Theory MaximalSet

(* Formalization adapted from: 
   Fabián Fernando Serrano Suárez, "Formalización en Isar de la
   Meta-Lógica de Primer Orden." PhD thesis, 
   Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial,
   Universidad de Sevilla, Spain, 2012.  In Spanish  *)

theory MaximalSet
imports FinitenessClosedCharProp 

definition maximal :: "'a set  'a set set  bool" where
  "maximal S 𝒞 = (S' 𝒞. S  S'  S = S')"

primrec sucP :: "'b formula set  'b formula set set  (nat  'b formula)  nat  'b formula set"
  "sucP S 𝒞 f 0 = S"
| "sucP S 𝒞 f (Suc n) =
    (if sucP S 𝒞 f n  {f n}  𝒞    
     then sucP S 𝒞 f n  {f n}
     else sucP S 𝒞 f n)" 

definition MsucP :: "'b formula set  'b formula set set  (nat  'b formula)  'b formula set" 
"MsucP S 𝒞 f = (n. sucP S 𝒞 f n)"



theorem Max_subsetuntoP: "S  MsucP S 𝒞 f"
proof (rule subsetI)
  fix x
  assume "x  S"
  hence "x  sucP S 𝒞 f 0" by simp
  hence  "n. x  sucP S 𝒞 f n" by (rule exI)
  thus "x  MsucP S 𝒞 f" by (simp add: MsucP_def)

definition chain :: "(nat  'a set)  bool" where
  "chain S = (n. S n  S (Suc n))"



lemma chainD:
  assumes "chain S" and "x  S m"
  shows "x  S (m + n)"
proof -
  show ?thesis using assms by (induct n)(auto simp add: chain_def)  

lemma chainD':
  assumes hip1: "chain S" and hip2: "x  S m" and hip3: "m  k"
  shows "x  S k"
proof -
  have "n. k = m + n" using hip3 by arith
  then obtain n where n: "k = m + n" by (rule exE) 
  have "x  S (m + n)" using hip1 hip2 by (rule chainD)  
  thus ?thesis using n by simp

lemma chain_index:
  assumes ch: "chain S" and fin: "finite F"
  shows "F  (n. S n)  n. F  S n" using fin
proof (induct rule: finite_induct)
  assume "{}  (n. S n)"
  show "n.{}  S n"  by simp
    fix x F
      h1: "finite F" 
      and h2: "x  F" 
      and h3: "F  (n. S n) n. F  S n" 
      and h4: "insert x F  (n. S n)"
  show "n. insert x F  S n"
  proof -
    have "m. x  S m" using h4 by simp
    then obtain m where m: "x  S m" by (rule exE)
    have "F  (n. S n)" using h4 by simp
    hence  "n. F  S n" using h3 by simp
    then obtain n where n: "F  S n" by (rule exE)
    have "m  (max m n)"  by (simp add: max_def)      
    with ch m  have 1: "x  S (max m n)" by (rule chainD')   
    have 2:  "F  S (max m n)" 
    proof (rule subsetI)
      fix y
      assume "y  F"
      hence "y  S n" using n by blast
      have "n  (max m n)" by simp
      show "y  S (max m n)"  by (rule chainD'[OF ch _ _])
    have "insert x F   S (max m n)" using 1 2 by simp
    thus ?thesis by (rule exI)

theorem chain_union_closed:
  assumes hip1: "finite_character 𝒞" 
  and hip2:"chain S" 
  and hip3: "n. S n  𝒞"
  shows "(n. S n)  𝒞"
proof -
  have "S. (S  𝒞) = (T. finite T  T  S  T  𝒞)" 
  using hip1 by (unfold finite_character_def)
  hence 1: "(n. S n)  𝒞 = (T. finite T  T  (n. S n)  T  𝒞)" 
  by (rule allE)
  thus "(n. S n)  𝒞"
  proof -
    have "(T. finite T  T  (n. S n)  T  𝒞)"
    proof (rule allI impI)+
      fix T
      assume h1: "finite T" and h2: "T  (n. S n)"
      have "n. T  S n" using hip2 h1 h2 by (rule chain_index)
      have "subset_closed 𝒞" using hip1 by (rule finite_character_closed)
      hence "S𝒞. S'S. S'  𝒞"  by (unfold subset_closed_def)
      show "T  𝒞" using hip3 by auto   
    thus "(n. S n)  𝒞" using 1 by simp


