Theory Semantics_Stateful
theory Semantics_Stateful
imports Semantics
section‹Semantics Stateful›
subsection‹Model 1 -- Curried Stateful Matcher›
text‹Processing a packet with state can be modeled as follows:
The state is @{term σ}.
The primitive matcher @{term γ⇩σ} is a curried function where the first argument is the state and
it returns a stateless primitive matcher, i.e. @{term "γ = (γ⇩σ σ)"}.
With this stateless primitive matcher @{term γ}, the @{const iptables_bigstep} semantics are executed.
As entry point, the iptables built-in chains @{term "''INPUT''"}, @{term "''OUTPUT''"}, and @{term "''FORWARD''"} with their
default-policy (@{const Accept} or @{const Drop} are valid for iptables) are chosen.
The semantics must yield a @{term "Decision X"}.
Due to the default-policy, this is always the case if the ruleset is well-formed.
When a decision is made, the state @{term σ} is updated.›
inductive semantics_stateful ::
"'a ruleset ⇒
('σ ⇒ ('a, 'p) matcher) ⇒
('σ ⇒ final_decision ⇒ 'p ⇒ 'σ) ⇒
'σ ⇒
(string × action) ⇒
'p list ⇒
('p × final_decision) list ⇒
'σ ⇒
bool" for Γ and γ⇩σ and state_update and σ⇩0 where
"semantics_stateful Γ γ⇩σ state_update σ⇩0 (built_in_chain, default_policy) ps [] σ⇩0" |
"semantics_stateful Γ γ⇩σ state_update σ⇩0 (built_in_chain, default_policy) (p#ps) ps_processed σ' ⟹
Γ,(γ⇩σ σ'),p⊢ ⟨[Rule MatchAny (Call built_in_chain), Rule MatchAny default_policy],Undecided⟩ ⇒ Decision X ⟹
semantics_stateful Γ γ⇩σ state_update σ⇩0 (built_in_chain, default_policy) ps (ps_processed@[(p, X)]) (state_update σ' X p)"
lemma semantics_stateful_intro_process_one: "semantics_stateful Γ γ⇩σ state_upate σ⇩0 (built_in_chain, default_policy) (p#ps) ps_processed_old σ_old ⟹
Γ,γ⇩σ σ_old,p⊢ ⟨[Rule MatchAny (Call built_in_chain), Rule MatchAny default_policy], Undecided⟩ ⇒ Decision X ⟹
σ' = state_upate σ_old X p ⟹
ps_processed = ps_processed_old@[(p, X)] ⟹
semantics_stateful Γ γ⇩σ state_upate σ⇩0 (built_in_chain, default_policy) ps ps_processed σ'"
by(auto intro: semantics_stateful.intros)
lemma semantics_stateful_intro_start: "σ⇩0 = σ' ⟹ ps_processed = [] ⟹
semantics_stateful Γ γ⇩σ state_upate σ⇩0 (built_in_chain, default_policy) ps ps_processed σ'"
by(auto intro: semantics_stateful.intros)
text‹Example below›
subsection‹Model 2 -- Packets Tagged with State Information›
text‹In this model, the matcher is completely stateless but packets are previously tagged with
(static) stateful information.›
inductive semantics_stateful_packet_tagging ::
"'a ruleset ⇒
('a, 'ptagged) matcher ⇒
('σ ⇒ 'p ⇒ 'ptagged) ⇒
('σ ⇒ final_decision ⇒ 'p ⇒ 'σ) ⇒
'σ ⇒
(string × action) ⇒
'p list ⇒
('p × final_decision) list ⇒
'σ ⇒
bool" for Γ and γ and packet_tagger and state_update and σ⇩0 where
"semantics_stateful_packet_tagging Γ γ packet_tagger state_update σ⇩0 (built_in_chain, default_policy) ps [] σ⇩0" |
"semantics_stateful_packet_tagging Γ γ packet_tagger state_update σ⇩0 (built_in_chain, default_policy) (p#ps) ps_processed σ' ⟹
Γ,γ,(packet_tagger σ' p)⊢ ⟨[Rule MatchAny (Call built_in_chain), Rule MatchAny default_policy],Undecided⟩ ⇒ Decision X ⟹
semantics_stateful_packet_tagging Γ γ packet_tagger state_update σ⇩0 (built_in_chain, default_policy) ps (ps_processed@[(p, X)]) (state_update σ' X p)"
lemma semantics_stateful_packet_tagging_intro_start: "σ⇩0 = σ' ⟹ ps_processed = [] ⟹
semantics_stateful_packet_tagging Γ γ packet_tagger state_upate σ⇩0 (built_in_chain, default_policy) ps ps_processed σ'"
by(auto intro: semantics_stateful_packet_tagging.intros)
lemma semantics_stateful_packet_tagging_intro_process_one:
"semantics_stateful_packet_tagging Γ γ packet_tagger state_upate σ⇩0 (built_in_chain, default_policy) (p#ps) ps_processed_old σ_old ⟹
