Theory MFMC_Misc
section ‹Preliminaries›
theory MFMC_Misc imports
hide_const (open) cycle
hide_const (open) path
hide_const (open) cut
hide_const (open) orthogonal
lemmas disjE [consumes 1, case_names left right, cases pred] = disjE
lemma inj_on_Pair2 [simp]: "inj_on (Pair x) A"
by(simp add: inj_on_def)
lemma inj_on_Pair1 [simp]: "inj_on (λx. (x, y)) A"
by(simp add: inj_on_def)
lemma inj_map_prod': "⟦ inj f; inj g ⟧ ⟹ inj_on (map_prod f g) X"
by(rule subset_inj_on[OF prod.inj_map subset_UNIV])
lemma not_range_Inr: "x ∉ range Inr ⟷ x ∈ range Inl"
by(cases x) auto
lemma not_range_Inl: "x ∉ range Inl ⟷ x ∈ range Inr"
by(cases x) auto
lemma Chains_into_chain: "M ∈ Chains {(x, y). R x y} ⟹ Complete_Partial_Order.chain R M"
by(simp add: Chains_def chain_def)
lemma chain_dual: "Complete_Partial_Order.chain (≥) = Complete_Partial_Order.chain (≤)"
by(auto simp add: fun_eq_iff chain_def)
lemma Cauchy_real_Suc_diff:
fixes X :: "nat ⇒ real" and x :: real
assumes bounded: "⋀n. ¦f (Suc n) - f n¦ ≤ (c / x ^ n)"
and x: "1 < x"
shows "Cauchy f"
proof(cases "c > 0")
case c: True
show ?thesis
proof(rule metric_CauchyI)
fix ε :: real
assume "0 < ε"
from bounded[of 0] x have c_nonneg: "0 ≤ c" by simp
from x have "0 < ln x" by simp
from reals_Archimedean3[OF this] obtain M :: nat
where "ln (c * x) - ln (ε * (x - 1)) < real M * ln x" by blast
hence "exp (ln (c * x) - ln (ε * (x - 1))) < exp (real M * ln x)" by(rule exp_less_mono)
hence M: "c * (1 / x) ^ M / (1 - 1 / x) < ε" using ‹0 < ε› x c
by (simp add: exp_diff exp_of_nat_mult field_simps del: ln_mult)
{ fix n m :: nat
assume "n ≥ M" "m ≥ M"
then have "¦f m - f n¦ ≤ c * ((1 / x) ^ M - (1 / x) ^ max m n) / (1 - 1 / x)"
proof(induction n m rule: linorder_wlog)
case sym thus ?case by(simp add: abs_minus_commute max.commute min.commute)
case (le m n)
then show ?case
proof(induction k≡"n - m" arbitrary: n m)
case 0 thus ?case using x c_nonneg by(simp add: field_simps mult_left_mono)
case (Suc k m n)
from ‹Suc k = _› obtain m' where m: "m = Suc m'" by(cases m) simp_all
with ‹Suc k = _› Suc.prems have "k = m' - n" "n ≤ m'" "M ≤ n" "M ≤ m'" by simp_all
hence "¦f m' - f n¦ ≤ c * ((1 / x) ^ M - (1 / x) ^ (max m' n)) / (1 - 1 / x)" by(rule Suc)
also have "… = c * ((1 / x) ^ M - (1 / x) ^ m') / (1 - 1 / x)" using ‹n ≤ m'› by(simp add: max_def)
from bounded have "¦f m - f m'¦ ≤ (c / x ^ m')" by(simp add: m)
ultimately have "¦f m' - f n¦ + ¦f m - f m'¦ ≤ c * ((1 / x) ^ M - (1 / x) ^ m') / (1 - 1 / x) + …" by simp
also have "… ≤ c * ((1 / x) ^ M - (1 / x) ^ m) / (1 - 1 / x)" using m x by(simp add: field_simps)
also have "¦f m - f n¦ ≤ ¦f m' - f n¦ + ¦f m - f m'¦"
using abs_triangle_ineq4[of "f m' - f n" "f m - f m'"] by simp
ultimately show ?case using ‹n ≤ m› by(simp add: max_def)
also have "… < c * (1 / x) ^ M / (1 - 1 / x)" using x c by(auto simp add: field_simps)
also have "… < ε" using M .
