Theory Semantics
section ‹Semantics of IMP›
theory Semantics
imports Syntax "HOL-Eisbach.Eisbach_Tools"
subsection ‹State›
text ‹The state maps variable names to values›
type_synonym state = "vname ⇒ val"
text ‹We introduce some syntax for the null state, and a state where only certain
variables are set.›
definition null_state ("<>") where
"null_state ≡ λx. λi. 0"
"_State" :: "updbinds => 'a" ("<_>")
"_State ms" == "_Update <> ms"
"_State (_updbinds b bs)" <= "_Update (_State b) bs"
subsubsection ‹State Combination›
text ‹The state combination operator constructs a state by
taking the local variables from one state, and the globals from another state.›
definition combine_states :: "state ⇒ state ⇒ state" ("<_|_>" [0,0] 1000)
where "<s|t> n = (if is_local n then s n else t n)"
text ‹We prove some basic facts.
Note that we use Isabelle's context command to locally declare the
definition of @{const combine_states} as simp lemma, such that it is
unfolded automatically.›
context notes [simp] = combine_states_def begin
lemma combine_collapse: "<s|s> = s" by auto
lemma combine_nest:
"<s|<s'|t>> = <s|t>"
"<<s|t'>|t> = <s|t>"
by auto
lemma combine_query:
"is_local x ⟹ <s|t> x = s x"
"is_global x ⟹ <s|t> x = t x"
by auto
lemma combine_upd:
"is_local x ⟹ <s|t>(x:=v) = <s(x:=v)|t>"
"is_global x ⟹ <s|t>(x:=v) = <s|t(x:=v)>"
by auto
lemma combine_cases[cases type]:
obtains l g where "s = <l|g>"
by (fastforce)
subsection ‹Arithmetic Expressions›
text ‹The evaluation of arithmetic expressions is straightforward. ›
fun aval :: "aexp ⇒ state ⇒ pval" where
"aval (N n) s = n"
| "aval (Vidx x i) s = s x (aval i s)"
| "aval (Unop f a⇩1) s = f (aval a⇩1 s)"
| "aval (Binop f a⇩1 a⇩2) s = f (aval a⇩1 s) (aval a⇩2 s)"
subsection ‹Boolean Expressions›
text ‹The evaluation of Boolean expressions is straightforward. ›
fun bval :: "bexp ⇒ state ⇒ bool" where
"bval (Bc v) s = v"
| "bval (Not b) s = (¬ bval b s)"
| "bval (BBinop f b⇩1 b⇩2) s = f (bval b⇩1 s) (bval b⇩2 s)"
| "bval (Cmpop f a⇩1 a⇩2) s = f (aval a⇩1 s) (aval a⇩2 s)"
subsection ‹Big-Step Semantics›
text ‹The big-step semantics is a relation from commands and start states to end states,
such that there is a terminating execution.
If there is no such execution, no end state will be related to the command and start state.
This either means that the program does not terminate, or gets stuck because it tries to call
an undefined procedure.
The inference rules of the big-step semantics are pretty straightforward.
inductive big_step :: "program ⇒ com × state ⇒ state ⇒ bool"
("_: _ ⇒ _" [1000,55,55] 55)
Skip: "π:(SKIP,s) ⇒ s"
| AssignIdx: "π:(x[i] ::= a,s) ⇒ s(x := (s x)(aval i s := aval a s))"
| ArrayCpy: "π:(x[] ::= y,s) ⇒ s(x := s y)"
| ArrayClear: "π:(CLEAR x[],s) ⇒ s(x := (λ_. 0))"
| Assign_Locals: "π:(Assign_Locals l,s) ⇒ <l|s>"
| Seq: "⟦ π:(c⇩1,s⇩1) ⇒ s⇩2; π:(c⇩2,s⇩2) ⇒ s⇩3 ⟧ ⟹ π:(c⇩1;;c⇩2, s⇩1) ⇒ s⇩3"
| IfTrue: "⟦ bval b s; π:(c⇩1,s) ⇒ t ⟧ ⟹ π:(IF b THEN c⇩1 ELSE c⇩2, s) ⇒ t"
| IfFalse: "⟦ ¬bval b s; π:(c⇩2,s) ⇒ t ⟧ ⟹ π:(IF b THEN c⇩1 ELSE c⇩2, s) ⇒ t"
| Scope: "⟦ π:(c,<<>|s>) ⇒ s' ⟧ ⟹ π:(SCOPE c, s) ⇒ <s|s'>"
| WhileFalse: "¬bval b s ⟹ π:(WHILE b DO c,s) ⇒ s"
| WhileTrue: "⟦ bval b s⇩1; π:(c,s⇩1) ⇒ s⇩2; π:(WHILE b DO c, s⇩2) ⇒ s⇩3 ⟧
⟹ π:(WHILE b DO c, s⇩1) ⇒ s⇩3"
| PCall: "⟦ π p = Some c; π:(c,s) ⇒ t ⟧ ⟹ π:(PCall p,s) ⇒ t"
| PScope: "⟦ π':(c,s) ⇒ t ⟧ ⟹ π:(PScope π' c, s) ⇒ t"
subsubsection ‹Proof Automation›
text ‹
We do some setup to make proofs over the big-step semantics more automatic.
