Theory AuxiliaryLemmas
theory AuxiliaryLemmas
imports UnwindingConditions
context Unwinding
lemma osc_property:
"⋀s1 s1'. ⟦ osc ur; s1 ∈ S⇘SES⇙; s1' ∈ S⇘SES⇙; α ↿ C⇘𝒱⇙ = [];
reachable SES s1; reachable SES s1'; enabled SES s1' α; (s1', s1) ∈ ur ⟧
⟹ (∃α'. α' ↿ C⇘𝒱⇙ = [] ∧ α' ↿ V⇘𝒱⇙ = α ↿ V⇘𝒱⇙ ∧ enabled SES s1 α')"
proof (induct α)
case Nil
have "[] ↿ C⇘𝒱⇙ = [] ∧
[] ↿ V⇘𝒱⇙ = [] ↿ V⇘𝒱⇙ ∧ enabled SES s1 []"
by (simp add: enabled_def projection_def)
thus ?case by (rule exI)
case (Cons e1 α1)
assume osc_true: "osc ur"
assume s1_in_S: "s1 ∈ S⇘SES⇙"
assume s1'_in_S: "s1' ∈ S⇘SES⇙"
assume e1α1_C_empty: "(e1 # α1) ↿ C⇘𝒱⇙ = []"
assume reachable_s1: "reachable SES s1"
assume reachable_s1': "reachable SES s1'"
assume enabled_s1'_e1α1: "enabled SES s1' (e1 # α1)"
assume unwindingrel_s1'_s1: "(s1', s1) ∈ ur"
have e1α1_no_c: "∀a ∈ (set (e1 # α1)). a ∈ (E⇘SES⇙ - C⇘𝒱⇙)"
proof -
from reachable_s1' obtain β
where "s0⇘SES⇙ β⟹⇘SES⇙ s1'"
by(simp add: reachable_def, auto)
from enabled_s1'_e1α1 obtain s1337
where "s1' (e1 # α1)⟹⇘SES⇙ s1337"
by(simp add: enabled_def, auto)
ultimately have "s0⇘SES⇙ (β @ (e1 # α1))⟹⇘SES⇙ s1337"
by(rule path_trans)
hence "β @ (e1 # α1) ∈ Tr⇘(induceES SES)⇙"
by (simp add: induceES_def possible_traces_def enabled_def)
with validSES induceES_yields_ES[of "SES"] have "∀a ∈ (set (β @ (e1 # α1))). a ∈ E⇘SES⇙"
by (simp add: induceES_def ES_valid_def traces_contain_events_def)
hence "∀ a ∈ (set (e1 # α1)). a ∈ E⇘SES⇙"
by auto
with e1α1_C_empty show ?thesis
by (simp only: projection_def filter_empty_conv, auto)
from enabled_s1'_e1α1 obtain s2' where
s1'_e1_s2': "s1' e1⟶⇘SES⇙ s2'"
by (simp add: enabled_def, split if_split_asm, auto)
with validSES have s2'_in_S: "s2' ∈ S⇘SES⇙"
by (simp add: SES_valid_def correct_transition_relation_def)
have reachable_s2': "reachable SES s2'"
proof -
from reachable_s1' obtain t where
path_to_s1': "s0⇘SES⇙ t⟹⇘SES⇙ s1'"
by (simp add: reachable_def, auto)
from s1'_e1_s2' have "s1' [e1]⟹⇘SES⇙ s2'"
by simp
with path_to_s1' have "s0⇘SES⇙ (t @ [e1])⟹⇘SES⇙ s2'"
by (simp add: path_trans)
thus ?thesis by (simp add: reachable_def, rule exI)
from s1'_e1_s2' enabled_s1'_e1α1 obtain sn' where
"s2' α1⟹⇘SES⇙ sn'"
by (simp add: enabled_def, auto)
hence enabled_s2'_α1: "enabled SES s2' α1"
by (simp add: enabled_def)
from e1α1_no_c have e1_no_c: "e1 ∈ (E⇘SES⇙ - C⇘𝒱⇙)"
by simp
from e1α1_no_c have α1_no_c: "∀a∈(set α1). (a ∈ (E⇘SES⇙ - C⇘𝒱⇙))"
by simp
hence α1_proj_C_empty: "α1 ↿ C⇘𝒱⇙ = []"
by (simp add: projection_def)
from osc_true have
"⟦ s1 ∈ S⇘SES⇙; s1' ∈ S⇘SES⇙; s2' ∈ S⇘SES⇙;
e1 ∈ (E⇘SES⇙ - C⇘𝒱⇙); reachable SES s1; reachable SES s1';
s1' e1⟶⇘SES⇙ s2'; (s1', s1) ∈ ur ⟧
⟹ (∃s2 ∈ S⇘SES⇙. ∃δ. δ ↿ C⇘𝒱⇙ = []
∧ (δ ↿ V⇘𝒱⇙) = ([e1] ↿ V⇘𝒱⇙) ∧ (s1 δ⟹⇘SES⇙ s2 ∧
