Theory Core

section ‹Core Inference system›

text ‹Contains just the stuff necessary for the definition of the Inference system›

theory Core
  imports Main

text ‹Basic types ›
type_synonym name = String.literal
type_synonym indexname = "name × int"

type_synonym "class" = String.literal

type_synonym "sort" = "class set"
abbreviation "full_sort  ({}::sort)"

(* Name duplication with Fv in term, change later*)
datatype variable = Free name | Var indexname

datatype "typ" =
  is_Ty: Ty name "typ list" |
  is_Tv: Tv variable sort

datatype "term" =
  is_Ct: Ct name "typ" |
  is_Fv: Fv variable "typ" |
  is_Bv: Bv nat |
  is_Abs: Abs "typ" "term" |
  is_App: App "term" "term" (infixl "$" 100)

abbreviation "mk_fun_typ S T  Ty STR ''fun'' [S,T]" 
notation mk_fun_typ (infixr "" 100)

text ‹Collect variables in a term›

fun fv :: "term  (variable × typ) set" where
  "fv (Ct _ _) = {}"
| "fv (Fv v T) = {(v, T)}"
| "fv (Bv _) = {}"
| "fv (Abs _ body) = fv body"
| "fv (t $ u) = fv t  fv u"
definition [simp]: "FV S = (sS . fv s)"

text ‹Typ/term instantiations›

fun tsubstT :: "typ  (variable  sort  typ)  typ" where 
  "tsubstT (Tv a s) ρ = ρ a s"
| "tsubstT (Ty κ σs) ρ = Ty κ (map (λσ. tsubstT σ ρ) σs)"
definition "tinstT T1 T2  ρ. tsubstT T2 ρ = T1"

fun tsubst :: "term  (variable  sort  typ)  term" where
  "tsubst (Ct s T) ρ = Ct s (tsubstT T ρ)"
| "tsubst (Fv v T) ρ = Fv v (tsubstT T ρ)"
| "tsubst (Bv i) _ = Bv i"
| "tsubst (Abs T t) ρ = Abs (tsubstT T ρ) (tsubst t ρ)"
| "tsubst (t $ u) ρ = tsubst t ρ $ tsubst u ρ"

text ‹Typ of a term›

inductive has_typ1 :: "typ list  term  typ  bool" ("_ τ _ : _" [51, 51, 51] 51) where
  "has_typ1 _ (Ct _ T) T"
| "i < length Ts  has_typ1 Ts (Bv i) (nth Ts i)"
| "has_typ1 _ (Fv _ T) T"
| "has_typ1 (T#Ts) t T'  has_typ1 Ts (Abs T t) (T  T')"
| "has_typ1 Ts u U  has_typ1 Ts t (U  T) 
      has_typ1 Ts (t $ u) T"
definition has_typ :: "term  typ  bool" ("τ _ : _" [51, 51] 51) where "has_typ t T = has_typ1 [] t T"

definition "typ_of t = (if T . has_typ t T then Some (THE T . has_typ t T) else None)"

text‹More operations on terms›

fun lift :: "term  nat  term" where
  "lift (Bv i) n = (if i  n then Bv (i+1) else Bv i)"
| "lift (Abs T body) n = Abs T (lift body (n+1))"
| "lift (App f t) n = App (lift f n) (lift t n)"
| "lift u n = u"

fun subst_bv2 :: "term  nat  term  term" where
  "subst_bv2 (Bv i) n u = (if i < n then Bv i
    else if i = n then u
    else (Bv (i - 1)))" 
| "subst_bv2 (Abs T body) n u = Abs T (subst_bv2 body (n + 1) (lift u 0))"
| "subst_bv2 (f $ t) n u = subst_bv2 f n u $ subst_bv2 t n u"
| "subst_bv2 t _ _ = t"

definition "subst_bv u t = subst_bv2 t 0 u"

