Theory Protocols_Normalize

theory Protocols_Normalize
imports Common_Primitive_Lemmas

section‹Optimizing Protocols›

section‹Optimizing protocols in match expressions›

  fun compress_pos_protocols :: "protocol list  protocol option" where
    "compress_pos_protocols [] = Some ProtoAny" |
    "compress_pos_protocols [p] = Some p" |
    "compress_pos_protocols (p1#p2#ps) = (case simple_proto_conjunct p1 p2 of None  None | Some p  compress_pos_protocols (p#ps))"

  lemma compress_pos_protocols_Some: "compress_pos_protocols ps = Some proto  
          match_proto proto p_prot  ( p  set ps. match_proto p p_prot)"
    proof(induction ps rule: compress_pos_protocols.induct)
    case (3 p1 p2 pps) thus ?case
      apply(cases "simple_proto_conjunct p1 p2")
       apply(simp; fail)
      using simple_proto_conjunct_Some by(simp)

  lemma compress_pos_protocols_None: "compress_pos_protocols ps = None  
          ¬ ( proto  set ps. match_proto proto p_prot)"
    proof(induction ps rule: compress_pos_protocols.induct)
    case (3 i1 i2 iis) thus ?case
      apply(cases "simple_proto_conjunct i1 i2")
       using simple_proto_conjunct_None apply blast
      using simple_proto_conjunct_Some by blast

(*the intuition behind the compress_protocols*)
lemma "simple_proto_conjunct (Proto p1) (Proto p2)  None  pkt. match_proto (Proto p1) pkt  match_proto (Proto p2) pkt"
  apply(subgoal_tac "p1 = p2")
  apply(simp split: if_split_asm)
lemma "simple_proto_conjunct p1 (Proto p2)  None  pkt. match_proto (Proto p2) pkt  match_proto p1 pkt"
 apply(cases p1)
 apply(simp split: if_split_asm)

  definition compress_protocols :: "protocol negation_type list  (protocol list × protocol list) option" where
    "compress_protocols ps  case (compress_pos_protocols (getPos ps))
        of None  None
        |  Some proto  if ProtoAny  set (getNeg ps)  (p  {0..- 1}. Proto p  set (getNeg ps)) then
                         else if proto = ProtoAny then
                           Some ([], getNeg ps)
                         else if (p  set (getNeg ps). simple_proto_conjunct proto p  None) then
                          ― ‹proto› is a primitive_protocol› here. This is strict equality match, e.g.›
                          ― ‹protocol must be TCP. Thus, we can remove all negative matches!›
                           Some ([proto], [])"
  (* It is kind of messy to find a definition that checks whether a match is the exhaustive list
    and is executable *)
  lemma all_proto_hlp2: "ProtoAny  a  (p  {0..- 1}. Proto p  a) 
                               ProtoAny  a  a = {p. p  ProtoAny}"
  proof -   
    have all_proto_hlp: "ProtoAny  a  (p  {0..- 1}. Proto p  a)  a = {p. p  ProtoAny}"
      by(auto intro: protocol.exhaust)
    thus ?thesis by blast

  lemma set_word8_word_upto: "{0..(- 1 :: 8 word)} = set (word_upto 0 255)"
  proof -
    have 0xFF = (- 1 :: 8 word)
      by simp
    then show ?thesis
      by (simp only:) (auto simp add: word_upto_set_eq)
  lemma "(p  {0..- 1}. Proto p  set (getNeg ps)) 
         ((p  set (word_upto 0 255). Proto p  set (getNeg ps)))"
    by(simp add: set_word8_word_upto)
  lemma compress_protocols_code[code]:
    "compress_protocols ps = (case (compress_pos_protocols (getPos ps))
        of None  None
        |  Some proto  if ProtoAny  set (getNeg ps)  (p  set (word_upto 0 255). Proto p  set (getNeg ps)) then
                         else if proto = ProtoAny then
                           Some ([], getNeg ps)
                         else if (p  set (getNeg ps). simple_proto_conjunct proto p  None) then
                           Some ([proto], [])
    unfolding compress_protocols_def
    using set_word8_word_upto by presburger

