Theory IMP2_Specification
section ‹Specification Commands›
theory IMP2_Specification
imports IMP2_Basic_Simpset IMP2_Program_Analysis IMP2_Var_Postprocessor IMP2_Var_Abs
keywords "ensures"
and "returns" "variant" "relation"
and "program_spec" :: thy_goal
and "procedure_spec" :: thy_goal
and "recursive_spec" :: thy_goal
subsection ‹Abstraction over Program Variables›
lemmas [named_ss vcg_bb cong] = refl[of "ANNOTATION _"]
ML ‹ structure IMP_Annotations
= struct
fun strip_annotations ctxt =
Local_Defs.unfold ctxt (Named_Theorems.get ctxt @{named_theorems vcg_annotation_defs})
fun strip_annotations_term ctxt =
Thm.cterm_of ctxt #> Drule.mk_term #>
strip_annotations ctxt #>
Drule.dest_term #> Thm.term_of
fun mk_ANNOTATION t = let val T=fastype_of t in
Const (@{const_name ANNOTATION}, T --> T)$t end
fun dest_ANNOTATION (Const (@{const_name ANNOTATION}, _)$t) = t
| dest_ANNOTATION t = raise TERM("dest_ANNOTATION", [t]);
type term_annot_reader = Proof.context * (term -> term)
fun gen_read_ta rd ((ctxt,post):term_annot_reader) src = rd ctxt src |> mk_BB_PROTECT |> post
val read_ta_from_cartouche = gen_read_ta Term_Annot.read_term
type cmd_annotation_readers = {
rel_rd : term_annot_reader,
variant_rd : term_annot_reader,
invar_rd : term_annot_reader,
com_post: term -> term
fun gen_interpret_annotations (annot_readers : cmd_annotation_readers) ctxt prog_t = let
val read_invar = read_ta_from_cartouche (#invar_rd annot_readers)
val read_variant = read_ta_from_cartouche (#variant_rd annot_readers)
val read_rel = read_ta_from_cartouche (#rel_rd annot_readers)
val mpt = map_types (map_type_tfree (K dummyT))
fun interp_while_annot (t,@{syntax_const "_invariant_annotation"}) (R,V,I) = (R,V,read_invar t :: I)
| interp_while_annot (t,@{syntax_const "_variant_annotation"}) (R,V,I) = (R,read_variant t :: V,I)
| interp_while_annot (t,@{syntax_const "_relation_annotation"}) (R,V,I) = (read_rel t :: R,V,I)
| interp_while_annot (_,ty) _ = error ("Unknown annotation type for while loop: " ^ ty)
fun interp_while_annots annots = let
val annots = HOLogic.strip_tuple annots
|> map (apsnd (dest_Const #> fst) o Term_Annot.dest_annotated_term)
val (Rs,Vs,Is) = fold interp_while_annot annots ([],[],[])
val _ = length Rs > 1 andalso error "Multiple relation annotations to loop"
val _ = length Vs > 1 andalso error "Multiple variant annotations to loop"
val _ = length Is > 1 andalso error "Multiple invariants not yet supported. Combine them into one"
local val m = map mk_ANNOTATION in
val (Rs, Vs, Is) = (m Rs, m Vs, m Is)
case (Rs,Vs,Is) of
([],[],[]) => mpt \<^Const>‹While›
| ([],[],[I]) => mpt \<^Const>‹WHILE_annotI for I›
| ([],[V],[I]) => mpt \<^Const>‹WHILE_annotVI for V I›
| ([R],[V],[I]) => mpt \<^Const>‹WHILE_annotRVI \<^typ>‹'a› for R V I›
| _ => error "Illegal combination of annotations to while loop. The legal ones are: None, I, VI, RVI"
fun interp (Const (@{const_abbrev While_Annot},_)$annots) = interp_while_annots annots
| interp (a$b) = interp a $ interp b
| interp (Abs (x,T,t)) = Abs (x,T,interp t)
| interp t = t
val prog_t = interp prog_t
val prog_t = Syntax.check_term ctxt prog_t
val res = (#com_post annot_readers) prog_t
fun gen_mk_reader rds ctxt = let
fun mk [] ctxt = ((ctxt, I), I)
| mk ((vars,sfx,full)::rds) ctxt = let
val vars = IMP_Parser.merge_variables vars
val (vinfo,ctxt) = Program_Variables.declare_variables vars sfx ctxt
val ((ctxt,pps1),pps2) = mk rds ctxt
val absv = Program_Variables.abstract_vars vinfo
val abss = Program_Variables.abstract_state vinfo
val (pps1,pps2) = if full then (absv #> pps1 #> abss,pps2) else (absv #> pps1, pps2 #> abss)
mk rds ctxt
type rd_config = {
add_vars : IMP_Syntax.impvar list,
in_vars : string list option,
out_vars : string list option,
prog_vars : IMP_Syntax.impvar list
fun vars_dflt (cfg:rd_config) NONE = (#prog_vars cfg) @ (#add_vars cfg)
| vars_dflt (cfg:rd_config) (SOME vs) = let
val (gvs,lvs) = List.partition (IMP_Syntax.is_global) vs
val _ = if gvs <> [] then
Pretty.block [Pretty.str "Ignoring global parameter/return variables: ",
Pretty.list "" "" (map (Pretty.str) gvs)]