fun bind_fv2 :: "(variable × typ)  nat  term  term" where
  "bind_fv2 vT n (Fv v T) = (if vT = (v,T) then Bv n else Fv v T)"
| "bind_fv2 vT n (Abs T t) = Abs T (bind_fv2 vT (n+1) t)"
| "bind_fv2 vT n (f $ u) = bind_fv2 vT n f $ bind_fv2 vT n u"
| "bind_fv2 _ _ t = t"

definition "bind_fv vT t = bind_fv2 vT 0 t"

abbreviation "Abs_fv v T t  Abs T (bind_fv (v,T) t)"

text ‹Some typ/term constants›

abbreviation "itselfT ty  Ty STR ''itself'' [ty]"
abbreviation "constT name  Ty name []"
abbreviation "propT  constT STR ''prop''"

abbreviation "mk_eq t1 t2  Ct STR ''Pure.eq'' 
  (the (typ_of t1)  (the (typ_of t2)  propT)) $ t1 $ t2"
(* Because mk_eq works only with closed terms *)
abbreviation "mk_eq' ty t1 t2  Ct STR ''Pure.eq'' 
  (ty  (ty  propT)) $ t1 $ t2"
abbreviation mk_imp :: "term  term  term"  (infixr "" 51) where 
  "A  B  Ct STR ''Pure.imp'' (propT  (propT  propT)) $ A $ B"
abbreviation "mk_all x ty t 
  Ct STR ''Pure.all'' ((ty  propT)  propT) $ Abs_fv x ty t"

text ‹Order sorted signature›

type_synonym osig = "(class rel × (name  (class  sort list)))"

fun "subclass" :: "osig  class rel" where "subclass (cl, _) = cl"
fun tcsigs :: "osig  (name  (class  sort list))" where "tcsigs (_, ars) = ars"

text ‹Relation in sorts›

definition "class_leq sub c1 c2 = ((c1,c2)  sub)"
definition "class_les sub c1 c2 = (class_leq sub c1 c2  ¬ class_leq sub c2 c1)"
definition "sort_leq sub s1 s2 = (c2  s2 . c1  s1. class_leq sub c1 c2)"

text ‹Is a class/sort defined›

definition "class_ex rel c = (c  Field rel)"
definition "sort_ex rel S = (S  Field rel)"

text ‹Normalizing sorts›

definition "normalize_sort sub (S::sort)
  = {c  S. ¬ (c'  S. class_les sub c' c)}"
abbreviation "normalized_sort sub S  normalize_sort sub S = S"

definition "wf_sort sub S = (normalized_sort sub S  sort_ex sub S)"

text ‹Wellformedness of osig›

definition [simp]: "wf_subclass rel = (trans rel  antisym rel  Refl rel)"

definition "complete_tcsigs sub tcs  (ars  ran tcs . 
  (c1, c2)  sub . c1dom ars  c2dom ars)"

definition "coregular_tcsigs sub tcs  (ars  ran tcs .
  c1  dom ars. c2  dom ars.
    (class_leq sub c1 c2  list_all2 (sort_leq sub) (the (ars c1)) (the (ars c2))))" 

definition "consistent_length_tcsigs tcs  (ars  ran tcs . 
  ss1  ran ars. ss2  ran ars. length ss1 = length ss2)"

definition "all_normalized_and_ex_tcsigs sub tcs 
  (ars  ran tcs . ss  ran ars . s  set ss. wf_sort sub s)"

definition [simp]: "wf_tcsigs sub tcs 
    coregular_tcsigs sub tcs
   complete_tcsigs sub tcs
   consistent_length_tcsigs tcs
   all_normalized_and_ex_tcsigs sub tcs"

fun wf_osig where "wf_osig (sub, tcs)  wf_subclass sub  wf_tcsigs sub tcs"

text ‹Embedding typs into terms/Encoding of type classes›

definition "mk_type ty = Ct STR ''Pure.type'' (Core.itselfT ty)"

abbreviation "mk_suffix (str::name) suff  String.implode (String.explode str @ String.explode suff)"

abbreviation "classN  STR ''_class''"
abbreviation "const_of_class name  mk_suffix name classN"