Γ,γ,(packet_tagger σ_old p)⊢ ⟨[Rule MatchAny (Call built_in_chain), Rule MatchAny default_policy], Undecided⟩ ⇒ Decision X ⟹
σ' = state_upate σ_old X p ⟹
ps_processed = ps_processed_old@[(p, X)] ⟹
semantics_stateful_packet_tagging Γ γ packet_tagger state_upate σ⇩0 (built_in_chain, default_policy) ps ps_processed σ'"
by(auto intro: semantics_stateful_packet_tagging.intros)
lemma semantics_bigstep_state_vs_tagged:
assumes "∀m::'m. stateful_matcher' σ m p = stateful_matcher_tagged' m (packet_tagger' σ p)"
shows "Γ,stateful_matcher' σ,p⊢ ⟨rs, Undecided⟩ ⇒ t ⟷
Γ,stateful_matcher_tagged',packet_tagger' σ p⊢ ⟨rs, Undecided⟩ ⇒ t"
proof -
{ fix m::"'m match_expr"
from assms have
"matches (stateful_matcher' σ) m p ⟷ matches stateful_matcher_tagged' m (packet_tagger' σ p)"
by(induction m) (simp_all)
} note matches_stateful_matcher_stateful_matcher_tagged=this
show ?thesis (is "?lhs ⟷ ?rhs")
assume ?lhs
thus ?rhs
proof(induction rs Undecided t rule: iptables_bigstep_induct)
case (Seq _ _ _ t)
thus ?case
apply(cases t)
apply (simp add: seq)
apply(auto simp add: decision seq dest: decisionD)
qed(auto intro: iptables_bigstep.intros simp add: matches_stateful_matcher_stateful_matcher_tagged)
assume ?rhs
thus ?lhs
proof(induction rs Undecided t rule: iptables_bigstep_induct)
case (Seq _ _ _ t)
thus ?case
apply(cases t)
apply (simp add: seq)
apply(auto simp add: decision seq dest: decisionD)
qed(auto intro: iptables_bigstep.intros simp add: matches_stateful_matcher_stateful_matcher_tagged)
text‹Both semantics are equal›
theorem semantics_stateful_vs_tagged:
assumes "∀m σ p. stateful_matcher' σ m p = stateful_matcher_tagged' m (packet_tagger' σ p)"
shows "semantics_stateful rs stateful_matcher' state_update' σ⇩0 start ps ps_processed σ' =
semantics_stateful_packet_tagging rs stateful_matcher_tagged' packet_tagger' state_update' σ⇩0 start ps ps_processed σ'"
proof -
from semantics_bigstep_state_vs_tagged[of stateful_matcher' _ _ stateful_matcher_tagged' packet_tagger'] assms
have vs_tagged:
"rs,stateful_matcher' σ',p⊢ ⟨[Rule MatchAny (Call built_in_chain), Rule MatchAny default_policy], Undecided⟩ ⇒ t ⟷
rs,stateful_matcher_tagged',packet_tagger' σ' p⊢ ⟨[Rule MatchAny (Call built_in_chain), Rule MatchAny default_policy], Undecided⟩ ⇒ t"
for t p σ' built_in_chain default_policy by blast
from assms have stateful_matcher_eq:
"(λa b. stateful_matcher_tagged' a (packet_tagger' σ' b)) = stateful_matcher' σ'" for σ' by presburger
show ?thesis (is "?lhs ⟷ ?rhs")
assume ?lhs thus ?rhs
proof(induction rule: semantics_stateful.induct)
case 1 thus ?case by(auto intro: semantics_stateful_packet_tagging_intro_start)[1]
case (2 built_in_chain default_policy p ps ps_processed σ')
from 2 have
"semantics_stateful_packet_tagging rs stateful_matcher_tagged' packet_tagger' state_update' σ⇩0 (built_in_chain, default_policy) (p # ps) ps_processed σ'"
by blast
with 2(2,3) show ?case
apply -
apply(rule semantics_stateful_packet_tagging_intro_process_one)
apply(simp_all add: vs_tagged)
assume ?rhs thus ?lhs
proof(induction rule: semantics_stateful_packet_tagging.induct)
case 1 thus ?case by(auto intro: semantics_stateful_intro_start)
case (2 built_in_chain default_policy p ps ps_processed σ') thus ?case
apply -
apply(rule semantics_stateful_intro_process_one)
apply(simp_all add: stateful_matcher_eq vs_tagged)
subsection‹Example: Conntrack with curried matcher›
text‹We illustrate stateful semantics with a simple example. We allow matching on the states New
and Established. In addition, we introduce a primitive match to match on outgoing ssh packets (dst port = 22).
The state is managed in a state table where accepted connections are remembered.›
text‹SomePacket with source and destination port or something we don't know about›
private datatype packet = SomePacket "nat × nat" | OtherPacket