Theory MFMC_Flow_Attainability
theory MFMC_Flow_Attainability imports
section ‹Attainability of flows in networks›
subsection ‹Cleaning up flows›
text ‹If there is a flow along antiparallel edges, it suffices to consider the difference.›
definition cleanup :: "'a flow ⇒ 'a flow"
where "cleanup f = (λ(a, b). if f (a, b) > f (b, a) then f (a, b) - f (b, a) else 0)"
lemma cleanup_simps [simp]:
"cleanup f (a, b) = (if f (a, b) > f (b, a) then f (a, b) - f (b, a) else 0)"
by(simp add: cleanup_def)
lemma value_flow_cleanup:
assumes [simp]: "⋀x. f (x, source Δ) = 0"
shows "value_flow Δ (cleanup f) = value_flow Δ f"
unfolding d_OUT_def
by (auto simp add: not_less intro!: nn_integral_cong intro: antisym)
lemma KIR_cleanup:
assumes KIR: "KIR f x"
and finite_IN: "d_IN f x ≠ ⊤"
shows "KIR (cleanup f) x"
proof -
from finite_IN KIR have finite_OUT: "d_OUT f x ≠ ⊤" by simp
have finite_IN: "(∑⇧+ y∈A. f (y, x)) ≠ ⊤" for A
using finite_IN by(rule neq_top_trans)(auto simp add: d_IN_def nn_integral_count_space_indicator intro!: nn_integral_mono split: split_indicator)
have finite_OUT: "(∑⇧+ y∈A. f (x, y)) ≠ ⊤" for A
using finite_OUT by(rule neq_top_trans)(auto simp add: d_OUT_def nn_integral_count_space_indicator intro!: nn_integral_mono split: split_indicator)
have finite_in: "f (x, y) ≠ ⊤" for y using ‹d_OUT f x ≠ ⊤›
by(rule neq_top_trans) (rule d_OUT_ge_point)
let ?M = "{y. f (x, y) > f (y, x)}"
have "d_OUT (cleanup f) x = (∑⇧+ y∈?M. f (x, y) - f (y, x))"
by(auto simp add: d_OUT_def nn_integral_count_space_indicator intro!: nn_integral_cong)
also have "… = (∑⇧+ y∈?M. f (x, y)) - (∑⇧+ y∈?M. f (y, x))" using finite_IN
by(subst nn_integral_diff)(auto simp add: AE_count_space)
also have "… = (d_OUT f x - (∑⇧+ y∈{y. f (x, y) ≤ f (y, x)}. f (x, y))) - (∑⇧+ y∈?M. f (y, x))"
unfolding d_OUT_def d_IN_def using finite_IN finite_OUT
apply(simp add: nn_integral_count_space_indicator)
apply(subst (2) nn_integral_diff[symmetric])
apply(auto simp add: AE_count_space finite_in split: split_indicator intro!: arg_cong2[where f="(-)"] intro!: nn_integral_cong)
also have "… = (d_IN f x - (∑⇧+ y∈?M. f (y, x))) - (∑⇧+ y∈{y. f (x, y) ≤ f (y, x)}. f (x, y))"
using KIR by(simp add: diff_diff_commute_ennreal)
also have "… = (∑⇧+ y∈{y. f (x, y) ≤ f (y, x)}. f (y, x)) - (∑⇧+ y∈{y. f (x, y) ≤ f (y, x)}. f (x, y))"
using finite_IN finite_IN[of "{ _ }"]
apply(simp add: d_IN_def nn_integral_count_space_indicator)
apply(subst nn_integral_diff[symmetric])
apply(auto simp add: d_IN_def AE_count_space split: split_indicator intro!: arg_cong2[where f="(-)"] intro!: nn_integral_cong)
also have "… = (∑⇧+ y∈{y. f (x, y) ≤ f (y, x)}. f (y, x) - f (x, y))" using finite_OUT
by(subst nn_integral_diff)(auto simp add: AE_count_space)
also have "… = d_IN (cleanup f) x" using finite_in
by(auto simp add: d_IN_def nn_integral_count_space_indicator intro!: ennreal_diff_self nn_integral_cong split: split_indicator)
finally show "KIR (cleanup f) x" .
locale flow_attainability = countable_network Δ
for Δ :: "('v, 'more) network_scheme" (structure)
assumes finite_capacity: "⋀x. x ≠ sink Δ ⟹ d_IN (capacity Δ) x ≠ ⊤ ∨ d_OUT (capacity Δ) x ≠ ⊤"
and no_loop: "⋀x. ¬ edge Δ x x"
and source_in: "⋀x. ¬ edge Δ x (source Δ)"
lemma source_in_not_cycle:
assumes "cycle Δ p"
shows "(x, source Δ) ∉ set (cycle_edges p)"
using cycle_edges_edges[OF assms] source_in[of x] by(auto)
lemma source_out_not_cycle:
"cycle Δ p ⟹ (source Δ, x) ∉ set (cycle_edges p)"
by(auto dest: cycle_leave_ex_enter source_in_not_cycle)
lemma flowD_source_IN:
assumes "flow Δ f"
shows "d_IN f (source Δ) = 0"
proof -
have "d_IN f (source Δ) = (∑⇧+ y∈❙I❙N (source Δ). f (y, source Δ))"
by(rule d_IN_alt_def)(simp add: flowD_outside[OF assms])
also have "… = (∑⇧+ y∈❙I❙N (source Δ). 0)"
by(rule nn_integral_cong)(simp add: source_in incoming_def)
finally show ?thesis by simp
lemma flowD_finite_IN:
assumes f: "flow Δ f" and x: "x ≠ sink Δ"
shows "d_IN f x ≠ top"
proof(cases "x = source Δ")
case True thus ?thesis by(simp add: flowD_source_IN[OF f])
case False
from finite_capacity[OF x] show ?thesis
assume *: "d_IN (capacity Δ) x ≠ ⊤"
from flowD_capacity[OF f] have "d_IN f x ≤ d_IN (capacity Δ) x" by(rule d_IN_mono)
also have "… < ⊤" using * by (simp add: less_top)
finally show ?thesis by simp
assume *: "d_OUT (capacity Δ) x ≠ ⊤"
have "d_IN f x = d_OUT f x" using flowD_KIR[OF f False x] by simp
also have "… ≤ d_OUT (capacity Δ) x" using flowD_capacity[OF f] by(rule d_OUT_mono)
also have "… < ⊤" using * by (simp add: less_top)
finally show ?thesis by simp
lemma flowD_finite_OUT:
assumes "flow Δ f" "x ≠ source Δ" "x ≠ sink Δ"
shows "d_OUT f x ≠ ⊤"
using flowD_KIR[OF assms] assms by(simp add: flowD_finite_IN)
locale flow_network = flow_attainability
fixes g :: "'v flow"
assumes g: "flow Δ g"
and g_finite: "value_flow Δ g ≠ ⊤"
and nontrivial: "❙V - {source Δ, sink Δ} ≠ {}"
lemma g_outside: "e ∉ ❙E ⟹ g e = 0"
by(rule flowD_outside)(rule g)
lemma g_loop [simp]: "g (x, x) = 0"
by(rule g_outside)(simp add: no_loop)
lemma finite_IN_g: "x ≠ sink Δ ⟹ d_IN g x ≠ top"
by(rule flowD_finite_IN[OF g])
lemma finite_OUT_g:
assumes "x ≠ sink Δ"
shows "d_OUT g x ≠ top"
proof(cases "x = source Δ")
case True
with g_finite show ?thesis by simp
case False
with g have "KIR g x" using assms by(auto dest: flowD_KIR)
with finite_IN_g[of x] False assms show ?thesis by(simp)
lemma g_source_in [simp]: "g (x, source Δ) = 0"
by(rule g_outside)(simp add: source_in)
lemma finite_g [simp]: "g e ≠ top"
by(rule flowD_finite[OF g])
definition enum_v :: "nat ⇒ 'v"
where "enum_v n = from_nat_into (❙V - {source Δ, sink Δ}) (fst (prod_decode n))"
lemma range_enum_v: "range enum_v ⊆ ❙V - {source Δ, sink Δ}"
using from_nat_into[OF nontrivial] by(auto simp add: enum_v_def)
lemma enum_v_repeat:
assumes x: "x ∈ ❙V" "x ≠ source Δ" "x ≠ sink Δ"
shows "∃i'>i. enum_v i' = x"
proof -
let ?V = "❙V - {source Δ, sink Δ}"
let ?n = "to_nat_on ?V x"
let ?A = "{?n} × (UNIV :: nat set)"
from x have x': "x ∈ ❙V - {source Δ, sink Δ}" by simp
have "infinite ?A" by(auto dest: finite_cartesian_productD2)
hence "infinite (prod_encode ` ?A)" by(auto dest: finite_imageD simp add: inj_prod_encode)
then obtain i' where "i' > i" "i' ∈ prod_encode ` ?A"
unfolding infinite_nat_iff_unbounded by blast
from this(2) have "enum_v i' = x" using x by(clarsimp simp add: enum_v_def)
with ‹i' > i› show ?thesis by blast
fun h_plus :: "nat ⇒ 'v edge ⇒ ennreal"
"h_plus 0 (x, y) = (if x = source Δ then g (x, y) else 0)"
| "h_plus (Suc i) (x, y) =
(if enum_v (Suc i) = x ∧ d_OUT (h_plus i) x < d_IN (h_plus i) x then
let total = d_IN (h_plus i) x - d_OUT (h_plus i) x;
share = g (x, y) - h_plus i (x, y);
shares = d_OUT g x - d_OUT (h_plus i) x
in h_plus i (x, y) + share * total / shares
else h_plus i (x, y))"
lemma h_plus_le_g: "h_plus i e ≤ g e"
proof(induction i arbitrary: e and e)
case 0 thus ?case by(cases e) simp
case (Suc i)
{ fix x y
assume enum: "x = enum_v (Suc i)"
assume less: "d_OUT (h_plus i) x < d_IN (h_plus i) x"
from enum have x: "x ≠ source Δ" "x ≠ sink Δ" using range_enum_v
by(auto dest: sym intro: rev_image_eqI)
define share where "share = g (x, y) - h_plus i (x, y)"
define shares where "shares = d_OUT g x - d_OUT (h_plus i) x"
define total where "total = d_IN (h_plus i) x - d_OUT (h_plus i) x"
let ?h = "h_plus i (x, y) + share * total / shares"
have "d_OUT (h_plus i) x ≤ d_OUT g x" by(rule d_OUT_mono)(rule Suc.IH)
also have "… < top" using finite_OUT_g[of x] x by (simp add: less_top)
finally have "d_OUT (h_plus i) x ≠ ⊤" by simp
then have shares_eq: "shares = (∑⇧+ y. g (x, y) - h_plus i (x, y))" unfolding shares_def d_OUT_def
by(subst nn_integral_diff)(simp_all add: AE_count_space Suc.IH)
have *: "share / shares ≤ 1"
proof (cases "share = 0")
case True thus ?thesis by(simp)
case False
hence "share > 0" using ‹h_plus i (x, y) ≤ g _›
by(simp add: share_def dual_order.strict_iff_order)
moreover have "share ≤ shares" unfolding share_def shares_eq by(rule nn_integral_ge_point)simp
ultimately show ?thesis by(simp add: divide_le_posI_ennreal)
note shares_def
also have "d_OUT g x = d_IN g x" by(rule flowD_KIR[OF g x])
also have "d_IN (h_plus i) x ≤ d_IN g x" by(rule d_IN_mono)(rule Suc.IH)
ultimately have *: "total ≤ shares" unfolding total_def by(simp add: ennreal_minus_mono)
moreover have "total > 0" unfolding total_def using less by (clarsimp simp add: diff_gr0_ennreal)
ultimately have "total / shares ≤ 1" by(intro divide_le_posI_ennreal)(simp_all)
hence "share * (total / shares) ≤ share * 1"
by(rule mult_left_mono) simp
hence "?h ≤ h_plus i (x, y) + share" by(simp add: ennreal_times_divide add_mono)
also have "… = g (x, y)" unfolding share_def using ‹h_plus i (x, y) ≤ g _› finite_g[of "(x, y)"]
by simp
note calculation }
note * = this
show ?case using Suc.IH * by(cases e) clarsimp
lemma h_plus_outside: "e ∉ ❙E ⟹ h_plus i e = 0"
by (metis g_outside h_plus_le_g le_zero_eq)
lemma h_plus_not_infty [simp]: "h_plus i e ≠ top"
using h_plus_le_g[of i e] by (auto simp: top_unique)
lemma h_plus_mono: "h_plus i e ≤ h_plus (Suc i) e"
proof(cases e)
case [simp]: (Pair x y)
{ assume "d_OUT (h_plus i) x < d_IN (h_plus i) x"
hence "h_plus i (x, y) + 0 ≤ h_plus i (x, y) + (g (x, y) - h_plus i (x, y)) * (d_IN (h_plus i) x - d_OUT (h_plus i) x) / (d_OUT g x - d_OUT (h_plus i) x)"
by(intro add_left_mono d_OUT_mono le_funI) (simp_all add: h_plus_le_g) }
then show ?thesis by clarsimp
lemma h_plus_mono': "i ≤ j ⟹ h_plus i e ≤ h_plus j e"
by(induction rule: dec_induct)(auto intro: h_plus_mono order_trans)
lemma d_OUT_h_plus_not_infty': "x ≠ sink Δ ⟹ d_OUT (h_plus i) x ≠ top"
using d_OUT_mono[of "h_plus i" x g, OF h_plus_le_g] finite_OUT_g[of x] by (auto simp: top_unique)
lemma h_plus_OUT_le_IN:
assumes "x ≠ source Δ"
shows "d_OUT (h_plus i) x ≤ d_IN (h_plus i) x"
proof(induction i)
case 0
thus ?case using assms by(simp add: d_OUT_def)
case (Suc i)
have "d_OUT (h_plus (Suc i)) x ≤ d_IN (h_plus i) x"
proof(cases "enum_v (Suc i) = x ∧ d_OUT (h_plus i) x < d_IN (h_plus i) x")
case False
thus ?thesis using Suc.IH by(simp add: d_OUT_def cong: conj_cong)
case True
hence x: "x ≠ sink Δ" and le: "d_OUT (h_plus i) x < d_IN (h_plus i) x" using range_enum_v by auto
let ?r = "λy. (g (x, y) - h_plus i (x, y)) * (d_IN (h_plus i) x - d_OUT (h_plus i) x) / (d_OUT g x - d_OUT (h_plus i) x)"
have "d_OUT (h_plus (Suc i)) x = d_OUT (h_plus i) x + (∑⇧+ y. ?r y)"
using True unfolding d_OUT_def h_plus.simps by(simp add: AE_count_space nn_integral_add)
also from True have "x ≠ source Δ" "x ≠ sink Δ" using range_enum_v by auto
from flowD_KIR[OF g this] le d_IN_mono[of "h_plus i" x g, OF h_plus_le_g]
have le': "d_OUT (h_plus i) x < d_OUT g x" by(simp)
then have "(∑⇧+ y. ?r y) =
(d_IN (h_plus i) x - d_OUT (h_plus i) x) * ((∑⇧+ y. g (x, y) - h_plus i (x, y)) / (d_OUT g x - d_OUT (h_plus i) x))"
by(subst mult.commute, subst ennreal_times_divide[symmetric])
(simp add: nn_integral_cmult nn_integral_divide Suc.IH diff_gr0_ennreal)
also have "(∑⇧+ y. g (x, y) - h_plus i (x, y)) = d_OUT g x - d_OUT (h_plus i) x" using x
by(subst nn_integral_diff)(simp_all add: d_OUT_def[symmetric] h_plus_le_g d_OUT_h_plus_not_infty')
also have "… / … = 1" using le' finite_OUT_g[of x] x
by(auto intro!: ennreal_divide_self dest: diff_gr0_ennreal simp: less_top[symmetric])
also have "d_OUT (h_plus i) x + (d_IN (h_plus i) x - d_OUT (h_plus i) x) * 1 = d_IN (h_plus i) x" using x
by (simp add: Suc)
finally show ?thesis by simp
also have "… ≤ d_IN (h_plus (Suc i)) x" by(rule d_IN_mono)(rule h_plus_mono)
finally show ?case .
