Theory Partial_Trace
section ‹‹Partial_Trace› -- The partial trace›
theory Partial_Trace
imports Trace_Class Hilbert_Space_Tensor_Product
unbundle cblinfun_syntax
hide_fact (open) Infinite_Set_Sum.abs_summable_on_Sigma_iff
hide_fact (open) Infinite_Set_Sum.abs_summable_on_comparison_test
hide_const (open) Determinants.trace
hide_fact (open) Determinants.trace_def
definition partial_trace :: ‹(('a × 'c) ell2, ('b × 'c) ell2) trace_class ⇒ ('a ell2, 'b ell2) trace_class› where
‹partial_trace t = (∑⇩∞j. compose_tcl (compose_tcr ((tensor_ell2_right (ket j))*) t) (tensor_ell2_right (ket j)))›
lemma partial_trace_def': ‹partial_trace t = (∑⇩∞j. sandwich_tc ((tensor_ell2_right (ket j))*) t)›
by (auto intro!: simp: partial_trace_def sandwich_tc_def)
lemma partial_trace_abs_summable:
‹(λj. compose_tcl (compose_tcr ((tensor_ell2_right (ket j))*) t) (tensor_ell2_right (ket j))) abs_summable_on UNIV›
and partial_trace_has_sum:
‹((λj. compose_tcl (compose_tcr ((tensor_ell2_right (ket j))*) t) (tensor_ell2_right (ket j))) has_sum partial_trace t) UNIV›
and partial_trace_norm_reducing: ‹norm (partial_trace t) ≤ norm t›
proof -
define t' where ‹t' = from_trace_class t›
define s where ‹s k = compose_tcl (compose_tcr ((tensor_ell2_right (ket k))*) t) (tensor_ell2_right (ket k))› for k
have bound: ‹(∑k∈F. norm (s k)) ≤ norm t›
if ‹F ∈ {F. F ⊆ UNIV ∧ finite F}›
for F :: ‹'a set›
proof -
from that have [simp]: ‹finite F›
by force
define tk where ‹tk k = tensor_ell2_right (ket k)* o⇩C⇩L t' o⇩C⇩L tensor_ell2_right (ket k)› for k
have tc_t'[simp]: ‹trace_class t'›
by (simp add: t'_def)
then have tc_tk[simp]: ‹trace_class (tk k)› for k
by (simp add: tk_def trace_class_comp_left trace_class_comp_right)
define uk where ‹uk k = (polar_decomposition (tk k))*› for k
define u where ‹u = (∑k∈F. uk k ⊗⇩o butterfly (ket k) (ket k))›
define B :: ‹'b ell2 set› where ‹B = range ket›
have aux1: ‹tensor_ell2_right (ket x)* *⇩V u *⇩V a = 0› if ‹x ∉ F› for x a
proof -
have *: ‹u* o⇩C⇩L tensor_ell2_right (ket x) = 0›
by (auto intro!: equal_ket simp: u_def sum_adj tensor_op_adjoint tensor_ell2_right_apply
cblinfun.sum_left tensor_op_ell2 cinner_ket sum_single[where i=x] ‹x ∉ F›)
have ‹tensor_ell2_right (ket x)* o⇩C⇩L u = 0›
by (rule adj_inject[THEN iffD1]) (use * in simp)
then show ?thesis
by (simp flip: cblinfun_apply_cblinfun_compose)
have aux2: ‹uk x *⇩V tensor_ell2_right (ket x)* *⇩V a = tensor_ell2_right (ket x)* *⇩V u *⇩V a› if ‹x ∈ F› for x a
proof -
have *: ‹tensor_ell2_right (ket x) o⇩C⇩L (uk x)* = u* o⇩C⇩L tensor_ell2_right (ket x)›
by (auto intro!: equal_ket simp: u_def sum_adj tensor_op_adjoint tensor_ell2_right_apply
cblinfun.sum_left tensor_op_ell2 ‹x ∈ F› cinner_ket sum_single[where i=x])
have ‹uk x o⇩C⇩L tensor_ell2_right (ket x)* = tensor_ell2_right (ket x)* o⇩C⇩L u›
by (rule adj_inject[THEN iffD1]) (use * in simp)
then show ?thesis
by (simp flip: cblinfun_apply_cblinfun_compose)