  (*fully optimized, i.e. we cannot compress it better*)
  lemma "compress_protocols ps = Some (ps_pos, ps_neg) 
     p. ((mset ps_pos. match_proto m p)  (mset ps_neg. ¬ match_proto m p))"
    apply(simp add: compress_protocols_def all_proto_hlp2 split: option.split_asm if_split_asm)
     apply(subgoal_tac "p. (Proto p)  set ps_neg")
      apply(elim exE)
      apply(rename_tac x2 p)
      apply(rule_tac x=p in exI)
      apply(blast elim: match_proto.elims)
     apply(auto intro: protocol.exhaust)
  definition compress_normalize_protocols_step :: "'i::len common_primitive match_expr  'i common_primitive match_expr option" where 
    "compress_normalize_protocols_step m  compress_normalize_primitive (is_Prot, prot_sel) Prot compress_protocols m"

  lemma (in primitive_matcher_generic) compress_normalize_protocols_step_Some:
  assumes "normalized_nnf_match m" and "compress_normalize_protocols_step m = Some m'"
    shows "matches (β, α) m' a p  matches (β, α) m a p"
  proof(rule compress_normalize_primitive_Some[OF assms(1) wf_disc_sel_common_primitive(7), of compress_protocols])
    show "compress_normalize_primitive (is_Prot, prot_sel) Prot compress_protocols m = Some m'"
      using assms(2) by(simp add: compress_normalize_protocols_step_def)
    fix ps ps_pos ps_neg
    show "compress_protocols ps = Some (ps_pos, ps_neg) 
      matches (β, α) (alist_and (NegPos_map Prot ((map Pos ps_pos)@(map Neg ps_neg)))) a p 
      matches (β, α) (alist_and (NegPos_map Prot ps)) a p"
      apply(simp add: compress_protocols_def)
      apply(simp add: bunch_of_lemmata_about_matches alist_and_append NegPos_map_append)
      apply(simp add: nt_match_list_matches[symmetric] nt_match_list_simp)
      apply(simp add: NegPos_map_simps Prot_single Prot_single_not)
      apply(case_tac "compress_pos_protocols (getPos ps)")
      apply(drule_tac p_prot="p_proto p" in compress_pos_protocols_Some)
      apply(simp split:if_split_asm)
      using simple_proto_conjunct_None by auto

  lemma (in primitive_matcher_generic) compress_normalize_protocols_step_None:
  assumes "normalized_nnf_match m" and "compress_normalize_protocols_step m = None"
    shows "¬ matches (β, α) m a p"
  proof(rule compress_normalize_primitive_None[OF assms(1) wf_disc_sel_common_primitive(7), of "compress_protocols"])
    show "compress_normalize_primitive (is_Prot, prot_sel) Prot compress_protocols m = None"  
      using assms(2) by(simp add: compress_normalize_protocols_step_def)
      fix ps
      have if_option_Some:
        "((if P then None else Some x) = Some y) = (¬P  x = y)"
        for P and x::protocol and y by simp
      show "compress_protocols ps = None  ¬ matches (β, α) (alist_and (NegPos_map Prot ps)) a p"
        apply(simp add: compress_protocols_def)
        apply(simp add: nt_match_list_matches[symmetric] nt_match_list_simp)
        apply(simp add: NegPos_map_simps Prot_single Prot_single_not)
        apply(cases "compress_pos_protocols (getPos ps)")
         apply(drule_tac p_prot="p_proto p" in compress_pos_protocols_None)
         apply(simp; fail)
        apply(drule_tac p_prot="p_proto p" in compress_pos_protocols_Some)
        apply(simp split:if_split_asm)
         apply fastforce
        apply(elim bexE exE)
        apply(elim simple_proto_conjunct.elims)
          apply(simp; fail)
         apply(simp; fail)
        using if_option_Some by metis

  lemma compress_normalize_protocols_step_nnf:
    "normalized_nnf_match m  compress_normalize_protocols_step m = Some m' 
      normalized_nnf_match m'"
    unfolding compress_normalize_protocols_step_def
    using compress_normalize_primitive_nnf[OF wf_disc_sel_common_primitive(7)] by blast
  (*not needed, I want it to introduce prot when I import from L4Ports!*)
  lemma compress_normalize_protocols_step_not_introduces_Prot:
    "¬ has_disc is_Prot m  normalized_nnf_match m  compress_normalize_protocols_step m = Some m' 
     ¬ has_disc is_Prot m'"
      apply(simp add: compress_normalize_protocols_step_def)
      apply(drule compress_normalize_primitive_not_introduces_C[where m=m and C'=Prot])
          apply(simp_all add: wf_disc_sel_common_primitive(7))
      apply(simp add: compress_protocols_def split: if_splits)