definition "mk_of_class ty c =
  Ct (const_of_class c) (Core.itselfT ty  propT) $ mk_type ty"

text ‹Checking if a typ belongs to a sort›

inductive has_sort :: "osig  typ  sort  bool" where
  has_sort_Tv[intro]: "sort_leq sub S S'  has_sort (sub, tcs) (Tv a S) S'"
| has_sort_Ty: 
  "tcs κ = Some dm  c  S. Ss . dm c = Some Ss  list_all2 (has_sort (sub, tcs)) Ts Ss
     has_sort (sub, tcs) (Ty κ Ts) S"

text ‹Signatures ›

type_synonym signature = "(name  typ) × (name  nat) × osig"

fun const_type :: "signature  (name  typ)" where "const_type (ctf, _, _) = ctf"
fun type_arity :: "signature  (name  nat)" where "type_arity (_, arf, _) = arf"
fun osig :: "signature  osig" where "osig (_, _, oss) = oss"

(* Which typs and consts must be defined in a signature*)
fun is_std_sig where "is_std_sig (ctf, arf, _) 
    arf STR ''fun'' = Some 2  arf STR ''prop'' = Some 0 
   arf STR ''itself'' = Some 1
   ctf STR ''Pure.eq'' 
    = Some ((Tv (Var (STR '''a'', 0)) full_sort)  ((Tv (Var (STR '''a'', 0)) full_sort)  propT))
   ctf STR ''Pure.all'' = Some ((Tv (Var  (STR '''a'', 0)) full_sort  propT)  propT)
   ctf STR ''Pure.imp'' = Some (propT  (propT  propT))
   ctf STR ''Pure.type'' = Some (itselfT (Tv (Var (STR '''a'', 0)) full_sort))"

text ‹Wellformedness checks›

definition [simp]: "class_ok_sig Σ c  class_ex (subclass (osig Σ)) c"

inductive wf_type :: "signature  typ  bool" where
  typ_ok_Ty: "type_arity Σ κ = Some (length Ts)  Tset Ts . wf_type Σ T
     wf_type Σ (Ty κ Ts)"
| typ_ok_Tv[intro]: "wf_sort (subclass (osig Σ)) S  wf_type Σ (Tv a S)"

inductive wf_term :: "signature  term  bool" where
  "wf_type Σ T  wf_term Σ (Fv v T)"
| "wf_term Σ (Bv n)"
| "const_type Σ s = Some ty  wf_type Σ T  tinstT T ty  wf_term Σ (Ct s T)"
| "wf_term Σ t  wf_term Σ u  wf_term Σ (t $ u)"
| "wf_type Σ T  wf_term Σ t  wf_term Σ (Abs T t)"

definition "wt_term Σ t  wf_term Σ t  (T. has_typ t T)"

fun wf_sig :: "signature  bool" where                
  "wf_sig (ctf, arf, oss) = (wf_osig oss
   dom (tcsigs oss) = dom arf
   (type  dom (tcsigs oss). (ars  ran (the (tcsigs oss type)) . the (arf type) = length ars))
   (ty  Map.ran ctf . wf_type (ctf, arf, oss) ty))"

text ‹Theories›

type_synonym "theory" = "signature × term set"

fun sig :: "theory  signature" where "sig (Σ, _) = Σ"
fun axioms :: "theory  term set" where "axioms (_, axs) = axs"

text ‹Equality axioms, stated directly›

abbreviation "tvariable a  (Tv (Var (a, 0)) full_sort)"
abbreviation "variable x T  Fv (Var (x, 0)) T"

abbreviation "aT  tvariable STR '''a''"
abbreviation "bT  tvariable STR '''b''"
abbreviation "x  variable STR ''x'' aT"
abbreviation "y  variable STR ''y'' aT"
abbreviation "z  variable STR ''z'' aT"
abbreviation "f  variable STR ''f'' (aT  bT)"
abbreviation "g  variable STR ''g'' (aT  bT)"
abbreviation "P  variable STR ''P'' (aT  propT)"
abbreviation "Q  variable STR ''Q'' (aT  propT)"
abbreviation "A  variable STR ''A'' propT"
abbreviation "B  variable STR ''B'' propT"

