Theory J1WellForm
section ‹ Well-Formedness of Intermediate Language ›
theory J1WellForm
imports "../J/JWellForm" J1
subsection "Well-Typedness"
env⇩1 = "ty list"
WT⇩1 :: "[J⇩1_prog,env⇩1, expr⇩1 , ty ] ⇒ bool"
("(_,_ ⊢⇩1/ _ :: _)" [51,51,51]50)
and WTs⇩1 :: "[J⇩1_prog,env⇩1, expr⇩1 list, ty list] ⇒ bool"
("(_,_ ⊢⇩1/ _ [::] _)" [51,51,51]50)
for P :: J⇩1_prog
"is_class P C ⟹
P,E ⊢⇩1 new C :: Class C"
| WTCast⇩1:
"⟦ P,E ⊢⇩1 e :: Class D; is_class P C; P ⊢ C ≼⇧* D ∨ P ⊢ D ≼⇧* C ⟧
⟹ P,E ⊢⇩1 Cast C e :: Class C"
| WTVal⇩1:
"typeof v = Some T ⟹
P,E ⊢⇩1 Val v :: T"
| WTVar⇩1:
"⟦ E!i = T; i < size E ⟧
⟹ P,E ⊢⇩1 Var i :: T"
| WTBinOp⇩1:
"⟦ P,E ⊢⇩1 e⇩1 :: T⇩1; P,E ⊢⇩1 e⇩2 :: T⇩2;
case bop of Eq ⇒ (P ⊢ T⇩1 ≤ T⇩2 ∨ P ⊢ T⇩2 ≤ T⇩1) ∧ T = Boolean
| Add ⇒ T⇩1 = Integer ∧ T⇩2 = Integer ∧ T = Integer ⟧
⟹ P,E ⊢⇩1 e⇩1 «bop» e⇩2 :: T"
| WTLAss⇩1:
"⟦ E!i = T; i < size E; P,E ⊢⇩1 e :: T'; P ⊢ T' ≤ T ⟧
⟹ P,E ⊢⇩1 i:=e :: Void"
| WTFAcc⇩1:
"⟦ P,E ⊢⇩1 e :: Class C; P ⊢ C sees F,NonStatic:T in D ⟧
⟹ P,E ⊢⇩1 e∙F{D} :: T"
| WTSFAcc⇩1:
"⟦ P ⊢ C sees F,Static:T in D ⟧
⟹ P,E ⊢⇩1 C∙⇩sF{D} :: T"
| WTFAss⇩1:
"⟦ P,E ⊢⇩1 e⇩1 :: Class C; P ⊢ C sees F,NonStatic:T in D; P,E ⊢⇩1 e⇩2 :: T'; P ⊢ T' ≤ T ⟧
⟹ P,E ⊢⇩1 e⇩1∙F{D} := e⇩2 :: Void"
| WTSFAss⇩1:
"⟦ P ⊢ C sees F,Static:T in D; P,E ⊢⇩1 e⇩2 :: T'; P ⊢ T' ≤ T ⟧
⟹ P,E ⊢⇩1 C∙⇩sF{D}:=e⇩2 :: Void"
| WTCall⇩1:
"⟦ P,E ⊢⇩1 e :: Class C; P ⊢ C sees M,NonStatic:Ts' → T = m in D;
P,E ⊢⇩1 es [::] Ts; P ⊢ Ts [≤] Ts' ⟧
⟹ P,E ⊢⇩1 e∙M(es) :: T"
| WTSCall⇩1:
"⟦ P ⊢ C sees M,Static:Ts → T = m in D;
P,E ⊢⇩1 es [::] Ts'; P ⊢ Ts' [≤] Ts; M ≠ clinit ⟧
⟹ P,E ⊢⇩1 C∙⇩sM(es) :: T"
| WTBlock⇩1:
"⟦ is_type P T; P,E@[T] ⊢⇩1 e::T' ⟧
⟹ P,E ⊢⇩1 {i:T; e} :: T'"
| WTSeq⇩1:
"⟦ P,E ⊢⇩1 e⇩1::T⇩1; P,E ⊢⇩1 e⇩2::T⇩2 ⟧
⟹ P,E ⊢⇩1 e⇩1;;e⇩2 :: T⇩2"
| WTCond⇩1:
"⟦ P,E ⊢⇩1 e :: Boolean; P,E ⊢⇩1 e⇩1::T⇩1; P,E ⊢⇩1 e⇩2::T⇩2;
P ⊢ T⇩1 ≤ T⇩2 ∨ P ⊢ T⇩2 ≤ T⇩1; P ⊢ T⇩1 ≤ T⇩2 ⟶ T = T⇩2; P ⊢ T⇩2 ≤ T⇩1 ⟶ T = T⇩1 ⟧
⟹ P,E ⊢⇩1 if (e) e⇩1 else e⇩2 :: T"
| WTWhile⇩1:
"⟦ P,E ⊢⇩1 e :: Boolean; P,E ⊢⇩1 c::T ⟧
⟹ P,E ⊢⇩1 while (e) c :: Void"
| WTThrow⇩1:
"P,E ⊢⇩1 e :: Class C ⟹
P,E ⊢⇩1 throw e :: Void"
| WTTry⇩1:
"⟦ P,E ⊢⇩1 e⇩1 :: T; P,E@[Class C] ⊢⇩1 e⇩2 :: T; is_class P C ⟧
⟹ P,E ⊢⇩1 try e⇩1 catch(C i) e⇩2 :: T"
| WTNil⇩1:
"P,E ⊢⇩1 [] [::] []"
| WTCons⇩1:
"⟦ P,E ⊢⇩1 e :: T; P,E ⊢⇩1 es [::] Ts ⟧
⟹ P,E ⊢⇩1 e#es [::] T#Ts"
declare WT⇩1_WTs⇩1.intros[intro!]
declare WTNil⇩1[iff]
lemmas WT⇩1_WTs⇩1_induct = WT⇩1_WTs⇩1.induct [split_format (complete)]
and WT⇩1_WTs⇩1_inducts = WT⇩1_WTs⇩1.inducts [split_format (complete)]
inductive_cases eee[elim!]:
"P,E ⊢⇩1 Val v :: T"
"P,E ⊢⇩1 Var i :: T"
"P,E ⊢⇩1 Cast D e :: T"
