Theory Weak_Late_Sim

   Title: The pi-calculus   
   Author/Maintainer: Jesper Bengtson (, 2012
theory Weak_Late_Sim
  imports Weak_Late_Semantics Strong_Late_Sim

definition weakSimAct :: "pi  residual  ('a::fs_name)  (pi × pi) set  bool" where
  "weakSimAct P Rs C Rel  (Q' a x. Rs = ax>  Q'  x  C  (P' . P l^ax>  P'  (P', Q')  Rel)) 
                         (Q' a x. Rs = a<x>  Q'  x  C  (P''. u. P'. P lu in P''a<x>  P'  (P', Q'[x::=u])  Rel)) 
                         (Q' α. Rs = α  Q'  (P'. P l^α  P'  (P', Q')  Rel))"

definition weakSimAux :: "pi  (pi × pi) set  pi  bool" where
  "weakSimAux P Rel Q  (Q' a x. (Q  ax>  Q'  x  P)  (P' . P l^ax>  P'  (P', Q')  Rel)) 
                         (Q' a x. (Q  a<x>  Q'  x  P)  (P''. u. P'. P lu in P''a<x>  P'  (P', Q'[x::=u])  Rel)) 
                         (Q' α. Q  α  Q'  (P'. P l^α  P'  (P', Q')  Rel))"

definition weakSimulation :: "pi  (pi × pi) set  pi  bool" ("_ ^<_> _" [80, 80, 80] 80) where
  "P ^<Rel> Q  (Rs. Q  Rs  weakSimAct P Rs P Rel)"

lemmas simDef = weakSimAct_def weakSimulation_def

lemma "weakSimAux P Rel Q = weakSimulation P Rel Q"
by(auto simp add: weakSimAux_def simDef)

lemma monotonic: 
  fixes A  :: "(pi × pi) set"
  and   B  :: "(pi × pi) set"
  and   P  :: pi
  and   P' :: pi

  assumes "P ^<A> P'"
  and     "A  B"

  shows "P ^<B> P'"
using assms
apply(auto simp add: simDef)
apply blast
apply(erule_tac x="a<x>  Q'" in allE)
apply(rotate_tac 4)
apply(erule_tac x=Q' in allE)
apply(erule_tac x=a in allE)
apply(erule_tac x=x in allE)
by blast+

lemma simCasesCont[consumes 1, case_names Bound Input Free]:
  fixes P   :: pi
  and   Q   :: pi
  and   Rel :: "(pi × pi) set"
  and   C   :: "'a::fs_name"

  assumes Eqvt:  "eqvt Rel"
  and     Bound: "Q' a x. x  C; Q ax>  Q'  P'. P l^ax>  P'  (P', Q')  Rel"
  and     Input: "Q' a x. x  C; Q a<x>  Q'  P''. u. P'. P lu in P''a<x>  P'  (P', Q'[x::=u])  Rel"
  and     Free:  "Q' α. Q  α  Q'  (P'. P l^ α  P'  (P', Q')  Rel)"

  shows "P ^<Rel> Q"
using Free 
proof(auto simp add: simDef)
  fix Q' a x
  assume xFreshP: "(x::name)  P"
  assume Trans: "Q  ax>  Q'"
  have "c::name. c  (P, Q', x, C)" by(blast intro: name_exists_fresh)
  then obtain c::name where cFreshP: "c  P" and cFreshQ': "c  Q'" and cFreshC: "c  C"
                        and cineqx: "c  x"
    by(force simp add: fresh_prod)

  from Trans cFreshQ' have "Q  ac>  ([(x, c)]  Q')" by(simp add: alphaBoundResidual)
  with cFreshC have "P'. P l^ ac>  P'  (P', [(x, c)]  Q')  Rel"
    by(rule Bound)
  then obtain P' where PTrans: "P l^ac>  P'" and P'RelQ': "(P', [(x, c)]  Q')  Rel"
    by blast

  from PTrans xFreshP cineqx have xFreshP': "x  P'" by(force dest: freshTransition)
  with PTrans have "P l^ ax>  ([(x, c)]  P')" by(simp add: alphaBoundResidual name_swap)
  moreover have "([(x, c)]  P', Q')  Rel" (is "?goal")
  proof -
    from Eqvt P'RelQ' have "([(x, c)]  P', [(x, c)]  [(x, c)]  Q')  Rel"
      by(rule eqvtRelI)
    with cineqx show ?goal by(simp add: name_calc)
  ultimately show "P'. P l^ax>  P'  (P', Q')  Rel" by blast
  fix Q' a x u
  assume QTrans: "Q a<x>  (Q'::pi)"and xFreshP: "x  P"

