Theory Padic_Field.Cring_Multivariable_Poly
theory Cring_Multivariable_Poly
imports "HOL-Algebra.Indexed_Polynomials" Padic_Ints.Cring_Poly
section‹Multivariable Polynomials Over a Commutative Ring›
This theory extends the content of \texttt{HOL-Algebra.Indexed\_Polynomials}, mainly in the
context of a commutative base ring. In particular, the ring of polynomials over an arbitrary
variable set is explicitly witnessed as a ring itself, which is commutative if the base is
commutative, and a domain if the base ring is a domain. A universal property for polynomial
evaluation is proved, which allows us to embed polynomial rings in a ring of functions over the
base ring, as well as construe multivariable polynomials as univariate polynomials over a small
base polynomial ring.
type_synonym 'a monomial = "'a multiset"
type_synonym ('b,'a) mvar_poly = "'a multiset ⇒ 'b"
type_synonym ('a,'b) ring_hom = "'a ⇒ 'b"
type_synonym 'a u_poly = "nat ⇒ 'a"
subsection‹Lemmas about multisets›
Since multisets function as monomials in this formalization, we'll need some simple lemmas
about multisets in order to define degree functions and certain lemmas about factorizations.
Those are provided in this section.
lemma count_size:
assumes "size m ≤ K"
shows "count m i ≤ K"
using assms
by (metis count_le_replicate_mset_subset_eq dual_order.trans order_refl size_mset_mono size_replicate_mset)
text‹The following defines the set of monomials with nonzero coefficients for a given polynomial:›
definition monomials_of :: "('a,'c) ring_scheme ⇒ ('a, 'b) mvar_poly ⇒ ('b monomial) set" where
"monomials_of R P = {m. P m ≠ 𝟬⇘R⇙}"
context ring
lemma monomials_of_index_free:
assumes "index_free P i"
assumes "m ∈ monomials_of R P"
shows "count m i = 0"
using assms
unfolding monomials_of_def index_free_def
by (meson count_inI mem_Collect_eq)
lemma index_freeI:
assumes "⋀m. m ∈ monomials_of R P ⟹ count m i = 0"
shows "index_free P i"
unfolding index_free_def
proof safe
fix m
assume "i ∈# m"
then have "count m i ≠ 0"
by simp
then have "m ∉ monomials_of R P"
using assms
by meson
then show "P m = 𝟬"
unfolding monomials_of_def
by blast
text‹\texttt{monomials\_of} R is subadditive›
lemma monomials_of_add:
"monomials_of R (P ⨁ Q) ⊆ (monomials_of R P) ∪ (monomials_of R Q)"
fix x
assume "x ∈ monomials_of R (P ⨁ Q) "
then have "P x ⊕ Q x ≠𝟬"
by (simp add: indexed_padd_def monomials_of_def)
then have "P x ≠𝟬 ∨ Q x ≠ 𝟬"
by auto
then show "x ∈ (monomials_of R P) ∪ (monomials_of R Q)"
by (simp add: monomials_of_def)
lemma monomials_of_add_finite:
assumes "finite (monomials_of R P)"
assumes "finite (monomials_of R Q)"
shows "finite (monomials_of R (P ⨁ Q))"
by (meson assms(1) assms(2) finite_Un finite_subset monomials_of_add)
lemma monomials_ofE:
assumes "m ∈ monomials_of R p"
shows "p m ≠ 𝟬"
using assms
unfolding monomials_of_def
by simp
lemma complement_of_monomials_of:
assumes "m ∉ monomials_of R P"
shows "P m = 𝟬"
using assms
unfolding monomials_of_def
by blast
text‹Multiplication by an indexed variable corresponds to adding that index to each monomial:›
lemma monomials_of_p_mult:
"monomials_of R (P ⨂ i) = {m. ∃ n ∈ (monomials_of R P). m = add_mset i n}"
show "monomials_of R (P ⨂ i) ⊆ {m. ∃n∈monomials_of R P. m = add_mset i n}"
fix m
assume A: "m ∈ monomials_of R (P ⨂ i)"
show "m ∈ {m. ∃n∈monomials_of R P. m = add_mset i n}"
have "(P ⨂ i) m ≠ 𝟬"
by (simp add: A monomials_ofE)
then have "P (m - {# i #}) ≠𝟬"
unfolding indexed_pmult_def
by presburger
then have 0: "(m - {# i #}) ∈ monomials_of R P"
by (meson complement_of_monomials_of)
have 1: " m = add_mset i (m - {# i #})"
by (metis ‹(P ⨂ i) m ≠ 𝟬› add_mset_remove_trivial_If indexed_pmult_def)
then show ?thesis using 0 1
by blast
show "{m. ∃n∈monomials_of R P. m = add_mset i n} ⊆ monomials_of R (P ⨂ i)"
unfolding monomials_of_def indexed_pmult_def
by auto
lemma monomials_of_p_mult':
"monomials_of R (p ⨂ i) = add_mset i ` (monomials_of R p)"
using monomials_of_p_mult
by (simp add: monomials_of_p_mult image_def)
lemma monomials_of_p_mult_finite:
assumes "finite (monomials_of R P)"
shows "finite (monomials_of R (P ⨂ i))"
using assms monomials_of_p_mult'[of P i]
by simp
text‹Monomials of a constant either consist of the empty multiset, or nothing:›
lemma monomials_of_const:
"(monomials_of R (indexed_const k)) = (if (k = 𝟬) then {} else {{#}})"
unfolding monomials_of_def indexed_const_def
by simp
lemma monomials_of_const_finite:
"finite (monomials_of R (indexed_const k))"
by (simp add: monomials_of_const)
text‹A polynomial always has finitely many monomials:›
lemma monomials_finite:
assumes "P ∈ indexed_pset K I"
shows "finite (monomials_of R P)"
using assms
apply(induction P)
using monomials_of_const_finite apply blast
using monomials_of_add_finite apply blast
by (simp add: monomials_of_p_mult_finite)
subsection‹Turning monomials into polynomials›
text‹Constructor for turning a monomial into a polynomial›
definition mset_to_IP :: "('a, 'b) ring_scheme ⇒ 'c monomial ⇒ ('a,'c) mvar_poly" where
"mset_to_IP R m n= (if (n = m) then 𝟭⇘R⇙ else 𝟬⇘R⇙)"
definition var_to_IP :: "('a, 'b) ring_scheme ⇒ 'c ⇒ ('a,'c) mvar_poly" (‹pvar›) where
"var_to_IP R i = mset_to_IP R {#i#}"
context ring
lemma mset_to_IP_simp[simp]:
"mset_to_IP R m m = 𝟭"
by (simp add: mset_to_IP_def)
lemma mset_to_IP_simp'[simp]:
assumes "n ≠m"
shows "mset_to_IP R m n = 𝟬"
by (simp add: assms mset_to_IP_def)
lemma(in cring) monomials_of_mset_to_IP:
assumes "𝟭 ≠𝟬"
shows "monomials_of R (mset_to_IP R m) = {m}"
unfolding monomials_of_def mset_to_IP_def
show "{ma. (if ma = m then 𝟭 else 𝟬) ≠ 𝟬} ⊆ {m}"
by auto
show "{m} ⊆ {ma. (if ma = m then 𝟭 else 𝟬) ≠ 𝟬}"
using assms by auto
text‹The set of monomials of a fixed ‹P› which include a given variable:›
definition monomials_with :: "('a, 'b) ring_scheme ⇒ 'c ⇒ ('a,'c) mvar_poly ⇒ ('c monomial) set" where
"monomials_with R i P = {m. m ∈ monomials_of R P ∧ i ∈# m}"
context ring
lemma monomials_withE:
assumes "m ∈ monomials_with R i P"
shows "i ∈# m"
"m ∈ monomials_of R P"
using assms unfolding monomials_with_def
apply blast
using assms unfolding monomials_with_def
by blast
lemma monomials_withI:
assumes "i ∈# m"
assumes "m ∈ monomials_of R P"
shows "m ∈ monomials_with R i P"
using assms
unfolding monomials_with_def
by blast
text‹Restricting a polynomial to be zero outside of a given monomial set:›
definition restrict_poly_to_monom_set ::
"('a, 'b) ring_scheme ⇒ ('a,'c) mvar_poly ⇒ ('c monomial) set ⇒('a,'c) mvar_poly" where
"restrict_poly_to_monom_set R P m_set m = (if m ∈ m_set then P m else 𝟬⇘R⇙)"
context ring
lemma restrict_poly_to_monom_set_coeff:
assumes "carrier_coeff P"
shows "carrier_coeff (restrict_poly_to_monom_set R P Ms)"
by (metis assms carrier_coeff_def restrict_poly_to_monom_set_def zero_closed)
lemma restrict_poly_to_monom_set_coeff':
assumes "P ∈ indexed_pset K I"
assumes "I ≠ {}"
assumes "⋀m. P m ∈ S"
assumes "𝟬 ∈ S"
shows "⋀m. (restrict_poly_to_monom_set R P m_set m) ∈ S"
using assms
unfolding restrict_poly_to_monom_set_def
by simp
lemma restrict_poly_to_monom_set_monoms:
assumes "P ∈ indexed_pset I K"
assumes "m_set ⊆ monomials_of R P"
shows "monomials_of R (restrict_poly_to_monom_set R P m_set) = m_set"
using assms
unfolding monomials_of_def restrict_poly_to_monom_set_def
by (simp add: subset_iff)
subsection‹Degree Functions›
subsubsection‹Total Degree Function›
lemma multi_set_size_count:
fixes m :: "'c monomial"
shows "size m ≥ count m i"
by (metis count_le_replicate_mset_subset_eq order_refl size_mset_mono size_replicate_mset)
text‹Total degree function›
definition total_degree :: "('a, 'b) ring_scheme ⇒ ('a, 'c) mvar_poly ⇒ nat" where
"total_degree R P = (if (monomials_of R P = {}) then 0 else Max (size ` (monomials_of R P)))"
context ring
lemma total_degree_ineq:
assumes "m ∈ monomials_of R P"
assumes "finite (monomials_of R P)"
shows "total_degree R P ≥ size m"
unfolding total_degree_def using assms
by force
lemma total_degree_in_monomials_of:
assumes "monomials_of R P ≠ {}"
assumes "finite (monomials_of R P)"
obtains m where "m ∈ monomials_of R P ∧ size m = total_degree R P"
using assms Max_in[of "(size ` monomials_of R P)"] unfolding total_degree_def
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) empty_is_image finite_imageI image_iff)
lemma total_degreeI:
assumes "finite (monomials_of R P)"
assumes "∃m. m ∈ monomials_of R P ∧ size m = n"
assumes "⋀m. m ∈ monomials_of R P ⟹ size m ≤ n"
shows "n = total_degree R P"
proof(cases "monomials_of R P = {}")
case True
then show ?thesis
using assms by blast
case False
obtain m where m_def: "m ∈ monomials_of R P ∧ size m = n"
using assms by blast
have 0: "n ∈ (size ` (monomials_of R P))"
using m_def
by blast
have "⋀k. k ∈ (size ` (monomials_of R P)) ⟹ k ≤ n"
using assms
by blast
then have 1: "⋀m. m ∈ (monomials_of R P) ⟹ size m≤ n"
by blast
obtain m' where m'_def: "m' ∈ monomials_of R P ∧ size m' = total_degree R P"
using assms total_degree_in_monomials_of
by blast
then have 2: "size m' ≤ n"
using 1
by blast
have 3: "n ≤size m'"
using assms m'_def total_degree_ineq by auto
show ?thesis using 2 3
using dual_order.antisym m'_def by blast
subsubsection‹Degree in One Variable›
definition degree_in_var ::
"('a, 'b) ring_scheme ⇒ ('a, 'c) mvar_poly ⇒ 'c ⇒ nat" where
"degree_in_var R P i = (if (monomials_of R P = {}) then 0 else Max ((λm. count m i) ` (monomials_of R P)))"
context ring
lemma degree_in_var_ineq:
assumes "m ∈ monomials_of R P"
assumes "finite (monomials_of R P)"
shows "degree_in_var R P i ≥ count m i"
unfolding degree_in_var_def using assms
by force
lemma degree_in_var_in_monomials_of:
assumes "monomials_of R P ≠ {}"
assumes "finite (monomials_of R P)"
obtains m where "m ∈ monomials_of R P ∧ count m i = degree_in_var R P i"
using assms Max_in[of "((λm. count m i) ` (monomials_of R P))"] unfolding degree_in_var_def
by (metis (no_types, lifting) empty_is_image finite_imageI image_iff)
lemma degree_in_varI:
assumes "finite (monomials_of R P)"
assumes "∃m. m ∈ monomials_of R P ∧ count m i = n"
assumes "⋀c. c ∈ monomials_of R P ⟹ count c i ≤ n"
shows "n = degree_in_var R P i"
obtain l where l_def: "l ∈ monomials_of R P ∧ count l i = degree_in_var R P i"
by (metis assms(1) assms(2) degree_in_var_in_monomials_of equals0D)
have "degree_in_var R P i ≤ n"
using assms(3) l_def
by force
then show ?thesis
using assms(1) assms(2) dual_order.antisym degree_in_var_ineq
by fastforce
text‹Total degree bounds degree in a single variable:›
lemma total_degree_degree_in_var:
assumes "finite (monomials_of R P)"
shows "total_degree R P ≥ degree_in_var R P i"
proof(cases " (monomials_of R P) = {}")
case True
then show ?thesis
unfolding total_degree_def degree_in_var_def
by simp
case False
then obtain m1 where m1_def: "m1 ∈ monomials_of R P ∧ count m1 i = degree_in_var R P i"
by (meson assms degree_in_var_in_monomials_of)
have "size m1 ≥count m1 i"
by (simp add: multi_set_size_count)
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: assms local.ring_axioms m1_def order.trans ring.total_degree_ineq)
text‹The set of monomials of maximal degree in variable ‹i›:›
definition max_degree_monoms_in_var ::
"('a, 'b) ring_scheme ⇒ ('a, 'c) mvar_poly ⇒ 'c ⇒ ('c monomial) set" where
"max_degree_monoms_in_var R P i = {m. m ∈ monomials_of R P ∧ count m i = degree_in_var R P i}"
context ring
lemma max_degree_monoms_in_var_memI:
assumes "m ∈ monomials_of R P"
assumes "count m i = degree_in_var R P i"
shows "m ∈ max_degree_monoms_in_var R P i"
using assms unfolding max_degree_monoms_in_var_def
by blast
lemma max_degree_monoms_in_var_memE:
assumes "m ∈ max_degree_monoms_in_var R P i"
shows "m ∈ monomials_of R P"
"count m i = degree_in_var R P i"
using assms unfolding max_degree_monoms_in_var_def
apply blast
using assms unfolding max_degree_monoms_in_var_def
by blast
text‹The set of monomials of ‹P› of fixed degree in variable ‹i›:›
definition fixed_degree_in_var ::
"('a, 'b) ring_scheme ⇒ ('a, 'c) mvar_poly ⇒ 'c ⇒ nat ⇒ ('c monomial) set" where
"fixed_degree_in_var R P i n = {m. m ∈ monomials_of R P ∧ count m i = n}"
context ring
lemma fixed_degree_in_var_subset:
"fixed_degree_in_var R P i n ⊆ monomials_of R P"
unfolding fixed_degree_in_var_def
by blast
lemma fixed_degree_in_var_max_degree_monoms_in_var:
"max_degree_monoms_in_var R P i = fixed_degree_in_var R P i (degree_in_var R P i)"
unfolding max_degree_monoms_in_var_def fixed_degree_in_var_def
by auto
lemma fixed_degree_in_varI:
assumes "m ∈ monomials_of R P"
assumes "count m i = n"
shows "m ∈ fixed_degree_in_var R P i n"
unfolding fixed_degree_in_var_def
using assms
by blast
lemma fixed_degree_in_varE:
assumes "m ∈ fixed_degree_in_var R P i n"
shows "m ∈ monomials_of R P"
"count m i = n"
apply (meson assms fixed_degree_in_var_subset in_mono)
using assms fixed_degree_in_var_def by force
definition restrict_to_var_deg ::
"('a,'c) mvar_poly ⇒ 'c ⇒ nat ⇒ 'c monomial ⇒ 'a" where
"restrict_to_var_deg P i n = restrict_poly_to_monom_set R P (fixed_degree_in_var R P i n)"
lemma restrict_to_var_deg_var_deg:
assumes "finite (monomials_of R P)"
assumes "Q = restrict_to_var_deg P i n"
assumes "monomials_of R Q ≠ {}"
shows "n = degree_in_var R Q i"
apply(rule degree_in_varI)
apply (metis assms(1) assms(2) fixed_degree_in_varE(1) monomials_ofE restrict_poly_to_monom_set_def
restrict_to_var_deg_def rev_finite_subset subsetI)
apply (metis (full_types) assms(2) assms(3) equals0I fixed_degree_in_varE(2)
monomials_ofE restrict_poly_to_monom_set_def restrict_to_var_deg_def)
by (metis assms(2) eq_iff fixed_degree_in_varE(2) monomials_ofE restrict_poly_to_monom_set_def restrict_to_var_deg_def)
lemma index_free_degree_in_var[simp]:
assumes "index_free P i"
shows "degree_in_var R P i = 0"
proof(cases "monomials_of R P = {}")
case True
then show ?thesis
using assms
unfolding degree_in_var_def
by simp
case False
then have 0: "degree_in_var R P i = Max ((λm. count m i) ` (monomials_of R P))"
unfolding degree_in_var_def
by simp
have"((λm. count m i) ` (monomials_of R P)) = {0}"
show "(λm. count m i) ` monomials_of R P ⊆ {0}"
using False assms monomials_of_index_free[of P i]
by auto
show "{0} ⊆ (λm. count m i) ` monomials_of R P"
using False ‹(λm. count m i) ` monomials_of R P ⊆ {0}›
by auto
then show ?thesis using 0
by simp
lemma degree_in_var_index_free:
assumes "degree_in_var R P i = 0"
assumes "finite (monomials_of R P)"
shows "index_free P i"
apply(rule index_freeI)
by (metis assms(1) assms(2) degree_in_var_ineq le_zero_eq)
subsection‹Constructing the Multiplication Operation on the Ring of Indexed Polynomials›
subsubsection‹The Set of Factors of a Fixed Monomial›
text‹The following function maps a monomial to the set of monomials which divide it:›
definition mset_factors :: "'c monomial ⇒ ('c monomial) set" where
"mset_factors m = {n. n ⊆# m}"
context ring
lemma monom_divides_factors:
"n ∈ (mset_factors m)⟷ n ⊆# m"
unfolding mset_factors_def by auto
lemma mset_factors_mono:
assumes "n ⊆# m"
shows "mset_factors n ⊆ mset_factors m"
unfolding mset_factors_def
by (simp add: Collect_mono_iff assms subset_mset.order_trans)
lemma mset_factors_size_bound:
assumes "n ∈ mset_factors m"
shows "size n ≤ size m"
using assms
unfolding mset_factors_def
by (simp add: size_mset_mono)
lemma sets_to_inds_finite:
assumes "finite I"
shows "finite S ⟹ finite (Pi⇩E S (λ_. I))"
using assms
by (simp add: finite_PiE)
subsubsection‹Finiteness of the Factor Set of a Monomial›
This section shows that any monomial m has only finitely many factors. This is done by mapping
the set of factors injectively into a finite extensional function set. Explicitly, a monomial is
just mapped to its count function, restricted to the set of indices where the count is nonzero.
definition mset_factors_to_fun ::
"('a,'b) ring_scheme ⇒ 'c monomial ⇒ 'c monomial ⇒ ('c ⇒ nat)" where
"mset_factors_to_fun R m n = (if (n ∈ mset_factors m) then
(restrict (count n) (set_mset m)) else undefined)"
context ring
lemma mset_factors_to_fun_prop:
assumes "size m = n"
shows "mset_factors_to_fun R m ∈ (mset_factors m) → (Pi⇩E (set_mset m) (λ_. {0.. n}))"
fix x
assume A: "x ∈ (mset_factors m)"
show "mset_factors_to_fun R m x ∈ (set_mset m) →⇩E {0..n} "
show "⋀xa. xa ∈# m ⟹ mset_factors_to_fun R m x xa ∈ {0..n}"
fix y
assume Ay: "y ∈# m"
show P0: "mset_factors_to_fun R m x y ∈ {0..n}"
have "mset_factors_to_fun R m x = restrict (count x) (set_mset m)"
using A unfolding mset_factors_to_fun_def
by simp
then have "mset_factors_to_fun R m x y = count x y"
using Ay
by simp
then show ?thesis
using A INTEG.R.mset_factors_size_bound assms count_size by fastforce
fix z
assume Ay: "z ∉#m"
show "mset_factors_to_fun R m x z = undefined"
using A Ay unfolding mset_factors_to_fun_def
by simp
lemma mset_factors_to_fun_inj:
shows "inj_on (mset_factors_to_fun R m) (mset_factors m) "
fix x y
assume A: "x ∈ mset_factors m" "y ∈ mset_factors m"
show "mset_factors_to_fun R m x = mset_factors_to_fun R m y ⟹ x = y"
assume A0: "mset_factors_to_fun R m x = mset_factors_to_fun R m y"
show " x = y"
have "⋀i. count x i = count y i"
proof- fix i
show "count x i = count y i"
proof(cases "i ∈# m")
case True
then show ?thesis using A0 A unfolding mset_factors_to_fun_def
by (metis restrict_def)
case False
then show ?thesis
using A0 A unfolding mset_factors_to_fun_def
by (metis monom_divides_factors count_inI mset_subset_eqD)
then show ?thesis
using multiset_eqI by blast
lemma finite_target:
"finite (Pi⇩E (set_mset m) (λ_. {0..(n::nat)}))"
have 0: "finite (set_mset m)"
by simp
have 1: "finite ({0..n})"
by simp
then show ?thesis using 0
by (simp add: finite_PiE)
text‹A multiset has only finitely many factors:›
lemma mset_factors_finite[simp]:
"finite (mset_factors m)"
have 0: "inj_on (mset_factors_to_fun R m) (mset_factors m) "
by (simp add: mset_factors_to_fun_inj)
have 1: "(mset_factors_to_fun R m) ∈ (mset_factors m) → (Pi⇩E (set_mset m) (λ_. {0 .. (size m)}))"
by (metis mset_factors_to_fun_prop)
have 2: "finite (Pi⇩E (set_mset m) (λ_. {0 .. (size m)}))"
by (simp add: finite_target)
have 3: "((mset_factors_to_fun R m) ` (mset_factors m)) ⊆ (Pi⇩E (set_mset m) (λ_. {0 .. (size m)}))"
using 1 2
by blast
then have "finite ((mset_factors_to_fun R m) ` (mset_factors m))"
using 2 finite_subset by auto
then show ?thesis using 0 1 2
finite_imageD[of "mset_factors_to_fun R m" "mset_factors m" ]
by blast
subsubsection‹Definition of Indexed Polynomial Multiplication.›
context ring
text‹Monomial division:›
lemma monom_divide:
assumes "n ∈ mset_factors m"
shows "(THE k. n + k = m ) = m - n "
apply(rule the_equality)
using assms unfolding mset_factors_def
apply simp
using assms unfolding mset_factors_def
by auto
text‹A monomial is a factor of itself:›
lemma m_factor[simp]:
"m ∈ mset_factors m"
using local.ring_axioms ring.monom_divides_factors by blast
text‹The definition of polynomial multiplication:›
definition P_ring_mult :: "('a, 'b) ring_scheme ⇒ ('a,'c) mvar_poly ⇒ ('a,'c) mvar_poly ⇒ 'c monomial ⇒ 'a"
"P_ring_mult R P Q m = (finsum R (λx. (P x) ⊗⇘R⇙ (Q (m - x))) (mset_factors m))"
abbreviation(in ring) P_ring_mult_in_ring (infixl ‹⨂⇩p› 65)where
"P_ring_mult_in_ring ≡ P_ring_mult R"
subsubsection‹Distributivity Laws for Polynomial Multiplication›
context ring
lemma P_ring_rdistr:
assumes "carrier_coeff a"
assumes "carrier_coeff b"
assumes "carrier_coeff c"
shows "a ⨂⇩p (b ⨁ c) = (a ⨂⇩p b)⨁ (a ⨂⇩p c)"
fix m
show "(a ⨂⇩p (b ⨁ c)) m = (a ⨂⇩p b ⨁ (a ⨂⇩p c)) m"
have RHS: "(a ⨂⇩p b ⨁ (a ⨂⇩p c)) m =
(⨁x∈mset_factors m. a x ⊗ b (m - x)) ⊕ (⨁x∈mset_factors m. a x ⊗ c (m - x))"
unfolding indexed_padd_def P_ring_mult_def by auto
have LHS: "(a ⨂⇩p (b ⨁ c)) m=
( ⨁x∈mset_factors m. a x ⊗ b (m - x) ⊕ a x ⊗ c (m - x))"
unfolding indexed_padd_def P_ring_mult_def
by (meson assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) local.ring_axioms r_distr ring.carrier_coeff_def)
have RHS': "(a ⨂⇩p b ⨁ (a ⨂⇩p c)) m =
(⨁x∈mset_factors m. a x ⊗ b (m - x) ⊕ a x ⊗ c (m - x))"
have 0: "(λx. a x ⊗ b (m - x)) ∈ mset_factors m → carrier R"
fix x assume "x ∈ mset_factors m"
then show "a x ⊗ b (m - x) ∈ carrier R"
using assms carrier_coeffE
by blast
have 1: "(λx. a x ⊗ c (m - x)) ∈ mset_factors m → carrier R"
fix x assume "x ∈ mset_factors m"
then show "a x ⊗ c (m - x) ∈ carrier R"
using assms carrier_coeffE
by blast
then show ?thesis
using 0 1 RHS assms finsum_addf[of "λx. a x ⊗ b (m - x)" "mset_factors m"
"λx. a x ⊗ c (m - x)"]
by metis
show ?thesis using LHS RHS' by auto
lemma P_ring_ldistr:
assumes "carrier_coeff a"
assumes "carrier_coeff b"
assumes "carrier_coeff c"
shows " (b ⨁ c) ⨂⇩p a = (b ⨂⇩p a)⨁ (c ⨂⇩p a)"
fix m
show "((b ⨁ c) ⨂⇩p a) m = ((b ⨂⇩p a)⨁ (c ⨂⇩p a)) m"
have RHS: "((b ⨂⇩p a)⨁ (c ⨂⇩p a)) m =
(⨁x∈mset_factors m. b x ⊗ a (m - x)) ⊕ (⨁x∈mset_factors m. c x ⊗ a (m - x))"
unfolding indexed_padd_def P_ring_mult_def by auto
have LHS: "((b ⨁ c) ⨂⇩p a) m=
( ⨁x∈mset_factors m. b x ⊗ a (m - x) ⊕ c x ⊗ a (m - x))"
unfolding indexed_padd_def P_ring_mult_def
by (meson assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) l_distr local.ring_axioms ring.carrier_coeff_def)
have RHS': "((b ⨂⇩p a)⨁ (c ⨂⇩p a)) m =
(⨁x∈mset_factors m. b x ⊗ a (m - x) ⊕ c x ⊗ a (m - x))"
have 0: "(λx. b x ⊗ a (m - x)) ∈ mset_factors m → carrier R"
fix x assume "x ∈ mset_factors m"
then show "b x ⊗ a (m - x) ∈ carrier R"
using assms carrier_coeffE
by blast
have 1: "(λx. c x ⊗ a (m - x)) ∈ mset_factors m → carrier R"
fix x assume "x ∈ mset_factors m"
then show "c x ⊗ a (m - x) ∈ carrier R"
using assms carrier_coeffE
by blast
then show ?thesis
using 0 1 RHS assms finsum_addf[of "λx. b x ⊗ a (m - x)" "mset_factors m"
"λx. c x ⊗ a (m - x)"]
by metis
show ?thesis using LHS RHS' by auto
subsubsection‹Multiplication Commutes with \texttt{indexed\_pmult}›
context ring
text‹This lemma shows how we can write the factors of a monomial $m$ times a variable $i$ in terms
of the factors of m:›
lemma mset_factors_add_mset:
"mset_factors (add_mset i m) = mset_factors m ∪ add_mset i ` (mset_factors m)"
show "mset_factors (add_mset i m) ⊆ mset_factors m ∪ add_mset i ` mset_factors m"
proof fix x
assume A: "x ∈ mset_factors (add_mset i m)"
show "x ∈ mset_factors m ∪ add_mset i ` mset_factors m"
proof(cases "i ∈# x")
case True
then have "x - {#i#} ⊆# m"
using A INTEG.R.monom_divides_factors subset_eq_diff_conv by force
then show ?thesis
by (metis INTEG.R.monom_divides_factors True UnI2 add_mset_remove_trivial image_iff multi_member_split)
case False
have 0: "x ⊆# add_mset i m"
using A INTEG.R.monom_divides_factors by blast
hence "x ⊆# m"
using mset_subset_eqI[of x m] 0 False
by (metis count_add_mset count_greater_zero_iff count_inI less_Suc_eq_le
subseteq_mset_def union_single_eq_member)
thus ?thesis
using INTEG.R.monom_divides_factors by blast
show "mset_factors m ∪ add_mset i ` mset_factors m ⊆ mset_factors (add_mset i m)"
proof fix x assume A: "x ∈ mset_factors m ∪ add_mset i ` mset_factors m"
have "x ⊆# add_mset i m"
proof(cases "x ∈ mset_factors m")
case True
then have "x ⊆# m"
by (simp add: INTEG.R.monom_divides_factors)
hence "(⋀a. count x a ≤ count (add_mset i m) a)"
using mset_subset_eq_count[of x m] count_add_mset[of i m]
nat_le_linear not_less_eq_eq by fastforce
thus ?thesis
using mset_subset_eqI by blast
case False
then obtain n where n_def: "n ∈ mset_factors m ∧ x = add_mset i n"
using A by blast
then have "x ⊆# add_mset i m"
by (simp add: INTEG.R.monom_divides_factors)
then show ?thesis
by simp
thus "x ∈ mset_factors (add_mset i m)"
by (simp add: INTEG.R.monom_divides_factors)
subsubsection‹Associativity of Polynomial Multiplication.›
context ring
lemma finsum_eq:
assumes "f ∈ S → carrier R"
assumes "g ∈ S → carrier R"
assumes "(λ x ∈ S. f x) = (λ x ∈ S. g x)"
shows " finsum R f S = finsum R g S"
by (metis assms(1) assms(3) finsum_cong' restrict_apply')
lemma finsum_eq_induct:
assumes "f ∈ S → carrier R"
assumes "g ∈ T → carrier R"
assumes "finite S"
assumes "finite T"
assumes "bij_betw h S T"
assumes "⋀s. s ∈ S ⟹ f s = g (h s)"
shows "finite U ⟹ U ⊆ S ⟹ finsum R f U = finsum R g (h ` U)"
apply(induct rule: finite_induct)
apply (simp; fail)
fix x
fix F :: "'c set"
assume F_fin: "finite F"
assume x_not_in: "x ∉ F"
assume IH: "(F ⊆ S ⟹ finsum R f F = finsum R g (h ` F)) "
show "insert x F ⊆ S ⟹ finsum R f (insert x F) = finsum R g (h ` insert x F)"
assume A: "insert x F ⊆ S"
then have F_sub: "F ⊆S"
by simp
have x_in: "x ∈ S"
using A by blast
have fx_in: "f x ∈ carrier R"
using x_in assms(1)
by auto
have ghx_fx_eq:
"f x = g (h x)"
using x_in assms
by blast
have I: "finsum R f F = finsum R g (h ` F)"
using F_sub IH by blast
have f_fact: "f ∈ F → carrier R "
using assms(1) F_sub
by blast
have "finsum R f (insert x F) = (f x) ⊗⇘add_monoid R⇙ (finsum R f F) "
using F_fin x_not_in comm_monoid.finprod_insert[of "(add_monoid R)" F x f ]
unfolding finsum_def
using f_fact fx_in local.add.comm_monoid_axioms
by auto
have "finsum R g (h ` insert x F) = finsum R g (insert (h x) (h ` F))"
by simp
then have "finsum R g (h ` insert x F) = (g (h x)) ⊗⇘add_monoid R⇙ finsum R g (h ` F)"
have 0: "finite (h ` F)"
by (simp add: F_fin)
have 1: "h x ∉ h ` F"
have 10: "bij_betw h F (h` F)"
using assms(5) F_sub bij_betw_subset
by blast
show ?thesis
assume "h x ∈ h ` F "
then obtain s where s_def: "s ∈ F ∧ h s = h x"
using 10
by auto
have "s ∈ S"
using F_sub s_def by blast
then have "s = x"
using x_in assms(5)
unfolding bij_betw_def inj_on_def
by blast
then show False using x_not_in
using s_def by blast
have 2: "g ∈ h ` F → carrier (add_monoid R)"
fix y
assume Ay: "y ∈ h ` F"
then obtain s where s_def: "y = h s ∧ s ∈ F"
by blast
then have s_S: "s ∈ S"
using F_sub by blast
have "h ` F ⊆ T"
using F_sub assms(5)
unfolding bij_betw_def
by blast
then have "g y ∈ carrier R"
using Ay assms(2)
by blast
then show "g y ∈ carrier (add_monoid R)"
by simp
have "g (h x) ∈ carrier (add_monoid R)"
using fx_in ghx_fx_eq
by auto
then show ?thesis
using 0 1 2 comm_monoid.finprod_insert[of "(add_monoid R)" "(h ` F)" "h x" g ]
unfolding finsum_def
by (simp add: local.add.comm_monoid_axioms)
then have "finsum R g (h ` insert x F) = f x ⊗⇘add_monoid R⇙ (finsum R f F)"
using I ghx_fx_eq by auto
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: ‹finsum R f (insert x F) = f x ⊗⇘add_monoid R⇙ finsum R f F›)
lemma finsum_bij_eq:
assumes "f ∈ S → carrier R"
assumes "g ∈ T → carrier R"
assumes "finite S"
assumes "bij_betw h S T"
assumes "⋀s. s ∈ S ⟹ f s = g (h s)"
shows "finsum R f S = finsum R g T"
have 0: "finite T"
using assms bij_betw_finite
by blast
have 1: "(⋀s. s ∈ S ⟹ f s = g (h s)) "
using assms
by blast
have "(⋀s. s ∈ S ⟹ f s = g (h s)) ⟹ finite S ⟹ S ⊆ S ⟹ finsum R f S = finsum R g (h ` S)"
using 0 assms finsum_eq_induct[of f S g T h S ]
by blast
then have "finsum R f S = finsum R g (h ` S)"
using assms(5) assms(3)
by blast
then show ?thesis
using assms(5) assms(4) bij_betw_imp_surj_on
by blast
lemma monom_comp:
assumes "x ⊆# m"
assumes "y ⊆# m - x"
shows "x ⊆# m - y"
using assms
by (metis add_diff_cancel_left' subset_eq_diff_conv
subset_mset.le_diff_conv2 subset_mset.order_refl subset_mset.order_trans)
lemma monom_comp':
assumes "x ⊆# m"
assumes "y = m - x"
shows "x = m - y"
using assms
by (metis add_diff_cancel_right' subset_mset.add_diff_inverse)
text ‹
This lemma turns iterated sums into sums over a product set. The first lemma is only a technical
phrasing of \texttt{double\_finsum'} to facilitate an inductive proof, and likely can and should
be simplified.