declare big_step.intros [intro]
lemmas big_step_induct[induct set] = big_step.induct[split_format(complete)]
inductive_simps Skip_simp: "π:(SKIP,s) ⇒ t"
inductive_simps AssignIdx_simp: "π:(x[i] ::= a,s) ⇒ t"
inductive_simps ArrayCpy_simp: "π:(x[] ::= y,s) ⇒ t"
inductive_simps ArrayInit_simp: "π:(CLEAR x[],s) ⇒ t"
inductive_simps AssignLocals_simp: "π:(Assign_Locals l,s) ⇒ t"
inductive_simps Seq_simp: "π:(c1;;c2,s1) ⇒ s3"
inductive_simps If_simp: "π:(IF b THEN c1 ELSE c2,s) ⇒ t"
inductive_simps Scope_simp: "π:(SCOPE c,s) ⇒ t"
inductive_simps PCall_simp: "π:(PCall p,s) ⇒ t"
inductive_simps PScope_simp: "π:(PScope π' p,s) ⇒ t"
lemmas big_step_simps =
Skip_simp AssignIdx_simp ArrayCpy_simp ArrayInit_simp
Seq_simp If_simp Scope_simp PCall_simp PScope_simp
inductive_cases SkipE[elim!]: "π:(SKIP,s) ⇒ t"
inductive_cases AssignIdxE[elim!]: "π:(x[i] ::= a,s) ⇒ t"
inductive_cases ArrayCpyE[elim!]: "π:(x[] ::= y,s) ⇒ t"
inductive_cases ArrayInitE[elim!]: "π:(CLEAR x[],s) ⇒ t"
inductive_cases AssignLocalsE[elim!]: "π:(Assign_Locals l,s) ⇒ t"
inductive_cases SeqE[elim!]: "π:(c1;;c2,s1) ⇒ s3"
inductive_cases IfE[elim!]: "π:(IF b THEN c1 ELSE c2,s) ⇒ t"
inductive_cases ScopeE[elim!]: "π:(SCOPE c,s) ⇒ t"
inductive_cases PCallE[elim!]: "π:(PCall p,s) ⇒ t"
inductive_cases PScopeE[elim!]: "π:(PScope π' p,s) ⇒ t"
inductive_cases WhileE[elim]: "π:(WHILE b DO c,s) ⇒ t"
subsubsection ‹Automatic Derivation›
lemma Assign': "s' = s(x := (s x)(aval i s := aval a s)) ⟹ π:(x[i] ::= a, s) ⇒ s'" by auto
lemma ArrayCpy': "s' = s(x := (s y)) ⟹ π:(x[] ::= y, s) ⇒ s'" by auto
lemma ArrayClear': "s' = s(x := (λ_. 0)) ⟹ π:(CLEAR x[], s) ⇒ s'" by auto
lemma Scope': "s⇩1 = <<>|s> ⟹ π:(c,s⇩1) ⇒ t ⟹ t' = <s|t> ⟹ π:(Scope c,s) ⇒ t'" by auto
named_theorems deriv_unfolds ‹Unfold rules before derivations›
method bs_simp = simp add: combine_nest combine_upd combine_query fun_upd_same fun_upd_other del: fun_upd_apply
method big_step' =
rule Skip Seq PScope
| (rule Assign' ArrayCpy' ArrayClear', (bs_simp;fail))
| (rule IfTrue IfFalse WhileTrue WhileFalse PCall Scope'), (bs_simp;fail)
| unfold deriv_unfolds
| (bs_simp; fail)
method big_step =
rule Skip
| rule Seq, (big_step;fail), (big_step;fail)
| rule PScope, (big_step;fail)
| (rule Assign' ArrayCpy' ArrayClear', (bs_simp;fail))
| (rule IfTrue IfFalse), (bs_simp;fail), (big_step;fail)
| rule WhileTrue, (bs_simp;fail), (big_step;fail), (big_step;fail)
| rule WhileFalse, (bs_simp;fail)
| rule PCall, (bs_simp;fail), (big_step;fail)
| (rule Scope', (bs_simp;fail), (big_step;fail), (bs_simp;fail))
| unfold deriv_unfolds, big_step
schematic_goal "Map.empty: (
''a'' ::= N 1;;
WHILE Cmpop (λx y. y < x) (V ''n'') (N 0) DO (
''a'' ::= Binop (+) (V ''a'') (V ''a'');;
''n'' ::= Binop (-) (V ''n'') (N 1)
),<''n'':=(λ_. 5)>) ⇒ ?s"
by big_step
subsection ‹Command Equivalence›
text ‹Two commands are equivalent if they have the same semantics.›
equiv_c :: "com ⇒ com ⇒ bool" (infix "∼" 50) where
"c ∼ c' ≡ (∀π s t. π:(c,s) ⇒ t = π:(c',s) ⇒ t)"
lemma equivI[intro?]: "⟦
⋀s t π. π:(c,s) ⇒ t ⟹ π:(c',s) ⇒ t;
⋀s t π. π:(c',s) ⇒ t ⟹ π:(c,s) ⇒ t⟧
⟹ c ∼ c'"
by (auto simp: equiv_c_def)
lemma equivD[dest]: "c ∼ c' ⟹ π:(c,s) ⇒ t ⟷ π:(c',s) ⇒ t"
by (auto simp: equiv_c_def)
text ‹Command equivalence is an equivalence relation, i.e.\ it is
reflexive, symmetric, and transitive.›
lemma equiv_refl[simp, intro!]: "c ∼ c"
by (blast intro: equivI)
lemma equiv_sym[sym]: "(c ∼ c') ⟹ (c' ∼ c)"
by (blast intro: equivI)
lemma equiv_trans[trans]: "c ∼ c' ⟹ c' ∼ c'' ⟹ c ∼ c''"
by (blast intro: equivI)
subsubsection ‹Basic Equivalences›
lemma while_unfold:
"(WHILE b DO c) ∼ (IF b THEN c;; WHILE b DO c ELSE SKIP)"
by rule auto
lemma triv_if:
"(IF b THEN c ELSE c) ∼ c"
by (auto intro!: equivI)
lemma commute_if:
"(IF b1 THEN (IF b2 THEN c11 ELSE c12) ELSE c2)
(IF b2 THEN (IF b1 THEN c11 ELSE c2) ELSE (IF b1 THEN c12 ELSE c2))"
by (auto intro!: equivI)
lemma sim_while_cong_aux:
"⟦π:(WHILE b DO c,s) ⇒ t; bval b = bval b'; c ∼ c' ⟧ ⟹ π:(WHILE b' DO c',s) ⇒ t"
by(induction "WHILE b DO c" s t arbitrary: b c rule: big_step_induct) auto
lemma sim_while_cong: "bval b = bval b' ⟹ c ∼ c' ⟹ WHILE b DO c ∼ WHILE b' DO c'"
using equiv_c_def sim_while_cong_aux by auto
subsection ‹Execution is Deterministic›
text ‹This proof is automatic.›
theorem big_step_determ: "⟦ π:(c,s) ⇒ t; π:(c,s) ⇒ u ⟧ ⟹ u = t"
proof (induction arbitrary: u rule: big_step.induct)
case (WhileTrue b s⇩1 c s⇩2 s⇩3)
then show ?case by blast
qed fastforce+
subsection ‹Small-Step Semantics›
text ‹
The small step semantics is defined by a step function on
a pair of command and state. Intuitively, the command is
the remaining part of the program that still has to be executed.