  have "c::name. c  (P, Q', C, x)" by(blast intro: name_exists_fresh)
  then obtain c::name where cFreshP: "c  P" and cFreshQ': "c  Q'" and cFreshC: "c  C"
                        and cineqx: "c  x"
    by(force simp add: fresh_prod)

  from QTrans cFreshQ' have "Q a<c>  ([(x, c)]  Q')" by(simp add: alphaBoundResidual)
  with cFreshC have "P''. u. P'. P lu in P''a<c>  P'  (P', ([(x, c)]  Q')[c::=u])  Rel"
    by(rule Input)

  then obtain P'' where L1: "u. P'. P lu in P''a<c>  P'  (P', ([(x, c)]  Q')[c::=u])  Rel" by blast
  have "u. P'. P lu in ([(c, x)]  P'')a<x>  P'  (P', Q'[x::=u])  Rel"
    fix u
    from L1 obtain P' where PTrans: "P lu in P''a<c>  P'" and P'RelQ': "(P', ([(x, c)]  Q')[c::=u])  Rel"
      by blast
    from PTrans xFreshP have "P lu in ([(c, x)]  P'')a<x>  P'" by(rule alphaInput) 
    moreover from P'RelQ' cFreshQ' have "(P', Q'[x::=u])  Rel" by(simp add: renaming[THEN sym] name_swap)

    ultimately show "P'. P lu in ([(c, x)]  P'')a<x>  P'  (P', Q'[x::=u])  Rel" by blast

  thus "P''. u. P'. P lu in P''a<x>  P'  (P', Q'[x::=u])  Rel" by blast

lemma simCases[case_names Bound Input Free]:
  fixes P   :: pi
  and   Q   :: pi
  and   Rel :: "(pi × pi) set"
  and   C   :: "'a::fs_name"

  assumes Bound: "Q' a x. Q ax>  Q'; x  P  P'. P l^ax>  P'  (P', Q')  Rel"
  and     Input: "Q' a x. Q a<x>  Q'; x  P  P''. u. P'. P lu in P''a<x>  P'  (P', Q'[x::=u])  Rel"
  and     Free:  "Q' α. Q  α  Q'  (P'. P l^ α  P'  (P', Q')  Rel)"

  shows "P ^<Rel> Q"
using assms
by(auto simp add: simDef)

lemma simActBoundCases[consumes 1, case_names Input BoundOutput]:
  fixes P   :: pi
  and   a   :: subject
  and   x   :: name
  and   Q'  :: pi
  and   C   :: "'a::fs_name"
  and   Rel :: "(pi × pi) set"

  assumes EqvtRel: "eqvt Rel"
  and     DerInput: "b. a = InputS b  (P''. u. P'. (P lu in P''b<x>  P')  (P', Q'[x::=u])  Rel)"
  and     DerBoundOutput: "b. a = BoundOutputS b  (P'. (P l^bx>  P')  (P', Q')  Rel)"

  shows "weakSimAct P (a«x»  Q') P Rel"
proof(simp add: weakSimAct_def fresh_prod, auto)
  fix Q'' b y
  assume Eq: "a«x»  Q' = by>  Q''"
  assume yFreshP: "y  P"

  from Eq have "a = BoundOutputS b" by(simp add: residual.inject)

  from yFreshP DerBoundOutput[OF this] Eq show "P'. P l^by>  P'  (P', Q'')  Rel"
  proof(cases "x=y", auto simp add: residual.inject name_abs_eq)
    fix P'
    assume PTrans: "P l^bx>  P'"
    assume P'RelQ': "(P', ([(x, y)]  Q''))  Rel"
    assume xineqy: "x  y"

    with PTrans yFreshP have yFreshP': "y  P'"
      by(force intro: freshTransition)

    hence "bx>  P' = by>  [(x, y)]  P'" by(rule alphaBoundResidual)
    moreover have "([(x, y)]  P', Q'')  Rel"
    proof -
      from EqvtRel P'RelQ' have "([(x, y)]  P', [(x, y)]  ([(x, y)]  Q'')) Rel"
        by(rule eqvtRelI)
      thus ?thesis by(simp add: name_calc)