have sum1: ‹(λ(x, y). ket (y, x) ∙⇩C (u *⇩V t' *⇩V ket (y, x))) summable_on UNIV›
proof -
have ‹trace_class (u o⇩C⇩L t')›
by (simp add: trace_class_comp_right)
then have ‹(λyx. yx ∙⇩C ((u o⇩C⇩L t') *⇩V yx)) summable_on (range ket)›
using is_onb_ket trace_exists by blast
then have ‹(λyx. ket yx ∙⇩C ((u o⇩C⇩L t') *⇩V ket yx)) summable_on UNIV›
apply (subst summable_on_reindex_bij_betw[where g=ket and A=UNIV and B=‹range ket›])
using bij_betw_def inj_ket by blast
then show ?thesis
by (subst summable_on_reindex_bij_betw[where g=prod.swap and A=UNIV, symmetric]) auto
have norm_u: ‹norm u ≤ 1›
proof -
define u2 uk2 where ‹u2 = u* o⇩C⇩L u› and ‹uk2 k = (uk k)* o⇩C⇩L uk k› for k
have *: ‹(∑i∈F. (uk i* o⇩C⇩L uk k) ⊗⇩o (ket i ∙⇩C ket k) *⇩C butterfly (ket i) (ket k))
= (uk k* o⇩C⇩L uk k) ⊗⇩o butterfly (ket k) (ket k)› if [simp]: ‹k ∈ F› for k
apply (subst sum_single[where i=k])
by (auto simp: cinner_ket)
have **: ‹(∑ka∈F. (uk2 ka o⇩C⇩L uk2 k) ⊗⇩o (ket ka ∙⇩C ket k) *⇩C butterfly (ket ka) (ket k))
= (uk2 k o⇩C⇩L uk2 k) ⊗⇩o butterfly (ket k) (ket k)› if [simp]: ‹k ∈ F› for k
apply (subst sum_single[where i=k])
by (auto simp: cinner_ket)
have proj_uk2: ‹is_Proj (uk2 k)› for k
unfolding uk2_def
apply (rule partial_isometry_square_proj)
by (auto intro!: partial_isometry_square_proj partial_isometry_adj simp: uk_def)
have u2_explicit: ‹u2 = (∑k∈F. uk2 k ⊗⇩o butterfly (ket k) (ket k))›
by (simp add: u2_def u_def sum_adj tensor_op_adjoint cblinfun_compose_sum_right
cblinfun_compose_sum_left tensor_butter comp_tensor_op * uk2_def)
have ‹u2* = u2›
by (simp add: u2_def)
moreover have ‹u2 o⇩C⇩L u2 = u2›
by (simp add: u2_explicit cblinfun_compose_sum_right cblinfun_compose_sum_left
comp_tensor_op ** proj_uk2 is_Proj_idempotent)
ultimately have ‹is_Proj u2›
by (simp add: is_Proj_I)
then have ‹norm u2 ≤ 1›
using norm_is_Proj by blast
then show ‹norm u ≤ 1›
by (simp add: power_le_one_iff norm_AAadj u2_def)
have ‹(∑k∈F. norm (s k))
= (∑k∈F. trace_norm (tk k))›
by (simp add: s_def tk_def norm_trace_class.rep_eq compose_tcl.rep_eq compose_tcr.rep_eq t'_def)
also have ‹… = cmod (∑k∈F. trace (uk k o⇩C⇩L tk k))›
by (smt (verit, best) norm_of_real of_real_hom.hom_sum polar_decomposition_correct' sum.cong sum_nonneg trace_abs_op trace_norm_nneg uk_def)
also have ‹… = cmod (∑k∈F. trace (tensor_ell2_right (ket k)* o⇩C⇩L u o⇩C⇩L t' o⇩C⇩L tensor_ell2_right (ket k)))›
apply (rule arg_cong[where f=cmod], rule sum.cong[OF refl], rule arg_cong[where f=trace])
by (auto intro!: equal_ket simp: tk_def aux2)
also have ‹… = cmod (∑k∈F. ∑⇩∞j. ket j ∙⇩C ((tensor_ell2_right (ket k)* o⇩C⇩L u o⇩C⇩L t' o⇩C⇩L tensor_ell2_right (ket k)) *⇩V ket j))›
by (auto intro!: sum.cong simp: trace_ket_sum trace_class_comp_left trace_class_comp_right)
also have ‹… = cmod (∑⇩∞k∈F. ∑⇩∞j. ket j ∙⇩C ((tensor_ell2_right (ket k)* o⇩C⇩L u o⇩C⇩L t' o⇩C⇩L tensor_ell2_right (ket k)) *⇩V ket j))›
by (simp add: ‹finite F›)
also have ‹… = cmod (∑⇩∞k. ∑⇩∞j. ket j ∙⇩C ((tensor_ell2_right (ket k)* o⇩C⇩L u o⇩C⇩L t' o⇩C⇩L tensor_ell2_right (ket k)) *⇩V ket j))›