lemma h_plus_OUT_eq_IN:
assumes enum: "enum_v (Suc i) = x"
shows "d_OUT (h_plus (Suc i)) x = d_IN (h_plus i) x"
proof(cases "d_OUT (h_plus i) x < d_IN (h_plus i) x")
case False
from enum have "x ≠ source Δ" using range_enum_v by auto
from h_plus_OUT_le_IN[OF this, of i] False have "d_OUT (h_plus i) x = d_IN (h_plus i) x" by auto
with False enum show ?thesis by(simp add: d_OUT_def)
case True
from enum have x: "x ≠ source Δ" and sink: "x ≠ sink Δ" using range_enum_v by auto
let ?r = "λy. (g (x, y) - h_plus i (x, y)) * (d_IN (h_plus i) x - d_OUT (h_plus i) x) / (d_OUT g x - d_OUT (h_plus i) x)"
have "d_OUT (h_plus (Suc i)) x = d_OUT (h_plus i) x + (∑⇧+ y. ?r y)"
using True enum unfolding d_OUT_def h_plus.simps by(simp add: AE_count_space nn_integral_add)
also from True enum have "x ≠ source Δ" "x ≠ sink Δ" using range_enum_v by auto
from flowD_KIR[OF g this] True d_IN_mono[of "h_plus i" x g, OF h_plus_le_g]
have le': "d_OUT (h_plus i) x < d_OUT g x" by(simp)
then have "(∑⇧+ y. ?r y ) =
(d_IN (h_plus i) x - d_OUT (h_plus i) x) * ((∑⇧+ y. g (x, y) - h_plus i (x, y)) / (d_OUT g x - d_OUT (h_plus i) x))"
by(subst mult.commute, subst ennreal_times_divide[symmetric])
(simp add: nn_integral_cmult nn_integral_divide h_plus_OUT_le_IN[OF x] diff_gr0_ennreal)
also have "(∑⇧+ y. g (x, y) - h_plus i (x, y)) = d_OUT g x - d_OUT (h_plus i) x" using sink
by(subst nn_integral_diff)(simp_all add: d_OUT_def[symmetric] h_plus_le_g d_OUT_h_plus_not_infty')
also have "… / … = 1" using le' finite_OUT_g[of x] sink
by(auto intro!: ennreal_divide_self dest: diff_gr0_ennreal simp: less_top[symmetric])
also have "d_OUT (h_plus i) x + (d_IN (h_plus i) x - d_OUT (h_plus i) x) * 1 = d_IN (h_plus i) x" using sink
by (simp add: h_plus_OUT_le_IN x)
finally show ?thesis .
lemma h_plus_source_in [simp]: "h_plus i (x, source Δ) = 0"
by(induction i)simp_all
lemma h_plus_sum_finite: "(∑⇧+ e. h_plus i e) ≠ top"
proof(induction i)
case 0
have "(∑⇧+ e∈UNIV. h_plus 0 e) = (∑⇧+ (x, y). h_plus 0 (x, y))"
by(simp del: h_plus.simps)
also have "… = (∑⇧+ (x, y)∈range (Pair (source Δ)). h_plus 0 (x, y))"
by(auto simp add: nn_integral_count_space_indicator intro!: nn_integral_cong)
also have "… = value_flow Δ g" by(simp add: d_OUT_def nn_integral_count_space_reindex)
also have "… < ⊤" using g_finite by (simp add: less_top)
finally show ?case by simp
case (Suc i)
define xi where "xi = enum_v (Suc i)"
then have xi: "xi ≠ source Δ" "xi ≠ sink Δ" using range_enum_v by auto
show ?case
proof(cases "d_OUT (h_plus i) xi < d_IN (h_plus i) xi")
case False
hence "(∑⇧+ e∈UNIV. h_plus (Suc i) e) = (∑⇧+ e. h_plus i e)"
by(auto intro!: nn_integral_cong simp add: xi_def)
with Suc.IH show ?thesis by simp
case True
have less: "d_OUT (h_plus i) xi < d_OUT g xi"
using True flowD_KIR[OF g xi] d_IN_mono[of "h_plus i" xi, OF h_plus_le_g]
by simp
have "(∑⇧+ e. h_plus (Suc i) e) =
(∑⇧+ e∈UNIV. h_plus i e) + (∑⇧+ (x, y). ((g (x, y) - h_plus i (x, y)) * (d_IN (h_plus i) x - d_OUT (h_plus i) x) / (d_OUT g x - d_OUT (h_plus i) x)) * indicator (range (Pair xi)) (x, y))"
(is "_ = ?IH + ?rest" is "_ = _ + ∫⇧+ (x, y). ?f x y * _ ∂_") using xi True
by(subst nn_integral_add[symmetric])(auto simp add: xi_def split_beta AE_count_space intro!: nn_integral_cong split: split_indicator intro!: h_plus_le_g h_plus_OUT_le_IN d_OUT_mono le_funI)
also have "?rest = (∑⇧+ (x, y)∈range (Pair xi). ?f x y)"
by(simp add: nn_integral_count_space_indicator split_def)
also have "… = (∑⇧+ y. ?f xi y)" by(simp add: nn_integral_count_space_reindex)
also have "… = (∑⇧+ y. g (xi, y) - h_plus i (xi, y)) * ((d_IN (h_plus i) xi - d_OUT (h_plus i) xi) / (d_OUT g xi - d_OUT (h_plus i) xi))"
(is "_ = ?integral * ?factor") using True less
by(simp add: nn_integral_multc nn_integral_divide diff_gr0_ennreal ennreal_times_divide)
also have "?integral = d_OUT g xi - d_OUT (h_plus i) xi" unfolding d_OUT_def using xi
by(subst nn_integral_diff)(simp_all add: h_plus_le_g d_OUT_def[symmetric] d_OUT_h_plus_not_infty')
also have "… * ?factor = (d_IN (h_plus i) xi - d_OUT (h_plus i) xi)" using xi
apply (subst ennreal_times_divide)
apply (subst mult.commute)
apply (subst ennreal_mult_divide_eq)
apply (simp_all add: diff_gr0_ennreal finite_OUT_g less zero_less_iff_neq_zero[symmetric])
also have "… ≠ ⊤" using h_plus_OUT_eq_IN[OF refl, of i, folded xi_def, symmetric] xi
by(simp add: d_OUT_h_plus_not_infty')
ultimately show ?thesis using Suc.IH by simp
lemma d_OUT_h_plus_not_infty [simp]: "d_OUT (h_plus i) x ≠ top"
proof -
have "d_OUT (h_plus i) x ≤ (∑⇧+ y∈UNIV. ∑⇧+ x. h_plus i (x, y))"
unfolding d_OUT_def by(rule nn_integral_mono nn_integral_ge_point)+ simp
also have "… < ⊤" using h_plus_sum_finite by(simp add: nn_integral_snd_count_space less_top)
finally show ?thesis by simp
definition enum_cycle :: "nat ⇒ 'v path"
where "enum_cycle = from_nat_into (cycles Δ)"
lemma cycle_enum_cycle [simp]: "cycles Δ ≠ {} ⟹ cycle Δ (enum_cycle n)"
unfolding enum_cycle_def using from_nat_into[of "cycles Δ" n] by simp
fixes h' :: "'v flow"
assumes finite_h': "h' e ≠ top"
fun h_minus_aux :: "nat ⇒ 'v edge ⇒ ennreal"
"h_minus_aux 0 e = 0"
| "h_minus_aux (Suc j) e =
(if e ∈ set (cycle_edges (enum_cycle j)) then
h_minus_aux j e + Min {h' e' - h_minus_aux j e'|e'. e'∈set (cycle_edges (enum_cycle j))}
else h_minus_aux j e)"
lemma h_minus_aux_le_h': "h_minus_aux j e ≤ h' e"
proof(induction j e rule: h_minus_aux.induct)
case 0: (1 e) show ?case by simp
case Suc: (2 j e)
{ assume e: "e ∈ set (cycle_edges (enum_cycle j))"
then have "h_minus_aux j e + Min {h' e' - h_minus_aux j e' |e'. e' ∈ set (cycle_edges (enum_cycle j))} ≤
h_minus_aux j e + (h' e - h_minus_aux j e)"
using [[simproc add: finite_Collect]] by(cases e rule: prod.exhaust)(auto intro!: add_mono Min_le)
also have "… = h' e" using e finite_h'[of e] Suc.IH(2)[of e]
by(cases e rule: prod.exhaust)
(auto simp add: add_diff_eq_ennreal top_unique intro!: ennreal_add_diff_cancel_left)
also note calculation }
then show ?case using Suc by clarsimp
lemma h_minus_aux_finite [simp]: "h_minus_aux j e ≠ top"
using h_minus_aux_le_h'[of j e] finite_h'[of e] by (auto simp: top_unique)
lemma h_minus_aux_mono: "h_minus_aux j e ≤ h_minus_aux (Suc j) e"
proof(cases "e ∈ set (cycle_edges (enum_cycle j)) = True")
case True
have "h_minus_aux j e + 0 ≤ h_minus_aux (Suc j) e" unfolding h_minus_aux.simps True if_True
using True [[simproc add: finite_Collect]]
by(cases e)(rule add_mono, auto intro!: Min.boundedI simp add: h_minus_aux_le_h')
thus ?thesis by simp
qed simp
lemma d_OUT_h_minus_aux:
assumes "cycles Δ ≠ {}"
shows "d_OUT (h_minus_aux j) x = d_IN (h_minus_aux j) x"
proof(induction j)
case 0 show ?case by simp
case (Suc j)
define C where "C = enum_cycle j"
define δ where "δ = Min {h' e' - h_minus_aux j e' |e'. e' ∈ set (cycle_edges C)}"
have "d_OUT (h_minus_aux (Suc j)) x =
(∑⇧+ y. h_minus_aux j (x, y) + (if (x, y) ∈ set (cycle_edges C) then δ else 0))"
unfolding d_OUT_def by(simp add: if_distrib C_def δ_def cong del: if_weak_cong)
also have "… = d_OUT (h_minus_aux j) x + (∑⇧+ y. δ * indicator (set (cycle_edges C)) (x, y))"
(is "_ = _ + ?add")
by(subst nn_integral_add)(auto simp add: AE_count_space d_OUT_def intro!: arg_cong2[where f="(+)"] nn_integral_cong)
also have "?add = (∑⇧+ e∈range (Pair x). δ * indicator {(x', y). (x', y) ∈ set (cycle_edges C) ∧ x' = x} e)"
by(auto simp add: nn_integral_count_space_reindex intro!: nn_integral_cong split: split_indicator)
also have "… = δ * card (set (filter (λ(x', y). x' = x) (cycle_edges C)))"
using [[simproc add: finite_Collect]]
apply(subst nn_integral_cmult_indicator; auto)
apply(subst emeasure_count_space; auto simp add: split_def)
also have "card (set (filter (λ(x', y). x' = x) (cycle_edges C))) = card (set (filter (λ(x', y). y = x) (cycle_edges C)))"
unfolding C_def by(rule cycle_enter_leave_same)(rule cycle_enum_cycle[OF assms])
also have "δ * … = (∑⇧+ e∈range (λx'. (x', x)). δ * indicator {(x', y). (x', y) ∈ set (cycle_edges C) ∧ y = x} e)"
using [[simproc add: finite_Collect]]
apply(subst nn_integral_cmult_indicator; auto)
apply(subst emeasure_count_space; auto simp add: split_def)
also have "… = (∑⇧+ x'. δ * indicator (set (cycle_edges C)) (x', x))"
by(auto simp add: nn_integral_count_space_reindex intro!: nn_integral_cong split: split_indicator)
also have "d_OUT (h_minus_aux j) x + … = (∑⇧+ x'. h_minus_aux j (x', x) + δ * indicator (set (cycle_edges C)) (x', x))"
unfolding Suc.IH d_IN_def by(simp add: nn_integral_add[symmetric])
also have "… = d_IN (h_minus_aux (Suc j)) x" unfolding d_IN_def
by(auto intro!: nn_integral_cong simp add: δ_def C_def split: split_indicator)
finally show ?case .
lemma h_minus_aux_source:
assumes "cycles Δ ≠ {}"
shows "h_minus_aux j (source Δ, y) = 0"
proof(induction j)
case 0 thus ?case by simp
case (Suc j)
have "(source Δ, y) ∉ set (cycle_edges (enum_cycle j))"
assume *: "(source Δ, y) ∈ set (cycle_edges (enum_cycle j))"
have cycle: "cycle Δ (enum_cycle j)" using assms by(rule cycle_enum_cycle)
from cycle_leave_ex_enter[OF this *]
obtain z where "(z, source Δ) ∈ set (cycle_edges (enum_cycle j))" ..
with cycle_edges_edges[OF cycle] have "(z, source Δ) ∈ ❙E" ..