    ultimately show "P'. P l^by>  P'  (P', Q'')  Rel" using PTrans by auto
  fix Q'' b y u
  assume Eq: "a«x»  Q' = b<y>  Q''"
  assume yFreshP: "y  P"
  from Eq have "a = InputS b" by(simp add: residual.inject)
  from DerInput[OF this] obtain P'' where L1: "u. P'. P lu in P''b<x>  P' 
                                                        (P', Q'[x::=u])  Rel"
    by blast
  have "u. P'. P lu in ([(x, y)]  P'')b<y>  P'  (P', Q''[y::=u])  Rel"
  proof(rule allI)
    fix u
    from L1 Eq show "P'. P lu in ([(x, y)]  P'')b<y>  P'  (P', Q''[y::=u])  Rel"
    proof(cases "x=y", auto simp add: residual.inject name_abs_eq)
      assume Der: "u. P'. P lu in P''b<x>  P'  (P', ([(x, y)]  Q'')[x::=u])  Rel"
      assume xFreshQ'': "x  Q''"
      from Der obtain P' where PTrans: "P lu in P''b<x>  P'"
                          and P'RelQ': "(P', ([(x, y)]  Q'')[x::=u])  Rel"
        by force
      from PTrans yFreshP have "P lu in ([(x, y)]  P'')b<y>  P'" by(rule alphaInput)
      moreover from xFreshQ'' P'RelQ' have "(P', Q''[y::=u])  Rel"
        by(simp add: renaming)
      ultimately show ?thesis by force
  thus  "P''. u. P'. P lu in P''b<y>  P'  (P', Q''[y::=u])  Rel"
    by blast

lemma simActFreeCases[consumes 0, case_names Der]:
  fixes P   :: pi
  and   α   :: freeRes
  and   Q'  :: pi
  and   Rel :: "(pi × pi) set"

  assumes "P'. (P l^α  P')  (P', Q')  Rel"

  shows "weakSimAct P (α  Q') P Rel"
using assms
by(simp add: residual.inject weakSimAct_def fresh_prod)

lemma simE:
  fixes P   :: pi
  and   Rel :: "(pi × pi) set"
  and   Q   :: pi
  and   a   :: name
  and   x   :: name
  and   u   :: name
  and   Q'  :: pi

  assumes "P ^<Rel> Q"

  shows "Q ax>  Q'  x  P  P'. P l^ax>  P'  (P', Q')  Rel"
  and   "Q a<x>  Q'  x  P  P''. u. P'. P lu in P''a<x>  P'  (P', Q'[x::=u])  Rel"
  and   "Q α  Q'  (P'. P l^α  P'  (P', Q')  Rel)"
using assms by(simp add: simDef)+

lemma weakSimTauChain:
  fixes P   :: pi
  and   Rel :: "(pi × pi) set"
  and   Q   :: pi
  and   Q'  :: pi

  assumes QChain: "Q τ Q'"
  and     PRelQ: "(P, Q)  Rel"
  and     Sim: "P Q. (P, Q)  Rel  P ^<Rel> Q"

  shows "P'. P τ P'  (P', Q')  Rel"
proof -
  from QChain show ?thesis
  proof(induct rule: tauChainInduct)
    case id
    have "P τ P" by simp
    with PRelQ show ?case by blast
    case(ih Q' Q'')
    have IH: "P'. P τ P'  (P', Q')  Rel" by fact
    then obtain P' where PChain: "P τ P'" and P'RelQ': "(P', Q')  Rel" by blast
    from P'RelQ' have "P' ^<Rel> Q'" by(rule Sim)
    moreover have Q'Trans: "Q' τ  Q''" by fact
    ultimately have "P''. P' l^τ  P''  (P'', Q'')  Rel" by(rule simE)
    then obtain P'' where P'Trans: "P' l^τ  P''" and P''RelQ'': "(P'', Q'')  Rel" by blast
    from P'Trans have "P' τ P''" by(rule tauTransitionChain)
    with PChain have "P τ P''" by auto
    with P''RelQ'' show ?case by blast

lemma simE2:
  fixes P   :: pi
  and   Rel :: "(pi × pi) set"
  and   Q   :: pi
  and   a   :: name
  and   x   :: name
  and   Q'  :: pi

  assumes PSimQ: "P ^<Rel> Q"
  and     Sim: "P Q. (P, Q)  Rel  P ^<Rel> Q"
  and     Eqvt: "eqvt Rel"
  and     PRelQ: "(P, Q)  Rel"