lemma chain_suc: "chain (sucP S 𝒞 f)"
by (simp add: chain_def) blast

theorem MaxP_in_C:
  assumes hip1: "finite_character 𝒞" and hip2: "S  𝒞" 
  shows  "MsucP S 𝒞 f  𝒞"
proof (unfold MsucP_def) 
  have "chain (sucP S 𝒞 f)" by (rule chain_suc)
  have "n. sucP S 𝒞 f n  𝒞"
  proof (rule allI)
    fix n
    show "sucP S 𝒞 f n  𝒞" using hip2 
      by (induct n)(auto simp add: sucP_def)
  show "( n. sucP S 𝒞 f n)  𝒞" by (rule chain_union_closed[OF hip1]) 

definition enumeration :: "(nat 'b)  bool" where
  "enumeration f = (y.n. y = (f n))"

lemma enum_nat: "g. enumeration (g:: nat  nat)"
proof -
  have "y.  n. y = (λn. n) n" by simp
  hence "enumeration (λn. n)" by (unfold enumeration_def)
  thus ?thesis by auto

theorem suc_maximalP: 
  assumes hip1: "enumeration f" and hip2: "subset_closed 𝒞"  
  shows "maximal (MsucP S 𝒞 f) 𝒞"
proof -  (* (simp add: maximal_def MsucP_def) *)
  have "S'𝒞. (x. sucP S 𝒞 f x)  S'  (x. sucP S 𝒞 f x) = S'"
  proof (rule ballI impI)+
    fix S'
    assume h1: "S'  𝒞" and h2: "(x. sucP S 𝒞 f x)  S'"
    show "(x. sucP S 𝒞 f x) = S'"    
    proof (rule ccontr)
      assume "(x. sucP S 𝒞 f x)  S'"
      hence  "z. z  S'  z  (x. sucP S 𝒞 f x)" using h2 by blast
      then obtain z where z: "z  S'  z  (x. sucP S 𝒞 f x)" by (rule exE)
      have "n. z = f n" using hip1 h1 by (unfold enumeration_def) simp 
      then obtain n where n: "z = f n" by (rule exE) 
      have "sucP S 𝒞 f n  {f n}  S'"
      proof - 
        have "f n  S'" using z n  by simp
        have "sucP S 𝒞 f n  (x. sucP S 𝒞 f x)" by auto 
        show ?thesis using h2 by simp
      hence "sucP S 𝒞 f n  {f n}  𝒞" 
        using h1 hip2 by (unfold subset_closed_def) simp
      hence "f n  sucP S 𝒞 f (Suc n)" by simp      
      have "x. f n  sucP S 𝒞 f x" using z n by simp
      ultimately show False
        by blast
  thus ?thesis
    by  (simp add: maximal_def MsucP_def) 

corollary ConsistentExtensionP:
  assumes hip1: "finite_character 𝒞" 
  and hip2: "S  𝒞" 
  and hip3:  "enumeration f" 
  shows "S  MsucP S 𝒞 f" 
  and "MsucP S 𝒞 f  𝒞" 
  and "maximal (MsucP S 𝒞 f) 𝒞"
proof -
  show "S  MsucP S 𝒞 f" using Max_subsetuntoP by auto
  show "MsucP S 𝒞 f  𝒞" using  MaxP_in_C[OF hip1 hip2] by simp
  show "maximal (MsucP S 𝒞 f) 𝒞" 
    using finite_character_closed[OF hip1] and hip3 suc_maximalP
    by auto