thus False using source_in[of z] by simp
then show ?case using Suc.IH by simp
lemma h_minus_aux_cycle:
fixes j defines "C ≡ enum_cycle j"
assumes "cycles Δ ≠ {}"
shows "∃e∈set (cycle_edges C). h_minus_aux (Suc j) e = h' e"
proof -
let ?A = "{h' e' - h_minus_aux j e'|e'. e' ∈ set (cycle_edges C)}"
from assms have "cycle Δ C" by auto
from cycle_edges_not_Nil[OF this] have "Min ?A ∈ ?A" using [[simproc add: finite_Collect]]
by(intro Min_in)(fastforce simp add: neq_Nil_conv)+
then obtain e' where e: "e' ∈ set (cycle_edges C)"
and "Min ?A = h' e' - h_minus_aux j e'" by auto
hence "h_minus_aux (Suc j) e' = h' e'"
by(simp add: C_def h_minus_aux_le_h')
with e show ?thesis by blast
fun h_minus :: "nat ⇒ 'v edge ⇒ ennreal"
"h_minus 0 e = 0"
| "h_minus (Suc i) e = h_minus i e + (SUP j. h_minus_aux (λe'. h_plus (Suc i) e' - h_minus i e') j e)"
lemma h_minus_le_h_plus: "h_minus i e ≤ h_plus i e"
proof(induction i e rule: h_minus.induct)
case 0: (1 e) show ?case by simp
case Suc: (2 i e)
note IH = Suc.IH(2)[OF UNIV_I]
let ?h' = "λe'. h_plus (Suc i) e' - h_minus i e'"
have h': "?h' e' ≠ top" for e' using IH(1)[of e'] by simp
have "(⨆j. h_minus_aux ?h' j e) ≤ ?h' e" by(rule SUP_least)(rule h_minus_aux_le_h'[OF h'])
hence "h_minus (Suc i) e ≤ h_minus i e + …" by(simp add: add_mono)
also have "… = h_plus (Suc i) e" using IH[of e] h_plus_mono[of i e]
by auto
finally show ?case .
lemma finite_h': "h_plus (Suc i) e - h_minus i e ≠ top"
by simp
lemma h_minus_mono: "h_minus i e ≤ h_minus (Suc i) e"
proof -
have "h_minus i e + 0 ≤ h_minus (Suc i) e" unfolding h_minus.simps
by(rule add_mono; simp add: SUP_upper2)
thus ?thesis by simp
lemma h_minus_finite [simp]: "h_minus i e ≠ ⊤"
proof -
have "h_minus i e ≤ h_plus i e" by(rule h_minus_le_h_plus)
also have "… < ⊤" by (simp add: less_top[symmetric])
finally show ?thesis by simp
lemma d_OUT_h_minus:
assumes cycles: "cycles Δ ≠ {}"
shows "d_OUT (h_minus i) x = d_IN (h_minus i) x"
proof(induction i)
case (Suc i)
let ?h' = "λe. h_plus (Suc i) e - h_minus i e"
have "d_OUT (λe. h_minus (Suc i) e) x = d_OUT (h_minus i) x + d_OUT (λe. SUP j. h_minus_aux ?h' j e) x"
by(simp add: d_OUT_add SUP_upper2)
also have "d_OUT (λe. SUP j. h_minus_aux ?h' j e) x = (SUP j. d_OUT (h_minus_aux ?h' j) x)"
by(rule d_OUT_monotone_convergence_SUP incseq_SucI le_funI h_minus_aux_mono finite_h')+
also have "… = (SUP j. d_IN (h_minus_aux ?h' j) x)"
by(rule SUP_cong[OF refl])(rule d_OUT_h_minus_aux[OF finite_h' cycles])
also have "… = d_IN (λe. SUP j. h_minus_aux ?h' j e) x"
by(rule d_IN_monotone_convergence_SUP[symmetric] incseq_SucI le_funI h_minus_aux_mono finite_h')+
also have "d_OUT (h_minus i) x + … = d_IN (λe. h_minus (Suc i) e) x" using Suc.IH
by(simp add: d_IN_add SUP_upper2)
finally show ?case .
qed simp
lemma h_minus_source:
assumes "cycles Δ ≠ {}"
shows "h_minus n (source Δ, y) = 0"
by(induction n)(simp_all add: h_minus_aux_source[OF finite_h' assms])
lemma h_minus_source_in [simp]: "h_minus i (x, source Δ) = 0"
using h_minus_le_h_plus[of i "(x, source Δ)"] by simp
lemma h_minus_OUT_finite [simp]: "d_OUT (h_minus i) x ≠ top"
proof -
have "d_OUT (h_minus i) x ≤ d_OUT (h_plus i) x" by(rule d_OUT_mono)(rule h_minus_le_h_plus)
also have "… < ⊤" by (simp add: less_top[symmetric])
finally show ?thesis by simp
lemma h_minus_cycle:
assumes "cycle Δ C"
shows "∃e∈set (cycle_edges C). h_minus i e = h_plus i e"
proof(cases i)
case (Suc i)
let ?h' = "λe. h_plus (Suc i) e - h_minus i e"
from assms have cycles: "cycles Δ ≠ {}" by auto
with assms from_nat_into_surj[of "cycles Δ" C] obtain j where j: "C = enum_cycle j"
by(auto simp add: enum_cycle_def)
from h_minus_aux_cycle[of "?h'" j, OF finite_h' cycles] j
obtain e where e: "e ∈ set (cycle_edges C)" and "h_minus_aux ?h' (Suc j) e = ?h' e" by(auto)
then have "h_plus (Suc i) e = h_minus i e + h_minus_aux ?h' (Suc j) e"
using order_trans[OF h_minus_le_h_plus h_plus_mono]
by (subst eq_commute) simp
also have "… ≤ h_minus (Suc i) e" unfolding h_minus.simps
by(intro add_mono SUP_upper; simp)
finally show ?thesis using e h_minus_le_h_plus[of "Suc i" e] Suc by auto
case 0
from cycle_edges_not_Nil[OF assms] obtain x y where e: "(x, y) ∈ set (cycle_edges C)"
by(fastforce simp add: neq_Nil_conv)
then have "x ≠ source Δ" using assms by(auto dest: source_out_not_cycle)
hence "h_plus 0 (x, y) = 0" by simp
with e 0 show ?thesis by(auto simp del: h_plus.simps)
abbreviation lim_h_plus :: "'v edge ⇒ ennreal"
where "lim_h_plus e ≡ SUP n. h_plus n e"
abbreviation lim_h_minus :: "'v edge ⇒ ennreal"
where "lim_h_minus e ≡ SUP n. h_minus n e"
lemma lim_h_plus_le_g: "lim_h_plus e ≤ g e"
by(rule SUP_least)(rule h_plus_le_g)
lemma lim_h_plus_finite [simp]: "lim_h_plus e ≠ top"
proof -
have "lim_h_plus e ≤ g e" by(rule lim_h_plus_le_g)
also have "… < top" by (simp add: less_top[symmetric])
finally show ?thesis unfolding less_top .
lemma lim_h_minus_le_lim_h_plus: "lim_h_minus e ≤ lim_h_plus e"
by(rule SUP_mono)(blast intro: h_minus_le_h_plus)
lemma lim_h_minus_finite [simp]: "lim_h_minus e ≠ top"
proof -
have "lim_h_minus e ≤ lim_h_plus e" by(rule lim_h_minus_le_lim_h_plus)
also have "… < top" unfolding less_top[symmetric] by (rule lim_h_plus_finite)
finally show ?thesis unfolding less_top[symmetric] by simp
lemma lim_h_minus_IN_finite [simp]:
assumes "x ≠ sink Δ"
shows "d_IN lim_h_minus x ≠ top"
proof -
have "d_IN lim_h_minus x ≤ d_IN lim_h_plus x"
by(intro d_IN_mono le_funI lim_h_minus_le_lim_h_plus)
also have "… ≤ d_IN g x" by(intro d_IN_mono le_funI lim_h_plus_le_g)
also have "… < ⊤" using assms by(simp add: finite_IN_g less_top[symmetric])
finally show ?thesis by simp
lemma lim_h_plus_OUT_IN:
assumes "x ≠ source Δ" "x ≠ sink Δ"
shows "d_OUT lim_h_plus x = d_IN lim_h_plus x"
proof(cases "x ∈ ❙V")
case True
have "d_OUT lim_h_plus x = (SUP n. d_OUT (h_plus n) x)"
by(rule d_OUT_monotone_convergence_SUP incseq_SucI le_funI h_plus_mono)+
also have "… = (SUP n. d_IN (h_plus n) x)" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof(rule antisym)
show "?lhs ≤ ?rhs" by(rule SUP_mono)(auto intro: h_plus_OUT_le_IN[OF assms(1)])
show "?rhs ≤ ?lhs"
proof(rule SUP_mono)
fix i
from enum_v_repeat[OF True assms, of i]
obtain i' where "i' > i" "enum_v i' = x" by auto
moreover then obtain i'' where i': "i' = Suc i''" by(cases i') auto
ultimately have "d_OUT (h_plus i') x = d_IN (h_plus i'') x" using ‹x ≠ source Δ›
by(simp add: h_plus_OUT_eq_IN)
moreover have "i ≤ i''" using ‹i < i'› i' by simp
then have "d_IN (h_plus i) x ≤ d_IN (h_plus i'') x" by(intro d_IN_mono h_plus_mono')
ultimately have "d_IN (h_plus i) x ≤ d_OUT (h_plus i') x" by simp
thus "∃i'∈UNIV. d_IN (h_plus i) x ≤ d_OUT (h_plus i') x" by blast
also have "… = d_IN lim_h_plus x"
by(rule d_IN_monotone_convergence_SUP[symmetric] incseq_SucI le_funI h_plus_mono)+
finally show ?thesis .
case False
have "(x, y) ∉ support_flow lim_h_plus" for y using False h_plus_outside[of "(x, y)"]
by(fastforce elim!: support_flow.cases simp add: less_SUP_iff vertex_def)
moreover have "(y, x) ∉ support_flow lim_h_plus" for y using False h_plus_outside[of "(y, x)"]
by(fastforce elim!: support_flow.cases simp add: less_SUP_iff vertex_def)
ultimately show ?thesis
by(auto simp add: d_OUT_alt_def2 d_IN_alt_def2 AE_count_space intro!: nn_integral_cong_AE)
lemma lim_h_minus_OUT_IN:
assumes cycles: "cycles Δ ≠ {}"
shows "d_OUT lim_h_minus x = d_IN lim_h_minus x"
proof -
have "d_OUT lim_h_minus x = (SUP n. d_OUT (h_minus n) x)"
by(rule d_OUT_monotone_convergence_SUP incseq_SucI le_funI h_minus_mono)+
also have "… = (SUP n. d_IN (h_minus n) x)" using cycles by(simp add: d_OUT_h_minus)
also have "… = d_IN lim_h_minus x"
by(rule d_IN_monotone_convergence_SUP[symmetric] incseq_SucI le_funI h_minus_mono)+
finally show ?thesis .
definition h :: "'v edge ⇒ ennreal"
where "h e = lim_h_plus e - (if cycles Δ ≠ {} then lim_h_minus e else 0)"
lemma h_le_lim_h_plus: "h e ≤ lim_h_plus e"
by (simp add: h_def)
lemma h_le_g: "h e ≤ g e"
using h_le_lim_h_plus[of e] lim_h_plus_le_g[of e] by simp
lemma flow_h: "flow Δ h"
fix e
have "h e ≤ lim_h_plus e" by(rule h_le_lim_h_plus)
also have "… ≤ g e" by(rule lim_h_plus_le_g)
also have "… ≤ capacity Δ e" using g by(rule flowD_capacity)
finally show "h e ≤ …" .
fix x
assume "x ≠ source Δ" "x ≠ sink Δ"
then show "KIR h x"
by (cases "cycles Δ = {}")
(auto simp add: h_def[abs_def] lim_h_plus_OUT_IN d_OUT_diff d_IN_diff lim_h_minus_le_lim_h_plus lim_h_minus_OUT_IN)
lemma value_h_plus: "value_flow Δ (h_plus i) = value_flow Δ g" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof(rule antisym)
show "?lhs ≤ ?rhs" by(rule d_OUT_mono)(rule h_plus_le_g)
have "?rhs ≤ value_flow Δ (h_plus 0)"
by(auto simp add: d_OUT_def cong: if_cong intro!: nn_integral_mono)
also have "… ≤ value_flow Δ (h_plus i)"
by(rule d_OUT_mono)(rule h_plus_mono'; simp)
finally show "?rhs ≤ ?lhs" .
lemma value_h: "value_flow Δ h = value_flow Δ g" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof(rule antisym)
have "?lhs ≤ value_flow Δ lim_h_plus" using ennreal_minus_mono
by(fastforce simp add: h_def intro!: d_OUT_mono)
also have "… ≤ ?rhs" by(rule d_OUT_mono)(rule lim_h_plus_le_g)
finally show "?lhs ≤ ?rhs" .
show "?rhs ≤ ?lhs"
by(auto simp add: d_OUT_def h_def h_minus_source cong: if_cong intro!: nn_integral_mono SUP_upper2[where i=0])
definition h_diff :: "nat ⇒ 'v edge ⇒ ennreal"
where "h_diff i e = h_plus i e - (if cycles Δ ≠ {} then h_minus i e else 0)"
lemma d_IN_h_source [simp]: "d_IN (h_diff i) (source Δ) = 0"
by(simp add: d_IN_def h_diff_def cong del: if_weak_cong)
lemma h_diff_le_h_plus: "h_diff i e ≤ h_plus i e"
by(simp add: h_diff_def)
lemma h_diff_le_g: "h_diff i e ≤ g e"
using h_diff_le_h_plus[of i e] h_plus_le_g[of i e] by simp
lemma h_diff_loop [simp]: "h_diff i (x, x) = 0"
using h_diff_le_g[of i "(x, x)"] by simp
lemma supp_h_diff_edges: "support_flow (h_diff i) ⊆ ❙E"
fix e
assume "e ∈ support_flow (h_diff i)"
then have "0 < h_diff i e" by(auto elim: support_flow.cases)
also have "h_diff i e ≤ h_plus i e" by(rule h_diff_le_h_plus)
finally show "e ∈ ❙E" using h_plus_outside[of e i] by(cases "e ∈ ❙E") auto
lemma h_diff_OUT_le_IN:
assumes "x ≠ source Δ"
shows "d_OUT (h_diff i) x ≤ d_IN (h_diff i) x"
proof(cases "cycles Δ ≠ {}")
case False
thus ?thesis using assms by(simp add: h_diff_def[abs_def] h_plus_OUT_le_IN)
case cycles: True
then have "d_OUT (h_diff i) x = d_OUT (h_plus i) x - d_OUT (h_minus i) x"
unfolding h_diff_def[abs_def] using assms
by (simp add: h_minus_le_h_plus d_OUT_diff)
also have "… ≤ d_IN (h_plus i) x - d_IN (h_minus i) x" using cycles assms
by(intro ennreal_minus_mono h_plus_OUT_le_IN)(simp_all add: d_OUT_h_minus)
also have "… = d_IN (h_diff i) x" using cycles
unfolding h_diff_def[abs_def] by(subst d_IN_diff)(simp_all add: h_minus_le_h_plus d_OUT_h_minus[symmetric])
finally show ?thesis .
