Theory Common_Primitive_Matcher_Generic

theory Common_Primitive_Matcher_Generic
imports "../Semantics_Ternary/Semantics_Ternary"

subsection‹A Generic primitive matcher: Agnostic of IP Addresses›

text‹Generalized Definition agnostic of IP Addresses fro IPv4 and IPv6›

(*generic assumptions for a common matcher without information about IPs.
  used to add ipv6 integration without duplicating all proofs *)
locale primitive_matcher_generic =
  fixes β :: "('i::len common_primitive, ('i::len, 'a) tagged_packet_scheme) exact_match_tac"
  assumes IIface: " p i. β (IIface i) p = bool_to_ternary (match_iface i (p_iiface p))"
      and OIface: " p i. β (OIface i) p = bool_to_ternary (match_iface i (p_oiface p))"
        and Prot: " p proto. β (Prot proto) p = bool_to_ternary (match_proto proto (p_proto p))"
   and Src_Ports: " p proto ps. β (Src_Ports (L4Ports proto ps)) p = bool_to_ternary (proto = p_proto p  p_sport p  ports_to_set ps)"
   and Dst_Ports: " p proto ps. β (Dst_Ports (L4Ports proto ps)) p = bool_to_ternary (proto = p_proto p  p_dport p  ports_to_set ps)"
   ― ‹-m multiport --ports matches source or destination port›
   and MultiportsPorts: " p proto ps. β (MultiportPorts (L4Ports proto ps)) p = bool_to_ternary (proto = p_proto p  (p_sport p  ports_to_set ps  p_dport p  ports_to_set ps))"
    and L4_Flags: " p flags. β (L4_Flags flags) p = bool_to_ternary (match_tcp_flags flags (p_tcp_flags p))"
    and CT_State: " p S. β (CT_State S) p = bool_to_ternary (match_ctstate S (p_tag_ctstate p))"
        and Extra: " p str. β (Extra str) p = TernaryUnknown"
  lemma Iface_single:
    "matches (β, α) (Match (IIface X)) a p  match_iface X (p_iiface p)"
    "matches (β, α) (Match (OIface X)) a p  match_iface X (p_oiface p)"
     by(simp_all add: IIface OIface match_raw_ternary bool_to_ternary_simps
               split: ternaryvalue.split)
  text‹Since matching on the iface cannot be @{const TernaryUnknown}*, we can pull out negations.›
  lemma Iface_single_not:
    "matches (β, α) (MatchNot (Match (IIface X))) a p  ¬ match_iface X (p_iiface p)"
    "matches (β, α) (MatchNot (Match (OIface X))) a p  ¬ match_iface X (p_oiface p)"
     by(simp_all add: IIface OIface matches_case_ternaryvalue_tuple bool_to_ternary_simps
          split: ternaryvalue.split)

  lemma Prot_single:
    "matches (β, α) (Match (Prot X)) a p  match_proto X (p_proto p)"
     by(simp add: Prot match_raw_ternary bool_to_ternary_simps split: ternaryvalue.split)
  lemma Prot_single_not:
    "matches (β, α) (MatchNot (Match (Prot X))) a p  ¬ match_proto X (p_proto p)"
     by(simp add: Prot matches_case_ternaryvalue_tuple bool_to_ternary_simps split: ternaryvalue.split)

  lemma Ports_single:
    "matches (β, α) (Match (Src_Ports (L4Ports proto ps))) a p  proto = p_proto p  p_sport p  ports_to_set ps"
    "matches (β, α) (Match (Dst_Ports (L4Ports proto ps))) a p  proto = p_proto p  p_dport p  ports_to_set ps"
     by(simp_all add: Src_Ports Dst_Ports match_raw_ternary bool_to_ternary_simps
               split: ternaryvalue.split)
  lemma Ports_single_not:
    "matches (β, α) (MatchNot (Match (Src_Ports (L4Ports proto ps)))) a p  proto  p_proto p  p_sport p  ports_to_set ps"
    "matches (β, α) (MatchNot (Match (Dst_Ports (L4Ports proto ps)))) a p  proto  p_proto p  p_dport p  ports_to_set ps"
     by(simp_all add: Src_Ports Dst_Ports matches_case_ternaryvalue_tuple bool_to_ternary_simps
               split: ternaryvalue.split)

  text‹Ports are dependent matches. They always match on the protocol too›
  lemma Ports_single_rewrite_Prot:
    "matches (β, α) (Match (Src_Ports (L4Ports proto ps))) a p 
      matches (β, α) (Match (Prot (Proto proto))) a p  p_sport p  ports_to_set ps"
    "matches (β, α) (MatchNot (Match (Src_Ports (L4Ports proto ps)))) a p 
      matches (β, α) (MatchNot (Match (Prot (Proto proto)))) a p  p_sport p  ports_to_set ps"
    "matches (β, α) (Match (Dst_Ports (L4Ports proto ps))) a p 
      matches (β, α) (Match (Prot (Proto proto))) a p  p_dport p  ports_to_set ps"
    "matches (β, α) (MatchNot (Match (Dst_Ports (L4Ports proto ps)))) a p 
      matches (β, α) (MatchNot (Match (Prot (Proto proto)))) a p  p_dport p  ports_to_set ps"
  by(auto simp add: Ports_single_not Ports_single Prot_single_not Prot_single)

  lemma multiports_disjuction:
        "(rgset spts. matches (β, α) (Match (Src_Ports (L4Ports proto [rg]))) a p)  matches (β, α) (Match (Src_Ports (L4Ports proto spts))) a p"
        "(rgset dpts. matches (β, α) (Match (Dst_Ports (L4Ports proto [rg]))) a p)  matches (β, α) (Match (Dst_Ports (L4Ports proto dpts))) a p"
    by(auto simp add: Src_Ports Dst_Ports match_raw_ternary bool_to_ternary_simps ports_to_set
                   split: ternaryvalue.split)

