Theory Test_Pat_Complete

section ‹Setup for Experiments›

theory Test_Pat_Complete

text ‹turn error message into runtime error›
definition pat_complete_alg :: "(('f × 's list) × 's)list  (('f × 's list) × 's)list  ('f,'v)term list  bool" where 
  "pat_complete_alg C D lhss = (
  case decide_pat_complete_lhss C D lhss of Inl err  Code.abort (err (STR '''')) (λ _. True)
    | Inr res  res)" 

text ‹turn error message into runtime error›
definition strong_quasi_reducible_alg :: "(('f × 's list) × 's)list  (('f × 's list) × 's)list  ('f,'v)term list  bool" where 
  "strong_quasi_reducible_alg C D lhss = (
  case decide_strong_quasi_reducible C D lhss of Inl err  Code.abort (err (STR '''')) (λ _. True)
    | Inr res  res)" 

text ‹Examples›
definition "nat_bool = [ 
   ((''zero'', []), ''nat''),
   ((''succ'', [''nat'']), ''nat''),
   ((''true'', []), ''bool''),
   ((''false'', []), ''bool'')

definition rn_string where "rn_string x = ''x'' @ show (x :: nat)"
definition rv_string where "rv_string x = ''y'' @ x"

lemma renaming_string: "renaming_funs rn_string rv_string"
  using inj_show_nat 
  unfolding renaming_funs_def 
  by (auto simp: inj_def rn_string_def rv_string_def) 

definition "decide_pat_complete_lhss_fidl_string = decide_pat_complete_lhss_fidl rn_string rv_string" 

lemmas decide_pat_complete_lhss_fidl_string = decide_pat_complete_lhss_fidl[OF _ renaming_string,
    folded decide_pat_complete_lhss_fidl_string_def]

definition "int_bool = [ 
   ((''zero'', []), ''int''),
   ((''succ'', [''int'']), ''int''),
   ((''pred'', [''int'']), ''int''),
   ((''true'', []), ''bool''),
   ((''false'', []), ''bool'')

definition "even_nat = [
    ((''even'', [''nat'']), ''bool'')

definition "even_int = [
    ((''even'', [''int'']), ''bool'')

definition "even_lhss = [
  Fun ''even'' [Fun ''zero'' []],
  Fun ''even'' [Fun ''succ'' [Fun ''zero'' []]],
  Fun ''even'' [Fun ''succ'' [Fun ''succ'' [Var ''x'']]]

definition "even_lhss_int = [
  Fun ''even'' [Fun ''zero'' []],
  Fun ''even'' [Fun ''succ'' [Fun ''zero'' []]],
  Fun ''even'' [Fun ''succ'' [Fun ''succ'' [Var ''x'']]],
  Fun ''even'' [Fun ''pred'' [Fun ''zero'' []]],
  Fun ''even'' [Fun ''pred'' [Fun ''pred'' [Var ''x'']]],
  Fun ''succ'' [Fun ''pred'' [Var ''x'']],
  Fun ''pred'' [Fun ''succ'' [Var ''x'']]

lemma decide_pat_complete_wrapper: 
  assumes "(case decide_pat_complete_lhss C D lhss of Inr b  Some b | Inl _  None) = Some res"
  shows "pat_complete_lhss (map_of C) (map_of D) (set lhss) = res" 
  using decide_pat_complete_lhss[of C D lhss] assms by (auto split: sum.splits)

lemma decide_pat_complete_wrapper_fidl: 
  assumes "(case decide_pat_complete_lhss_fidl_string solver C D lhss of Inr b  Some b | Inl _  None) = Some res"
    and "finite_idl_solver solver" 
  shows "pat_complete_lhss (map_of C) (map_of D) (set lhss) = res" 
  using decide_pat_complete_lhss_fidl_string[of solver C D lhss] assms by (auto split: sum.splits)

lemma decide_strong_quasi_reducible_wrapper: 
  assumes "(case decide_strong_quasi_reducible C D lhss of Inr b  Some b | Inl _  None) = Some res"
  shows "strong_quasi_reducible (map_of C) (map_of D) (set lhss) = res" 
  using decide_strong_quasi_reducible[of C D lhss] assms by (auto split: sum.splits)

lemma "pat_complete_lhss (map_of nat_bool) (map_of even_nat) (set even_lhss)"
  apply (subst decide_pat_complete_wrapper[of _ _ _ True])
  by eval+

lemma "¬ pat_complete_lhss (map_of int_bool) (map_of even_int) (set even_lhss_int)" 
  apply (subst decide_pat_complete_wrapper[of _ _ _ False])
  by eval+

value "decide_pat_complete_linear_lhss int_bool even_int even_lhss_int" 

lemma "strong_quasi_reducible (map_of int_bool) (map_of even_int) (set even_lhss_int)" 
  apply (subst decide_strong_quasi_reducible_wrapper[of _ _ _ True])
  by eval+

definition "non_lin_lhss = [
  Fun ''f'' [Var ''x'', Var ''x'', Var ''y''],
  Fun ''f'' [Var ''x'', Var ''y'', Var ''x''],
  Fun ''f'' [Var ''y'', Var ''x'', Var ''x'']

lemma "pat_complete_lhss (map_of nat_bool) (map_of [((''f'',[''bool'',''bool'',''bool'']),''bool'')]) (set non_lin_lhss)" 
  apply (subst decide_pat_complete_wrapper[of _ _ _ True])
  by eval+

lemma "¬ pat_complete_lhss (map_of nat_bool) (map_of [((''f'',[''nat'',''nat'',''nat'']),''bool'')]) (set non_lin_lhss)" 
  apply (subst decide_pat_complete_wrapper[of _ _ _ False])
  by eval+