|> Pretty.string_of |> warning
else ()
(filter (fst #> member op= lvs) (#prog_vars cfg @ #add_vars cfg ))
@ (filter (fst #> IMP_Syntax.is_global) (#add_vars cfg))
fun cfg_in_vars cfg = vars_dflt cfg (#in_vars cfg)
fun cfg_out_vars cfg = vars_dflt cfg (#out_vars cfg)
fun mk_annot_readers (cfg:rd_config) ctxt = let
val in_vars = cfg_in_vars cfg
val prog_vars = (#prog_vars cfg) @ (#add_vars cfg)
val (rel_rd,_) = gen_mk_reader [] ctxt
val (annot_rd,post) = gen_mk_reader [(in_vars,"⇩0",false),(prog_vars,"",true)] ctxt
rel_rd = rel_rd,
variant_rd = annot_rd,
invar_rd = annot_rd,
com_post = post
fun mk_pre_reader cfg ctxt = gen_mk_reader [(cfg_in_vars cfg,"",true)] ctxt |> #1
fun mk_post_reader cfg ctxt = let
val in_vars = cfg_in_vars cfg
val out_vars = cfg_out_vars cfg
gen_mk_reader [(in_vars,"⇩0",true),(out_vars,"",true)] ctxt |> #1
fun mk_variant_reader cfg ctxt = let
val in_vars = cfg_in_vars cfg
gen_mk_reader [(in_vars,"",true)] ctxt |> #1
fun read_program cfg ctxt prog_t =
gen_interpret_annotations (mk_annot_readers cfg ctxt) ctxt prog_t
subsection ‹Hoare Triple Syntax›
syntax "_Htriple" :: "cartouche_position ⇒ cartouche_position ⇒ cartouche_position ⇒ logic" ("\<^htriple>_ _ _")
syntax "_Htriple_Partial" :: "cartouche_position ⇒ cartouche_position ⇒ cartouche_position ⇒ logic" ("\<^htriple_partial>_ _ _")
ML ‹ structure VCG_Htriple_Syntax
= struct
fun mk_htriple' total env (pre,prog_t,post) = let
val HT_const = if total then \<^Const>‹HT'› else \<^Const>‹HT'_partial›
val res = HT_const$ env $pre$prog_t$post
fun decon_cartouche_ast ((c as Const (@{syntax_const "_constrain"}, _)) $ Free (s, _) $ p) = (
case Term_Position.decode_position p of
SOME (pos, _) => ((s,pos) )
| NONE => raise TERM ("cartouche with invalid pos",[c,p])
| decon_cartouche_ast t = raise TERM ("decon_cartouche_ast",[t])
fun htriple_tr total ctxt [tpre, prog_t, tpost] = let
open IMP_Annotations
val (vars,prog_t) = decon_cartouche_ast prog_t |> IMP_Parser.parse_command_at ctxt
val cfg = { add_vars = [], in_vars=NONE, out_vars=NONE, prog_vars=vars }
val prog_t = read_program cfg ctxt prog_t
val tpre = decon_cartouche_ast tpre
|> read_ta_from_cartouche (mk_pre_reader cfg ctxt)
val tpost = decon_cartouche_ast tpost
|> read_ta_from_cartouche (mk_post_reader cfg ctxt)
val res = mk_htriple' total @{term "Map.empty :: program"} (tpre,prog_t,tpost)
IMP_Parser.mark_term res |> @{print}
| htriple_tr _ _ args = raise TERM ("htriple_tr", args)
parse_translation ‹[
(@{syntax_const "_Htriple"}, VCG_Htriple_Syntax.htriple_tr true),
(@{syntax_const "_Htriple_Partial"}, VCG_Htriple_Syntax.htriple_tr false)
term ‹\<^htriple_partial> ‹undefined x :: bool› ‹while (n≠0) @invariant ‹x=1+undefined+n+foo› n = n - 1; x=x+1› ‹True››
term ‹\<^htriple_partial> ‹n≥0+x+notex› ‹while (n≠0) n = n - 1; x=x+1› ‹n=0 ∧ x=1+x⇩0››
term ‹\<^htriple> ‹n≥0+x+notex› ‹while (n≠0) n = n - 1; x=x+1› ‹n=0 ∧ x=1+x⇩0››
subsection ‹Postprocessing of Proved Specifications›
subsubsection ‹Modified Sets›
lemma HT_to_mod: "HT π P c Q = HT_mods π (ANALYZE (lhsv π c)) P c Q"
by (auto simp: HT_mods_def BB_PROTECT_def HT_def intro: wp_strengthen_modset wp_conseq)
lemma HT_partial_to_mod: "HT_partial π P c Q = HT_partial_mods π (ANALYZE (lhsv π c)) P c Q"
by (auto simp: HT_partial_mods_def BB_PROTECT_def HT_partial_def intro: wlp_strengthen_modset wlp_conseq)
lemma mk_lhsv_thm:
assumes "c ≡ cmd"
shows "lhsv π c = ANALYZE (lhsv π cmd)" "lhsv' c = ANALYZE (lhsv' cmd)"
using assms by simp_all
ML ‹ structure IMP2_Modified_Analysis
= struct
fun dest_HT_mods (Const (@{const_name HT_mods},_)$pi$mods$P$c$Q) = (true,pi,mods,P,c,Q)
| dest_HT_mods (Const (@{const_name HT_partial_mods},_)$pi$mods$P$c$Q) = (false,pi,mods,P,c,Q)
| dest_HT_mods t = raise TERM("dest_HT_mods",[t])
val is_valid_modset = can (HOLogic.dest_set #> map HOLogic.dest_string)
fun mk_HT_mods ctxt thm = let
fun simplified ctxt thms = simplify (Simplifier.clear_simpset ctxt addsimps thms)
val ctxt = Named_Simpsets.put @{named_simpset vcg_bb} ctxt
|> simplified ctxt @{thms HT_to_mod HT_partial_to_mod}