lemma h_diff_cycle:
assumes "cycle Δ p"
shows "∃e∈set (cycle_edges p). h_diff i e = 0"
proof -
from h_minus_cycle[OF assms, of i] obtain e
where e: "e ∈ set (cycle_edges p)" and "h_minus i e = h_plus i e" by auto
hence "h_diff i e = 0" using assms by(auto simp add: h_diff_def)
with e show ?thesis by blast
lemma d_IN_h_le_value': "d_IN (h_diff i) x ≤ value_flow Δ (h_plus i)"
proof -
let ?supp = "support_flow (h_diff i)"
define X where "X = {y. (y, x) ∈ ?supp^*} - {x}"
{ fix x y
assume x: "x ∉ X" and y: "y ∈ X"
{ assume yx: "(y, x) ∈ ?supp⇧*" and neq: "y ≠ x" and xy: "(x, y) ∈ ?supp"
from yx obtain p' where "rtrancl_path (λx y. (x, y) ∈ ?supp) y p' x"
unfolding rtrancl_def rtranclp_eq_rtrancl_path by auto
then obtain p where p: "rtrancl_path (λx y. (x, y) ∈ ?supp) y p x"
and distinct: "distinct (y # p)" by(rule rtrancl_path_distinct)
with neq have "p ≠ []" by(auto elim: rtrancl_path.cases)
from xy have "(x, y) ∈ ❙E" using supp_h_diff_edges[of i] by(auto)
moreover from p have "path Δ y p x"
by(rule rtrancl_path_mono)(auto dest: supp_h_diff_edges[THEN subsetD])
ultimately have "path Δ x (y # p) x" by(auto intro: rtrancl_path.intros)
hence cycle: "cycle Δ (y # p)" using _ distinct by(rule cycle) simp
from h_diff_cycle[OF this, of i] obtain e
where e: "e ∈ set (cycle_edges (y # p))" and 0: "h_diff i e = 0" by blast
from e obtain n where e': "e = ((y # p) ! n, (p @ [y]) ! n)" and n: "n < Suc (length p)"
by(auto simp add: cycle_edges_def set_zip)
have "e ∈ ?supp"
proof(cases "n = length p")
case True
with rtrancl_path_last[OF p] ‹p ≠ []› have "(y # p) ! n = x"
by(cases p)(simp_all add: last_conv_nth del: last.simps)
with e' True have "e = (x, y)" by simp
with xy show ?thesis by simp
case False
with n have "n < length p" by simp
with rtrancl_path_nth[OF p this] e' show ?thesis by(simp add: nth_append)
with 0 have False by(simp add: support_flow.simps) }
hence "(x, y) ∉ ?supp" using x y
by(auto simp add: X_def intro: converse_rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
then have "h_diff i (x, y) = 0"
by(simp add: support_flow.simps) }
note acyclic = this
{ fix y
assume "y ∉ X"
hence "(y, x) ∉ ?supp" by(auto simp add: X_def support_flow.simps intro: not_in_support_flowD)
hence "h_diff i (y, x) = 0" by(simp add: support_flow.simps) }
note in_X = this
let ?diff = "λx. (∑⇧+ y. h_diff i (x, y) * indicator X x * indicator X y)"
have finite2: "(∑⇧+ x. ?diff x) ≠ top" (is "?lhs ≠ _")
proof -
have "?lhs ≤ (∑⇧+ x∈UNIV. ∑⇧+ y. h_plus i (x, y))"
by(intro nn_integral_mono)(auto simp add: h_diff_def split: split_indicator)
also have "… = (∑⇧+ e. h_plus i e)" by(rule nn_integral_fst_count_space)
also have "… < ⊤" by(simp add: h_plus_sum_finite less_top[symmetric])
finally show ?thesis by simp
have finite1: "?diff x ≠ top" for x
using finite2 by(rule neq_top_trans)(rule nn_integral_ge_point, simp)
have finite3: "(∑⇧+ x. d_OUT (h_diff i) x * indicator (X - {source Δ}) x) ≠ ⊤" (is "?lhs ≠ _")
proof -
have "?lhs ≤ (∑⇧+ x∈UNIV. ∑⇧+ y. h_plus i (x, y))" unfolding d_OUT_def
apply(simp add: nn_integral_multc[symmetric])
apply(intro nn_integral_mono)
apply(auto simp add: h_diff_def split: split_indicator)
also have "… = (∑⇧+ e. h_plus i e)" by(rule nn_integral_fst_count_space)
also have "… < ⊤" by(simp add: h_plus_sum_finite less_top[symmetric])
finally show ?thesis by simp
have "d_IN (h_diff i) x = (∑⇧+ y. h_diff i (y, x) * indicator X y)" unfolding d_IN_def
by(rule nn_integral_cong)(simp add: in_X split: split_indicator)
also have "… ≤ (∑⇧+ x∈- X. ∑⇧+ y. h_diff i (y, x) * indicator X y)"
by(rule nn_integral_ge_point)(simp add: X_def)
also have "… = (∑⇧+ x∈UNIV. ∑⇧+ y. h_diff i (y, x) * indicator X y * indicator (- X) x)"
by(simp add: nn_integral_multc nn_integral_count_space_indicator)
also have "… = (∑⇧+ x∈UNIV. ∑⇧+ y. h_diff i (x, y) * indicator X x * indicator (- X) y)"
by(subst nn_integral_snd_count_space[where f="case_prod _", simplified])(simp add: nn_integral_fst_count_space[where f="case_prod _", simplified])
also have "… = (∑⇧+ x∈UNIV. (∑⇧+ y. h_diff i (x, y) * indicator X x * indicator (- X) y) + (?diff x - ?diff x))"
by(simp add: finite1)
also have "… = (∑⇧+ x∈UNIV. (∑⇧+ y. h_diff i (x, y) * indicator X x * indicator (- X) y + h_diff i (x, y) * indicator X x * indicator X y) - ?diff x)"
apply (subst add_diff_eq_ennreal)
apply simp
by(subst nn_integral_add[symmetric])(simp_all add:)
also have "… = (∑⇧+ x∈UNIV. (∑⇧+ y. h_diff i (x, y) * indicator X x) - ?diff x)"
by(auto intro!: nn_integral_cong arg_cong2[where f="(-)"] split: split_indicator)
also have "… = (∑⇧+ x∈UNIV. ∑⇧+ y∈UNIV. h_diff i (x, y) * indicator X x) - (∑⇧+ x. ?diff x)"
by(subst nn_integral_diff)(auto simp add: AE_count_space finite2 intro!: nn_integral_mono split: split_indicator)
also have "(∑⇧+ x∈UNIV. ∑⇧+ y∈UNIV. h_diff i (x, y) * indicator X x) = (∑⇧+ x. d_OUT (h_diff i) x * indicator X x)"
unfolding d_OUT_def by(simp add: nn_integral_multc)
also have "… = (∑⇧+ x. d_OUT (h_diff i) x * indicator (X - {source Δ}) x + value_flow Δ (h_diff i) * indicator X (source Δ) * indicator {source Δ} x)"
by(rule nn_integral_cong)(simp split: split_indicator)
also have "… = (∑⇧+ x. d_OUT (h_diff i) x * indicator (X - {source Δ}) x) + value_flow Δ (h_diff i) * indicator X (source Δ)"
(is "_ = ?out" is "_ = _ + ?value")
by(subst nn_integral_add) simp_all
also have "(∑⇧+ x∈UNIV. ∑⇧+ y. h_diff i (x, y) * indicator X x * indicator X y) =
(∑⇧+ x∈UNIV. ∑⇧+ y. h_diff i (x, y) * indicator X y)"
using acyclic by(intro nn_integral_cong)(simp split: split_indicator)
also have "… = (∑⇧+ y∈UNIV. ∑⇧+ x. h_diff i (x, y) * indicator X y)"
by(subst nn_integral_snd_count_space[where f="case_prod _", simplified])(simp add: nn_integral_fst_count_space[where f="case_prod _", simplified])
also have "… = (∑⇧+ y. d_IN (h_diff i) y * indicator X y)" unfolding d_IN_def
by(simp add: nn_integral_multc)
also have "… = (∑⇧+ y. d_IN (h_diff i) y * indicator (X - {source Δ}) y)"
by(rule nn_integral_cong)(simp split: split_indicator)
also have "?out - … ≤ (∑⇧+ x. d_OUT (h_diff i) x * indicator (X - {source Δ}) x) - … + ?value"
by (auto simp add: add_ac intro!: add_diff_le_ennreal)
also have "… ≤ 0 + ?value" using h_diff_OUT_le_IN finite3
by(intro nn_integral_mono add_right_mono)(auto split: split_indicator intro!: diff_eq_0_ennreal nn_integral_mono simp add: less_top)
also have "… ≤ value_flow Δ (h_diff i)" by(simp split: split_indicator)
also have "… ≤ value_flow Δ (h_plus i)" by(rule d_OUT_mono le_funI h_diff_le_h_plus)+
finally show ?thesis .
lemma d_IN_h_le_value: "d_IN h x ≤ value_flow Δ h" (is "?lhs ≤ ?rhs")
proof -
have [tendsto_intros]: "(λi. h_plus i e) ⇢ lim_h_plus e" for e
by(rule LIMSEQ_SUP incseq_SucI h_plus_mono)+
have [tendsto_intros]: "(λi. h_minus i e) ⇢ lim_h_minus e" for e
by(rule LIMSEQ_SUP incseq_SucI h_minus_mono)+
have "(λi. h_diff i e) ⇢ lim_h_plus e - (if cycles Δ ≠ {} then lim_h_minus e else 0)" for e
by(auto intro!: tendsto_intros tendsto_diff_ennreal simp add: h_diff_def simp del: Sup_eq_top_iff SUP_eq_top_iff)
then have "d_IN h x = (∑⇧+ y. liminf (λi. h_diff i (y, x)))"
by(simp add: d_IN_def h_def tendsto_iff_Liminf_eq_Limsup)
also have "… ≤ liminf (λi. d_IN (h_diff i) x)" unfolding d_IN_def
by(rule nn_integral_liminf) simp_all
also have "… ≤ liminf (λi. value_flow Δ h)" using d_IN_h_le_value'[of _ x]
by(intro Liminf_mono eventually_sequentiallyI)(auto simp add: value_h_plus value_h)
also have "… = value_flow Δ h" by(simp add: Liminf_const)
finally show ?thesis .
lemma flow_cleanup:
"∃h ≤ g. flow Δ h ∧ value_flow Δ h = value_flow Δ g ∧ (∀x. d_IN h x ≤ value_flow Δ h)"
by(intro exI[where x=h] conjI strip le_funI d_IN_h_le_value flow_h value_h h_le_g)
subsection ‹Residual network›
context countable_network begin
definition residual_network :: "'v flow ⇒ ('v, 'more) network_scheme"
where "residual_network f =
⦇edge = λx y. edge Δ x y ∨ edge Δ y x ∧ y ≠ source Δ,
capacity = λ(x, y). if edge Δ x y then capacity Δ (x, y) - f (x, y) else if y = source Δ then 0 else f (y, x),
source = source Δ, sink = sink Δ, … = network.more Δ ⦈"
lemma residual_network_sel [simp]:
"edge (residual_network f) x y ⟷ edge Δ x y ∨ edge Δ y x ∧ y ≠ source Δ"
"capacity (residual_network f) (x, y) = (if edge Δ x y then capacity Δ (x, y) - f (x, y) else if y = source Δ then 0 else f (y, x))"
"source (residual_network f) = source Δ"
"sink (residual_network f) = sink Δ"
"network.more (residual_network f) = network.more Δ"
by(simp_all add: residual_network_def)
lemma "❙E_residual_network": "❙E⇘residual_network f⇙ = ❙E ∪ {(x, y). (y, x) ∈ ❙E ∧ y ≠ source Δ}"
by auto
lemma vertices_residual_network [simp]: "vertex (residual_network f) = vertex Δ"
by(auto simp add: vertex_def fun_eq_iff)
inductive wf_residual_network :: "bool"
where "⟦ ⋀x y. (x, y) ∈ ❙E ⟹ (y, x) ∉ ❙E; (source Δ, sink Δ) ∉ ❙E ⟧ ⟹ wf_residual_network"
lemma wf_residual_networkD:
"⟦ wf_residual_network; edge Δ x y ⟧ ⟹ ¬ edge Δ y x"
"⟦ wf_residual_network; e ∈ ❙E ⟧ ⟹ prod.swap e ∉ ❙E"
"⟦ wf_residual_network; edge Δ (source Δ) (sink Δ) ⟧ ⟹ False"
by(auto simp add: wf_residual_network.simps)
lemma residual_countable_network:
assumes wf: "wf_residual_network"
and f: "flow Δ f"
shows "countable_network (residual_network f)" (is "countable_network ?Δ")
have "countable (converse ❙E)" by simp
then have "countable {(x, y). (y, x) ∈ ❙E ∧ y ≠ source Δ}"
by(rule countable_subset[rotated]) auto
then show "countable ❙E⇘?Δ⇙" unfolding "❙E_residual_network" by simp
show "source ?Δ ≠ sink ?Δ" by simp
show "capacity ?Δ e = 0" if "e ∉ ❙E⇘?Δ⇙" for e using that by(cases e)(auto intro: flowD_outside[OF f])
show "capacity ?Δ e ≠ top" for e
using flowD_finite[OF f] by(cases e) auto
context antiparallel_edges begin