  lemma MultiportPorts_single_rewrite:
    "matches (β, α) (Match (MultiportPorts ports)) a p 
      matches (β, α) (Match (Src_Ports ports)) a p  matches (β, α) (Match (Dst_Ports ports)) a p"
    apply(cases ports)
    apply(simp add: Ports_single)
    by(simp add: MultiportsPorts match_raw_ternary bool_to_ternary_simps
            split: ternaryvalue.split)
  lemma MultiportPorts_single_rewrite_MatchOr:
    "matches (β, α) (Match (MultiportPorts ports)) a p 
      matches (β, α) (MatchOr (Match (Src_Ports ports)) (Match (Dst_Ports ports))) a p"
    apply(cases ports)
    by(simp add: MatchOr MultiportPorts_single_rewrite)

  lemma MultiportPorts_single_not_rewrite_MatchAnd:
    "matches (β, α) (MatchNot (Match (MultiportPorts ports))) a p 
      matches (β, α) (MatchAnd (MatchNot (Match (Src_Ports ports))) (MatchNot (Match (Dst_Ports ports)))) a p"
    apply(cases ports)
    apply(simp add: Ports_single_not bunch_of_lemmata_about_matches)
    by(simp add: MultiportsPorts matches_case_ternaryvalue_tuple bool_to_ternary_simps
            split: ternaryvalue.split)
  lemma MultiportPorts_single_not_rewrite:
    "matches (β, α) (MatchNot (Match (MultiportPorts ports))) a p 
      ¬ matches (β, α) (Match (Src_Ports ports)) a p  ¬ matches (β, α) (Match (Dst_Ports ports)) a p"
    apply(cases ports)
    by(simp add: MultiportPorts_single_not_rewrite_MatchAnd bunch_of_lemmata_about_matches
                 Ports_single_not Ports_single)

  lemma Extra_single:
    "matches (β, α) (Match (Extra str)) a p  α a p"
     by(simp add: Extra match_raw_ternary)
  lemma Extra_single_not:  ― ‹ternary logic, @{text "¬ unknown = unknown"}
    "matches (β, α) (MatchNot (Match (Extra str))) a p  α a p"
     by(simp add: Extra matches_case_ternaryvalue_tuple)

subsection‹Basic optimisations›
  (*this is currently not used.*)
  text‹Compress many @{const Extra} expressions to one expression.›
  fun compress_extra :: "'i::len common_primitive match_expr  'i common_primitive match_expr" where
    "compress_extra (Match x) = Match x" |
    "compress_extra (MatchNot (Match (Extra e))) = Match (Extra (''NOT (''@e@'')''))" |
    "compress_extra (MatchNot m) = (MatchNot (compress_extra m))" |
    (*"compress_extra (MatchAnd (Match (Extra e1)) (Match (Extra e2))) = compress_extra (Match (Extra (e1@'' ''@e2)))" |*)
    (*"compress_extra (MatchAnd (Match (Extra e1)) MatchAny) = Match (Extra e1)" |*)
    "compress_extra (MatchAnd (Match (Extra e1)) m2) = (case compress_extra m2 of Match (Extra e2)  Match (Extra (e1@'' ''@e2)) | MatchAny  Match (Extra e1) | m2'  MatchAnd (Match (Extra e1)) m2')" |
    "compress_extra (MatchAnd m1 m2) = MatchAnd (compress_extra m1) (compress_extra m2)" |
    (*"compress_extra (MatchAnd m1 m2) = (case (compress_extra m1, compress_extra m2) of 
          (Match (Extra e1), Match (Extra e2)) ⇒ Match (Extra (e1@'' ''@e2))
        | (Match (Extra e1), MatchAny) ⇒ Match (Extra e1)
        | (MatchAny, Match (Extra e2)) ⇒ Match (Extra e2)
        | (m1', m2') ⇒ MatchAnd m1' m2')" |*)
    "compress_extra MatchAny = MatchAny"
  thm compress_extra.simps
  value [nbe] "compress_extra (MatchAnd (Match (Extra ''foo'')) (Match (Extra ''bar'')))"
  value [nbe] "compress_extra (MatchAnd (Match (Extra ''foo'')) (MatchNot (Match (Extra ''bar''))))"
  value [nbe] "compress_extra (MatchAnd (Match (Extra ''-m'')) (MatchAnd (Match (Extra ''addrtype'')) (MatchAnd (Match (Extra ''--dst-type'')) (MatchAnd (Match (Extra ''BROADCAST'')) MatchAny))))"
  lemma compress_extra_correct_matchexpr:
    fixes β::"('i::len common_primitive, ('i::len, 'a) tagged_packet_scheme) exact_match_tac"
    assumes generic: "primitive_matcher_generic β"
    shows "matches (β, α) m = matches (β, α) (compress_extra m)"
    proof(simp add: fun_eq_iff, clarify, rename_tac a p)
      fix a and p :: "('i, 'a) tagged_packet_scheme"
      from generic have "β (Extra e) p = TernaryUnknown" for e by(simp add: primitive_matcher_generic.Extra)
      hence "ternary_ternary_eval (map_match_tac β p m) = ternary_ternary_eval (map_match_tac β p (compress_extra m))"
        proof(induction m rule: compress_extra.induct)
        case 4 thus ?case
          by(simp_all split: match_expr.split match_expr.split_asm common_primitive.split)
        qed (simp_all)
      thus "matches (β, α) m a p = matches (β, α) (compress_extra m) a p"
        by(rule matches_iff_apply_f)