"P,E ⊢⇩1 i:=e :: T"
"P,E ⊢⇩1 {i:U; e} :: T"
"P,E ⊢⇩1 e⇩1;;e⇩2 :: T"
"P,E ⊢⇩1 if (e) e⇩1 else e⇩2 :: T"
"P,E ⊢⇩1 while (e) c :: T"
"P,E ⊢⇩1 throw e :: T"
"P,E ⊢⇩1 try e⇩1 catch(C i) e⇩2 :: T"
"P,E ⊢⇩1 e∙F{D} :: T"
"P,E ⊢⇩1 C∙⇩sF{D} :: T"
"P,E ⊢⇩1 e⇩1∙F{D}:=e⇩2 :: T"
"P,E ⊢⇩1 C∙⇩sF{D}:=e⇩2 :: T"
"P,E ⊢⇩1 e⇩1 «bop» e⇩2 :: T"
"P,E ⊢⇩1 new C :: T"
"P,E ⊢⇩1 e∙M(es) :: T"
"P,E ⊢⇩1 C∙⇩sM(es) :: T"
"P,E ⊢⇩1 [] [::] Ts"
"P,E ⊢⇩1 e#es [::] Ts"
lemma init_nWT⇩1 [simp]:"¬P,E ⊢⇩1 INIT C (Cs,b) ← e :: T"
by(auto elim:WT⇩1.cases)
lemma rinit_nWT⇩1 [simp]:"¬P,E ⊢⇩1 RI(C,e);Cs ← e' :: T"
by(auto elim:WT⇩1.cases)
lemma WTs⇩1_same_size: "⋀Ts. P,E ⊢⇩1 es [::] Ts ⟹ size es = size Ts"
by (induct es type:list) auto
lemma WT⇩1_unique:
"P,E ⊢⇩1 e :: T⇩1 ⟹ (⋀T⇩2. P,E ⊢⇩1 e :: T⇩2 ⟹ T⇩1 = T⇩2)" and
WTs⇩1_unique: "P,E ⊢⇩1 es [::] Ts⇩1 ⟹ (⋀Ts⇩2. P,E ⊢⇩1 es [::] Ts⇩2 ⟹ Ts⇩1 = Ts⇩2)"
proof(induct rule:WT⇩1_WTs⇩1.inducts)
case WTVal⇩1 then show ?case by clarsimp
case (WTBinOp⇩1 E e⇩1 T⇩1 e⇩2 T⇩2 bop T)
then show ?case by(case_tac bop) force+
case WTFAcc⇩1 then show ?case
by (blast dest:sees_field_idemp sees_field_fun)
case WTSFAcc⇩1 then show ?case by (blast dest:sees_field_fun)
case WTSFAss⇩1 then show ?case by (blast dest:sees_field_fun)
case WTCall⇩1 then show ?case
by (blast dest:sees_method_idemp sees_method_fun)
case WTSCall⇩1 then show ?case by (blast dest:sees_method_fun)
qed blast+
lemma assumes wf: "wf_prog p P"
shows WT⇩1_is_type: "P,E ⊢⇩1 e :: T ⟹ set E ⊆ types P ⟹ is_type P T"
and "P,E ⊢⇩1 es [::] Ts ⟹ True"
proof(induct rule:WT⇩1_WTs⇩1.inducts)
case WTVal⇩1 then show ?case by (simp add:typeof_lit_is_type)
case WTVar⇩1 then show ?case by (blast intro:nth_mem)
case WTBinOp⇩1 then show ?case by (simp split:bop.splits)
case WTFAcc⇩1 then show ?case
by (simp add:sees_field_is_type[OF _ wf])
case WTSFAcc⇩1 then show ?case
by (simp add:sees_field_is_type[OF _ wf])
case WTCall⇩1 then show ?case
by (fastforce dest!: sees_wf_mdecl[OF wf] simp:wf_mdecl_def)
case WTSCall⇩1 then show ?case
by (fastforce dest!: sees_wf_mdecl[OF wf] simp:wf_mdecl_def)
case WTCond⇩1 then show ?case by blast
qed simp+
lemma WT⇩1_nsub_RI: "P,E ⊢⇩1 e :: T ⟹ ¬sub_RI e"
and WTs⇩1_nsub_RIs: "P,E ⊢⇩1 es [::] Ts ⟹ ¬sub_RIs es"
proof(induct rule: WT⇩1_WTs⇩1.inducts) qed(simp_all)
subsection‹ Runtime Well-Typedness ›
WTrt⇩1 :: "J⇩1_prog ⇒ heap ⇒ sheap ⇒ env⇩1 ⇒ expr⇩1 ⇒ ty ⇒ bool"
and WTrts⇩1 :: "J⇩1_prog ⇒ heap ⇒ sheap ⇒ env⇩1 ⇒ expr⇩1 list ⇒ ty list ⇒ bool"
and WTrt2⇩1 :: "[J⇩1_prog,env⇩1,heap,sheap,expr⇩1,ty] ⇒ bool"
("_,_,_,_ ⊢⇩1 _ : _" [51,51,51,51]50)
and WTrts2⇩1 :: "[J⇩1_prog,env⇩1,heap,sheap,expr⇩1 list, ty list] ⇒ bool"