  lemma compress_normalize_protocols_step_not_introduces_Prot_negated:
    assumes notdisc: "¬ has_disc_negated is_Prot False m"
        and nm: "normalized_nnf_match m"
        and some: "compress_normalize_protocols_step m = Some m'"
     shows "¬ has_disc_negated is_Prot False m'"
     apply(rule compress_normalize_primitive_not_introduces_C_negated[OF notdisc wf_disc_sel_common_primitive(7) nm])
     using some apply(simp add: compress_normalize_protocols_step_def)
     by(simp add: compress_protocols_def split: option.split_asm if_split_asm)

  lemma compress_normalize_protocols_step_hasdisc:
    "¬ has_disc disc m  (a. ¬ disc (Prot a))  normalized_nnf_match m  compress_normalize_protocols_step m = Some m' 
     normalized_nnf_match m'  ¬ has_disc disc m'"
     unfolding compress_normalize_protocols_step_def
     using compress_normalize_primitive_hasdisc[OF _ wf_disc_sel_common_primitive(7)] by blast

  lemma compress_normalize_protocols_step_hasdisc_negated:
    "¬ has_disc_negated disc neg m  (a. ¬ disc (Prot a))  normalized_nnf_match m  compress_normalize_protocols_step m = Some m' 
     normalized_nnf_match m'  ¬ has_disc_negated disc neg m'"
     unfolding compress_normalize_protocols_step_def
     using compress_normalize_primitive_hasdisc_negated[OF _ wf_disc_sel_common_primitive(7)] by blast

  lemma compress_normalize_protocols_step_preserves_normalized_n_primitive:
    "normalized_n_primitive (disc, sel) P m  (a. ¬ disc (Prot a))  normalized_nnf_match m  compress_normalize_protocols_step m = Some m' 
     normalized_nnf_match m'  normalized_n_primitive (disc, sel) P m'"
     unfolding compress_normalize_protocols_step_def
   using compress_normalize_primitve_preserves_normalized_n_primitive[OF _ wf_disc_sel_common_primitive(7)] by blast

  lemma "case compress_normalize_protocols_step 
    (MatchAnd (MatchAnd (MatchAnd (Match ((Prot (Proto TCP)):: 32 common_primitive)) (MatchNot (Match (Prot (Proto UDP))))) (Match (IIface (Iface ''eth1''))))
              (Match (Prot (Proto TCP)))) of Some ps  opt_MatchAny_match_expr ps
  = MatchAnd (Match (Prot (Proto 6))) (Match (IIface (Iface ''eth1'')))" by eval
  value[code] "compress_normalize_protocols_step (MatchAny:: 32 common_primitive match_expr)"

subsection‹Importing the matches on @{typ primitive_protocol} from @{const L4Ports}

  (* add protocols from positive L4 ports into optimization. *)
  definition import_protocols_from_ports
    :: "'i::len common_primitive match_expr  'i common_primitive match_expr" where 
  "import_protocols_from_ports m 
    (case primitive_extractor (is_Src_Ports, src_ports_sel) m of (srcpts, rst1) 
     case primitive_extractor (is_Dst_Ports, dst_ports_sel) rst1 of (dstpts, rst2) 
        (andfold_MatchExp (map (Match  (Prot  (case_ipt_l4_ports (λproto x. Proto proto)))) (getPos srcpts)))
        (andfold_MatchExp (map (Match  (Prot  (case_ipt_l4_ports (λproto x. Proto proto)))) (getPos dstpts)))
        (alist_and' (NegPos_map Src_Ports srcpts @ NegPos_map Dst_Ports dstpts))

  text‹The @{const Proto} and @{const L4Ports} match make the following match impossible:›
  lemma "compress_normalize_protocols_step (import_protocols_from_ports 
    (MatchAnd (MatchAnd (Match (Prot (Proto TCP):: 32 common_primitive))
      (Match (Src_Ports (L4Ports UDP [(22,22)])))) (Match (IIface (Iface ''eth1''))))) = None"
  by eval