interpretation Δ'': countable_network Δ'' by(rule Δ''_countable_network)
lemma Δ''_flow_attainability:
assumes "flow_attainability_axioms Δ"
shows "flow_attainability Δ''"
proof -
interpret flow_attainability Δ using _ assms by(rule flow_attainability.intro) unfold_locales
show ?thesis
show "d_IN (capacity Δ'') v ≠ ⊤ ∨ d_OUT (capacity Δ'') v ≠ ⊤" if "v ≠ sink Δ''" for v
using that finite_capacity by(cases v)(simp_all add: max_def)
show "¬ edge Δ'' v v" for v by(auto elim: edg.cases)
show "¬ edge Δ'' v (source Δ'')" for v by(simp add: source_in)
lemma Δ''_wf_residual_network:
assumes no_loop: "⋀x. ¬ edge Δ x x"
shows "Δ''.wf_residual_network"
by(auto simp add: Δ''.wf_residual_network.simps assms elim!: edg.cases)
subsection ‹The attainability theorem›
context flow_attainability begin
lemma residual_flow_attainability:
assumes wf: "wf_residual_network"
and f: "flow Δ f"
shows "flow_attainability (residual_network f)" (is "flow_attainability ?Δ")
proof -
interpret res: countable_network "residual_network f" by(rule residual_countable_network[OF assms])
show ?thesis
fix x
assume sink: "x ≠ sink ?Δ"
then consider (source) "x = source Δ" | (IN) "d_IN (capacity Δ) x ≠ ⊤" | (OUT) "x ≠ source Δ" "d_OUT (capacity Δ) x ≠ ⊤"
using finite_capacity[of x] by auto
then show "d_IN (capacity ?Δ) x ≠ ⊤ ∨ d_OUT (capacity ?Δ) x ≠ ⊤"
case source
hence "d_IN (capacity ?Δ) x = 0" by(simp add: d_IN_def source_in)
thus ?thesis by simp
case IN
have "d_IN (capacity ?Δ) x =
(∑⇧+ y. (capacity Δ (y, x) - f (y, x)) * indicator ❙E (y, x) +
(if x = source Δ then 0 else f (x, y) * indicator ❙E (x, y)))"
using flowD_outside[OF f] unfolding d_IN_def
by(auto intro!: nn_integral_cong split: split_indicator dest: wf_residual_networkD[OF wf])
also have "… = (∑⇧+ y. (capacity Δ (y, x) - f (y, x)) * indicator ❙E (y, x)) +
(∑⇧+ y. (if x = source Δ then 0 else f (x, y) * indicator ❙E (x, y)))"
(is "_ = ?in + ?out")
by(subst nn_integral_add)(auto simp add: AE_count_space split: split_indicator intro!: flowD_capacity[OF f])
also have "… ≤ d_IN (capacity Δ) x + (if x = source Δ then 0 else d_OUT f x)" (is "_ ≤ ?in + ?rest")
unfolding d_IN_def d_OUT_def
by(rule add_mono)(auto intro!: nn_integral_mono split: split_indicator simp add: nn_integral_0_iff_AE AE_count_space intro!: diff_le_self_ennreal)
also consider (source) "x = source Δ" | (inner) "x ≠ source Δ" "x ≠ sink Δ" using sink by auto
then have "?rest < ⊤"
proof cases
case inner
show ?thesis using inner flowD_finite_OUT[OF f inner] by (simp add: less_top)
qed simp
ultimately show ?thesis using IN sink by (auto simp: less_top[symmetric] top_unique)
case OUT
have "d_OUT (capacity ?Δ) x =
(∑⇧+ y. (capacity Δ (x, y) - f (x, y)) * indicator ❙E (x, y) +
(if y = source Δ then 0 else f (y, x) * indicator ❙E (y, x)))"
using flowD_outside[OF f] unfolding d_OUT_def
by(auto intro!: nn_integral_cong split: split_indicator dest: wf_residual_networkD[OF wf] simp add: source_in)
also have "… = (∑⇧+ y. (capacity Δ (x, y) - f (x, y)) * indicator ❙E (x, y)) +
(∑⇧+ y. (if y = source Δ then 0 else f (y, x) * indicator ❙E (y, x)))"
(is "_ = ?in + ?out")
by(subst nn_integral_add)(auto simp add: AE_count_space split: split_indicator intro!: flowD_capacity[OF f])
also have "… ≤ d_OUT (capacity Δ) x + d_IN f x" (is "_ ≤ ?out + ?rest")
unfolding d_IN_def d_OUT_def
by(rule add_mono)(auto intro!: nn_integral_mono split: split_indicator simp add: nn_integral_0_iff_AE AE_count_space intro!: diff_le_self_ennreal)
also have "?rest = d_OUT f x" using flowD_KIR[OF f OUT(1)] sink by simp
also have "?out + … ≤ ?out + ?out" by(intro add_left_mono d_OUT_mono flowD_capacity[OF f])
finally show ?thesis using OUT by (auto simp: top_unique)
show "¬ edge ?Δ x x" for x by(simp add: no_loop)
show "¬ edge ?Δ x (source ?Δ)" for x by(simp add: source_in)
definition plus_flow :: "('v, 'more) graph_scheme ⇒ 'v flow ⇒ 'v flow ⇒ 'v flow" (infixr "⊕ı" 65)
where "plus_flow G f g = (λ(x, y). if edge G x y then f (x, y) + g (x, y) - g (y, x) else 0)"
lemma plus_flow_simps [simp]: fixes G (structure) shows
"(f ⊕ g) (x, y) = (if edge G x y then f (x, y) + g (x, y) - g (y, x) else 0)"
by(simp add: plus_flow_def)
lemma plus_flow_outside: fixes G (structure) shows "e ∉ ❙E ⟹ (f ⊕ g) e = 0"
by(cases e) simp
fixes Δ (structure)
assumes f_outside: "⋀e. e ∉ ❙E ⟹ f e = 0"
and g_le_f: "⋀x y. edge Δ x y ⟹ g (y, x) ≤ f (x, y)"
shows OUT_plus_flow: "d_IN g x ≠ top ⟹ d_OUT (f ⊕ g) x = d_OUT f x + (∑⇧+ y∈UNIV. g (x, y) * indicator ❙E (x, y)) - (∑⇧+ y. g (y, x) * indicator ❙E (x, y))"
(is "_ ⟹ ?OUT" is "_ ⟹ _ = _ + ?g_out - ?g_out'")
and IN_plus_flow: "d_OUT g x ≠ top ⟹ d_IN (f ⊕ g) x = d_IN f x + (∑⇧+ y∈UNIV. g (y, x) * indicator ❙E (y, x)) - (∑⇧+ y. g (x, y) * indicator ❙E (y, x))"
(is "_ ⟹ ?IN" is "_ ⟹ _ = _ + ?g_in - ?g_in'")
proof -
assume "d_IN g x ≠ top"
then have finite1: "(∑⇧+ y. g (y, x) * indicator A (f y)) ≠ top" for A f
by(rule neq_top_trans)(auto split: split_indicator simp add: d_IN_def intro!: nn_integral_mono)
have "d_OUT (f ⊕ g) x = (∑⇧+ y. (g (x, y) + (f (x, y) - g (y, x))) * indicator ❙E (x, y))"
unfolding d_OUT_def by(rule nn_integral_cong)(simp split: split_indicator add: add_diff_eq_ennreal add.commute ennreal_diff_add_assoc g_le_f)
also have "… = ?g_out + (∑⇧+ y. (f (x, y) - g (y, x)) * indicator ❙E (x, y))"
(is "_ = _ + ?rest")
by(subst nn_integral_add[symmetric])(auto simp add: AE_count_space g_le_f split: split_indicator intro!: nn_integral_cong)
also have "?rest = (∑⇧+ y. f (x, y) * indicator ❙E (x, y)) - ?g_out'" (is "_ = ?f - _")
apply(subst nn_integral_diff[symmetric])
apply(auto intro!: nn_integral_cong split: split_indicator simp add: AE_count_space g_le_f finite1)
also have "?f = d_OUT f x" unfolding d_OUT_def using f_outside
by(auto intro!: nn_integral_cong split: split_indicator)
also have "(∑⇧+ y. g (x, y) * indicator ❙E (x, y)) + (d_OUT f x - (∑⇧+ y. g (y, x) * indicator ❙E (x, y))) =
d_OUT f x + ?g_out - ?g_out'"
by (subst ennreal_diff_add_assoc[symmetric])
(auto simp: ac_simps d_OUT_def intro!: nn_integral_mono g_le_f split: split_indicator)
finally show ?OUT .
assume "d_OUT g x ≠ top"
then have finite2: "(∑⇧+ y. g (x, y) * indicator A (f y)) ≠ top" for A f
by(rule neq_top_trans)(auto split: split_indicator simp add: d_OUT_def intro!: nn_integral_mono)
have "d_IN (f ⊕ g) x = (∑⇧+ y. (g (y, x) + (f (y, x) - g (x, y))) * indicator ❙E (y, x))"
unfolding d_IN_def by(rule nn_integral_cong)(simp split: split_indicator add: add_diff_eq_ennreal add.commute ennreal_diff_add_assoc g_le_f)
also have "… = (∑⇧+ y∈UNIV. g (y, x) * indicator ❙E (y, x)) + (∑⇧+ y. (f (y, x) - g (x, y)) * indicator ❙E (y, x))"
(is "_ = _ + ?rest")
by(subst nn_integral_add[symmetric])(auto simp add: AE_count_space g_le_f split: split_indicator intro!: nn_integral_cong)
also have "?rest = (∑⇧+ y. f (y, x) * indicator ❙E (y, x))- ?g_in'"
by(subst nn_integral_diff[symmetric])(auto intro!: nn_integral_cong split: split_indicator simp add: add_ac add_diff_eq_ennreal AE_count_space g_le_f finite2)
also have "(∑⇧+ y. f (y, x) * indicator ❙E (y, x)) = d_IN f x"
unfolding d_IN_def using f_outside by(auto intro!: nn_integral_cong split: split_indicator)
also have "(∑⇧+ y. g (y, x) * indicator ❙E (y, x)) + (d_IN f x - (∑⇧+ y. g (x, y) * indicator ❙E (y, x))) =
d_IN f x + ?g_in - ?g_in'"
by (subst ennreal_diff_add_assoc[symmetric])
(auto simp: ac_simps d_IN_def intro!: nn_integral_mono g_le_f split: split_indicator)
finally show ?IN .
context countable_network begin
lemma d_IN_plus_flow:
assumes wf: "wf_residual_network"
and f: "flow Δ f"
and g: "flow (residual_network f) g"
shows "d_IN (f ⊕ g) x ≤ d_IN f x + d_IN g x"
proof -
have "d_IN (f ⊕ g) x ≤ (∑⇧+ y. f (y, x) + g (y, x))" unfolding d_IN_def
by(rule nn_integral_mono)(auto intro: diff_le_self_ennreal)
also have "… = d_IN f x + d_IN g x"
by(subst nn_integral_add)(simp_all add: d_IN_def)
finally show ?thesis .
lemma scale_flow:
assumes f: "flow Δ f"
and c: "c ≤ 1"
shows "flow Δ (λe. c * f e)"
proof(intro flow.intros)
fix e
from c have "c * f e ≤ 1 * f e" by(rule mult_right_mono) simp
also have "… ≤ capacity Δ e" using flowD_capacity[OF f, of e] by simp
finally show "c * f e ≤ …" .
fix x
assume x: "x ≠ source Δ" "x ≠ sink Δ"
have "d_OUT (λe. c * f e) x = c * d_OUT f x" by(simp add: d_OUT_cmult)
also have "d_OUT f x = d_IN f x" using f x by(rule flowD_KIR)
also have "c * … = d_IN (λe. c * f e) x" by(simp add: d_IN_cmult)
finally show "KIR (λe. c * f e) x" .
lemma value_scale_flow:
"value_flow Δ (λe. c * f e) = c * value_flow Δ f"
by(rule d_OUT_cmult)
lemma value_flow:
assumes f: "flow Δ f"
and source_out: "⋀y. edge Δ (source Δ) y ⟷ y = x"
shows "value_flow Δ f = f (source Δ, x)"
proof -
have "value_flow Δ f = (∑⇧+ y∈❙O❙U❙T (source Δ). f (source Δ, y))"
by(rule d_OUT_alt_def)(simp add: flowD_outside[OF f])
also have "… = (∑⇧+ y. f (source Δ, y) * indicator {x} y)"
by(subst nn_integral_count_space_indicator)(auto intro!: nn_integral_cong split: split_indicator simp add: outgoing_def source_out)
also have "… = f (source Δ, x)" by(simp add: one_ennreal_def[symmetric] max_def)
finally show ?thesis .
context flow_attainability begin
lemma value_plus_flow:
assumes wf: "wf_residual_network"
and f: "flow Δ f"
and g: "flow (residual_network f) g"
shows "value_flow Δ (f ⊕ g) = value_flow Δ f + value_flow Δ g"
proof -
interpret RES: countable_network "residual_network f" using wf f by(rule residual_countable_network)
have "value_flow Δ (f ⊕ g) = (∑⇧+ y. f (source Δ, y) + g (source Δ, y))"
unfolding d_OUT_def by(rule nn_integral_cong)(simp add: flowD_outside[OF f] RES.flowD_outside[OF g] source_in)
also have "… = value_flow Δ f + value_flow Δ g" unfolding d_OUT_def
by(rule nn_integral_add) simp_all
finally show ?thesis .