apply (rule arg_cong[where f=cmod])
apply (rule infsum_cong_neutral)
by (auto simp: aux1)
also have ‹… = cmod (∑⇩∞k. ∑⇩∞j. ket (j,k) ∙⇩C ((u o⇩C⇩L t') *⇩V ket (j,k)))›
apply (rule arg_cong[where f=cmod], rule infsum_cong, rule infsum_cong)
by (simp add: tensor_ell2_right_apply cinner_adj_right tensor_ell2_ket)
also have ‹… = cmod (∑⇩∞(k,j). ket (j,k) ∙⇩C ((u o⇩C⇩L t') *⇩V ket (j,k)))›
apply (rule arg_cong[where f=cmod])
apply (subst infsum_Sigma'_banach)
using sum1 by auto
also have ‹… = cmod (∑⇩∞jk. ket jk ∙⇩C ((u o⇩C⇩L t') *⇩V ket jk))›
apply (subst infsum_reindex_bij_betw[where g=prod.swap and A=UNIV, symmetric])
by auto
also have ‹… = cmod (trace (u o⇩C⇩L t'))›
by (simp add: trace_ket_sum trace_class_comp_right)
also have ‹… ≤ trace_norm (u o⇩C⇩L t')›
using trace_leq_trace_norm by blast
also have ‹… ≤ norm u * trace_norm t'›
by (simp add: trace_norm_comp_right)
also have ‹… ≤ trace_norm t'›
using norm_u
by (metis more_arith_simps(5) mult_right_mono trace_norm_nneg)
also have ‹… = norm t›
by (simp add: norm_trace_class.rep_eq t'_def)
finally show ‹(∑k∈F. norm (s k)) ≤ norm t›
by -
show abs_summable: ‹s abs_summable_on UNIV›
by (intro nonneg_bdd_above_summable_on bdd_aboveI2[where M=‹norm t›] norm_ge_zero bound)
from abs_summable
show has_sum: ‹(s has_sum partial_trace t) UNIV›
by (simp add: abs_summable_summable partial_trace_def s_def[abs_def] t'_def)
show ‹norm (partial_trace t) ≤ norm t›
proof -
have ‹norm (partial_trace t) ≤ (∑⇩∞k. norm (s k))›
using _ has_sum apply (rule norm_has_sum_bound)
using abs_summable has_sum_infsum by blast
also from bound have ‹(∑⇩∞k. norm (s k)) ≤ norm t›
by (simp add: abs_summable infsum_le_finite_sums)
finally show ?thesis
by -
lemma partial_trace_abs_summable':
‹(λj. sandwich_tc ((tensor_ell2_right (ket j))*) t) abs_summable_on UNIV›
and partial_trace_has_sum':
‹((λj. sandwich_tc ((tensor_ell2_right (ket j))*) t) has_sum partial_trace t) UNIV›
using partial_trace_abs_summable partial_trace_has_sum
by (auto intro!: simp: sandwich_tc_def sandwich_apply)
lemma trace_partial_trace_compose_eq_trace_compose_tensor_id:
‹trace (from_trace_class (partial_trace t) o⇩C⇩L x) = trace (from_trace_class t o⇩C⇩L (x ⊗⇩o id_cblinfun))›
proof -
define s where ‹s = trace (from_trace_class (partial_trace t) o⇩C⇩L x)›
define s' where ‹s' e = ket e ∙⇩C ((from_trace_class (partial_trace t) o⇩C⇩L x) *⇩V ket e)› for e
define u where ‹u j = compose_tcl (compose_tcr ((tensor_ell2_right (ket j))*) t) (tensor_ell2_right (ket j))› for j
define u' where ‹u' e j = ket e ∙⇩C (from_trace_class (u j) *⇩V x *⇩V ket e)› for e j
have ‹(u has_sum partial_trace t) UNIV›
using partial_trace_has_sum[of t]
by (simp add: u_def[abs_def])
then have ‹((λu. from_trace_class u *⇩V x *⇩V ket e) o u has_sum from_trace_class (partial_trace t) *⇩V x *⇩V ket e) UNIV› for e
proof (rule has_sum_comm_additive[rotated -1])