((s2', s2) ∈ ur)))"
by (simp add: osc_def)
with s1_in_S s1'_in_S e1_no_c reachable_s1 reachable_s1'
s2'_in_S s1'_e1_s2' unwindingrel_s1'_s1
obtain s2 δ where
"s2 ∈ S⇘SES⇙ ∧ δ ↿ C⇘𝒱⇙ = [] ∧
(δ ↿ V⇘𝒱⇙) = ([e1] ↿ V⇘𝒱⇙) ∧ s1 δ⟹⇘SES⇙ s2 ∧
((s2', s2) ∈ ur)"
by auto
hence δ_proj_C_empty: "δ ↿ C⇘𝒱⇙ = []"
by (simp add: projection_def)
from osc_conclusion have s2_in_S: "s2 ∈ S⇘SES⇙"
by auto
from osc_conclusion have unwindingrel_s2'_s2: "(s2', s2) ∈ ur"
by auto
have reachable_s2: "reachable SES s2"
proof -
from reachable_s1 obtain t where
path_to_s1: "s0⇘SES⇙ t⟹⇘SES⇙ s1"
by (simp add: reachable_def, auto)
from osc_conclusion have "s1 δ⟹⇘SES⇙ s2"
by auto
with path_to_s1 have "s0⇘SES⇙ (t @ δ)⟹⇘SES⇙ s2"
by (simp add: path_trans)
thus ?thesis by (simp add: reachable_def, rule exI)
from Cons osc_true s2_in_S s2'_in_S α1_proj_C_empty
reachable_s2 reachable_s2' enabled_s2'_α1 unwindingrel_s2'_s2
obtain α'' where α''_props:
"α'' ↿ C⇘𝒱⇙ = [] ∧ α'' ↿ V⇘𝒱⇙ = α1 ↿ V⇘𝒱⇙ ∧ enabled SES s2 α''"
by auto
with osc_conclusion have δα''_props:
"(δ @ α'') ↿ C⇘𝒱⇙ = [] ∧
(δ @ α'') ↿ V⇘𝒱⇙ = (e1#α1) ↿ V⇘𝒱⇙ ∧ enabled SES s1 (δ @ α'')"
by (simp add: projection_def enabled_def, auto, simp add: path_trans)
hence "(δ @ α'') ↿ C⇘𝒱⇙ = []"
by (simp add: projection_def)
thus ?case using δα''_props by auto
lemma path_state_closure: "⟦ s τ⟹⇘SES⇙ s'; s ∈ S⇘SES⇙ ⟧ ⟹ s' ∈ S⇘SES⇙"
(is "⟦ ?P s τ s'; ?S s SES ⟧ ⟹ ?S s' SES ")
proof (induct τ arbitrary: s s')
case Nil with validSES show ?case
by (auto simp add: SES_valid_def correct_transition_relation_def)
case (Cons e τ) thus ?case
proof -
assume path_eτ: "?P s (e # τ) s'"
assume induct_hypo: "⋀ s s'. ⟦ ?P s τ s'; ?S s SES ⟧ ⟹ ?S s' SES"
from path_eτ obtain s'' where s_e_s'': "s e⟶⇘SES⇙ s''"
by(simp add: path_def, split if_split_asm, auto)
with validSES have s''_in_S: "?S s'' SES"
by (simp add: SES_valid_def correct_transition_relation_def)
from s_e_s'' path_eτ have path_τ: "?P s'' τ s'" by auto
from path_τ s''_in_S show ?case by (rule induct_hypo)
theorem En_to_Adm:
"⟦ reachable SES s; En ρ s e⟧
⟹ ∃β. ( s0⇘SES⇙ β⟹⇘SES⇙ s ∧ Adm 𝒱 ρ Tr⇘(induceES SES)⇙ β e )"
proof -
assume "En ρ s e"
then obtain β γ s' s''
where "s0⇘SES⇙ β⟹⇘SES⇙ s"
and "γ ↿ (ρ 𝒱) = β ↿ (ρ 𝒱)"
and s0_γ_s': "s0⇘SES⇙ γ⟹⇘SES⇙ s'"
and s'_e_s'': "s' e⟶⇘SES⇙ s''"
by (simp add: En_def, auto)
from s0_γ_s' s'_e_s'' have "s0⇘SES⇙ (γ @ [e])⟹⇘SES⇙ s''"
by (rule path_trans_single)
hence "(γ @ [e]) ∈ Tr⇘(induceES SES)⇙"
by(simp add: induceES_def possible_traces_def enabled_def)
ultimately show ?thesis
by (simp add: Adm_def, auto)
theorem Adm_to_En:
"⟦ β ∈ Tr⇘(induceES SES)⇙; Adm 𝒱 ρ Tr⇘(induceES SES)⇙ β e ⟧
⟹ ∃s ∈ S⇘SES⇙. (s0⇘SES⇙ β⟹⇘SES⇙ s ∧ En ρ s e)"
proof -