  shows "Q l^ax>  Q'  x  P  P'. P l^ax>  P'  (P', Q')  Rel"
  and   "Q l^α  Q'  P'. P l^α  P'  (P', Q')  Rel"
proof -
  assume QTrans: "Q l^ax>  Q'"
  assume xFreshP: "x  P"
  have Goal: "P Q a x Q'. P ^<Rel> Q; Q l^ax>  Q'; x  P; x  Q; (P, Q)  Rel 
                            P'. P l^ax>  P'  (P', Q')  Rel"
  proof -
    fix P Q a x Q'
    assume PSimQ: "P ^<Rel> Q"
    assume QTrans: "Q l^ax>  Q'"
    assume xFreshP: "x  P"
    assume xFreshQ: "x  Q"
    assume PRelQ: "(P, Q)  Rel"

    from QTrans xFreshQ obtain Q'' Q''' where QChain: "Q τ Q''"
                                          and Q''Trans: "Q'' ax>  Q'''"
                                          and Q'''Chain: "Q''' τ Q'"
      by(force dest: Weak_Late_Step_Semantics.transitionE simp add: weakTransition_def)

    from QChain PRelQ Sim have "P''. P τ P''  (P'', Q'')  Rel"
      by(rule weakSimTauChain)
    then obtain P'' where PChain: "P τ P''" and P''RelQ'': "(P'', Q'')  Rel" by blast
    from PChain xFreshP have xFreshP'': "x  P''" by(rule freshChain)

    from P''RelQ'' have "P'' ^<Rel> Q''" by(rule Sim)
    hence "P'''. P'' l^ax>  P'''  (P''', Q''')  Rel" using Q''Trans xFreshP''
      by(rule simE)
    then obtain P''' where P''Trans: "P'' l^ax>  P'''" and P'''RelQ''': "(P''', Q''')  Rel"
      by blast

    from P'''RelQ''' have "P''' ^<Rel> Q'''" by(rule Sim)
    have "P'. P''' τ P'  (P', Q')  Rel" using Q'''Chain P'''RelQ''' Sim
      by(rule weakSimTauChain)
    then obtain P' where P'''Chain: "P''' τ P'" and P'RelQ': "(P', Q')  Rel" by blast

    from PChain P''Trans P'''Chain xFreshP'' have "P l^ax>  P'"
      by(blast dest: chainTransitionAppend)
    with P'RelQ' show "P'. P l^ ax>  P'  (P', Q')  Rel" by blast

  have "c::name. c  (Q, Q', P, x)" by(blast intro: name_exists_fresh)
  then obtain c::name where cFreshQ: "c  Q" and cFreshQ': "c  Q'" and cFreshP: "c  P"
                        and xineqc: "x  c"
    by(force simp add: fresh_prod)

  from QTrans cFreshQ' have "Q l^ac>  ([(x, c)]  Q')" by(simp add: alphaBoundResidual)
  with PSimQ have "P'. P l^ac>  P'  (P', [(x, c)]  Q')  Rel" using cFreshP cFreshQ (P, Q)  Rel
    by(rule Goal)
  then obtain P' where PTrans: "P l^ac>  P'" and P'RelQ': "(P', [(x, c)]  Q')  Rel"
    by force
  have "P l^ax>  ([(x, c)]  P')"
  proof -
    from PTrans xFreshP xineqc have "x  P'" by(rule freshTransition)
    with PTrans show ?thesis by(simp add: alphaBoundResidual name_swap)
  moreover have "([(x, c)]  P', Q')  Rel"
  proof -
    from Eqvt P'RelQ' have "([(x, c)]  P', [(x, c)]  [(x, c)]  Q')  Rel"
      by(rule eqvtRelI)
    thus ?thesis by simp

  ultimately show "P'. P l^ ax>  P'  (P', Q')  Rel" by blast
  assume QTrans: "Q l^α  Q'"
  thus "P'. P l^α  P'  (P', Q')  Rel"
  proof(induct rule: transitionCases)
    case Step
    have "Q lα  Q'" by fact
    then obtain Q'' Q''' where QChain: "Q τ Q''" 
                           and Q''Trans: "Q'' α  Q'''"
                           and Q'''Chain: "Q''' τ Q'"  
      by(blast dest: Weak_Late_Step_Semantics.transitionE)
    from QChain PRelQ Sim have "P''. P τ P''  (P'', Q'')  Rel"
      by(rule weakSimTauChain)
    then obtain P'' where PChain: "P τ P''" and P''RelQ'': "(P'', Q'')  Rel" by blast
    from P''RelQ'' have "P'' ^<Rel> Q''" by(rule Sim)
    hence "P'''. P'' l^α  P'''  (P''', Q''')  Rel" using Q''Trans
      by(rule simE)
    then obtain P''' where P''Trans: "P'' l^α  P'''" and P'''RelQ''': "(P''', Q''')  Rel"
      by blast
    from P'''RelQ''' have "P''' ^<Rel> Q'''" by(rule Sim)
    have "P'. P''' τ P'  (P', Q')  Rel" using Q'''Chain P'''RelQ''' Sim
      by(rule weakSimTauChain)
    then obtain P' where P'''Chain: "P''' τ P'" and P'RelQ': "(P', Q')  Rel" by blast
    from PChain P''Trans P'''Chain have "P l^α  P'"
      by(blast dest: chainTransitionAppend)
    with P'RelQ' show ?case by blast
    case Stay
    have "α  Q' = τ  Q" by fact
    hence "Q = Q'" and "α = τ" by(simp add: residual.inject)+
    moreover have "P l^τ  P" by(simp add: weakTransition_def)
    ultimately show ?case using PRelQ by blast
lemma tauChainStep:
  fixes P  :: pi
  and   P' :: pi
  assumes PChain: "P ⟹τ P'"
  and     PineqP': "P ≠ P'"