finally have "¦f m - f n¦ < ε" . }
thus "∃M. ∀m≥M. ∀n≥M. dist (f m) (f n) < ε" unfolding dist_real_def by blast
case False
with bounded[of 0] have [simp]: "c = 0" by simp
have eq: "f m = f 0" for m
proof(induction m)
case (Suc m) from bounded[of m] Suc.IH show ?case by simp
qed simp
show ?thesis by(rule metric_CauchyI)(subst (1 2) eq; simp)
lemma complete_lattice_ccpo_dual:
"class.ccpo Inf (≥) ((>) :: _ :: complete_lattice ⇒ _)"
by(unfold_locales)(auto intro: Inf_lower Inf_greatest)
lemma card_eq_1_iff: "card A = Suc 0 ⟷ (∃x. A = {x})"
using card_eq_SucD by auto
lemma nth_rotate1: "n < length xs ⟹ rotate1 xs ! n = xs ! (Suc n mod length xs)"
apply(cases xs; clarsimp simp add: nth_append not_less)
apply(subgoal_tac "n = length list"; simp)
lemma set_zip_rightI: "⟦ x ∈ set ys; length xs ≥ length ys ⟧ ⟹ ∃z. (z, x) ∈ set (zip xs ys)"
by(fastforce simp add: in_set_zip in_set_conv_nth simp del: length_greater_0_conv intro!: nth_zip conjI[rotated])
lemma map_eq_append_conv:
"map f xs = ys @ zs ⟷ (∃ys' zs'. xs = ys' @ zs' ∧ ys = map f ys' ∧ zs = map f zs')"
by(auto 4 4 intro: exI[where x="take (length ys) xs"] exI[where x="drop (length ys) xs"] simp add: append_eq_conv_conj take_map drop_map dest: sym)
lemma rotate1_append:
"rotate1 (xs @ ys) = (if xs = [] then rotate1 ys else tl xs @ ys @ [hd xs])"
by(clarsimp simp add: neq_Nil_conv)
lemma in_set_tlD: "x ∈ set (tl xs) ⟹ x ∈ set xs"
by(cases xs) simp_all
lemma countable_converseI:
assumes "countable A"
shows "countable (converse A)"
proof -
have "converse A = prod.swap ` A" by auto
then show ?thesis using assms by simp
lemma countable_converse [simp]: "countable (converse A) ⟷ countable A"
using countable_converseI[of A] countable_converseI[of "converse A"] by auto
lemma nn_integral_count_space_reindex:
"inj_on f A ⟹(∫⇧+ y. g y ∂count_space (f ` A)) = (∫⇧+ x. g (f x) ∂count_space A)"
by(simp add: embed_measure_count_space'[symmetric] nn_integral_embed_measure' measurable_embed_measure1)
"_nn_sum" :: "pttrn ⇒ 'a set ⇒ 'b ⇒ 'b::comm_monoid_add" ("(2∑⇧+ _∈_./ _)" [0, 51, 10] 10)
"_nn_sum_UNIV" :: "pttrn ⇒ 'b ⇒ 'b::comm_monoid_add" ("(2∑⇧+ _./ _)" [0, 10] 10)
"∑⇧+ i∈A. b" ⇌ "CONST nn_integral (CONST count_space A) (λi. b)"
"∑⇧+ i. b" ⇌ "∑⇧+ i∈CONST UNIV. b"
inductive_simps rtrancl_path_simps:
"rtrancl_path R x [] y"
"rtrancl_path R x (a # bs) y"
definition restrict_rel :: "'a set ⇒ ('a × 'a) set ⇒ ('a × 'a) set"
where "restrict_rel A R = {(x, y)∈R. x ∈ A ∧ y ∈ A}"
lemma in_restrict_rel_iff: "(x, y) ∈ restrict_rel A R ⟷ (x, y) ∈ R ∧ x ∈ A ∧ y ∈ A"
by(simp add: restrict_rel_def)
lemma restrict_relE: "⟦ (x, y) ∈ restrict_rel A R; ⟦ (x, y) ∈ R; x ∈ A; y ∈ A ⟧ ⟹ thesis ⟧ ⟹ thesis"
by(simp add: restrict_rel_def)
lemma restrict_relI [intro!]: "⟦ (x, y) ∈ R; x ∈ A; y ∈ A ⟧ ⟹ (x, y) ∈ restrict_rel A R"
by(simp add: restrict_rel_def)
lemma Field_restrict_rel_subset: "Field (restrict_rel A R) ⊆ A ∩ Field R"
by(auto simp add: Field_def in_restrict_rel_iff)
lemma Field_restrict_rel [simp]: "Refl R ⟹ Field (restrict_rel A R) = A ∩ Field R"
using Field_restrict_rel_subset[of A R]
by auto (auto simp add: Field_def dest: refl_onD)
lemma Partial_order_restrict_rel:
assumes "Partial_order R"
shows "Partial_order (restrict_rel A R)"
proof -
from assms have "Refl R" by(simp add: order_on_defs)
from Field_restrict_rel[OF this, of A] assms show ?thesis
by(simp add: order_on_defs trans_def antisym_def)
(auto intro: FieldI1 FieldI2 intro!: refl_onI simp add: in_restrict_rel_iff elim: refl_onD)
lemma Chains_restrict_relD: "M ∈ Chains (restrict_rel A leq) ⟹ M ∈ Chains leq"
by(auto simp add: Chains_def in_restrict_rel_iff)
lemma bourbaki_witt_fixpoint_restrict_rel:
assumes leq: "Partial_order leq"
and chain_Field: "⋀M. ⟦ M ∈ Chains (restrict_rel A leq); M ≠ {} ⟧ ⟹ lub M ∈ A"
and lub_least: "⋀M z. ⟦ M ∈ Chains leq; M ≠ {}; ⋀x. x ∈ M ⟹ (x, z) ∈ leq ⟧ ⟹ (lub M, z) ∈ leq"
and lub_upper: "⋀M z. ⟦ M ∈ Chains leq; z ∈ M ⟧ ⟹ (z, lub M) ∈ leq"
and increasing: "⋀x. ⟦ x ∈ A; x ∈ Field leq ⟧ ⟹ (x, f x) ∈ leq ∧ f x ∈ A"
shows "bourbaki_witt_fixpoint lub (restrict_rel A leq) f"
show "Partial_order (restrict_rel A leq)" using leq by(rule Partial_order_restrict_rel)
from leq have Refl: "Refl leq" by(simp add: order_on_defs)
{ fix M z
assume M: "M ∈ Chains (restrict_rel A leq)"
presume z: "z ∈ M"
hence "M ≠ {}" by auto
with M have lubA: "lub M ∈ A" by(rule chain_Field)
from M have M': "M ∈ Chains leq" by(rule Chains_restrict_relD)
then have *: "(z, lub M) ∈ leq" using z by(rule lub_upper)
hence "lub M ∈ Field leq" by(rule FieldI2)
with lubA show "lub M ∈ Field (restrict_rel A leq)" by(simp add: Field_restrict_rel[OF Refl])
from Chains_FieldD[OF M z] have "z ∈ A" by(simp add: Field_restrict_rel[OF Refl])
with * lubA show "(z, lub M ) ∈ restrict_rel A leq" by auto
fix z
assume upper: "⋀x. x ∈ M ⟹ (x, z) ∈ restrict_rel A leq"
from upper[OF z] have "z ∈ Field (restrict_rel A leq)" by(auto simp add: Field_def)
with Field_restrict_rel_subset[of A leq] have "z ∈ A" by blast
moreover from lub_least[OF M' ‹M ≠ {}›] upper have "(lub M, z) ∈ leq"
by(auto simp add: in_restrict_rel_iff)
ultimately show "(lub M, z) ∈ restrict_rel A leq" using lubA by(simp add: in_restrict_rel_iff) }
{ fix x
assume "x ∈ Field (restrict_rel A leq)"
hence "x ∈ A" "x ∈ Field leq" by(simp_all add: Field_restrict_rel[OF Refl])
with increasing[OF this] show "(x, f x) ∈ restrict_rel A leq" by auto }
show "(SOME x. x ∈ M) ∈ M" "(SOME x. x ∈ M) ∈ M" if "M ≠ {}" for M :: "'a set"
using that by(auto intro: someI)
lemma Field_le [simp]: "Field {(x :: _ :: preorder, y). x ≤ y} = UNIV"
by(auto intro: FieldI1)
lemma Field_ge [simp]: "Field {(x :: _ :: preorder, y). y ≤ x} = UNIV"
by(auto intro: FieldI1)
lemma refl_le [simp]: "refl {(x :: _ :: preorder, y). x ≤ y}"
by(auto intro!: refl_onI simp add: Field_def)
lemma refl_ge [simp]: "refl {(x :: _ :: preorder, y). y ≤ x}"
by(auto intro!: refl_onI simp add: Field_def)
lemma partial_order_le [simp]: "partial_order_on UNIV {(x :: _ :: order, x'). x ≤ x'}"
by(auto simp add: order_on_defs trans_def antisym_def)
lemma partial_order_ge [simp]: "partial_order_on UNIV {(x :: _ :: order, x'). x' ≤ x}"
by(auto simp add: order_on_defs trans_def antisym_def)
lemma incseq_chain_range: "incseq f ⟹ Complete_Partial_Order.chain (≤) (range f)"
apply(rule chainI; clarsimp)
using linear by (auto dest: incseqD)