lemma double_finsum_induct:
assumes "finite S"
assumes "⋀s. s ∈ S ⟹ finite (F s)"
assumes "P = (λS. {(s, t). s ∈ S ∧ t ∈ (F s)})"
assumes "⋀s y. s ∈ S ⟹ y ∈ (F s) ⟹ g s y ∈ carrier R"
shows "finite T ⟹ T ⊆ S ⟹ finsum R (λs. finsum R (g s) (F s)) T =
finsum R (λ c. g (fst c) (snd c)) (P T)"
apply(induct rule: finite_induct)
apply (simp add: assms(3); fail)
fix x
fix T :: "'c set"
assume AT: "finite T"
assume x_notin: "x ∉ T"
assume IH: "(T ⊆ S ⟹ (⨁s∈T. finsum R (g s) (F s)) = (⨁c∈P T. g (fst c) (snd c)))"
assume A: "insert x T ⊆S"
show " (⨁s∈insert x T. finsum R (g s) (F s)) = (⨁c∈P (insert x T). g (fst c) (snd c))"
have 0: "(λs. finsum R (g s) (F s)) ∈ T → carrier R"
fix v
assume A0: "v ∈ T"
then have A1: "v ∈ S"
using A by blast
then show "finsum R (g v) (F v) ∈ carrier R"
have 00: "finite (F v)"
using assms A
using ‹v ∈ T› by blast
have "g v ∈ F v → carrier R"
fix l assume "l ∈ F v"
then show "g v l ∈ carrier R"
using A1 assms(4)[of v l]
by blast
then show ?thesis
using finsum_closed by blast
have 1: "finsum R (g x) (F x) ∈ carrier R"
have "x ∈ S"
using A by blast
then show ?thesis using assms(4) finsum_closed[of "(g x)" "F x"]
by blast
have 2: " (⨁s∈insert x T. finsum R (g s) (F s)) = finsum R (g x) (F x) ⊕ (⨁s∈ T. finsum R (g s) (F s))"
using 0 1 finsum_insert[of T x "(λs. finsum R (g s) (F s))"] AT x_notin
by blast
have 3: "P (insert x T) = P {x} ∪ P T"
show "P (insert x T) ⊆ P {x} ∪ P T"
fix y
assume "y ∈ P (insert x T)"
then show "y ∈ P {x} ∪ P T"
using assms
by blast
show "P {x} ∪ P T ⊆ P (insert x T)"
fix y
assume Ay: "y ∈ P {x} ∪ P T"
show "y ∈ P (insert x T)"
proof(cases "y ∈ P {x}")
case True
then have "y ∈ ({(s, t). s ∈ {x} ∧ t ∈ F s})"
using assms(3) by auto
then have "fst y = x ∧ snd y ∈ F x"
using Product_Type.Collect_case_prodD by auto
then show ?thesis using assms(3)
using fst_def by auto
case False
then have "y ∈ P T"
using Ay
by blast
then have "y ∈ ({(s, t). s ∈ T ∧ t ∈ F s})"
using assms(3) by blast
then obtain s t where st_def: "y = (s, t) ∧s ∈ T ∧ t ∈ F s"
by blast
then have "y = (s, t) ∧s ∈ (insert x T) ∧ t ∈ F s"
by blast
then show ?thesis using assms(3)
by simp
have 4: "P {x} ∩ P T = {}"
show "P {x} ∩ P T ⊆ {}"
fix y
assume B: "y ∈ P {x} ∩ P T"
then have "fst y = x"
have "y ∈ {(s, t). s ∈ {x} ∧ t ∈ F s}"
using assms(3) B by auto
then obtain s t where "y = (s, t) ∧ s ∈ {x} ∧ t ∈ F s"
by blast
then show ?thesis
by auto
have "fst y ∈ T"
have "y ∈ {(s, t). s ∈ T ∧ t ∈ F s}"
using assms(3) B by auto
then obtain s t where "y = (s, t) ∧ s ∈ T ∧ t ∈ F s"
by blast
then show ?thesis
by simp
then have False
using x_notin
by (simp add: ‹fst y = x›)
then show "y ∈ {}"
by simp
show "{} ⊆ P {x} ∩ P T"
by simp
have 5: "(λc. g (fst c) (snd c)) ∈ P {x} → carrier R"
fix y
assume X0: "y ∈ P {x}"
obtain s t where st_def: "y = (s, t) ∧ (s, t) ∈ P {x}"
by (metis X0
then have st: "s = x ∧ t ∈ F x"
using assms(3) by blast
then have "g (fst y) (snd y) = g x t ∧t ∈ F x"
by (simp add: st_def)
then show "g (fst y) (snd y) ∈ carrier R"
using assms(4)[of x t] A
by simp
have 6: "(λc. g (fst c) (snd c)) ∈ P T → carrier R"
fix y
assume X0: "y ∈ P T"
obtain s t where st_def: "y = (s, t) ∧ (s, t) ∈ P T"
by (metis X0
then have st: "s ∈ T ∧ t ∈ F s"
using assms(3) by blast
then have "g (fst y) (snd y) = g s t ∧t ∈ F s"
by (simp add: st_def)
then show "g (fst y) (snd y) ∈ carrier R"
using assms(4)[of s t] A st
by auto
have 07: "⋀x. x ∈ S ⟹ finite (P {x})"
fix x
assume "x ∈ S"
have "bij_betw snd (P {x}) (F x)"
unfolding bij_betw_def
show "inj_on snd (P {x})"
fix a b
assume Aa: "a ∈ P {x}"
assume Ab: "b ∈ P {x}"
have 0: "fst a = x"
have" a ∈ {(s, t). s ∈ {x} ∧ t ∈ F s} "
using Aa assms(3)
by blast
then obtain s t where st_def: "a = (s, t) ∧ s ∈ {x} ∧ t ∈ F s"
by blast
then show ?thesis
by auto
have 1: "fst b = x"
have" b ∈ {(s, t). s ∈ {x} ∧ t ∈ F s} "
using Ab assms(3)
by blast
then obtain s t where st_def: "b = (s, t) ∧ s ∈ {x} ∧ t ∈ F s"
by blast
then show ?thesis
by auto
show "snd a = snd b ⟹ a = b"
using 0 1
by (simp add: prod_eqI)
show "snd ` P {x} = F x"
show "snd ` P {x} ⊆ F x"
fix y
assume 0: "y ∈ snd ` P {x}"
then obtain q where q_def: " q ∈ P {x} ∧ y = snd q"
by blast
then obtain s t where st: "q = (s, t) ∧ s ∈ {x} ∧ t ∈ F s"
using assms(3) by blast
then have 1: "s = x"
by blast
have 2: "snd q = t"
by (simp add: st)
then show "y ∈ F x"
using q_def st by blast
show "F x ⊆ snd ` P {x}"
fix y
assume "y ∈ F x"
then have C: "(x, y) ∈ P {x}"
using assms(3)
by simp
then have "y = snd (x, y)"
by auto
then show "y ∈ snd ` P {x}"
using C
by blast
then show "finite (P {x})"
using assms(2)[of x] bij_betw_finite
‹x ∈ S›
by blast
have 7: "finite (P {x})"
using 07 A
by blast
have 8: "finite (P T)"
have "⋀D. finite D ⟹ D ⊆ S ⟹ finite (P D)"
fix D
show "finite D ⟹ D ⊆ S ⟹ finite (P D)"
apply(induct rule: finite_induct)
have "P {} = {}" using assms(3)
by blast
then show "finite (P {})"
by auto
show "⋀x F. finite F ⟹ x ∉ F ⟹ (F ⊆ S ⟹ finite (P F)) ⟹ insert x F ⊆ S ⟹ finite (P (insert x F))"
fix x
fix Q :: "'c set "
assume fin: "finite Q"
assume notin: "x ∉ Q"
assume fin_pf: "(Q ⊆ S ⟹ finite (P Q))"
assume I: "insert x Q ⊆ S "
show "finite (P (insert x Q))"
have x_in: "x ∈ S"
using I by blast
have 0: "(P (insert x Q)) ⊆ (P Q) ∪ P {x}"
fix y
assume "y ∈ P (insert x Q)"
obtain s t where st: "y = (s, t) ∧ s ∈ (insert x Q) ∧ t ∈ F s"
using assms(3) x_in ‹y ∈ P (insert x Q)›
by blast
show "y ∈ (P Q) ∪ P {x}"
proof(cases "s ∈ Q")
case True
then have "y ∈ P Q"
using st assms(3)
by simp
then show ?thesis using st assms(3)
by blast
case False
then have "s = x"
using st by blast
then have "s ∈{x} ∧ t ∈ F s"
using st by blast
then have "y ∈ P {x}"
using st assms(3)
by auto
then show ?thesis by auto
have 1: "finite (P Q)"
using I fin_pf by blast
have "finite (P {x})"
using "07" x_in by blast
then show ?thesis using 0 1
using finite_subset by auto
then show ?thesis
using A AT by blast
have 9: "(⨁q∈P (insert x T). g (fst q) (snd q)) =
(⨁q∈P T. g (fst q) (snd q)) ⊕ (⨁q∈P {x}. g (fst q) (snd q))"
using 8 7 6 5 4 3 finsum_Un_disjoint[of "P {x}" "P T" "λq. g (fst q) (snd q)"]
by (simp add: "7" ‹⟦finite (P {x}); finite (P T); P {x} ∩ P T = {}; (λp. g (fst p) (snd p))
∈ P {x} → carrier R; (λp. g (fst p) (snd p)) ∈ P T → carrier R⟧ ⟹
(⨁p∈P {x} ∪ P T. g (fst p) (snd p)) = (⨁p∈P {x}. g (fst p) (snd p)) ⊕
(⨁p∈P T. g (fst p) (snd p))› add.m_comm)
have 10: "(⨁p∈P (insert x T). g (fst p) (snd p))
= (⨁s∈T. finsum R (g s) (F s))⊕ (⨁p∈P {x}. g (fst p) (snd p))"
using IH 9 A
by auto
have 11: "(⨁p∈P {x}. g (fst p) (snd p)) = finsum R (g x) (F x)"
obtain h :: "('c × 'd) ⇒ 'd" where h_def: "h = snd"
by simp
have 110: "bij_betw h (P {x}) (F x)"
unfolding bij_betw_def
show "inj_on h (P {x})"
unfolding inj_on_def
fix q
assume Ap: "q ∈ P {x}"
show " ∀y∈P {x}. h q = h y ⟶ q = y"
fix y
assume q_def: "y ∈ P {x}"
then have C0: "fst y = x"
using assms(3)
by (simp add: case_prod_beta)
have C1: "fst q = x"
using assms(3) Ap
by (simp add: case_prod_beta)
show "h q = h y ⟶ q = y"
using C0 C1 h_def
by (simp add: prod_eq_iff)
show "h ` P {x} = F x"
show "h ` P {x} ⊆ F x"
fix y
assume "y ∈ h ` P {x}"
then obtain d where d_def: "y = h d ∧ d ∈ P {x}"
by blast
then obtain s t where st_def: "d = (s, t)"
by (meson surj_pair)
then have "s = x ∧ t ∈ F x"
using assms(3) d_def
by blast
then show "y ∈ F x"
using assms(3)
by (simp add: d_def h_def st_def)
show "F x ⊆ h ` P {x}"
fix y
assume E0: "y ∈ F x"
have E1: "y = h (x , y)"
by (simp add: h_def)
have "(x, y) ∈ P {x}"
using E0 assms(3) by blast
then show "y ∈ h ` P {x} "
using E1 assms(3) by blast
have 111: "g x ∈ F x → carrier R "
fix y
assume "y ∈ F x"
then show "g x y ∈ carrier R"
using assms A
by blast
have 112: "(⋀s. s ∈ P {x} ⟹ g (fst s) (snd s) = g x (h s))"
fix s
assume "s ∈ P{x}"
then have "s ∈ {(s, t). s = x ∧ t ∈ F s}"
using assms(3) by blast
then obtain t where "s = (x, t) ∧ t ∈ F x"
using assms(3)
by blast
then show "g (fst s) (snd s) = g x (h s)"
by (simp add: h_def)
show ?thesis using 5 7 110 111 112 finsum_bij_eq[of "λp. g (fst p) (snd p)" "P {x}" "g x" "F x" h ]
by auto
have 12: "(⨁p∈P (insert x T). g (fst p) (snd p))
= (⨁s∈T. finsum R (g s) (F s))⊕ finsum R (g x) (F x)"
using 10 11 by auto
then show ?thesis using 2
by (simp add: "2" "0" "1" add.m_comm)
lemma double_finsum:
assumes "finite S"
assumes "⋀s. s ∈ S ⟹ finite (F s)"
assumes "P = {(s, t). s ∈ S ∧ t ∈ (F s)}"
assumes "⋀s y. s ∈ S ⟹ y ∈ (F s) ⟹ g s y ∈ carrier R"
shows "finsum R (λs. finsum R (g s) (F s)) S =
finsum R (λ p. g (fst p) (snd p)) P"
obtain P' where P'_def: "P' = (λS. {(s, t). s ∈ S ∧ t ∈ (F s)})"
by simp
have "finsum R (λs. finsum R (g s) (F s)) S =
finsum R (λ p. g (fst p) (snd p)) (P' S)"
using double_finsum_induct[of S F P' g S]
assms P'_def
by blast
then show ?thesis
using P'_def assms
by blast
The product index set for the double sums in the coefficients of the
$((a \otimes_p b) \otimes_p c)$. It is the set of pairs $(x,y)$ of monomials, such that
$x$ is a factor of monomial $m$, and $y$ is a factor of monomial $x$.
definition right_cuts :: "'c monomial ⇒ ('c monomial × 'c monomial) set" where
"right_cuts m = {(x, y). x ⊆# m ∧ y ⊆# x}"
context ring
lemma right_cuts_alt_def:
"right_cuts m = {(x, y). x ∈ mset_factors m ∧ y ∈ mset_factors x}"
unfolding mset_factors_def right_cuts_def
by simp
lemma right_cuts_finite:
"finite (right_cuts m)"
have "finite (mset_factors m × mset_factors m)"
using mset_factors_finite
by blast
have "right_cuts m ⊆ (mset_factors m × mset_factors m)"
fix p
assume p_def: "p ∈ right_cuts m"
obtain x y where xy: "p = (x , y) ∧ x ⊆# m ∧ y ⊆#x"
using p_def unfolding right_cuts_def
by blast
then have "x ∈ mset_factors m ∧ y ∈ mset_factors m"
using monom_divides_factors
by auto
then show "p ∈ (mset_factors m × mset_factors m)"
by (simp add: xy)
then show ?thesis
using ‹finite (mset_factors m × mset_factors m)› finite_subset
by blast
lemma assoc_aux0:
assumes "carrier_coeff a"
assumes "carrier_coeff b"
assumes "carrier_coeff c"
assumes "g = (λx y. a x ⊗ (b y ⊗ c (m - x - y)))"
shows "⋀s y. s ∈ mset_factors m ⟹ y ∈ mset_factors (m - x)
⟹ g s y ∈ carrier R"
using assms carrier_coeffE by blast
lemma assoc_aux1:
assumes "carrier_coeff a"
assumes "carrier_coeff b"
assumes "carrier_coeff c"
assumes "g = (λx y. (a y ⊗ b (x - y)) ⊗ c (m - x))"
shows "⋀s y. s ∈ mset_factors m ⟹ y ∈ mset_factors x ⟹ g s y ∈ carrier R"
using assms carrier_coeffE by blast
The product index set for the double sums in the coefficients of the
$(a \otimes_p (b \otimes_p c))$. It is the set of pairs $(x,y)$ such that $x$ is a factor
of $m$ and $y$ is a factor of $m/x$.
definition left_cuts :: "'c monomial ⇒ ('c monomial × 'c monomial) set" where
"left_cuts m = {(x, y). x ⊆#m ∧ y ⊆# (m - x)}"
context ring
lemma left_cuts_alt_def:
"left_cuts m = {(x, y). x ∈ mset_factors m ∧ y ∈ mset_factors (m - x)}"
unfolding mset_factors_def left_cuts_def
by simp
text‹This lemma witnesses the bijection between left and right cuts for the proof of associativity:›
lemma left_right_cuts_bij:
"bij_betw (λ (x,y). (x + y, x)) (left_cuts m) (right_cuts m)"
unfolding bij_betw_def right_cuts_def left_cuts_def
show "inj_on (λ(x, y). (x + y, x)) {(x, y). x ⊆# m ∧ y ⊆# m - x}"
unfolding inj_on_def
by auto
show "(λ(x, y). (x + y, x)) ` {(x, y). x ⊆# m ∧ y ⊆# m - x} = {(x, y). x ⊆# m ∧ y ⊆# x}"
show "(λ(x, y). (x + y, x)) ` {(x, y). x ⊆# m ∧ y ⊆# m - x} ⊆ {(x, y). x ⊆# m ∧ y ⊆# x}"
fix p
assume "p ∈ (λ(x, y). (x + y, x)) ` {(x, y). x ⊆# m ∧ y ⊆# m - x}"
then obtain a b where ab: "a ⊆# m ∧ b ⊆# m - a ∧ p = (λ(x, y). (x + y, x)) (a, b)"
by blast
then have "p = (a + b, a)"
by simp
then show "p ∈ {(x, y). x ⊆# m ∧ y ⊆# x}"
using ab
by (metis (no_types, lifting) case_prodI mem_Collect_eq mset_subset_eq_add_left
subset_mset.le_diff_conv2 union_commute)
show "{(x, y). x ⊆# m ∧ y ⊆# x} ⊆ (λ(x, y). (x + y, x)) ` {(x, y). x ⊆# m ∧ y ⊆# m - x}"
fix p
assume p_def: "p ∈ {(x, y). x ⊆# m ∧ y ⊆# x}"
then obtain a b where ab: "p = (a, b) ∧ a ⊆# m ∧ b ⊆# a"
by blast
then have "p = (λ(x, y). (x + y, x)) (b, a - b)"
using ab
by simp
then show " p ∈ (λ(x, y). (x + y, x)) ` {(x, y). x ⊆# m ∧ y ⊆# m - x}"
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) ab case_prodI image_eqI mem_Collect_eq
subset_mset.diff_add subset_mset.dual_order.trans subset_mset.le_diff_conv2)
lemma left_cuts_sum:
assumes "carrier_coeff a"
assumes "carrier_coeff b"
assumes "carrier_coeff c"
shows "(a ⨂⇩p (b ⨂⇩p c)) m = (⨁p ∈ left_cuts m. a (fst p) ⊗ (b (snd p) ⊗ c (m - (fst p) - (snd p))))"
have U: "(a ⨂⇩p (b ⨂⇩p c)) m = (⨁x∈mset_factors m. (⨁xa∈mset_factors (m - x). a x ⊗ (b xa ⊗ c (m - x - xa))))"
unfolding P_ring_mult_def
obtain f where f_def:
"f = (λx . a x ⊗ (⨁xa∈mset_factors (m - x). b xa ⊗ c (m - x - xa)))"
by simp
obtain g where g_def:
"g = (λx . ⨁xa∈mset_factors (m - x). a x ⊗ (b xa ⊗ c (m - x - xa)))"
by simp
have 0: "restrict f (mset_factors m) = restrict g (mset_factors m)"
fix x
show "restrict f (mset_factors m) x = restrict g (mset_factors m) x"
proof(cases "x ∈ mset_factors m")
case True
have T0: "restrict f (mset_factors m) x = a x ⊗ (⨁xa∈mset_factors (m - x). b xa ⊗ c (m - x - xa))"
using f_def True by auto
have T1: "restrict g (mset_factors m) x = (⨁xa∈mset_factors (m - x). a x ⊗ (b xa ⊗ c (m - x - xa)))"
using True g_def by auto
show "restrict f (mset_factors m) x = restrict g (mset_factors m) x"
using assms finsum_rdistr[of "mset_factors (m - x)" "a x" "λ xa. b xa ⊗ c (m - x - xa)"]
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) mset_factors_finite Pi_I T0 T1 carrier_coeffE m_closed)
case False
then have "restrict f (mset_factors m) x = undefined" using f_def
by (simp add: restrict_def)
have "restrict g (mset_factors m) x = undefined" using g_def False
using restrict_def by auto
then show ?thesis using f_def g_def
using ‹restrict f (mset_factors m) x = undefined›
by auto
have 1: "f ∈ mset_factors m → carrier R"
using f_def assms
by (simp add: carrier_coeffE)
have 2: "g ∈ mset_factors m → carrier R"
using g_def assms
by (simp add: carrier_coeffE)
show "(⨁x∈mset_factors m. a x ⊗ (⨁xa∈mset_factors (m - x). b xa ⊗ c (m - x - xa))) =
(⨁x∈mset_factors m. ⨁xa∈mset_factors (m - x). a x ⊗ (b xa ⊗ c (m - x - xa)))"
using f_def g_def finsum_eq[of "f"
"mset_factors m" "g"] 0 1 2
by blast
have 0: "(⋀s. s ∈ mset_factors m ⟹ finite (mset_factors (m - s)))"
by simp
have 1: "finite (mset_factors m)"
by simp
have 2: "(⋀s y. s ∈ mset_factors m ⟹ y ∈ mset_factors (m - s) ⟹ a s ⊗ (b y ⊗ c (m - s - y)) ∈ carrier R)"
using assms assoc_aux0[of a b c ]
by blast
have "(⨁x∈mset_factors m. (⨁xa∈mset_factors (m - x). a x ⊗ (b xa ⊗ c (m - x - xa)))) =
(⨁p ∈ left_cuts m. a (fst p) ⊗ (b (snd p) ⊗ c (m - (fst p) - (snd p)))) "
using assms left_cuts_alt_def[of m] 0 1 2
double_finsum[of "mset_factors m" "λx. mset_factors (m - x)" "left_cuts m" "(λx y. a x ⊗ (b y ⊗ c (m - x - y)))"]
by blast
then show ?thesis using U
by auto
lemma right_cuts_sum:
assumes "carrier_coeff a"
assumes "carrier_coeff b"
assumes "carrier_coeff c"
shows "(a ⨂⇩p b ⨂⇩p c) m = (⨁p ∈ right_cuts m. a (snd p) ⊗ (b ((fst p) -(snd p)) ⊗ c (m - (fst p))))"
have 0: "finite (mset_factors m)"
by simp
have 1: "(⋀s. s ∈ mset_factors m ⟹ finite (mset_factors s))"
by auto
have 2: "right_cuts m = {(s, t). s ∈ mset_factors m ∧ t ∈ mset_factors s}"
unfolding right_cuts_def
by (simp add: monom_divides_factors)
have 3: "(⋀s y. s ∈ mset_factors m ⟹ y ∈ mset_factors s ⟹ a y ⊗ b (s - y) ⊗ c (m - s) ∈ carrier R)"
using assoc_aux1 assms(1) assms(2) assms(3)
by blast
have 4: "(⨁s∈mset_factors m. (⨁y∈mset_factors s. a y ⊗ b (s - y) ⊗ c (m - s))) =
(⨁p∈right_cuts m. a (snd p) ⊗ b (fst p - snd p) ⊗ c (m - fst p))"
using 0 1 2 3
double_finsum[of "mset_factors m" _ "right_cuts m"
"(λx y. (a y ⊗ b (x - y)) ⊗ c (m - x))"]
by auto
have 5: "(⨁x∈mset_factors m. (⨁xa∈mset_factors x. a xa ⊗ b (x - xa)) ⊗ c (m - x)) =
(⨁x∈mset_factors m. ⨁xa∈mset_factors x. a xa ⊗ b (x - xa) ⊗ c (m - x))"
obtain f where f_def: "f =( λx. (⨁xa∈mset_factors x. a xa ⊗ b (x - xa)) ⊗ c (m - x))"
by simp
obtain g where g_def: "g = (λx. ⨁xa∈mset_factors x. a xa ⊗ b (x - xa) ⊗ c (m - x))"
by simp
have 50: "⋀s. s ∈ (mset_factors m) ⟹ f s = g s"
fix x
assume As: "x ∈ mset_factors m"
show "f x = g x"
have f_eq: "f x = (⨁xa∈mset_factors x. a xa ⊗ b (x - xa)) ⊗ c (m - x)"
using f_def
by auto
have g_eq: "g x = (⨁xa∈mset_factors x. a xa ⊗ b (x - xa) ⊗ c (m - x))"
using g_def
by auto
have f_eq': "f x = (⨁xa∈mset_factors x. (a xa ⊗ b (x - xa)) ⊗ c (m - x))"
using f_eq finsum_ldistr[of "mset_factors x" "c (m - x)" "λxa. (a xa ⊗ b (x - xa))" ] assms
by (simp add: ‹⟦finite (mset_factors x); c (m - x) ∈ carrier R; (λxa. a xa ⊗ b (x - xa)) ∈ mset_factors x → carrier R⟧ ⟹ (⨁i∈mset_factors x. a i ⊗ b (x - i)) ⊗ c (m - x) = (⨁i∈mset_factors x. a i ⊗ b (x - i) ⊗ c (m - x))› Pi_I carrier_coeffE)
then show "f x = g x"
by (simp add: g_eq)
have 51: "f ∈ mset_factors m → carrier R"
fix x
assume "x ∈ mset_factors m"
have "(⨁xa∈mset_factors x. a xa ⊗ b (x - xa)) ⊗ c (m - x )∈ carrier R"
using assms carrier_coeffE finsum_closed[of "λxa. a xa ⊗ b (x - xa)" "mset_factors x"]
by blast
then show "f x ∈ carrier R" using assms f_def by auto
have 52: "g ∈ mset_factors m → carrier R"
fix x
assume "x ∈ mset_factors m"
show "g x ∈ carrier R"
using assms finsum_closed[of "λxa. a xa ⊗ b (x - xa) ⊗ c (m - x)" "mset_factors x"] g_def
by (metis (no_types, lifting) "50" "51" Pi_iff ‹x ∈ mset_factors m›)
show ?thesis
using 50 51 52 finsum_eq[of f "(mset_factors m) " g]
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) f_def finsum_cong' g_def)
then have 6: "(⨁x∈mset_factors m. (⨁xa∈mset_factors x. a xa ⊗ b (x - xa)) ⊗ c (m - x)) =
(⨁p∈right_cuts m. a (snd p) ⊗ b (fst p - snd p) ⊗ c (m - fst p))"
by (simp add: "4")
have 7: "(⨁p∈right_cuts m. a (snd p) ⊗ b (fst p - snd p) ⊗ c (m - fst p))
= (⨁p∈right_cuts m. a (snd p) ⊗ (b (fst p - snd p) ⊗ c (m - fst p)))"
using assms
by (meson local.ring_axioms m_assoc ring.carrier_coeff_def)
then show ?thesis
using assms 5 6
unfolding P_ring_mult_def
by simp
text‹The Associativity of Polynomial Multiplication:›
lemma P_ring_mult_assoc:
assumes "carrier_coeff a"
assumes "carrier_coeff b"
assumes "carrier_coeff c"
shows "a ⨂⇩p (b ⨂⇩p c) = (a ⨂⇩p b) ⨂⇩p c"
fix m
show "(a ⨂⇩p (b ⨂⇩p c)) m = (a ⨂⇩p b ⨂⇩p c) m"
obtain f where f_def: "f = (λp. a (snd p) ⊗ (b ((fst p) -(snd p)) ⊗ c (m - (fst p))))"
by simp
obtain g where g_def: "g = (λp. a (fst p) ⊗ (b (snd p) ⊗ c (m - (fst p) - (snd p))))"
by simp
have f_dom: "f ∈ right_cuts m → carrier R"
using assms f_def unfolding right_cuts_def
by (simp add: carrier_coeffE)
have g_dom: "g ∈ left_cuts m → carrier R"
using assms g_def unfolding left_cuts_def
by (simp add: carrier_coeffE)
have 0: "finite (right_cuts m)"
by (simp add: right_cuts_finite)
have 1: "bij_betw (λ (x,y). (x + y, x)) (left_cuts m) (right_cuts m)"
by (simp add: left_right_cuts_bij)
have 2: "(⋀s. s ∈ left_cuts m ⟹ g s = f (case s of (x, y) ⇒ (x + y, x)))"
fix s
assume "s ∈ left_cuts m"
then obtain x y where xy: "s = (x, y) ∧ x ⊆# m ∧ y ⊆# m - x"
using left_cuts_def
by blast
then have g_eq: "g s = a x ⊗ (b y ⊗ c (m - x - y))"
using g_def fst_conv
by auto
have f_eq: "f (case s of (x, y) ⇒ (x + y, x)) = f (x + y, x)"
by (simp add: xy)
then have f_eq': "f (case s of (x, y) ⇒ (x + y, x)) = a x ⊗ (b ((x + y) - x) ⊗ c (m - (x + y)))"
using f_def
by simp
then show "g s = f (case s of (x, y) ⇒ (x + y, x))"
by (simp add: g_eq)
have 3: "finsum R g (left_cuts m) = finsum R f (right_cuts m)"
using 0 1 2 finsum_bij_eq[of g "left_cuts m" f "right_cuts m" "λ (x,y). (x + y, x)" ]
using bij_betw_finite f_dom g_dom by blast
then show ?thesis using assms right_cuts_sum left_cuts_sum
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) f_def f_dom finsum_cong' g_def g_dom)
subsubsection‹Commutativity of Polynomial Multiplication›
context ring
lemma mset_factors_bij:
"bij_betw (λx. m - x) (mset_factors m) (mset_factors m)"
apply(rule bij_betwI')
apply (metis monom_comp' monom_divides_factors)
apply (simp add: monom_divides_factors)
by (meson monom_comp' monom_divides_factors diff_subset_eq_self)
lemma(in cring) P_ring_mult_comm:
assumes "carrier_coeff a"
assumes "carrier_coeff b"
shows "a ⨂⇩p b = b ⨂⇩p a"
fix m
show "(a ⨂⇩p b) m = (b ⨂⇩p a) m"
unfolding P_ring_mult_def
apply (rule finsum_bij_eq[of "λ x. a x ⊗ b (m - x)" "mset_factors m"
"λx. b x ⊗ a (m - x)" "mset_factors m" "λx. m - x"])
show "⋀x. x ∈ mset_factors m ⟹ a x ⊗ b (m - x) ∈ carrier R"
fix x
assume "x ∈ mset_factors m"
show "a x ⊗ b (m - x) ∈ carrier R"
using assms carrier_coeffE
by blast
show "(λx. b x ⊗ a (m - x)) ∈ mset_factors m → carrier R"
fix x
assume "x ∈ mset_factors m"
show "b x ⊗ a (m - x) ∈ carrier R"
using assms carrier_coeffE
by blast
show "finite (mset_factors m)"
by simp
show "bij_betw ((-) m) (mset_factors m) (mset_factors m)"
by (simp add: mset_factors_bij)
show "⋀s. s ∈ mset_factors m ⟹ a s ⊗ b (m - s) = b (m - s) ⊗ a (m - (m - s))"
fix s
assume "s ∈ mset_factors m"
then show "a s ⊗ b (m - s) = b (m - s) ⊗ a (m - (m - s))"
using assms carrier_coeffE
by (metis local.ring_axioms m_comm ring.monom_comp' ring.monom_divides_factors)
subsubsection‹Closure properties for multiplication›
text‹Building monomials from polynomials:›
lemma indexed_const_P_mult_eq:
assumes "a ∈ carrier R"
assumes "b ∈ carrier R"
shows "(indexed_const a) ⨂⇩p (indexed_const b) = indexed_const (a ⊗ b)"
have 0: "monomials_of R (indexed_const a) = (if (a = 𝟬) then {} else {{#}})"
unfolding monomials_of_def indexed_const_def
by auto
have 1: "monomials_of R (indexed_const b) = (if (b = 𝟬) then {} else {{#}})"
unfolding monomials_of_def indexed_const_def
by auto
show ?thesis
unfolding P_ring_mult_def
fix m:: "'c monomial"
show "(⨁x∈mset_factors m. indexed_const a x ⊗ indexed_const b (m - x)) = indexed_const (a ⊗ b) m "
proof(cases "m = {#}")
case True
then have T0: "mset_factors m = {{#}}"
unfolding mset_factors_def
by simp
have "(⨁x∈mset_factors m. indexed_const a x ⊗ indexed_const b (m - x)) =
indexed_const a {#} ⊗ indexed_const b ({#} - {#}) "
have 0: "(λx. indexed_const a x ⊗ indexed_const b (m - x)) ∈ {} → carrier R"
by blast
have 1: "indexed_const a {#} ⊗ indexed_const b (m - {#}) ∈ carrier R"
by (simp add: assms(1) assms(2) indexed_const_def)
have 2: "(⨁x∈{{#}}. indexed_const a x ⊗ indexed_const b (m - x)) =
indexed_const a {#} ⊗ indexed_const b (m - {#}) ⊕ (⨁x∈{}. indexed_const a x ⊗ indexed_const b (m - x))"
using True T0 0 1 finsum_insert[of "{}" "{#}" "λx. indexed_const a x ⊗ indexed_const b (m - x)" ]
by (simp add: indexed_const_def)
then show ?thesis
using True T0 0 1 finsum_insert[of "{}" "{#}" "λx. indexed_const a x ⊗ indexed_const b (m - x)" ]
finsum_empty[of "λx. indexed_const a x ⊗ indexed_const b (m - x)"]
by (simp add: ‹⟦finite {}; {#} ∉ {}; (λx. indexed_const a x ⊗ indexed_const b (m - x)) ∈ {} → carrier R; indexed_const a {#} ⊗ indexed_const b (m - {#}) ∈ carrier R⟧ ⟹ (⨁x∈{{#}}. indexed_const a x ⊗ indexed_const b (m - x)) = indexed_const a {#} ⊗ indexed_const b (m - {#}) ⊕ (⨁x∈{}. indexed_const a x ⊗ indexed_const b (m - x))› indexed_const_def)
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: True indexed_const_def)
case False
then show ?thesis using 0 1
by (simp add: add.finprod_one_eqI assms(1) assms(2)
indexed_const_def )
lemma indexed_const_P_multE:
assumes "P ∈ indexed_pset I (carrier R)"
assumes "c ∈ carrier R"
shows "(P ⨂⇩p (indexed_const c)) m = (P m) ⊗ c"
unfolding P_ring_mult_def
have 3: "m ∉ mset_factors m - {m}"
by simp
have 4: "finite ((mset_factors m) - {m})"
by simp
have 5: "P m ⊗ indexed_const c (m - m) ∈ carrier R "
by (metis assms(1) assms(2) cancel_comm_monoid_add_class.diff_cancel
carrier_coeffE indexed_const_def indexed_pset_in_carrier local.ring_axioms
ring.ring_simprules(5) subsetI)
have 0: "(λx. P x ⊗ indexed_const c (m - x)) ∈ mset_factors m - {m} → carrier R"
fix x
assume "x ∈ mset_factors m - {m}"
then show "P x ⊗ indexed_const c (m - x) ∈ carrier R "
using assms
by (meson carrier_coeffE indexed_const_in_carrier indexed_pset_in_carrier m_closed subsetI)
have 1: "P m ⊗ indexed_const c ( m - m) = (P m ⊗ c)"
by (simp add: indexed_const_def)
have 2: "⋀x. x ∈ mset_factors m ⟹ P x ⊗ indexed_const c (m - x) = (if x = m then (P m ⊗ c) else 𝟬)"
fix x
assume "x ∈ mset_factors m "
then have "indexed_const c (m - x) = (if x = m then c else 𝟬)"
unfolding indexed_const_def
by (metis cancel_comm_monoid_add_class.diff_cancel
diff_zero monom_comp' monom_divides_factors)
then show "P x ⊗ indexed_const c (m - x) = (if x = m then (P m ⊗ c) else 𝟬)"
by (metis assms(1) carrier_coeffE indexed_pset_in_carrier