  shows "∃P''. P ⟼τ ≺ P'' ∧ P'' ⟹τ P'"
proof -
  from PChain have "(P, P') ∈ Id ∪ (tauActs O tauActs* )"
    by(insert rtrancl_unfold, blast)
  with PineqP' have "(P, P') ∈ tauActs O tauActs*" by simp
  hence "(P, P') ∈ tauActs* O tauActs" by(simp add: r_comp_rtrancl_eq)
  thus ?thesis
    by(auto simp add: tauActs_def tauChain_def)
lemma eqvtI:
  fixes P    :: pi
  and   Q    :: pi
  and   Rel  :: "(pi × pi) set"
  and   perm :: "name prm"

  assumes Sim: "P ^<Rel> Q"
  and     RelRel': "Rel  Rel'"
  and     EqvtRel': "eqvt Rel'"

  shows "(perm  P) ^<Rel'> (perm  Q)"
proof -
  from EqvtRel' show ?thesis
  proof(induct rule: simCasesCont[of _ "(perm  P)"])
    case(Bound Q' a x)
    have Trans: "(perm  Q)  ax>  Q'" and xFreshP: "x  perm  P" by fact+

    from Trans have "(rev perm  (perm  Q))  rev perm  (ax>  Q')"
      by(rule eqvts)
    hence "Q  (rev perm  a)(rev perm  x)>  (rev perm  Q')" 
      by(simp add: name_rev_per)
    moreover from xFreshP have "(rev perm  x)  P" by(simp add: name_fresh_left)
    ultimately have "P'. P l^ (rev perm  a)(rev perm  x)>  P'  (P', rev perm  Q')  Rel" using Sim
      by(force intro: simE)
    then obtain P' where PTrans: "P l^ (rev perm  a)(rev perm  x)>  P'" and P'RelQ': "(P', rev perm  Q')  Rel" by blast

    from PTrans have "(perm  P) l^ perm  ((rev perm  a)(rev perm  x)>  P')"
      by(rule Weak_Late_Semantics.eqvtI)
    hence L1: "(perm  P) l^ ax>  (perm  P')" by(simp add: name_per_rev)
    from P'RelQ' RelRel' have "(P', rev perm  Q')  Rel'" by blast
    with EqvtRel' have "(perm  P', perm  (rev perm  Q'))  Rel'"
      by(rule eqvtRelI)
    hence "(perm  P', Q')  Rel'" by(simp add: name_per_rev)
    with L1 show ?case by blast
    case(Input Q' a x)
    have Trans: "(perm  Q) a<x>  Q'" and xFreshP: "x  perm  P" by fact+

