Theory HOL.Fun_Def
section ‹Function Definitions and Termination Proofs›
theory Fun_Def
imports Basic_BNF_LFPs Partial_Function SAT
"function" "termination" :: thy_goal_defn and
"fun" "fun_cases" :: thy_defn
subsection ‹Definitions with default value›
definition THE_default :: "'a ⇒ ('a ⇒ bool) ⇒ 'a"
where "THE_default d P = (if (∃!x. P x) then (THE x. P x) else d)"
lemma THE_defaultI': "∃!x. P x ⟹ P (THE_default d P)"
by (simp add: theI' THE_default_def)
lemma THE_default1_equality: "∃!x. P x ⟹ P a ⟹ THE_default d P = a"
by (simp add: the1_equality THE_default_def)
lemma THE_default_none: "¬ (∃!x. P x) ⟹ THE_default d P = d"
by (simp add: THE_default_def)
lemma fundef_ex1_existence:
assumes f_def: "f ≡ (λx::'a. THE_default (d x) (λy. G x y))"
assumes ex1: "∃!y. G x y"
shows "G x (f x)"
apply (simp only: f_def)
apply (rule THE_defaultI')
apply (rule ex1)
lemma fundef_ex1_uniqueness:
assumes f_def: "f ≡ (λx::'a. THE_default (d x) (λy. G x y))"
assumes ex1: "∃!y. G x y"
assumes elm: "G x (h x)"
shows "h x = f x"
by (auto simp add: f_def ex1 elm THE_default1_equality[symmetric])
lemma fundef_ex1_iff:
assumes f_def: "f ≡ (λx::'a. THE_default (d x) (λy. G x y))"
assumes ex1: "∃!y. G x y"
shows "(G x y) = (f x = y)"
by (auto simp add: ex1 f_def THE_default1_equality THE_defaultI')
lemma fundef_default_value:
assumes f_def: "f ≡ (λx::'a. THE_default (d x) (λy. G x y))"
assumes graph: "⋀x y. G x y ⟹ D x"
assumes "¬ D x"
shows "f x = d x"
proof -
have "¬(∃y. G x y)"
assume "∃y. G x y"
then have "D x" using graph ..
with ‹¬ D x› show False ..
then have "¬(∃!y. G x y)" by blast
then show ?thesis
unfolding f_def by (rule THE_default_none)
definition in_rel_def[simp]: "in_rel R x y ≡ (x, y) ∈ R"
lemma wf_in_rel: "wf R ⟹ wfP (in_rel R)"
by (simp add: wfP_def)
ML_file ‹Tools/Function/function_core.ML›
ML_file ‹Tools/Function/mutual.ML›
ML_file ‹Tools/Function/pattern_split.ML›
ML_file ‹Tools/Function/relation.ML›
ML_file ‹Tools/Function/function_elims.ML›
method_setup relation = ‹
Args.term >> (fn t => fn ctxt => SIMPLE_METHOD' (Function_Relation.relation_infer_tac ctxt t))
› "prove termination using a user-specified wellfounded relation"
ML_file ‹Tools/Function/function.ML›
ML_file ‹Tools/Function/pat_completeness.ML›
method_setup pat_completeness = ‹
Scan.succeed (SIMPLE_METHOD' o Pat_Completeness.pat_completeness_tac)
› "prove completeness of (co)datatype patterns"
ML_file ‹Tools/Function/fun.ML›
ML_file ‹Tools/Function/induction_schema.ML›
method_setup induction_schema = ‹
Scan.succeed (CONTEXT_TACTIC oo Induction_Schema.induction_schema_tac)
› "prove an induction principle"
subsection ‹Measure functions›
inductive is_measure :: "('a ⇒ nat) ⇒ bool"
where is_measure_trivial: "is_measure f"
named_theorems measure_function "rules that guide the heuristic generation of measure functions"
ML_file ‹Tools/Function/measure_functions.ML›
lemma measure_size[measure_function]: "is_measure size"
by (rule is_measure_trivial)
lemma measure_fst[measure_function]: "is_measure f ⟹ is_measure (λp. f (fst p))"
by (rule is_measure_trivial)
lemma measure_snd[measure_function]: "is_measure f ⟹ is_measure (λp. f (snd p))"
by (rule is_measure_trivial)