local.semiring_axioms semiring.r_null set_eq_subset)
then have "(⨁x∈(mset_factors m) - {m}. P x ⊗ indexed_const c (m - x)) = 𝟬"
using assms
by (metis (no_types, lifting) DiffD1 DiffD2 add.finprod_one_eqI singletonI)
then show "(⨁x∈(mset_factors m). P x ⊗ indexed_const c (m - x)) = P m ⊗ c"
using assms 0 1 3 4 5 finsum_insert[of "(mset_factors m) - {m}"
m "λx. P x ⊗ indexed_const c (m - x) "]
by (metis (no_types, lifting) m_factor add.l_cancel_one
insert_Diff_single insert_absorb zero_closed)
lemma indexed_const_var_mult:
assumes "P ∈ indexed_pset I (carrier R)"
assumes "c ∈ carrier R"
assumes "i ∈ I"
shows "P ⨂ i ⨂⇩p indexed_const c = (P ⨂⇩p (indexed_const c)) ⨂ i "
fix m
show "(P ⨂ i ⨂⇩p indexed_const c) m = (P ⨂⇩p indexed_const c ⨂ i) m"
proof(cases "i ∈# m")
case True
then have T0: "(P ⨂ i ⨂⇩p indexed_const c) m = (P ⨂ i) m ⊗ c"
using assms indexed_const_P_multE[of "P ⨂ i" I c m]
by (simp add: indexed_pset.indexed_pmult)
then show ?thesis using assms indexed_const_P_multE[of P I c m]
unfolding indexed_pmult_def
using True indexed_const_P_multE by fastforce
case False
then have T0: "(P ⨂ i ⨂⇩p indexed_const c) m = (P ⨂ i) m ⊗ c"
using assms indexed_const_P_multE[of "P ⨂ i" I c m]
by (simp add: indexed_pset.indexed_pmult)
then show ?thesis using assms indexed_const_P_multE[of P I c m]
unfolding indexed_pmult_def
using False by auto
lemma indexed_const_P_mult_closed:
assumes "a ∈ indexed_pset I (carrier R)"
assumes "c ∈ carrier R"
shows "a ⨂⇩p (indexed_const c) ∈ indexed_pset I (carrier R)"
apply(rule indexed_pset.induct[of a I "(carrier R)" ])
apply (simp add: assms(1); fail)
show "⋀k. (k ∈ carrier R) ⟹ ((indexed_const k) ⨂⇩p (indexed_const c)) ∈ ((carrier R) [𝒳⇘I⇙])"
using assms
by (metis indexed_const_P_mult_eq indexed_pset.simps m_closed)
show "⋀P Q. P ∈ ((carrier R) [𝒳⇘I⇙]) ⟹
P ⨂⇩p indexed_const c ∈ ((carrier R) [𝒳⇘I⇙]) ⟹
Q ∈ ((carrier R) [𝒳⇘I⇙]) ⟹ Q ⨂⇩p indexed_const c ∈ ((carrier R) [𝒳⇘I⇙]) ⟹ P ⨁ Q ⨂⇩p indexed_const c ∈ ((carrier R) [𝒳⇘I⇙])"
using P_ring_ldistr
by (metis assms(2) carrier_coeff_def indexed_const_in_carrier indexed_pset.indexed_padd indexed_pset_in_carrier subsetI)
show "⋀P i. P ∈ ((carrier R) [𝒳⇘I⇙]) ⟹ P ⨂⇩p indexed_const c ∈ ((carrier R) [𝒳⇘I⇙]) ⟹ i ∈ I ⟹ P ⨂ i ⨂⇩p indexed_const c ∈ ((carrier R) [𝒳⇘I⇙])"
fix P i
assume A0: "P ∈ ((carrier R) [𝒳⇘I⇙])"
assume A1: " (P ⨂⇩p indexed_const c) ∈ ((carrier R) [𝒳⇘I⇙])"
assume A2: "i ∈ I"
show "P ⨂ i ⨂⇩p indexed_const c ∈ (carrier R [𝒳⇘I⇙])"
using assms A0 A1 A2 indexed_const_var_mult local.ring_axioms ring.indexed_pset.simps
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting))
lemma monom_add_mset:
"mset_to_IP R (add_mset i m) = mset_to_IP R m ⨂ i"
unfolding indexed_pmult_def
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) add_mset_diff_bothsides diff_empty mset_to_IP_def multi_member_split union_single_eq_member)
text‹Monomials are closed under multiplication:›
lemma monom_mult:
"mset_to_IP R m ⨂⇩p mset_to_IP R n = mset_to_IP R (m + n)"
have "(λma. ⨁x∈mset_factors ma. (if x = m then 𝟭 else 𝟬) ⊗ (if ma - x = n then 𝟭 else 𝟬))
= (λma. (if ma = n + m then 𝟭 else 𝟬))"
fix ma
show "(⨁x∈mset_factors ma. (if x = m then 𝟭 else 𝟬) ⊗ (if ma - x = n then 𝟭 else 𝟬)) = (if ma = n + m then 𝟭 else 𝟬)"
have 0: "⋀x. x ∈ mset_factors ma ⟹
(λ x. (if x = m then 𝟭 else 𝟬) ⊗ (if ma - x = n then 𝟭 else 𝟬)) x =
(if (x = m) then (if ma - x = n then 𝟭 else 𝟬) else 𝟬) "
by simp
then have 1: "(⨁x∈((mset_factors ma) - {m}). (if x = m then 𝟭 else 𝟬) ⊗ (if ma - x = n then 𝟭 else 𝟬)) =
by (metis (no_types, lifting) add.finprod_one_eqI mem_Collect_eq set_diff_eq singletonI)
have 2: "finite (mset_factors ma - {m}) "
by simp
have 3: "m ∉ mset_factors ma - {m}"
by simp
have 4: "(λx. (if x = m then 𝟭 else 𝟬) ⊗ (if ma - x = n then 𝟭 else 𝟬)) ∈ mset_factors ma - {m} → carrier R"
fix x
assume " x ∈ mset_factors ma - {m}"
show "(if x = m then 𝟭 else 𝟬) ⊗ (if ma - x = n then 𝟭 else 𝟬) ∈ carrier R "
by auto
show ?thesis
proof(cases "m ∈ (mset_factors ma)")
case True
have T0: " (⨁x∈insert m (mset_factors ma - {m}). (if x = m then 𝟭 else 𝟬) ⊗ (if ma - x = n then 𝟭 else 𝟬)) =
(if m = m then 𝟭 else 𝟬) ⊗ (if ma - m = n then 𝟭 else 𝟬) ⊕
(⨁x∈mset_factors ma - {m}. (if x = m then 𝟭 else 𝟬) ⊗ (if ma - x = n then 𝟭 else 𝟬))"
using True 1 2 3 4 finsum_insert[of "((mset_factors ma) - {m})" m
"λx. (if x = m then 𝟭 else 𝟬) ⊗ (if ma - x = n then 𝟭 else 𝟬)"]
using m_closed one_closed zero_closed by presburger
have T1: "(mset_factors ma) = insert m (mset_factors ma - {m})"
using True
by blast
then have "(⨁x∈(mset_factors ma). (if x = m then 𝟭 else 𝟬) ⊗ (if ma - x = n then 𝟭 else 𝟬))
= (if m = m then 𝟭 else 𝟬) ⊗ (if ma - m = n then 𝟭 else 𝟬)"
using T0 T1 1 add.l_cancel_one insert_Diff_single insert_absorb2 l_one mk_disjoint_insert one_closed zero_closed
by presburger
then have "(⨁x∈(mset_factors ma). (if x = m then 𝟭 else 𝟬) ⊗ (if ma - x = n then 𝟭 else 𝟬))
= (if ma - m = n then 𝟭 else 𝟬)"
by simp
then show ?thesis
by (metis (no_types, lifting) monom_divides_factors True add.commute add_diff_cancel_right' subset_mset.add_diff_inverse)
case False
then show ?thesis
by (metis (no_types, lifting) "0" monom_divides_factors add.finprod_one_eqI mset_subset_eq_add_right)
then show ?thesis
unfolding mset_to_IP_def P_ring_mult_def
by (simp add: union_commute)
lemma poly_index_mult:
assumes "a ∈ indexed_pset I (carrier R)"
assumes "i ∈ I"
shows "a ⨂ i = a ⨂⇩p mset_to_IP R {#i#}"
fix m
show "(a ⨂ i) m = (a ⨂⇩p mset_to_IP R {#i#}) m"
proof(cases "i ∈# m")
case True
have T0: "(a ⨂ i) m = a (m - {#i#})"
by (simp add: True indexed_pmult_def)
have T1: "(a ⨂⇩p mset_to_IP R {#i#}) m = a (m - {#i#})"
have T10: "(a ⨂⇩p mset_to_IP R {#i#}) m
= (⨁x∈mset_factors m. a x ⊗ mset_to_IP R {#i#} (m - x)) "
unfolding P_ring_mult_def
by auto
have T11: "⋀x. x ∈ mset_factors m ⟹
mset_to_IP R {#i#} (m - x) = (if x = (m - {#i#}) then 𝟭 else 𝟬)"
unfolding mset_to_IP_def
by (metis Multiset.diff_cancel Multiset.diff_right_commute True diff_single_eq_union
diff_single_trivial diff_zero monom_comp' monom_divides_factors multi_drop_mem_not_eq)
have T12: "⋀x. x ∈ mset_factors m ⟹
a x ⊗ mset_to_IP R {#i#} (m - x) = (if x = (m - {#i#}) then a (m - {#i#}) else 𝟬)"
fix x
assume "x ∈ mset_factors m"
then show " a x ⊗ mset_to_IP R {#i#} (m - x) = (if x = m - {#i#} then a (m - {#i#}) else 𝟬)"
apply(cases "x = m - {#i#}")
apply (metis T0 T11 ‹x ∈ mset_factors m› assms(1) carrier_coeffE empty_subsetI
ideal_is_subalgebra indexed_pset_in_carrier oneideal r_one subalgebra_in_carrier)
by (metis T11 ‹x ∈ mset_factors m› assms(1) carrier_coeffE carrier_is_subalgebra
empty_subsetI indexed_pset_in_carrier r_null subalgebra_in_carrier)
have T13: "(⨁x∈(mset_factors m) - {m - {#i#}}. a x ⊗ mset_to_IP R {#i#} (m - x)) = 𝟬"
using T12
by (metis (no_types, lifting) DiffE add.finprod_one_eqI singletonI)
have T14: "finite (mset_factors m - {m - {#i#}})"
using mset_factors_finite by blast
have T15: "m - {#i#} ∉ mset_factors m - {m - {#i#}}"
by simp
have T16: " (λx. a x ⊗ mset_to_IP R {#i#} (m - x)) ∈ mset_factors m - {m - {#i#}} → carrier R"
fix x
assume "x ∈ mset_factors m - {m - {#i#}}"
then show " a x ⊗ mset_to_IP R {#i#} (m - x) ∈ carrier R"
using assms T12 by auto
have "m - (m - {#i#}) = {#i#}"
by (metis monom_comp' True single_subset_iff)
then have T17: " a (m - {#i#}) ⊗ mset_to_IP R {#i#} (m - (m - {#i#})) ∈ carrier R"
unfolding mset_to_IP_def apply auto using assms
by (meson carrier_coeffE carrier_is_subalgebra empty_subsetI indexed_pset_in_carrier m_closed one_closed subalgebra_in_carrier)
have T18:"(⨁x∈insert (m - {#i#}) (mset_factors m - {m - {#i#}}). a x ⊗ mset_to_IP R {#i#} (m - x)) =
a (m - {#i#}) ⊗ mset_to_IP R {#i#} (m - (m - {#i#})) ⊕ (⨁x∈mset_factors m - {m - {#i#}}. a x ⊗ mset_to_IP R {#i#} (m - x))"
using T12 T13 T14 T15 T16 T17 unfolding P_ring_mult_def
using finsum_insert[of "mset_factors m - {m - {#i#}}" "m - {#i#}"
"λx. a x ⊗ mset_to_IP R {#i#} (m - x)"]
by blast
have T19: "a (m - {#i#}) ⊗ mset_to_IP R {#i#} (m - (m - {#i#})) = a (m - {#i#}) "
have " (m - (m - {#i#})) = {#i#}"
using True
by (metis monom_comp' single_subset_iff)
then have "mset_to_IP R {#i#} (m - (m - {#i#})) = 𝟭"
by (metis mset_to_IP_def)
have "a (m - {#i#}) ∈ carrier R"
using assms
by (meson carrier_coeffE carrier_is_subalgebra exp_base_closed
indexed_pset_in_carrier one_closed subalgebra_in_carrier)
then show ?thesis using assms
using ‹mset_to_IP R {#i#} (m - (m - {#i#})) = 𝟭› by auto
have T20: "(⨁x∈insert (m - {#i#}) ((mset_factors m) - {m - {#i#}}). a x ⊗ mset_to_IP R {#i#} (m - x)) =
a (m - {#i#}) ⊕ (⨁x∈mset_factors m - {m - {#i#}}. a x ⊗ mset_to_IP R {#i#} (m - x))"
using T18 T19 by auto
have T21: "insert (m - {#i#}) ((mset_factors m) - {m - {#i#}}) = mset_factors m"
have "(m - {#i#}) ∈ mset_factors m"
by (simp add: monom_divides_factors)
then show ?thesis
by blast
then show ?thesis using T13 T20 True unfolding P_ring_mult_def
using T17 T19 by auto
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: T0)
case False
have F0: "(a ⨂ i) m = 𝟬 "
by (simp add: False indexed_pmult_def)
have F1: " (a ⨂⇩p mset_to_IP R {#i#}) m = 𝟬"
unfolding P_ring_mult_def
have "⋀x. x ∈ mset_factors m ⟹ a x ⊗ mset_to_IP R {#i#} (m - x) = 𝟬"
fix x
assume A: "x ∈ mset_factors m"
have B: "m - x ≠ {#i#}" using False A
by (metis diff_subset_eq_self single_subset_iff)
then show "a x ⊗ mset_to_IP R {#i#} (m - x) = 𝟬"
using assms False unfolding mset_to_IP_def
using carrier_coeffE indexed_pset_in_carrier by fastforce
then show "(⨁x∈mset_factors m. a x ⊗ mset_to_IP R {#i#} (m - x)) = 𝟬"
by (simp add: add.finprod_one_eqI)
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: F0)
lemma mset_to_IP_mult_closed:
assumes "a ∈ indexed_pset I (carrier R)"
shows "set_mset m ⊆ I ⟹ a ⨂⇩p mset_to_IP R m ∈ indexed_pset I (carrier R)"
proof(induction m)
case empty
then have "mset_to_IP R {#} = indexed_const 𝟭"
unfolding mset_to_IP_def indexed_const_def by auto
then show ?case
by (simp add: ‹mset_to_IP R {#} = indexed_const 𝟭› assms indexed_const_P_mult_closed)
case (add x m)
fix x
fix m :: "'c monomial"
assume A: "set_mset (add_mset x m) ⊆ I"
assume B: "set_mset m ⊆ I ⟹ a ⨂⇩p mset_to_IP R m ∈ (carrier R [𝒳⇘I⇙])"
show " a ⨂⇩p mset_to_IP R (add_mset x m) ∈ (carrier R [𝒳⇘I⇙])"
have 0: "x ∈ I"
using A by auto
have 1: "set_mset m ⊆ I"
using A by auto
have 2: " a ⨂⇩p mset_to_IP R m ∈ (carrier R [𝒳⇘I⇙])"
using "1" B by blast
have 3: " a ⨂⇩p mset_to_IP R (add_mset x m) = (a ⨂⇩p mset_to_IP R m) ⨂ x"
have 30: " a ⨂⇩p mset_to_IP R (add_mset x m) = a ⨂⇩p (mset_to_IP R m ⨂ x)"
using monom_add_mset[of x m]
by auto
have 31: "(a ⨂⇩p mset_to_IP R m) ⨂ x = a ⨂⇩p (mset_to_IP R m ⨂ x)"
fix y
show "(a ⨂⇩p mset_to_IP R m ⨂ x) y = (a ⨂⇩p (mset_to_IP R m ⨂ x)) y "
have 310: "(a ⨂⇩p mset_to_IP R m ⨂ x) y = (a ⨂⇩p mset_to_IP R m ⨂⇩p mset_to_IP R {#x#}) y"
using poly_index_mult "0" "2"
by fastforce
have 311: " (mset_to_IP R m ⨂ x) = mset_to_IP R m ⨂⇩p mset_to_IP R {#x#}"
using "0" "2"
by (metis add_mset_add_single monom_add_mset monom_mult)
have 312: "carrier_coeff a "
using assms indexed_pset_in_carrier by blast
have 313: "carrier_coeff (mset_to_IP R m)"
by (simp add: carrier_coeff_def mset_to_IP_def)
have 314: "carrier_coeff (mset_to_IP R {#x#})"
by (metis carrier_coeff_def mset_to_IP_def one_closed zero_closed)
show ?thesis
using 310 311 312 313 314
P_ring_mult_assoc[of a "mset_to_IP R m" "mset_to_IP R {#x#}"]
by simp
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: monom_add_mset)
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: "0" "1" B indexed_pset.indexed_pmult)
A predicate which identifies when the variables used in a given polynomial $P$ are only
drawn from a fixed variable set $I$.
abbreviation monoms_in where
"monoms_in I P ≡ (∀m ∈ monomials_of R P. set_mset m ⊆ I)"
lemma monoms_of_const:
"monomials_of R (indexed_const k) = (if k = 𝟬 then {} else {{#}})"
unfolding indexed_const_def monomials_of_def
by auto
lemma const_monoms_in:
"monoms_in I (indexed_const k)"
unfolding indexed_const_def monomials_of_def
using count_empty count_eq_zero_iff monomials_ofE subsetI
by simp
lemma mset_to_IP_indices:
shows "P ∈ indexed_pset I (carrier R) ⟹ monoms_in I P"
apply(erule indexed_pset.induct[of])
apply (simp add: const_monoms_in; fail)
show "⋀P Q. P ∈ (carrier R [𝒳⇘I⇙]) ⟹
∀m∈monomials_of R P. set_mset m ⊆ I ⟹
Q ∈ (carrier R [𝒳⇘I⇙]) ⟹ ∀m∈monomials_of R Q. set_mset m ⊆ I ⟹ ∀m∈monomials_of R (P ⨁ Q). set_mset m ⊆ I"
fix P Q
fix m
assume A: "P ∈ (carrier R [𝒳⇘I⇙])" "∀m∈monomials_of R P. set_mset m ⊆ I"
"Q ∈ (carrier R [𝒳⇘I⇙])" "∀m∈monomials_of R Q. set_mset m ⊆ I"
" m ∈ monomials_of R (P ⨁ Q)"
show "set_mset m ⊆ I"
have "m ∈ monomials_of R P ∨ m ∈ monomials_of R Q"
using A using monomials_of_add[of P Q]
by blast
then show ?thesis using A
by blast
show "⋀P i. P ∈ (carrier R [𝒳⇘I⇙]) ⟹ ∀m∈monomials_of R P. set_mset m ⊆ I ⟹ i ∈ I ⟹ ∀m∈monomials_of R (P ⨂ i). set_mset m ⊆ I"
fix P
fix i
fix m
assume A: "P ∈ (carrier R [𝒳⇘I⇙])" "∀m∈monomials_of R P. set_mset m ⊆ I" "i ∈ I" "m ∈ monomials_of R (P ⨂ i)"
obtain n where "n ∈ monomials_of R P ∧ m = add_mset i n"
using A
by (metis image_iff monomials_of_p_mult')
then show "set_mset m ⊆ I"
using A
by auto
lemma mset_to_IP_indices':
assumes "P ∈ indexed_pset I (carrier R)"
assumes "m ∈ monomials_of R P"
shows "set_mset m ⊆ I"
using assms(1) assms(2) mset_to_IP_indices by blast
lemma one_mset_to_IP:
"mset_to_IP R {#} = indexed_const 𝟭"
unfolding mset_to_IP_def indexed_const_def
by blast
lemma mset_to_IP_closed:
shows "set_mset m ⊆ I ⟹mset_to_IP R m ∈ indexed_pset I (carrier R) "
apply(induction m)
apply (simp add: indexed_pset.indexed_const one_mset_to_IP)
by (metis (no_types, lifting) add_mset_commute indexed_pset.simps
monom_add_mset mset_add subset_iff union_single_eq_member)
lemma mset_to_IP_closed':
assumes "P ∈ indexed_pset I (carrier R)"
assumes "m ∈ monomials_of R P"
shows "mset_to_IP R m ∈ indexed_pset I (carrier R)"
by (meson assms(1) assms(2) mset_to_IP_closed mset_to_IP_indices')
text‹This lemma expresses closure under multiplcation for indexed polynomials.›
lemma P_ring_mult_closed:
assumes "carrier_coeff P"
assumes "carrier_coeff Q"
shows "carrier_coeff (P_ring_mult R P Q)"
unfolding carrier_coeff_def
fix m
have "(λx. P x ⊗ Q (m - x)) ∈ mset_factors m → carrier R"
fix x
assume "x ∈ mset_factors m"
then show "P x ⊗ Q (m - x) ∈ carrier R"
using assms carrier_coeffE
by blast
then show "(P ⨂⇩p Q) m ∈ carrier R"
using assms finsum_closed[of "(λx. (P x) ⊗ (Q (m - x)))" "mset_factors m"]
unfolding carrier_coeff_def P_ring_mult_def
by blast
subsection‹Multivariable Polynomial Induction›
lemma mpoly_induct:
assumes "⋀Q. Q ∈ indexed_pset I (carrier R) ∧ card (monomials_of R Q) = 0 ⟹ P Q"
assumes "⋀n. (⋀Q. Q ∈ indexed_pset I (carrier R) ∧ card (monomials_of R Q) ≤ n ⟹ P Q)
⟹ (⋀Q. Q ∈ indexed_pset I (carrier R) ∧ card (monomials_of R Q) ≤ (Suc n) ⟹ P Q)"
assumes "Q ∈ indexed_pset I (carrier R)"
shows "P Q"
have "⋀m. ⋀Q. Q ∈ indexed_pset I (carrier R) ∧ card(monomials_of R Q) ≤ m ⟹ P Q"
fix m
show "⋀Q. Q ∈ indexed_pset I (carrier R) ∧ card(monomials_of R Q) ≤ m ⟹ P Q"
apply(induction m)
using assms(1)
apply blast
using assms
by blast
then show ?thesis
using assms(3) by blast
lemma monomials_of_card_zero:
assumes "Q ∈ indexed_pset I (carrier R) ∧ card (monomials_of R Q) = 0"
shows "Q = indexed_const 𝟬"
have 0: "carrier_coeff Q"
using assms indexed_pset_in_carrier
by blast
have "⋀m. Q m = 𝟬"
unfolding monomials_of_def
using assms monomials_finite
by (metis card_0_eq complement_of_monomials_of empty_iff)
then show ?thesis
using 0 assms unfolding indexed_const_def
by auto
text‹Polynomial induction on the number of monomials with nonzero coefficient:›
lemma mpoly_induct':
assumes "P (indexed_const 𝟬)"
assumes "⋀n. (⋀Q. Q ∈ indexed_pset I (carrier R) ∧ card (monomials_of R Q) ≤ n ⟹ P Q)
⟹ (⋀Q. Q ∈ indexed_pset I (carrier R) ∧ card (monomials_of R Q) = (Suc n) ⟹ P Q)"
assumes "Q ∈ indexed_pset I (carrier R)"
shows "P Q"
apply(rule mpoly_induct)
using assms(1) monomials_of_card_zero apply blast
show "⋀n Q. (⋀Q. Q ∈ (carrier R [𝒳⇘I⇙]) ∧ card (monomials_of R Q) ≤ n ⟹ P Q) ⟹ Q ∈ (carrier R [𝒳⇘I⇙]) ∧ card (monomials_of R Q) ≤ Suc n ⟹ P Q"
fix n
fix Q
assume A0: "(⋀Q. Q ∈ (carrier R [𝒳⇘I⇙]) ∧ card (monomials_of R Q) ≤ n ⟹ P Q)"
assume A1: "Q ∈ (carrier R [𝒳⇘I⇙]) ∧ card (monomials_of R Q) ≤ Suc n"
show "P Q"
apply(cases "card (monomials_of R Q) = Suc n")
using assms A0 A1
apply blast
using assms A0 A1
using le_SucE by blast
show "Q ∈ (carrier R [𝒳⇘I⇙])"
using assms by auto
lemma monomial_poly_split:
assumes "P ∈ indexed_pset I (carrier R)"
assumes "m ∈ monomials_of R P"
shows "(restrict_poly_to_monom_set R P ((monomials_of R P) - {m})) ⨁ ((mset_to_IP R m) ⨂⇩p (indexed_const (P m))) = P"
proof fix x
show "(restrict_poly_to_monom_set R P (monomials_of R P - {m}) ⨁ (mset_to_IP R m ⨂⇩p indexed_const (P m))) x = P x"
proof(cases "x = m")
case True
have T0: "(restrict_poly_to_monom_set R P (monomials_of R P - {m})) x = 𝟬"
unfolding restrict_poly_to_monom_set_def
by (simp add: True)
have T1: "(mset_to_IP R m ⨂⇩p indexed_const (P m)) x = P x"
using assms True indexed_const_P_multE[of "mset_to_IP R m" I "P m" m]
by (metis Idl_subset_ideal' carrier_coeffE genideal_one indexed_pset_in_carrier
l_one mset_to_IP_closed' one_closed)
then show ?thesis
using T0 True
unfolding indexed_padd_def
using assms(1) carrier_coeffE indexed_pset_in_carrier l_zero
by fastforce
case False
then have F0: "(restrict_poly_to_monom_set R P (monomials_of R P - {m})) x = P x"
proof(cases "x ∈ monomials_of R P")
case True
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: False restrict_poly_to_monom_set_def)
case False
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: complement_of_monomials_of restrict_poly_to_monom_set_def)
have F1: "mset_to_IP R m ∈ (carrier R [𝒳⇘I⇙])"
using assms(1) assms(2) mset_to_IP_closed' by blast
have F2: "P m ∈ carrier R"
using assms(1) carrier_coeffE indexed_pset_in_carrier by blast
have F3: "(mset_to_IP R m ⨂⇩p indexed_const (P m)) x = 𝟬"
using False F1 F2 assms indexed_const_P_multE[of "mset_to_IP R m" I "P m" x]
by (simp add: F1 ‹m ∈ monomials_of R P›)
then show ?thesis using F0 unfolding indexed_padd_def
using assms(1) carrier_coeffE indexed_pset_in_carrier
by fastforce
lemma restrict_not_in_monoms:
assumes "a ∉ monomials_of R P"
shows "restrict_poly_to_monom_set R P A = restrict_poly_to_monom_set R P (insert a A)"
fix x
show " restrict_poly_to_monom_set R P A x = restrict_poly_to_monom_set R P (insert a A) x "
unfolding restrict_poly_to_monom_set_def using assms unfolding monomials_of_def
by simp
lemma restriction_closed':
assumes "P ∈ indexed_pset I (carrier R)"
assumes "finite ms"
shows "(restrict_poly_to_monom_set R P ms) ∈ indexed_pset I (carrier R)"
apply(rule finite.induct[of ms])
apply (simp add: assms(2); fail)
show "restrict_poly_to_monom_set R P {} ∈ (carrier R [𝒳⇘I⇙])"
have "restrict_poly_to_monom_set R P {} = indexed_const 𝟬"
unfolding restrict_poly_to_monom_set_def indexed_const_def by auto
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: indexed_pset.indexed_const)
show "⋀A a. finite A ⟹ restrict_poly_to_monom_set R P A ∈ (carrier R [𝒳⇘I⇙]) ⟹ restrict_poly_to_monom_set R P (insert a A) ∈ (carrier R [𝒳⇘I⇙])"
fix A
fix a
assume A: "restrict_poly_to_monom_set R P A ∈ (carrier R [𝒳⇘I⇙])"
show "restrict_poly_to_monom_set R P (insert a A) ∈ (carrier R [𝒳⇘I⇙])"
proof(cases "a ∈ monomials_of R P")
case True
then have T0: "mset_to_IP R a ∈ (carrier R [𝒳⇘I⇙])"
using assms(1) mset_to_IP_closed' by blast
then have T1: "(mset_to_IP R a ⨂⇩p indexed_const (P a)) ∈ (carrier R [𝒳⇘I⇙])"
by (meson assms(1) carrier_coeffE indexed_pset_in_carrier
local.ring_axioms ring.indexed_const_P_mult_closed subset_refl)
show ?thesis
proof(cases "a ∈ A")
case True
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: A insert_absorb)
case False
have "restrict_poly_to_monom_set R P (insert a A) = restrict_poly_to_monom_set R P A ⨁ (mset_to_IP R a ⨂⇩p indexed_const (P a))"
fix x
show "restrict_poly_to_monom_set R P (insert a A) x = (restrict_poly_to_monom_set R P A ⨁ (mset_to_IP R a ⨂⇩p indexed_const (P a))) x"
proof(cases "x = a")
case True
then have FT0: "(if x ∈ insert a A then P x else 𝟬) = P x"
by simp
have FT1: "(if x ∈ A then P x else 𝟬) = 𝟬"
by (simp add: False True)
have FT2: "P a ∈ carrier R"
using assms(1) carrier_coeffE indexed_pset_in_carrier by blast
have FT3: "(mset_to_IP R a ⨂⇩p indexed_const (P a)) x = P x"
using T0 FT2 True indexed_const_P_multE[of "mset_to_IP R a" I "P a" x] mset_to_IP_simp[of a]
by simp
then show ?thesis
using False
unfolding restrict_poly_to_monom_set_def indexed_padd_def
using FT0 FT1 FT3 assms
by (simp add: FT2 True)
case F: False
then have FT0: "(if x ∈ insert a A then P x else 𝟬) = (if x ∈ A then P x else 𝟬)"
by simp
have FT2: "P a ∈ carrier R"
using assms(1) carrier_coeffE indexed_pset_in_carrier by blast
have FT3: "(mset_to_IP R a ⨂⇩p indexed_const (P a)) x = 𝟬"
using T0 FT2 True indexed_const_P_multE[of "mset_to_IP R a" I "P a" x] mset_to_IP_simp[of a]
by (simp add: F mset_to_IP_def)
show ?thesis
unfolding restrict_poly_to_monom_set_def indexed_padd_def
show "(if x ∈ insert a A then P x else 𝟬) = (if x ∈ A then P x else 𝟬) ⊕ (mset_to_IP R a ⨂⇩p indexed_const (P a)) x"
apply(cases "x ∈ A")
using FT0 FT2 FT3 F False assms carrier_coeffE indexed_pset_in_carrier local.ring_axioms
apply fastforce
using FT0 FT2 FT3 F False assms
by simp
then show ?thesis
using A T1 indexed_pset.simps by blast
case False
then show ?thesis
using A restrict_not_in_monoms by fastforce
lemma restriction_restrict:
"restrict_poly_to_monom_set R P ms = restrict_poly_to_monom_set R P (ms ∩ monomials_of R P)"
fix x
show "restrict_poly_to_monom_set R P ms x = restrict_poly_to_monom_set R P (ms ∩ monomials_of R P) x"
unfolding restrict_poly_to_monom_set_def monomials_of_def
by simp
lemma restriction_closed:
assumes "P ∈ indexed_pset I (carrier R)"
assumes "Q = restrict_poly_to_monom_set R P ms"
shows "Q ∈ indexed_pset I (carrier R)"
have "Q = restrict_poly_to_monom_set R P (ms ∩ monomials_of R P)"
using assms restriction_restrict
by blast
then show ?thesis
using assms restriction_closed'[of P I "(ms ∩ monomials_of R P)"]
using monomials_finite
by blast
lemma monomial_split_card:
assumes "P ∈ indexed_pset I (carrier R)"
assumes "m ∈ monomials_of R P"
shows "card (monomials_of R (restrict_poly_to_monom_set R P ((monomials_of R P) - {m})))=
card (monomials_of R P) -1"
have 0: "(monomials_of R (restrict_poly_to_monom_set R P ((monomials_of R P) - {m}))) =
(monomials_of R P) - {m}"
using assms(1)
by (meson Diff_subset restrict_poly_to_monom_set_monoms)
then have 1: "card (monomials_of R (restrict_poly_to_monom_set R P ((monomials_of R P) - {m}))) =
card ((monomials_of R P) - {m})"
by auto
have " card ((monomials_of R P) - {m}) = card (monomials_of R P) - 1"
using assms(2)
using assms(1) monomials_finite by fastforce
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: "1")
lemma P_ring_mult_closed':
assumes "a ∈ indexed_pset I (carrier R)"
assumes "b ∈ indexed_pset I (carrier R)"
shows "a ⨂⇩p b ∈ indexed_pset I (carrier R)"
apply(rule mpoly_induct'[of "λb. a ⨂⇩p b ∈ indexed_pset I (carrier R)" I b])
using assms(1) indexed_const_P_mult_closed apply blast
show "b ∈ (carrier R [𝒳⇘I⇙])"
using assms by auto
show "⋀n Q. (⋀Q. Q ∈ (carrier R [𝒳⇘I⇙]) ∧ card (monomials_of R Q) ≤ n ⟹ a ⨂⇩p Q ∈ (carrier R [𝒳⇘I⇙])) ⟹
Q ∈ (carrier R [𝒳⇘I⇙]) ∧ card (monomials_of R Q) = Suc n ⟹ a ⨂⇩p Q ∈ (carrier R [𝒳⇘I⇙])"
fix n
fix Q
assume A0: "(⋀Q. Q ∈ (carrier R [𝒳⇘I⇙]) ∧ card (monomials_of R Q) ≤ n ⟹ a ⨂⇩p Q ∈ (carrier R [𝒳⇘I⇙]))"
assume A1: "Q ∈ (carrier R [𝒳⇘I⇙]) ∧ card (monomials_of R Q) = Suc n"
obtain m where m_def: "m ∈ monomials_of R Q"
using A1
by fastforce
obtain P where P_def: "P = (restrict_poly_to_monom_set R Q ((monomials_of R Q) - {m}))"
by simp
have "P ∈ (carrier R [𝒳⇘I⇙])"
using P_def A1 restriction_closed
by blast
have 0: "a ⨂⇩p P ∈ (carrier R [𝒳⇘I⇙])"
using A0 P_def
by (metis A1 One_nat_def ‹P ∈ (carrier R [𝒳⇘I⇙])› diff_Suc_Suc m_def
minus_nat.diff_0 monomial_split_card nat_le_linear)
have 1: "a ⨂⇩p (mset_to_IP R m) ∈ (carrier R [𝒳⇘I⇙])"
using assms mset_to_IP_mult_closed[of a I m] A1 m_def mset_to_IP_indices
by blast
have 2: "a ⨂⇩p (mset_to_IP R m ⨂⇩p indexed_const (Q m)) ∈ (carrier R [𝒳⇘I⇙])"
using P_ring_mult_assoc[of a "mset_to_IP R m" " indexed_const (Q m)"]
by (metis A1 assms(1) carrier_coeffE indexed_pset.indexed_const
indexed_pset_in_carrier local.ring_axioms m_def mset_to_IP_closed'
ring.indexed_const_P_mult_closed set_eq_subset)