|> Simplifier.simplify ctxt
fun mk_lhsv_thms ctxt def_thm = let
val ctxt = Named_Simpsets.put @{named_simpset vcg_bb} ctxt
map (fn thm => (def_thm RS thm) |> Simplifier.simplify ctxt) @{thms mk_lhsv_thm}
subsubsection ‹Parameter Passing›
lemma adjust_assign_after:
assumes "HT π P c Q"
shows "HT π P (c;;x[]::=y) (λs⇩0 s. ∃vx. Q s⇩0 (s(x:=vx,y:=s x)))"
using assms unfolding HT_def
apply (auto simp: wp_eq[abs_def])
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) fun_upd_triv wp_conseq)
lemma adjust_assign_before:
assumes HT: "HT π P c Q"
shows "HT π (λs. P (s(x:=s y)) ) (x[]::=y;; c) (λs⇩0 s. Q (s⇩0(x:=s⇩0 y)) s)"
unfolding HT_def
apply (clarsimp simp: wp_eq)
using HT_def assms by auto
lemma adjust_scope:
assumes HT: "HT π P c Q"
shows "HT π (λs. P (<<>|s>)) (SCOPE c) (λs⇩0 s. ∃l. Q (<<>|s⇩0>) (<l|s>))"
unfolding HT_def
apply (clarsimp simp: wp_eq)
by (smt HT_def assms combine_collapse combine_nest(1) wp_conseq)
lemma adjust_assign_after_partial:
assumes "HT_partial π P c Q"
shows "HT_partial π P (c;;x[]::=y) (λs⇩0 s. ∃vx. Q s⇩0 (s(x:=vx,y:=s x)))"
using assms unfolding HT_partial_def
apply (auto simp: wlp_eq[abs_def])
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) fun_upd_triv wlp_conseq)
lemma adjust_assign_before_partial:
assumes HT: "HT_partial π P c Q"
shows "HT_partial π (λs. P (s(x:=s y)) ) (x[]::=y;; c) (λs⇩0 s. Q (s⇩0(x:=s⇩0 y)) s)"
unfolding HT_partial_def
apply (clarsimp simp: wlp_eq)
using HT_partial_def assms by auto
lemma adjust_scope_partial:
assumes HT: "HT_partial π P c Q"
shows "HT_partial π (λs. P (<<>|s>)) (SCOPE c) (λs⇩0 s. ∃l. Q (<<>|s⇩0>) (<l|s>))"
unfolding HT_partial_def
apply (clarsimp simp: wlp_eq)
by (smt HT_partial_def assms combine_collapse combine_nest(1) wlp_conseq)
definition "ADJUST_PRE_SCOPE P ≡ (λs. P <<>|s>)"
definition "ADJUST_PRE_PARAM l G P ≡ (λs. P (s(l:=s G)))"
definition "ADJUST_POST_SCOPE Q ≡ (λs⇩0 s. ∃l. Q (<<>|s⇩0>) (<l|s>))"
definition "ADJUST_POST_PARAM l G Q ≡ (λs⇩0 s. Q (s⇩0(l:=s⇩0 G)) s)"
definition "ADJUST_POST_RETV G l Q ≡ (λs⇩0 s. ∃vx. Q s⇩0 (s(G:=vx,l:=s G)))"
lemma HT_strengthen_modset:
assumes "HT π P c Q"
shows "HT π P c (λs⇩0 s. Q s⇩0 s ∧ modifies (lhsv π c) s s⇩0)"
using assms unfolding HT_def by (auto intro: wp_strengthen_modset)
lemma HT_partial_strengthen_modset:
assumes "HT_partial π P c Q"
shows "HT_partial π P c (λs⇩0 s. Q s⇩0 s ∧ modifies (lhsv π c) s s⇩0)"
using assms unfolding HT_partial_def by (auto intro: wlp_strengthen_modset)
notes [abs_def, simp] = VAR_def
notes [simp] = combine_query
text ‹A lot of straightforward lemmas, to transfer specification of function body to function specification›
lemma ADJUST_PRE_SCOPE_unfolds:
"⋀P. ADJUST_PRE_SCOPE (λ_. P) = (λ_. P)"
"⋀P. ADJUST_PRE_SCOPE (λs. VAR v (λx. P x s)) = VAR v (λx. ADJUST_PRE_SCOPE (λs. P x s))"
"⋀P. is_global x ⟹ ADJUST_PRE_SCOPE (λs. VAR (s x i) (λx. P x s)) = (λs. VAR (s x i) (λx. ADJUST_PRE_SCOPE (λs. P x s) s))"
"⋀P. is_global x ⟹ ADJUST_PRE_SCOPE (λs. VAR (s x) (λx. P x s)) = (λs. VAR (s x) (λx. ADJUST_PRE_SCOPE (λs. P x s) s))"
by auto
lemma ADJUST_PRE_PARAM_unfolds:
"⋀P. ADJUST_PRE_PARAM l G (λ_. P) = (λ_. P)"
"⋀P. ADJUST_PRE_PARAM l G (λs. VAR v (λx. P x s)) = VAR v (λx. ADJUST_PRE_PARAM l G (λs. P x s))"
"⋀P. ADJUST_PRE_PARAM l G (λs. VAR (s l i) (λx. P x s)) = (λs. VAR (s G i) (λx. ADJUST_PRE_PARAM l G (λs. P x s) s))"
"⋀P. ADJUST_PRE_PARAM l G (λs. VAR (s l) (λx. P x s)) = (λs. VAR (s G) (λx. ADJUST_PRE_PARAM l G (λs. P x s) s))"
"⋀P. x≠l ⟹ ADJUST_PRE_PARAM l G (λs. VAR (s x i) (λx. P x s)) = (λs. VAR (s x i) (λx. ADJUST_PRE_PARAM l G (λs. P x s) s))"
"⋀P. x≠l ⟹ ADJUST_PRE_PARAM l G (λs. VAR (s x) (λx. P x s)) = (λs. VAR (s x) (λx. ADJUST_PRE_PARAM l G (λs. P x s) s))"
by auto
lemma ADJUST_POST_SCOPE_unfolds:
"⋀P. ADJUST_POST_SCOPE (λ_ _. P) = (λ_ _. P)"
"⋀P. is_global x ⟹ ADJUST_POST_SCOPE (λs⇩0 s. VAR (s⇩0 x i) (λx. P x s⇩0 s)) = (λs⇩0 s. VAR (s⇩0 x i) (λx. ADJUST_POST_SCOPE (λs⇩0 s. P x s⇩0 s) s⇩0 s))"
"⋀P. is_global x ⟹ ADJUST_POST_SCOPE (λs⇩0 s. VAR (s⇩0 x) (λx. P x s⇩0 s)) = (λs⇩0 s. VAR (s⇩0 x) (λx. ADJUST_POST_SCOPE (λs⇩0 s. P x s⇩0 s) s⇩0 s))"