show ‹Modules.additive (λu. from_trace_class u *⇩V x *⇩V ket e)›
by (simp add: Modules.additive_def cblinfun.add_left plus_trace_class.rep_eq)
have bounded_clinear: ‹bounded_clinear (λu. from_trace_class u *⇩V x *⇩V ket e)›
proof (rule bounded_clinearI[where K=‹norm (x *⇩V ket e)›])
show ‹from_trace_class (b1 + b2) *⇩V x *⇩V ket e = from_trace_class b1 *⇩V x *⇩V ket e + from_trace_class b2 *⇩V x *⇩V ket e› for b1 b2
by (simp add: plus_cblinfun.rep_eq plus_trace_class.rep_eq)
show ‹from_trace_class (r *⇩C b) *⇩V x *⇩V ket e = r *⇩C (from_trace_class b *⇩V x *⇩V ket e)› for b r
by (simp add: scaleC_trace_class.rep_eq)
show ‹norm (from_trace_class t *⇩V x *⇩V ket e) ≤ norm t * norm (x *⇩V ket e)› for t
proof -
have ‹norm (from_trace_class t *⇩V x *⇩V ket e) ≤ norm (from_trace_class t) * norm (x *⇩V ket e)›
by (simp add: norm_cblinfun)
also have ‹… ≤ norm t * norm (x *⇩V ket e)›
by (auto intro!: mult_right_mono simp add: norm_leq_trace_norm norm_trace_class.rep_eq)
finally show ?thesis
by -
have ‹isCont (λu. from_trace_class u *⇩V x *⇩V ket e) (partial_trace t)›
using bounded_clinear clinear_continuous_at by auto
then show ‹(λu. from_trace_class u *⇩V x *⇩V ket e) ─partial_trace t→ from_trace_class (partial_trace t) *⇩V x *⇩V ket e›
by (simp add: isCont_def)
then have ‹((λv. ket e ∙⇩C v) o ((λu. from_trace_class u *⇩V x *⇩V ket e) o u) has_sum ket e ∙⇩C (from_trace_class (partial_trace t) *⇩V x *⇩V ket e)) UNIV› for e
proof (rule has_sum_comm_additive[rotated -1])
show ‹Modules.additive (λv. ket e ∙⇩C v)›
by (simp add: Modules.additive_def cinner_simps(2))
have bounded_clinear: ‹bounded_clinear (λv. ket e ∙⇩C v)›
using bounded_clinear_cinner_right by auto
then have ‹isCont (λv. ket e ∙⇩C v) l› for l
by simp
then show ‹(λv. ket e ∙⇩C v) ─l→ ket e ∙⇩C l› for l
by (simp add: isContD)
then have has_sum_u': ‹((λj. u' e j) has_sum s' e) UNIV› for e
by (simp add: o_def u'_def s'_def)
then have infsum_u': ‹s' e = infsum (u' e) UNIV› for e
by (metis infsumI)
have tc_u_x[simp]: ‹trace_class (from_trace_class (u j) o⇩C⇩L x)› for j
by (simp add: trace_class_comp_left)
have summable_u'_pairs: ‹(λ(e, j). u' e j) summable_on UNIV × UNIV›
proof -
have ‹trace_class (from_trace_class t o⇩C⇩L (x ⊗⇩o id_cblinfun))›
by (simp add: trace_class_comp_left)
from trace_exists[OF is_onb_ket this]
have ‹(λej. ket ej ∙⇩C (from_trace_class t *⇩V (x ⊗⇩o id_cblinfun) *⇩V ket ej)) summable_on UNIV›
by (simp_all add: summable_on_reindex o_def)
then show ?thesis
by (simp_all add: o_def u'_def[abs_def] u_def
trace_class_comp_left trace_class_comp_right Abs_trace_class_inverse tensor_ell2_right_apply
ket_pair_split tensor_op_ell2 case_prod_unfold cinner_adj_right
compose_tcl.rep_eq compose_tcr.rep_eq)
have u'_tensor: ‹u' e j = ket (e,j) ∙⇩C ((from_trace_class t o⇩C⇩L (x ⊗⇩o id_cblinfun)) *⇩V ket (e,j))› for e j
by (simp add: u'_def u_def tensor_op_ell2 tensor_ell2_right_apply Abs_trace_class_inverse