ML_file ‹Tools/Function/lexicographic_order.ML›
method_setup lexicographic_order = ‹
Method.sections clasimp_modifiers >>
(K (SIMPLE_METHOD o Lexicographic_Order.lexicographic_order_tac false))
› "termination prover for lexicographic orderings"
subsection ‹Congruence rules›
lemma let_cong [fundef_cong]: "M = N ⟹ (⋀x. x = N ⟹ f x = g x) ⟹ Let M f = Let N g"
unfolding Let_def by blast
lemmas [fundef_cong] =
if_cong image_cong
bex_cong ball_cong imp_cong map_option_cong Option.bind_cong
lemma split_cong [fundef_cong]:
"(⋀x y. (x, y) = q ⟹ f x y = g x y) ⟹ p = q ⟹ case_prod f p = case_prod g q"
by (auto simp: split_def)
lemma comp_cong [fundef_cong]: "f (g x) = f' (g' x') ⟹ (f ∘ g) x = (f' ∘ g') x'"
by (simp only: o_apply)
subsection ‹Simp rules for termination proofs›
lemma size_prod_simp[termination_simp]: "size_prod f g p = f (fst p) + g (snd p) + Suc 0"
by (induct p) auto
subsection ‹Decomposition›
lemma less_by_empty: "A = {} ⟹ A ⊆ B"
and union_comp_emptyL: "A O C = {} ⟹ B O C = {} ⟹ (A ∪ B) O C = {}"
and union_comp_emptyR: "A O B = {} ⟹ A O C = {} ⟹ A O (B ∪ C) = {}"
and wf_no_loop: "R O R = {} ⟹ wf R"
by (auto simp add: wf_comp_self [of R])
subsection ‹Reduction pairs›
definition "reduction_pair P ⟷ wf (fst P) ∧ fst P O snd P ⊆ fst P"
lemma reduction_pairI[intro]: "wf R ⟹ R O S ⊆ R ⟹ reduction_pair (R, S)"
by (auto simp: reduction_pair_def)
lemma reduction_pair_lemma:
assumes rp: "reduction_pair P"
assumes "R ⊆ fst P"
assumes "S ⊆ snd P"
assumes "wf S"
shows "wf (R ∪ S)"
proof -
from rp ‹S ⊆ snd P› have "wf (fst P)" "fst P O S ⊆ fst P"
unfolding reduction_pair_def by auto
with ‹wf S› have "wf (fst P ∪ S)"
by (auto intro: wf_union_compatible)
moreover from ‹R ⊆ fst P› have "R ∪ S ⊆ fst P ∪ S" by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by (rule wf_subset)
definition "rp_inv_image = (λ(R,S) f. (inv_image R f, inv_image S f))"
lemma rp_inv_image_rp: "reduction_pair P ⟹ reduction_pair (rp_inv_image P f)"
unfolding reduction_pair_def rp_inv_image_def split_def by force
subsection ‹Concrete orders for SCNP termination proofs›
definition "pair_less = less_than <*lex*> less_than"
definition "pair_leq = pair_less⇧="
definition "max_strict = max_ext pair_less"
definition "max_weak = max_ext pair_leq ∪ {({}, {})}"
definition "min_strict = min_ext pair_less"
definition "min_weak = min_ext pair_leq ∪ {({}, {})}"
lemma wf_pair_less[simp]: "wf pair_less"
by (auto simp: pair_less_def)
lemma total_pair_less [iff]: "total_on A pair_less" and trans_pair_less [iff]: "trans pair_less"
by (auto simp: total_on_def pair_less_def)
text ‹Introduction rules for ‹pair_less›/‹pair_leq››
lemma pair_leqI1: "a < b ⟹ ((a, s), (b, t)) ∈ pair_leq"
and pair_leqI2: "a ≤ b ⟹ s ≤ t ⟹ ((a, s), (b, t)) ∈ pair_leq"
and pair_lessI1: "a < b ⟹ ((a, s), (b, t)) ∈ pair_less"
and pair_lessI2: "a ≤ b ⟹ s < t ⟹ ((a, s), (b, t)) ∈ pair_less"
by (auto simp: pair_leq_def pair_less_def)
lemma pair_less_iff1 [simp]: "((x,y), (x,z)) ∈ pair_less ⟷ y<z"
by (simp add: pair_less_def)
text ‹Introduction rules for max›
lemma smax_emptyI: "finite Y ⟹ Y ≠ {} ⟹ ({}, Y) ∈ max_strict"
and smax_insertI:
"y ∈ Y ⟹ (x, y) ∈ pair_less ⟹ (X, Y) ∈ max_strict ⟹ (insert x X, Y) ∈ max_strict"
