Theory Tagged_Packet
theory Tagged_Packet
imports Simple_Firewall.Simple_Packet Conntrack_State
section‹Tagged Simple Packet›
text‹Packet constants are prefixed with ‹p››
text‹A packet tagged with the following phantom fields:
conntrack connection state›
text‹The idea to tag the connection state into the packet is sound.
See @{file ‹../Semantics_Stateful.thy›}›
record (overloaded) 'i tagged_packet = "'i::len simple_packet" +
p_tag_ctstate :: ctstate
value "⦇
p_iiface = ''eth1'', p_oiface = '''',
p_src = 0, p_dst = 0,
p_proto = TCP, p_sport = 0, p_dport = 0,
p_tcp_flags = {TCP_SYN},
p_payload = ''arbitrary payload'',
p_tag_ctstate = CT_New
⦈:: 32 tagged_packet"
definition simple_packet_tag
:: "ctstate ⇒ ('i::len, 'a) simple_packet_scheme ⇒ ('i::len, 'a) tagged_packet_scheme" where
"simple_packet_tag ct_state p ≡
⦇p_iiface = p_iiface p, p_oiface = p_oiface p, p_src = p_src p, p_dst = p_dst p, p_proto = p_proto p,
p_sport = p_sport p, p_dport = p_dport p, p_tcp_flags = p_tcp_flags p,
p_payload = p_payload p,
p_tag_ctstate = ct_state,
… = simple_packet.more p⦈"
definition tagged_packet_untag
:: "('i::len, 'a) tagged_packet_scheme ⇒ ('i::len, 'a) simple_packet_scheme" where
"tagged_packet_untag p ≡
⦇p_iiface = p_iiface p, p_oiface = p_oiface p, p_src = p_src p, p_dst = p_dst p, p_proto = p_proto p,
p_sport = p_sport p, p_dport = p_dport p, p_tcp_flags = p_tcp_flags p,
p_payload = p_payload p,
… = tagged_packet.more p⦈"
lemma "tagged_packet_untag (simple_packet_tag ct_state p) = p"
"simple_packet_tag ct_state (tagged_packet_untag p) = p⦇p_tag_ctstate := ct_state⦈"
apply(case_tac [!] p)
by(simp add: tagged_packet_untag_def simple_packet_tag_def)+