The step function is defined to stutter if the command is @{const SKIP}.
Moreover, the step function is explicitly partial, returning @{const None}
on error, i.e., on an undefined procedure call.
Most steps are straightforward.
For a sequential composition, steps are performed on the first command,
until it has been reduced to @{const SKIP}, then the sequential composition is
reduced to the second command.
A while command is reduced by unfolding the loop once.
A scope command is reduced to the inner command, followed by
an @{const Assign_Locals} command to restore the original local variables.
A procedure scope command is reduced by performing a step in the inner command,
with the new procedure environment, until the inner command has been reduced to @{const SKIP}.
Then, the whole command is reduced to @{const SKIP}.
fun small_step :: "program ⇒ com × state ⇀ com × state" where
"small_step π (x[i]::=a,s) = Some (SKIP, s(x := (s x)(aval i s := aval a s)))"
| "small_step π (x[]::=y,s) = Some (SKIP, s(x := s y))"
| "small_step π (CLEAR x[],s) = Some (SKIP, s(x := (λ_. 0)))"
| "small_step π (Assign_Locals l,s) = Some (SKIP,<l|s>)"
| "small_step π (SKIP;;c,s) = Some (c,s)"
| "small_step π (c⇩1;;c⇩2,s) = (case small_step π (c⇩1,s) of Some (c⇩1',s') ⇒ Some (c⇩1';;c⇩2,s') | _ ⇒ None)"
| "small_step π (IF b THEN c⇩1 ELSE c⇩2,s) = Some (if bval b s then (c⇩1,s) else (c⇩2,s))"
| "small_step π (SCOPE c, s) = Some (c;;Assign_Locals s, <<>|s>)"
| "small_step π (WHILE b DO c,s) = Some (IF b THEN c;;WHILE b DO c ELSE SKIP, s)"
| "small_step π (PCall p, s) = (case π p of Some c ⇒ Some (c, s) | _ ⇒ None)"
| "small_step π (PScope π' SKIP, s) = Some (SKIP,s)"
| "small_step π (PScope π' c, s) = (case small_step π' (c,s) of Some (c',s') ⇒ Some (PScope π' c', s') | _ ⇒ None)"
| "small_step π (SKIP,s) = Some (SKIP,s)"
text ‹
We define the reflexive transitive closure of the step function.
inductive small_steps :: "program ⇒ com × state ⇒ (com × state) option ⇒ bool" where
[simp]: "small_steps π cs (Some cs)"
| "⟦ small_step π cs = None ⟧ ⟹ small_steps π cs None"
| "⟦ small_step π cs = Some cs1; small_steps π cs1 cs2 ⟧ ⟹ small_steps π cs cs2"
lemma small_steps_append: "small_steps π cs⇩1 (Some cs⇩2) ⟹ small_steps π cs⇩2 cs⇩3 ⟹ small_steps π cs⇩1 cs⇩3"
apply (induction π cs⇩1 "Some cs⇩2" arbitrary: cs⇩2 rule: small_steps.induct)
apply (auto intro: small_steps.intros)
subsubsection ‹Equivalence to Big-Step Semantics›
text ‹We show that the small-step semantics yields a final
configuration if and only if the big-step semantics terminates with the respective state.
Moreover, we show that the big-step semantics gets stuck if the small-step semantics
yields an error.