  (*unfolding the whole primitive_extractor*)
  lemma import_protocols_from_ports_erule: "normalized_nnf_match m  P m 
    (srcpts rst1 dstpts rst2.
       normalized_nnf_match m 
       ― ‹P m ⟹› erule consumes only first argument›
       primitive_extractor (is_Src_Ports, src_ports_sel) m = (srcpts, rst1) 
       primitive_extractor (is_Dst_Ports, dst_ports_sel) rst1 = (dstpts, rst2) 
       normalized_nnf_match rst1 
       normalized_nnf_match rst2 
       P (MatchAnd
                 (map (Match  (Prot  (case_ipt_l4_ports (λproto x. Proto proto)))) (getPos srcpts)))
                 (map (Match  (Prot  (case_ipt_l4_ports (λproto x. Proto proto)))) (getPos dstpts))))
             (alist_and' (NegPos_map Src_Ports srcpts @ NegPos_map Dst_Ports dstpts)))
    P (import_protocols_from_ports m)"
    apply(simp add: import_protocols_from_ports_def)
    apply(case_tac "primitive_extractor (is_Src_Ports, src_ports_sel) m", rename_tac srcpts rst1)
    apply(case_tac "primitive_extractor (is_Dst_Ports, dst_ports_sel) rst1", rename_tac dstpts rst2)
    apply(frule(1) primitive_extractor_correct(2)[OF _ wf_disc_sel_common_primitive(1)])
    apply(frule(1) primitive_extractor_correct(2)[OF _ wf_disc_sel_common_primitive(2)])
    apply simp

  lemma (in primitive_matcher_generic) import_protocols_from_ports:
  assumes normalized: "normalized_nnf_match m"
  shows "matches (β, α) (import_protocols_from_ports m) a p  matches (β, α) m a p"
    have add_protocol:
    "matches (β, α)
      (andfold_MatchExp (map (Match  (Prot  (case_ipt_l4_ports (λproto x. Proto proto)))) (getPos as))) a p 
     matches (β, α) (alist_and (NegPos_map C as)) a p
     matches (β, α) (alist_and (NegPos_map C as)) a p"
    if C: "C = Src_Ports  C = Dst_Ports" for C as
      proof(induction as)
      case Nil thus ?case by(simp)
      case (Cons x xs)
        show ?case
        proof(cases x)
        case Neg with Cons.IH show ?thesis
          apply(simp add: bunch_of_lemmata_about_matches)
          by blast
        case (Pos portmatch)
          with Cons.IH show ?thesis
            apply(cases portmatch)
            apply(simp add: andfold_MatchExp_matches bunch_of_lemmata_about_matches)
            using Ports_single_rewrite_Prot C by blast
  from normalized show ?thesis
    apply -
    apply(erule import_protocols_from_ports_erule)
     apply(simp; fail)
    apply(subst primitive_extractor_correct(1)[OF normalized wf_disc_sel_common_primitive(1),
          where γ="(β,α)" and a=a and p=p, symmetric])
     apply(simp; fail)
    apply(drule(1) primitive_extractor_correct(1)[OF _ wf_disc_sel_common_primitive(2),
          where γ="(β,α)" and a=a and p=p])
    apply(simp add: bunch_of_lemmata_about_matches matches_alist_and_alist_and' alist_and_append)
    using add_protocol by blast

  lemma import_protocols_from_ports_nnf:
    "normalized_nnf_match m  normalized_nnf_match (import_protocols_from_ports m)"
    proof -
      have hlp: "mset (map (Match  (Prot  (case_ipt_l4_ports (λproto x. Proto proto)))) ls).
          normalized_nnf_match m" for ls
      apply(induction ls)
      apply(rename_tac l ls, case_tac l)
    show "normalized_nnf_match m  normalized_nnf_match (import_protocols_from_ports m)"
      apply(rule import_protocols_from_ports_erule)
      apply(simp add: normalized_nnf_match_alist_and')
       apply(rule andfold_MatchExp_normalized_nnf, simp add: hlp)+

  lemma import_protocols_from_ports_not_introduces_Prot_negated:
    "normalized_nnf_match m  ¬ has_disc_negated is_Prot False m 
      ¬ has_disc_negated is_Prot False (import_protocols_from_ports m)"
     apply(erule(1) import_protocols_from_ports_erule)
     apply(intro conjI)
        using andfold_MatchExp_not_disc_negated_mapMatch[
          where C="Prot  case_ipt_l4_ports (λproto x. Proto proto)", simplified] apply blast
       using andfold_MatchExp_not_disc_negated_mapMatch[
         where C="Prot  case_ipt_l4_ports (λproto x. Proto proto)", simplified] apply blast
      apply(simp add: has_disc_negated_alist_and')
      using not_has_disc_negated_NegPos_map[where disc=is_Prot and C=Src_Ports, simplified]
            not_has_disc_negated_NegPos_map[where disc=is_Prot and C=Dst_Ports, simplified] apply blast
     apply(drule(1) primitive_extractor_correct(6)[OF _ wf_disc_sel_common_primitive(1), where neg=False])
     apply(drule(1) primitive_extractor_correct(6)[OF _ wf_disc_sel_common_primitive(2), where neg=False])
     by blast