"⋀P. is_global x ⟹ ADJUST_POST_SCOPE (λs⇩0 s. VAR (s x i) (λx. P x s⇩0 s)) = (λs⇩0 s. VAR (s x i) (λx. ADJUST_POST_SCOPE (λs⇩0 s. P x s⇩0 s) s⇩0 s))"
"⋀P. is_global x ⟹ ADJUST_POST_SCOPE (λs⇩0 s. VAR (s x) (λx. P x s⇩0 s)) = (λs⇩0 s. VAR (s x) (λx. ADJUST_POST_SCOPE (λs⇩0 s. P x s⇩0 s) s⇩0 s))"
by auto
lemma ADJUST_POST_PARAM_unfolds:
"⋀P. ADJUST_POST_PARAM l G (λ_ _. P) = (λ_ _. P)"
"⋀P. ADJUST_POST_PARAM l G (λs⇩0 s. VAR (s⇩0 l i) (λx. P x s⇩0 s)) = (λs⇩0 s. VAR (s⇩0 G i) (λx. ADJUST_POST_PARAM l G (λs⇩0 s. P x s⇩0 s) s⇩0 s))"
"⋀P. ADJUST_POST_PARAM l G (λs⇩0 s. VAR (s⇩0 l) (λx. P x s⇩0 s)) = (λs⇩0 s. VAR (s⇩0 G) (λx. ADJUST_POST_PARAM l G (λs⇩0 s. P x s⇩0 s) s⇩0 s))"
"⋀P. x≠l ⟹ ADJUST_POST_PARAM l G (λs⇩0 s. VAR (s⇩0 x i) (λx. P x s⇩0 s)) = (λs⇩0 s. VAR (s⇩0 x i) (λx. ADJUST_POST_PARAM l G (λs⇩0 s. P x s⇩0 s) s⇩0 s))"
"⋀P. x≠l ⟹ ADJUST_POST_PARAM l G (λs⇩0 s. VAR (s⇩0 x) (λx. P x s⇩0 s)) = (λs⇩0 s. VAR (s⇩0 x) (λx. ADJUST_POST_PARAM l G (λs⇩0 s. P x s⇩0 s) s⇩0 s))"
"⋀P. ADJUST_POST_PARAM l G (λs⇩0 s. VAR (s x i) (λx. P x s⇩0 s)) = (λs⇩0 s. VAR (s x i) (λx. ADJUST_POST_PARAM l G (λs⇩0 s. P x s⇩0 s) s⇩0 s))"
"⋀P. ADJUST_POST_PARAM l G (λs⇩0 s. VAR (s x) (λx. P x s⇩0 s)) = (λs⇩0 s. VAR (s x) (λx. ADJUST_POST_PARAM l G (λs⇩0 s. P x s⇩0 s) s⇩0 s))"
by auto
lemma ADJUST_POST_RETV_unfolds:
"⋀P. ADJUST_POST_RETV G l (λ_ _. P) = (λ_ _. P)"
"⋀P. ADJUST_POST_RETV G l (λs⇩0 s. VAR (s⇩0 x i) (λx. P x s⇩0 s)) = (λs⇩0 s. VAR (s⇩0 x i) (λx. ADJUST_POST_RETV G l (λs⇩0 s. P x s⇩0 s) s⇩0 s))"
"⋀P. ADJUST_POST_RETV G l (λs⇩0 s. VAR (s⇩0 x) (λx. P x s⇩0 s)) = (λs⇩0 s. VAR (s⇩0 x) (λx. ADJUST_POST_RETV G l (λs⇩0 s. P x s⇩0 s) s⇩0 s))"
"⋀P. ADJUST_POST_RETV G l (λs⇩0 s. VAR (s l i) (λx. P x s⇩0 s)) = (λs⇩0 s. VAR (s G i) (λx. ADJUST_POST_RETV G l (λs⇩0 s. P x s⇩0 s) s⇩0 s))"
"⋀P. ADJUST_POST_RETV G l (λs⇩0 s. VAR (s l) (λx. P x s⇩0 s)) = (λs⇩0 s. VAR (s G) (λx. ADJUST_POST_RETV G l (λs⇩0 s. P x s⇩0 s) s⇩0 s))"
"⋀P. ⟦x≠G; x≠l⟧ ⟹ ADJUST_POST_RETV G l (λs⇩0 s. VAR (s x i) (λx. P x s⇩0 s)) = (λs⇩0 s. VAR (s x i) (λx. ADJUST_POST_RETV G l (λs⇩0 s. P x s⇩0 s) s⇩0 s))"
"⋀P. ⟦x≠G; x≠l⟧ ⟹ ADJUST_POST_RETV G l (λs⇩0 s. VAR (s x) (λx. P x s⇩0 s)) = (λs⇩0 s. VAR (s x) (λx. ADJUST_POST_RETV G l (λs⇩0 s. P x s⇩0 s) s⇩0 s))"
by auto
lemmas ADJUST_unfolds = ADJUST_PRE_SCOPE_unfolds ADJUST_PRE_PARAM_unfolds
lemma HT_mods_adjust_scope:
assumes "HT_mods π vs P c Q"
shows "HT_mods π (Set.filter is_global vs) (ADJUST_PRE_SCOPE P) (SCOPE c) (ADJUST_POST_SCOPE Q)"
using assms unfolding HT_mods_def
apply (drule_tac adjust_scope)
apply simp
apply (drule_tac HT_strengthen_modset)
apply (erule HT_conseq)
apply simp
apply (clarsimp simp: modifies_split)
apply (drule (1) modifies_join)
apply (auto elim: modifies_mono[rotated])
lemma HT_mods_adjust_param:
assumes "HT_mods π vs P c Q"
shows "HT_mods π (insert l vs) (ADJUST_PRE_PARAM l G P) (l[]::=G;; c) (ADJUST_POST_PARAM l G Q)"
using assms unfolding HT_mods_def
apply (drule_tac adjust_assign_before[of π P c _ l G])
apply (erule HT_conseq)
apply simp
apply (auto simp: modifies_def)
lemma HT_mods_adjust_retv:
assumes "HT_mods π vs P c Q"
shows "HT_mods π (insert G vs) P (c;; G[]::=l) (ADJUST_POST_RETV G l Q)"
using assms unfolding HT_mods_def
apply simp
apply (unfold HT_def; clarsimp simp: wp_eq)
apply (drule spec, erule (1) impE)
apply (erule wp_conseq)
apply (auto simp add: wp_eq modifies_def)
by (metis fun_upd_triv)
lemma HT_partial_mods_adjust_scope:
assumes "HT_partial_mods π vs P c Q"
shows "HT_partial_mods π (Set.filter is_global vs) (ADJUST_PRE_SCOPE P) (SCOPE c) (ADJUST_POST_SCOPE Q)"
using assms unfolding HT_partial_mods_def
apply (drule_tac adjust_scope_partial)
apply (drule_tac HT_partial_strengthen_modset)
apply (erule HT_partial_conseq)
apply simp
apply (clarsimp simp: modifies_split)
apply (drule (1) modifies_join)
apply (auto elim: modifies_mono[rotated])
lemma HT_partial_mods_adjust_param:
assumes "HT_partial_mods π vs P c Q"
shows "HT_partial_mods π (insert l vs) (ADJUST_PRE_PARAM l G P) (l[]::=G;; c) (ADJUST_POST_PARAM l G Q)"
using assms unfolding HT_partial_mods_def
