Theory ThereIsNoEvil1
subsection‹ThereIsNoEvil1.thy (Figure 10 of \cite{J75})›
text‹Importing Gödel's modified axioms from Figure 7 we can prove that necessarily there exists
no entity that possesses all non-positive (=negative) properties.›
theory ThereIsNoEvil1 imports GoedelVariantHOML2
definition Evil ("Evil") where "Evil x ≡ ❙∀φ. ❙¬ P φ ❙⊃ φ x"
theorem NecNoEvil: "⌊❙□(❙¬(❙∃⇧Ex. Evil x))⌋"
proof -
have "⌊❙¬P(λy.❙⊥)⌋" using Ax2a Ax4 by blast
hence "⌊(❙∀⇧Ex. Evil x ❙⊃ (λy.❙⊥) x)⌋" using Evil_def by auto
hence "⌊(❙∀⇧Ex. Evil x ❙⊃ ❙⊥)⌋" by auto
hence "⌊(❙∃⇧Ex. Evil x) ❙⊃ ❙⊥⌋" by auto
hence "⌊❙¬(❙∃⇧Ex. Evil x)⌋" by blast
thus ?thesis by blast