("_,_,_,_ ⊢⇩1 _ [:] _" [51,51,51,51]50)
for P :: J⇩1_prog and h :: heap and sh :: sheap
"P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 e : T ≡ WTrt⇩1 P h sh E e T"
| "P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 es[:]Ts ≡ WTrts⇩1 P h sh E es Ts"
| WTrtNew⇩1:
"is_class P C ⟹
P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 new C : Class C"
| WTrtCast⇩1:
"⟦ P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 e : T; is_refT T; is_class P C ⟧
⟹ P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 Cast C e : Class C"
| WTrtVal⇩1:
"typeof⇘h⇙ v = Some T ⟹
P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 Val v : T"
| WTrtVar⇩1:
"⟦ E!i = T; i < size E ⟧ ⟹
P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 Var i : T"
| WTrtBinOpEq⇩1:
"⟦ P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 e⇩1 : T⇩1; P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 e⇩2 : T⇩2 ⟧
⟹ P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 e⇩1 «Eq» e⇩2 : Boolean"
| WTrtBinOpAdd⇩1:
"⟦ P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 e⇩1 : Integer; P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 e⇩2 : Integer ⟧
⟹ P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 e⇩1 «Add» e⇩2 : Integer"
| WTrtLAss⇩1:
"⟦ E!i = T; i < size E; P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 e : T'; P ⊢ T' ≤ T ⟧
⟹ P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 i:=e : Void"
| WTrtFAcc⇩1:
"⟦ P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 e : Class C; P ⊢ C has F,NonStatic:T in D ⟧ ⟹
P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 e∙F{D} : T"
| WTrtFAccNT⇩1:
"P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 e : NT ⟹
P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 e∙F{D} : T"
| WTrtSFAcc⇩1:
"⟦ P ⊢ C has F,Static:T in D ⟧ ⟹
P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 C∙⇩sF{D} : T"
| WTrtFAss⇩1:
"⟦ P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 e⇩1 : Class C; P ⊢ C has F,NonStatic:T in D; P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 e⇩2 : T⇩2; P ⊢ T⇩2 ≤ T ⟧
⟹ P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 e⇩1∙F{D}:=e⇩2 : Void"
| WTrtFAssNT⇩1:
"⟦ P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 e⇩1:NT; P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 e⇩2 : T⇩2 ⟧
⟹ P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 e⇩1∙F{D}:=e⇩2 : Void"
| WTrtSFAss⇩1:
"⟦ P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 e⇩2 : T⇩2; P ⊢ C has F,Static:T in D; P ⊢ T⇩2 ≤ T ⟧
⟹ P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 C∙⇩sF{D}:=e⇩2 : Void"
| WTrtCall⇩1:
"⟦ P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 e : Class C; P ⊢ C sees M,NonStatic:Ts → T = m in D;
P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 es [:] Ts'; P ⊢ Ts' [≤] Ts ⟧
⟹ P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 e∙M(es) : T"
| WTrtCallNT⇩1:
"⟦ P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 e : NT; P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 es [:] Ts ⟧
⟹ P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 e∙M(es) : T"
| WTrtSCall⇩1:
"⟦ P ⊢ C sees M,Static:Ts → T = m in D;
P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 es [:] Ts'; P ⊢ Ts' [≤] Ts;
M = clinit ⟶ sh D = ⌊(sfs,Processing)⌋ ∧ es = map Val vs ⟧
⟹ P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 C∙⇩sM(es) : T"
| WTrtBlock⇩1:
"P,E@[T],h,sh ⊢⇩1 e : T' ⟹
P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 {i:T; e} : T'"
| WTrtSeq⇩1:
"⟦ P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 e⇩1:T⇩1; P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 e⇩2:T⇩2 ⟧
⟹ P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 e⇩1;;e⇩2 : T⇩2"
| WTrtCond⇩1:
"⟦ P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 e : Boolean; P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 e⇩1:T⇩1; P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 e⇩2:T⇩2;
P ⊢ T⇩1 ≤ T⇩2 ∨ P ⊢ T⇩2 ≤ T⇩1; P ⊢ T⇩1 ≤ T⇩2 ⟶ T = T⇩2; P ⊢ T⇩2 ≤ T⇩1 ⟶ T = T⇩1 ⟧
⟹ P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 if (e) e⇩1 else e⇩2 : T"
| WTrtWhile⇩1:
"⟦ P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 e : Boolean; P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 c:T ⟧
⟹ P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 while(e) c : Void"
| WTrtThrow⇩1:
"⟦ P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 e : T⇩r; is_refT T⇩r ⟧ ⟹
P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 throw e : T"
| WTrtTry⇩1:
"⟦ P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 e⇩1 : T⇩1; P,E@[Class C],h,sh ⊢⇩1 e⇩2 : T⇩2; P ⊢ T⇩1 ≤ T⇩2 ⟧
⟹ P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 try e⇩1 catch(C i) e⇩2 : T⇩2"
| WTrtInit⇩1:
"⟦ P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 e : T; ∀C' ∈ set (C#Cs). is_class P C'; ¬sub_RI e;
∀C' ∈ set (tl Cs). ∃sfs. sh C' = ⌊(sfs,Processing)⌋;
b ⟶ (∀C' ∈ set Cs. ∃sfs. sh C' = ⌊(sfs,Processing)⌋);
distinct Cs; supercls_lst P Cs ⟧
⟹ P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 INIT C (Cs, b) ← e : T"
| WTrtRI⇩1:
"⟦ P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 e : T; P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 e' : T'; ∀C' ∈ set (C#Cs). is_class P C'; ¬sub_RI e';
∀C' ∈ set (C#Cs). not_init C' e;