  lemma import_protocols_from_ports_hasdisc:
    "normalized_nnf_match m  ¬ has_disc disc m  (a. ¬ disc (Prot a)) 
     normalized_nnf_match (import_protocols_from_ports m)  ¬ has_disc disc (import_protocols_from_ports m)"
     apply(intro conjI)
      using import_protocols_from_ports_nnf apply blast
     apply(erule(1) import_protocols_from_ports_erule)
     apply(intro conjI)
        using andfold_MatchExp_not_disc_mapMatch[
          where C="Prot  case_ipt_l4_ports (λproto x. Proto proto)", simplified] apply blast
       using andfold_MatchExp_not_disc_mapMatch[
         where C="Prot  case_ipt_l4_ports (λproto x. Proto proto)", simplified] apply blast
      subgoal for srcpts rst1 dstpts rst2
      apply(frule(2) primitive_extractor_reassemble_not_has_disc[OF wf_disc_sel_common_primitive(1)])
      apply(subgoal_tac "¬ has_disc disc rst1")
       prefer 2
       apply(drule(1) primitive_extractor_correct(4)[OF _ wf_disc_sel_common_primitive(1)])
       apply blast
      apply(drule(2) primitive_extractor_reassemble_not_has_disc[OF wf_disc_sel_common_primitive(2)])
      using has_disc_alist_and'_append by blast
     apply(drule(1) primitive_extractor_correct(4)[OF _ wf_disc_sel_common_primitive(1)])
     apply(drule(1) primitive_extractor_correct(4)[OF _ wf_disc_sel_common_primitive(2)])
     apply blast

  lemma import_protocols_from_ports_hasdisc_negated:
    "¬ has_disc_negated disc False m  (a. ¬ disc (Prot a))  normalized_nnf_match m 
     normalized_nnf_match (import_protocols_from_ports m) 
     ¬ has_disc_negated disc False (import_protocols_from_ports m)"
     apply(intro conjI)
      using import_protocols_from_ports_nnf apply blast
     apply(erule(1) import_protocols_from_ports_erule)
     apply(intro conjI)
        using andfold_MatchExp_not_disc_negated_mapMatch[
          where C="Prot  case_ipt_l4_ports (λproto x. Proto proto)", simplified] apply blast
       using andfold_MatchExp_not_disc_negated_mapMatch[
         where C="Prot  case_ipt_l4_ports (λproto x. Proto proto)", simplified] apply blast
      subgoal for srcpts rst1 dstpts rst2
      apply(frule(2) primitive_extractor_reassemble_not_has_disc_negated[OF wf_disc_sel_common_primitive(1)])
      apply(subgoal_tac "¬ has_disc_negated disc False rst1")
       prefer 2
       apply(drule(1) primitive_extractor_correct(6)[OF _ wf_disc_sel_common_primitive(1)])
       apply blast
      apply(drule(2) primitive_extractor_reassemble_not_has_disc_negated[OF wf_disc_sel_common_primitive(2)])
      using has_disc_negated_alist_and'_append by blast
     apply(drule(1) primitive_extractor_correct(6)[OF _ wf_disc_sel_common_primitive(1)])
     apply(drule(1) primitive_extractor_correct(6)[OF _ wf_disc_sel_common_primitive(2)])
     apply blast

  lemma import_protocols_from_ports_preserves_normalized_n_primitive:
    "normalized_n_primitive (disc, sel) f m  (a. ¬ disc (Prot a))  normalized_nnf_match m 
     normalized_nnf_match (import_protocols_from_ports m)  normalized_n_primitive (disc, sel) f (import_protocols_from_ports m)"
     apply(intro conjI)
      using import_protocols_from_ports_nnf apply blast
     apply(erule(1) import_protocols_from_ports_erule)
     apply(intro conjI)
        subgoal for srcpts rst1 dstpts rst2
        apply(rule andfold_MatchExp_normalized_n_primitive)
        using normalized_n_primitive_impossible_map by blast
       subgoal for srcpts rst1 dstpts rst2
       apply(rule andfold_MatchExp_normalized_n_primitive)
       using normalized_n_primitive_impossible_map by blast
      subgoal for srcpts rst1 dstpts rst2
      apply(frule(2) primitive_extractor_reassemble_normalized_n_primitive[OF wf_disc_sel_common_primitive(1)])
      apply(subgoal_tac "normalized_n_primitive (disc, sel) f rst1")
       prefer 2
       apply(drule(1) primitive_extractor_correct(5)[OF _ wf_disc_sel_common_primitive(1)])
       apply blast
      apply(drule(2) primitive_extractor_reassemble_normalized_n_primitive[OF wf_disc_sel_common_primitive(2)])
      using normalized_n_primitive_alist_and'_append by blast
     apply(drule(1) primitive_extractor_correct(5)[OF _ wf_disc_sel_common_primitive(1)])
     apply(drule(1) primitive_extractor_correct(5)[OF _ wf_disc_sel_common_primitive(2)])
     apply blast