apply (drule_tac adjust_assign_before_partial[of π P c _ l G])
apply (erule HT_partial_conseq)
apply simp
apply (auto simp: modifies_def)
lemma HT_partial_mods_adjust_retv:
assumes "HT_partial_mods π vs P c Q"
shows "HT_partial_mods π (insert G vs) P (c;; G[]::=l) (ADJUST_POST_RETV G l Q)"
using assms unfolding HT_partial_mods_def
apply simp
apply (unfold HT_partial_def; clarsimp simp: wlp_eq)
apply (drule spec, erule (1) impE)
apply (erule wlp_conseq)
apply (auto simp add: wlp_eq modifies_def)
by (metis fun_upd_triv)
lemma HT_generalize_penv:
assumes "HT_mods Map.empty mods P c Q"
shows "HT_mods π mods P c Q"
using assms unfolding HT_mods_def HT_def wp_def
apply auto
using big_step_mono_prog map_le_empty by blast
ML ‹structure IMP2_Parameters
= struct
fun adjust_retv_rl ctxt G l thm = let
val G = HOLogic.mk_string G |> Thm.cterm_of ctxt
val l = HOLogic.mk_string l |> Thm.cterm_of ctxt
val rs_thms = @{thms HT_mods_adjust_retv HT_partial_mods_adjust_retv}
|> map (Drule.infer_instantiate' ctxt [NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, SOME G, SOME l])
in thm RS_fst rs_thms end
fun adjust_param_rl ctxt G l thm = let
val G = HOLogic.mk_string G |> Thm.cterm_of ctxt
val l = HOLogic.mk_string l |> Thm.cterm_of ctxt
val rs_thms = @{thms HT_mods_adjust_param HT_partial_mods_adjust_param}
|> map (Drule.infer_instantiate' ctxt [NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, SOME l, SOME G])
in thm RS_fst rs_thms end
fun adjust_scope_rl (_:Proof.context) thm = thm RS_fst @{thms HT_mods_adjust_scope HT_partial_mods_adjust_scope}
fun adjust_proc_rl imp_params imp_retvs ctxt thm = let
val params = IMP_Syntax.zip_with_param_names imp_params
val retvs = IMP_Syntax.zip_with_ret_names imp_retvs
val ctxt = Named_Simpsets.put @{named_simpset vcg_bb} ctxt
val ctxt = ctxt addsimps @{thms ADJUST_unfolds}
val thm = thm
|> fold_rev (uncurry (adjust_retv_rl ctxt)) retvs
|> fold_rev (uncurry (adjust_param_rl ctxt)) params
|> adjust_scope_rl ctxt
|> Simplifier.simplify ctxt
subsubsection ‹Recursion›
lemma HT_mods_fold_call:
assumes "π p = Some c"
assumes "HT_mods π mods P c Q"
shows "HT_mods π mods P (PCall p) Q"
using assms
unfolding HT_mods_def HT_def
by (auto simp: wp_eq wp_pcall_eq)
lemma localize_HT_mods:
assumes "HT_mods π mods P (PCall p) Q"
shows "HT_mods π' mods P (PScope π (PCall p)) Q"
using assms unfolding HT_mods_def HT_def wp_def
by (simp add: localize_recursion)
lemmas localize_HT_mods' = localize_HT_mods[where π'="Map.empty"]
definition "PROVE_Θ π f⇩0 s⇩0 Θ ≡ ∀P c Q. (f⇩0,(P,c,Q))∈Θ ∧ P s⇩0 ⟶ wp π (c s⇩0) (Q s⇩0) s⇩0"
lemma PROVE_ΘI[vcg_preprocess_rules]:
"PROVE_Θ π f⇩0 s⇩0 {}"
"⟦⟦RENAMING f⇩0 f; BB_PROTECT (P s⇩0)⟧ ⟹ wp π (c s⇩0) (Q s⇩0) s⇩0; PROVE_Θ π f⇩0 s⇩0 Θ⟧ ⟹ PROVE_Θ π f⇩0 s⇩0 (insert (f,(P,c,Q)) Θ)"
unfolding PROVE_Θ_def BB_PROTECT_def RENAMING_def
by auto
definition "JOIN_VARS f g P ≡ P f g"
lemma JOIN_VARS:
"⋀v f g P. JOIN_VARS (VAR v (λx. f x)) g P = VAR v (λx. JOIN_VARS (f x) g P)"
"⋀v f g P. JOIN_VARS f (VAR v (λx. g x)) P = VAR v (λx. JOIN_VARS f (g x) P)"
"⋀f g P. JOIN_VARS (BB_PROTECT f) (BB_PROTECT g) P = P f g"
by (auto simp: JOIN_VARS_def BB_PROTECT_def VAR_def)
ML ‹
fun join_vars_rl ctxt thm0 = let
val thm = Local_Defs.unfold ctxt @{thms JOIN_VARS} thm0
val t = Thm.prop_of thm
val cns = Term.add_const_names t []
val _ = member op= cns @{const_name JOIN_VARS} andalso raise THM("join_vars_rl: not joined",~1,[thm0,thm])
definition "ASSUME_Θ π f⇩0 s⇩0 R Θ ≡ HT'set_r (λf' s'. ((f' s'),(f⇩0 s⇩0))∈R ) π Θ"
lemmas ASSUME_ΘE1 = thin_rl[of "ASSUME_Θ _ _ _ _ {}"]
lemma ASSUME_ΘE2:
assumes "ASSUME_Θ π f⇩0 s⇩0 R (insert (f,(P,c,Q)) Θ)"
obtains "HT' π (λs. JOIN_VARS (f s) (P s) (λv P. BB_PROTECT ((v,(f⇩0 s⇩0))∈R ∧ P))) c Q" "ASSUME_Θ π f⇩0 s⇩0 R Θ"
using assms unfolding ASSUME_Θ_def HT'set_r_def JOIN_VARS_def BB_PROTECT_def by auto
lemma vcg_HT'setI:
assumes "wf R"
assumes RL: "⋀f⇩0 s⇩0. ⟦ ASSUME_Θ π f⇩0 s⇩0 R Θ ⟧ ⟹ PROVE_Θ π f⇩0 s⇩0 Θ"
shows "HT'set π Θ"
using assms HT'setI[of R π Θ]
unfolding ASSUME_Θ_def PROVE_Θ_def HT'set_def
by auto
subsubsection ‹Consistency Check›