trace_class_comp_left trace_class_comp_right cinner_adj_right compose_tcl.rep_eq compose_tcr.rep_eq
flip: tensor_ell2_ket)
have ‹((λe. e ∙⇩C ((from_trace_class (partial_trace t) o⇩C⇩L x) *⇩V e)) has_sum s) (range ket)›
unfolding s_def
apply (rule trace_has_sum)
by (auto simp: trace_class_comp_left)
then have ‹(s' has_sum s) UNIV›
apply (subst (asm) has_sum_reindex)
by (auto simp: o_def s'_def[abs_def])
then have ‹s = infsum s' UNIV›
by (simp add: infsumI)
also have ‹… = infsum (λe. infsum (u' e) UNIV) UNIV›
using infsum_u' by presburger
also have ‹… = (∑⇩∞(e, j)∈UNIV. u' e j)›
apply (subst infsum_Sigma'_banach)
apply (rule summable_u'_pairs)
by simp
also have ‹… = trace (from_trace_class t o⇩C⇩L (x ⊗⇩o id_cblinfun))›
unfolding u'_tensor
by (simp add: trace_ket_sum cond_case_prod_eta trace_class_comp_left)
finally show ?thesis
by (simp add: s_def)
lemma right_amplification_weak_star_cont[simp]:
‹continuous_map weak_star_topology weak_star_topology (λa. a ⊗⇩o id_cblinfun)›
proof (unfold weak_star_topology_def', rule continuous_map_pullback_both)
show ‹S ⊆ f -` UNIV› for S :: ‹'x set› and f :: ‹'x ⇒ 'y›
by simp
define g' :: ‹(('b ell2, 'a ell2) trace_class ⇒ complex) ⇒ (('b × 'c) ell2, ('a × 'c) ell2) trace_class ⇒ complex› where
‹g' τ t = τ (partial_trace t)› for τ t
have ‹continuous_on UNIV g'›
by (simp add: continuous_on_coordinatewise_then_product g'_def)
then show ‹continuous_map euclidean euclidean g'›
using continuous_map_iff_continuous2 by blast
show ‹g' (λt. trace (from_trace_class t o⇩C⇩L x)) =
(λt. trace (from_trace_class t o⇩C⇩L x ⊗⇩o id_cblinfun))› for x
by (auto intro!: ext simp: g'_def trace_partial_trace_compose_eq_trace_compose_tensor_id)
lemma left_amplification_weak_star_cont[simp]:
‹continuous_map weak_star_topology weak_star_topology (λb. id_cblinfun ⊗⇩o b :: ('c×'a) ell2 ⇒⇩C⇩L ('c×'b) ell2)›
proof -
have ‹continuous_map weak_star_topology weak_star_topology (
(λx. x o⇩C⇩L swap_ell2) o (λx. swap_ell2 o⇩C⇩L x) o (λa. a ⊗⇩o id_cblinfun :: ('a×'c) ell2 ⇒⇩C⇩L ('b×'c) ell2))›
by (auto intro!: continuous_map_compose[where X'=weak_star_topology]
continuous_map_left_comp_weak_star continuous_map_right_comp_weak_star)
then show ?thesis
by (auto simp: o_def)
lemma partial_trace_plus: ‹partial_trace (t + u) = partial_trace t + partial_trace u›
proof -
from partial_trace_has_sum[of t] and partial_trace_has_sum[of u]
have ‹((λj. compose_tcl (compose_tcr ((tensor_ell2_right (ket j))*) t) (tensor_ell2_right (ket j))
+ compose_tcl (compose_tcr ((tensor_ell2_right (ket j))*) u) (tensor_ell2_right (ket j))) has_sum
partial_trace t + partial_trace u) UNIV› (is ‹(?f has_sum _) _›)
by (rule has_sum_add)
moreover have ‹?f j = compose_tcl (compose_tcr ((tensor_ell2_right (ket j))*) (t + u)) (tensor_ell2_right (ket j))› (is ‹?f j = ?g j›) for j
by (simp add: compose_tcl.add_left compose_tcr.add_right)
ultimately have ‹(?g has_sum partial_trace t + partial_trace u) UNIV›
by simp
moreover have ‹(?g has_sum partial_trace (t + u)) UNIV›