subsection‹Putting things together›

  definition compress_normalize_protocols
    :: "'i::len common_primitive match_expr  'i common_primitive match_expr option" where 
    "compress_normalize_protocols m  compress_normalize_protocols_step (import_protocols_from_ports m)"

  lemma (in primitive_matcher_generic) compress_normalize_protocols_Some:
  assumes "normalized_nnf_match m" and "compress_normalize_protocols m = Some m'"
    shows "matches (β, α) m' a p  matches (β, α) m a p"
  using assms apply(simp add: compress_normalize_protocols_def)
  by (metis import_protocols_from_ports import_protocols_from_ports_nnf
  lemma (in primitive_matcher_generic) compress_normalize_protocols_None:
  assumes "normalized_nnf_match m" and "compress_normalize_protocols m = None"
    shows "¬ matches (β, α) m a p"
  using assms apply(simp add: compress_normalize_protocols_def)
  by (metis import_protocols_from_ports import_protocols_from_ports_nnf

  lemma compress_normalize_protocols_nnf:
    "normalized_nnf_match m  compress_normalize_protocols m = Some m' 
      normalized_nnf_match m'"
  apply(simp add: compress_normalize_protocols_def)
  by (metis import_protocols_from_ports_nnf compress_normalize_protocols_step_nnf)

  lemma compress_normalize_protocols_not_introduces_Prot_negated:
    assumes notdisc: "¬ has_disc_negated is_Prot False m"
        and nm: "normalized_nnf_match m"
        and some: "compress_normalize_protocols m = Some m'"
     shows "¬ has_disc_negated is_Prot False m'"
    using assms apply(simp add: compress_normalize_protocols_def)
    using import_protocols_from_ports_nnf
          compress_normalize_protocols_step_not_introduces_Prot_negated by auto

  lemma compress_normalize_protocols_hasdisc:
    "¬ has_disc disc m  (a. ¬ disc (Prot a))  normalized_nnf_match m  compress_normalize_protocols m = Some m' 
     normalized_nnf_match m'  ¬ has_disc disc m'"
    apply(simp add: compress_normalize_protocols_def)
    using import_protocols_from_ports_hasdisc
          compress_normalize_protocols_step_hasdisc by blast

  lemma compress_normalize_protocols_hasdisc_negated:
    "¬ has_disc_negated disc False m  (a. ¬ disc (Prot a)) 
     normalized_nnf_match m  compress_normalize_protocols m = Some m' 
     normalized_nnf_match m'  ¬ has_disc_negated disc False m'" (*original lemma allowed arbitrary neg*)
    apply(simp add: compress_normalize_protocols_def)
    apply(frule(2) import_protocols_from_ports_hasdisc_negated)
    using compress_normalize_protocols_step_hasdisc_negated by blast

  lemma compress_normalize_protocols_preserves_normalized_n_primitive:
    "normalized_n_primitive (disc, sel) P m  (a. ¬ disc (Prot a))  normalized_nnf_match m  compress_normalize_protocols m = Some m' 
     normalized_nnf_match m'  normalized_n_primitive (disc, sel) P m'"
    apply(simp add: compress_normalize_protocols_def)
    using import_protocols_from_ports_preserves_normalized_n_primitive
          compress_normalize_protocols_step_preserves_normalized_n_primitive by blast

  lemma "case compress_normalize_protocols 
    (MatchAnd (MatchAnd (MatchAnd (Match ((Prot (Proto TCP)):: 32 common_primitive)) (MatchNot (Match (Prot (Proto UDP))))) (Match (IIface (Iface ''eth1''))))
              (Match (Prot (Proto TCP)))) of Some ps  opt_MatchAny_match_expr ps
  MatchAnd (Match (Prot (Proto 6))) (Match (IIface (Iface ''eth1'')))" by eval
  (*too many MatchAny!*)
  value[code] "compress_normalize_protocols (MatchAny:: 32 common_primitive match_expr)"