ML ‹structure Spec_Consistency_Check
= struct
fun check_ht_mods thm = let
val (_,_,mods,P,_,Q) = Thm.concl_of thm
|> HOLogic.dest_Trueprop |> IMP2_Modified_Analysis.dest_HT_mods
fun fail msg = raise THM ("Consistency check: "^msg,~1,[thm])
val _ = IMP2_Modified_Analysis.is_valid_modset mods orelse fail "invalid modset"
val bad_consts = [
@{const_name ADJUST_PRE_PARAM},
@{const_name ADJUST_PRE_SCOPE},
@{const_name ADJUST_POST_PARAM},
@{const_name ADJUST_POST_RETV},
@{const_name ADJUST_POST_SCOPE}
fun is_bad_const (n,_) = member op= bad_consts n
val _ = exists_Const is_bad_const P andalso fail "VCG relict in precondition"
val _ = exists_Const is_bad_const Q andalso fail "VCG relict in precondition"
ML ‹structure Spec_Postprocessing
= struct
fun cnv_HT'_to_HT ctxt =
IMP_Annotations.strip_annotations ctxt
#> Local_Defs.unfold ctxt @{thms HT'_unfolds}
val cnv_HT_to_HTmod = IMP2_Modified_Analysis.mk_HT_mods
val cnv_body_to_proc = IMP2_Parameters.adjust_proc_rl
fun cnv_HTmod_generalize_penv thm = thm RS_fst @{thms HT_generalize_penv asm_rl}
fun define_HTmod_const binding thm lthy = let
val (_,_,_,_,cmd,_) = Thm.concl_of thm |> HOLogic.dest_Trueprop |> IMP2_Modified_Analysis.dest_HT_mods
val lhs = Free (Binding.name_of binding, fastype_of cmd)
val eqn = Logic.mk_equals (lhs,cmd)
val ((lhs,(_,def_thm)),lthy) = Specification.definition (SOME (binding,NONE,Mixfix.NoSyn)) [] [] ((Binding.empty,[]),eqn) lthy
val thm = Local_Defs.fold lthy [def_thm] thm
val _ = exists_subterm (curry op = lhs) (Thm.prop_of thm)
orelse raise THM("spec_program_cmd: Failed to fold command definition",~1,[thm])
((binding,def_thm,thm), lthy)
fun declare_defined_spec (binding,def_thm,thm) lthy = let
val _ = Spec_Consistency_Check.check_ht_mods thm
val note = snd oo Local_Theory.note
val spec_thm_name = Binding.suffix_name "_spec" binding
val lthy = note ((spec_thm_name,@{attributes [vcg_specs]}),[thm]) lthy
val lhsv_thms = IMP2_Modified_Analysis.mk_lhsv_thms lthy def_thm
val lhsv_thm_name = Binding.suffix_name "_lhsv" binding
val lthy = note ((lhsv_thm_name,@{attributes [named_ss vcg_bb]}),lhsv_thms) lthy
fun define_declare binding thm =
define_HTmod_const binding thm
#> uncurry declare_defined_spec
subsection ‹Program Specification Commands›
ML ‹structure Simple_Program_Specification
= struct
fun simple_spec_program_cmd binding partial add_vars params pre_src post_src cmd_src lthy = let
val total = not partial
open IMP_Annotations
val (prog_vars,prog_t) = IMP_Parser.parse_command_at lthy cmd_src
val cfg = case params of
NONE => { add_vars = add_vars, in_vars=NONE, out_vars=NONE, prog_vars=prog_vars }
| SOME (pvs,rvs) => { add_vars = add_vars, in_vars=SOME pvs, out_vars=SOME rvs, prog_vars=prog_vars }
val prog_t = read_program cfg lthy prog_t
val pre = gen_read_ta Syntax.read_term (mk_pre_reader cfg lthy) pre_src
val post = gen_read_ta Syntax.read_term (mk_post_reader cfg lthy) post_src
val goal = VCG_Htriple_Syntax.mk_htriple' total @{term "Map.empty::program"} (pre,prog_t,post)
val goal = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop goal
fun after_qed thmss lthy = let
val param_post = case params of
| SOME (pvs,rvs) => Spec_Postprocessing.cnv_body_to_proc pvs rvs
val thm = flat thmss
|> the_single
|> Spec_Postprocessing.cnv_HT'_to_HT lthy
|> Spec_Postprocessing.cnv_HT_to_HTmod lthy
|> param_post lthy
|> Spec_Postprocessing.cnv_HTmod_generalize_penv
val lthy = Spec_Postprocessing.define_declare binding thm lthy
in Proof.theorem NONE after_qed [[(goal,[])]] lthy end
ML ‹structure Recursive_Program_Specification
= struct
type proc_spec_src = {
binding: binding,
params: string list,
retvs: string list,
addvars: IMP_Syntax.impvar list,
pre_src: string,
post_src: string,
variant_src: string,
cmd_src: string * Position.T
type proc_spec = {
binding: binding,
params: string list,
retvs: string list,
addvars: IMP_Syntax.impvar list,
pre: term,
post: term,
variant: term,
cmd: term
fun check_spec ctxt (spec_src : proc_spec_src) = let
open IMP_Annotations
val (prog_vars,prog_t) = IMP_Parser.parse_command_at ctxt (#cmd_src spec_src)