∀C' ∈ set Cs. ∃sfs. sh C' = ⌊(sfs,Processing)⌋;
∃sfs. sh C = ⌊(sfs, Processing)⌋ ∨ (sh C = ⌊(sfs, Error)⌋ ∧ e = THROW NoClassDefFoundError);
distinct (C#Cs); supercls_lst P (C#Cs) ⟧
⟹ P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 RI(C, e);Cs ← e' : T'"
| WTrtNil⇩1:
"P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 [] [:] []"
| WTrtCons⇩1:
"⟦ P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 e : T; P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 es [:] Ts ⟧
⟹ P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 e#es [:] T#Ts"
declare WTrt⇩1_WTrts⇩1.intros[intro!] WTrtNil⇩1[iff]
WTrtFAcc⇩1[rule del] WTrtFAccNT⇩1[rule del] WTrtSFAcc⇩1[rule del]
WTrtFAss⇩1[rule del] WTrtFAssNT⇩1[rule del] WTrtSFAss⇩1[rule del]
WTrtCall⇩1[rule del] WTrtCallNT⇩1[rule del] WTrtSCall⇩1[rule del]
lemmas WTrt⇩1_induct = WTrt⇩1_WTrts⇩1.induct [split_format (complete)]
and WTrt⇩1_inducts = WTrt⇩1_WTrts⇩1.inducts [split_format (complete)]
inductive_cases WTrt⇩1_elim_cases[elim!]:
"P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 Val v : T"
"P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 Var i : T"
"P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 v :=e : T"
"P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 {i:U; e} : T"
"P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 e⇩1;;e⇩2 : T⇩2"
"P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 if (e) e⇩1 else e⇩2 : T"
"P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 while(e) c : T"
"P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 throw e : T"
"P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 try e⇩1 catch(C V) e⇩2 : T"
"P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 Cast D e : T"
"P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 e∙F{D} : T"
"P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 C∙⇩sF{D} : T"
"P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 e∙F{D} := v : T"
"P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 C∙⇩sF{D} := v : T"
"P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 e⇩1 «bop» e⇩2 : T"
"P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 new C : T"
"P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 e∙M{D}(es) : T"
"P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 C∙⇩sM{D}(es) : T"
"P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 INIT C (Cs,b) ← e : T"
"P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 RI(C,e);Cs ← e' : T"
"P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 [] [:] Ts"
"P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 e#es [:] Ts"