    from Trans have "(rev perm  (perm  Q))  rev perm  (a<x>  Q')"
      by(rule eqvts)
    hence "Q  (rev perm  a)<(rev perm  x)>  (rev perm  Q')" 
      by(simp add: name_rev_per)
    moreover from xFreshP have xFreshP: "(rev perm  x)  P" by(simp add: name_fresh_left)
    ultimately have "P''. u. P'. P lu in P''(rev perm  a)<(rev perm  x)>  P'  (P', (rev perm  Q')[(rev perm  x)::=u])  Rel" using Sim
      by(force intro: simE)
    then obtain P'' where L1:  "u. P'. P lu in P''(rev perm  a)<(rev perm  x)>  P'  (P', (rev perm  Q')[(rev perm  x)::=u])  Rel"
      by blast
    have "u. P'. (perm  P) lu in (perm  P'')a<x>  P'  (P', Q'[x::=u])  Rel'"
    proof(rule allI)
      fix u
      from L1 obtain P' where PTrans: "P l(rev perm  u) in P''(rev perm  a)<(rev perm  x)>  P'"
                          and P'RelQ': "(P', (rev perm  Q')[(rev perm  x)::=(rev perm  u)])  Rel" by blast      
      from PTrans have "(perm  P) l(perm  (rev perm  u)) in (perm  P'')(perm  rev perm  a)<(perm  rev perm  x)>  (perm  P')"
        by(rule_tac Weak_Late_Step_Semantics.eqvtI, auto)
      hence L2: "(perm  P) lu in (perm  P'')a<x>  (perm  P')" by(simp add: name_per_rev)
      from P'RelQ' RelRel' have "(P', (rev perm  Q')[(rev perm  x)::=(rev perm  u)])  Rel'" by blast
      with EqvtRel' have "(perm  P', perm  ((rev perm  Q')[(rev perm  x)::=(rev perm  u)]))  Rel'"
        by(rule eqvtRelI)
      hence "(perm  P', Q'[x::=u])  Rel'" by(simp add: name_per_rev eqvt_subs[THEN sym] name_calc)
      with L2 show "P'. (perm  P) lu in (perm  P'')a<x>  P'  (P', Q'[x::=u])  Rel'" by blast

    thus ?case by blast
    case(Free Q' α)
    have Trans: "(perm  Q)  α  Q'" by fact

    from Trans have "(rev perm  (perm  Q))  rev perm  (α  Q')"
      by(rule eqvts)
    hence "Q  (rev perm  α)  (rev perm  Q')" 
      by(simp add: name_rev_per)
    with Sim have "(P'. P l^ (rev perm  α)  P'  (P', (rev perm  Q'))  Rel)"
      by(rule simE)
    then obtain P' where PTrans: "P l^ (rev perm  α)  P'" and PRel: "(P', (rev perm  Q'))  Rel" by blast
    from PTrans have "(perm  P) l^ perm  ((rev perm  α) P')"
      by(rule Weak_Late_Semantics.eqvtI)
    hence L1: "(perm  P) l^ α  (perm  P')" by(simp add: name_per_rev)
    from PRel EqvtRel' RelRel'  have "((perm  P'), (perm  (rev perm  Q')))  Rel'"
      by(force intro: eqvtRelI)
    hence "((perm  P'), Q')  Rel'" by(simp add: name_per_rev)
    with L1 show ?case by blast

(*****************Reflexivity and transitivity*********************)

lemma reflexive:
  fixes P   :: pi
  and   Rel :: "(pi × pi) set"

  assumes "Id  Rel"

  shows "P ^<Rel> P"
using assms
by(auto intro: Weak_Late_Step_Semantics.singleActionChain
  simp add: simDef weakTransition_def)

lemma transitive:
  fixes P     :: pi
  and   Q     :: pi
  and   R     :: pi
  and   Rel   :: "(pi × pi) set"
  and   Rel'  :: "(pi × pi) set"
  and   Rel'' :: "(pi × pi) set"

  assumes QSimR: "Q ^<Rel'> R"
  and     Eqvt:  "eqvt Rel"
  and     Eqvt': "eqvt Rel''"
  and     Trans: "Rel O Rel'  Rel''"
  and     Sim:   "P Q. (P, Q)  Rel  P ^<Rel> Q"
  and     PRelQ: "(P, Q)  Rel"

  shows "P ^<Rel''> R"
proof -
  from PRelQ have PSimQ: "P ^<Rel> Q" by(rule Sim)
  from Eqvt' show ?thesis
  proof(induct rule: simCasesCont[of _ "(P, Q)"])
    case(Bound R' a x)
    have RTrans: "R  ax>  R'" by fact
    have "x  (P, Q)" by fact
    hence xFreshP: "x  P" and xFreshQ: "x  Q" by(simp add: fresh_prod)+

    from QSimR RTrans xFreshQ have "Q'. Q l^ax>  Q'  (Q', R')  Rel'"
      by(rule simE)
    then obtain Q' where QTrans: "Q l^ax>  Q'" and Q'RelR': "(Q', R')  Rel'" by blast
    from PSimQ Sim Eqvt PRelQ QTrans xFreshP have "P'. P l^ax>  P'  (P', Q')  Rel"
      by(rule simE2)
    then obtain P' where PTrans: "P l^ax>  P'" and P'RelQ': "(P', Q')  Rel" by blast
    moreover from P'RelQ' Q'RelR' Trans have "(P', R')  Rel''" by blast
    ultimately show ?case by blast
    case(Input R' a x)
    have RTrans: "R  a<x>  R'" by fact
    have "x  (P, Q)" by fact
    hence xFreshP: "x  P" and xFreshQ: "x  Q" by(simp add: fresh_prod)+