val cfg = {
add_vars = #addvars spec_src,
in_vars=SOME (#params spec_src),
out_vars=SOME (#retvs spec_src),
prog_vars=prog_vars }
val prog_t = read_program cfg ctxt prog_t
val pre = gen_read_ta Syntax.read_term (mk_pre_reader cfg ctxt) (#pre_src spec_src)
val post = gen_read_ta Syntax.read_term (mk_post_reader cfg ctxt) (#post_src spec_src)
val variant = gen_read_ta Syntax.read_term (mk_variant_reader cfg ctxt) (#variant_src spec_src)
binding = (#binding spec_src),
params=(#params spec_src),
retvs=(#retvs spec_src),
addvars=(#addvars spec_src),
fun adjust_thm params retvs ctxt = let
open Spec_Postprocessing
#> cnv_HT'_to_HT ctxt
#> cnv_HT_to_HTmod ctxt
#> cnv_body_to_proc params retvs ctxt
fun gen_spec_program_cmd rel_src spec_srcs lthy = let
val ctxt = lthy
fun trace msg = tracing msg
val _ = trace "(* Check Specification *)"
val rel = the_default @{term ‹measure nat›} ( (Syntax.read_term ctxt) rel_src)
val relT = fastype_of rel |> HOLogic.dest_setT |> HOLogic.dest_prodT |> fst
val specs = map (check_spec ctxt) spec_srcs
val _ = trace "(* Create dummy procedure environment *)"
val (pe_var,ctxt) = yield_singleton Proof_Context.add_fixes (@{binding π},SOME @{typ program},Mixfix.NoSyn) ctxt
val pe_var = Free (pe_var,@{typ program})
val _ = trace "(* Define initial goal *)"
fun mk_theta_entry {variant, pre, cmd, post, ...} = HOLogic.mk_tuple [variant, HOLogic.mk_tuple [pre,cmd,post]]
val thetaT = @{typ "'a Θelem_t"} |> typ_subst_atomic [(@{typ 'a},relT)]
val theta = map mk_theta_entry specs |> HOLogic.mk_set thetaT
val goal = \<^Const>‹HT'set relT› $ pe_var $ theta
|> HOLogic.mk_Trueprop
val _ = trace "(* Start proof *)"
val st = Thm.cterm_of ctxt goal |> Goal.init
val _ = trace "(* Apply recursion rule, and solve wf-precondition *)"
val crel = Thm.cterm_of ctxt rel
val sr_rl = Drule.infer_instantiate' ctxt [SOME crel] @{thm vcg_HT'setI}
val st = Det_Goal_Refine.apply1 "" (resolve_tac ctxt [sr_rl]) st
val st = Det_Goal_Refine.apply1 "Failed to solve wf-goal"
(SOLVED' (force_tac ctxt ORELSE' SELECT_GOAL (print_tac ctxt ""))) st
val _ = trace "(* Explode theta-assumptions *)"
val st = Det_Goal_Refine.apply1 "" (REPEAT_ALL_NEW (ematch_tac ctxt @{thms ASSUME_ΘE})) st
val _ = trace "(* Join VARs in preconditions *)"
val st = Det_Goal_Refine.apply1 "" (Thm_Mapping.map_all_prems_tac join_vars_rl ctxt) st
val _ = trace "(* Wrap premises *)"
fun wrap_thm_rl {params,retvs,...} ctxt thm = adjust_thm params retvs ctxt thm
val wrap_thm_rls = map wrap_thm_rl specs
val st = Det_Goal_Refine.apply1 "" (Thm_Mapping.map_prems_tac wrap_thm_rls ctxt) st
val _ = trace "(* Read wrapped commands to define procedure environment *)"
val cmds = Logic.prems_of_goal (Thm.prop_of st) 1
|> map (
#> IMP2_Modified_Analysis.dest_HT_mods
#> #5
val _ = trace "(* Define procedure environment *)"
fun proc_name_t_of {binding, ...} = HOLogic.mk_string (Binding.name_of binding)
val penv_pairs = specs ~~ cmds
|> map (apfst proc_name_t_of)
val penv = HOLOption.mk_map_list @{typ pname} @{typ com} penv_pairs
val eqn = Logic.mk_equals (pe_var,penv) |> Thm.cterm_of ctxt
val (pe_def,ctxt) = yield_singleton (Assumption.add_assms Local_Defs.def_export) eqn ctxt
val _ = trace "(* Add theorem for lhsvπ π *)"
val lhsv_pi_thm = (@{lemma ‹⋀π πr. π≡πr ⟹ lhsvπ π = ANALYZE (lhsvπ πr)› by auto} OF [pe_def])
|> vcg_bb_simplify [] ctxt
val ctxt = Context.proof_map (Named_Simpsets.add_simp @{named_simpset vcg_bb} lhsv_pi_thm) ctxt
val _ = trace "(* Finish modifies-analysis in HT' assumptions *)"
fun finish_mdf ctxt thm =
(@{lemma ‹⋀π vs P c Q. HT_mods π vs P c Q ⟹ HT_mods π (ANALYZE vs) P c Q› by auto} OF [thm])
|> vcg_bb_simplify [] ctxt
val st = Det_Goal_Refine.apply1 "" (Thm_Mapping.map_all_prems_tac finish_mdf ctxt) st
val _ = trace "(* Wrap assumptions into calls *)"
fun mk_unfold_thm (pname,com) = Goal.prove ctxt [] []
(HOLogic.mk_eq (pe_var$pname,HOLOption.mk_Some com) |> HOLogic.mk_Trueprop)
(fn {context=ctxt, ...} => ALLGOALS (vcg_bb_simp_tac [pe_def] ctxt))
val unfold_thms = map mk_unfold_thm penv_pairs