lemma flow_residual_add:
assumes wf: "wf_residual_network"
and f: "flow Δ f"
and g: "flow (residual_network f) g"
shows "flow Δ (f ⊕ g)"
fix e
{ assume e: "e ∈ ❙E"
hence "(f ⊕ g) e = f e + g e - g (prod.swap e)" by(cases e) simp
also have "… ≤ f e + g e - 0" by(rule ennreal_minus_mono) simp_all
also have "… ≤ f e + (capacity Δ e - f e)"
using e flowD_capacity[OF g, of e] by(simp split: prod.split_asm add: add_mono)
also have "… = capacity Δ e" using flowD_capacity[OF f, of e]
by simp
also note calculation }
thus "(f ⊕ g) e ≤ capacity Δ e" by(cases e) auto
fix x
assume x: "x ≠ source Δ" "x ≠ sink Δ"
have g_le_f: "g (y, x) ≤ f (x, y)" if "edge Δ x y" for x y
using that flowD_capacity[OF g, of "(y, x)"]
by(auto split: if_split_asm dest: wf_residual_networkD[OF wf] elim: order_trans)
interpret RES: flow_attainability "residual_network f" using wf f by(rule residual_flow_attainability)
have finite1: "(∑⇧+ y. g (y, x) * indicator A (f y)) ≠ ⊤" for A f
using RES.flowD_finite_IN[OF g, of x]
by(rule neq_top_trans)(auto simp add: x d_IN_def split: split_indicator intro: nn_integral_mono)
have finite2: "(∑⇧+ y. g (x, y) * indicator A (f y)) ≠ ⊤" for A f
using RES.flowD_finite_OUT[OF g, of x]
by(rule neq_top_trans)(auto simp add: x d_OUT_def split: split_indicator intro: nn_integral_mono)
have "d_OUT (f ⊕ g) x = d_OUT f x + (∑⇧+ y. g (x, y) * indicator ❙E (x, y)) - (∑⇧+ y. g (y, x) * indicator ❙E (x, y))"
(is "_ = ?f + ?g_out - ?g_in")
using flowD_outside[OF f] g_le_f RES.flowD_finite_IN[OF g, of x]
by(rule OUT_plus_flow)(simp_all add: x)
also have "?f = d_IN f x" using f x by(auto dest: flowD_KIR)
also have "?g_out = (∑⇧+ y. g (x, y) * indicator (- ❙E) (y, x))"
proof -
have "(∑⇧+ y. g (x, y) * indicator (- ❙E) (y, x)) =
(∑⇧+ y. g (x, y) * indicator ❙E (x, y)) + (∑⇧+ y. g (x, y) * indicator (- ❙E) (x, y) * indicator (- ❙E) (y, x))"
by(subst nn_integral_add[symmetric])(auto simp add: AE_count_space dest: wf_residual_networkD[OF wf] split: split_indicator intro!: nn_integral_cong)
also have "(∑⇧+ y. g (x, y) * indicator (- ❙E) (x, y) * indicator (- ❙E) (y, x)) = 0"
using RES.flowD_outside[OF g]
by(auto simp add: nn_integral_0_iff_AE AE_count_space split: split_indicator)
finally show ?thesis by simp
also have "… = (∑⇧+ y. g (x, y) - g (x, y) * indicator ❙E (y, x))"
by(rule nn_integral_cong)(simp split: split_indicator add: RES.flowD_finite[OF g])
also have "… = d_OUT g x - (∑⇧+ y. g (x, y) * indicator ❙E (y, x))"
(is "_ = _ - ?g_in_E") unfolding d_OUT_def
by(subst nn_integral_diff)(simp_all add: AE_count_space finite2 split: split_indicator)
also have "d_IN f x + (d_OUT g x - (∑⇧+ y. g (x, y) * indicator ❙E (y, x))) - ?g_in =
((d_IN f x + d_OUT g x) - (∑⇧+ y. g (x, y) * indicator ❙E (y, x))) - ?g_in"
by (subst add_diff_eq_ennreal) (auto simp: d_OUT_def intro!: nn_integral_mono split: split_indicator)
also have "d_OUT g x = d_IN g x" using x g by(auto dest: flowD_KIR)
also have "… = (∑⇧+ y∈UNIV. g (y, x) * indicator (- ❙E) (y, x)) + (∑⇧+ y. g (y, x) * indicator ❙E (y, x))"
(is "_ = ?x + ?g_in_E'")
by(subst nn_integral_add[symmetric])(auto intro!: nn_integral_cong simp add: d_IN_def AE_count_space split: split_indicator)
also have "?x = ?g_in"
proof -
have "?x = (∑⇧+ y. g (y, x) * indicator (- ❙E) (x, y) * indicator (- ❙E) (y, x)) + ?g_in"
by(subst nn_integral_add[symmetric])(auto simp add: AE_count_space dest: wf_residual_networkD[OF wf] split: split_indicator intro!: nn_integral_cong)
also have "(∑⇧+ y. g (y, x) * indicator (- ❙E) (x, y) * indicator (- ❙E) (y, x)) = 0"
using RES.flowD_outside[OF g]
by(auto simp add: nn_integral_0_iff_AE AE_count_space split: split_indicator)
finally show ?thesis by simp
also have "(d_IN f x + (?g_in + ?g_in_E') - ?g_in_E) - ?g_in =
d_IN f x + ?g_in_E' + ?g_in - ?g_in - ?g_in_E"
by (subst diff_diff_commute_ennreal) (simp add: ac_simps)
also have "… = d_IN f x + ?g_in_E' - ?g_in_E"
by (subst ennreal_add_diff_cancel_right) (simp_all add: finite1)
also have "… = d_IN (f ⊕ g) x"
using flowD_outside[OF f] g_le_f RES.flowD_finite_OUT[OF g, of x]
by(rule IN_plus_flow[symmetric])(simp_all add: x)
finally show "KIR (f ⊕ g) x" by simp
definition minus_flow :: "'v flow ⇒ 'v flow ⇒ 'v flow" (infixl "⊖" 65)
"f ⊖ g = (λ(x, y). if edge Δ x y then f (x, y) - g (x, y) else if edge Δ y x then g (y, x) - f (y, x) else 0)"
lemma minus_flow_simps [simp]:
"(f ⊖ g) (x, y) = (if edge Δ x y then f (x, y) - g (x, y) else if edge Δ y x then g (y, x) - f (y, x) else 0)"
by(simp add: minus_flow_def)
lemma minus_flow:
assumes wf: "wf_residual_network"
and f: "flow Δ f"
and g: "flow Δ g"
and value_le: "value_flow Δ g ≤ value_flow Δ f"
and f_finite: "f (source Δ, x) ≠ ⊤"
and source_out: "⋀y. edge Δ (source Δ) y ⟷ y = x"
shows "flow (residual_network g) (f ⊖ g)" (is "flow ?Δ ?f")
show "?f e ≤ capacity ?Δ e" for e
using value_le f_finite flowD_capacity[OF g] flowD_capacity[OF f]
by(cases e)(auto simp add: source_in source_out value_flow[OF f source_out] value_flow[OF g source_out] less_top
intro!: diff_le_self_ennreal diff_eq_0_ennreal ennreal_minus_mono)
fix x
assume "x ≠ source ?Δ" "x ≠ sink ?Δ"
hence x: "x ≠ source Δ" "x ≠ sink Δ" by simp_all
have finite_f_in: "(∑⇧+ y. f (y, x) * indicator A y) ≠ top" for A
using flowD_finite_IN[OF f, of x]
by(rule neq_top_trans)(auto simp add: x d_IN_def split: split_indicator intro!: nn_integral_mono)
have finite_f_out: "(∑⇧+ y. f (x, y) * indicator A y) ≠ top" for A
using flowD_finite_OUT[OF f, of x]
by(rule neq_top_trans)(auto simp add: x d_OUT_def split: split_indicator intro!: nn_integral_mono)
have finite_f[simp]: "f (x, y) ≠ top" "f (y, x) ≠ top" for y
using finite_f_in[of "{y}"] finite_f_out[of "{y}"] by auto
have finite_g_in: "(∑⇧+ y. g (y, x) * indicator A y) ≠ top" for A
using flowD_finite_IN[OF g, of x]
by(rule neq_top_trans)(auto simp add: x d_IN_def split: split_indicator intro!: nn_integral_mono)
have finite_g_out: "(∑⇧+ y. g (x, y) * indicator A y) ≠ top" for A
using flowD_finite_OUT[OF g x]
by(rule neq_top_trans)(auto simp add: x d_OUT_def split: split_indicator intro!: nn_integral_mono)
have finite_g[simp]: "g (x, y) ≠ top" "g (y, x) ≠ top" for y
using finite_g_in[of "{y}"] finite_g_out[of "{y}"] by auto
have "d_OUT (f ⊖ g) x = (∑⇧+ y. (f (x, y) - g (x, y)) * indicator ❙E (x, y) * indicator {y. g (x, y) ≤ f (x, y)} y) +
(∑⇧+ y. (g (y, x) - f (y, x)) * indicator ❙E (y, x) * indicator {y. f (y, x) < g (y, x)} y)"
(is "_ = ?out + ?in" is "_ = (∑⇧+ y∈_. _ * ?f_ge_g y) + (∑⇧+ y∈_. _ * ?g_gt_f y)")
using flowD_finite[OF g]
apply(subst nn_integral_add[symmetric])
apply(auto 4 4 simp add: d_OUT_def not_le less_top[symmetric] intro!: nn_integral_cong
dest!: wf_residual_networkD[OF wf] split: split_indicator intro!: diff_eq_0_ennreal)
also have "?in = (∑⇧+ y. (g (y, x) - f (y, x)) * ?g_gt_f y)"
using flowD_outside[OF f] flowD_outside[OF g] by(auto intro!: nn_integral_cong split: split_indicator)
also have "… = (∑⇧+ y∈UNIV. g (y, x) * ?g_gt_f y) - (∑⇧+ y. f (y, x) * ?g_gt_f y)" (is "_ = ?g_in - ?f_in")
using finite_f_in
by(subst nn_integral_diff[symmetric])(auto simp add: AE_count_space split: split_indicator intro!: nn_integral_cong)
also have "?out = (∑⇧+ y. (f (x, y) - g (x, y)) * ?f_ge_g y)"
using flowD_outside[OF f] flowD_outside[OF g] by(auto intro!: nn_integral_cong split: split_indicator)
also have "… = (∑⇧+ y. f (x, y) * ?f_ge_g y) - (∑⇧+ y. g (x, y) * ?f_ge_g y)" (is "_ = ?f_out - ?g_out")
using finite_g_out
by(subst nn_integral_diff[symmetric])(auto simp add: AE_count_space split: split_indicator intro!: nn_integral_cong)
also have "?f_out = d_OUT f x - (∑⇧+ y. f (x, y) * indicator {y. f (x, y) < g (x, y)} y)" (is "_ = _ - ?f_out_less")
unfolding d_OUT_def using flowD_finite[OF f] using finite_f_out
by(subst nn_integral_diff[symmetric])(auto split: split_indicator intro!: nn_integral_cong)
also have "?g_out = d_OUT g x - (∑⇧+ y. g (x, y) * indicator {y. f (x, y) < g (x, y)} y)" (is "_ = _ - ?g_less_f")
unfolding d_OUT_def using flowD_finite[OF g] finite_g_out
by(subst nn_integral_diff[symmetric])(auto split: split_indicator intro!: nn_integral_cong)
also have "d_OUT f x - ?f_out_less - (d_OUT g x - ?g_less_f) + (?g_in - ?f_in) =
(?g_less_f + (d_OUT f x - ?f_out_less)) - d_OUT g x + (?g_in - ?f_in)"
by (subst diff_diff_ennreal')
(auto simp: ac_simps d_OUT_def nn_integral_diff[symmetric] finite_g_out finite_f_out intro!: nn_integral_mono split: split_indicator )
also have "… = ?g_less_f + d_OUT f x - ?f_out_less - d_OUT g x + (?g_in - ?f_in)"
by (subst add_diff_eq_ennreal)
(auto simp: d_OUT_def intro!: nn_integral_mono split: split_indicator)
also have "… = d_OUT f x + ?g_less_f - ?f_out_less - d_OUT g x + (?g_in - ?f_in)"
by (simp add: ac_simps)
also have "… = d_OUT f x + (?g_less_f - ?f_out_less) - d_OUT g x + (?g_in - ?f_in)"
by (subst add_diff_eq_ennreal[symmetric])
(auto intro!: nn_integral_mono split: split_indicator)
also have "… = (?g_in - ?f_in) + ((?g_less_f - ?f_out_less) + d_OUT f x - d_OUT g x)"
by (simp add: ac_simps)
also have "… = ((?g_in - ?f_in) + ((?g_less_f - ?f_out_less) + d_OUT f x)) - d_OUT g x"
apply (subst add_diff_eq_ennreal)
apply (simp_all add: d_OUT_def)
apply (subst nn_integral_diff[symmetric])
apply (auto simp: AE_count_space finite_f_out nn_integral_add[symmetric] not_less diff_add_cancel_ennreal intro!: nn_integral_mono split: split_indicator)
also have "… = ((?g_less_f - ?f_out_less) + (d_OUT f x + (?g_in - ?f_in))) - d_OUT g x"
by (simp add: ac_simps)
also have "… = ((?g_less_f - ?f_out_less) + (d_IN f x + (?g_in - ?f_in))) - d_IN g x"
unfolding flowD_KIR[OF f x] flowD_KIR[OF g x] ..
also have "… = (?g_less_f - ?f_out_less) + ((d_IN f x + (?g_in - ?f_in)) - d_IN g x)"
apply (subst (2) add_diff_eq_ennreal)
apply (simp_all add: d_IN_def)
apply (subst nn_integral_diff[symmetric])
apply (auto simp: AE_count_space finite_f_in finite_f_out nn_integral_add[symmetric] not_less ennreal_ineq_diff_add[symmetric]
intro!: nn_integral_mono split: split_indicator)
also have "… = (?g_less_f - ?f_out_less) + (d_IN f x + ?g_in - d_IN g x - ?f_in)"
by (subst (2) add_diff_eq_ennreal) (auto intro!: nn_integral_mono split: split_indicator simp: diff_diff_commute_ennreal)
also have "… = (?g_less_f - ?f_out_less) + (d_IN f x - (d_IN g x - ?g_in) - ?f_in)"
apply (subst diff_diff_ennreal')
apply (auto simp: d_IN_def intro!: nn_integral_mono split: split_indicator)
apply (subst nn_integral_diff[symmetric])
apply (auto simp: AE_count_space finite_g_in intro!: nn_integral_mono split: split_indicator)
also have "… =(d_IN f x - ?f_in) - (d_IN g x - ?g_in) + (?g_less_f - ?f_out_less)"
by (simp add: ac_simps diff_diff_commute_ennreal)
also have "?g_less_f - ?f_out_less = (∑⇧+ y. (g (x, y) - f (x, y)) * indicator {y. f (x, y) < g (x, y)} y)" using finite_f_out
by(subst nn_integral_diff[symmetric])(auto simp add: AE_count_space split: split_indicator intro!: nn_integral_cong)
also have "… = (∑⇧+ y. (g (x, y) - f (x, y)) * indicator ❙E (x, y) * indicator {y. f (x, y) < g (x, y)} y)" (is "_ = ?diff_out")
using flowD_outside[OF f] flowD_outside[OF g] by(auto intro!: nn_integral_cong split: split_indicator)
also have "d_IN f x - ?f_in = (∑⇧+ y. f (y, x) * indicator {y. g (y, x) ≤ f (y, x)} y)"
unfolding d_IN_def using finite_f_in
apply(subst nn_integral_diff[symmetric])
apply(auto simp add: AE_count_space split: split_indicator intro!: nn_integral_cong)
also have "d_IN g x - ?g_in = (∑⇧+ y. g (y, x) * indicator {y. g (y, x) ≤ f (y, x)} y)"
unfolding d_IN_def using finite_g_in
by(subst nn_integral_diff[symmetric])(auto simp add: flowD_finite[OF g] AE_count_space split: split_indicator intro!: nn_integral_cong)
also have "(∑⇧+ y∈UNIV. f (y, x) * indicator {y. g (y, x) ≤ f (y, x)} y) - … = (∑⇧+ y. (f (y, x) - g (y, x)) * indicator {y. g (y, x) ≤ f (y, x)} y)"
using finite_g_in
by(subst nn_integral_diff[symmetric])(auto simp add: flowD_finite[OF g] AE_count_space split: split_indicator intro!: nn_integral_cong)
also have "… = (∑⇧+ y. (f (y, x) - g (y, x)) * indicator ❙E (y, x) * indicator {y. g (y, x) ≤ f (y, x)} y)"
using flowD_outside[OF f] flowD_outside[OF g] by(auto intro!: nn_integral_cong split: split_indicator)
also have "… + ?diff_out = d_IN ?f x"
using flowD_finite[OF g]
apply(subst nn_integral_add[symmetric])
apply(auto 4 4 simp add: d_IN_def not_le less_top[symmetric] intro!: nn_integral_cong
dest!: wf_residual_networkD[OF wf] split: split_indicator intro: diff_eq_0_ennreal)
finally show "KIR ?f x" .