    from QSimR RTrans xFreshQ  obtain Q'' where "u. Q'. Q lu in Q''a<x>  Q'  (Q', R'[x::=u])  Rel'" 
      by(blast dest: simE)
    hence "Q'''. Q τ Q'''  Q'''a<x>  Q''  (u. Q'. Q''[x::=u]τ Q'  (Q', R'[x::=u])  Rel')"
      by(simp add: inputTransition_def, blast)
    then obtain Q''' where QChain: "Q τ Q'''"
                       and Q'''Trans: "Q''' a<x>  Q''"
                       and L1: "u. Q'. Q''[x::=u]τ Q'  (Q', R'[x::=u])  Rel'"
      by blast
    from QChain PRelQ Sim have "P'''. P τ P'''  (P''', Q''')  Rel"
      by(rule weakSimTauChain)
    then obtain P''' where PChain: "P τ P'''" and P'''RelQ''': "(P''', Q''')  Rel" by blast
    from PChain xFreshP have xFreshP''': "x  P'''" by(rule freshChain)
    from P'''RelQ''' have "P''' ^<Rel> Q'''" by(rule Sim)
    hence "P''''. u. P''. P''' lu in P''''a<x>  P''  (P'', Q''[x::=u])  Rel" using Q'''Trans xFreshP'''
      by(rule simE)
    then obtain P'''' where L2: "u. P''. P''' lu in P''''a<x>  P''  (P'', Q''[x::=u])  Rel" 
      by blast
    have "u. P' Q'. P lu in P''''a<x>  P'  (P', R'[x::=u])  Rel''"
    proof(rule allI)
      fix u
      from L1 obtain Q' where Q''Chain: "Q''[x::=u] τ Q'" and Q'RelR': "(Q', R'[x::=u])  Rel'"
        by blast
      from L2 obtain P'' where P'''Trans: "P''' lu in P''''a<x>  P''"
                           and P''RelQ'': "(P'', Q''[x::=u])  Rel"
        by blast
      from P''RelQ'' have "P'' ^<Rel> Q''[x::=u]" by(rule Sim)
      have "P'. P'' τ P'  (P', Q')  Rel" using Q''Chain P''RelQ'' Sim
        by(rule weakSimTauChain)
      then obtain P' where P''Chain: "P'' τ P'" and P'RelQ': "(P', Q')  Rel" by blast
      from PChain P'''Trans P''Chain  have "P lu in P''''a<x>  P'"
        by(blast dest: Weak_Late_Step_Semantics.chainTransitionAppend)
      moreover from P'RelQ' Q'RelR' have "(P', R'[x::=u])  Rel''" by(insert Trans, auto)
      ultimately show "P' Q'. P lu in P''''a<x>  P'  (P', R'[x::=u])  Rel''" by blast
    thus ?case by force
    case(Free R' α)
    have RTrans: "R  α  R'" by fact
    with QSimR have "Q'. Q l^α  Q'  (Q', R')  Rel'" by(rule simE)
    then obtain Q' where QTrans: "Q l^α  Q'" and Q'RelR': "(Q', R')  Rel'" by blast
    from PSimQ Sim Eqvt PRelQ QTrans have "P'. P l^α  P'  (P', Q')  Rel" by(rule simE2)
    then obtain P' where PTrans: "P l^α  P'" and P'RelQ': "(P', Q')  Rel" by blast
    from P'RelQ' Q'RelR' Trans have "(P', R')  Rel''" by blast
    with PTrans show "P'. P l^α  P'  (P', R')  Rel''" by blast

lemma strongSimWeakSim:
  fixes P   :: pi
  and   Q   :: pi
  and   Rel :: "(pi × pi) set"

  assumes PSimQ: "P ↝[Rel] Q"

  shows "P ^<Rel> Q"
proof(induct rule: simCases)
  case(Bound Q' a x)
  have "Q ax>  Q'" and "x  P" by fact+
  with PSimQ obtain P' where PTrans: "P ax>  P'" and P'RelQ': "(P', Q')  Rel"
    by(force dest: Strong_Late_Sim.simE simp add: derivative_def)

  from PTrans have "P l^ax>  P'"
    by(force intro: Weak_Late_Step_Semantics.singleActionChain simp add: weakTransition_def)
  with P'RelQ' show ?case by blast
  case(Input Q' a x)
  assume "Q a<x>  Q'" and "x  P"
  with PSimQ obtain P' where PTrans: "P a<x>  P'" and PDer: "derivative P' Q' (InputS a) x Rel"
    by(blast dest: Strong_Late_Sim.simE)

