Theory Sorts
section "Sorts"
theory Sorts
imports Term
definition [simp]: "empty_osig = ({}, Map.empty)"
definition "sort_les cs s1 s2 = (sort_leq cs s1 s2 ∧ ¬ sort_leq cs s2 s1)"
definition "sort_eqv cs s1 s2 = (sort_leq cs s1 s2 ∧ sort_leq cs s2 s1)"
lemmas class_defs = class_leq_def class_les_def class_ex_def
lemmas sort_defs = sort_leq_def sort_les_def sort_eqv_def sort_ex_def
lemma sort_ex_class_ex: "sort_ex cs S ≡ ∀c ∈ S. class_ex cs c"
by (auto simp add: sort_ex_def class_ex_def subset_eq)
locale wf_subclass_loc =
fixes cs :: "class rel"
assumes wf[simp]: "wf_subclass cs"
lemma class_les_irrefl: "¬ class_les cs c c"
using wf by (simp add: class_les_def)
lemma class_les_trans: "class_les cs x y ⟹ class_les cs y z ⟹ class_les cs x z"
using wf by (auto simp add: class_les_def class_leq_def trans_def)
lemma class_leq_refl[iff]: "class_ex cs c ⟹ class_leq cs c c"
using wf by (simp add: class_leq_def class_ex_def refl_on_def)
lemma class_leq_trans: "class_leq cs x y ⟹ class_leq cs y z ⟹ class_leq cs x z"
using wf by (auto simp add: class_leq_def elim: transE)
lemma class_leq_antisym: "class_leq cs c1 c2 ⟹ class_leq cs c2 c1 ⟹ c1=c2"
using wf by (auto intro: antisymD simp: trans_def class_leq_def)
lemma sort_leq_refl[iff]: "sort_ex cs s ⟹ sort_leq cs s s"
using class_leq_refl by (auto simp add: sort_ex_class_ex sort_leq_def)
lemma sort_leq_trans: "sort_leq cs x y ⟹ sort_leq cs y z ⟹ sort_leq cs x z"
by (meson class_leq_trans sort_leq_def)
lemma sort_leq_ex: "sort_leq cs s1 s2 ⟹ sort_ex cs s2"
by (auto simp add: sort_ex_def class_leq_def sort_leq_def intro: FieldI2)
lemma sort_leq_minimize:
"sort_leq cs s1 s2 ⟹ ∃s1'. (∀c1 ∈ s1' . ∃c2 ∈ s2. class_leq cs c1 c2) ∧ sort_leq cs s1' s2"
by (meson class_leq_refl sort_ex_class_ex sort_leq_ex sort_leq_refl)
lemma "sort_ex cs s2 ⟹ s1 ⊆ s2 ⟹ sort_ex cs s1"
by (meson sort_ex_def subset_trans)
lemma superset_imp_sort_leq: "sort_ex cs s2 ⟹ s1 ⊇ s2 ⟹ sort_leq cs s1 s2"
by (auto simp add: sort_ex_class_ex sort_leq_def sort_ex_def)
lemma full_sort_top: "sort_ex cs s ⟹ sort_leq cs s full_sort"
by (simp add: sort_leq_def)
lemma sort_les_trans: "sort_les cs x y ⟹ sort_les cs y z ⟹ sort_les cs x z"
using sort_les_def sort_leq_trans by blast
lemma sort_eqvI: "sort_leq cs s1 s2 ⟹ sort_leq cs s2 s1 ⟹ sort_eqv cs s1 s2"
by (simp add: sort_eqv_def)
lemma sort_eqv_refl: "sort_ex cs s ⟹ sort_eqv cs s s"
using sort_leq_refl by (auto simp add: sort_eqv_def)
lemma sort_eqv_trans: "sort_eqv cs x y ⟹ sort_eqv cs y z ⟹ sort_eqv cs x z"
using sort_eqv_def sort_leq_trans by blast
lemma sort_eqv_sym: "sort_eqv cs x y ⟹ sort_eqv cs y x"
by (auto simp add: sort_eqv_def)
lemma normalize_sort_empty[simp]: "normalize_sort cs full_sort = full_sort"
by (simp add: normalize_sort_def)
lemma normalize_sort_normalize_sort[simp]:
"normalize_sort cs (normalize_sort cs s) = normalize_sort cs s"
by (auto simp add: normalize_sort_def)
lemma sort_ex_norm_sort: "sort_ex cs s ⟹ sort_ex cs (normalize_sort cs s)"