lemma small_big_append: "small_step π cs⇩1 = Some cs⇩2 ⟹ π: cs⇩2 ⇒ s⇩3 ⟹ π: cs⇩1 ⇒ s⇩3"
apply (induction π cs⇩1 arbitrary: cs⇩2 s⇩3 rule: small_step.induct)
apply (auto split: option.splits if_splits)
lemma smalls_big_append: "small_steps π cs⇩1 (Some cs⇩2) ⟹ π: cs⇩2 ⇒ s⇩3 ⟹ π: cs⇩1 ⇒ s⇩3"
apply (induction π cs⇩1 "Some cs⇩2" arbitrary: cs⇩2 rule: small_steps.induct)
apply (auto intro: small_big_append)
lemma small_imp_big:
assumes "small_steps π cs⇩1 (Some (SKIP,s⇩2))"
shows "π: cs⇩1 ⇒ s⇩2"
using smalls_big_append[OF assms]
by auto
lemma small_steps_skip_term[simp]: "small_steps π (SKIP, s) cs' ⟷ cs'=Some (SKIP,s)"
apply rule
apply (induction π "(SKIP,s)" cs' arbitrary: s rule: small_steps.induct)
by (auto intro: small_steps.intros)
by (auto intro: small_steps.intros)
lemma small_seq: "⟦c≠SKIP; small_step π (c,s) = Some (c',s')⟧ ⟹ small_step π (c;;cx,s) = Some (c';;cx,s')"
apply (induction π "(c,s)" arbitrary: c s c' s' rule: small_step.induct)
apply auto
lemma smalls_seq: "⟦small_steps π (c,s) (Some (c',s'))⟧ ⟹ small_steps π (c;;cx,s) (Some (c';;cx,s'))"
apply (induction π "(c,s)" "Some (c',s')" arbitrary: c s c' s' rule: small_steps.induct)
apply (auto dest: small_seq intro: small_steps.intros)
by (metis option.simps(1) prod.simps(1) small_seq small_step.simps(31) small_steps.intros(3))
lemma small_pscope:
"⟦c≠SKIP; small_step π' (c,s) = Some (c',s')⟧ ⟹ small_step π (PScope π' c,s) = Some (PScope π' c',s')"
apply (induction π "(c,s)" arbitrary: c s c' s' rule: small_step.induct)
apply auto
lemma smalls_pscope:
"small_steps π' (c, s) (Some (c', s')) ⟹ small_steps π (PScope π' c, s) (Some (PScope π' c',s'))"
apply (induction π' "(c,s)" "(Some (c', s'))" arbitrary: c s rule: small_steps.induct)
apply auto
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) option.inject prod.inject small_pscope small_steps.simps small_steps_append small_steps_skip_term)
lemma big_imp_small:
assumes "π: cs ⇒ t"
shows "small_steps π cs (Some (SKIP,t))"
using assms
proof induction
case (Skip π s)
then show ?case by (auto 0 4 intro: small_steps.intros)
case (AssignIdx π x i a s)
then show ?case by (auto 0 4 intro: small_steps.intros)
case (ArrayCpy π x y s)
then show ?case by (auto 0 4 intro: small_steps.intros)
case (ArrayClear π x s)
then show ?case by (auto 0 4 intro: small_steps.intros)
case (Seq π c⇩1 s⇩1 s⇩2 c⇩2 s⇩3)
then show ?case
by (meson small_step.simps(5) small_steps.intros(3) small_steps_append smalls_seq)
case (IfTrue b s π c⇩1 t c⇩2)
then show ?case by (auto 0 4 intro: small_steps.intros)
case (IfFalse b s π c⇩2 t c⇩1)
then show ?case by (auto 0 4 intro: small_steps.intros)
case (Scope π c s s')
then show ?case
by (meson small_step.simps(17) small_step.simps(4) small_step.simps(5) small_steps.intros(1) small_steps.intros(3) small_steps_append smalls_seq)
case (WhileFalse b s π c)
then show ?case by (auto 0 4 intro: small_steps.intros)
case (WhileTrue b s⇩1 π c s⇩2 s⇩3)
then show ?case
proof -
have "∀ca p. (small_steps π p (Some (SKIP, s⇩3)) ∨ Some (ca, s⇩2) ≠ Some (WHILE b DO c, s⇩2)) ∨ small_step π p ≠ Some (c;; ca, s⇩1)"
by (metis (no_types) WhileTrue.IH(1) WhileTrue.IH(2) small_step.simps(5) small_steps.intros(3) small_steps_append smalls_seq)
then have "∀ca cb cc. (small_steps π (IF b THEN cc ELSE ca, s⇩1) (Some (SKIP, s⇩3)) ∨ Some (cb, s⇩2) ≠ Some (WHILE b DO c, s⇩2)) ∨ Some (cc, s⇩1) ≠ Some (c;; cb, s⇩1)"
using WhileTrue.hyps(1) by force
then show ?thesis
using small_step.simps(18) small_steps.intros(3) by blast
case (PCall π p c s t)
then show ?case by (auto 0 4 intro: small_steps.intros)
case (PScope π' c s t π)
then show ?case
by (meson small_step.simps(20) small_steps.simps small_steps_append smalls_pscope)
case (Assign_Locals π l s)
then show ?case by (auto 0 4 intro: small_steps.intros)
text ‹The big-step semantics yields a state ‹t›, iff and only iff there is a transition
of the small-step semantics to ‹(SKIP,t).›
theorem big_eq_small: "π: cs⇒t ⟷ small_steps π cs (Some (SKIP,t))"
using big_imp_small small_imp_big by blast
lemma small_steps_determ:
assumes "small_steps π cs None"
shows "¬small_steps π cs (Some (SKIP, t))"
using assms
apply (induction π cs "None::(com×state) option" arbitrary: t rule: small_steps.induct)
apply (auto elim: small_steps.cases)
text ‹If the small-step semantics reaches a failure state, the big-step semantics gets stuck.›
corollary small_imp_big_fail:
assumes "small_steps π cs None"
shows "∄t. π: cs ⇒ t"
using assms
by (auto simp: big_eq_small small_steps_determ)
subsection ‹Weakest Precondition›
text ‹The following definitions are made wrt.\ a fixed program ‹π›, which becomes the first
parameter of the defined constants when the context is left.›
fixes π :: program
text ‹Weakest precondition:
‹c› terminates with a state that satisfies ‹Q›, when started from ‹s›.›