lemma WT⇩1_implies_WTrt⇩1: "P,E ⊢⇩1 e :: T ⟹ P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 e : T"
and WTs⇩1_implies_WTrts⇩1: "P,E ⊢⇩1 es [::] Ts ⟹ P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 es [:] Ts"
proof(induct rule: WT⇩1_WTs⇩1_inducts)
case WTVal⇩1 then show ?case by (fastforce dest:typeof_lit_typeof)
case (WTBinOp⇩1 E e⇩1 T⇩1 e⇩2 T⇩2 bop T)
then show ?case by (case_tac bop) fastforce+
case WTFAcc⇩1 then show ?case
by (fastforce simp: WTrtFAcc⇩1 has_visible_field)
case WTSFAcc⇩1 then show ?case
by (fastforce simp: WTrtSFAcc⇩1 has_visible_field)
case WTFAss⇩1 then show ?case by (meson WTrtFAss⇩1 has_visible_field)
case WTSFAss⇩1 then show ?case by (meson WTrtSFAss⇩1 has_visible_field)
case WTCall⇩1 then show ?case by (fastforce simp: WTrtCall⇩1)
case WTSCall⇩1 then show ?case by (fastforce simp: WTrtSCall⇩1)
qed fastforce+
subsection‹ Well-formedness›
primrec ℬ :: "expr⇩1 ⇒ nat ⇒ bool"
and ℬs :: "expr⇩1 list ⇒ nat ⇒ bool" where
"ℬ (new C) i = True" |
"ℬ (Cast C e) i = ℬ e i" |
"ℬ (Val v) i = True" |
"ℬ (e⇩1 «bop» e⇩2) i = (ℬ e⇩1 i ∧ ℬ e⇩2 i)" |
"ℬ (Var j) i = True" |
"ℬ (e∙F{D}) i = ℬ e i" |
"ℬ (C∙⇩sF{D}) i = True" |
"ℬ (j:=e) i = ℬ e i" |
"ℬ (e⇩1∙F{D} := e⇩2) i = (ℬ e⇩1 i ∧ ℬ e⇩2 i)" |
"ℬ (C∙⇩sF{D} := e⇩2) i = ℬ e⇩2 i" |
"ℬ (e∙M(es)) i = (ℬ e i ∧ ℬs es i)" |
"ℬ (C∙⇩sM(es)) i = ℬs es i" |
"ℬ ({j:T ; e}) i = (i = j ∧ ℬ e (i+1))" |
"ℬ (e⇩1;;e⇩2) i = (ℬ e⇩1 i ∧ ℬ e⇩2 i)" |
"ℬ (if (e) e⇩1 else e⇩2) i = (ℬ e i ∧ ℬ e⇩1 i ∧ ℬ e⇩2 i)" |
"ℬ (throw e) i = ℬ e i" |
"ℬ (while (e) c) i = (ℬ e i ∧ ℬ c i)" |
"ℬ (try e⇩1 catch(C j) e⇩2) i = (ℬ e⇩1 i ∧ i=j ∧ ℬ e⇩2 (i+1))" |
"ℬ (INIT C (Cs,b) ← e) i = ℬ e i" |
"ℬ (RI(C,e);Cs ← e') i = (ℬ e i ∧ ℬ e' i)" |
"ℬs [] i = True" |
"ℬs (e#es) i = (ℬ e i ∧ ℬs es i)"
definition wf_J⇩1_mdecl :: "J⇩1_prog ⇒ cname ⇒ expr⇩1 mdecl ⇒ bool"
"wf_J⇩1_mdecl P C ≡ λ(M,b,Ts,T,body).
¬sub_RI body ∧
(case b of
NonStatic ⇒
(∃T'. P,Class C#Ts ⊢⇩1 body :: T' ∧ P ⊢ T' ≤ T) ∧
𝒟 body ⌊{..size Ts}⌋ ∧ ℬ body (size Ts + 1)
| Static ⇒ (∃T'. P,Ts ⊢⇩1 body :: T' ∧ P ⊢ T' ≤ T) ∧
𝒟 body ⌊{..<size Ts}⌋ ∧ ℬ body (size Ts))"
lemma wf_J⇩1_mdecl_NonStatic[simp]:
"wf_J⇩1_mdecl P C (M,NonStatic,Ts,T,body) ≡
(¬sub_RI body ∧
(∃T'. P,Class C#Ts ⊢⇩1 body :: T' ∧ P ⊢ T' ≤ T) ∧
𝒟 body ⌊{..size Ts}⌋ ∧ ℬ body (size Ts + 1))"
by (simp add:wf_J⇩1_mdecl_def)
lemma wf_J⇩1_mdecl_Static[simp]:
"wf_J⇩1_mdecl P C (M,Static,Ts,T,body) ≡
(¬sub_RI body ∧
(∃T'. P,Ts ⊢⇩1 body :: T' ∧ P ⊢ T' ≤ T) ∧
𝒟 body ⌊{..<size Ts}⌋ ∧ ℬ body (size Ts))"
by (simp add:wf_J⇩1_mdecl_def)
abbreviation "wf_J⇩1_prog == wf_prog wf_J⇩1_mdecl"
lemma sees_wf⇩1_nsub_RI:
assumes wf: "wf_J⇩1_prog P" and cM: "P ⊢ C sees M,b : Ts→T = body in D"
