    using hip1 h2 by(auto simp add: hintikkaP_def) 
    hence "(¬.F1)  H  F2  H" by(unfold Comp1_def, unfold Comp2_def, auto) 
    thus " t_v_evaluation (IH H) (F1 →. F2) = Ttrue"
    proof(rule disjE)           
      assume "(¬.F1)  H"             
      have "(¬.F1, F1  →. F2)  measure f_size" using pf_size by auto 
      hence " (¬.F1)  H   t_v_evaluation (IH H) (¬.F1) = Ttrue" 
      using hip2 by simp
      have 1: "t_v_evaluation (IH H) (¬.F1) = Ttrue" by simp
      hence "t_v_evaluation (IH H) F1 = Ffalse" using NegationValues2 by auto       
      thus "t_v_evaluation (IH H) (F1 →. F2) = Ttrue"  by(simp add: v_implication_def)
      assume "F2  H"
      have "(F2, F1  →. F2)  measure f_size" by simp
      hence "(F2  H   t_v_evaluation (IH H) F2 = Ttrue)" 
      using hip2 by simp    
      have "t_v_evaluation (IH H) F2 = Ttrue" by simp
      thus "t_v_evaluation (IH H) (F1 →. F2) = Ttrue" by(simp add: v_implication_def)
  show "(¬.(F1 →. F2))  H         
        t_v_evaluation (IH H) (¬.(F1 →. F2)) = Ttrue"
  proof(rule impI)
    assume h2: "(¬.(F1 →. F2))  H"
    show "t_v_evaluation (IH H) (¬.(F1 →. F2)) = Ttrue"
    proof -                      
      have "FormulaAlfa (¬.(F1 →. F2))" by auto
      hence "Comp1(¬.(F1 →. F2))  H  Comp2(¬.(F1 →. F2)) H"
      using hip1 h2 by (auto simp add: hintikkaP_def)   
      hence "F1  H  (¬.F2)  H" by(unfold Comp1_def, unfold Comp2_def, auto)                        
      have "(F1, F1  →. F2)  measure f_size" and
      "(¬.F2, F1  →. F2)  measure f_size" using pf_size
      by auto
      hence "F1  H  t_v_evaluation (IH H) F1 = Ttrue"
      and "(¬.F2)  H  t_v_evaluation (IH H) (¬.F2) = Ttrue"
      using hip2 by auto   
      have "t_v_evaluation (IH H) F1 = Ttrue" 
     "t_v_evaluation (IH H) (¬.F2) = Ttrue"  by auto 
     "t_v_evaluation (IH H) (¬.(F1 →. F2)) = Ttrue" by(simp add: v_implication_def)
text‹ ›
lemma case_P7:
assumes hip1: "hintikkaP H" and
hip2: "G. (G, (¬.form))  measure f_size  
(G  H  t_v_evaluation (IH H) G = Ttrue)  ((¬.G)  H   t_v_evaluation (IH H) (¬.G) = Ttrue)"            
shows "((¬.form)  H  t_v_evaluation (IH H) (¬.form) = Ttrue) 
((¬.(¬.form))  H  t_v_evaluation (IH H) (¬.(¬.form)) = Ttrue)"
proof(intro conjI)       
  show  "¬.form  H  t_v_evaluation (IH H) (¬.form) = Ttrue"
  proof(rule impI)
    assume h1: "(¬.form)  H"     
    have "(form, (¬.form))  measure f_size" by simp
    hence "((¬.form)  H 
           t_v_evaluation (IH H) (¬.form)= Ttrue)" 
    using hip2 by simp
    show "t_v_evaluation (IH H) (¬.form) = Ttrue" using h1 by simp
  show "(¬.¬.form)  H  t_v_evaluation (IH H) (¬.¬.form) = Ttrue" 
  proof(rule impI)
    assume h2: "(¬.¬.form)  H"         
    have "Z. (¬.¬.Z)  H  Z  H" using hip1 
    by(unfold hintikkaP_def) blast
    hence "(¬.¬.form)  H  form  H" by simp    
    hence "form  H" using h2 by simp   
    have "(form, (¬.form))  measure f_size" by simp
    hence "form  H  t_v_evaluation (IH H) form = Ttrue" 
    using hip2 by simp
    have "t_v_evaluation (IH H) form = Ttrue" by simp
    thus  "t_v_evaluation (IH H) (¬.¬.form) = Ttrue" using h2 by (simp add: v_negation_def)

theorem hintikkaP_model_aux: 
  assumes hip: "hintikkaP H"
  shows "(F  H   t_v_evaluation (IH H) F = Ttrue)  
                    ((¬.F)  H  t_v_evaluation (IH H) (¬.F) = Ttrue)" 
proof (rule wf_induct [where r="measure f_size" and a=F])    
  show "wf(measure f_size)" by simp
  fix F  
  assume hip1: "G. (G, F)  measure f_size 
                    (G  H  t_v_evaluation (IH H) G = Ttrue) 
                    ((¬.G)  H   t_v_evaluation (IH H) (¬.G) = Ttrue)"         
  show "(F  H  t_v_evaluation (IH H) F = Ttrue) 
        ((¬.F)  H  t_v_evaluation (IH H) (¬.F) = Ttrue)"
  proof (cases F)    
    assume "F=FF"   
    thus ?thesis using case_P1 hip hip1 by simp
    assume "F=TT" 
    thus ?thesis using case_P2 hip hip1 by auto
    fix P 
    assume "F = atom P"
    thus ?thesis using hip hip1 case_P3[of H P] by simp
    fix F1  F2
    assume "F= (F1 ∧. F2)"
    thus ?thesis using hip hip1 case_P4[of H F1 F2] by simp
    fix F1 F2
    assume "F= (F1 ∨. F2)"
    thus ?thesis using hip hip1 case_P5[of H F1 F2] by simp
    fix F1 F2
    assume "F= (F1 →. F2)"
    thus ?thesis using hip hip1 case_P6[of H F1 F2] by simp
    fix F1
    assume "F=(¬.F1)"
    thus ?thesis using hip hip1 case_P7[of H F1] by simp    

corollary ModeloHintikkaPa: 
  assumes "hintikkaP H" and "F  H"  
  shows "t_v_evaluation (IH H) F = Ttrue"
  using assms hintikkaP_model_aux by auto 

corollary ModeloHintikkaP: 
  assumes "hintikkaP H"
  shows "(IH H) model H"
proof (unfold model_def)
  show "FH. t_v_evaluation (IH H) F = Ttrue"
  proof (rule ballI)
    fix F
    assume "F  H"
    thus "t_v_evaluation (IH H) F = Ttrue" using assms ModeloHintikkaPa  by auto

corollary Hintikkasatisfiable:
  assumes "hintikkaP H"
  shows "satisfiable H"
using assms ModeloHintikkaP
by (unfold satisfiable_def, auto)