definition "wp c Q s ≡ ∃t. π: (c,s) ⇒ t ∧ Q t"
text ‹Weakest liberal precondition:
If ‹c› terminates when started from ‹s›, the new state satisfies ‹Q›.›
definition "wlp c Q s ≡ ∀t. π:(c,s) ⇒ t ⟶ Q t"
subsubsection ‹Basic Properties›
notes [abs_def,simp] = wp_def wlp_def
lemma wp_imp_wlp: "wp c Q s ⟹ wlp c Q s"
using big_step_determ by force
lemma wlp_and_term_imp_wp: "wlp c Q s ∧ π:(c,s) ⇒ t ⟹ wp c Q s" by auto
lemma wp_equiv: "c ∼ c' ⟹ wp c = wp c'" by auto
lemma wp_conseq: "wp c P s ⟹ ⟦⋀s. P s ⟹ Q s⟧ ⟹ wp c Q s" by auto
lemma wlp_equiv: "c ∼ c' ⟹ wlp c = wlp c'" by auto
lemma wlp_conseq: "wlp c P s ⟹ ⟦⋀s. P s ⟹ Q s⟧ ⟹ wlp c Q s" by auto
subsubsection ‹Unfold Rules›
lemma wp_skip_eq: "wp SKIP Q s = Q s" by auto
lemma wp_assign_idx_eq: "wp (x[i]::=a) Q s = Q (s(x:=(s x)(aval i s := aval a s)))" by auto
lemma wp_arraycpy_eq: "wp (x[]::=a) Q s = Q (s(x:=s a))" by auto
lemma wp_arrayinit_eq: "wp (CLEAR x[]) Q s = Q (s(x:=(λ_. 0)))" by auto
lemma wp_assign_locals_eq: "wp (Assign_Locals l) Q s = Q <l|s>" by auto
lemma wp_seq_eq: "wp (c⇩1;;c⇩2) Q s = wp c⇩1 (wp c⇩2 Q) s" by auto
lemma wp_if_eq: "wp (IF b THEN c⇩1 ELSE c⇩2) Q s
= (if bval b s then wp c⇩1 Q s else wp c⇩2 Q s)" by auto
lemma wp_scope_eq: "wp (SCOPE c) Q s = wp c (λs'. Q <s|s'>) <<>|s>" by auto
lemma wp_pcall_eq: "π p = Some c ⟹ wp (PCall p) Q s = wp c Q s" by auto
lemmas wp_eq = wp_skip_eq wp_assign_idx_eq wp_arraycpy_eq wp_arrayinit_eq
wp_assign_locals_eq wp_seq_eq wp_scope_eq
lemmas wp_eq' = wp_eq wp_if_eq
lemma wlp_skip_eq: "wlp SKIP Q s = Q s" by auto
lemma wlp_assign_idx_eq: "wlp (x[i]::=a) Q s = Q (s(x:=(s x)(aval i s := aval a s)))" by auto
lemma wlp_arraycpy_eq: "wlp (x[]::=a) Q s = Q (s(x:=s a))" by auto
lemma wlp_arrayinit_eq: "wlp (CLEAR x[]) Q s = Q (s(x:=(λ_. 0)))" by auto
lemma wlp_assign_locals_eq: "wlp (Assign_Locals l) Q s = Q <l|s>" by auto
lemma wlp_seq_eq: "wlp (c⇩1;;c⇩2) Q s = wlp c⇩1 (wlp c⇩2 Q) s" by auto
lemma wlp_if_eq: "wlp (IF b THEN c⇩1 ELSE c⇩2) Q s
= (if bval b s then wlp c⇩1 Q s else wlp c⇩2 Q s)" by auto
lemma wlp_scope_eq: "wlp (SCOPE c) Q s = wlp c (λs'. Q <s|s'>) <<>|s>" by auto
lemma wlp_pcall_eq: "π p = Some c ⟹ wlp (PCall p) Q s = wlp c Q s" by auto
lemmas wlp_eq = wlp_skip_eq wlp_assign_idx_eq wlp_arraycpy_eq wlp_arrayinit_eq
wlp_assign_locals_eq wlp_seq_eq wlp_scope_eq
lemmas wlp_eq' = wlp_eq wlp_if_eq
lemma wlp_while_unfold: "wlp (WHILE b DO c) Q s = (if bval b s then wlp c (wlp (WHILE b DO c) Q) s else Q s)"
apply (subst wlp_equiv[OF while_unfold])
apply (simp add: wlp_eq')
lemma wp_while_unfold: "wp (WHILE b DO c) Q s = (if bval b s then wp c (wp (WHILE b DO c) Q) s else Q s)"
apply (subst wp_equiv[OF while_unfold])
apply (simp add: wp_eq')
text ‹Unfold rules for procedure scope›
lemma wp_pscope_eq: "wp π (PScope π' c) Q s = wp π' (c) Q s"
unfolding wp_def by auto
lemma wlp_pscope_eq: "wlp π (PScope π' c) Q s = wlp π' (c) Q s"
unfolding wlp_def by auto
subsubsection ‹Weakest precondition and Program Equivalence›
text ‹The following three statements are equivalent:
▸ The commands ‹c› and ‹c'› are equivalent
▸ The weakest preconditions are equivalent, for all procedure environments
▸ The weakest liberal preconditions are equivalent, for all procedure environments
lemma wp_equiv_iff: "(∀π. wp π c = wp π c') ⟷ c ∼ c'"
unfolding equiv_c_def
using big_step_determ unfolding wp_def
by (auto; metis)
lemma wlp_equiv_iff: "(∀π. wlp π c = wlp π c') ⟷ c ∼ c'"
unfolding equiv_c_def wlp_def
by (auto; metis (no_types, opaque_lifting))
subsubsection ‹While Loops and Weakest Precondition›
text ‹Exchanging the loop condition by an equivalent one, and the loop
body by one with the same weakest precondition, does not change the weakest
precondition of the loop.›
lemma sim_while_wp_aux:
assumes "bval b = bval b'"
assumes "wp π c = wp π c'"
assumes "π: (WHILE b DO c, s) ⇒ t"
shows "π: (WHILE b' DO c', s) ⇒ t"
using assms(3,2)
apply (induction π "WHILE b DO c" s t)
apply (auto simp: assms(1))
by (metis WhileTrue big_step_determ wp_def)
lemma sim_while_wp: "bval b = bval b' ⟹ wp π c = wp π c' ⟹ wp π (WHILE b DO c) = wp π (WHILE b' DO c')"
apply (intro ext)
apply (auto 0 3 simp: wp_def intro: sim_while_wp_aux)
text ‹The same lemma for weakest liberal preconditions.›
lemma sim_while_wlp_aux:
assumes "bval b = bval b'"
assumes "wlp π c = wlp π c'"
assumes "π: (WHILE b DO c, s) ⇒ t"
shows "π: (WHILE b' DO c', s) ⇒ t"
using assms(3,2)
apply (induction π "WHILE b DO c" s t)
apply (auto simp: assms(1,2))
by (metis WhileTrue wlp_def)
lemma sim_while_wlp: "bval b = bval b' ⟹ wlp π c = wlp π c' ⟹ wlp π (WHILE b DO c) = wlp π (WHILE b' DO c')"
apply (intro ext)
apply (auto 0 3 simp: wlp_def intro: sim_while_wlp_aux)
subsection ‹Invariants for While-Loops›
text ‹We prove the standard invariant rules for while loops.