have 3: "(P ⨁ (mset_to_IP R m ⨂⇩p indexed_const (Q m))) = Q"
using P_def monomial_poly_split[of Q I m]
using A1 m_def by blast
have 4: "(a ⨂⇩p P ) ⨁ (a ⨂⇩p (mset_to_IP R m ⨂⇩p indexed_const (Q m))) = a ⨂⇩p Q"
using assms 2 3 P_ring_rdistr[of a P "(mset_to_IP R m ⨂⇩p indexed_const (Q m))"]
by (metis A1 Idl_subset_ideal' P_ring_mult_closed ‹P ∈ (carrier R [𝒳⇘I⇙])›
carrier_coeffE indexed_pset.indexed_const indexed_pset_in_carrier m_def
mset_to_IP_closed' onepideal principalideal.generate)
then show " a ⨂⇩p Q ∈ (carrier R [𝒳⇘I⇙])"
by (metis "0" "2" indexed_pset.indexed_padd)
subsection‹Subtraction of Polynomials›
definition P_ring_uminus :: "('a,'b) ring_scheme ⇒ ('a,'c) mvar_poly ⇒ ('a,'c) mvar_poly" where
"P_ring_uminus R P = (λm. ⊖⇘R⇙ (P m))"
context ring
lemma P_ring_uminus_eq:
assumes "a ∈ indexed_pset I (carrier R)"
shows "P_ring_uminus R a = a ⨂⇩p (indexed_const (⊖ 𝟭))"
fix x
have "(a ⨂⇩p indexed_const (⊖ 𝟭)) x = a x ⊗ ⊖ 𝟭"
using indexed_const_P_multE[of a I "⊖ 𝟭" x] assms
by blast
then show "P_ring_uminus R a x = (a ⨂⇩p indexed_const (⊖ 𝟭)) x"
unfolding P_ring_uminus_def
using assms
by (metis Idl_subset_ideal' carrier_coeffE indexed_pset_in_carrier
one_closed onepideal principalideal.generate r_minus r_one)
lemma P_ring_uminus_closed:
assumes "a ∈ indexed_pset I (carrier R)"
shows "P_ring_uminus R a ∈ indexed_pset I (carrier R)"
using assms P_ring_uminus_eq
by (metis add.l_inv_ex indexed_const_P_mult_closed minus_equality one_closed)
lemma P_ring_uminus_add:
assumes "a ∈ indexed_pset I (carrier R)"
shows "P_ring_uminus R a ⨁ a = indexed_const 𝟬"
fix x
show "(P_ring_uminus R a ⨁ a) x = indexed_const 𝟬 x"
using assms
unfolding P_ring_uminus_def indexed_const_def indexed_padd_def
by (meson carrier_coeffE indexed_pset_in_carrier
local.ring_axioms ring.ring_simprules(9) set_eq_subset)
text‹multiplication by 1›
lemma one_mult_left:
assumes "a ∈ indexed_pset I (carrier R)"
shows "(indexed_const 𝟭) ⨂⇩p a = a"
fix m
show "(indexed_const 𝟭 ⨂⇩p a) m = a m "
unfolding indexed_const_def P_ring_mult_def
have 0: "(⨁x∈((mset_factors m) - {{#}}). (if x = {#} then 𝟭 else 𝟬) ⊗ a (m - x)) = 𝟬"
have "⋀x. x∈((mset_factors m) - {{#}}) ⟹ (if x = {#} then 𝟭 else 𝟬) ⊗ a (m - x) = 𝟬 ⊗ a (m - x)"
by simp
then have "⋀x. x∈((mset_factors m) - {{#}}) ⟹ (if x = {#} then 𝟭 else 𝟬) ⊗ a (m - x) = 𝟬"
using assms
by (metis carrier_coeffE indexed_pset_in_carrier local.ring_axioms ring.ring_simprules(24) set_eq_subset)
then show ?thesis
by (meson add.finprod_one_eqI)
have 1: "(λx. (if x = {#} then 𝟭 else 𝟬) ⊗ a (m - x)) {#} = a m"
by (metis (full_types) assms carrier_coeffE diff_zero
indexed_pset_in_carrier local.ring_axioms ring.ring_simprules(12) set_eq_subset)
have 2: "(⨁x∈insert {#} (mset_factors m - {{#}}). (if x = {#} then 𝟭 else 𝟬) ⊗ a (m - x)) =
(λx. (if x = {#} then 𝟭 else 𝟬) ⊗ a (m - x)) {#} ⊕
(⨁x∈((mset_factors m) - {{#}}). (if x = {#} then 𝟭 else 𝟬) ⊗ a (m - x))"
have 20:"finite (mset_factors m - {{#}})"
by simp
have 21: " {#} ∉ mset_factors m - {{#}}"
by blast
have 22: " (λx. (if x = {#} then 𝟭 else 𝟬) ⊗ a (m - x)) ∈ mset_factors m - {{#}} → carrier R"
fix x
assume A: "x ∈ mset_factors m - {{#}}"
show "(if x = {#} then 𝟭 else 𝟬) ⊗ a (m - x) ∈ carrier R"
apply(cases "x = {#}")
using A
apply blast
using assms carrier_coeffE indexed_pset_in_carrier local.ring_axioms
one_closed ring.ring_simprules(5) set_eq_subset zero_closed
by (metis (mono_tags, opaque_lifting))
have 23: "(if {#} = {#} then 𝟭 else 𝟬) ⊗ a (m - {#}) ∈ carrier R"
by (metis "1" assms carrier_coeffE indexed_pset_in_carrier set_eq_subset)
show ?thesis
using 20 21 22 23 finsum_insert[of "((mset_factors m) - {{#}})" "{#}"
" (λx. (if x = {#} then 𝟭 else 𝟬) ⊗ a (m - x))"]
by blast
have 3: "insert {#} (mset_factors m - {{#}}) = mset_factors m"
have "{#} ∈ mset_factors m"
using monom_divides_factors subset_mset.zero_le
by blast
then show ?thesis
by blast
show "(⨁x∈mset_factors m. (if x = {#} then 𝟭 else 𝟬) ⊗ a (m - x)) = a m"
using 0 1 2 3 assms
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Idl_subset_ideal' carrier_coeffE
genideal_one indexed_pset_in_carrier one_closed r_zero)
subsection‹The Carrier of the Ring of Indexed Polynomials›
abbreviation(input) Pring_set where
"Pring_set R I ≡ ring.indexed_pset R I (carrier R) "
context ring
lemma Pring_set_zero:
assumes "f ∈ Pring_set R I"
assumes "¬ set_mset m ⊆ I"
shows " f m = 𝟬⇘R⇙"
have "¬ set_mset m ⊆ I ⟹ f m = 𝟬⇘R⇙"
apply(induction m)
apply simp
by (meson assms complement_of_monomials_of mset_to_IP_indices')
then show ?thesis
using assms(2) by blast
lemma(in ring) Pring_cfs_closed:
assumes "P ∈ Pring_set R I"
shows "P m ∈ carrier R"
using assms carrier_coeffE indexed_pset_in_carrier
by blast
lemma indexed_pset_mono_aux:
assumes "P ∈ indexed_pset I S"
shows "S ⊆ T ⟹ P ∈ indexed_pset I T"
using assms
apply(induction P)
using indexed_pset.indexed_const apply blast
using indexed_pset.indexed_padd apply blast
by (simp add: indexed_pset.indexed_pmult)
lemma indexed_pset_mono:
assumes "S ⊆ T"
shows "indexed_pset I S ⊆ indexed_pset I T"
using assms indexed_pset_mono_aux
by blast
subsection‹Scalar Multiplication›
definition poly_scalar_mult :: "('a, 'b) ring_scheme ⇒ 'a ⇒ ('a,'c) mvar_poly ⇒ ('a,'c) mvar_poly" where
"poly_scalar_mult R c P = (λ m. c ⊗⇘R⇙ P m)"
lemma(in cring) poly_scalar_mult_eq:
assumes "c ∈ carrier R"
shows "P ∈ Pring_set R (I :: 'c set) ⟹ poly_scalar_mult R c P = indexed_const c ⨂⇩p P"
proof(erule indexed_pset.induct)
show "⋀k. k ∈ carrier R ⟹ poly_scalar_mult R c (indexed_const k) = indexed_const c ⨂⇩p indexed_const k"
fix k
assume A0: "k ∈ carrier R"
show "poly_scalar_mult R c (indexed_const k) = (indexed_const c ⨂⇩p indexed_const k) "
unfolding poly_scalar_mult_def
show "⋀m. c ⊗ indexed_const k m = (indexed_const c ⨂⇩p indexed_const k) m"
using indexed_const_P_mult_eq
by (metis A0 assms indexed_const_P_mult_eq indexed_const_def local.semiring_axioms semiring.r_null)
show "⋀P Q. P ∈ Pring_set R I ⟹
poly_scalar_mult R c P = indexed_const c ⨂⇩p P ⟹
Q ∈ Pring_set R I ⟹ poly_scalar_mult R c Q = indexed_const c ⨂⇩p Q ⟹ poly_scalar_mult R c (P ⨁ Q) = indexed_const c ⨂⇩p (P ⨁ Q)"
fix P Q :: "'c monomial ⇒ 'a"
fix x :: "'c monomial"
assume A0: "P ∈ Pring_set R I"
assume A1: "poly_scalar_mult R c P = indexed_const c ⨂⇩p P"
assume A2: "Q ∈ Pring_set R I"
assume A3: "poly_scalar_mult R c Q = indexed_const c ⨂⇩p Q"
show "poly_scalar_mult R c (P ⨁ Q) x = (indexed_const c ⨂⇩p (P ⨁ Q)) x"
have P0: "poly_scalar_mult R c (P ⨁ Q) = (poly_scalar_mult R c P) ⨁ (poly_scalar_mult R c Q)"
unfolding poly_scalar_mult_def
fix m
show "c ⊗ (P ⨁ Q) m = ((λm. c ⊗ P m) ⨁ (λm. c ⊗ Q m)) m"
have LHS: "c ⊗ (P ⨁ Q) m = c ⊗ ( P m ⊕ Q m) "
by (simp add: indexed_padd_def)
then have LHS1: "c ⊗ (P ⨁ Q) m = (c ⊗ P m) ⊕ (c ⊗Q m) "
have 0: "carrier_coeff P"
using A0 indexed_pset_in_carrier
by blast
have 1: "P m ∈ carrier R"
using 0 carrier_coeffE by blast
have 2: "carrier_coeff Q"
using A2 indexed_pset_in_carrier
by blast
have 3: "Q m ∈ carrier R" using 2
using carrier_coeff_def
by blast
show ?thesis using 1 3 assms
by (simp add: LHS r_distr)
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: indexed_padd_def)
have P1: "poly_scalar_mult R c (P ⨁ Q) = (indexed_const c ⨂⇩p P) ⨁ (indexed_const c ⨂⇩p Q)"
using P0 A1 A3
by simp
have P2: "indexed_const c ∈ Pring_set R I"
using assms indexed_pset.indexed_const by blast
show ?thesis
using P2 A0 A2 P1
by (metis P_ring_rdistr indexed_pset_in_carrier set_eq_subset)
show "⋀P i. P ∈ Pring_set R I ⟹
poly_scalar_mult R c P = indexed_const c ⨂⇩p P ⟹ i ∈ I ⟹ poly_scalar_mult R c (P ⨂ i) = indexed_const c ⨂⇩p (P ⨂ i)"
fix P
fix i
assume A0: "P ∈ Pring_set R I"
assume A1: "poly_scalar_mult R c P = indexed_const c ⨂⇩p P"
assume A2: "i ∈ I"
show "poly_scalar_mult R c (P ⨂ i) = indexed_const c ⨂⇩p (P ⨂ i)"
fix x
show "poly_scalar_mult R c (P ⨂ i) x = (indexed_const c ⨂⇩p (P ⨂ i)) x"
have RHS: "(indexed_const c ⨂⇩p (P ⨂ i)) = (indexed_const c ⨂⇩p P) ⨂ i"
have B0: "P ⨂ i = P ⨂⇩p (mset_to_IP R {#i#})"
by (meson A0 A2 poly_index_mult)
have B1: " (indexed_const c ⨂⇩p P) ⨂ i = (indexed_const c ⨂⇩p P) ⨂⇩p (mset_to_IP R {#i#})"
by (meson A0 A2 P_ring_mult_closed' assms indexed_pset.simps poly_index_mult)
have B2: "(indexed_const c ⨂⇩p (P ⨂ i)) = indexed_const c ⨂⇩p P ⨂⇩p (mset_to_IP R {#i#})"
by (metis A0 A2 B1 assms cring.P_ring_mult_comm indexed_const_var_mult
indexed_pmult_in_carrier indexed_pset.indexed_const indexed_pset_in_carrier
is_cring set_eq_subset)
show ?thesis using A0 A1 A2 B2 B1 assms
by (simp add: A0)
then have RHS': "(indexed_const c ⨂⇩p (P ⨂ i)) = (poly_scalar_mult R c P) ⨂ i"
using A0 A1 A2 assms
by simp
show ?thesis apply(cases "i ∈# x")
unfolding poly_scalar_mult_def
apply (metis A1 RHS poly_scalar_mult_def indexed_pmult_def )
by (metis RHS assms indexed_pmult_def r_null)
lemma(in cring) poly_scalar_mult_const:
assumes "c ∈ carrier R"
assumes "k ∈ carrier R"
shows "poly_scalar_mult R k (indexed_const c) = indexed_const (k ⊗ c)"
using assms poly_scalar_mult_eq
by (simp add: poly_scalar_mult_eq indexed_const_P_mult_eq indexed_pset.indexed_const)
lemma(in cring) poly_scalar_mult_closed:
assumes "c ∈ carrier R"
assumes "P ∈ Pring_set R I"
shows "poly_scalar_mult R c P ∈ Pring_set R I"
using assms poly_scalar_mult_eq
by (metis P_ring_mult_closed' indexed_pset.indexed_const)
lemma(in cring) poly_scalar_mult_zero:
assumes "P ∈ Pring_set R I"
shows "poly_scalar_mult R 𝟬 P = indexed_const 𝟬"
fix x
show "poly_scalar_mult R 𝟬 P x = indexed_const 𝟬 x"
unfolding poly_scalar_mult_def
using assms
by (metis Pring_cfs_closed indexed_zero_def l_null)
lemma(in cring) poly_scalar_mult_one:
assumes "P ∈ Pring_set R I"
shows "poly_scalar_mult R 𝟭 P = P"
fix x show "poly_scalar_mult R 𝟭 P x = P x"
using assms
by (metis one_closed one_mult_left poly_scalar_mult_eq)
lemma(in cring) times_poly_scalar_mult:
assumes "P ∈ Pring_set R I"
assumes "Q ∈ Pring_set R I"
assumes "k ∈ carrier R"
shows "P ⨂⇩p (poly_scalar_mult R k Q) = poly_scalar_mult R k (P ⨂⇩p Q)"
have "P ⨂⇩p (poly_scalar_mult R k Q) = P ⨂⇩p (indexed_const k) ⨂⇩p Q"
by (metis assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) indexed_pset_mono_aux
local.ring_axioms poly_scalar_mult_eq ring.P_ring_mult_assoc ring.indexed_pset.intros(1)
ring.indexed_pset_in_carrier subset_refl)
then have "P ⨂⇩p (poly_scalar_mult R k Q) = (indexed_const k) ⨂⇩p P ⨂⇩p Q"
by (metis P_ring_mult_comm assms(1) assms(3) local.ring_axioms ring.indexed_pset.indexed_const ring.indexed_pset_in_carrier subset_refl)
then show ?thesis
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) P_ring_mult_closed' Pring_cfs_closed assms(1) assms(2) assms(3)
carrier_coeff_def indexed_pset.indexed_const local.ring_axioms poly_scalar_mult_eq ring.P_ring_mult_assoc)
lemma(in cring) poly_scalar_mult_times:
assumes "P ∈ Pring_set R I"
assumes "Q ∈ Pring_set R I"
assumes "k ∈ carrier R"
shows " poly_scalar_mult R k (Q ⨂⇩p P) = (poly_scalar_mult R k Q) ⨂⇩p P"
using assms times_poly_scalar_mult
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) P_ring_mult_comm cring.P_ring_mult_comm
cring.poly_scalar_mult_closed is_cring local.ring_axioms ring.indexed_pset_in_carrier subset_refl)
subsection‹Defining the Ring of Indexed Polynomials›
definition Pring :: "('b, 'e) ring_scheme ⇒ 'a set ⇒ ('b, ('b,'a) mvar_poly) module" where
"Pring R I ≡ ⦇ carrier = Pring_set R I,
Group.monoid.mult = P_ring_mult R ,
one = ring.indexed_const R 𝟭⇘R⇙,
zero = ring.indexed_const R 𝟬⇘R⇙,
add = ring.indexed_padd R,
smult = poly_scalar_mult R⦈"
context ring
lemma Pring_car:
"carrier (Pring R I) = Pring_set R I"
unfolding Pring_def
by auto
text‹Definitions of the operations and constants:›
lemma Pring_mult:
"a ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ b = a ⨂⇩p b"
unfolding Pring_def
by simp
lemma Pring_add:
"a ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ b = a ⨁ b"
unfolding Pring_def
by simp
lemma Pring_zero:
"𝟬⇘Pring R I⇙ = indexed_const 𝟬"
unfolding Pring_def by simp
lemma Pring_one:
"𝟭⇘Pring R I⇙ = indexed_const 𝟭"
unfolding Pring_def by simp
lemma Pring_smult:
"(⊙⇘Pring R I⇙) = (poly_scalar_mult R)"
unfolding Pring_def by simp
lemma Pring_carrier_coeff:
assumes "a ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
shows "carrier_coeff a"
using assms indexed_pset_in_carrier[of "(carrier R)" a I] Pring_car
by blast
lemma Pring_carrier_coeff'[simp]:
assumes "a ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
shows "a m ∈ carrier R"
using Pring_car[of I] assms carrier_coeffE indexed_pset_in_carrier
by blast
lemma Pring_add_closed:
assumes "a ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
assumes "b ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
shows "a ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ b ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
using assms Pring_def[of R I]
by (simp add: Pring_def[of R I] indexed_pset.indexed_padd)
lemma Pring_mult_closed:
assumes "a ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
assumes "b ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
shows "a ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ b ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
using assms P_ring_mult_closed'[of a I b] Pring_car[of I] Pring_mult[of I a b]
by (simp add: ‹a ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ b = a ⨂⇩p b› ‹carrier (Pring R I) = Pring_set R I›)
lemma Pring_one_closed:
"𝟭⇘Pring R I⇙ ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
have "indexed_const 𝟭 ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
using Pring_car indexed_pset.simps by blast
then show ?thesis
unfolding Pring_def by auto
lemma Pring_zero_closed:
"𝟬⇘Pring R I⇙ ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
have "indexed_const 𝟬 ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
using Pring_car indexed_pset.simps by blast
then show ?thesis
unfolding Pring_def by auto
lemma Pring_var_closed:
assumes "i ∈ I"
shows "var_to_IP R i ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
unfolding var_to_IP_def
by (metis Pring_car Pring_one_closed assms indexed_pset.indexed_pmult
local.ring_axioms monom_add_mset one_mset_to_IP ring.Pring_one)
text‹Properties of addition:›
lemma Pring_add_assoc:
assumes "a ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
assumes "b ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
assumes "c ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
shows "a ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ (b ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ c) = (a ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ b) ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ c"
have "a ⨁ (b ⨁ c) = (a ⨁ b) ⨁ c"
fix x
have "carrier_coeff a" "carrier_coeff b" "carrier_coeff c"
using assms Pring_car[of I] Pring_carrier_coeff apply blast
using assms Pring_car[of I] Pring_carrier_coeff apply blast
using assms Pring_car[of I] Pring_carrier_coeff by blast
then have "a x ∈ carrier R" "b x ∈ carrier R" "c x ∈ carrier R"
using carrier_coeffE apply blast
using ‹carrier_coeff b› carrier_coeffE apply blast
using ‹carrier_coeff c› carrier_coeffE by blast
show "(a ⨁ (b ⨁ c)) x = (a ⨁ b ⨁ c) x"
unfolding indexed_padd_def
using assms
by (simp add: ‹a x ∈ carrier R› ‹b x ∈ carrier R› ‹c x ∈ carrier R› add.m_assoc)
then show ?thesis
using assms
by (simp add: Pring_add)
lemma Pring_add_comm:
assumes "a ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
assumes "b ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
shows "a ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ b = b ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ a"
have "a ⨁ b = b ⨁ a"
proof fix x
show "(a ⨁ b) x = (b ⨁ a) x"
using assms
by (metis abelian_monoid.a_comm abelian_monoid_axioms
indexed_padd_def local.ring_axioms ring.Pring_carrier_coeff')
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: Pring_add)
lemma Pring_add_zero:
assumes "a ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
shows "a ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ 𝟬⇘Pring R I⇙ = a"
"𝟬⇘Pring R I⇙ ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ a = a"
using assms Pring_zero Pring_add
apply (metis Pring_carrier_coeff indexed_padd_zero(1))
using assms Pring_zero Pring_add
by (metis Pring_carrier_coeff indexed_padd_zero(2))
text‹Properties of multiplication›
lemma Pring_mult_assoc:
assumes "a ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
assumes "b ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
assumes "c ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
shows "a ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ (b ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ c) = (a ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ b) ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ c"
using assms P_ring_mult_assoc[of a b c]
by (metis Pring_carrier_coeff Pring_mult)
lemma Pring_mult_comm:
assumes "cring R"
assumes "a ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
assumes "b ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
shows "a ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ b = b ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ a"
using assms Pring_carrier_coeff[of a I] Pring_carrier_coeff[of b I]
Pring_mult[of I b a] Pring_mult[of I a b] cring.P_ring_mult_comm[of R a b]
by metis
lemma Pring_mult_one:
assumes "a ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
shows "a ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ 𝟭⇘Pring R I⇙ = a"
fix x
show "(a ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ 𝟭⇘Pring R I⇙) x = a x "
have 0: "(a ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ 𝟭⇘Pring R I⇙) x = (a ⨂⇩p indexed_const 𝟭) x"
using assms Pring_mult[of I a "𝟭⇘Pring R I⇙" ] Pring_one[of I]
by metis
have 1: "𝟭 ∈ carrier R"
by simp
have 2: "(a ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ 𝟭⇘Pring R I⇙) x = a x ⊗ 𝟭"
using 0 1 indexed_const_P_multE[of a I 𝟭 x]
assms Pring_car[of I]
by metis
then show ?thesis
using assms by auto
lemma Pring_mult_one':
assumes "a ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
shows "𝟭⇘Pring R I⇙ ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ a = a"
using one_mult_left[of a I]
assms Pring_one Pring_mult
by (simp add: Pring_mult Pring_one Pring_car)
text‹Distributive laws›
lemma Pring_mult_rdistr:
assumes "a ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
assumes "b ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
assumes "c ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
shows "a ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ (b ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ c) = (a ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ b) ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ (a ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ c)"
have "a ⨂⇩p (b ⨁ c) = a ⨂⇩p b ⨁ (a ⨂⇩p c)"
using P_ring_rdistr[of a b c]
assms Pring_carrier_coeff
by metis
then have "a ⨂⇩p (b ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ c) = a ⨂⇩p b ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ (a ⨂⇩p c)"
using Pring_add[of I b c] Pring_add[of I "a ⨂⇩p b" "a ⨂⇩p c"]
by auto
then have "a ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ (b ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ c) = (a ⨂⇩p b) ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ (a ⨂⇩p c)"
using Pring_mult[of I a "(b ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ c)"]
by auto
then have "a ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ (b ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ c) = (a ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ b) ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ (a ⨂⇩p c)"
using Pring_mult[of I a b] by metis
then show ?thesis
using Pring_mult[of I a c] by metis
lemma Pring_mult_ldistr:
assumes "a ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
assumes "b ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
assumes "c ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
shows "(b ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ c) ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ a = (b ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ a) ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ (c ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ a)"
have "(b ⨁ c) ⨂⇩p a = b ⨂⇩p a ⨁ (c ⨂⇩p a)"
using P_ring_ldistr[of a b c]
assms Pring_carrier_coeff
by metis
then have " (b ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ c) ⨂⇩p a = b ⨂⇩p a ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ (c ⨂⇩p a)"
using Pring_add[of I b c] Pring_add[of I "b ⨂⇩p a" "c ⨂⇩p a"]
by auto
then have " (b ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ c) ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ a = (b ⨂⇩p a) ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ (c ⨂⇩p a)"
using Pring_mult[of I "(b ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ c)" a]
by auto
then have "(b ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ c) ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ a = (b ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ a) ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ (c ⨂⇩p a)"
using Pring_mult[of I b a] by metis
then show ?thesis
using Pring_mult[of I c a] by metis
text‹Properties of subtraction:›
lemma Pring_uminus:
assumes "a ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
shows "P_ring_uminus R a ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
using P_ring_uminus_closed[of a I] Pring_car[of I] assms
by metis
lemma Pring_subtract:
assumes "a ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
shows "P_ring_uminus R a ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ a = 𝟬⇘Pring R I⇙"
"a ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ P_ring_uminus R a = 𝟬⇘Pring R I⇙"
using assms Pring_add[of I "P_ring_uminus R a " a] Pring_zero[of I]
apply (simp add: Pring_car local.ring_axioms ring.P_ring_uminus_add)
using assms Pring_add[of I "P_ring_uminus R a " a] Pring_zero[of I]
by (metis P_ring_uminus_add P_ring_uminus_closed Pring_add_comm Pring_car)
text‹Pring R I is a ring›
lemma Pring_is_abelian_group:
shows "abelian_group (Pring R I)"
apply(rule abelian_groupI)
apply (simp add: Pring_add_closed)
apply (simp add: local.ring_axioms ring.Pring_zero_closed)
apply (simp add: Pring_add_assoc)
apply (simp add: Pring_add_comm)
apply (simp add: local.ring_axioms ring.Pring_add_zero(2))
using Pring_subtract(1) Pring_uminus
by blast
lemma Pring_is_monoid:
"Group.monoid (Pring R I)"
apply(rule monoidI)
using Pring_mult_closed apply blast
apply (simp add: Pring_one_closed)
apply (metis Pring_mult_assoc)
using Pring_mult_one'
apply blast
using Pring_mult_one by blast
lemma Pring_is_ring:
shows "ring (Pring R I)"
apply(rule ringI)
apply (simp add: Pring_is_abelian_group)
apply (simp add: Pring_is_monoid)
apply (simp add: Pring_mult_ldistr)
by (simp add: Pring_mult_rdistr)
lemma Pring_is_cring:
assumes "cring R"
shows "cring (Pring R I)"
apply(rule cringI)
apply (simp add: Pring_is_abelian_group)
apply (simp add: Pring_is_monoid assms local.ring_axioms
monoid.monoid_comm_monoidI ring.Pring_mult_comm)
by (simp add: Pring_mult_ldistr)
lemma Pring_a_inv:
assumes "P ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
shows "⊖⇘Pring R I⇙ P = P_ring_uminus R P"
have 0: "P_ring_uminus R P ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
using Pring_uminus assms
by blast
have 1: "P_ring_uminus R P ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ P = 𝟬⇘Pring R I⇙"
using Pring_subtract(1) assms
by blast
show ?thesis using 0 1 assms Pring_is_ring
by (simp add: Pring_car Pring_is_abelian_group abelian_group.minus_equality)
subsection‹Defining the R-Algebra of Indexed Polynomials›
context cring
lemma Pring_smult_cfs:
assumes "a ∈ carrier R"
assumes "P ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
shows "(a ⊙⇘Pring R I⇙ P) m = a ⊗ (P m)"
using assms Pring_smult
by (simp add: Pring_smult poly_scalar_mult_def)
lemma Pring_smult_closed:
"⋀ a x. [| a ∈ carrier R; x ∈ carrier (Pring R I) |] ==> a ⊙⇘(Pring R I)⇙ x ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
by (simp add: Pring_car Pring_smult poly_scalar_mult_closed)
lemma Pring_smult_l_distr:
"!!a b x. [| a ∈ carrier R; b ∈ carrier R; x ∈ carrier (Pring R I) |] ==>
(a ⊕ b) ⊙⇘(Pring R I)⇙ x = (a ⊙⇘(Pring R I)⇙ x) ⊕⇘(Pring R I)⇙ (b ⊙⇘(Pring R I)⇙ x)"
proof- fix a b x assume A: "a ∈ carrier R" "b ∈ carrier R" "x ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