lemma value_minus_flow:
assumes f: "flow Δ f"
and g: "flow Δ g"
and value_le: "value_flow Δ g ≤ value_flow Δ f"
and source_out: "⋀y. edge Δ (source Δ) y ⟷ y = x"
shows "value_flow Δ (f ⊖ g) = value_flow Δ f - value_flow Δ g" (is "?value")
proof -
have "value_flow Δ (f ⊖ g) = (∑⇧+ y∈❙O❙U❙T (source Δ). (f ⊖ g) (source Δ, y))"
by(subst d_OUT_alt_def)(auto simp add: flowD_outside[OF f] flowD_outside[OF g] source_in)
also have "… = (∑⇧+ y. (f (source Δ, y) - g (source Δ, y)) * indicator {x} y)"
by(subst nn_integral_count_space_indicator)(auto intro!: nn_integral_cong split: split_indicator simp add: outgoing_def source_out)
also have "… = f (source Δ, x) - g (source Δ, x)"
using value_le value_flow[OF f source_out] value_flow[OF g source_out]
by(auto simp add: one_ennreal_def[symmetric] max_def not_le intro: antisym)
also have "… = value_flow Δ f - value_flow Δ g" using f g source_out by(simp add: value_flow)
finally show ?value .
fixes α
defines "α ≡ (SUP g∈{g. flow Δ g}. value_flow Δ g)"
lemma flow_by_value:
assumes "v < α"
and real[rule_format]: "∀f. α = ⊤ ⟶ flow Δ f ⟶ value_flow Δ f < α"
obtains f where "flow Δ f" "value_flow Δ f = v"
proof -
have α_pos: "α > 0" using assms by (auto simp add: zero_less_iff_neq_zero)
from ‹v < α› obtain f where f: "flow Δ f" and v: "v < value_flow Δ f"
unfolding α_def less_SUP_iff by blast
have [simp]: "value_flow Δ f ≠ ⊤"
assume val: "value_flow Δ f = ⊤"
from f have "value_flow Δ f ≤ α" unfolding α_def by(blast intro: SUP_upper2)
with val have "α = ⊤" by (simp add: top_unique)
from real[OF this f] val show False by simp
let ?f = "λe. (v / value_flow Δ f) * f e"
note f
have *: "0 < value_flow Δ f"
using ‹v < value_flow Δ f› by (auto simp add: zero_less_iff_neq_zero)
then have "v / value_flow Δ f ≤ 1" using v
by (auto intro!: divide_le_posI_ennreal)
ultimately have "flow Δ ?f" by (rule scale_flow)
moreover {
have "value_flow Δ ?f = v * (value_flow Δ f / value_flow Δ f)"
by(subst value_scale_flow)(simp add: divide_ennreal_def ac_simps)
also have "… = v" using * by(subst ennreal_divide_self) (auto simp: less_top[symmetric])
also note calculation }
ultimately show ?thesis by(rule that)
theorem ex_max_flow':
assumes wf: "wf_residual_network"
assumes source_out: "⋀y. edge Δ (source Δ) y ⟷ y = x"
and nontrivial: "❙V - {source Δ, sink Δ} ≠ {}"
and real: "α = ennreal α'" and α'_nonneg[simp]: "0 ≤ α'"
shows "∃f. flow Δ f ∧ value_flow Δ f = α ∧ (∀x. d_IN f x ≤ value_flow Δ f)"
proof -
have α'_not_neg[simp]: "¬ α' < 0"
using α'_nonneg by linarith
let ?v = "λi. (1 - (1 / 2) ^ i) * α"
let ?v_r = "λi. ennreal ((1 - (1 / 2) ^ i) * α')"
have v_eq: "?v i = ?v_r i" for i
by (auto simp: real ennreal_mult power_le_one ennreal_lessI ennreal_minus[symmetric]
ennreal_power[symmetric] divide_ennreal_def)
have "∃f. flow Δ f ∧ value_flow Δ f = ?v i" for i :: nat
proof(cases "α = 0")
case True thus ?thesis by(auto intro!: exI[where x="λ_. 0"])
case False
then have "?v i < α"
unfolding v_eq by (auto simp: real field_simps intro!: ennreal_lessI) (simp_all add: less_le)
then obtain f where "flow Δ f" and "value_flow Δ f = ?v i"
by(rule flow_by_value)(simp add: real)
thus ?thesis by blast
then obtain f_aux where f_aux: "⋀i. flow Δ (f_aux i)"
and value_aux: "⋀i. value_flow Δ (f_aux i) = ?v_r i"
unfolding v_eq by moura
define f_i where "f_i = rec_nat (λ_. 0) (λi f_i.
let g = f_aux (Suc i) ⊖ f_i;
k_i = SOME k. k ≤ g ∧ flow (residual_network f_i) k ∧ value_flow (residual_network f_i) k = value_flow (residual_network f_i) g ∧ (∀x. d_IN k x ≤ value_flow (residual_network f_i) k)
in f_i ⊕ k_i)"
let ?P = "λi k. k ≤ f_aux (Suc i) ⊖ f_i i ∧ flow (residual_network (f_i i)) k ∧ value_flow (residual_network (f_i i)) k = value_flow (residual_network (f_i i)) (f_aux (Suc i) ⊖ f_i i) ∧ (∀x. d_IN k x ≤ value_flow (residual_network (f_i i)) k)"
define k_i where "k_i i = Eps (?P i)" for i
have f_i_simps [simp]: "f_i 0 = (λ_. 0)" "f_i (Suc i) = f_i i ⊕ k_i i" for i
by(simp_all add: f_i_def Let_def k_i_def)
have k_i: "flow (residual_network (f_i i)) (k_i i)" (is ?k_i)
and value_k_i: "value_flow (residual_network (f_i i)) (k_i i) = value_flow (residual_network (f_i i)) (f_aux (Suc i) ⊖ f_i i)" (is "?value_k_i")
and IN_k_i: "d_IN (k_i i) x ≤ value_flow (residual_network (f_i i)) (k_i i)" (is "?IN_k_i")
and value_diff: "value_flow (residual_network (f_i i)) (f_aux (Suc i) ⊖ f_i i) = value_flow Δ (f_aux (Suc i)) - value_flow Δ (f_i i)" (is "?value_diff")
if "flow_network Δ (f_i i)" and value_f_i: "value_flow Δ (f_i i) = value_flow Δ (f_aux i)" for i x
proof -
let ?RES = "residual_network (f_i i)"
interpret fn: flow_network Δ "f_i i" by(rule that)
interpret RES: flow_attainability "?RES" using wf fn.g by(rule residual_flow_attainability)
have le: "value_flow Δ (f_i i) ≤ value_flow Δ (f_aux (Suc i))"
unfolding value_aux value_f_i
unfolding v_eq by (rule ennreal_leI) (auto simp: field_simps)
with wf f_aux fn.g have res_flow: "flow ?RES (f_aux (Suc i) ⊖ f_i i)"
using flowD_finite[OF f_aux] source_out
by(rule minus_flow)
show value': ?value_diff by(simp add: value_minus_flow[OF f_aux fn.g le source_out])
also have "… < ⊤"
unfolding value_aux v_eq by (auto simp: less_top[symmetric])
finally have "value_flow ?RES (f_aux (Suc i) ⊖ f_i i) ≠ ⊤" by simp
then have fn': "flow_network ?RES (f_aux (Suc i) ⊖ f_i i)"
using nontrivial res_flow by(unfold_locales) simp_all
then interpret fn': flow_network "?RES" "f_aux (Suc i) ⊖ f_i i" .
from fn'.flow_cleanup show ?k_i ?value_k_i ?IN_k_i unfolding k_i_def by(rule someI2_ex; blast)+
have fn_i: "flow_network Δ (f_i i)"
and value_f_i: "value_flow Δ (f_i i) = value_flow Δ (f_aux i)"
and d_IN_i: "d_IN (f_i i) x ≤ value_flow Δ (f_i i)" for i x
proof(induction i)
case 0
{ case 1 show ?case using nontrivial by(unfold_locales)(simp_all add: f_aux value_aux) }
{ case 2 show ?case by(simp add: value_aux) }
{ case 3 show ?case by(simp) }
case (Suc i)
interpret fn: flow_network Δ "f_i i" using Suc.IH(1) .
let ?RES = "residual_network (f_i i)"
have k_i: "flow ?RES (k_i i)"
and value_k_i: "value_flow ?RES (k_i i) = value_flow ?RES (f_aux (Suc i) ⊖ f_i i)"
and d_IN_k_i: "d_IN (k_i i) x ≤ value_flow ?RES (k_i i)" for x
using Suc.IH(1-2) by(rule k_i value_k_i IN_k_i)+
interpret RES: flow_attainability "?RES" using wf fn.g by(rule residual_flow_attainability)
have le: "value_flow Δ (f_i i) ≤ value_flow Δ (f_aux (Suc i))"
unfolding value_aux Suc.IH(2) v_eq using α'_nonneg by(intro ennreal_leI)(simp add: real field_simps)
{ case 1 show ?case unfolding f_i_simps
show "flow Δ (f_i i ⊕ k_i i)" using wf fn.g k_i by(rule flow_residual_add)
with RES.flowD_finite[OF k_i] show "value_flow Δ (f_i i ⊕ k_i i) ≠ ⊤"
by(simp add: value_flow[OF _ source_out])
qed(rule nontrivial) }
from value_k_i have value_k: "value_flow ?RES (k_i i) = value_flow Δ (f_aux (Suc i)) - value_flow Δ (f_aux i)"
by(simp add: value_minus_flow[OF f_aux fn.g le source_out] Suc.IH)
{ case 2 show ?case using value_k
by(auto simp add: source_out value_plus_flow[OF wf fn.g k_i] Suc.IH value_aux field_simps intro!: ennreal_leI) }
note value_f = this
{ case 3
have "d_IN (f_i i ⊕ k_i i) x ≤ d_IN (f_i i) x + d_IN (k_i i) x"
using fn.g k_i by(rule d_IN_plus_flow[OF wf])
also have "… ≤ value_flow Δ (f_i i) + d_IN (k_i i) x" using Suc.IH(3) by(rule add_right_mono)
also have "… ≤ value_flow Δ (f_i i) + value_flow ?RES (k_i i)" using d_IN_k_i by(rule add_left_mono)
also have "… = value_flow Δ (f_i (Suc i))" unfolding value_f Suc.IH(2) value_k
by(auto simp add: value_aux field_simps intro!: ennreal_leI)
finally show ?case by simp }
interpret fn: flow_network Δ "f_i i" for i by(rule fn_i)
note k_i = k_i[OF fn_i value_f_i] and value_k_i = value_k_i[OF fn_i value_f_i]
and IN_k_i = IN_k_i[OF fn_i value_f_i] and value_diff = value_diff[OF fn_i value_f_i]
have "∃x≥0. f_i i e = ennreal x" for i e
using fn.finite_g[of i e] by (cases "f_i i e") auto
then obtain f_i' where f_i': "⋀i e. f_i i e = ennreal (f_i' i e)" and [simp]: "⋀i e. 0 ≤ f_i' i e"
by metis
{ fix i e
obtain x y :: 'v where e: "e = (x, y)" by(cases e)
have "k_i i (x, y) ≤ d_IN (k_i i) y" by (rule d_IN_ge_point)
also have "… ≤ value_flow (residual_network (f_i i)) (k_i i)" by(rule IN_k_i)
also have "… < ⊤" using value_k_i[of i] value_diff[of i]
by(simp add: value_k_i value_f_i value_aux real less_top[symmetric])
finally have "∃x≥0. k_i i e = ennreal x"
by(cases "k_i i e")(auto simp add: e) }
then obtain k_i' where k_i': "⋀i e. k_i i e = ennreal (k_i' i e)" and k_i'_nonneg[simp]: "⋀i e. 0 ≤ k_i' i e"
by metis
have wf_k: "(x, y) ∈ ❙E ⟹ k_i i (y, x) ≤ f_i i (x, y) + k_i i (x, y)" for i x y
using flowD_capacity[OF k_i, of i "(y, x)"]
by (auto split: if_split_asm dest: wf_residual_networkD[OF wf] elim: order_trans)
have f_i'_0[simp]: "f_i' 0 = (λ_. 0)" using f_i_simps(1) by (simp del: f_i_simps add: fun_eq_iff f_i')
have f_i'_Suc[simp]: "f_i' (Suc i) e = (if e ∈ ❙E then f_i' i e + (k_i' i e - k_i' i (prod.swap e)) else 0)" for i e
using f_i_simps(2)[of i, unfolded fun_eq_iff, THEN spec, of e] wf_k[of "fst e" "snd e" i]
by (auto simp del: f_i_simps ennreal_plus
simp add: fun_eq_iff f_i' k_i' ennreal_plus[symmetric] ennreal_minus split: if_split_asm)
have k_i'_le: "k_i' i e ≤ α' / 2 ^ (Suc i)" for i e
proof -
obtain x y where e: "e = (x, y)" by(cases e)
have "k_i' i (x, y) ≤ d_IN (k_i' i) y" by (rule d_IN_ge_point)
also have "… ≤ value_flow (residual_network (f_i i)) (k_i' i)"
using IN_k_i[of i y] by(simp add: k_i'[abs_def])
also have "… = α' / 2 ^ (Suc i)" using value_k_i[of i] value_diff[of i]
by(simp add: value_f_i value_aux real k_i'[abs_def] field_simps ennreal_minus mult_le_cancel_left1)
finally show ?thesis using e by simp
have convergent: "convergent (λi. f_i' i e)" for e
proof(cases "α' > 0")
case False
obtain x y where [simp]: "e = (x, y)" by(cases e)
{ fix i
from False α'_nonneg have "α' = 0" by simp
moreover have "f_i i (x, y) ≤ d_IN (f_i i) y" by (rule d_IN_ge_point)
ultimately have "f_i i (x, y) = 0" using d_IN_i[of i y]
by(simp add: value_f_i value_aux real) }
thus ?thesis by(simp add: f_i' convergent_const)
case α'_pos: True
show ?thesis
proof(rule real_Cauchy_convergent Cauchy_real_Suc_diff)+
fix n
have "¦k_i' n e - k_i' n (prod.swap e)¦ ≤ ¦k_i' n e¦ + ¦k_i' n (prod.swap e)¦"
by (rule abs_triangle_ineq4)
then have "¦k_i' n e - k_i' n (prod.swap e)¦ ≤ α' / 2 ^ n"
using k_i'_le[of n e] k_i'_le[of n "prod.swap e"] by simp
then have "¦f_i' (Suc n) e - f_i' n e¦ ≤ α' / 2 ^ n"
using flowD_outside[OF fn.g] by (cases e) (auto simp: f_i')
thus "¦f_i' (Suc n) e - f_i' n e¦ ≤ α' / 2 ^ n" by simp
qed simp
then obtain f' where f': "⋀e. (λi. f_i' i e) ⇢ f' e" unfolding convergent_def by metis
hence f: "⋀e. (λi. f_i i e) ⇢ ennreal (f' e)" unfolding f_i' by simp