definition "eq_reflexive_ax  mk_eq x x"
definition "eq_symmetric_ax  mk_eq x y  mk_eq y x"
definition "eq_transitive_ax  mk_eq x y  mk_eq y z  mk_eq x z"
definition "eq_intr_ax  (A  B)  (B  A)  mk_eq A B"
definition "eq_elim_ax  mk_eq A B  A  B"
definition "eq_combination_ax  mk_eq f g  mk_eq x y  mk_eq (f $ x) (g $ y)"
definition "eq_abstract_rule_ax  
      (Ct STR ''Pure.all'' ((aT  propT)  propT) $ Abs aT (mk_eq' bT (f $ Bv 0) (g $ Bv 0)))
   mk_eq (Abs aT (f $ Bv 0)) (Abs aT (g $ Bv 0))"

hide_const (open) x y z f g P Q A B

abbreviation "eq_axs  {eq_reflexive_ax, eq_symmetric_ax, eq_transitive_ax, eq_intr_ax, eq_elim_ax,
  eq_combination_ax, eq_abstract_rule_ax}"

text‹Wellformedness of theories›

fun wf_theory where "wf_theory (Σ, axs) 
    (p  axs . wt_term Σ p  has_typ p propT)
   is_std_sig Σ 
   wf_sig Σ
   eq_axs  axs"

text‹Wellformedness of typ antiations›

definition [simp]: "wf_inst Θ ρ  
  (v S . ρ v S  Tv v S 
    (has_sort (osig (sig Θ)) (ρ v S) S)  wf_type (sig Θ) (ρ v S))"

text‹Inference system›

inductive proves :: "theory  term set  term  bool" ("(_,_)  (_)" 50) for Θ where
  axiom: "wf_theory Θ  Aaxioms Θ  wf_inst Θ ρ
   Θ, Γ  tsubst A ρ"
| "assume": "wf_term (sig Θ) A  has_typ A propT  A  Γ  Θ,Γ  A"
| forall_intro: "wf_theory Θ  Θ, Γ  B  (x,τ)  FV Γ  wf_type (sig Θ)  τ
   Θ, Γ  mk_all x τ B"
| forall_elim: "Θ, Γ  Ct STR ''Pure.all'' ((τ  propT)  propT) $ Abs τ B
   has_typ a τ  wf_term (sig Θ) a
   Θ, Γ  subst_bv a B"
| implies_intro: "wf_theory Θ  Θ, Γ  B  wf_term (sig Θ) A  has_typ A propT 
   Θ, Γ - {A}  A  B"
| implies_elim: "Θ, Γ1  A  B  Θ, Γ2  A  Θ, Γ1Γ2  B"
| of_class: "wf_theory Θ
   const_type (sig Θ) (const_of_class c) = Some (Core.itselfT aT  propT)
   wf_type (sig Θ) T
   has_sort (osig (sig Θ)) T {c}
   Θ, Γ  mk_of_class T c"
(* Stuff about equality that cannot be expressed as an axiom*)
| β_conversion: "wf_theory Θ  wt_term (sig Θ) (Abs T t)  wf_term (sig Θ) u  has_typ u T 
   Θ, Γ  mk_eq (Abs T t $ u) (subst_bv u t)"
| eta: "wf_theory Θ  wf_term (sig Θ) t  has_typ t (τ  τ')
   Θ, Γ  mk_eq (Abs τ (t $ Bv 0)) t"

text‹Ensure no garbage in Θ,Γ›

definition proves' :: "theory  term set  term  bool" ("(_,_)  (_)" 51) where
  "proves' Θ Γ t  wf_theory Θ  (h  Γ . wf_term (sig Θ) h  has_typ h propT)  Θ, Γ  t"

hide_const (open) aT bT