We first prove them in a slightly non-standard form, summarizing the
loop step and loop exit assumptions. Then, we derive the standard form
with separate assumptions for step and loop exit.
subsubsection ‹Partial Correctness›
lemma wlp_whileI':
assumes INIT: "I s⇩0"
assumes STEP: "⋀s. I s ⟹ (if bval b s then wlp π c I s else Q s)"
shows "wlp π (WHILE b DO c) Q s⇩0"
unfolding wlp_def
proof clarify
fix t
assume "π: (WHILE b DO c, s⇩0) ⇒ t"
thus "Q t" using INIT STEP
proof (induction π "WHILE b DO c" s⇩0 t rule: big_step_induct)
case (WhileFalse s) with STEP show "Q s" by auto
case (WhileTrue s⇩1 π s⇩2 s⇩3)
note STEP' = WhileTrue.prems(2)
from STEP'[OF ‹I s⇩1›] ‹bval b s⇩1› have "wlp π c I s⇩1" by simp
with ‹π: (c, s⇩1) ⇒ s⇩2› have "I s⇩2" unfolding wlp_def by blast
moreover have ‹I s⇩2 ⟹ Q s⇩3› using STEP' WhileTrue.hyps(5) by blast
ultimately show "Q s⇩3" by blast
assumes INIT: "I s⇩0"
assumes STEP: "⋀s. I s ⟹ (if bval b s then wlp π c I s else Q s)"
shows "wlp π (WHILE b DO c) Q s⇩0"
using STEP
unfolding wlp_def
apply clarify subgoal premises prems for t
using prems(2,1) INIT
by (induction π "WHILE b DO c" s⇩0 t rule: big_step_induct; meson)
subsubsection ‹Total Correctness›
text ‹For total correctness, each step must decrease the state wrt.~a well-founded relation.›
lemma wp_whileI':
assumes WF: "wf R"
assumes INIT: "I s⇩0"
assumes STEP: "⋀s. I s ⟹ (if bval b s then wp π c (λs'. I s' ∧ (s',s)∈R) s else Q s)"
shows "wp π (WHILE b DO c) Q s⇩0"
using WF INIT
proof (induction rule: wf_induct_rule[where a=s⇩0])
case (less s)
show "wp π (WHILE b DO c) Q s"
proof (rule wp_while_unfold[THEN iffD2])
show "if bval b s then wp π c (wp π (WHILE b DO c) Q) s else Q s"
proof (split if_split; intro allI impI conjI)
assume [simp]: "bval b s"
from STEP ‹I s› have "wp π c (λs'. I s' ∧ (s',s)∈R) s" by simp
thus "wp π c (wp π (WHILE b DO c) Q) s" proof (rule wp_conseq)
fix s' assume "I s' ∧ (s',s)∈R"
with less.IH show "wp π (WHILE b DO c) Q s'" by blast
assume [simp]: "¬bval b s"
from STEP ‹I s› show "Q s" by simp
assumes WF: "wf R"
assumes INIT: "I s⇩0"
assumes STEP: "⋀s. I s ⟹ (if bval b s then wp π c (λs'. I s' ∧ (s',s)∈R) s else Q s)"
shows "wp π (WHILE b DO c) Q s⇩0"
using WF INIT
apply (induction rule: wf_induct_rule[where a=s⇩0])
apply (subst wp_while_unfold)
by (smt STEP wp_conseq)
subsubsection ‹Standard Forms of While Rules›
lemma wlp_whileI:
assumes INIT: "I 𝔰⇩0"
assumes STEP: "⋀𝔰. ⟦I 𝔰; bval b 𝔰 ⟧ ⟹ wlp π c I 𝔰"
assumes FINAL: "⋀𝔰. ⟦ I 𝔰; ¬bval b 𝔰 ⟧ ⟹ Q 𝔰"
shows "wlp π (WHILE b DO c) Q 𝔰⇩0"
using assms wlp_whileI' by auto
lemma wp_whileI:
assumes WF: "wf R"
assumes INIT: "I 𝔰⇩0"
assumes STEP: "⋀𝔰. ⟦I 𝔰; bval b 𝔰 ⟧ ⟹ wp π c (λ𝔰'. I 𝔰' ∧ (𝔰',𝔰)∈R) 𝔰"
assumes FINAL: "⋀𝔰. ⟦ I 𝔰; ¬bval b 𝔰 ⟧ ⟹ Q 𝔰"
shows "wp π (WHILE b DO c) Q 𝔰⇩0"
using assms wp_whileI' by auto
subsection ‹Modularity of Programs›
text ‹Adding more procedures does not change the semantics of the existing ones.›
lemma map_leD: "m⊆⇩mm' ⟹ m x = Some v ⟹ m' x = Some v"
by (metis domI map_le_def)
lemma big_step_mono_prog:
assumes "π ⊆⇩m π'"
assumes "π:(c,s) ⇒ t"
shows "π':(c,s) ⇒ t"
using assms(2,1)
apply (induction π c s t rule: big_step_induct)
by (auto dest: map_leD)