  have "u. P''. P lu in P'a<x>  P''  (P'', Q'[x::=u])  Rel"
  proof(rule allI)
    fix u
    from PTrans have "P lu in P'a<x>  P'[x::=u]" by(blast intro: Weak_Late_Step_Semantics.singleActionChain)
    moreover from PDer have "(P'[x::=u], Q'[x::=u])  Rel" by(force simp add: derivative_def)
    ultimately show "P''. P lu in P'a<x>  P''  (P'', Q'[x::=u])  Rel" by auto
  thus ?case by blast
  case(Free Q' α)
  have "Q α  Q'" by fact
  with PSimQ obtain P' where PTrans: "P α  P'" and P'RelQ': "(P', Q')  Rel"
    by(blast dest: Strong_Late_Sim.simE)
  from PTrans have "P l^α  P'" by(rule Weak_Late_Semantics.singleActionChain)
  with P'RelQ' show ?case by blast

lemma strongAppend:
  fixes P     :: pi
  and   Q     :: pi
  and   R     :: pi
  and   Rel   :: "(pi × pi) set"
  and   Rel'  :: "(pi × pi) set"
  and   Rel'' :: "(pi × pi) set"

  assumes PSimQ: "P ^<Rel> Q"
  and     QSimR: "Q ↝[Rel'] R"
  and     Eqvt'': "eqvt Rel''"
  and     Trans: "Rel O Rel'  Rel''"

  shows "P ^<Rel''> R"
proof -
  from Eqvt'' show ?thesis
  proof(induct rule: simCasesCont[of _ "(P, Q)"])
    case(Bound R' a x)
    have "x  (P, Q)" by fact
    hence xFreshP: "x  P" and xFreshQ: "x  Q" by(simp add: fresh_prod)+
    have RTrans: "R ax>  R'" by fact
    from xFreshQ QSimR RTrans obtain Q' where QTrans: "Q ax>  Q'"
                                          and Q'Rel'R': "(Q', R')  Rel'"
      by(force dest: Strong_Late_Sim.simE simp add: derivative_def)

    with PSimQ QTrans xFreshP have "P'. P l^ ax>  P'  (P', Q')  Rel"
      by(blast intro: simE)
    then obtain P' where PTrans: "P l^ ax>  P'" and P'RelQ': "(P', Q')  Rel" by blast
    moreover from P'RelQ' Q'Rel'R' Trans have "(P', R')  Rel''" by blast
    ultimately show ?case by blast
    case(Input R' a x)
    have RTrans: "R  a<x>  R'" by fact
    have "x  (P, Q)" by fact
    hence xFreshP: "x  P" and xFreshQ: "x  Q" by(simp add: fresh_prod)+

    from QSimR RTrans xFreshQ  obtain Q' where QTrans: "Q a<x>  Q'" and Q'Der: "derivative Q' R' (InputS a) x Rel'"
      by(blast dest: Strong_Late_Sim.simE)
    from QTrans PSimQ xFreshP obtain P'' where L2: "u. P'. P lu in P''a<x>  P'  (P', Q'[x::=u])  Rel" 
      by(blast dest: simE)
    have "u. P'. P lu in P''a<x>  P'  (P', R'[x::=u])  Rel''"
    proof(rule allI)
      fix u
      from L2 obtain P' where PTrans: "P lu in P''a<x>  P'"
                          and P'RelQ': "(P', Q'[x::=u])  Rel"
        by blast
      moreover from Q'Der have "(Q'[x::=u], R'[x::=u])  Rel'" by(simp add: derivative_def)
      ultimately show "P'. P lu in P''a<x>  P'  (P', R'[x::=u])  Rel''" using Trans by blast
    thus ?case by force
    case(Free R' α)
    have RTrans: "R  α  R'" by fact
    with QSimR obtain Q' where QTrans: "Q α  Q'" and Q'RelR': "(Q', R')  Rel'"
      by(blast dest: Strong_Late_Sim.simE)
    from PSimQ QTrans have "P'. P l^ α  P'  (P', Q')  Rel"
      by(blast intro: simE)
    then obtain P' where PTrans: "P l^ α  P'" and P'RelQ': "(P', Q')  Rel" by blast
    from P'RelQ' Q'RelR' Trans have "(P', R')  Rel''" by blast
    with PTrans show ?case by blast