have f'_nonneg: "0 ≤ f' e" for e
by (rule LIMSEQ_le_const[OF f']) auto
let ?k = "λi x y. (k_i' i (x, y) - k_i' i (y, x)) * indicator ❙E (x, y)"
have sum_i': "f_i' i (x, y) = (∑j<i. ?k j x y)" for x y i
by (induction i) auto
have summable_nk: "summable (λi. ¦?k i x y¦)" for x y
proof(rule summable_rabs_comparison_test)
show "∃N. ∀i≥N. ¦?k i x y¦ ≤ α' * (1 / 2) ^ i"
proof (intro exI allI impI)
fix i have "¦?k i x y¦ ≤ k_i' i (x, y) + k_i' i (y, x)"
by (auto intro!: abs_triangle_ineq4[THEN order_trans] split: split_indicator)
also have "… ≤ α' * (1 / 2) ^ i"
using k_i'_le[of i "(x, y)"] k_i'_le[of i "(y, x)"] α'_nonneg k_i'_nonneg[of i "(x, y)"] k_i'_nonneg[of i "(y, x)"]
by(auto simp add: abs_real_def power_divide split: split_indicator)
finally show "¦?k i x y¦ ≤ α' * (1 / 2) ^ i"
by simp
show "summable (λi. α' * (1 / 2) ^ i)"
by(rule summable_mult complete_algebra_summable_geometric)+ simp
hence summable_k: "summable (λi. ?k i x y)" for x y by(auto intro: summable_norm_cancel)
have suminf: "(∑i. (k_i' i (x, y) - k_i' i (y, x)) * indicator ❙E (x, y)) = f' (x, y)" for x y
by(rule LIMSEQ_unique[OF summable_LIMSEQ])(simp_all add: sum_i'[symmetric] f' summable_k)
have flow: "flow Δ f'"
fix e
have "f' e ≤ Sup {..capacity Δ e}" using _ f
by(rule Sup_lim)(simp add: flowD_capacity[OF fn.g])
then show "f' e ≤ capacity Δ e" by simp
fix x
assume x: "x ≠ source Δ" "x ≠ sink Δ"
have integrable_f_i: "integrable (count_space UNIV) (λy. f_i' i (x, y))" for i
using flowD_finite_OUT[OF fn.g x, of i] by(auto intro!: integrableI_bounded simp add: f_i' d_OUT_def less_top)
have integrable_f_i': "integrable (count_space UNIV) (λy. f_i' i (y, x))" for i
using flowD_finite_IN[OF fn.g, of x i] x by(auto intro!: integrableI_bounded simp add: f_i' d_IN_def less_top)
have integral_k_bounded: "(∑⇧+ y. norm (?k i x y)) ≤ α' / 2 ^ i" (is ?thesis1)
and integral_k'_bounded: "(∑⇧+ y. norm (?k i y x)) ≤ α' / 2 ^ i" (is ?thesis2) for i
proof -
define b where "b = (∑⇧+ y. k_i i (x, y) + k_i i (y, x))"
have "b = d_OUT (k_i i) x + d_IN (k_i i) x" unfolding b_def
by(subst nn_integral_add)(simp_all add: d_OUT_def d_IN_def)
also have "d_OUT (k_i i) x = d_IN (k_i i) x" using k_i by(rule flowD_KIR)(simp_all add: x)
also have "… + … ≤ value_flow Δ (k_i i) + value_flow Δ (k_i i)"
using IN_k_i[of i x, simplified] by-(rule add_mono)
also have "… ≤ α' / 2 ^ i" using value_k_i[of i] value_diff[of i]
by(simp add: value_aux value_f_i field_simps ennreal_minus_if ennreal_plus_if mult_le_cancel_left1
del: ennreal_plus)
also have "(∑⇧+ y∈UNIV. norm (?k i x y)) ≤ b" and "(∑⇧+ y. norm (?k i y x)) ≤ b" unfolding b_def
by(rule nn_integral_mono; simp add: abs_real_def k_i' ennreal_plus_if del: ennreal_plus split: split_indicator)+
ultimately show ?thesis1 ?thesis2 by(auto)
have integrable_k: "integrable (count_space UNIV) (λy. ?k i x y)"
and integrable_k': "integrable (count_space UNIV) (λy. ?k i y x)" for i
using integral_k_bounded[of i] integral_k'_bounded[of i] real
by(auto intro!: integrableI_bounded simp: less_top[symmetric] top_unique ennreal_divide_eq_top_iff)
have summable'_k: "summable (λi. ∫ y. ¦?k i x y¦ ∂count_space UNIV)"
proof(rule summable_comparison_test)
have "¦∫ y. ¦?k i x y¦ ∂count_space UNIV¦ ≤ α' * (1 / 2) ^ i" for i
using integral_norm_bound_ennreal[OF integrable_norm, OF integrable_k, of i] integral_k_bounded[of i]
by(bestsimp simp add: real power_divide dest: order_trans)
thus "∃N. ∀i≥N. norm (∫ y. ¦?k i x y¦ ∂count_space UNIV) ≤ α' * (1 / 2) ^ i"
by auto
show "summable (λi. α' * (1 / 2) ^ i)"
by(rule summable_mult complete_algebra_summable_geometric)+ simp
have summable'_k': "summable (λi. ∫ y. ¦?k i y x¦ ∂count_space UNIV)"
proof(rule summable_comparison_test)
have "¦∫ y. ¦?k i y x¦ ∂count_space UNIV¦ ≤ α' * (1 / 2) ^ i" for i
using integral_norm_bound_ennreal[OF integrable_norm, OF integrable_k', of i] integral_k'_bounded[of i]
by(bestsimp simp add: real power_divide dest: order_trans)
thus "∃N. ∀i≥N. norm (∫ y. ¦?k i y x¦ ∂count_space UNIV) ≤ α' * (1 / 2) ^ i" by auto
show "summable (λi. α' * (1 / 2) ^ i)"
by(rule summable_mult complete_algebra_summable_geometric)+ simp
have "(λi. ∫ y. ?k i x y ∂count_space UNIV) sums ∫ y. (∑i. ?k i x y) ∂count_space UNIV"
using integrable_k by(rule sums_integral)(simp_all add: summable_nk summable'_k)
also have "… = ∫ y. f' (x, y) ∂count_space UNIV" by(rule Bochner_Integration.integral_cong[OF refl])(rule suminf)
finally have "(λi. ∑j<i. ∫ y. ?k j x y ∂count_space UNIV) ⇢ …" unfolding sums_def .
also have "(λi. ∑j<i. ∫ y. ?k j x y ∂count_space UNIV) = (λi. ∫ y. f_i' i (x, y) ∂count_space UNIV)"
unfolding sum_i' by(rule ext Bochner_Integration.integral_sum[symmetric] integrable_k)+
finally have "(λi. ennreal (∫ y. f_i' i (x, y) ∂count_space UNIV)) ⇢ ennreal (∫ y. f' (x, y) ∂count_space UNIV)" by simp
also have "(λi. ennreal (∫ y. f_i' i (x, y) ∂count_space UNIV)) = (λi. d_OUT (f_i i) x)"
unfolding d_OUT_def f_i' by(rule ext nn_integral_eq_integral[symmetric] integrable_f_i)+ simp
also have "ennreal (∫ y. f' (x, y) ∂count_space UNIV) = d_OUT f' x"
unfolding d_OUT_def by(rule nn_integral_eq_integral[symmetric])(simp_all add: f'_nonneg, simp add: suminf[symmetric] integrable_suminf integrable_k summable_nk summable'_k)
also have "(λi. d_OUT (f_i i) x) = (λi. d_IN (f_i i) x)"
using flowD_KIR[OF fn.g x] by(simp)
finally have *: "(λi. d_IN (f_i i) x) ⇢ d_OUT (λx. ennreal (f' x)) x" .
have "(λi. ∫ y. ?k i y x ∂count_space UNIV) sums ∫ y. (∑i. ?k i y x) ∂count_space UNIV"
using integrable_k' by(rule sums_integral)(simp_all add: summable_nk summable'_k')
also have "… = ∫ y. f' (y, x) ∂count_space UNIV" by(rule Bochner_Integration.integral_cong[OF refl])(rule suminf)
finally have "(λi. ∑j<i. ∫ y. ?k j y x ∂count_space UNIV) ⇢ …" unfolding sums_def .
also have "(λi. ∑j<i. ∫ y. ?k j y x ∂count_space UNIV) = (λi. ∫ y. f_i' i (y, x) ∂count_space UNIV)"
unfolding sum_i' by(rule ext Bochner_Integration.integral_sum[symmetric] integrable_k')+
finally have "(λi. ennreal (∫ y. f_i' i (y, x) ∂count_space UNIV)) ⇢ ennreal (∫ y. f' (y, x) ∂count_space UNIV)" by simp
also have "(λi. ennreal (∫ y. f_i' i (y, x) ∂count_space UNIV)) = (λi. d_IN (f_i i) x)"
unfolding d_IN_def f_i' by(rule ext nn_integral_eq_integral[symmetric] integrable_f_i')+ simp
also have "ennreal (∫ y. f' (y, x) ∂count_space UNIV) = d_IN f' x"
unfolding d_IN_def by(rule nn_integral_eq_integral[symmetric])(simp_all add: f'_nonneg, simp add: suminf[symmetric] integrable_suminf integrable_k' summable_nk summable'_k')
finally show "d_OUT f' x = d_IN f' x" using * by(blast intro: LIMSEQ_unique)
{ have "incseq (λi. value_flow Δ (f_i i))"
by(rule incseq_SucI)(simp add: value_aux value_f_i real field_simps α'_nonneg ennreal_leI del: f_i_simps)
then have "(λi. value_flow Δ (f_i i)) ⇢ (SUP i. value_flow Δ (f_i i))" by(rule LIMSEQ_SUP)
also have "(SUP i. value_flow Δ (f_i i)) = α"
proof -
have "α - (SUP i. value_flow Δ (f_i i)) = (INF i. α - value_flow Δ (f_i i))"
by(simp add: ennreal_SUP_const_minus real)
also have "α - value_flow Δ (f_i i) = α' / 2 ^ i" for i
by(simp add: value_f_i value_aux real ennreal_minus_if field_simps mult_le_cancel_left1)
hence "(INF i. α - value_flow Δ (f_i i)) = (INF i. ennreal (α' / 2 ^ i))"
by(auto intro: INF_cong)
also have "… = 0"
proof(rule LIMSEQ_unique)
show "(λi. α' / 2 ^ i) ⇢ (INF i. ennreal (α' / 2 ^ i))"
by(rule LIMSEQ_INF)(simp add: field_simps real decseq_SucI)
qed(simp add: LIMSEQ_divide_realpow_zero real ennreal_0[symmetric] del: ennreal_0)
finally show "(SUP i. value_flow Δ (f_i i)) = α"
apply (intro antisym)
apply (auto simp: α_def intro!: SUP_mono fn.g) []
apply (rule ennreal_minus_eq_0)
apply assumption
also have "(λi. value_flow Δ (f_i i)) ⇢ value_flow Δ f'"
by(simp add: value_flow[OF flow source_out] value_flow[OF fn.g source_out] f)
ultimately have "value_flow Δ f' = α" by(blast intro: LIMSEQ_unique) }
note value_f = this
moreover {
fix x
have "d_IN f' x = ∫⇧+ y. liminf (λi. f_i i (y, x)) ∂count_space UNIV" unfolding d_IN_def using f
by(simp add: tendsto_iff_Liminf_eq_Limsup)
also have "… ≤ liminf (λi. d_IN (f_i i) x)" unfolding d_IN_def
by(rule nn_integral_liminf)(simp_all add:)
also have "… ≤ liminf (λi. α)" using d_IN_i[of _ x] fn.g
by(auto intro!: Liminf_mono SUP_upper2 eventually_sequentiallyI simp add: α_def)
also have "… = value_flow Δ f'" using value_f by(simp add: Liminf_const)
also note calculation
} ultimately show ?thesis by blast
theorem ex_max_flow'':
assumes source_out: "⋀y. edge Δ (source Δ) y ⟷ y = x"
and nontrivial: "❙E ≠ {}"
and real: "α = ennreal α'" and nn[simp]: "0 ≤ α'"
shows "∃f. flow Δ f ∧ value_flow Δ f = α ∧ (∀x. d_IN f x ≤ value_flow Δ f)"
proof -
interpret antiparallel_edges Δ ..
interpret Δ'': flow_attainability Δ''
by(rule Δ''_flow_attainability flow_attainability.axioms(2))+unfold_locales
have wf_Δ'': "Δ''.wf_residual_network"
by(rule Δ''_wf_residual_network; simp add: no_loop)
have source_out': "edge Δ'' (source Δ'') y ⟷ y = Edge (source Δ) x" for y
by(auto simp add: source_out)
have nontrivial': "❙V⇘Δ''⇙ - {source Δ'', sink Δ''} ≠ {}" using nontrivial by(auto simp add: "❙V_Δ''")
have "(SUP g ∈ {g. flow Δ'' g}. value_flow Δ'' g) = (SUP g ∈ {g. flow Δ g}. value_flow Δ g)" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof(intro antisym SUP_least; unfold mem_Collect_eq)
fix g
assume g: "flow Δ'' g"
hence "value_flow Δ'' g = value_flow Δ (collect g)" by(simp add: value_collect)
also { from g have "flow Δ (collect g)" by simp }
then have "… ≤ ?rhs" by(blast intro: SUP_upper2)
finally show "value_flow Δ'' g ≤ …" .
fix g
assume g: "flow Δ g"
hence "value_flow Δ g = value_flow Δ'' (split g)" by simp
also { from g have "flow Δ'' (split g)" by simp }
then have "… ≤ ?lhs" by(blast intro: SUP_upper2)
finally show "value_flow Δ g ≤ ?lhs" .
with real have eq: "(SUP g ∈ {g. flow Δ'' g}. value_flow Δ'' g) = ennreal α'" by(simp add: α_def)
from Δ''.ex_max_flow'[OF wf_Δ'' source_out' nontrivial' eq]
obtain f where f: "flow Δ'' f"
and "value_flow Δ'' f = α"
and IN: "⋀x. d_IN f x ≤ value_flow Δ'' f" unfolding eq real using nn by blast
hence "flow Δ (collect f)" and "value_flow Δ (collect f) = α" by(simp_all add: value_collect)
moreover {
fix x
have "d_IN (collect f) x = (∑⇧+ y∈range (λy. Edge y x). f (y, Vertex x))"
by(simp add: nn_integral_count_space_reindex d_IN_def)
also have "… ≤ d_IN f (Vertex x)" unfolding d_IN_def
by (auto intro!: nn_integral_mono simp add: nn_integral_count_space_indicator split: split_indicator)
also have "… ≤ value_flow Δ (collect f)" using IN[of "Vertex x"] f by(simp add: value_collect)
also note calculation }
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
context begin