(* the algorithm for linear lhss returns a wrong result here; the reason is that 
   it does not check that the input is indeed linear *)
value "decide_pat_complete_linear_lhss nat_bool [((''f'',[''nat'',''nat'',''nat'']),''bool'')] non_lin_lhss" 

value "decide_pat_complete_lhss nat_bool [((''f'',[''nat'',''nat'',''nat'']),''bool'')] non_lin_lhss" 
value "decide_pat_complete_lhss nat_bool [((''f'',[''bool'',''bool'',''bool'']),''bool'')] non_lin_lhss" 

(* inf-var-conflict, so fidl solver (undefined) is not required in this example *)
lemma "¬ pat_complete_lhss (map_of nat_bool) (map_of [((''f'',[''nat'',''nat'',''nat'']),''bool'')]) (set non_lin_lhss)" 
  apply (subst decide_pat_complete_wrapper_fidl[of dummy_fidl_solver _ _ _ False])
    apply eval
   apply (rule dummy_fidl_solver)
  apply eval

(* incorrect fidl-solvers can cause wrong results *)
value "decide_pat_complete_lhss_fidl_string (λ _. True) nat_bool [((''f'',[''bool'',''bool'',''bool'']),''bool'')] non_lin_lhss"
value "decide_pat_complete_lhss_fidl_string (λ _. False) nat_bool [((''f'',[''bool'',''bool'',''bool'']),''bool'')] non_lin_lhss" 

definition "testproblem (c :: nat) n = (let s = String.implode; s = id;
    c1 = even c;
    c2 = even (c div 2);
    c3 = even (c div 4);
    c4 = even (c div 8);
    revo = (if c4 then id else rev);
    nn = [0 ..< n];
    rnn = (if c4 then id nn else rev nn);
    b = s ''b''; t = s ''tt''; f = s ''ff''; g = s ''g'';
    gg = (λ ts. Fun g (revo ts));
    ff = Fun f [];
    tt = Fun t [];
    C = [((t, [] :: string list), b), ((f, []), b)];
    D = [((g, replicate (2 * n) b), b)];
    x = (λ i :: nat. Var (s (''x'' @ show i)));
    y = (λ i :: nat. Var (s (''y'' @ show i)));
    lhsF = gg (if c1 then List.maps (λ i. [ff, y i] ) rnn else (replicate n ff @ map y rnn));
    lhsT = (λ b j. gg (if c1 then List.maps (λ i. if i = j then [tt, b] else [x i, y i] ) rnn else 
             (map (λ i. if i = j then tt else x i) rnn @ map (λ i. if i = j then b else y i) rnn)));
    lhssT = (if c2 then List.maps (λ i. [lhsT tt i, lhsT ff i]) nn else List.maps (λ b. map (lhsT b) nn) [tt,ff]); 
    lhss = (if c3 then [lhsF] @ lhssT else lhssT @ [lhsF])
  in (C, D, lhss))"

definition "test_problem c n perms = (if c < 16 then testproblem c n
  else let (C, D, lhss) = testproblem 0 n;
      (permRow,permCol) = perms ! (c - 16);
      permRows = map (λ i. lhss ! i) permRow;
      pCol = (λ t. case t of Fun g ts  Fun g (map (λ i. ts ! i) permCol))
    in (C, D, map pCol permRows))" 

definition test_problem_integer where 
  "test_problem_integer c n perms = test_problem (nat_of_integer c) (nat_of_integer n) (map (map_prod (map nat_of_integer) (map nat_of_integer)) perms)" 

fun term_to_haskell where
  "term_to_haskell (Var x) = String.implode x" 
| "term_to_haskell (Fun f ts) = (if f = ''tt'' then STR ''TT'' else if f = ''ff'' then STR ''FF'' else String.implode f)
    + foldr (λ t r. STR '' '' + term_to_haskell t + r) ts (STR '''')" 

definition createHaskellInput :: "integer  integer  (integer list × integer list) list  String.literal" where
  "createHaskellInput c n perms = (case test_problem_integer c n perms 
    (_,_,lhss)  STR ''module Test(g) where⏎⏎data B = TT | FF⏎⏎'' + 
      foldr (λ l s. (term_to_haskell l + STR '' = TT⏎'' + s)) lhss (STR ''''))" 

definition pat_complete_alg_test :: "integer  integer  (integer list * integer list)list  bool" where
  "pat_complete_alg_test c n perms = (case test_problem_integer c n perms of 
    (C,D,lhss)  pat_complete_alg C D lhss)" 