shows "¬sub_RI body"
using sees_wf_mdecl[OF wf cM] by(simp add: wf_J⇩1_mdecl_def wf_mdecl_def)
lemma wf⇩1_types_clinit:
assumes wf:"wf_prog wf_md P" and ex: "class P C = Some a" and proc: "sh C = ⌊(sfs, Processing)⌋"
shows "P,E,h,sh ⊢⇩1 C∙⇩sclinit([]) : Void"
proof -
from ex obtain D fs ms where "a = (D,fs,ms)" by(cases a)
then have sP: "(C, D, fs, ms) ∈ set P" using ex map_of_SomeD[of P C a] by(simp add: class_def)
then have "wf_clinit ms" using assms by(unfold wf_prog_def wf_cdecl_def, auto)
then obtain m where sm: "(clinit, Static, [], Void, m) ∈ set ms"
by(unfold wf_clinit_def) auto
then have "P ⊢ C sees clinit,Static:[] → Void = m in C"
using mdecl_visible[OF wf sP sm] by simp
then show ?thesis using WTrtSCall⇩1 proc by blast
lemma assumes wf: "wf_J⇩1_prog P"
shows eval⇩1_proc_pres: "P ⊢⇩1 ⟨e,(h,l,sh)⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h',l',sh')⟩
⟹ not_init C e ⟹ ∃sfs. sh C = ⌊(sfs, Processing)⌋ ⟹ ∃sfs'. sh' C = ⌊(sfs', Processing)⌋"
and evals⇩1_proc_pres: "P ⊢⇩1 ⟨es,(h,l,sh)⟩ [⇒] ⟨es',(h',l',sh')⟩
⟹ not_inits C es ⟹ ∃sfs. sh C = ⌊(sfs, Processing)⌋ ⟹ ∃sfs'. sh' C = ⌊(sfs', Processing)⌋"
proof(induct rule:eval⇩1_evals⇩1_inducts)
case Call⇩1 then show ?case using sees_wf⇩1_nsub_RI[OF wf Call⇩1.hyps(6)] nsub_RI_not_init by auto
case (SCallInit⇩1 ps h l sh vs h⇩1 l⇩1 sh⇩1 C' M Ts T body D v' h⇩2 l⇩2 sh⇩2 l⇩2' e' h⇩3 l⇩3 sh⇩3)
then show ?case
using SCallInit⇩1 sees_wf⇩1_nsub_RI[OF wf SCallInit⇩1.hyps(3)] nsub_RI_not_init[of body] by auto
case SCall⇩1 then show ?case using sees_wf⇩1_nsub_RI[OF wf SCall⇩1.hyps(3)] nsub_RI_not_init by auto
case (InitNone⇩1 sh C1 C' Cs h l e' a a b) then show ?case by(cases "C = C1") auto
case (InitDone⇩1 sh C sfs C' Cs h l e' a a b) then show ?case by(cases Cs, auto)
case (InitProcessing⇩1 sh C sfs C' Cs h l e' a a b) then show ?case by(cases Cs, auto)
case (InitError⇩1 sh C1 sfs Cs h l e' a a b C') then show ?case by(cases "C = C1") auto
case (InitObject⇩1 sh C1 sfs sh' C' Cs h l e' a a b) then show ?case by(cases "C = C1") auto
case (InitNonObject⇩1 sh C1 sfs D a b sh' C' Cs h l e' a a b)
then show ?case by(cases "C = C1") auto
case (RInit⇩1 e a a b v h' l' sh' C sfs i sh'' C' Cs e⇩1 a a b) then show ?case by(cases Cs, auto)
case (RInitInitFail⇩1 e h l sh a h' l' sh' C1 sfs i sh'' D Cs e⇩1 h1 l1 sh1)
then show ?case using eval⇩1_final by fastforce
lemma clinit⇩1_proc_pres:
"⟦ wf_J⇩1_prog P; P ⊢⇩1 ⟨C⇩0∙⇩sclinit([]),(h,l,sh)⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h',l',sh')⟩;
sh C' = ⌊(sfs,Processing)⌋ ⟧
⟹ ∃sfs. sh' C' = ⌊(sfs,Processing)⌋"
by(auto dest: eval⇩1_proc_pres)