show "(a ⊕ b) ⊙⇘Pring R I⇙ x = a ⊙⇘Pring R I⇙ x ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ b ⊙⇘Pring R I⇙ x"
proof fix m
have "(a ⊕ b) ⊗ x m = (a ⊗ (x m)) ⊕ (b ⊗ (x m))"
by (meson A(1) A(2) A(3) Pring_carrier_coeff' local.semiring_axioms semiring.l_distr)
thus "((a ⊕ b) ⊙⇘Pring R I⇙ x) m = (a ⊙⇘Pring R I⇙ x ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ b ⊙⇘Pring R I⇙ x) m"
using Pring_smult_cfs[of "a ⊕ b" x I m]
Pring_smult_cfs[of "a" x I m]
Pring_smult_cfs[of "b" x I m]
Pring_smult_closed[of a x I]
Pring_smult_closed[of b x I]
Pring_add A
by (simp add: ‹(a ⊕ b) ⊗ x m = a ⊗ x m ⊕ b ⊗ x m› Pring_def indexed_padd_def poly_scalar_mult_def)
lemma Pring_smult_r_distr:
"!!a x y. [| a ∈ carrier R; x ∈ carrier (Pring R I); y ∈ carrier (Pring R I) |] ==>
a ⊙⇘(Pring R I)⇙ (x ⊕⇘(Pring R I)⇙ y) = (a ⊙⇘(Pring R I)⇙ x) ⊕⇘(Pring R I)⇙ (a ⊙⇘(Pring R I)⇙ y)"
proof fix a x y m assume A: "a ∈ carrier R" "x ∈ carrier (Pring R I)" "y ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
show "(a ⊙⇘Pring R I⇙ (x ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ y)) m =
(a ⊙⇘Pring R I⇙ x ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ a ⊙⇘Pring R I⇙ y) m"
using Pring_smult_cfs[of a "x ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ y" I m]
Pring_smult_cfs[of a x I m]
Pring_smult_cfs[of a y I m]
Pring_smult_closed[of a x I]
Pring_smult_closed[of a y I]
Pring_add A
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Pring_add_closed Pring_carrier_coeff' indexed_padd_def l_distr m_comm)
lemma Pring_smult_assoc1:
"!!a b x. [| a ∈ carrier R; b ∈ carrier R; x ∈ carrier (Pring R I) |] ==>
(a ⊗ b) ⊙⇘Pring R I⇙ x = a ⊙⇘Pring R I⇙ (b ⊙⇘Pring R I⇙ x)"
proof fix a b x m assume A: "a ∈ carrier R" "b ∈ carrier R" "x ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
show " (a ⊗ b ⊙⇘Pring R I⇙ x) m = (a ⊙⇘Pring R I⇙ (b ⊙⇘Pring R I⇙ x)) m"
using Pring_smult_cfs[of "a ⊗ b" x I m]
Pring_smult_cfs[of a "b ⊙⇘Pring R I⇙ x" I m]
Pring_smult_cfs[of "b" x I m]
Pring_smult_closed[of a "b ⊙⇘Pring R I⇙ x" I]
Pring_smult_closed[of b x I]
A(1) A(2) A(3) m_assoc m_closed by auto
lemma Pring_smult_one:
"!!x. x ∈ carrier (Pring R I) ==> (one R) ⊙⇘Pring R I⇙ x = x"
by (simp add: Pring_car Pring_smult poly_scalar_mult_one)
lemma Pring_smult_assoc2:
"!!a x y. [| a ∈ carrier R; x ∈ carrier (Pring R I); y ∈ carrier (Pring R I) |] ==>
(a ⊙⇘Pring R I⇙ x) ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ y = a ⊙⇘Pring R I⇙ (x ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ y)"
by (simp add: Pring_def poly_scalar_mult_times)
lemma Pring_algebra:
"algebra R (Pring R I)"
apply(rule algebraI)
apply (simp add: is_cring)
apply (simp add: Pring_is_cring is_cring)
apply (simp add: Pring_smult_closed)
apply (simp add: Pring_smult_l_distr)
apply (simp add: Pring_smult_r_distr)
apply (simp add: Pring_smult_assoc1)
apply (simp add: Pring_smult_one)
by (simp add: Pring_smult_assoc2)
subsection‹Evaluation of Polynomials and Subring Structure›
In this section the aim is to define the evaluation of a polynomial over its base ring. We define
both total evaluation of a polynomial at all variables, and partial evaluation at only a subset
of variables. The basic input for evaluation is a variable assignment function mapping variables
to ring elements. Once we can evaluate a polynomial $P$ in variables $I$ over a ring $R$ at an
assignment $f: I \to R$, this can be generalized to evaluation of $P$ in some other ring $S$,
given a variable assignment $f: I \to S$ and a ring homomorphism $\phi: R \to S$. We chose to
define this by simply applying $\phi$ to the coefficients of $P$, and then using the first
evaluation function over $S$. This could also have been done the other way around: define
general polynomial evaluation over any ring, given a ring hom $\phi$, and then defining
evaluation over the base ring $R$ as the specialization of this function to the case there
$\phi = \mathit{id}_R$.›
definition remove_monom ::
"('a,'b) ring_scheme ⇒ 'c monomial ⇒ ('a, 'c) mvar_poly ⇒ ('a, 'c) mvar_poly" where
"remove_monom R m P = ring.indexed_padd R P (poly_scalar_mult R (⊖⇘R⇙ P m) (mset_to_IP R m))"
context cring
lemma remove_monom_alt_def:
assumes "P ∈ Pring_set R I"
shows "remove_monom R m P n = (if n = m then 𝟬 else P n)"
unfolding remove_monom_def
apply(cases "n = m")
using assms
apply (metis Pring_cfs_closed cring.cring_simprules(3) poly_scalar_mult_def
indexed_padd_def is_cring mset_to_IP_simp r_neg r_one)
using assms
by (metis Pring_cfs_closed add.l_cancel_one cring.cring_simprules(3)
poly_scalar_mult_def indexed_padd_def is_cring mset_to_IP_simp' r_null zero_closed)
lemma remove_monom_zero:
assumes "m ∉ monomials_of R P"
assumes "P ∈ Pring_set R I"
shows "remove_monom R m P = P"
fix x
show "remove_monom R m P x = P x "
apply(cases "x ∈ monomials_of R P")
using assms unfolding monomials_of_def remove_monom_def
apply (metis cring.remove_monom_alt_def is_cring remove_monom_def)
using assms unfolding monomials_of_def remove_monom_def
by (metis assms(1) cring.remove_monom_alt_def is_cring local.ring_axioms
remove_monom_def ring.complement_of_monomials_of)
lemma remove_monom_closed:
assumes "P ∈ Pring_set R I"
shows "remove_monom R m P ∈ Pring_set R I"
apply(cases "m ∈ monomials_of R P")
using assms poly_scalar_mult_closed[of "(⊖ P m)" "(mset_to_IP R m)" I] mset_to_IP_closed[of m I]
unfolding remove_monom_def
apply (meson Pring_cfs_closed add.inv_closed indexed_pset.indexed_padd mset_to_IP_closed')
by (metis assms remove_monom_def remove_monom_zero)
lemma remove_monom_monomials:
assumes "P ∈ Pring_set R I"
shows "monomials_of R (remove_monom R m P) = monomials_of R P - {m}"
show "monomials_of R (remove_monom R m P) ⊆ monomials_of R P - {m}"
using assms remove_monom_alt_def[of P I m]
unfolding monomials_of_def
by auto
show "monomials_of R P - {m} ⊆ monomials_of R (remove_monom R m P)"
using assms remove_monom_alt_def[of P I m]
unfolding monomials_of_def
by auto
text‹The additive decomposition of a polynomial by a monomial›
lemma remove_monom_eq:
assumes "P ∈ Pring_set R I"
shows "P = (remove_monom R a P) ⨁ poly_scalar_mult R (P a) (mset_to_IP R a)"
unfolding remove_monom_def poly_scalar_mult_def
fix x
show "P x = (P ⨁ (λm. ⊖ P a ⊗ mset_to_IP R a m) ⨁ (λm. P a ⊗ mset_to_IP R a m)) x"
apply(cases "x = a")
apply (metis Pring_cfs_closed assms l_minus l_zero local.ring_axioms mset_to_IP_simp one_closed r_neg r_one ring.indexed_padd_def)
assume A: "x ≠ a"
show "P x = (P ⨁ (λm. ⊖ P a ⊗ mset_to_IP R a m) ⨁ (λm. P a ⊗ mset_to_IP R a m)) x"
using assms A
unfolding mset_to_IP_def indexed_padd_def
using Pring_cfs_closed by fastforce
lemma remove_monom_restrict_poly_to_monom_set:
assumes "P ∈ Pring_set R I"
assumes "monomials_of R P = insert a M"
assumes "a ∉ M"
shows "(remove_monom R a P) = restrict_poly_to_monom_set R P M"
fix m
show "remove_monom R a P m= restrict_poly_to_monom_set R P M m"
apply(cases "m = a")
using assms apply (metis remove_monom_alt_def restrict_poly_to_monom_set_def)
using assms
by (metis complement_of_monomials_of insert_iff remove_monom_alt_def restrict_poly_to_monom_set_def)
subsubsection‹Nesting of Polynomial Rings According to Nesting of Index Sets›
lemma(in ring) Pring_carrier_subset:
assumes "J ⊆ I"
shows "(Pring_set R J) ⊆ (Pring_set R I)"
fix P
show "P ∈ Pring_set R J ⟹P ∈ Pring_set R I"
apply(erule indexed_pset.induct)
using indexed_pset.indexed_const apply blast
using indexed_pset.indexed_padd apply blast
by (meson assms indexed_pset.indexed_pmult subsetD)
lemma(in cring) Pring_set_restrict_induct:
shows "finite S ⟹ ∀P. monomials_of R P = S ∧ P ∈ Pring_set R I ∧ (∀ m ∈ monomials_of R P. set_mset m ⊆ J) ⟶ P ∈ Pring_set R J"
proof(erule finite.induct)
show "∀P. monomials_of R P = {} ∧ P ∈ Pring_set R I ∧ (∀m∈monomials_of R P. set_mset m ⊆ J) ⟶ P ∈ Pring_set R J"
fix P
show "monomials_of R P = {} ∧ P ∈ Pring_set R I ∧ (∀m∈monomials_of R P. set_mset m ⊆ J) ⟶ P ∈ Pring_set R J"
assume A0: "monomials_of R P = {} ∧ P ∈ Pring_set R I ∧ (∀m∈monomials_of R P. set_mset m ⊆ J)"
show "P ∈ Pring_set R J "
by (metis A0 card_eq_0_iff indexed_pset.indexed_const monomials_of_card_zero zero_closed)
show "⋀A a. finite A ⟹
∀P. monomials_of R P = A ∧ P ∈ Pring_set R I ∧ (∀m∈monomials_of R P. set_mset m ⊆ J) ⟶ P ∈ Pring_set R J ⟹
∀P. monomials_of R P = insert a A ∧ P ∈ Pring_set R I ∧ (∀m∈monomials_of R P. set_mset m ⊆ J) ⟶ P ∈ Pring_set R J"
fix A :: "('c monomial) set" fix a fix P
assume A1: "finite A"
assume A2: "∀P. monomials_of R P = A ∧ P ∈ Pring_set R I ∧ (∀m∈monomials_of R P. set_mset m ⊆ J) ⟶ P ∈ Pring_set R J"
show "monomials_of R P = insert a A ∧ P ∈ Pring_set R I ∧ (∀m∈monomials_of R P. set_mset m ⊆ J) ⟶ P ∈ Pring_set R J "
assume A3: "monomials_of R P = insert a A ∧ P ∈ Pring_set R I ∧ (∀m∈monomials_of R P. set_mset m ⊆ J)"
show "P ∈ Pring_set R J"
apply(cases "a ∈ A")
apply (metis A2 A3 insert_absorb)
assume N: "a ∉ A"
obtain Q where Q_def: "Q = remove_monom R a P"
by simp
have Q0: "monomials_of R Q = A"
have 0: "monomials_of R P = insert a A"
by (simp add: A3)
have 1: "P ∈ Pring_set R I"
using A3 by blast
have 2: "monomials_of R (remove_monom R a P) = monomials_of R P - {a}"
using A3 remove_monom_monomials by blast
then show ?thesis
using Q_def 0
by (simp add: N)
have Q1: "Q ∈ Pring_set R I"
using A3 Q_def remove_monom_closed by blast
have Q2: "(∀m∈monomials_of R Q. set_mset m ⊆ J)"
using Q0 A3
by blast
have "Q ∈ Pring_set R J"
using A2 Q0 Q1 Q2 by blast
then show "P ∈ Pring_set R J"
have "P = Q ⨁ poly_scalar_mult R (P a) (mset_to_IP R a)"
using Q_def remove_monom_eq
using A3 by blast
then show ?thesis
by (metis A3 Pring_cfs_closed ‹Q ∈ Pring_set R J› indexed_pset.indexed_padd insertCI mset_to_IP_closed poly_scalar_mult_closed)
lemma(in cring) Pring_set_restrict:
assumes "P ∈ Pring_set R I"
assumes "(⋀m. m ∈ monomials_of R P ⟹ set_mset m ⊆ J)"
shows " P ∈ Pring_set R J"
using assms Pring_set_restrict_induct[of "monomials_of R P"]
by (metis monomials_finite)
lemma(in ring) Pring_mult_eq:
fixes I:: "'c set"
fixes J:: "'c set"
shows "(⊗⇘Pring R I⇙) = (⊗⇘Pring R J⇙)"
by (simp add: Pring_def)
lemma(in ring) Pring_add_eq:
fixes I:: "'c set"
fixes J:: "'c set"
shows "(⊕⇘Pring R I⇙) = (⊕⇘Pring R J⇙)"
using Pring_def
by (simp add: Pring_def)
lemma(in ring) Pring_one_eq:
fixes I:: "'c set"
fixes J:: "'c set"
shows "(𝟭⇘Pring R I⇙) = (𝟭⇘Pring R J⇙)"
using Pring_def
by (simp add: Pring_def)
lemma(in ring) Pring_zero_eq:
fixes I:: "'c set"
fixes J:: "'c set"
shows "(𝟬⇘Pring R I⇙) = (𝟬⇘Pring R J⇙)"
using Pring_def
by (simp add: Pring_def)
lemma(in ring) index_subset_Pring_subring:
assumes "J ⊆ I"
shows "subring (carrier (Pring R J)) (Pring R I)"
apply(rule ring.subringI)
apply (simp add: Pring_is_ring; fail)
using assms
apply (simp add: Pring_car Pring_carrier_subset; fail)
using Pring_def
apply (simp add: Pring_def indexed_pset.indexed_const; fail)
show "⋀h. h ∈ carrier (Pring R J) ⟹ ⊖⇘Pring R I⇙ h ∈ carrier (Pring R J)"
fix h
assume A: "h ∈ carrier (Pring R J)"
then have A0: "⊖⇘Pring R J⇙ h = P_ring_uminus R h"
using Pring_a_inv[of h J]
by auto
have A1: "⊖⇘Pring R I⇙ h = P_ring_uminus R h"
using assms A Pring_carrier_subset[of J I] Pring_a_inv[of h I] Pring_car
by blast
show "⊖⇘Pring R I⇙ h ∈ carrier (Pring R J)"
using A0 A1 A
by (simp add: Pring_uminus)
show " ⋀h1 h2. h1 ∈ carrier (Pring R J) ⟹ h2 ∈ carrier (Pring R J) ⟹ h1 ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ h2 ∈ carrier (Pring R J)"
using assms Pring_mult_eq
by (metis Pring_mult_closed)
show " ⋀h1 h2. h1 ∈ carrier (Pring R J) ⟹ h2 ∈ carrier (Pring R J) ⟹ h1 ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ h2 ∈ carrier (Pring R J)"
using assms Pring_add_eq
by (metis Pring_add_closed)
subsubsection‹Inclusion Maps›
definition Pring_inc :: "('a, 'c) mvar_poly ⇒ ('a, 'c) mvar_poly" where
"Pring_inc ≡ (λP. P)"
lemma(in ring) Princ_inc_is_ring_hom:
assumes "J ⊆ I"
shows "ring_hom_ring (Pring R J) (Pring R I) Pring_inc"
unfolding Pring_inc_def
apply(rule ring_hom_ringI)
apply (simp add: Pring_is_ring)
using Pring_is_ring apply blast
using index_subset_Pring_subring[of I J] assms index_subset_Pring_subring subringE(1)
apply blast
using Pring_mult_eq[of I J]
apply (simp add: Pring_mult)
using Pring_add_eq[of I J]
apply (simp add: Pring_add)
using Pring_one_eq
by (simp add: Pring_one_eq)
subsubsection‹Restricting a Multiset to a Subset of Variables›
definition restrict_to_indices :: "'c monomial ⇒ 'c set ⇒ 'c monomial" where
"restrict_to_indices m S = filter_mset (λi. i ∈ S) m"
lemma restrict_to_indicesE:
assumes "i ∈# restrict_to_indices m S"
shows "i ∈ S"
using assms
unfolding restrict_to_indices_def
by simp
lemma restrict_to_indicesI[simp]:
assumes "i ∈# m"
assumes "i ∈ S"
shows "i ∈# restrict_to_indices m S"
using assms
unfolding restrict_to_indices_def
by simp
lemma restrict_to_indices_not_in[simp]:
assumes "i ∈# m"
assumes "i ∉ S"
shows "i ∉# restrict_to_indices m S"
using assms
unfolding restrict_to_indices_def
by (meson count_eq_zero_iff count_filter_mset)
lemma restrict_to_indices_submultiset[simp]:
"restrict_to_indices m S ⊆# m"
unfolding restrict_to_indices_def
using multiset_filter_subset
by blast
lemma restrict_to_indices_add_element:
"restrict_to_indices (add_mset x m) S = (if x ∈ S then (add_mset x (restrict_to_indices m S) )
else (restrict_to_indices m S) )"
unfolding restrict_to_indices_def
by (metis filter_mset_add_mset)
lemma restrict_to_indices_count[simp]:
"count (restrict_to_indices m S) i = (if (i ∈ S) then (count m i) else 0)"
unfolding restrict_to_indices_def
by (metis count_filter_mset)
lemma restrict_to_indices_subset:
"restrict_to_indices m S = restrict_to_indices m (set_mset m ∩ S)"
proof(induction m)
case empty
then show ?case unfolding restrict_to_indices_def
by (metis filter_empty_mset)
case (add x m)
assume IH: "restrict_to_indices m S = restrict_to_indices m (set_mset m ∩ S)"
show "restrict_to_indices (add_mset x m) S = restrict_to_indices (add_mset x m) (set_mset (add_mset x m) ∩ S)"
have "⋀i. count (restrict_to_indices (add_mset x m) S) i =
count (restrict_to_indices (add_mset x m) (set_mset (add_mset x m) ∩ S)) i "
fix i
show "count (restrict_to_indices (add_mset x m) S) i = count (restrict_to_indices (add_mset x m) (set_mset (add_mset x m) ∩ S)) i"
apply(cases "i ∈ S")
using restrict_to_indices_count
apply (metis IntI count_inI)
by (metis restrict_to_indices_count Int_iff)
then show ?thesis
using multiset_eq_iff by blast
text‹\texttt{Restrict\_to\_indices} only depends on the intersection
of the index set with the set of indices in m:›
lemma restrict_to_indices_subset':
assumes "(set_mset m) ∩ S = (set_mset m) ∩ S'"
shows "restrict_to_indices m S = restrict_to_indices m S'"
by (metis restrict_to_indices_subset assms)
lemma mset_add_plus:
assumes "m = n + k"
shows "add_mset x m = (add_mset x n) + k"
using assms
by simp
text‹Restricting to ‹S› and the complement of ‹S› partitions ‹m›:›
lemma restrict_to_indices_decomp:
"m = (restrict_to_indices m S) + (restrict_to_indices m ((set_mset m) - S))"
apply(induction m)
apply (metis add.right_neutral empty_Diff restrict_to_indices_submultiset set_mset_empty subset_mset.le_zero_eq)
fix x
fix m
assume A: "m = restrict_to_indices m S + restrict_to_indices m (set_mset m - S)"
show "add_mset x m = restrict_to_indices (add_mset x m) S + restrict_to_indices (add_mset x m) (set_mset (add_mset x m) - S)"
proof(cases "x ∈ S")
case True
then have T0: "restrict_to_indices (add_mset x m) S = (add_mset x (restrict_to_indices m S) ) "
by (simp add: True restrict_to_indices_add_element)
have T1: "restrict_to_indices (add_mset x m) (set_mset (add_mset x m) - S) =
restrict_to_indices m (set_mset (add_mset x m) - S)"
using True by (metis DiffD2 restrict_to_indices_add_element)
have T2: "restrict_to_indices (add_mset x m) S + restrict_to_indices (add_mset x m) (set_mset (add_mset x m) - S)
= (add_mset x (restrict_to_indices m S) ) + restrict_to_indices m (set_mset (add_mset x m) - S)"
using T0 T1
by presburger
have T3: " add_mset x m = add_mset x (restrict_to_indices m S) + restrict_to_indices m (set_mset m - S)"
using T2 A using mset_add_plus[of m "restrict_to_indices m S" " restrict_to_indices m (set_mset m - S)" x]
by blast
have T4: "set_mset m ∩ (set_mset (add_mset x m) - S) = set_mset m ∩ (set_mset m - S)"
show "set_mset m ∩ (set_mset (add_mset x m) - S) ⊆ set_mset m ∩ (set_mset m - S)"
by blast
show "set_mset m ∩ (set_mset m - S) ⊆ set_mset m ∩ (set_mset (add_mset x m) - S)"
by (simp add: True)
have T5: "restrict_to_indices m (set_mset (add_mset x m) - S) = restrict_to_indices m (set_mset m - S)"
using T4 restrict_to_indices_subset'[of m "(set_mset (add_mset x m) - S)" " (set_mset m - S)" ]
by blast
then show ?thesis using T4
by (metis T0 T1 T3)
case False
then have F0: "restrict_to_indices (add_mset x m) S = (restrict_to_indices m S) "
by (simp add: False restrict_to_indices_add_element)
have F1: "restrict_to_indices (add_mset x m) (set_mset (add_mset x m) - S) =
(add_mset x (restrict_to_indices m (set_mset (add_mset x m) - S)))"
using False
by (meson DiffI restrict_to_indices_add_element union_single_eq_member)
have F2: "restrict_to_indices (add_mset x m) S + restrict_to_indices (add_mset x m) (set_mset (add_mset x m) - S)
= (restrict_to_indices m S) + (add_mset x (restrict_to_indices m (set_mset (add_mset x m) - S)))"
using F0 F1
by presburger
have F3: " add_mset x m = (restrict_to_indices m S) + (add_mset x (restrict_to_indices m (set_mset m - S)))"
using F2 A mset_add_plus[of m "restrict_to_indices m (set_mset m - S)" "restrict_to_indices m S" x]
by (metis union_mset_add_mset_right)
have F4: " add_mset x m = restrict_to_indices (add_mset x m) S+ (add_mset x (restrict_to_indices m (set_mset m - S)))"
using F0 F3 by auto
have F5: "add_mset x (restrict_to_indices m (set_mset m - S)) = restrict_to_indices (add_mset x m) (set_mset (add_mset x m) - S) "
proof(cases "x ∈ set_mset m")
case True
then show ?thesis
by (metis F1 add_mset_remove_trivial more_than_one_mset_mset_diff)
case F: False
have "set_mset m ∩ (set_mset (add_mset x m) - S) = set_mset m ∩(set_mset m - S)"
show "set_mset m ∩ (set_mset (add_mset x m) - S) ⊆ set_mset m ∩ (set_mset m - S)"
using F False
by blast
show "set_mset m ∩ (set_mset m - S) ⊆ set_mset m ∩ (set_mset (add_mset x m) - S)"
using F False
by (metis Diff_mono mset_add_plus Int_mono add_cancel_right_left
set_eq_subset subsetI subset_iff union_commute union_iff)
then show ?thesis
by (metis F1 restrict_to_indices_subset')
then show ?thesis
using False F4
by presburger
definition remove_indices :: "'c monomial ⇒ 'c set ⇒ 'c monomial" where
"remove_indices m S = (restrict_to_indices m (set_mset m - S))"
lemma remove_indices_decomp:
"m = (restrict_to_indices m S) + (remove_indices m S)"
unfolding remove_indices_def
using restrict_to_indices_decomp
by blast
lemma remove_indices_indices[simp]:
assumes "set_mset m ⊆ I"
shows "set_mset (remove_indices m S) ⊆ I - S"
unfolding remove_indices_def using assms
by (meson Diff_iff restrict_to_indicesE subsetD subsetI)
subsubsection‹Total evaluation of a monomial›
We define total evaluation of a monomial first, and then define the partial evaluation of a
monomial in terms of this.
abbreviation(input) closed_fun where
"closed_fun R g ≡ g ∈ UNIV → carrier R"
definition monom_eval :: "('a, 'b) ring_scheme ⇒ 'c monomial ⇒ ('c ⇒ 'a) ⇒ 'a" where
"monom_eval R (m:: 'c monomial) g = fold_mset (λ x . λ y. if y ∈ carrier R then (g x) ⊗⇘R⇙ y else 𝟬⇘R⇙) 𝟭⇘R⇙ m"
context cring
lemma closed_fun_simp:
assumes "closed_fun R g"
shows "g n ∈ carrier R"
using assms
by blast
lemma closed_funI:
assumes "⋀x. g x ∈ carrier R"
shows "closed_fun R g"
by (meson Pi_I assms)
text‹The following are necessary technical lemmas to prove properties of about folds over multisets:›
lemma monom_eval_comp_fun:
fixes g:: "'c ⇒ 'a"
assumes "closed_fun R g"
shows "comp_fun_commute (λ x . λy. if y ∈ carrier R then (g x) ⊗ y else 𝟬)"
unfolding comp_fun_commute_def
have "⋀ x y. (λya. if ya ∈ carrier R then g y ⊗ ya else 𝟬) ∘ (λy. if y ∈ carrier R then g x ⊗ y else 𝟬) =
(λy. if y ∈ carrier R then g x ⊗ y else 𝟬) ∘ (λya. if ya ∈ carrier R then g y ⊗ ya else 𝟬)"
fix x y a
show "((λya. if ya ∈ carrier R then g y ⊗ ya else 𝟬) ∘ (λy. if y ∈ carrier R then g x ⊗ y else 𝟬)) a =
((λy. if y ∈ carrier R then g x ⊗ y else 𝟬) ∘ (λya. if ya ∈ carrier R then g y ⊗ ya else 𝟬)) a"
proof(cases "a ∈ carrier R")
case True
then show ?thesis
have LHS: "((λya. if ya ∈ carrier R then g y ⊗ ya else 𝟬) ∘ (λy. if y ∈ carrier R then g x ⊗ y else 𝟬)) a =
((λya. if ya ∈ carrier R then g y ⊗ ya else 𝟬) (g x ⊗ a))"
using True assms(1) m_closed m_lcomm
unfolding o_def
by presburger
then have LHS': "((λya. if ya ∈ carrier R then g y ⊗ ya else 𝟬) ∘ (λy. if y ∈ carrier R then g x ⊗ y else 𝟬)) a = g y ⊗ (g x ⊗ a) "
using True assms m_closed
by (meson PiE UNIV_I)
then show ?thesis
unfolding o_def
using True assms m_closed m_lcomm
by (smt PiE UNIV_I)
case False
then show ?thesis
unfolding o_def
using assms r_null closed_fun_simp
by smt
then show " ∀y x. (λya. if ya ∈ carrier R then g y ⊗ ya else 𝟬) ∘ (λy. if y ∈ carrier R then g x ⊗ y else 𝟬) =
(λy. if y ∈ carrier R then g x ⊗ y else 𝟬) ∘ (λya. if ya ∈ carrier R then g y ⊗ ya else 𝟬)"
by blast
lemma monom_eval_car:
assumes "closed_fun R g"
shows "monom_eval R (m:: 'c monomial) g ∈ carrier R"
proof(induction m)
case empty
then show ?case
unfolding monom_eval_def
by (metis fold_mset_empty one_closed)
case (add x m)
fix x m
assume A: "monom_eval R m g ∈ carrier R"
obtain f where f_def: "f = (λ x . λy. if y ∈ carrier R then (g x) ⊗ y else 𝟬)"
by blast
have 0: "comp_fun_commute f"
using assms monom_eval_comp_fun[of g] f_def
by blast
have 1: "⋀m. monom_eval R m g = fold_mset f 𝟭 m"
using f_def monom_eval_def
by blast
have 2: "monom_eval R (add_mset x m) g = fold_mset f 𝟭 (add_mset x m)"
using 1 by blast
have 3: "g x ∈ carrier R"
using assms by blast
then show "monom_eval R (add_mset x m) g ∈ carrier R"
using assms 0 1 2 3
by (metis A comp_fun_commute.fold_mset_add_mset f_def m_closed)
text‹Formula for recursive (total) evaluation of a monomial:›
lemma monom_eval_add:
assumes "closed_fun R g"
shows "monom_eval R (add_mset x M) g = (g x) ⊗ (monom_eval R M g)"
obtain f where f_def: "f = (λ x . λy. if y ∈ carrier R then (g x) ⊗ y else 𝟬)"
by blast
have 0: "comp_fun_commute f"
using assms monom_eval_comp_fun f_def
by blast
have 1: "⋀m. monom_eval R m g = fold_mset f 𝟭 m"
using f_def monom_eval_def
by blast
have 2: "monom_eval R (add_mset x M) g = fold_mset f 𝟭 (add_mset x M)"
using 1 by blast
have 3: "g x ∈ carrier R"
using assms by blast
have 4: "(g x) ⊗ (monom_eval R M g) = f x (monom_eval R M g)"
using f_def 3
by (meson assms monom_eval_car)
then show ?thesis
by (metis "0" "1" comp_fun_commute.fold_mset_add_mset)
This function maps a polynomial $P$ to the set of monomials in $P$ which, after evaluating all
variables in the set $S$ to values in the ring $R$, reduce to the monomial $n$.
definition monomials_reducing_to ::
"('a,'b) ring_scheme ⇒ 'c monomial ⇒ ('a,'c) mvar_poly ⇒ 'c set ⇒ ('c monomial) set" where
"monomials_reducing_to R n P S = {m ∈ monomials_of R P. remove_indices m S = n}"
lemma monomials_reducing_to_subset[simp]:
"monomials_reducing_to R n P s ⊆ monomials_of R P"
unfolding monomials_reducing_to_def
by blast
context cring
lemma monomials_reducing_to_finite:
assumes "P ∈ Pring_set R I"
shows "finite (monomials_reducing_to R n P s)"
by (meson assms monomials_finite monomials_reducing_to_subset rev_finite_subset)
lemma monomials_reducing_to_disjoint:
assumes "n1 ≠ n2"
shows "monomials_reducing_to R n1 P S ∩ monomials_reducing_to R n2 P S = {}"
unfolding monomials_reducing_to_def
using assms
by blast
lemma monomials_reducing_to_submset:
assumes "n ⊂# m"
shows "n ∉ monomials_reducing_to R m P S"
proof(rule ccontr)
assume C: "¬ n ∉ monomials_reducing_to R m P S "
then have "n ∈ monomials_reducing_to R m P S "
by blast
then have "remove_indices n S = m"
unfolding monomials_reducing_to_def
by blast
then show False
by (metis (full_types) remove_indices_def restrict_to_indices_submultiset assms subset_mset.less_asym' subset_mset.less_irrefl subset_mset_def)
subsubsection‹Partial Evaluation of a Polynomial›
This function takes as input a set $S$ of variables, an evaluation function $g$, and a polynomial
to evaluate $P$. The output is a polynomial which is the result of evaluating the variables from
the set $S$ which occur in $P$, according to the evaluation function $g$.