and wmax_emptyI: "finite X ⟹ ({}, X) ∈ max_weak"
and wmax_insertI:
"y ∈ YS ⟹ (x, y) ∈ pair_leq ⟹ (XS, YS) ∈ max_weak ⟹ (insert x XS, YS) ∈ max_weak"
by (auto simp: max_strict_def max_weak_def elim!: max_ext.cases)
text ‹Introduction rules for min›
lemma smin_emptyI: "X ≠ {} ⟹ (X, {}) ∈ min_strict"
and smin_insertI:
"x ∈ XS ⟹ (x, y) ∈ pair_less ⟹ (XS, YS) ∈ min_strict ⟹ (XS, insert y YS) ∈ min_strict"
and wmin_emptyI: "(X, {}) ∈ min_weak"
and wmin_insertI:
"x ∈ XS ⟹ (x, y) ∈ pair_leq ⟹ (XS, YS) ∈ min_weak ⟹ (XS, insert y YS) ∈ min_weak"
by (auto simp: min_strict_def min_weak_def min_ext_def)
text ‹Reduction Pairs.›
lemma max_ext_compat:
assumes "R O S ⊆ R"
shows "max_ext R O (max_ext S ∪ {({}, {})}) ⊆ max_ext R"
proof -
have "⋀X Y Z. (X, Y) ∈ max_ext R ⟹ (Y, Z) ∈ max_ext S ⟹ (X, Z) ∈ max_ext R"
proof -
fix X Y Z
assume "(X,Y)∈max_ext R"
"(Y, Z)∈max_ext S"
then have *: "finite X" "finite Y" "finite Z" "Y≠{}" "Z≠{}"
"(⋀x. x∈X ⟹ ∃y∈Y. (x, y)∈R)"
"(⋀y. y∈Y ⟹ ∃z∈Z. (y, z)∈S)"
by (auto elim: max_ext.cases)
moreover have "⋀x. x∈X ⟹ ∃z∈Z. (x, z)∈R"
proof -
fix x
assume "x∈X"
then obtain y where 1: "y∈Y" "(x, y)∈R"
using * by auto
then obtain z where "z∈Z" "(y, z)∈S"
using * by auto
then show "∃z∈Z. (x, z)∈R"
using assms 1 by (auto elim: max_ext.cases)
ultimately show "(X,Z)∈max_ext R"
by auto
then show "max_ext R O (max_ext S ∪ {({}, {})}) ⊆ max_ext R"
by auto
lemma max_rpair_set: "reduction_pair (max_strict, max_weak)"
unfolding max_strict_def max_weak_def
apply (intro reduction_pairI max_ext_wf)
apply simp
apply (rule max_ext_compat)
apply (auto simp: pair_less_def pair_leq_def)
lemma min_ext_compat:
assumes "R O S ⊆ R"
shows "min_ext R O (min_ext S ∪ {({},{})}) ⊆ min_ext R"
proof -
have "⋀X Y Z z. ∀y∈Y. ∃x∈X. (x, y) ∈ R ⟹ ∀z∈Z. ∃y∈Y. (y, z) ∈ S
⟹ z ∈ Z ⟹ ∃x∈X. (x, z) ∈ R"
proof -
fix X Y Z z
assume *: "∀y∈Y. ∃x∈X. (x, y) ∈ R"
"∀z∈Z. ∃y∈Y. (y, z) ∈ S"
then obtain y' where 1: "y'∈Y" "(y', z) ∈ S"
by auto
then obtain x' where 2: "x'∈X" "(x', y') ∈ R"
using * by auto
show "∃x∈X. (x, z) ∈ R"
using 1 2 assms by auto
then show ?thesis
using assms by (auto simp: min_ext_def)
lemma min_rpair_set: "reduction_pair (min_strict, min_weak)"
unfolding min_strict_def min_weak_def
apply (intro reduction_pairI min_ext_wf)
apply simp
apply (rule min_ext_compat)
apply (auto simp: pair_less_def pair_leq_def)
subsection ‹Yet more induction principles on the natural numbers›
lemma nat_descend_induct [case_names base descend]:
fixes P :: "nat ⇒ bool"
assumes H1: "⋀k. k > n ⟹ P k"
assumes H2: "⋀k. k ≤ n ⟹ (⋀i. i > k ⟹ P i) ⟹ P k"
shows "P m"
using assms by induction_schema (force intro!: wf_measure [of "λk. Suc n - k"])+
lemma induct_nat_012[case_names 0 1 ge2]:
"P 0 ⟹ P (Suc 0) ⟹ (⋀n. P n ⟹ P (Suc n) ⟹ P (Suc (Suc n))) ⟹ P n"
proof (induction_schema, pat_completeness)
show "wf (Wellfounded.measure id)"
by simp
qed auto
subsection ‹Tool setup›
ML_file ‹Tools/Function/termination.ML›
ML_file ‹Tools/Function/scnp_solve.ML›
ML_file ‹Tools/Function/scnp_reconstruct.ML›
ML_file ‹Tools/Function/fun_cases.ML›
Context.theory_map (Function_Common.set_termination_prover
(K (ScnpReconstruct.decomp_scnp_tac [ScnpSolve.MAX, ScnpSolve.MIN, ScnpSolve.MS])))