definition show_pat_complete_test :: "integer  integer  (integer list * integer list)list  String.literal" where
  "show_pat_complete_test c n perms = (case test_problem_integer c n perms of (_,_,lhss) 
   showsl_lines (STR ''empty'') lhss (STR ''''))" 

definition create_agcp_input :: "(String.literal  't)  integer  integer  (integer list * integer list)list 
  't list list * 't list list" where
  "create_agcp_input term C N perms = (let 
      n = nat_of_integer N; 
      c = nat_of_integer C;
      lhss = (snd o snd) (test_problem_integer C N perms);
      tt = (λ t. case t of (Var x)  term (String.implode (''?'' @ x @ '':B''))
           | Fun f []  term (String.implode f));
      pslist = map (λ i. tt (Var (''x'' @ show i))) [0..< 2 * n];
      patlist = map (λ t. case t of Fun _ ps  map tt ps) lhss
    in ([pslist], patlist))"

text ‹connection to AGCP, which is written in SML, and 
  SML-export of verified pattern completeness algorithm›
  in SML module_name Pat_Complete

text ‹tree automata encoding›

text ‹We assume that there are certain interface-functions from the tree-automata library.›
  fixes cState :: "String.literal  'state" ― ‹create a state from name›
  and cSym :: "String.literal  integer  'sym" ― ‹create a symbol from name and arity›
  and cRule :: "'sym  'state list  'state  'rule" ― ‹create a transition-rule›
  and cAut :: "'sym list  'state list  'state list  'rule list  'aut" 
    ― ‹create an automaton given the signature, the list of all states, the list of final states,
        and the transitions›
  and checkSubset :: "'aut  'aut  bool" ― ‹check language inclusion›

text ‹we further fix the parameters to generate the example TRSs›
  fixes c n :: integer
  and perms :: "(integer list × integer list) list" 

definition "tt = cSym (STR ''tt'') 0" 
definition "ff = cSym (STR ''ff'') 0" 
definition "g = cSym (STR ''g'') (2 * n)" 
definition "qt = cState (STR ''qt'')" 
definition "qf = cState (STR ''qf'')" 
definition "qb = cState (STR ''qb'')" 
definition "qfin = cState (STR ''qFin'')" 
definition "tRule = (λ q. cRule tt [] q)" 
definition "fRule = (λ q. cRule ff [] q)" 

definition "qbRules = [tRule qb, fRule qb]" 
definition "stdRules = qbRules @ [tRule qt, fRule qf]" 
definition "leftStates = [qb, qfin]" 
definition "rightStates = [qt, qf] @ leftStates" 
definition "finStates = [qfin]" 
definition "signature = [tt, ff, g]" 

fun argToState where 
  "argToState (Var _) = qb" 
| "argToState (Fun s []) = (if s = ''tt'' then qt else if s = ''ff'' then qf
     else Code.abort (STR ''unknown'') (λ _. qf))" 

fun termToRule where
  "termToRule (Fun _ ts) = cRule g (map argToState ts) qfin" 

definition "automataLeft = cAut signature leftStates finStates (cRule g (replicate (2 * nat_of_integer n) qb) qfin # qbRules)" 
definition "automataRight = (case test_problem_integer c n perms of 
  (_,_,lhss)  cAut signature rightStates finStates (map termToRule lhss @ stdRules))"

definition "encodeAutomata = (automataLeft, automataRight)" 

definition "patCompleteAutomataTest = (checkSubset automataLeft automataRight)" 

definition string_append :: "String.literal  String.literal  String.literal" (infixr +++ 65) where
  "string_append s t = String.implode (String.explode s @ String.explode t)" 

code_printing constant string_append 
  (Haskell)  infixr 5 "++"

fun paren where
  "paren e l r s [] = e" 
| "paren e l r s (x # xs) = l +++ x +++ foldr (λ y r. s +++ y +++ r) xs r" 

definition showAutomata where "showAutomata n c perms = (case encodeAutomata id (λ n a. n) 
  (λ f qs q. paren f (f +++ STR ''('') (STR '')'') (STR '','') qs +++ STR '' -> '' +++ q)
  (λ sig Q Qfin rls. 
     STR ''tree-automata has final states: '' +++ paren (STR ''{}'') (STR ''{'') (STR ''}'') (STR '','') Qfin +++ STR ''⏎'' 
     +++ STR ''and transitions:⏎'' +++ paren (STR '''') (STR '''') (STR '''') (STR ''⏎'') rls +++ STR ''⏎⏎'') n c perms
  of (all,pats)  STR ''decide whether language of first automaton is subset of the second automaton⏎⏎''
       +++ STR ''first '' +++ all +++ STR ''⏎and second '' +++ pats)" 

value "showAutomata 4 4 []" 

value "show_pat_complete_test 4 4 []" 

value "createHaskellInput 4 4 []" 

text ‹connection to FORT-h, generation of Haskell-examples, and Haskell tests of 
  verified pattern completeness algorithm›
export_code encodeAutomata 
  in Haskell module_name Pat_Test_Generated 