definition poly_eval ::
"('a,'b) ring_scheme ⇒ 'c set ⇒ ('c ⇒ 'a) ⇒ ('a, 'c) mvar_poly ⇒ ('a, 'c) mvar_poly"where
"poly_eval R S g P m = (finsum R (λn. monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices n S) g ⊗⇘R⇙ (P n)) (monomials_reducing_to R m P S))"
context cring
lemma finsum_singleton:
assumes "S = {s}"
assumes "f s ∈ carrier R"
shows "finsum R f S = f s"
have "finsum R f S = finsum R f (insert s {})"
using assms(1)
by blast
then show ?thesis using finsum_insert[of "{}" s f] assms
by (metis Pi_I empty_iff finite.emptyI finsum_empty r_zero)
lemma poly_eval_constant:
assumes "k ∈ carrier R"
shows "poly_eval R S g (indexed_const k) = (indexed_const k)"
have S: "monomials_of R (indexed_const k) ⊆ {{#}}"
unfolding indexed_const_def monomials_of_def
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) mem_Collect_eq singletonI subset_iff)
fix x
show "poly_eval R S g (indexed_const k) x = indexed_const k x "
proof(cases "x = {#}")
case True
have "(monomials_reducing_to R x (indexed_const k) S) ⊆ {{#}}"
using S monomials_reducing_to_subset
by blast
then show ?thesis
proof(cases "k = 𝟬")
case True
then have "(monomials_reducing_to R x (indexed_const k) S) = {}"
by (metis S ‹monomials_reducing_to R x (indexed_const k) S ⊆ {{#}}›
monomials_reducing_to_subset monoms_of_const subset_antisym subset_singletonD)
then show ?thesis
unfolding poly_eval_def
by (metis True finsum_empty indexed_const_def)
case False
then have "monomials_of R (indexed_const k) = {{#}}"
by (meson monoms_of_const)
have "remove_indices {#} S = {#}"
using remove_indices_decomp by blast
then have "{#} ∈ monomials_reducing_to R x (indexed_const k) S"
using True False unfolding monomials_reducing_to_def
‹monomials_of R (indexed_const k) = {{#}}›
by blast
then have 0: "monomials_reducing_to R x (indexed_const k) S = {{#}}"
using ‹monomials_reducing_to R x (indexed_const k) S ⊆ {{#}}›
by blast
have 1: "restrict_to_indices {#} S = {#}"
using restrict_to_indices_submultiset remove_indices_decomp by blast
have 2: "monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices {#} S) g = 𝟭"
unfolding monom_eval_def
using 1
by (metis fold_mset_empty)
have 3: "poly_eval R S g (indexed_const k) x =
(⨁n∈{{#}}. monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices n S) g ⊗ indexed_const k n)"
unfolding poly_eval_def
using 0
by presburger
have 4: "(⨁n∈{{#}}. monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices n S) g ⊗ indexed_const k n) = monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices {#} S) g ⊗ indexed_const k {#}"
using finsum_singleton[of "{{#}}" "{#}" "λn. monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices n S) g ⊗ indexed_const k n" ]
by (metis "2" assms indexed_const_def l_one)
then show ?thesis unfolding poly_eval_def
using 0 1 2
by (metis True assms indexed_const_def l_one)
case False
then have F0: "(indexed_const k) x = 𝟬"
by (meson indexed_const_def)
have "(monomials_reducing_to R x (indexed_const k) S) = {}"
unfolding monomials_reducing_to_def
proof(rule ccontr)
assume A: "{m ∈ monomials_of R (indexed_const k). remove_indices m S = x} ≠ {}"
then obtain m where m_def: "m ∈ monomials_of R (indexed_const k) ∧ remove_indices m S = x"
by blast
then show False using A F0
by (metis False S empty_eq_union empty_iff
remove_indices_decomp singletonD subset_singletonD)
then show ?thesis
unfolding poly_eval_def
by (metis False finsum_empty indexed_const_def)
lemma finsum_partition:
assumes "finite S"
assumes "f ∈ S → carrier R"
assumes "T ⊆ S"
shows "finsum R f S = finsum R f T ⊕ finsum R f (S - T) "
have "⋀U. finite U ⟹ U ⊆ S ⟶ finsum R f S = finsum R f U ⊕ finsum R f (S - U) "
fix U
show "finite U ⟹ U ⊆ S ⟶ finsum R f S = finsum R f U ⊕ finsum R f (S - U) "
apply(erule finite.induct)
apply (metis Diff_empty assms(2) finsum_closed finsum_empty l_zero)
fix A :: "'c set" fix a
assume A0: "finite A"
show "A ⊆ S ⟶ finsum R f S = finsum R f A ⊕ finsum R f (S - A) ⟹ insert a A ⊆ S ⟹ finsum R f S = finsum R f (insert a A) ⊕ finsum R f (S - insert a A)"
assume A1: "A ⊆ S ⟶ finsum R f S = finsum R f A ⊕ finsum R f (S - A)"
assume A2: "insert a A ⊆ S"
show "finsum R f S = finsum R f (insert a A) ⊕ finsum R f (S - insert a A)"
apply(cases "a ∈ A")
apply (metis A1 A2 insert_absorb)
assume A3: "a ∉ A"
have A4: "f a ∈ carrier R"
by (metis A2 Pi_iff assms(2) insert_subset)
have A5: " finsum R f (insert a A) = f a ⊕ finsum R f A"
using A0 A1 A2 finsum_insert[of A a f] assms A3
by blast
have A6: "a ∈ S"
using A2 by blast
have A7: "finsum R f S ∈ carrier R"
using assms(2) finsum_closed by blast
have A8: " finsum R f (S - A)∈ carrier R"
using Diff_subset[of S A] Pi_iff assms(2) finsum_closed[of f] subsetD[of _ S ]
by (meson Pi_anti_mono in_mono)
have A9: "finsum R f A ∈ carrier R"
by (meson A2 Pi_anti_mono assms(2) finsum_closed insert_subset subsetD)
have A10: "finsum R f A = finsum R f S ⊖ finsum R f (S - A)"
using A7 A8 A9
by (metis A1 A2 add.inv_solve_right' insert_subset minus_eq)
have A11: " finsum R f (insert a A) = f a ⊕ (finsum R f S ⊖ finsum R f (S - A))"
using A5 A6 A1 A2 assms A10
by presburger
then have A12: " finsum R f (insert a A) =finsum R f S ⊕( f a ⊖ finsum R f (S - A))"
using A4 A7 A8 add.inv_closed add.m_lcomm minus_eq by presburger
have A13: "finsum R f (insert a A) ∈ carrier R"
using A4 A5 A9 add.m_closed
by presburger
have A14: " finsum R f (S - insert a A) ∈ carrier R"
by (meson Diff_subset Pi_anti_mono assms(2) finsum_closed in_mono)
have A15: "finsum R f S = finsum R f (insert a A) ⊖ ( f a ⊖ finsum R f (S - A)) "
by (metis A12 A13 A4 A7 A8 add.inv_solve_right' minus_closed minus_eq)
have A16: "finsum R f S = finsum R f (insert a A) ⊕ finsum R f (S - A) ⊖ f a"
using A1 A2 A4 A5 A8 A9 add.inv_closed add.m_assoc add.m_comm insert_subset minus_closed minus_eq r_neg1
unfolding a_minus_def
by (metis add.m_closed)
have A16: "finsum R f S = finsum R f (insert a A) ⊕ (finsum R f (S - A) ⊖ f a)"
unfolding a_minus_def
using A13 A16 A4 A8 add.inv_closed add.m_assoc minus_eq by presburger
have A17: "(finsum R f (S - A) ⊖ f a) = finsum R f (S - insert a A) "
have A170: "(S - A) = insert a (S - insert a A)"
using A3 A6 by blast
have A171: "a ∉ S - insert a A"
by blast
then have "finsum R f (S - A) =(f a) ⊕ finsum R f (S - insert a A) "
using A170 finsum_insert[of "(S - insert a A)" a f]
by (metis A4 Diff_subset Pi_anti_mono assms(1) assms(2)
rev_finite_subset subsetD )
then show ?thesis
by (metis A1 A13 A14 A16 A2 A4 A5 A8 A9 add.l_cancel
add.m_assoc add.m_comm insert_subset minus_closed)
then show "finsum R f S = finsum R f (insert a A) ⊕ finsum R f (S - insert a A) "
using A16
by presburger
then show ?thesis
by (meson assms(1) assms(3) rev_finite_subset)
lemma finsum_eq_parition:
assumes "finite S"
assumes "f ∈ S → carrier R"
assumes "T ⊆ S"
assumes "⋀x. x ∈ S - T ⟹ f x = 𝟬"
shows "finsum R f S = finsum R f T"
using assms
by (metis add.finprod_mono_neutral_cong_right)
lemma poly_eval_scalar_mult:
assumes "k ∈ carrier R"
assumes "closed_fun R g"
assumes "P ∈ Pring_set R I"
shows "poly_eval R S g (poly_scalar_mult R k P)=
(poly_scalar_mult R k (poly_eval R S g P))"
fix m
show "poly_eval R S g (poly_scalar_mult R k P) m = poly_scalar_mult R k (poly_eval R S g P) m"
unfolding poly_eval_def poly_scalar_mult_def
have 0: "(⨁n∈monomials_reducing_to R m P S. monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices n S) g ⊗ (k ⊗ P n)) =
(⨁n∈monomials_reducing_to R m (λm. k ⊗ P m) S. monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices n S) g ⊗ (k ⊗ P n)) "
have 00: "monomials_reducing_to R m (λm. k ⊗ P m) S ⊆ monomials_reducing_to R m P S"
fix x show " x ∈ monomials_reducing_to R m (λm. k ⊗ P m) S ⟹ x ∈ monomials_reducing_to R m P S"
unfolding monomials_reducing_to_def
using assms assms(1) monomials_ofE complement_of_monomials_of r_null[of k]
by (metis (no_types, lifting) mem_Collect_eq)
have 01: "(λn. monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices n S) g ⊗ (k ⊗ P n)) ∈ monomials_reducing_to R m P S → carrier R"
by (smt Pi_I Pring_cfs_closed assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) closed_fun_simp m_closed monom_eval_car)
have 02: "finite (monomials_reducing_to R m P S)"
using assms(3) monomials_reducing_to_finite
by blast
have 03: " (⋀x. x ∈ monomials_reducing_to R m P S - monomials_reducing_to R m (λm. k ⊗ P m) S ⟹
monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices x S) g ⊗ (k ⊗ P x) = 𝟬)"
fix x
assume A: "x ∈ monomials_reducing_to R m P S - monomials_reducing_to R m (λm. k ⊗ P m) S "
have "x ∉ monomials_of R ((λm. k ⊗ P m))"
assume "x ∈ monomials_of R (λm. k ⊗ P m)"
then have "x ∈ monomials_reducing_to R m (λm. k ⊗ P m) S"
using A
unfolding monomials_reducing_to_def
by blast
then show False
using A by blast
then show "monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices x S) g ⊗ (k ⊗ P x) = 𝟬"
by (metis assms(2) complement_of_monomials_of monom_eval_car r_null)
have 01: " (⋀x. x ∈ monomials_reducing_to R m P S - monomials_reducing_to R m (λm. k ⊗ P m) S ⟹ monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices x S) g ⊗ (k ⊗ P x) = 𝟬)"
proof- fix x assume A: "x ∈ monomials_reducing_to R m P S - monomials_reducing_to R m (λm. k ⊗ P m) S"
hence "x ∉ monomials_reducing_to R m (λm. k ⊗ P m) S"
by blast
hence "(k ⊗ P x) = 𝟬" unfolding monomials_reducing_to_def
by (metis (no_types, lifting) A DiffD1 complement_of_monomials_of mem_Collect_eq monomials_reducing_to_def)
thus "monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices x S) g ⊗ (k ⊗ P x) = 𝟬"
using monom_eval_car[of g] assms(2) r_null by presburger
have 02: "finite (monomials_reducing_to R m P S)"
using assms(3) monomials_reducing_to_finite by blast
have 04: "(λn. monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices n S) g ⊗ (k ⊗ P n)) ∈ monomials_reducing_to R m P S → carrier R"
by (smt Pi_I assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) closed_fun_simp cring.axioms(1) is_cring m_closed monom_eval_car ring.Pring_cfs_closed)
show ?thesis
using 00 01 02 04
finsum_eq_parition[of "monomials_reducing_to R m P S"
"(λn. monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices n S) g ⊗ (k ⊗ P n))"
"monomials_reducing_to R m (λm. k ⊗ P m) S"]
by blast
then have 1: " (⨁n∈monomials_reducing_to R m (λm. k ⊗ P m) S. monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices n S) g ⊗ (k ⊗ P n))
= (⨁n∈monomials_reducing_to R m P S. k ⊗ (monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices n S) g ⊗ (P n))) "
have "⋀n. monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices n S) g ⊗ (k ⊗ P n) = k ⊗ (monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices n S) g ⊗ (P n))"
by (metis Pring_cfs_closed assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) m_lcomm monom_eval_car)
then show ?thesis
using 0
by presburger
show " (⨁n∈monomials_reducing_to R m (λm. k ⊗ P m) S. monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices n S) g ⊗ (k ⊗ P n))
= k ⊗(⨁n∈monomials_reducing_to R m P S. monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices n S) g ⊗ (P n)) "
have "(λn. monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices n S) g ⊗ (P n)) ∈ (monomials_reducing_to R m P S) → carrier R"
by (meson Pi_I Pring_cfs_closed assms(2) assms(3) m_closed monom_eval_car)
then have "k ⊗ (⨁i∈monomials_reducing_to R m P S. monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices i S) g ⊗ P i) =
(⨁i∈monomials_reducing_to R m P S. k ⊗ (monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices i S) g ⊗ P i))"
using finsum_rdistr[of "monomials_reducing_to R m P S"
"(λn. monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices n S) g ⊗ (P n))"]
assms monomials_reducing_to_finite by blast
then show ?thesis
using 1
by presburger
lemma poly_eval_monomial:
assumes "closed_fun R g"
assumes "𝟭 ≠𝟬"
shows "poly_eval R S g (mset_to_IP R m)
= poly_scalar_mult R (monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices m S) g)
(mset_to_IP R (remove_indices m S))"
have 0: "monomials_of R (mset_to_IP R m) = {m}"
using assms monomials_of_mset_to_IP
by blast
fix x
show "poly_eval R S g (mset_to_IP R m) x =
poly_scalar_mult R (monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices m S) g)
(mset_to_IP R (remove_indices m S)) x "
proof(cases "x = (remove_indices m S)")
case True
have "monomials_reducing_to R x (mset_to_IP R m) S = {m}"
unfolding monomials_reducing_to_def
using True 0
by auto
then have "poly_eval R S g (mset_to_IP R m) x = monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices m S) g ⊗ (mset_to_IP R m m)"
unfolding poly_eval_def
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) assms(1) finsum_singleton monom_eval_car mset_to_IP_simp r_one)
then show ?thesis
by (metis True mset_to_IP_simp poly_scalar_mult_def)
case False
then have "monomials_reducing_to R x (mset_to_IP R m) S = {}"
unfolding monomials_reducing_to_def
using 0
by auto
then have "poly_eval R S g (mset_to_IP R m) x = 𝟬"
unfolding poly_eval_def
by (metis finsum_empty)
then show ?thesis
using False
by (metis assms(1) monom_eval_car mset_to_IP_simp' poly_scalar_mult_def r_null)
lemma(in cring) poly_eval_monomial_closed:
assumes "closed_fun R g"
assumes "𝟭 ≠𝟬"
assumes "set_mset m ⊆ I"
shows "poly_eval R S g (mset_to_IP R m) ∈ Pring_set R (I - S)"
have "(mset_to_IP R (remove_indices m S)) ∈ Pring_set R (I - S)"
using assms mset_to_IP_closed[of "(remove_indices m S)" "I - S"]
by (metis remove_indices_indices)
then show ?thesis
using assms poly_eval_monomial[of g S m ]
poly_scalar_mult_closed[of "(monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices m S) g)"
"(mset_to_IP R (remove_indices m S))"]
by (metis monom_eval_car)
lemma poly_scalar_mult_iter:
assumes "𝟭 ≠𝟬"
assumes "P ∈ Pring_set R I"
assumes "k ∈ carrier R"
assumes "n ∈ carrier R"
shows "poly_scalar_mult R k (poly_scalar_mult R n P) = poly_scalar_mult R (k ⊗ n) P"
using assms
unfolding poly_scalar_mult_def
by (metis Pring_cfs_closed m_assoc)
lemma poly_scalar_mult_comm:
assumes "𝟭 ≠𝟬"
assumes "P ∈ Pring_set R I"
assumes "a ∈ carrier R"
assumes "b ∈ carrier R"
shows "poly_scalar_mult R a (poly_scalar_mult R b P) = poly_scalar_mult R b (poly_scalar_mult R a P)"
using assms poly_scalar_mult_iter m_comm[of a b]
by metis
lemma poly_eval_monomial_term:
assumes "closed_fun R g"
assumes "𝟭 ≠𝟬"
assumes "set_mset m ⊆ I"
assumes "k ∈ carrier R"
shows "poly_eval R S g (poly_scalar_mult R k (mset_to_IP R m)) = poly_scalar_mult R (k⊗(monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices m S) g))
(mset_to_IP R (remove_indices m S))"
have 0: "poly_eval R S g (poly_scalar_mult R k (mset_to_IP R m)) =
poly_scalar_mult R k (poly_eval R S g (mset_to_IP R m))"
using assms poly_eval_scalar_mult[of k g "mset_to_IP R m" I S] mset_to_IP_closed
by blast
have 1: "poly_eval R S g (poly_scalar_mult R k (mset_to_IP R m)) =
poly_scalar_mult R k (poly_scalar_mult R (monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices m S) g)
(mset_to_IP R (remove_indices m S))) "
using 0 assms
by (metis poly_eval_monomial)
have 2: "mset_to_IP R (remove_indices m S) ∈ Pring_set R I"
using assms mset_to_IP_closed
by (metis Diff_subset remove_indices_def restrict_to_indicesE subset_iff)
have 3: "monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices m S) g ∈ carrier R"
using assms monom_eval_car by blast
show ?thesis
using 1 2 3 assms poly_scalar_mult_iter[of "mset_to_IP R (remove_indices m S)" I k "(monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices m S) g)"]
by presburger
lemma poly_eval_monomial_term_closed:
assumes "closed_fun R g"
assumes "𝟭 ≠𝟬"
assumes "set_mset m ⊆ I"
assumes "k ∈ carrier R"
shows "poly_eval R S g (poly_scalar_mult R k (mset_to_IP R m)) ∈ Pring_set R (I - S)"
have "(mset_to_IP R (remove_indices m S)) ∈ Pring_set R (I - S)"
using assms
by (meson remove_indices_indices mset_to_IP_closed)
then show ?thesis
using assms poly_eval_monomial_term remove_indices_indices[of m I S]
by (metis cring.cring_simprules(5) cring.monom_eval_car is_cring poly_scalar_mult_closed)
lemma finsum_split:
assumes "finite S"
assumes "f ∈ S → carrier R"
assumes "g ∈ S → carrier R"
assumes "k ∈ carrier R"
assumes "c ∈ S"
assumes "⋀s. s ∈ S ∧ s ≠ c ⟹ f s = g s"
assumes "g c = f c ⊕ k"
shows "finsum R g S = k ⊕ finsum R f S"
have 0: "finsum R f S = f c ⊕ finsum R f (S - {c})"
have "f ∈ S - {c} → carrier R"
by (metis Pi_split_insert_domain assms(2) assms(5) insert_Diff)
then show ?thesis
using assms finsum_insert[of "S - {c}" c f]
by (metis DiffD2 Pi_iff finite_Diff insert_Diff singletonI)
have 1: "finsum R g S = g c ⊕ finsum R g (S - {c})"
have "g ∈ S - {c} → carrier R"
by (metis Pi_split_insert_domain assms(3) assms(5) insert_Diff)
then show ?thesis
using assms finsum_insert[of "S - {c}" c g]
by (metis DiffD2 Pi_iff finite_Diff insert_Diff singletonI)
have "finsum R f (S - {c}) = finsum R g (S - {c})"
using assms Diff_iff Pi_split_insert_domain finsum_cong'[of "S- {c}" "S - {c}" g f]
insert_Diff singletonI
by blast
then have "finsum R g S = f c ⊕ k ⊕ finsum R g (S - {c})"
using assms ‹finsum R g S = g c ⊕ finsum R g (S - {c})›
by presburger
then have 1: "finsum R g S = f c ⊕ k ⊕ finsum R f (S - {c})"
using ‹finsum R f (S - {c}) = finsum R g (S - {c})› by presburger
have "finsum R g S = k ⊕ ( f c ⊕ finsum R f (S - {c}))"
have "f c ∈ carrier R"
by (metis PiE assms(2) assms(5))
have "finsum R f (S - {c}) ∈ carrier R"
by (metis Pi_split_insert_domain assms(2) assms(5) finsum_closed insert_Diff)
then show ?thesis using assms(4) 1
using ‹f c ∈ carrier R› add.m_assoc add.m_lcomm
by presburger
then show ?thesis
using "0"
by presburger
lemma poly_monom_induction:
assumes "P (indexed_const 𝟬)"
assumes "⋀m k. set_mset m ⊆ I ∧ k ∈ carrier R ⟹ P (poly_scalar_mult R k (mset_to_IP R m))"
assumes "⋀Q m k. Q ∈ Pring_set R I ∧ (P Q) ∧ set_mset m ⊆ I ∧ k ∈ carrier R⟹ P (Q ⨁ (poly_scalar_mult R k (mset_to_IP R m)))"
shows "⋀Q. Q ∈ Pring_set R I ⟹ P Q"
have 0: "⋀Ms. finite Ms ⟹ (∀ Q ∈ Pring_set R I. monomials_of R Q = Ms ⟶ P Q)"
fix Ms
show " finite Ms ⟹ (∀ Q ∈ Pring_set R I. monomials_of R Q = Ms ⟶ P Q)"
proof(erule finite.induct)
show "∀Q∈Pring_set R I. monomials_of R Q = {} ⟶ P Q"
fix Q
assume "Q ∈ Pring_set R I"
show "monomials_of R Q = {} ⟶ P Q "
using assms
by (metis ‹Q ∈ Pring_set R I› card_0_eq monomials_finite monomials_of_card_zero)
show "⋀A a. finite A ⟹ ∀Q∈Pring_set R I. monomials_of R Q = A ⟶ P Q ⟹
∀Q∈Pring_set R I. monomials_of R Q = insert a A ⟶ P Q"
fix A :: "'c monomial set" fix a fix Q
assume A0: "finite A"
assume A1: "∀Q∈Pring_set R I. monomials_of R Q = A ⟶ P Q"
assume A2: " Q ∈ Pring_set R I "
show "monomials_of R Q = insert a A ⟶ P Q"
assume A3: "monomials_of R Q = insert a A"
show "P Q"
apply(cases "a ∈ A")
apply (metis A1 A2 A3 insert_absorb)
assume A4: "a ∉ A"
show "P Q"
have A5: "set_mset a ⊆ I"
by (metis A2 A3 insert_iff mset_to_IP_indices)
have A6: "set_mset a ⊆ I ∧ Q a ∈ carrier R"
using A2 A5 Pring_cfs_closed by blast
obtain Q' where Q'_def: "Q' = remove_monom R a Q"
by simp
then have "Q = Q' ⨁ poly_scalar_mult R (Q a) (mset_to_IP R a)"
using A2 cring.remove_monom_eq is_cring by blast
then show ?thesis using A6 assms
by (metis A1 A2 A3 A4 Diff_empty Diff_insert0 Q'_def insert_Diff1
remove_monom_closed remove_monom_monomials singletonI)
show "⋀Q. Q ∈ Pring_set R I ⟹ P Q"
fix Q
assume "Q ∈ Pring_set R I"
show "P Q"
using 0[of "monomials_of R Q"] ‹Q ∈ Pring_set R I› monomials_finite
by blast
lemma Pring_car_induct:
assumes "q ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
assumes "P 𝟬⇘Pring R I⇙"
assumes "⋀m k. set_mset m ⊆ I ∧ k ∈ carrier R ⟹ P (k ⊙⇘Pring R I⇙(mset_to_IP R m))"
assumes "⋀Q m k. Q ∈ carrier (Pring R I) ∧ (P Q) ∧ set_mset m ⊆ I ∧ k ∈ carrier R⟹
P (Q ⨁ (k ⊙⇘Pring R I⇙ (mset_to_IP R m)))"
shows "P q"
using poly_monom_induction[of P I q] assms Pring_smult[of I] Pring_car[of I] Pring_zero
by metis
lemma poly_monom_induction2:
assumes "P (indexed_const 𝟬)"
assumes "⋀m k. set_mset m ⊆ I ∧ k ∈ carrier R ⟹ P (poly_scalar_mult R k (mset_to_IP R m))"
assumes "⋀Q m k. Q ∈ Pring_set R I ∧ (P Q) ∧ set_mset m ⊆ I ∧ k ∈ carrier R ⟹ P (Q ⨁ (poly_scalar_mult R k (mset_to_IP R m)))"
assumes "Q ∈ Pring_set R I"
shows "P Q"
using assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) assms(4) poly_monom_induction by blast
lemma poly_monom_induction3:
assumes "Q ∈ Pring_set R I"
assumes "P (indexed_const 𝟬)"
assumes "⋀m k. set_mset m ⊆ I ∧ k ∈ carrier R ⟹ P (poly_scalar_mult R k (mset_to_IP R m))"
assumes "⋀p q. p ∈ Pring_set R I ⟹ (P p) ⟹ q ∈ Pring_set R I ⟹ (P q) ⟹ P (p ⨁ q)"
shows "P Q"
apply(rule poly_monom_induction2[of _ I])
using assms(2) apply blast
using assms(3) apply blast
apply (meson assms(3) assms(4) mset_to_IP_closed poly_scalar_mult_closed)
using assms(1) by blast
lemma Pring_car_induct':
assumes "Q ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
assumes "P 𝟬⇘Pring R I⇙"
assumes "⋀m k. set_mset m ⊆ I ∧ k ∈ carrier R ⟹ P (k ⊙⇘Pring R I⇙ mset_to_IP R m)"
assumes "⋀p q. p ∈ carrier (Pring R I) ⟹ (P p) ⟹ q ∈ carrier (Pring R I) ⟹ (P q) ⟹ P (p ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ q)"
shows "P Q"
using poly_monom_induction3[of Q I P] assms Pring_smult Pring_add Pring_zero Pring_car
by metis
lemma poly_eval_mono:
assumes "P ∈ Pring_set R I"
assumes "closed_fun R g"
assumes "finite F"
assumes "monomials_reducing_to R m P S ⊆ F"
assumes "⋀n. n ∈ F ⟹ remove_indices n S = m"
shows "poly_eval R S g P m = (⨁n∈ F. monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices n S) g ⊗ P n)"
have 0: "(⨁n∈ F. monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices n S) g ⊗ P n)=
(⨁n∈ F - (monomials_reducing_to R m P S). monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices n S) g ⊗ P n) ⊕ poly_eval R S g P m"
have 00: " (λn. monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices n S) g ⊗ P n) ∈ F → carrier R"
by (meson Pi_I Pring_cfs_closed assms(1) assms(2) m_closed monom_eval_car)
have 01: "monomials_reducing_to R m P S ⊆ F"
by (simp add: assms(4))
have 02: "(⨁n∈F. monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices n S) g ⊗ P n) =
(⨁n∈monomials_reducing_to R m P S. monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices n S) g ⊗ P n) ⊕
(⨁n∈F - monomials_reducing_to R m P S. monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices n S) g ⊗ P n)"
using "00" "01" assms(3) finsum_partition by blast
have 03: " (⨁n∈F - monomials_reducing_to R m P S. monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices n S) g ⊗ P n)∈ carrier R"
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) "00" DiffD1 PiE Pi_I finsum_closed)
have " (⨁n∈monomials_reducing_to R m P S. monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices n S) g ⊗ P n) ∈ carrier R"
proof -
have "(λm. monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices m S) g ⊗ P m) ∈ monomials_reducing_to R m P S → carrier R"
using "00" "01" by blast
then show ?thesis
using finsum_closed by blast
then show ?thesis
unfolding poly_eval_def
using 00 01 02 03 add.m_comm
by presburger
have "(⨁n∈ F - (monomials_reducing_to R m P S). monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices n S) g ⊗ P n) = 𝟬"
have "⋀n. n ∈ F - (monomials_reducing_to R m P S) ⟹ monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices n S) g ⊗ P n = 𝟬"
fix n
assume A: "n ∈ F - (monomials_reducing_to R m P S)"
have "n ∉ monomials_of R P"
assume "n ∈ monomials_of R P"
then have "n ∈ (monomials_reducing_to R m P S)"
unfolding monomials_reducing_to_def
using assms(5) A
by blast
then show False using A by blast
then show " monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices n S) g ⊗ P n = 𝟬"
by (metis assms(2) monom_eval_car complement_of_monomials_of r_null)
then show ?thesis
by (meson add.finprod_one_eqI)
then have 1: "(⨁n∈F. monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices n S) g ⊗ P n) =
𝟬 ⊕ poly_eval R S g P m"
using 0 Pi_I Pring_cfs_closed add.r_cancel_one assms(1) assms(2)
by presburger
have " (λn. monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices n S) g ⊗ P n) ∈ monomials_reducing_to R m P S → carrier R"
by (meson Pi_I Pring_cfs_closed assms(1) assms(2) m_closed monom_eval_car)
hence "poly_eval R S g P m ∈ carrier R"
using assms
unfolding poly_eval_def
using finsum_closed[of "λ n. monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices n S) g ⊗ P n"
"monomials_reducing_to R m P S"]
by (meson Pi_I Pring_cfs_closed m_closed monom_eval_car)
then have "(⨁n∈F. monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices n S) g ⊗ P n) = poly_eval R S g P m"
using "1" add.r_cancel_one zero_closed
by presburger
then show ?thesis
by presburger
lemma finsum_group:
assumes "⋀n. f n ∈ carrier R"
assumes "⋀n. g n ∈ carrier R"
shows "finite S ⟹ finsum R f S ⊕ finsum R g S = finsum R (λn. f n ⊕ g n) S "
apply(erule finite.induct)
apply (metis finsum_empty r_zero zero_closed)
fix A :: "'c set "
fix a
assume A0: "finite A"
assume A1: "finsum R f A ⊕ finsum R g A = (⨁n∈A. f n ⊕ g n)"
show "finsum R f (insert a A) ⊕ finsum R g (insert a A) = (⨁n∈insert a A. f n ⊕ g n)"
proof(cases "a ∈ A")
case True
then show ?thesis
by (metis A1 insert_absorb)
case False
have LHS: "finsum R f (insert a A) ⊕ finsum R g (insert a A) =
(f a ⊕ finsum R f A) ⊕ (g a ⊕ finsum R g A)"
using assms finsum_insert[of A a f] finsum_insert[of A a g]
by (metis A0 False Pi_I)
have F0: "(λn. f n ⊕ g n) ∈ A → carrier R"
using assms
by blast
have F1: "(f a ⊕ g a) ∈ carrier R"
using assms
by blast
have RHS: " (⨁n∈insert a A. f n ⊕ g n) = (f a ⊕ g a) ⊕ (⨁n∈A. f n ⊕ g n)"
using F0 F1 assms finsum_insert[of A a " (λn. f n ⊕ g n)"] False A0
by blast
have F2: " f a ⊕ finsum R f A ⊕ (g a ⊕ finsum R g A) = (f a ⊕ g a) ⊕ (finsum R f A ⊕ finsum R g A)"
have F20: "f a ∈ carrier R"
using assms(1) by blast
have F21: "g a ∈ carrier R"
using assms(2) by blast
have F22: "finsum R f A ∈ carrier R"
by (metis Pi_iff assms(1) finsum_closed)
have F23: "finsum R g A ∈ carrier R"
by (metis Pi_I assms(2) finsum_closed)
show ?thesis using F21 F20 F22 F23
using add.m_assoc add.m_closed add.m_lcomm
by presburger
show ?thesis
using RHS LHS assms A1 F2
by presburger
lemma poly_eval_add:
assumes "P ∈ Pring_set R I"
assumes "Q ∈ Pring_set R I"
assumes "closed_fun R g"
shows "poly_eval R S g (P ⨁ Q) = poly_eval R S g P ⨁ poly_eval R S g Q "
fix m
show "poly_eval R S g (P ⨁ Q) m = (poly_eval R S g P ⨁ poly_eval R S g Q) m"
obtain F where F_def: "F = monomials_reducing_to R m (P ⨁ Q) S ∪ monomials_reducing_to R m P S ∪
monomials_reducing_to R m Q S"
by simp
have 0: "finite F"
have 00: "finite (monomials_reducing_to R m (P ⨁ Q) S)"
using assms
by (meson finite_subset monomials_finite monomials_of_add_finite monomials_reducing_to_subset)
have 01: "finite (monomials_reducing_to R m P S)"
using assms(1) monomials_reducing_to_finite by blast
have 02: "finite (monomials_reducing_to R m Q S)"
using assms(2) monomials_reducing_to_finite by blast
show ?thesis
using F_def 00 01 02
by blast
have 1: "⋀n. n ∈ F ⟹ remove_indices n S = m"
fix n
assume A: "n ∈ F"
show "remove_indices n S = m"
using F_def
unfolding monomials_reducing_to_def
using A
by blast
have 2: "poly_eval R S g (P ⨁ Q) m = (⨁n∈ F. monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices n S) g ⊗ (P ⨁ Q) n)"
using assms 0 1 poly_eval_mono[of "P ⨁ Q" I g F m] F_def indexed_pset.indexed_padd
by blast
have 3: "poly_eval R S g P m = (⨁n∈ F. monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices n S) g ⊗ P n)"
using assms 0 1 poly_eval_mono[of "P" I g F m] F_def indexed_pset.indexed_padd
by blast
have 4: "poly_eval R S g Q m = (⨁n∈ F. monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices n S) g ⊗ Q n)"
using assms 0 1 poly_eval_mono[of "Q" I g F m] F_def indexed_pset.indexed_padd
by blast
have 5: "poly_eval R S g P m ⊕ poly_eval R S g Q m = (⨁n∈ F. monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices n S) g ⊗ P n
⊕ monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices n S) g ⊗ Q n)"
have 50: "(λn. monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices n S) g ⊗ P n) ∈ F → carrier R"
by (meson Pi_I Pring_cfs_closed assms(1) assms(3) m_closed monom_eval_car)
have 51: "(λn. monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices n S) g ⊗ Q n) ∈ F → carrier R"
by (meson Pi_I Pring_cfs_closed assms(2) assms(3) m_closed monom_eval_car)
then show ?thesis
using 0 2 3 50 finsum_group[of "(λn. monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices n S) g ⊗ P n)"
"(λn. monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices n S) g ⊗ Q n)" F]
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) "4" Pring_cfs_closed assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) m_closed monom_eval_car)
have 6: "poly_eval R S g P m ⊕ poly_eval R S g Q m
= (⨁n∈ F. monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices n S) g ⊗( P n ⊕ Q n))"
have 0 : "(λn. monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices n S) g ⊗ P n ⊕ monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices n S) g ⊗ Q n) ∈ F → carrier R"
apply(rule Pi_I)
by (meson Pring_cfs_closed add.m_closed assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) m_closed monom_eval_car)
have 1: "(λn. monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices n S) g ⊗ (P n ⊕ Q n)) ∈ F → carrier R"
apply(rule Pi_I)
by (meson Pring_cfs_closed add.m_closed assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) m_closed monom_eval_car)
have "⋀n. n ∈ F ⟹ monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices n S) g ⊗( P n ⊕ Q n) = monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices n S) g ⊗ P n
⊕ monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices n S) g ⊗ Q n"
using assms Pring_cfs_closed cring.monom_eval_car is_cring r_distr
by metis
then have "(λx∈F. monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices x S) g ⊗ P x ⊕ monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices x S) g ⊗ Q x)
= (λx∈F. monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices x S) g ⊗ (P x ⊕ Q x))"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) restrict_ext)
then show ?thesis
using 5 finsum_eq[of "(λn. monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices n S) g ⊗ P n ⊕ monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices n S) g ⊗ Q n)"