text ‹Wrapping a set of recursive procedures into a procedure scope›
lemma localize_recursion:
"π': (PScope π c, s) ⇒ t ⟷ π:(c,s) ⇒ t"
by auto
subsection ‹Strongest Postcondition›
context fixes π :: program begin
definition "sp P c t ≡ ∃s. P s ∧ π: (c,s) ⇒ t"
context notes [simp] = sp_def[abs_def] begin
text ‹Intuition: There exists an old value ‹vx› for the assigned variable›
lemma sp_arraycpy_eq: "sp P (x[]::=y) t ⟷ (∃vx. let s = t(x:=vx) in t x = s y ∧ P s)"
apply (auto simp: big_step_simps)
apply (intro exI conjI, assumption, auto) []
apply (intro exI conjI, assumption, auto) []
text ‹Version with renaming of assigned variable›
lemma sp_arraycpy_eq': "sp P (x[]::=y) t ⟷ t x = t y ∧ (∃vx. P (t(x:=vx,y:=t x)))"
apply (auto simp: big_step_simps)
apply (metis fun_upd_triv)
apply (intro exI conjI, assumption)
apply auto
lemma sp_skip_eq: "sp P SKIP t ⟷ P t" by auto
lemma sp_seq_eq: "sp P (c⇩1;;c⇩2) t ⟷ sp (sp P c⇩1) c⇩2 t" by auto
subsection ‹Hoare-Triples›
text ‹A Hoare-triple summarizes the precondition, command, and postcondition.›
definition HT
where "HT π P c Q ≡ (∀s⇩0. P s⇩0 ⟶ wp π c (Q s⇩0) s⇩0)"
definition HT_partial
where "HT_partial π P c Q ≡ (∀s⇩0. P s⇩0 ⟶ wlp π c (Q s⇩0) s⇩0)"
text ‹Consequence rule---strengthen the precondition, weaken the postcondition.›
lemma HT_conseq:
assumes "HT π P c Q"
assumes "⋀s. P' s ⟹ P s"
assumes "⋀s⇩0 s. ⟦P s⇩0; P' s⇩0; Q s⇩0 s ⟧ ⟹ Q' s⇩0 s"
shows "HT π P' c Q'"
using assms unfolding HT_def by (blast intro: wp_conseq)
lemma HT_partial_conseq:
assumes "HT_partial π P c Q"
assumes "⋀s. P' s ⟹ P s"
assumes "⋀s⇩0 s. ⟦P s⇩0; P' s⇩0; Q s⇩0 s ⟧ ⟹ Q' s⇩0 s"
shows "HT_partial π P' c Q'"
using assms unfolding HT_partial_def by (blast intro: wlp_conseq)
text ‹Simple rule for presentation in lecture: Use a Hoare-triple during VCG.›
lemma wp_modularity_rule:
"⟦HT π P c Q; P s; (⋀s'. Q s s' ⟹ Q' s')⟧ ⟹ wp π c Q' s"
unfolding HT_def
by (blast intro: wp_conseq)
subsubsection ‹Sets of Hoare-Triples›
type_synonym htset = "((state ⇒ bool) × com × (state ⇒ state ⇒ bool)) set"
definition "HTset π Θ ≡ ∀(P,c,Q)∈Θ. HT π P c Q"
definition "HTset_r r π Θ ≡ ∀(P,c,Q)∈Θ. HT π (λs. r c s ∧ P s) c Q"
subsubsection ‹Deriving Parameter Frame Adjustment Rules›
text ‹The following rules can be used to derive Hoare-triples when adding
prologue and epilogue code, and wrapping the command into a scope.
This will be used to implement the local variables and parameter passing protocol
of procedures.
text ‹ Intuition:
New precondition is weakest one we need to ensure ‹P› after prologue.
lemma adjust_prologue:
assumes "HT π P body Q"
shows "HT π (wp π prologue P) (prologue;;body) (λs⇩0 s. wp π prologue (λs⇩0. Q s⇩0 s) s⇩0)"
using assms
unfolding HT_def
apply (auto simp: wp_eq)
using wp_def by fastforce
text ‹ Intuition:
New postcondition is strongest one we can get from ‹Q› after epilogue.
We have to be careful with non-terminating epilogue, though!
lemma adjust_epilogue:
assumes "HT π P body Q"
assumes TERMINATES: "∀s. ∃t. π: (epilogue,s) ⇒ t"
shows "HT π P (body;;epilogue) (λs⇩0. sp π (Q s⇩0) epilogue)"
using assms
unfolding HT_def
apply (simp add: wp_eq)
apply (force simp: sp_def wp_def)
text ‹Intuition:
Scope can be seen as assignment of locals before and after inner command.