by (simp add: partial_trace_has_sum)
ultimately show ?thesis
using has_sum_unique by blast
lemma partial_trace_scaleC: ‹partial_trace (c *⇩C t) = c *⇩C partial_trace t›
by (simp add: partial_trace_def infsum_scaleC_right compose_tcr.scaleC_right compose_tcl.scaleC_left)
lemma partial_trace_tensor: ‹partial_trace (tc_tensor t u) = trace_tc u *⇩C t›
proof -
define t' u' where ‹t' = from_trace_class t› and ‹u' = from_trace_class u›
have 1: ‹(λj. ket j ∙⇩C (from_trace_class u *⇩V ket j)) summable_on UNIV›
using trace_exists[where B=‹range ket› and A=‹from_trace_class u›]
by (simp add: summable_on_reindex o_def)
have ‹partial_trace (tc_tensor t u) =
(∑⇩∞j. compose_tcl (compose_tcr (tensor_ell2_right (ket j)*) (tc_tensor t u)) (tensor_ell2_right (ket j)))›
by (simp add: partial_trace_def)
also have ‹… = (∑⇩∞j. (ket j ∙⇩C (from_trace_class u *⇩V ket j)) *⇩C t)›
proof -
have *: ‹tensor_ell2_right (ket j)* o⇩C⇩L t' ⊗⇩o u' o⇩C⇩L tensor_ell2_right (ket j) =
(ket j ∙⇩C (u' *⇩V ket j)) *⇩C t'› for j
by (auto intro!: cblinfun_eqI simp: tensor_op_ell2)
show ?thesis
apply (rule infsum_cong)
by (auto intro!: from_trace_class_inject[THEN iffD1] simp flip: t'_def u'_def
simp: * compose_tcl.rep_eq compose_tcr.rep_eq tc_tensor.rep_eq scaleC_trace_class.rep_eq)
also have ‹… = trace_tc u *⇩C t›
by (auto intro!: infsum_scaleC_left simp: trace_tc_def trace_alt_def[OF is_onb_ket] infsum_reindex o_def 1)
finally show ?thesis
by -
lemma bounded_clinear_partial_trace[bounded_clinear, iff]: ‹bounded_clinear partial_trace›
apply (rule bounded_clinearI[where K=1])
by (auto simp add: partial_trace_plus partial_trace_scaleC partial_trace_norm_reducing)
lemma vector_sandwich_partial_trace_has_sum:
‹((λz. ((x ⊗⇩s ket z) ∙⇩C (from_trace_class ρ *⇩V (y ⊗⇩s ket z))))
has_sum x ∙⇩C (from_trace_class (partial_trace ρ) *⇩V y)) UNIV›
proof -
define xρy where ‹xρy = x ∙⇩C (from_trace_class (partial_trace ρ) *⇩V y)›
have ‹((λj. compose_tcl (compose_tcr ((tensor_ell2_right (ket j))*) ρ) (tensor_ell2_right (ket j)))
has_sum partial_trace ρ) UNIV›
using partial_trace_has_sum by force
then have ‹((λj. x ∙⇩C (from_trace_class (compose_tcl (compose_tcr ((tensor_ell2_right (ket j))*) ρ) (tensor_ell2_right (ket j))) *⇩V y))
has_sum xρy) UNIV›
unfolding xρy_def
apply (rule Infinite_Sum.has_sum_bounded_linear[rotated])
by (intro bounded_clinear.bounded_linear bounded_linear_intros)
then have ‹((λj. x ∙⇩C (tensor_ell2_right (ket j)* *⇩V from_trace_class ρ *⇩V y ⊗⇩s ket j)) has_sum
xρy) UNIV›
by (simp add: compose_tcl.rep_eq compose_tcr.rep_eq)
then show ?thesis
by (metis (no_types, lifting) cinner_adj_right has_sum_cong tensor_ell2_right_apply xρy_def)
lemma vector_sandwich_partial_trace:
‹x ∙⇩C (from_trace_class (partial_trace ρ) *⇩V y) =
(∑⇩∞z. ((x ⊗⇩s ket z) ∙⇩C (from_trace_class ρ *⇩V (y ⊗⇩s ket z))))›
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) infsumI vector_sandwich_partial_trace_has_sum)
unbundle no cblinfun_syntax