by (simp add: normalize_sort_def sort_ex_class_ex)
lemma normalized_sort_subset: "normalize_sort cs s ⊆ s"
by (auto simp add: normalize_sort_def)
lemma normalize_sort_removed_elem_irrelevant':
assumes "sort_ex cs (insert c s)"
assumes "c ∉ (normalize_sort cs (insert c s))"
shows "normalize_sort cs (insert c s) = normalize_sort cs s"
have "class_ex cs c" using assms(1) by (auto simp add: sort_ex_class_ex)
from this assms(2) obtain c' where "class_les cs c' c" "c' ∈ s"
using class_les_irrefl by (auto simp add: normalize_sort_def)
thus ?thesis
using ‹class_ex cs c› class_les_irrefl class_les_trans by (simp add: normalize_sort_def) blast
corollary normalize_sort_removed_elem_irrelevant:
assumes "sort_ex cs (insert c s)"
assumes "c ∉ (normalize_sort cs (insert c s))"
shows "normalize_sort cs (insert c s) = normalize_sort cs s"
using assms normalize_sort_removed_elem_irrelevant'
by (simp add: normalize_sort_def)
lemma normalize_sort_nempt_is_nempty:
assumes finite: "finite s"
assumes nempty: "s ≠ full_sort"
assumes "sort_ex cs s"
shows "normalize_sort cs s ≠ full_sort"
using assms proof (induction s rule: finite_induct)
case empty
then show ?case by simp
case (insert c s)
note ICons = this
then show ?case
proof(cases s)
case emptyI
hence "normalize_sort cs (insert c s) = {c}"
using insert class_les_irrefl by (auto simp add: normalize_sort_def sort_ex_class_ex)
then show ?thesis by simp
case (insertI c' s')
hence "normalize_sort cs s ≠ full_sort"
using ICons by (auto simp add: normalize_sort_def sort_ex_class_ex)
then show ?thesis
proof (cases "c ∈ (normalize_sort cs s)")
case True
hence "insert c s = s"
using normalized_sort_subset by fastforce
then show ?thesis
using ICons by (auto simp add: normalize_sort_def sort_ex_class_ex class_les_def)
case False
then show ?thesis
using normalize_sort_removed_elem_irrelevant
using insert.prems(2) ICons(3) ‹normalize_sort cs s ≠ full_sort› by auto
lemma choose_smaller_in_sort:
assumes elem: "c ∈ s" and nelem: "c ∉ (normalize_sort cs s)" and "sort_ex cs s"
obtains c' where "c' ∈ s" and "class_les cs c' c"
using assms by (auto simp add: normalize_sort_def sort_ex_class_ex)
lemma normalize_ex_bound':
assumes finite: "finite s" and elem: "c ∈ s" and nelem: "c ∉ (normalize_sort cs s)"
and "sort_ex cs s"
shows "∃c' ∈ (normalize_sort cs s) . class_les cs c' c"
using assms proof (induction s arbitrary: c)
case empty
then show ?case by simp
case (insert ic s)
then show ?case
proof(cases "ic=c")
case True
then show ?thesis
by (smt choose_smaller_in_sort class_les_irrefl class_les_trans insert.IH insert.prems(2)
insert.prems(3) insert_iff insert_subset normalize_sort_removed_elem_irrelevant' sort_ex_def)
case False
hence "c ∈ s" using insert.prems by simp
then show ?thesis
proof(cases "ic ∈ (normalize_sort cs (insert ic s))")
case True
then show ?thesis
proof(cases "class_les cs ic c")
case True
then show ?thesis