from validSES have s0_in_S: "s0⇘SES⇙ ∈ S⇘SES⇙"
by (simp add: SES_valid_def s0_is_state_def)
assume "β ∈ Tr⇘(induceES SES)⇙"
then obtain s
where s0_β_s: "s0⇘SES⇙ β⟹⇘SES⇙ s"
by (simp add: induceES_def possible_traces_def enabled_def, auto)
from this have s_in_S: "s ∈ S⇘SES⇙" using s0_in_S
by (rule path_state_closure)
assume "Adm 𝒱 ρ Tr⇘(induceES SES)⇙ β e"
then obtain γ
where ργ_is_ρβ: "γ ↿ (ρ 𝒱) = β ↿ (ρ 𝒱)"
and "∃s''. s0⇘SES⇙ (γ @ [e])⟹⇘SES⇙ s''"
by(simp add: Adm_def induceES_def possible_traces_def enabled_def, auto)
then obtain s''
where s0_γe_s'': "s0⇘SES⇙ (γ @ [e])⟹⇘SES⇙ s''"
by auto
from this have s''_in_S: "s'' ∈ S⇘SES⇙" using s0_in_S
by (rule path_state_closure)
from path_split_single[OF s0_γe_s''] obtain s'
where s0_γ_s': "s0⇘SES⇙ γ⟹⇘SES⇙ s'"
and s'_e_s'': "s' e⟶⇘SES⇙ s''"
by auto
from path_state_closure[OF s0_γ_s' s0_in_S] have s'_in_S: "s' ∈ S⇘SES⇙".
from s'_in_S s''_in_S s0_β_s ργ_is_ρβ s0_γ_s' s'_e_s'' s_in_S show ?thesis
by (simp add: En_def, auto)
lemma state_from_induceES_trace:
"⟦ (β @ α) ∈ Tr⇘(induceES SES)⇙ ⟧
⟹ ∃s ∈ S⇘SES⇙. s0⇘SES⇙ β⟹⇘SES⇙ s ∧ enabled SES s α ∧ reachable SES s"
proof -
assume βα_in_Tr: "(β @ α) ∈ Tr⇘(induceES SES)⇙"
then obtain s' where s0_βα_s':"s0⇘SES⇙ (β @ α)⟹⇘SES⇙ s'"
by (simp add: induceES_def possible_traces_def enabled_def, auto)
from path_split[OF s0_βα_s'] obtain s
where s0_β_s: "s0⇘SES⇙ β⟹⇘SES⇙ s"
and "s α⟹⇘SES⇙ s'"
by auto
hence enabled_s_α: "enabled SES s α"
by (simp add: enabled_def)
from s0_β_s have reachable_s: "reachable SES s"
by(simp add: reachable_def, auto)
from validSES have "s0⇘SES⇙ ∈ S⇘SES⇙"
by (simp add: SES_valid_def s0_is_state_def)
with s0_β_s have s_in_S: "s ∈ S⇘SES⇙"
by (rule path_state_closure)
with s0_β_s enabled_s_α reachable_s show ?thesis
by auto
lemma path_split2:"s0⇘SES⇙ (β @ α)⟹⇘SES⇙ s
⟹ ∃s' ∈ S⇘SES⇙. ( s0⇘SES⇙ β⟹⇘SES⇙ s' ∧ s' α⟹⇘SES⇙ s ∧ reachable SES s' )"
proof -
assume s0_βα_s: "s0⇘SES⇙ (β @ α)⟹⇘SES⇙ s"
from path_split[OF s0_βα_s] obtain s'
where s0_β_s': "s0⇘SES⇙ β⟹⇘SES⇙ s'"
and s'_α_s: "s' α⟹⇘SES⇙ s"
by auto
hence "reachable SES s'"
by(simp add: reachable_def, auto)
have "s' ∈ S⇘SES⇙"
proof -
from s0_β_s' validSES path_state_closure show ?thesis
by (auto simp add: SES_valid_def s0_is_state_def)
ultimately show ?thesis using s'_α_s s0_β_s'
lemma path_split_single2:
"s0⇘SES⇙ (β @ [x])⟹⇘SES⇙ s
⟹ ∃s' ∈ S⇘SES⇙. ( s0⇘SES⇙ β⟹⇘SES⇙ s' ∧ s' x⟶⇘SES⇙ s ∧ reachable SES s' )"
proof -
assume s0_βx_s: "s0⇘SES⇙ (β @ [x])⟹⇘SES⇙ s"
from path_split2[OF s0_βx_s] show ?thesis
by (auto, split if_split_asm, auto)
lemma modified_view_valid: "isViewOn ⦇V = (V⇘𝒱⇙ ∪ N⇘𝒱⇙), N = {}, C = C⇘𝒱⇙⦈ E⇘SES⇙"
using validVU
unfolding isViewOn_def V_valid_def VC_disjoint_def VN_disjoint_def NC_disjoint_def by auto