F "(λn. monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices n S) g ⊗( P n ⊕ Q n))" ] 0 1
by presburger
have 7: "monomials_reducing_to R m (P ⨁ Q) S ⊆ F"
using F_def
by blast
have 8: "poly_eval R S g (P ⨁ Q) m = (⨁n∈F. monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices n S) g ⊗ (P ⨁ Q) n)"
using 7 0 1 "2"
by blast
obtain f where f_def: "f = (λn. monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices n S) g ⊗ (P ⨁ Q) n)"
by blast
obtain h where h_def: "h = (λn. monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices n S) g ⊗( P n ⊕ Q n))"
by blast
have 9: "f ∈ F → carrier R"
using f_def
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) Pi_I Pring_cfs_closed add.m_closed
assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) indexed_padd_def m_closed monom_eval_car)
have 10: "h ∈ F → carrier R"
using h_def
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) "9" Pi_cong f_def indexed_padd_def)
have 11: "restrict f F = restrict h F"
using f_def h_def
by (metis indexed_padd_def)
have "finsum R f F = finsum R h F"
using 9 10 11 finsum_eq[of f F h]
by blast
then show ?thesis
using f_def h_def
by (metis (no_types, lifting) "6" "8" indexed_padd_def)
lemma poly_eval_Pring_add:
assumes "P ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
assumes "Q ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
assumes "closed_fun R g"
shows "poly_eval R S g (P ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ Q) = poly_eval R S g P ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ poly_eval R S g Q "
using assms poly_eval_add[of P I Q g S]
by (metis Pring_add Pring_car)
text‹Closure of partial evaluation maps:›
lemma(in cring) poly_eval_closed:
assumes "closed_fun R g"
assumes "P ∈ Pring_set R I"
shows "poly_eval R S g P ∈ Pring_set R (I - S)"
obtain Pr where Pr_def[simp]: "Pr = (λQ. poly_eval R S g Q ∈ Pring_set R (I - S))"
by blast
have "Pr P"
apply(rule poly_monom_induction2[of _ I _ ])
apply (metis Pr_def indexed_pset.indexed_const poly_eval_constant zero_closed)
apply (metis Pr_def assms(1) indexed_pset.indexed_const mset_to_IP_closed
poly_eval_constant poly_eval_monomial_term_closed poly_scalar_mult_zero r_null r_one)
show "P ∈ Pring_set R I" using assms by blast
show "⋀Q m k. Q ∈ Pring_set R I ∧ Pr Q ∧ set_mset m ⊆ I ∧ k ∈ carrier R⟹ Pr (Q ⨁ poly_scalar_mult R k (mset_to_IP R m))"
fix Q
fix m
fix k
assume A: "Q ∈ Pring_set R I ∧ Pr Q ∧ set_mset m ⊆ I∧ k ∈ carrier R"
then have 0: "poly_eval R S g Q ∈ Pring_set R (I - S)"
using Pr_def by blast
have 1: "poly_scalar_mult R k (mset_to_IP R m) ∈ Pring_set R I"
using A mset_to_IP_closed poly_scalar_mult_closed
by blast
have "poly_eval R S g (Q ⨁ poly_scalar_mult R k (mset_to_IP R m)) =
poly_eval R S g Q ⨁ poly_eval R S g (poly_scalar_mult R k (mset_to_IP R m)) "
using assms poly_eval_add[of Q I " (poly_scalar_mult R k (mset_to_IP R m))" g] "1" A
by blast
then show "Pr (Q ⨁ poly_scalar_mult R k (mset_to_IP R m))"
using Pr_def
by (metis "1" A assms(1) indexed_pset.indexed_padd poly_eval_monomial_term_closed poly_scalar_mult_one poly_scalar_mult_zero)
then show ?thesis
using Pr_def
by blast
lemma poly_scalar_mult_indexed_pmult:
assumes "P ∈ Pring_set R I"
assumes "k ∈ carrier R"
shows " poly_scalar_mult R k (P ⨂ i) = (poly_scalar_mult R k P) ⨂ i"
have 0: "mset_to_IP R {#i#} ∈ Pring_set R (I ∪ {i})"
by (metis Un_upper2 mset_to_IP_closed set_mset_add_mset_insert set_mset_empty)
have 1: "P ∈ Pring_set R (I ∪ {i})"
using Pring_carrier_subset Un_upper1 assms(1) by blast
show ?thesis
using 0 1 poly_scalar_mult_times[of "mset_to_IP R {#i#}" "I ∪ {i}" P k]
poly_index_mult[of P "I ∪ {i}" i] assms
by (metis Un_upper2 insert_subset poly_index_mult poly_scalar_mult_closed)
lemma remove_indices_add_mset:
assumes "i ∉ S"
shows "remove_indices (add_mset i m) S = add_mset i (remove_indices m S)"
apply(induction m)
apply (smt assms empty_eq_union remove_indices_decomp restrict_to_indicesE single_is_union union_single_eq_member)
by (metis assms multi_union_self_other_eq remove_indices_decomp restrict_to_indices_add_element union_mset_add_mset_right)
lemma poly_eval_monom_insert:
assumes "closed_fun R g"
assumes "𝟭 ≠𝟬"
assumes "i ∈ S"
shows "poly_eval R S g (mset_to_IP R (add_mset i m))
= poly_scalar_mult R (g i)
(poly_eval R S g (mset_to_IP R m))"
have 0: "poly_eval R S g (mset_to_IP R (add_mset i m)) =
poly_scalar_mult R (monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices (add_mset i m) S) g)
(mset_to_IP R (remove_indices (add_mset i m) S))"
using assms(1) assms(2) poly_eval_monomial by blast
have 1: "(mset_to_IP R (remove_indices (add_mset i m) S)) =
(mset_to_IP R (remove_indices m S))"
using assms
by (metis (full_types) Diff_iff insert_Diff1 remove_indices_def restrict_to_indices_add_element set_mset_add_mset_insert)
have 2: "(monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices (add_mset i m) S) g) =
(g i) ⊗ ((monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices m S) g))"
using assms
by (metis monom_eval_add restrict_to_indices_add_element)
have 3: "poly_eval R S g (mset_to_IP R (add_mset i m)) =
poly_scalar_mult R ((g i) ⊗ ((monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices m S) g)))
(mset_to_IP R (remove_indices m S))"
using 0 1 2 assms
by presburger
hence "poly_eval R S g (mset_to_IP R (add_mset i m)) =
poly_scalar_mult R (g i)
(poly_scalar_mult R ((monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices m S) g))
(mset_to_IP R (remove_indices m S)))"
using assms poly_scalar_mult_iter[of "(mset_to_IP R (remove_indices m S))"
UNIV "g i" "monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices m S) g"]
mset_to_IP_closed[of "remove_indices m S" UNIV]
by (metis PiE UNIV_I monom_eval_car subsetI)
thus ?thesis using assms
by (metis poly_eval_monomial)
lemma poly_eval_monom_insert':
assumes "closed_fun R g"
assumes "𝟭 ≠𝟬"
assumes "i ∉ S"
shows "poly_eval R S g (mset_to_IP R (add_mset i m))
= (poly_eval R S g (mset_to_IP R m)) ⨂ i"
have 0: "poly_eval R S g (mset_to_IP R (add_mset i m)) =
poly_scalar_mult R (monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices (add_mset i m) S) g)
(mset_to_IP R (remove_indices (add_mset i m) S))"
using assms(1) assms(2) poly_eval_monomial by blast
hence "poly_eval R S g (mset_to_IP R (add_mset i m)) =
poly_scalar_mult R (monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices m S) g)
(mset_to_IP R (remove_indices (add_mset i m) S))"
by (metis assms(3) restrict_to_indices_add_element)
hence "poly_eval R S g (mset_to_IP R (add_mset i m)) =
poly_scalar_mult R (monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices m S) g)
(mset_to_IP R (add_mset i (remove_indices m S)))"
by (metis assms(3) remove_indices_add_mset)
hence "poly_eval R S g (mset_to_IP R (add_mset i m)) =
poly_scalar_mult R (monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices m S) g)
(mset_to_IP R (remove_indices m S) ⨂ i)"
by (metis monom_add_mset)
hence "poly_eval R S g (mset_to_IP R (add_mset i m)) =
(poly_scalar_mult R (monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices m S) g)
(mset_to_IP R (remove_indices m S))) ⨂ i"
by (metis assms(1) cring.monom_eval_car is_cring local.ring_axioms
poly_scalar_mult_indexed_pmult ring.mset_to_IP_closed set_eq_subset)
thus ?thesis
by (metis assms(1) assms(2) poly_eval_monomial)
lemma poly_eval_indexed_pmult_monomial:
assumes "closed_fun R g"
assumes "k ∈ carrier R"
assumes "i ∈ S"
assumes "𝟭 ≠ 𝟬"
shows "poly_eval R S g (poly_scalar_mult R k (mset_to_IP R m) ⨂ i) =
poly_scalar_mult R (g i) (poly_eval R S g (poly_scalar_mult R k (mset_to_IP R m)))"
have 0: "poly_scalar_mult R k (mset_to_IP R m) ⨂ i =
poly_scalar_mult R k (mset_to_IP R (add_mset i m ))"
using monom_add_mset[of i m] poly_scalar_mult_indexed_pmult
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) assms(2) local.ring_axioms ring.mset_to_IP_closed subsetD subset_refl)
hence 1: "poly_eval R S g (poly_scalar_mult R k (mset_to_IP R m) ⨂ i) =
poly_scalar_mult R k (poly_eval R S g (mset_to_IP R (add_mset i m )))"
by (metis assms(1) assms(2) cring.poly_eval_scalar_mult is_cring local.ring_axioms ring.mset_to_IP_closed subsetI)
have 2: "poly_scalar_mult R (g i) (poly_eval R S g (poly_scalar_mult R k (mset_to_IP R m)))
= poly_scalar_mult R (g i)
(poly_scalar_mult R k (poly_eval R S g (mset_to_IP R m))) "
by (smt assms(1) assms(2) local.ring_axioms poly_eval_scalar_mult ring.mset_to_IP_closed subsetD subset_refl)
hence 3: "poly_scalar_mult R (g i) (poly_eval R S g (poly_scalar_mult R k (mset_to_IP R m)))
= poly_scalar_mult R k
(poly_scalar_mult R (g i) (poly_eval R S g (mset_to_IP R m))) "
using assms poly_scalar_mult_comm[of "(poly_eval R S g (mset_to_IP R m))" UNIV]
poly_eval_closed[of g "(mset_to_IP R m)" UNIV]
by (metis UNIV_I closed_fun_simp cring.poly_scalar_mult_comm
is_cring local.ring_axioms ring.mset_to_IP_closed subsetI)
have 4: "(poly_eval R S g (mset_to_IP R (add_mset i m))) = (poly_scalar_mult R (g i) (poly_eval R S g (mset_to_IP R m)))"
using assms poly_eval_monom_insert[of g i S m]
by blast
thus ?thesis
using 1 3 poly_scalar_mult_comm assms
by presburger
lemma poly_eval_indexed_pmult_monomial':
assumes "closed_fun R g"
assumes "k ∈ carrier R"
assumes "i ∉ S"
assumes "𝟭 ≠ 𝟬"
shows "poly_eval R S g (poly_scalar_mult R k (mset_to_IP R m) ⨂ i) =
(poly_eval R S g (poly_scalar_mult R k (mset_to_IP R m))) ⨂ i"
have "poly_eval R S g (poly_scalar_mult R k (mset_to_IP R m) ⨂ i) =
poly_scalar_mult R k (poly_eval R S g ( (mset_to_IP R m) ⨂ i))"
using poly_eval_scalar_mult[of k g]
by (metis UNIV_I assms(1) assms(2) local.ring_axioms poly_scalar_mult_indexed_pmult ring.monom_add_mset ring.mset_to_IP_closed subsetI)
hence "poly_eval R S g (poly_scalar_mult R k (mset_to_IP R m) ⨂ i) =
poly_scalar_mult R k (poly_eval R S g (mset_to_IP R (add_mset i m)))"
by (simp add: monom_add_mset)
hence "poly_eval R S g (poly_scalar_mult R k (mset_to_IP R m) ⨂ i) =
(poly_scalar_mult R k (poly_eval R S g (mset_to_IP R m))) ⨂ i"
using poly_eval_monom_insert'[of g i S m]
by (smt assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) assms(4) poly_eval_monomial_closed poly_scalar_mult_indexed_pmult subsetD subset_refl)
thus ?thesis using assms poly_eval_scalar_mult[of k g _ UNIV S]
by (metis UNIV_I mset_to_IP_closed subsetI)
lemma indexed_pmult_add:
assumes "p ∈ Pring_set R I"
assumes "q ∈ Pring_set R I"
shows "p ⨁ q ⨂ i = (p ⨂ i) ⨁ (q ⨂ i)"
using assms poly_index_mult[of _ "I ∪ {i}"]
by (smt Pring_carrier_subset Set.basic_monos(1) Un_upper1 Un_upper2 cring.axioms(1)
insert_subset is_cring mk_disjoint_insert mset_to_IP_closed ring.P_ring_ldistr
ring.indexed_pset.intros(2) ring.indexed_pset_in_carrier set_mset_add_mset_insert
lemma poly_eval_indexed_pmult:
assumes "P ∈ Pring_set R I"
assumes "closed_fun R g"
shows "poly_eval R S g (P ⨂ i) = (if i ∈ S then poly_scalar_mult R (g i) (poly_eval R S g P) else (poly_eval R S g P)⨂ i )"
proof(cases "i ∈ S")
case True
have "poly_eval R S g (P ⨂ i) = poly_scalar_mult R (g i) (poly_eval R S g P)"
apply(rule poly_monom_induction3[of P I])
using assms apply blast
apply (metis PiE UNIV_I assms(2) indexed_pmult_zero poly_eval_constant poly_scalar_mult_const r_null zero_closed)
apply (meson True assms(2) poly_eval_indexed_pmult_monomial)
apply (smt PiE True UNIV_I assms(2) genideal_one genideal_zero indexed_pmult_zero mset_to_IP_closed poly_eval_constant poly_eval_indexed_pmult_monomial poly_scalar_mult_one poly_scalar_mult_zero singletonD)
proof- fix p q assume A:
"p ∈ Pring_set R I"
"poly_eval R S g (p ⨂ i) = poly_scalar_mult R (g i) (poly_eval R S g p)"
"q ∈ Pring_set R I"
"poly_eval R S g (q ⨂ i) = poly_scalar_mult R (g i) (poly_eval R S g q)"
have "poly_eval R S g (p ⨁ q ⨂ i) = poly_eval R S g (p ⨂ i) ⨁ poly_eval R S g (q ⨂ i)"
using assms poly_eval_add[of "p ⨂ i" "I ∪ {i}" "q ⨂ i" g S]
indexed_pmult_add[of p I q i]
by (smt A(1) A(3) Pring_carrier_subset Un_insert_right Un_upper1 indexed_pset.indexed_pmult insert_iff insert_subset mk_disjoint_insert)
hence "poly_eval R S g (p ⨁ q ⨂ i) = poly_scalar_mult R (g i) (poly_eval R S g p) ⨁
poly_scalar_mult R (g i) (poly_eval R S g q)"
using A
by presburger
hence "poly_eval R S g (p ⨁ q ⨂ i) = poly_scalar_mult R (g i)
((poly_eval R S g p) ⨁ (poly_eval R S g q))"
using Pring_smult poly_eval_closed[of g] A Pring_add Pring_car ‹poly_eval R S g (p ⨁ q ⨂ i) = poly_eval R S g (p ⨂ i) ⨁ poly_eval R S g (q ⨂ i)› assms(1) assms(2) closed_fun_simp
Pring_smult_r_distr[of "g i" "poly_eval R S g p" _ "poly_eval R S g q"] Pring_add Pring_car
by metis
thus "poly_eval R S g (p ⨁ q ⨂ i) = poly_scalar_mult R (g i) (poly_eval R S g (p ⨁ q))"
by (metis A(1) A(3) assms(2) poly_eval_add)
then show ?thesis
using True by presburger
case False
have "poly_eval R S g (P ⨂ i) = (poly_eval R S g P) ⨂ i"
apply(rule poly_monom_induction3[of P I])
apply (simp add: assms(1))
apply (metis indexed_pmult_zero poly_eval_constant zero_closed)
apply (metis False assms(2) indexed_pmult_zero inv_unique l_null mset_to_IP_closed
one_closed one_mset_to_IP poly_eval_constant poly_eval_indexed_pmult_monomial'
poly_scalar_mult_zero zero_closed)
proof-fix p q assume A:
"p ∈ Pring_set R I"
"poly_eval R S g (p ⨂ i) = poly_eval R S g p ⨂ i"
"q ∈ Pring_set R I"
"poly_eval R S g (q ⨂ i) = poly_eval R S g q ⨂ i"
have "poly_eval R S g (p ⨁ q ⨂ i) = poly_eval R S g (p ⨂ i) ⨁ poly_eval R S g (q ⨂ i)"
using assms poly_eval_add[of "p ⨂ i" "I ∪ {i}" "q ⨂ i" g S]
indexed_pmult_add[of p I q i]
by (smt A(1) A(3) Pring_carrier_subset Un_insert_right Un_upper1 indexed_pset.indexed_pmult insert_iff insert_subset mk_disjoint_insert)
thus "poly_eval R S g (p ⨁ q ⨂ i) = poly_eval R S g (p ⨁ q) ⨂ i"
by (metis A(1) A(2) A(3) A(4) assms(2) indexed_pmult_add poly_eval_add poly_eval_closed)
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: False)
lemma poly_eval_index:
assumes "𝟭 ≠𝟬"
assumes "closed_fun R g"
shows "poly_eval R S g (mset_to_IP R {#i#})= (if i ∈ S then (indexed_const (g i)) else mset_to_IP R {#i#})"
have 0: "poly_eval R S g (mset_to_IP R {#i#})= poly_scalar_mult R (monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices {#i#} S) g)
(mset_to_IP R (remove_indices {#i#} S))"
using poly_eval_monomial[of g S "{#i#}" ] assms(1) assms(2) by blast
show ?thesis proof(cases "i ∈ S")
case True
then have T0: "(restrict_to_indices {#i#} S) = {#i#}"
by (metis restrict_to_indices_add_element restrict_to_indices_submultiset add_mset_subseteq_single_iff)
then have T1: "(monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices {#i#} S) g) = (monom_eval R {#i#} g)"
by presburger
then have "(monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices {#i#} S) g) = g i ⊗ monom_eval R {#} g"
using assms monom_eval_add[of g i "{#}"]
by presburger
then have T2: "(monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices {#i#} S) g) = g i"
unfolding monom_eval_def
using T0
by (metis PiE UNIV_I assms(2) fold_mset_empty r_one)
have T3: "(remove_indices {#i#} S) = {#}"
by (metis Diff_iff remove_indices_indices restrict_to_indicesE
T0 multiset_cases subset_iff union_single_eq_member)
then have T4: " (mset_to_IP R (remove_indices {#i#} S)) = indexed_const 𝟭"
by (metis one_mset_to_IP)
have T5: "poly_eval R S g (mset_to_IP R {#i#})= poly_scalar_mult R (g i) (indexed_const 𝟭)"
using "0" T2 T4
by presburger
then show ?thesis using True poly_scalar_mult_const
by (metis T2 assms(2) monom_eval_car one_closed r_one)
case False
have F0: "(restrict_to_indices {#i#} S) = {#}"
using False restrict_to_indices_def
by (metis restrict_to_indices_add_element filter_empty_mset)
have F1: "(monom_eval R (restrict_to_indices {#i#} S) g) = 𝟭"
using F0
unfolding monom_eval_def
by (metis fold_mset_empty)
have F2: "(remove_indices {#i#} S) = {#i#}"
using False
by (metis Diff_iff remove_indices_def restrict_to_indices_add_element
restrict_to_indices_def filter_empty_mset set_mset_single singletonI)
have F3: "(mset_to_IP R (remove_indices {#i#} S)) = mset_to_IP R {#i#}"
by (simp add: F2)
have F4: " poly_eval R S g (mset_to_IP R {#i#})= poly_scalar_mult R 𝟭 (mset_to_IP R {#i#})"
using "0" F1 F3
by presburger
show ?thesis using False
by (metis F4 mset_to_IP_closed poly_scalar_mult_one subset_iff)
lemma poly_eval_indexed_pmult':
assumes "P ∈ Pring_set R I"
assumes "closed_fun R g"
assumes "i ∈ I"
shows "poly_eval R S g (P ⨂⇩p (mset_to_IP R {#i#})) = poly_eval R S g P ⨂⇩p poly_eval R S g (mset_to_IP R {#i#})"
proof(cases "i ∈ S")
case True
have "(P ⨂⇩p mset_to_IP R {#i#})=(P ⨂ i) "
using assms poly_index_mult
by metis
then have 0: " poly_eval R S g (P ⨂⇩p mset_to_IP R {#i#}) = poly_scalar_mult R (g i) (poly_eval R S g P)"
using True assms poly_eval_indexed_pmult[of P I g S i]
by presburger
have 1: "poly_eval R S g (mset_to_IP R {#i#}) = indexed_const (g i)"
using assms True
by (smt PiE UNIV_I genideal_one genideal_zero indexed_pmult_zero monom_add_mset one_mset_to_IP poly_eval_constant poly_eval_index singletonD)
then have "poly_eval R S g P ⨂⇩p poly_eval R S g (mset_to_IP R {#i#})= poly_eval R S g P⨂⇩p indexed_const (g i) "
by presburger
then have "poly_eval R S g P ⨂⇩p poly_eval R S g (mset_to_IP R {#i#})= indexed_const (g i) ⨂⇩p poly_eval R S g P"
using assms P_ring_mult_comm[of "indexed_const (g i)" "poly_eval R S g P"]
unfolding carrier_coeff_def
by (metis "1" Pring_cfs_closed cring.closed_fun_simp indexed_pset.indexed_const is_cring poly_eval_closed)
then have "poly_eval R S g P ⨂⇩p poly_eval R S g (mset_to_IP R {#i#})= poly_scalar_mult R (g i) (poly_eval R S g P)"
using assms
by (metis "0" "1" ‹P ⨂⇩p mset_to_IP R {#i#} = P ⨂ i› cring.closed_fun_simp is_cring poly_eval_closed poly_scalar_mult_eq)
then show ?thesis using 0
by presburger
case False
then have 0: "poly_eval R S g (P ⨂⇩p (mset_to_IP R {#i#})) = (poly_eval R S g P)⨂ i "
using assms
by (metis poly_eval_indexed_pmult poly_index_mult)
have 1: "poly_eval R S g (mset_to_IP R {#i#})= mset_to_IP R {#i#}"
using False
by (metis assms(2) indexed_pmult_zero monom_add_mset one_closed one_mset_to_IP poly_eval_constant poly_eval_index)
then show ?thesis
using 0 False assms poly_eval_index[of g]
by (metis UNIV_I cring.Pring_set_restrict is_cring local.ring_axioms poly_eval_closed ring.poly_index_mult subsetI)
lemma poly_eval_monom_mult:
assumes "P ∈ Pring_set R I"
assumes "closed_fun R g"
shows "poly_eval R S g (P ⨂⇩p (mset_to_IP R m)) = poly_eval R S g P ⨂⇩p poly_eval R S g (mset_to_IP R m) "
proof(induct m)
case empty
have 0: "mset_to_IP R {#} = indexed_const 𝟭"
using one_mset_to_IP by blast
then have 1: "(P ⨂⇩p mset_to_IP R {#}) = P"
using assms
by (metis P_ring_mult_comm Pring_cfs_closed carrier_coeff_def
mset_to_IP_simp mset_to_IP_simp' one_closed one_mult_left zero_closed)
have 2: "poly_eval R S g (mset_to_IP R {#}) = indexed_const 𝟭"
by (metis "0" one_closed poly_eval_constant)
show ?case using 0 1 2
by (metis assms(1) assms(2) cring.P_ring_mult_comm indexed_pset.indexed_const
is_cring local.ring_axioms one_closed one_mult_left poly_eval_closed
ring.indexed_pset_in_carrier set_eq_subset)
case (add x m)
fix x
fix m
assume A: "poly_eval R S g (P ⨂⇩p mset_to_IP R m) = poly_eval R S g P ⨂⇩p poly_eval R S g (mset_to_IP R m)"
show "poly_eval R S g (P ⨂⇩p mset_to_IP R (add_mset x m))= poly_eval R S g P ⨂⇩p poly_eval R S g (mset_to_IP R (add_mset x m))"
obtain J where J_def: "J = I ∪ set_mset m ∪{x}"
by blast
have I0: "P ∈ Pring_set R J"
using J_def assms
by (meson Pring_carrier_subset Un_upper1 subsetD)
have I1: "set_mset m ⊆ J"
using J_def by blast
have I2: "x ∈ J"
using J_def by blast
have "mset_to_IP R (add_mset x m)= (mset_to_IP R m) ⨂ x"
by (simp add: monom_add_mset)
then have "(P ⨂⇩p mset_to_IP R (add_mset x m)) = P ⨂⇩p((mset_to_IP R m) ⨂ x)"
by simp
then have "(P ⨂⇩p mset_to_IP R (add_mset x m)) = P ⨂⇩p((mset_to_IP R m) ⨂⇩p (mset_to_IP R {#x#}))"
by (metis add_mset_add_single monom_mult)
then have I3: "(P ⨂⇩p mset_to_IP R (add_mset x m)) = (P ⨂⇩p(mset_to_IP R m)) ⨂⇩p (mset_to_IP R {#x#})"
by (metis I0 P_ring_mult_assoc indexed_pset_in_carrier mset_to_IP_closed set_eq_subset)
have "poly_eval R S g (P ⨂⇩p mset_to_IP R m ⨂⇩p mset_to_IP R {#x#}) =
poly_eval R S g (P ⨂⇩p mset_to_IP R m) ⨂⇩p poly_eval R S g (mset_to_IP R {#x#})"
using poly_eval_indexed_pmult'[of "(P ⨂⇩p(mset_to_IP R m))" J g x]
I0 I1 I2 assms(2) assms(1) mset_to_IP_mult_closed
by blast
then have "poly_eval R S g (P ⨂⇩p mset_to_IP R (add_mset x m)) =
poly_eval R S g (P ⨂⇩p(mset_to_IP R m)) ⨂⇩p poly_eval R S g (mset_to_IP R {#x#}) "
using I3
by simp
then have "poly_eval R S g (P ⨂⇩p mset_to_IP R (add_mset x m)) =
poly_eval R S g P ⨂⇩p poly_eval R S g (mset_to_IP R m) ⨂⇩p poly_eval R S g (mset_to_IP R {#x#}) "
by (simp add: A)
then have "poly_eval R S g (P ⨂⇩p mset_to_IP R (add_mset x m)) =
poly_eval R S g P ⨂⇩p (poly_eval R S g (mset_to_IP R m) ⨂⇩p poly_eval R S g (mset_to_IP R {#x#}))"
using P_ring_mult_assoc[of "poly_eval R S g P " "poly_eval R S g (mset_to_IP R m)" " poly_eval R S g (mset_to_IP R {#x#})"]
by (metis assms(1) assms(2) indexed_pset_in_carrier mset_to_IP_closed poly_eval_closed set_eq_subset)
then have "poly_eval R S g (P ⨂⇩p mset_to_IP R (add_mset x m)) =
poly_eval R S g P ⨂⇩p (poly_eval R S g ((mset_to_IP R m) ⨂⇩p (mset_to_IP R {#x#})))"
by (metis I1 I2 assms(2) mset_to_IP_closed poly_eval_indexed_pmult')
then show ?thesis
by (metis add_mset_add_single monom_mult)
abbreviation mon_term (‹Mt›) where
"Mt k m ≡ poly_scalar_mult R k (mset_to_IP R m)"
lemma poly_eval_monom_term_mult:
assumes "P ∈ Pring_set R I"
assumes "closed_fun R g"
assumes "k ∈ carrier R"
shows "poly_eval R S g (P ⨂⇩p (Mt k m)) = poly_eval R S g P ⨂⇩p poly_eval R S g (Mt k m) "
obtain J where J_def: "J = I ∪ (set_mset m)"
by blast
have J0: "P ∈ Pring_set R J"
using J_def Pring_carrier_subset Un_upper1 assms(1) by blast
have J1: "mset_to_IP R m ∈ Pring_set R J"
by (metis J_def Un_upper2 mset_to_IP_closed)
have 0: "(P ⨂⇩p (Mt k m)) = poly_scalar_mult R k (P ⨂⇩p mset_to_IP R m)"
using times_poly_scalar_mult[of P J "mset_to_IP R m" k ] J0 J1 assms(3)
by blast
have 1: "poly_eval R S g (P ⨂⇩p (Mt k m)) = poly_scalar_mult R k (poly_eval R S g (P ⨂⇩p mset_to_IP R m))"
by (metis "0" J0 J1 P_ring_mult_closed' assms(2) assms(3) cring.poly_eval_scalar_mult is_cring)
have 2: "poly_eval R S g (P ⨂⇩p (Mt k m)) = poly_scalar_mult R k ((poly_eval R S g P) ⨂⇩p (poly_eval R S g (mset_to_IP R m)))"
by (metis "1" assms(1) assms(2) poly_eval_monom_mult)
have 3: "poly_eval R S g (P ⨂⇩p (Mt k m)) = (poly_eval R S g P) ⨂⇩p poly_scalar_mult R k (poly_eval R S g (mset_to_IP R m))"
by (metis "0" "2" J0 J1 assms(2) assms(3) poly_eval_closed times_poly_scalar_mult)
then show ?thesis
by (metis J1 assms(3) assms(2) poly_eval_scalar_mult)
lemma poly_eval_mult:
assumes "P ∈ Pring_set R I"
assumes "Q ∈ Pring_set R I"
assumes "closed_fun R g"
shows "poly_eval R S g (P ⨂⇩p Q) = poly_eval R S g P ⨂⇩p poly_eval R S g Q "
obtain Pr where Pr_def: "Pr = (λQ. poly_eval R S g (P ⨂⇩p Q) = poly_eval R S g P ⨂⇩p poly_eval R S g Q )"
by blast
have "Pr Q"
proof(rule poly_monom_induction2[of _ I])
show "Q ∈ Pring_set R I"
by (simp add: assms(2))
show "Pr (indexed_const 𝟬)"
have 0: "(P ⨂⇩p indexed_const 𝟬) = indexed_const 𝟬"
by (metis assms(1) cring.P_ring_mult_comm indexed_pset.indexed_const
indexed_pset_in_carrier is_cring poly_scalar_mult_eq poly_scalar_mult_zero
set_eq_subset zero_closed)
have 1: "poly_eval R S g (indexed_const 𝟬) = indexed_const 𝟬"
using poly_eval_constant by blast
have 2: "poly_eval R S g P ⨂⇩p poly_eval R S g (indexed_const 𝟬) = indexed_const 𝟬"
using 1
by (metis "0" assms(1) assms(3) local.ring_axioms one_closed poly_eval_monom_term_mult
poly_scalar_mult_const r_one ring.one_mset_to_IP zero_closed)
have 3: "poly_eval R S g (P ⨂⇩p indexed_const 𝟬) = indexed_const 𝟬"
using "0" "1" by presburger
show ?thesis
using 2 3 Pr_def
by presburger
show "⋀m k. set_mset m ⊆ I ∧ k ∈ carrier R ⟹ Pr (poly_scalar_mult R k (mset_to_IP R m))"
using Pr_def assms(1) assms(3) poly_eval_monom_term_mult by blast
show " ⋀Q m k. Q ∈ Pring_set R I ∧ Pr Q ∧ set_mset m ⊆ I ∧ k ∈ carrier R ⟹ Pr (Q ⨁ Mt k m)"
fix Q
fix m
fix k
assume A: "Q ∈ Pring_set R I ∧ Pr Q ∧ set_mset m ⊆ I ∧ k ∈ carrier R"
show "Pr (Q ⨁ Mt k m)"
have 0: "poly_eval R S g (P ⨂⇩p Q) = poly_eval R S g P ⨂⇩p poly_eval R S g Q "
using A Pr_def by blast
have 1: "poly_eval R S g (P ⨂⇩p (Mt k m)) = poly_eval R S g P ⨂⇩p poly_eval R S g (Mt k m)"
using A assms(1) assms(3) poly_eval_monom_term_mult
by blast
have 2: "P ⨂⇩p (Q ⨁ Mt k m) =(P ⨂⇩p Q)⨁ (P ⨂⇩p (Mt k m)) "
by (meson A assms(1) local.ring_axioms mset_to_IP_closed poly_scalar_mult_closed
ring.P_ring_rdistr ring.indexed_pset_in_carrier set_eq_subset)
have 3: "poly_eval R S g (P ⨂⇩p (Q ⨁ Mt k m))= poly_eval R S g (P ⨂⇩p Q) ⨁ poly_eval R S g (P ⨂⇩p (Mt k m)) "
by (metis "2" A P_ring_mult_closed' assms(1) assms(3)
mset_to_IP_closed poly_eval_add poly_scalar_mult_closed)
have 4: "poly_eval R S g (P ⨂⇩p (Q ⨁ Mt k m))=
(poly_eval R S g P ⨂⇩p poly_eval R S g Q) ⨁ ( poly_eval R S g P ⨂⇩p poly_eval R S g (Mt k m) )"
by (simp add: "0" "1" "3")
have 5: " poly_eval R S g P ⨂⇩p (poly_eval R S g Q ⨁ poly_eval R S g (Mt k m)) = poly_eval R S g P ⨂⇩p poly_eval R S g Q ⨁ (poly_eval R S g P ⨂⇩p poly_eval R S g (Mt k m))"
using ring.P_ring_rdistr[of R "(poly_eval R S g P)" "(poly_eval R S g Q)" "( poly_eval R S g (Mt k m) )"]
by (meson A assms(1) assms(3) indexed_pset_in_carrier local.ring_axioms
poly_eval_closed poly_scalar_mult_closed ring.mset_to_IP_closed subset_refl)
have 6: "poly_eval R S g (P ⨂⇩p (Q ⨁ Mt k m))=
(poly_eval R S g P) ⨂⇩p ((poly_eval R S g Q) ⨁ ( poly_eval R S g (Mt k m) ))"
using 4 5
by simp
have 7: "poly_eval R S g (P ⨂⇩p (Q ⨁ Mt k m))=
(poly_eval R S g P) ⨂⇩p (poly_eval R S g (Q⨁(Mt k m)))"
using 6 poly_eval_add[of "(poly_eval R S g Q)" I "(Mt k m)" g ]
by (metis A assms(3) mset_to_IP_closed poly_eval_add poly_scalar_mult_closed)
show ?thesis using 7
using Pr_def by blast
then show ?thesis
using Pr_def by blast
lemma poly_eval_Pring_mult:
assumes "P ∈ Pring_set R I"
assumes "Q ∈ Pring_set R I"
assumes "closed_fun R g"
shows "poly_eval R S g (P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ Q) = poly_eval R S g P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ poly_eval R S g Q "
by (metis Pring_mult assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) poly_eval_mult)
lemma poly_eval_smult:
assumes "P ∈ Pring_set R I"
assumes "a ∈ carrier R"
assumes "closed_fun R g"
shows "poly_eval R S g (a ⊙⇘Pring R I⇙ P) =a ⊙⇘Pring R I⇙ poly_eval R S g P"
using poly_eval_scalar_mult assms
by (metis Pring_smult)
subsubsection‹Partial Evaluation is a Homomorphism›
lemma poly_eval_ring_hom:
assumes "I ⊆ J"
assumes "closed_fun R g"
assumes "J - S ⊆ I"
shows "ring_hom_ring (Pring R J) (Pring R I) (poly_eval R S g)"
apply(rule ring_hom_ringI)
apply (simp add: Pring_is_ring)
apply (simp add: Pring_is_ring)
apply (metis (full_types) Pring_car Pring_carrier_subset assms(2) assms(3) poly_eval_closed subset_iff)
apply (metis Pring_car assms(2) local.ring_axioms poly_eval_mult ring.Pring_mult)
apply (metis Pring_add Pring_car assms(2) poly_eval_add)
by (metis Pring_one one_closed poly_eval_constant)
text‹\texttt{poly\_eval} R at the zero function is an inverse to the inclusion of polynomial rings›
lemma poly_eval_zero_function:
assumes "g = (λn. 𝟬)"
assumes "J - S = I"
shows "P ∈ Pring_set R I ⟹ poly_eval R S g P = P"
apply(erule indexed_pset.induct)
using poly_eval_constant apply blast
using assms poly_eval_add[of _ I _ g S] zero_closed
apply (metis Pi_I)
using Diff_iff assms(1) assms(2) Pi_I[of UNIV g ]
poly_eval_indexed_pmult set_eq_subset subsetD zero_closed
by smt
lemma poly_eval_eval_function_eq:
assumes "closed_fun R g"
assumes "closed_fun R g'"
assumes "restrict g S = restrict g' S"
assumes "P ∈ Pring_set R I"
shows "poly_eval R S g P = poly_eval R S g' P"
apply(rule indexed_pset.induct[of P I "carrier R"])
apply (simp add: assms(4))
apply (metis poly_eval_constant)
apply (metis assms(1) assms(2) poly_eval_add)
proof- fix P i assume A: "P ∈ Pring_set R I" "poly_eval R S g P = poly_eval R S g' P" "i ∈ I "
show "poly_eval R S g (P ⨂ i) = poly_eval R S g' (P ⨂ i)"
proof(cases "i ∈ S")
case True
then have "g i = g' i"
using assms
unfolding restrict_def
by meson
then show ?thesis
using assms A poly_eval_indexed_pmult[of P I g S i] poly_eval_indexed_pmult[of P I g' S i]
by presburger
case False
then show ?thesis
using assms A poly_eval_indexed_pmult[of P I g S i] poly_eval_indexed_pmult[of P I g' S i]
by presburger
lemma poly_eval_eval_set_eq:
assumes "closed_fun R g"
assumes "S ∩ I = S' ∩ I"
assumes "P ∈ Pring_set R I"
assumes "𝟭 ≠𝟬"
shows "poly_eval R S g P = poly_eval R S' g P"
apply(rule indexed_pset.induct[of P I "carrier R"])
apply (simp add: assms(3))
apply (metis poly_eval_constant)
apply (metis assms(1) poly_eval_add)
proof- fix P i
assume A: " P ∈ Pring_set R I" "poly_eval R S g P = poly_eval R S' g P" "i ∈ I "
show "poly_eval R S g (P ⨂ i) = poly_eval R S' g (P ⨂ i)"
using assms poly_eval_index[of g _ i] A
by (metis Diff_Diff_Int Diff_iff poly_eval_indexed_pmult)
lemma poly_eval_trivial:
assumes "closed_fun R g"
assumes "P ∈ Pring_set R (I - S)"
shows "poly_eval R S g P = P"
apply(rule indexed_pset.induct[of P "I - S" "carrier R"])
apply (simp add: assms(2))
using poly_eval_constant apply blast
apply (metis assms(1) poly_eval_add)
by (metis Diff_iff assms(1) poly_eval_indexed_pmult)
subsubsection‹Total Evaluation of a Polynomial›
lemma zero_fun_closed:
"closed_fun R (λn. 𝟬)"
by blast
lemma deg_zero_cf_eval:
shows "P ∈ Pring_set R I ⟹ poly_eval R I (λn. 𝟬) P = indexed_const (P {#})"
apply(erule indexed_pset.induct)
apply (metis indexed_const_def poly_eval_constant)
show " ⋀P Q. P ∈ Pring_set R I ⟹
poly_eval R I (λn. 𝟬) P = indexed_const (P {#}) ⟹
Q ∈ Pring_set R I ⟹ poly_eval R I (λn. 𝟬) Q = indexed_const (Q {#}) ⟹ poly_eval R I (λn. 𝟬) (P ⨁ Q) = indexed_const ((P ⨁ Q) {#})"
fix P
fix Q
assume A: "P ∈ Pring_set R I"
assume B: " poly_eval R I (λn. 𝟬) P = indexed_const (P {#})"
assume C: "Q ∈ Pring_set R I "
assume D: " poly_eval R I (λn. 𝟬) Q = indexed_const (Q {#})"
have "indexed_const ((P ⨁ Q) {#}) = indexed_const (P {#}) ⨁ indexed_const (Q {#})"
by (metis indexed_padd_const indexed_padd_def)