using insert ‹c ∈ s› normalize_sort_removed_elem_irrelevant' sort_ex_def
by (metis insert_subset)
case False
obtain c'' where c'': "c'' ∈ (normalize_sort cs s)" "class_les cs c'' c"
using insert ‹c ∈ s› normalize_sort_removed_elem_irrelevant' sort_ex_def
by (metis False choose_smaller_in_sort class_les_trans insert_iff insert_subset)
moreover have "(c'', c) ∈ cs" "(c, c'') ∉ cs"
using c'' by (simp_all add: class_leq_def class_les_def)
moreover hence "¬ class_les cs ic c''"
by (meson False class_leq_def class_les_def class_les_trans)
ultimately show ?thesis
by (auto simp add: normalize_sort_def sort_ex_class_ex class_ex_def class_leq_def class_les_def)
case False
then show ?thesis
by (metis (full_types) insert.IH insert.prems(2) insert.prems(3) ‹c ∈ s›
normalize_sort_removed_elem_irrelevant sort_ex_def insert_subset)
corollary normalize_ex_bound:
assumes finite: "finite s" and elem: "c ∈ s" and nelem: "c ∉ (normalize_sort cs s)"
and "sort_ex cs s"
obtains c' where "c' ∈ (normalize_sort cs s)" and "class_les cs c' c"
using assms normalize_ex_bound' by auto
lemma "sort_ex cs s ⟹ sort_leq cs s (normalize_sort cs s)"
by (auto simp add: normalize_sort_def sort_leq_def sort_ex_class_ex)
lemma sort_eqv_normalize_sort:
assumes "finite s"
assumes "sort_ex cs s"
shows "sort_eqv cs s (normalize_sort cs s)"
proof (intro sort_eqvI)
show "sort_leq cs s (normalize_sort cs s)"
using assms(2) by (auto simp add: normalize_sort_def sort_leq_def sort_ex_class_ex)
show "sort_leq cs (normalize_sort cs s) s"
proof (unfold sort_leq_def; intro ballI)
fix c2 assume "c2 ∈ s"
show "∃c1 ∈ normalize_sort cs s. class_leq cs c1 c2"
proof (cases "c2 ∈ normalize_sort cs s")
case True
then show ?thesis using ‹c2 ∈ s› assms sort_ex_class_ex by fast
case False
from this obtain c' where "c' ∈ normalize_sort cs s" and "class_les cs c' c2"
using ‹c2 ∈ s› normalize_ex_bound assms by metis
then show ?thesis using class_les_def by metis
lemma normalize_sort_eq_imp_sort_eqv: "sort_ex cs s1 ⟹ sort_ex cs s2 ⟹ finite s1 ⟹ finite s2
⟹ normalize_sort cs s1 = normalize_sort cs s2
⟹ sort_eqv cs s1 s2"
by (metis sort_eqv_sym sort_eqv_trans wf_subclass_loc.sort_eqv_normalize_sort wf_subclass_loc_axioms)
lemma "class_leq cs c1 c2 ⟷ class_les cs c1 c2 ∨ (c1=c2 ∧ class_ex cs c1)"
by (meson FieldI1 class_ex_def class_leq_antisym class_leq_def class_leq_refl class_les_def)
lemma sort_eqv_imp_normalize_sort_eq:
assumes "sort_ex cs s1" "sort_ex cs s2" "sort_eqv cs s1 s2"
shows "normalize_sort cs s1 = normalize_sort cs s2"
proof (rule ccontr)
have "sort_leq cs s1 s2" "sort_leq cs s2 s1"
using assms(3) by (auto simp add: sort_eqv_def)
assume "normalize_sort cs s1 ≠ normalize_sort cs s2"
hence "¬ normalize_sort cs s1 ⊆ normalize_sort cs s2 ∨
¬ normalize_sort cs s2 ⊆ normalize_sort cs s1"
by simp
from this consider "¬ normalize_sort cs s1 ⊆ normalize_sort cs s2"
| "normalize_sort cs s1 ⊆ normalize_sort cs s2"
"¬ normalize_sort cs s2 ⊆ normalize_sort cs s1"
by blast
thus False