val wrap_call_rls = map (fn ufthm => fn _ => fn htthm => @{thm HT_mods_fold_call} OF [ufthm,htthm]) unfold_thms
val st = Det_Goal_Refine.apply1 "" (Thm_Mapping.map_prems_tac wrap_call_rls ctxt) st
val _ = trace "(* Focus on goal *)"
val st_before_focus = st val ctxt_before_focus = ctxt
val (focus as {context = ctxt, prems, ...},st) = Subgoal.focus ctxt 1 NONE st
val _ = trace "(* Note ht-premises *)"
val (_,ctxt) = Proof_Context.note_thms ""
(( "rec_rules",[Named_Theorems.add @{named_theorems vcg_specs}]),
[(prems,[])]) ctxt
val _ = trace "(* Prepare user proof *)"
val termss = Thm.prems_of st |> map (fn t => (t,[]))
fun after_qed thmss goal_ctxt' = let
val thms = flat thmss |> Proof_Context.export goal_ctxt' ctxt
val _ = trace "(* Solve subgoals of st *)"
val st = fold (fn thm => fn st => Thm.implies_elim st thm) thms st
val st = singleton (Proof_Context.export ctxt (#context focus)) st
val _ = trace "(* retrofit over focus, and finish goal *)"
val st = Subgoal.retrofit (#context focus) ctxt_before_focus (#params focus) (#asms focus) 1 st st_before_focus
|> Det_Goal_Refine.seq_first ""
val ctxt = ctxt_before_focus
val thm = Goal.finish ctxt st |> Goal.norm_result ctxt
val _ = trace "(* Explode HT'set goal into single HTs *)"
fun explode_HT'set thm = (case try (fn thm => thm RS @{thm HT'setD(1)}) thm of
NONE => []
| SOME thm' => thm' :: explode_HT'set (thm RS @{thm HT'setD(2)}))
val thms = explode_HT'set thm
val _ = trace "(* Adjust theorems *)"
val thms = thms
|> Thm_Mapping.map_thms ctxt wrap_thm_rls
|> Thm_Mapping.map_thms ctxt wrap_call_rls
val thms = map (fn thm => thm RS @{thm localize_HT_mods}) thms
val _ = trace "(* Define constants *)"
val ctxt = fold
(fn ({binding,...},thm) => Spec_Postprocessing.define_declare binding thm)
(specs ~~ thms) ctxt
in Proof.theorem NONE after_qed [termss] ctxt end
ML ‹ structure Program_Specification_Parser
= struct
val parse_param_decls = Args.parens (Parse.enum ","
val parse_var_decl = -- Scan.optional (\<^keyword>‹[›--\<^keyword>‹]› >> K IMP_Syntax.ARRAY) IMP_Syntax.VAL
val parse_var_decls = Scan.optional (\<^keyword>‹for› |-- Scan.repeat parse_var_decl) []
val parse_returns_clause = Scan.optional (
\<^keyword>‹returns› |-- (Args.parens (Parse.enum "," || >> single)
) []
val parse_proc_spec = (
-- parse_param_decls
-- parse_returns_clause
--| \<^keyword>‹assumes› -- Parse.term
--| \<^keyword>‹ensures› -- Parse.term
--| \<^keyword>‹variant› -- Parse.term
-- parse_var_decls
--| \<^keyword>‹defines› -- (Parse.position (Parse.cartouche>>cartouche))
) >> (fn (((((((binding,params),retvs),pre_src),post_src),variant_src),addvars),cmd_src) =>
binding = binding,
cmd_src=cmd_src} : Recursive_Program_Specification.proc_spec_src
ML ‹
open Simple_Program_Specification Recursive_Program_Specification Program_Specification_Parser
Outer_Syntax.local_theory_to_proof \<^command_keyword>‹program_spec› "Define IMP program and prove specification"
((Args.mode "partial" -- Parse.binding
--| \<^keyword>‹assumes› -- Parse.term
--| \<^keyword>‹ensures› -- Parse.term
-- parse_var_decls
--| \<^keyword>‹defines› -- (Parse.position (Parse.cartouche>>cartouche))
) >> (fn (((((partial,bnd),pre_src),post_src),addvars),cmd_src) =>
simple_spec_program_cmd bnd partial addvars NONE pre_src post_src cmd_src));
Outer_Syntax.local_theory_to_proof \<^command_keyword>‹procedure_spec› "Define IMP procedure and prove specification"
((Args.mode "partial" -- Parse.binding
-- parse_param_decls
-- parse_returns_clause
--| \<^keyword>‹assumes› -- Parse.term
--| \<^keyword>‹ensures› -- Parse.term
-- parse_var_decls
--| \<^keyword>‹defines› -- (Parse.position (Parse.cartouche>>cartouche))
) >>
(fn (((((((partial,bnd),params),retvs),pre_src),post_src),addvars),cmd_src) =>
simple_spec_program_cmd bnd partial addvars (SOME (params,retvs)) pre_src post_src cmd_src
Outer_Syntax.local_theory_to_proof \<^command_keyword>‹recursive_spec› "Define IMP procedure and prove specification"
( Scan.option (\<^keyword>‹relation› |-- Parse.term)
-- Parse.and_list1 parse_proc_spec
>> (fn (rel,specs) => gen_spec_program_cmd rel specs))