Thus, this rule is a combined forward and backward assignment rule, for
the epilogue ‹locals:=<>› and the prologue ‹locals:=old_locals›.
lemma adjust_scope:
assumes "HT π P body Q"
shows "HT π (λs. P <<>|s>) (SCOPE body) (λs⇩0 s. ∃l. Q (<<>|s⇩0>) (<l|s>))"
using assms unfolding HT_def
apply (auto simp: wp_eq combine_nest)
apply (auto simp: wp_def)
by (metis combine_collapse)
subsubsection ‹Proof for Recursive Specifications›
text ‹Prove correct any set of Hoare-triples, e.g., mutually recursive ones.›
lemma HTsetI:
assumes "wf R"
assumes RL: "⋀P c Q s⇩0. ⟦ HTset_r (λc' s'. ((c',s'),(c,s⇩0))∈R ) π Θ; (P,c,Q)∈Θ; P s⇩0 ⟧ ⟹ wp π c (Q s⇩0) s⇩0"
shows "HTset π Θ"
unfolding HTset_def HT_def
proof clarsimp
fix P c Q s⇩0
assume "(P,c,Q)∈Θ" "P s⇩0"
with ‹wf R› show "wp π c (Q s⇩0) s⇩0"
apply (induction "(c,s⇩0)" arbitrary: c s⇩0 P Q)
using RL unfolding HTset_r_def HT_def
by blast
lemma HT_simple_recursiveI:
assumes "wf R"
assumes "⋀s. ⟦HT π (λs'. (f s', f s)∈R ∧ P s') c Q; P s ⟧ ⟹ wp π c (Q s) s"
shows "HT π P c Q"
using HTsetI[where R="inv_image R (f o snd)" and π=π and Θ = "{(P,c,Q)}"] assms
by (auto simp: HTset_r_def HTset_def)
lemma HT_simple_recursive_procI:
assumes "wf R"
assumes "⋀s. ⟦HT π (λs'. (f s', f s)∈R ∧ P s') (PCall p) Q; P s ⟧ ⟹ wp π (PCall p) (Q s) s"
shows "HT π P (PCall p) Q"
using HTsetI[where R="inv_image R (f o snd)" and π=π and Θ = "{(P,PCall p,Q)}"] assms
by (auto simp: HTset_r_def HTset_def)
assumes "wf R"
assumes "⋀s P p Q. ⟦
⋀P' p' Q'. (P',p',Q')∈Θ
⟹ HT π (λs'. ((p',s'),(p,s))∈R ∧ P' s') (PCall p') Q';
(P,p,Q)∈Θ; P s
⟧ ⟹ wp π (PCall p) (Q s) s"
shows "∀(P,p,Q)∈Θ. HT π P (PCall p) Q"
proof -
have "HTset π {(P, PCall p, Q) |P p Q. (P, p, Q) ∈ Θ}"
apply (rule HTsetI[where R="inv_image R (λx. case x of (PCall p,s) ⇒ (p,s))"])
subgoal using ‹wf R› by simp
subgoal for P c Q s
apply clarsimp
apply (rule assms(2)[where P=P])
apply simp_all
unfolding HTset_r_def
proof goal_cases
case (1 p P' p' Q')
from "1"(1)[rule_format, of "(P',PCall p',Q')", simplified] "1"(2-)
show ?case by auto
thus ?thesis by (auto simp: HTset_def)
subsection ‹Completeness of While-Rule›
text ‹Idea: Use ‹wlp› as invariant›
lemma wlp_whileI'_complete:
assumes "wlp π (WHILE b DO c) Q s⇩0"
obtains I where
"I s⇩0"
"⋀s. I s ⟹ if bval b s then wlp π c I s else Q s"
let ?I = "wlp π (WHILE b DO c) Q"
show "?I s⇩0" by fact
fix s
assume "?I s"
then show "if bval b s then wlp π c ?I s else Q s"
apply (subst (asm) wlp_while_unfold)
text ‹Idea: Remaining loop iterations as variant›
inductive count_it for π b c where
"¬bval b s ⟹ count_it π b c s 0"
| "⟦bval b s; π: (c,s) ⇒ s'; count_it π b c s' n ⟧ ⟹ count_it π b c s (Suc n )"
lemma count_it_determ:
"count_it π b c s n ⟹ count_it π b c s n' ⟹ n' = n"
apply (induction arbitrary: n' rule: count_it.induct)
subgoal using count_it.cases by blast
subgoal by (metis big_step_determ count_it.cases)
lemma count_it_ex:
assumes "π: (WHILE b DO c,s) ⇒ t"
shows "∃n. count_it π b c s n"
using assms
apply (induction π "WHILE b DO c" s t arbitrary: b c)
apply (auto intro: count_it.intros)
definition "variant π b c s ≡ THE n. count_it π b c s n"
lemma variant_decreases:
assumes STEPB: "bval b s"
assumes STEPC: "π: (c,s) ⇒ s'"
assumes TERM: "π: (WHILE b DO c,s') ⇒ t"
shows "variant π b c s' < variant π b c s"
proof -
from count_it_ex[OF TERM] obtain n' where CI': "count_it π b c s' n'" ..
moreover from count_it.intros(2)[OF STEPB STEPC this] have "count_it π b c s (Suc n')" .
ultimately have "variant π b c s' = n'" "variant π b c s = Suc n'"
unfolding variant_def using count_it_determ by blast+
thus ?thesis by simp
lemma wp_whileI'_complete:
fixes π b c
defines "R≡measure (variant π b c)"
assumes "wp π (WHILE b DO c) Q s⇩0"
obtains I where
"wf R"
"I s⇩0"
"⋀s. I s ⟹ if bval b s then wp π c (λs'. I s' ∧ (s',s)∈R) s else Q s"
show ‹wf R› unfolding R_def by auto
let ?I = "wp π (WHILE b DO c) Q"
show "?I s⇩0" by fact
fix s
assume "?I s"
then show "if bval b s then wp π c (λs'. ?I s' ∧ (s',s)∈R) s else Q s"
apply (subst (asm) wp_while_unfold)
apply clarsimp
by (auto simp: wp_def R_def intro: variant_decreases)