proof cases
case 1
from this obtain c where c: "c ∈ normalize_sort cs s1" "c ∉ normalize_sort cs s2"
by blast
from this obtain c' where c': "c' ∈ normalize_sort cs s2" "class_les cs c' c"
by (smt ‹sort_leq cs s1 s2› ‹sort_leq cs s2 s1› class_les_def mem_Collect_eq normalize_sort_def
sort_leq_def wf_subclass_loc.class_leq_antisym wf_subclass_loc.class_leq_trans wf_subclass_loc_axioms)
then show ?thesis
proof(cases "c' ∈ normalize_sort cs s1")
case True
hence "c ∉ normalize_sort cs s1"
using c c' by (auto simp add: normalize_sort_def)
then show ?thesis using c(1) by simp
case False
from False c' obtain c'' where c'': "c'' ∈ normalize_sort cs s1" "class_les cs c'' c'"
by (smt ‹sort_leq cs s1 s2› ‹sort_leq cs s2 s1› class_les_def mem_Collect_eq normalize_sort_def
sort_leq_def wf_subclass_loc.class_leq_antisym wf_subclass_loc.class_leq_trans wf_subclass_loc_axioms)
hence "class_les cs c'' c"
using c'(2) class_les_trans by blast
hence "c ∉ normalize_sort cs s1"
using c c'' by (auto simp add: normalize_sort_def)
then show ?thesis using c(1) by simp
case 2
from this obtain c where c: "c ∈ normalize_sort cs s2" "c ∉ normalize_sort cs s1"
by blast
from this obtain c' where c': "c' ∈ normalize_sort cs s1" "class_les cs c' c"
by (smt ‹sort_leq cs s1 s2› ‹sort_leq cs s2 s1› class_les_def mem_Collect_eq normalize_sort_def
sort_leq_def wf_subclass_loc.class_leq_antisym wf_subclass_loc.class_leq_trans wf_subclass_loc_axioms)
then show ?thesis
proof(cases "c' ∈ normalize_sort cs s2")
case True
hence "c ∉ normalize_sort cs s2"
using c c' by (auto simp add: normalize_sort_def)
then show ?thesis using c(1) by simp
case False
from False c' obtain c'' where c'':"c''∈ normalize_sort cs s2" "class_les cs c'' c'"
by (smt ‹sort_leq cs s1 s2› ‹sort_leq cs s2 s1› class_les_def mem_Collect_eq normalize_sort_def
sort_leq_def wf_subclass_loc.class_leq_antisym wf_subclass_loc.class_leq_trans wf_subclass_loc_axioms)
hence "class_les cs c'' c"
using c'(2) class_les_trans by blast
hence "c ∉ normalize_sort cs s2"
using c c'' by (auto simp add: normalize_sort_def)
then show ?thesis using c(1) by simp
corollary sort_eqv_iff_normalize_sort_eq:
assumes "finite s1" "finite s2"
assumes "sort_ex cs s1" "sort_ex cs s2"
shows "sort_eqv cs s1 s2 ⟷ normalize_sort cs s1 = normalize_sort cs s2"
using assms normalize_sort_eq_imp_sort_eqv sort_eqv_imp_normalize_sort_eq by blast
lemma tcsigs_sorts_defined: "wf_osig oss ⟹
(∀ars ∈ ran (tcsigs oss) . ∀ss ∈ ran ars . ∀s ∈ set ss. sort_ex (subclass oss) s)"
by (cases oss) (simp add: wf_sort_def all_normalized_and_ex_tcsigs_def)
lemma osig_subclass_loc: "wf_osig oss ⟹ wf_subclass_loc (subclass oss)"
using wf_subclass_loc.intro by (cases oss) simp
lemma wf_osig_imp_wf_subclass_loc: "wf_osig oss ⟹ wf_subclass_loc (subclass oss)"
by (cases oss) (simp add: wf_subclass_loc_def)
lemma has_sort_Tv_imp_sort_leq: "has_sort oss (Tv idn S) S' ⟹ sort_leq (subclass oss) S S'"
by (auto simp add: has_sort.simps)