thus "poly_eval R I (λn. 𝟬) (P ⨁ Q) = indexed_const ((P ⨁ Q) {#})"
using A B C D poly_eval_add[of P I Q "λn. 𝟬" I]
by (smt zero_fun_closed)
show "⋀P i. P ∈ Pring_set R I ⟹ poly_eval R I (λn. 𝟬) P = indexed_const (P {#}) ⟹ i ∈ I ⟹ poly_eval R I (λn. 𝟬) (P ⨂ i) = indexed_const ((P ⨂ i) {#})"
fix P
fix i
assume A: "P ∈ Pring_set R I" "poly_eval R I (λn. 𝟬) P = indexed_const (P {#})" "i ∈ I"
show "poly_eval R I (λn. 𝟬) (P ⨂ i) = indexed_const ((P ⨂ i) {#})"
have "poly_eval R I (λn. 𝟬) (P ⨂ i) = indexed_const 𝟬"
using A(1) A(3) cring.poly_eval_constant is_cring poly_eval_indexed_pmult
poly_eval_scalar_mult poly_scalar_mult_zero zero_closed
by (metis Pi_I)
have "(P ⨂ i) {#} = 𝟬"
using indexed_pmult_def
by (metis empty_iff set_mset_empty)
then show ?thesis
using ‹poly_eval R I (λn. 𝟬) (P ⨂ i) = indexed_const 𝟬›
by presburger
lemma deg_zero_cf_mult:
assumes "P ∈ Pring_set R I"
assumes "Q ∈ Pring_set R I"
shows " (P ⨂⇩p Q) {#} = P {#} ⊗ Q {#}"
have "poly_eval R I (λn. 𝟬) (P ⨂⇩p Q) = poly_eval R I (λn. 𝟬) P ⨂⇩p poly_eval R I (λn. 𝟬) Q"
using zero_fun_closed assms
by (metis poly_eval_mult)
then have 0: "indexed_const ((P ⨂⇩p Q) {#}) = (indexed_const (P {#})) ⨂⇩p (indexed_const (Q {#}))"
by (metis P_ring_mult_closed' Pring_cfs_closed assms(1) assms(2) deg_zero_cf_eval indexed_const_P_mult_eq indexed_const_def)
have "indexed_const ((P ⨂⇩p Q) {#}) = (indexed_const ((P {#}) ⊗(Q {#})))"
apply(rule ccontr)
using 0
by (metis Pring_cfs_closed assms(1) assms(2) indexed_const_P_mult_eq)
then show ?thesis
proof -
show ?thesis
by (metis (no_types) ‹indexed_const ((P ⨂⇩p Q) {#}) = indexed_const (P {#} ⊗ Q {#})›
local.ring_axioms ring.indexed_const_def)
definition deg_zero_cf :: "('a, 'c) mvar_poly ⇒ 'a" where
"deg_zero_cf P = P {#}"
lemma deg_zero_cf_ring_hom:
shows "ring_hom_ring (Pring R I) R (deg_zero_cf)"
apply(rule ring_hom_ringI)
using Pring_is_ring apply blast
apply (simp add: local.ring_axioms)
apply (metis deg_zero_cf_def Pring_car Pring_cfs_closed)
apply (metis deg_zero_cf_def Pring_car Pring_mult deg_zero_cf_mult)
apply (metis deg_zero_cf_def Pring_add indexed_padd_def)
by (metis deg_zero_cf_def Pring_one indexed_const_def)
definition eval_in_ring ::
"('a,'b) ring_scheme ⇒ 'c set ⇒ ('c ⇒ 'a) ⇒ ('a, 'c) mvar_poly ⇒ 'a" where
"eval_in_ring R S g P = (poly_eval R S g P) {#}"
definition total_eval ::
"('a,'b) ring_scheme ⇒ ('c ⇒ 'a) ⇒ ('a, 'c) mvar_poly ⇒ 'a" where
"total_eval R g P = eval_in_ring R UNIV g P"
context cring
lemma eval_in_ring_ring_hom:
assumes "closed_fun R g"
shows "ring_hom_ring (Pring R I) R (eval_in_ring R S g)"
unfolding eval_in_ring_def
apply(rule ring_hom_ringI)
apply (simp add: Pring_is_ring)
apply (simp add: local.ring_axioms)
using Pring_car Pring_carrier_coeff' assms poly_eval_closed
apply (metis )
using Pring_mult[of I] poly_eval_mult[of _ I _ g S] poly_eval_closed[of g _ I S] deg_zero_cf_mult[of _ I] assms
Pring_car[of I]
apply (metis deg_zero_cf_mult)
using Pring_add[of I ] poly_eval_add[of _ I _ g S] Pring_car[of I] assms indexed_padd_def
apply metis
unfolding deg_zero_cf_def
by (metis Pring_one indexed_const_def one_closed poly_eval_constant)
lemma eval_in_ring_smult:
assumes "P ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
assumes "a ∈ carrier R"
assumes "closed_fun R g"
shows "eval_in_ring R S g (a ⊙⇘Pring R I⇙ P) = a ⊗ eval_in_ring R S g P "
using assms unfolding eval_in_ring_def
by (smt Pring_car Pring_smult poly_eval_scalar_mult poly_scalar_mult_def)
lemma total_eval_ring_hom:
assumes "closed_fun R g"
shows "ring_hom_ring (Pring R I) R (total_eval R g)"
using assms unfolding total_eval_def
using eval_in_ring_ring_hom by blast
lemma total_eval_smult:
assumes "P ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
assumes "a ∈ carrier R"
assumes "closed_fun R g"
shows "total_eval R g (a ⊙⇘Pring R I⇙ P) = a ⊗ total_eval R g P"
using assms unfolding total_eval_def
using eval_in_ring_smult by blast
lemma total_eval_const:
assumes "k ∈ carrier R"
shows "total_eval R g (indexed_const k) = k"
unfolding total_eval_def eval_in_ring_def
using assms
by (metis indexed_const_def poly_eval_constant)
lemma total_eval_var:
assumes "closed_fun R g"
shows "(total_eval R g (mset_to_IP R {#i#})) = g i"
unfolding total_eval_def eval_in_ring_def
using UNIV_I assms indexed_const_def indexed_pmult_zero monom_add_mset one_closed
one_mset_to_IP one_zeroD poly_eval_constant poly_eval_index singletonD
by (smt PiE iso_tuple_UNIV_I monom_eval_add monom_eval_car mset_to_IP_simp poly_scalar_mult_const r_one)
lemma total_eval_indexed_pmult:
assumes "P ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
assumes "i ∈ I"
assumes "closed_fun R g"
shows "total_eval R g (P ⨂ i) = total_eval R g P ⊗⇘R⇙ g i"
have "P ⨂ i = P ⨂⇩p mset_to_IP R ((add_mset i) {#})"
using assms poly_index_mult[of P I i] Pring_car
by blast
then have 0: "(P ⨂ i) = P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ (mset_to_IP R {#i#})"
by (simp add: Pring_mult)
then have "total_eval R g (P ⨂ i) = (total_eval R g P) ⊗⇘R⇙ (total_eval R g (mset_to_IP R {#i#}))"
have "(mset_to_IP R {#i#}) ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
by (metis Pring_car assms(2) mset_to_IP_closed set_mset_single singletonD subset_iff)
then show ?thesis
using assms total_eval_ring_hom[of g I] ring_hom_mult
by (metis "0" ring_hom_ring.homh)
then show ?thesis
by (metis assms(3) cring.total_eval_var is_cring)
lemma total_eval_mult:
assumes "P ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
assumes "Q ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
assumes "closed_fun R g"
shows "total_eval R g (P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ Q) = (total_eval R g P) ⊗⇘R⇙(total_eval R g Q) "
by (metis assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) ring_hom_mult ring_hom_ring.homh total_eval_ring_hom)
lemma total_eval_add:
assumes "P ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
assumes "Q ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
assumes "closed_fun R g"
shows "total_eval R g (P ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ Q) = (total_eval R g P) ⊕⇘R⇙(total_eval R g Q) "
by (metis assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) ring_hom_add ring_hom_ring.homh total_eval_ring_hom)
lemma total_eval_one:
assumes "closed_fun R g"
shows "total_eval R g 𝟭⇘Pring R I⇙ = 𝟭"
by (metis Pring_one one_closed total_eval_const)
lemma total_eval_zero:
assumes "closed_fun R g"
shows "total_eval R g 𝟬⇘Pring R I⇙ = 𝟬"
by (metis Pring_zero total_eval_const zero_closed)
lemma total_eval_closed:
assumes "P ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
assumes "closed_fun R g"
shows "total_eval R g P ∈ carrier R"
using assms total_eval_ring_hom[of g]
by (metis ring_hom_closed ring_hom_ring.homh)
subsection‹Constructing Homomorphisms from Indexed Polynomial Rings and a Universal Property›
text‹The inclusion of ‹R› into its polynomial ring›
lemma indexed_const_ring_hom:
"ring_hom_ring R (Pring R I) (indexed_const)"
apply(rule ring_hom_ringI)
apply (simp add: local.ring_axioms)
apply (simp add: Pring_is_ring)
using Pring_car indexed_pset.indexed_const apply blast
apply (metis Pring_mult indexed_const_P_mult_eq)
apply (metis indexed_padd_const local.ring_axioms ring.Pring_add)
by (metis Pring_one)
lemma indexed_const_inj_on:
"inj_on (indexed_const) (carrier R)"
by (metis cring.total_eval_const inj_onI is_cring)
subsubsection‹Mapping $R[x] \to S[x]$ along a homomorphism $R \to S$›
definition ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom ::
"('a, 'e) ring_hom ⇒ ('a, 'c) mvar_poly ⇒ 'c monomial ⇒ 'e" where
"ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom φ P m = φ (P m)"
context cring
lemma ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom_one:
assumes "cring S"
assumes "ring_hom_ring R S φ"
shows "ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom φ 𝟭⇘Pring R I⇙ = 𝟭⇘Pring S I⇙"
unfolding ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom_def
fix m
show " φ (𝟭⇘Pring R I⇙ m) = 𝟭⇘Pring S I⇙ m"
proof(cases "m = {#}")
case True
then have "(𝟭⇘Pring R I⇙ m) = 𝟭⇘R⇙"
by (metis Pring_one indexed_const_def)
then have "φ (𝟭⇘Pring R I⇙ m) = 𝟭⇘S⇙"
using assms
unfolding ring_hom_ring_def
by (metis assms(2) ring_hom_one ring_hom_ring.homh)
then show ?thesis using assms True ring.indexed_const_def ring_hom_ring_def
by (metis ring.Pring_one)
case False
then have "(𝟭⇘Pring R I⇙ m) = 𝟬⇘R⇙"
by (metis indexed_const_def local.ring_axioms ring.Pring_one)
then have "φ (𝟭⇘Pring R I⇙ m) = 𝟬⇘S⇙"
using assms
unfolding ring_hom_ring_def cring_def
by (metis assms(2) ring_hom_zero ring_hom_ring.homh)
then show ?thesis using assms False ring.indexed_const_def ring_hom_ring_def
by (metis ring.Pring_one)
lemma ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom_constant:
assumes "cring S"
assumes "ring_hom_ring R S φ"
assumes "a ∈ carrier R"
shows "ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom φ ((indexed_const a):: 'c monomial ⇒ 'a) = ring.indexed_const S (φ a)"
unfolding ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom_def indexed_const_def
fix m:: "'c monomial"
show "φ (if m = {#} then a else 𝟬) = ring.indexed_const S (φ a) m"
apply(cases "m = {#}")
apply (simp add: assms(1) cring.axioms(1) ring.indexed_const_def)
assume "m ≠ {#} "
then have "φ (if m = {#} then a else 𝟬) = 𝟬⇘S⇙"
by (metis (full_types) assms(1) assms(2) cring_def local.ring_axioms
ring_hom_ring.homh ring_hom_zero)
then show " φ (if m = {#} then a else 𝟬) = ring.indexed_const S (φ a) m"
using assms
by (metis ‹m ≠ {#}› cring.axioms(1) ring.indexed_const_def)
lemma ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom_add:
assumes "cring S"
assumes "ring_hom_ring R S φ"
assumes "P ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
assumes "Q ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
shows "ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom φ (P ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ Q) =
(ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom φ P) ⊕⇘Pring S I⇙ (ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom φ Q)"
unfolding ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom_def
fix m
show " φ ((P ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ Q) m) = ((λm. φ (P m)) ⊕⇘Pring S I⇙ (λm. φ (Q m))) m"
have RHS: "((λm. φ (P m)) ⊕⇘Pring S I⇙ (λm. φ (Q m))) m = φ (P m) ⊕⇘S⇙ φ (Q m)"
using ring.Pring_add[of S I _ _ ] assms
by (metis cring.axioms(1) ring.indexed_padd_def)
have LHS: "φ ((P ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ Q) m) = φ ((P m)⊕⇘R⇙ (Q m))"
by (metis Pring_add indexed_padd_def)
then show ?thesis
using assms unfolding ring_hom_ring_def
using ring_hom_add[of φ R S "P m" "Q m"]
by (metis Pring_carrier_coeff' RHS assms(2) ring_hom_ring.homh)
lemma ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom_closed:
assumes "cring S"
assumes "ring_hom_ring R S φ"
assumes "P ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
shows "ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom φ P ∈ carrier (Pring S I)"
apply(rule indexed_pset.induct[of P I "carrier R"])
using Pring_car assms(3) apply blast
show "⋀k. k ∈ carrier R ⟹ ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom φ (indexed_const k) ∈ carrier (Pring S I)"
fix k
show " k ∈ carrier R ⟹ ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom φ (indexed_const k) ∈ carrier (Pring S I)"
assume A: "k ∈ carrier R"
have "(φ k) ∈ carrier S"
by (meson A assms(2) ring_hom_closed ring_hom_ring.homh)
then have 0: "ring.indexed_const S (φ k) ∈ carrier (Pring S I)"
by (metis assms(1) cring.axioms(1) ring.Pring_car ring.indexed_pset.indexed_const)
then show ?thesis
using assms(2)
by (simp add: "0" A ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom_constant[of S φ k] assms(1))
show "⋀P Q. P ∈ Pring_set R I ⟹
ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom φ P ∈ carrier (Pring S I) ⟹
Q ∈ Pring_set R I ⟹
ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom φ Q ∈ carrier (Pring S I) ⟹ ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom φ (P ⨁ Q) ∈ carrier (Pring S I)"
using ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom_add[of S φ _ I] Pring_car[of I] ring.Pring_car[of S I]
by (metis Pring_add assms(1) assms(2) cring.axioms(1) ring.Pring_add_closed )
show "⋀P i. P ∈ Pring_set R I ⟹
ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom φ P ∈ carrier (Pring S I) ⟹ i ∈ I ⟹ ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom φ (P ⨂ i) ∈ carrier (Pring S I)"
fix P
fix i
assume A: "P ∈ Pring_set R I " "ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom φ P ∈ carrier (Pring S I) " "i ∈ I"
have 0: "(λm. φ ((P ⨂ i) m)) = ring.indexed_pmult S (ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom φ P) i"
fix m
show "φ ((P ⨂ i) m) = ring.indexed_pmult S (ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom φ P) i m"
proof(cases "i ∈# m")
case True
then have LHS: "φ ((P ⨂ i) m) = φ (P (m - {#i#}))"
by (metis indexed_pmult_def)
then show ?thesis
using True
by (metis assms(1) cring.axioms(1) ring.indexed_pmult_def ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom_def)
case False
then have "φ ((P ⨂ i) m) = φ 𝟬⇘R⇙"
by (metis indexed_pmult_def)
then have LHS: "φ ((P ⨂ i) m) = 𝟬⇘S⇙"
by (metis assms(1) assms(2) cring.axioms(1) local.ring_axioms
ring_hom_ring.homh ring_hom_zero)
then show ?thesis
using False assms ring.indexed_pmult_def
by (metis cring.axioms(1))
then show "ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom φ (P ⨂ i) ∈ carrier (Pring S I)"
using assms
unfolding ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom_def
by (metis "0" A(2) A(3) cring.axioms(1) ring.Pring_car ring.indexed_pset.simps)
lemma ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom_monom:
assumes "cring S"
assumes "ring_hom_ring R S φ"
shows "ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom φ (mset_to_IP R m) = mset_to_IP S m"
fix x
show "ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom φ (mset_to_IP R m) x = mset_to_IP S m x"
unfolding ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom_def mset_to_IP_def apply( cases "x = m" )
apply (metis (mono_tags, lifting) assms(2) ring_hom_one ring_hom_ring.homh)
by (metis (full_types) assms(1) assms(2) cring.axioms(1) local.ring_axioms
ring_hom_ring.homh ring_hom_zero)
lemma Pring_morphism:
assumes "cring S"
assumes "φ ∈ (carrier (Pring R I)) → (carrier S)"
assumes "φ 𝟭⇘Pring R I⇙ = 𝟭⇘S⇙"
assumes "φ 𝟬⇘Pring R I⇙ = 𝟬⇘S⇙"
assumes "⋀P Q. P ∈ carrier (Pring R I) ⟹ Q ∈ carrier (Pring R I) ⟹
φ (P ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ Q) = (φ P) ⊕⇘S⇙ (φ Q)"
assumes "⋀ i . ⋀ P. i ∈ I ⟹ P ∈ carrier (Pring R I) ⟹ φ (P ⨂ i) = (φ P) ⊗⇘S⇙ (φ (mset_to_IP R {#i#}))"
assumes "⋀k Q. k ∈ carrier R ⟹ Q ∈ carrier (Pring R I) ⟹ φ (poly_scalar_mult R k Q) =
(φ (indexed_const k)) ⊗⇘S⇙ (φ Q)"
shows "ring_hom_ring (Pring R I) S φ"
apply(rule ring_hom_ringI)
apply (simp add: Pring_is_ring; fail)
apply (simp add: assms(1) cring.axioms(1); fail)
using assms(2) apply blast
show "⋀x y. x ∈ carrier (Pring R I) ⟹ y ∈ carrier (Pring R I) ⟹ φ (x ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ y) = φ x ⊗⇘S⇙ φ y"
fix P Q
assume A0: "P ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
assume A1: "Q ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
show "φ (P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ Q) = φ P ⊗⇘S⇙ φ Q"
proof(rule mpoly_induct'[of ])
show "φ (P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ indexed_const 𝟬) = φ P ⊗⇘S⇙ φ (indexed_const 𝟬)"
have 0: "(P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ indexed_const 𝟬) = 𝟬⇘Pring R I⇙"
using assms
by (metis A0 Pring_is_cring Pring_zero cring.cring_simprules(27) is_cring)
have 1: " φ P ⊗⇘S⇙ φ (indexed_const 𝟬) = 𝟬⇘S⇙"
have "φ P ∈ carrier S"
using assms(2) A0
by blast
then show ?thesis
using assms(4) Pring_zero[of I]
by (metis assms(1) cring.cring_simprules(27))
then show ?thesis using 0 1
using assms(4) by presburger
show "⋀n Q. (⋀Q. Q ∈ Pring_set R I ∧ card (monomials_of R Q) ≤ n ⟹ φ (P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ Q) = φ P ⊗⇘S⇙ φ Q) ⟹
Q ∈ Pring_set R I ∧ card (monomials_of R Q) = Suc n ⟹ φ (P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ Q) = φ P ⊗⇘S⇙ φ Q"
proof- fix n fix Q
assume IH: " (⋀Q. Q ∈ Pring_set R I ∧ card (monomials_of R Q) ≤ n ⟹ φ (P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ Q) = φ P ⊗⇘S⇙ φ Q)"
assume A: "Q ∈ Pring_set R I ∧ card (monomials_of R Q) = Suc n"
show "φ (P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ Q) = φ P ⊗⇘S⇙ φ Q"
obtain m M where m_M_def: "monomials_of R Q = insert m M ∧ m ∉ M"
using A
by (metis card_0_eq ex_in_conv finite.emptyI mk_disjoint_insert nat.distinct(1))
have "Q = (restrict_poly_to_monom_set R Q M) ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ (poly_scalar_mult R (Q m) (mset_to_IP R m))"
by (metis A Pring_add m_M_def remove_monom_eq remove_monom_restrict_poly_to_monom_set)
obtain Q' where Q'_def: "Q' = (restrict_poly_to_monom_set R Q M)"
by simp
have Q'_fact: " Q' ∈ Pring_set R I ∧ card (monomials_of R Q') ≤ n"
have 0: "Q' ∈ Pring_set R I"
using Q'_def A restriction_closed
by blast
have "monomials_of R Q' = M"
using A m_M_def Q'_def
by (metis restrict_poly_to_monom_set_monoms subset_insertI)
then have "card (monomials_of R Q') = n" using A m_M_def
by (metis "0" card_insert_disjoint diff_Suc_1 monomials_finite)
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: "0")
have 0:"(P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ Q) = (P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ (Q' ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ (poly_scalar_mult R (Q m) (mset_to_IP R m))))"
using Q'_def ‹Q = restrict_poly_to_monom_set R Q M ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ Mt (Q m) m› by presburger
have 1: "(P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ Q) = (P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ Q') ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ (P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ (poly_scalar_mult R (Q m) (mset_to_IP R m)))"
have 10: "P ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
by (simp add: A0)
have 11: "Q ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
by (simp add: A Pring_car)
have 12: "Q' ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
using A Pring_car Q'_def restriction_closed by blast
have 13: "(poly_scalar_mult R (Q m) (mset_to_IP R m)) ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
by (metis A Pring_car Pring_carrier_coeff' insert_iff m_M_def mset_to_IP_closed' poly_scalar_mult_closed)
then show ?thesis
using 0 10 11 12 13
by (metis Pring_mult_rdistr)
then have "φ (P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ Q) = (φ (P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ Q')) ⊕⇘S⇙ φ (P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ (poly_scalar_mult R (Q m) (mset_to_IP R m)))"
by (metis A A0 Pring_car Pring_mult_closed Pring_cfs_closed Q'_def assms(5) insert_iff
local.ring_axioms m_M_def poly_scalar_mult_closed ring.mset_to_IP_closed'
then have "φ (P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ Q) = (φ P) ⊗⇘S⇙ (φ Q') ⊕⇘S⇙ φ (P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ (poly_scalar_mult R (Q m) (mset_to_IP R m)))"
using IH[of Q'] Q'_fact
by presburger
then have 2: "φ (P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ Q) = (φ P) ⊗⇘S⇙ (φ Q') ⊕⇘S⇙ φ (poly_scalar_mult R (Q m) (P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ (mset_to_IP R m)))"
by (metis A A0 Pring_car Pring_mult Pring_cfs_closed insert_iff m_M_def mset_to_IP_closed' times_poly_scalar_mult)
have 3: "⋀k. k ∈ carrier R ⟹ set_mset m ⊆ I ⟹ φ (poly_scalar_mult R k (P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ (mset_to_IP R m))) =
φ (indexed_const k) ⊗⇘S⇙ (φ P) ⊗⇘S⇙ φ (mset_to_IP R m)"
proof(induction m)
case empty
assume A: "set_mset {#} ⊆ I"
then have E0: "(P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ mset_to_IP R {#}) = P"
by (metis A0 Pring_mult_one Pring_one one_mset_to_IP)
have E1: "k ∈ carrier R"
using A Pring_cfs_closed empty.prems(1)
by linarith
have E2: "φ (mset_to_IP R {#}) = 𝟭⇘S⇙"
by (metis Pring_one assms(3) one_mset_to_IP)
have E3: " φ (poly_scalar_mult R k (P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ mset_to_IP R {#})) =
φ (indexed_const k) ⊗⇘S⇙ φ (P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ mset_to_IP R {#})"
using E1 E2 E0 assms(7)[of "k" "P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ mset_to_IP R {#}"] A0
by (simp add: A0 E1)
have E4: " φ (P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ mset_to_IP R {#}) = (φ P) "
using E0
by auto
have E5: " φ (poly_scalar_mult R k (P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ mset_to_IP R {#})) =
φ (indexed_const k) ⊗⇘S⇙ φ P"
using E0 E3 by presburger
have E6: " φ (indexed_const k) ⊗⇘S⇙ φ P = φ (indexed_const k) ⊗⇘S⇙ φ P ⊗⇘S⇙ 𝟭⇘S⇙"
have 0: "φ P ∈ carrier S"
using assms A0
by blast
have "indexed_const k ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
using assms(2) E1 Pring_car indexed_pset.indexed_const
by blast
then have 1: "φ (indexed_const k) ∈ carrier S"
using assms(2)
by blast
show ?thesis
using assms(1) 0 1
by (metis cring.cring_simprules(12) cring.cring_simprules(14)
cring.cring_simprules(5) cring.cring_simprules(6))
then show ?case
using E0 E2 E3 by presburger
case (add x m)
assume AA: "⋀k. k ∈ carrier R ⟹ set_mset m ⊆ I ⟹ φ (poly_scalar_mult R k (P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ mset_to_IP R m)) = φ (indexed_const k) ⊗⇘S⇙ φ P ⊗⇘S⇙ φ (mset_to_IP R m)"
assume P0: "set_mset (add_mset x m) ⊆ I"
then have IA: "set_mset m ⊆I"
by (metis insert_subset set_mset_add_mset_insert)
have IH: "φ (poly_scalar_mult R k (P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ mset_to_IP R m)) =
φ (indexed_const k) ⊗⇘S⇙ φ P ⊗⇘S⇙ φ (mset_to_IP R m)"
using AA IA add.prems(1)
by blast
then have x_mem: "x ∈ I"
by (meson P0 subsetD union_single_eq_member)
have 0: " mset_to_IP R (add_mset x m) = mset_to_IP R m ⨂ x"
by (simp add: monom_add_mset)
then have 1: "P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ mset_to_IP R (add_mset x m) = P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ (mset_to_IP R m ⨂ x)"
by simp
have 2: "P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ mset_to_IP R (add_mset x m) =( P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ (mset_to_IP R m)) ⨂ x"
have "mset_to_IP R (add_mset x m) = (mset_to_IP R m) ⨂ x"
using "0" by blast
then have "P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ mset_to_IP R (add_mset x m) = P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ ((mset_to_IP R m) ⨂ x)"
by simp
then have "P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ mset_to_IP R (add_mset x m) = P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ ((mset_to_IP R m) ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ mset_to_IP R {#x#})"
by (metis IA Pring_mult mset_to_IP_closed poly_index_mult x_mem)
then have "P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ mset_to_IP R (add_mset x m) = (P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ (mset_to_IP R m)) ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ mset_to_IP R {#x#}"
by (metis A0 IA Pring_car Pring_mult_assoc Pring_one Pring_one_closed
indexed_pset.indexed_pmult monom_add_mset mset_to_IP_closed one_mset_to_IP x_mem)
then show ?thesis
by (metis A0 IA Pring_car Pring_mult Pring_mult_closed mset_to_IP_closed poly_index_mult x_mem)
have 3: "poly_scalar_mult R k (P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ mset_to_IP R (add_mset x m)) =
poly_scalar_mult R k ( P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ (mset_to_IP R m) ⨂ x)"
using "2" by presburger
have 4: "poly_scalar_mult R k (P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ mset_to_IP R (add_mset x m)) =
poly_scalar_mult R k ( P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ (mset_to_IP R m)) ⨂ x"
have "poly_scalar_mult R k (P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ mset_to_IP R (add_mset x m)) =
poly_scalar_mult R k ( P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ (mset_to_IP R m) ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ mset_to_IP R {#x#})"
by (metis "2" A0 IA Pring_car Pring_mult Pring_mult_closed mset_to_IP_closed poly_index_mult x_mem)
have "poly_scalar_mult R k (P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ mset_to_IP R (add_mset x m)) =
(poly_scalar_mult R k ( P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ mset_to_IP R m)) ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ mset_to_IP R {#x#}"
by (metis A0 IA Pring_car Pring_mult Pring_mult_closed Pring_one Pring_one_closed
‹poly_scalar_mult R k (P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ mset_to_IP R (add_mset x m)) = poly_scalar_mult R k (P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ mset_to_IP R m ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ mset_to_IP R {#x#})›
add.prems(1) indexed_pset.indexed_pmult monom_add_mset mset_to_IP_closed
one_mset_to_IP poly_scalar_mult_times x_mem)
then show ?thesis
by (metis A0 IA Pring_car Pring_mult Pring_mult_closed add.prems(1)
cring.poly_scalar_mult_closed is_cring mset_to_IP_closed
poly_index_mult x_mem)
have 5: "φ (poly_scalar_mult R k (P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ mset_to_IP R (add_mset x m))) =
φ (poly_scalar_mult R k ( P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ (mset_to_IP R m)) ⨂ x)"
using 4 by metis
have 6: "φ (poly_scalar_mult R k (P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ mset_to_IP R (add_mset x m))) =
φ (poly_scalar_mult R k ( P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ (mset_to_IP R m))) ⊗⇘S⇙ φ (mset_to_IP R {#x#})"
using assms
by (metis "5" A0 IA Pring_car Pring_mult_closed add.prems(1)
cring.poly_scalar_mult_closed is_cring mset_to_IP_closed x_mem)
have 7: "φ (poly_scalar_mult R k (P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ mset_to_IP R (add_mset x m))) =
φ (indexed_const k) ⊗⇘S⇙ φ P ⊗⇘S⇙ φ (mset_to_IP R m) ⊗⇘S⇙ φ (mset_to_IP R {#x#})"
using assms 6 IH
by presburger
have 8: " φ (mset_to_IP R m) ⊗⇘S⇙ φ (mset_to_IP R {#x#}) = φ (mset_to_IP R (add_mset x m))"
have "φ (mset_to_IP R m) ⊗⇘S⇙ φ (mset_to_IP R {#x#}) =
φ ((mset_to_IP R m) ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ (mset_to_IP R {#x#}))"
by (metis IA Pring_car Pring_mult assms(6) mset_to_IP_closed poly_index_mult x_mem)
then show ?thesis
by (metis "0" IA Pring_car assms(6) mset_to_IP_closed x_mem)
have 9: "φ (poly_scalar_mult R k (P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ mset_to_IP R (add_mset x m))) =
φ (indexed_const k) ⊗⇘S⇙ φ P ⊗⇘S⇙ ( φ (mset_to_IP R m) ⊗⇘S⇙ φ (mset_to_IP R {#x#}))"
have 0: "φ (indexed_const k) ∈ carrier S"
have "(indexed_const k) ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
using A Pring_car Pring_cfs_closed indexed_pset.indexed_const add.prems(1)
by blast
then show ?thesis
using assms(2)
by blast
have 1: "φ P ∈ carrier S"
using A0 assms(2)
by blast
have 2: "φ (mset_to_IP R m) ∈ carrier S"
have "(mset_to_IP R m) ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
using IA Pring_car mset_to_IP_closed by blast
then show ?thesis using assms(2)
by blast
have 3: " φ (mset_to_IP R {#x#}) ∈ carrier S"
have "(mset_to_IP R {#x#}) ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
by (metis Pring_car Pring_one Pring_one_closed indexed_pset.indexed_pmult
monom_add_mset one_mset_to_IP x_mem)
then show ?thesis
using assms(2)
by blast
have "φ (poly_scalar_mult R k (P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ mset_to_IP R (add_mset x m))) =
φ (indexed_const k) ⊗⇘S⇙ (φ P ⊗⇘S⇙ φ (mset_to_IP R m) ⊗⇘S⇙ φ (mset_to_IP R {#x#}))"
using 1 2 3 7
by (metis "0" ‹φ (mset_to_IP R m) ∈ carrier S› assms(1)
cring.cring_simprules(11) cring.cring_simprules(5))
then show ?thesis
by (metis "0" "1" "2" "3" "8" Pring_mult assms(1) cring.cring_simprules(11)
have 10: "φ (poly_scalar_mult R k (P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ mset_to_IP R (add_mset x m))) =
φ (indexed_const k) ⊗⇘S⇙ φ P ⊗⇘S⇙ φ (mset_to_IP R (add_mset x m))"
using 8 9
by presburger
then show ?case
by blast
have 4: "φ (poly_scalar_mult R (Q m) (P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ (mset_to_IP R m))) =
φ (indexed_const (Q m)) ⊗⇘S⇙ (φ P) ⊗⇘S⇙ φ (mset_to_IP R m)"
using 3
by (metis A Pring_mult insert_iff local.ring_axioms m_M_def mset_to_IP_indices
have 5: "φ (P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ Q) = (φ P) ⊗⇘S⇙ (φ Q') ⊕⇘S⇙ φ (indexed_const (Q m)) ⊗⇘S⇙ (φ P) ⊗⇘S⇙ φ (mset_to_IP R m)"
using 2 4
by presburger
have " φ (indexed_const (Q m)) ⊗⇘S⇙ (φ P) ⊗⇘S⇙ φ (mset_to_IP R m) =
(φ P) ⊗⇘S⇙ φ (indexed_const (Q m)) ⊗⇘S⇙ φ (mset_to_IP R m)"
have 0: "(φ P) ∈ carrier S"
using A0 assms(2)
by blast
have 1: "φ (indexed_const (Q m)) ∈ carrier S"
have "indexed_const (Q m ) ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
using A Pring_car Pring_cfs_closed indexed_pset.indexed_const by blast
then show ?thesis
using assms(2)
by blast
have 2: "φ (mset_to_IP R m) ∈ carrier S"
have "(mset_to_IP R m) ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
by (metis A Pring_car insert_iff m_M_def mset_to_IP_closed')
then show ?thesis using assms(2)
by blast
show ?thesis using assms(1) 0 1 2
by (metis cring.cring_simprules(14))
then have 6: "φ (P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ Q) = (φ P) ⊗⇘S⇙ (φ Q') ⊕⇘S⇙ (φ P) ⊗⇘S⇙ φ (indexed_const (Q m)) ⊗⇘S⇙ φ (mset_to_IP R m)"
using 5
by presburger
then have 7: "φ (P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ Q) = (φ P) ⊗⇘S⇙ ((φ Q') ⊕⇘S⇙ φ (indexed_const (Q m)) ⊗⇘S⇙ φ (mset_to_IP R m))"
have 0: "(φ P) ∈ carrier S"
using A0 assms(2)
by blast
have 1: "φ (indexed_const (Q m)) ∈ carrier S"
have "indexed_const (Q m ) ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
using A Pring_car Pring_cfs_closed indexed_pset.indexed_const by blast
then show ?thesis
using assms(2)
by blast
have 2: "φ (mset_to_IP R m) ∈ carrier S"
have "(mset_to_IP R m) ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
by (metis A Pring_car insert_iff m_M_def mset_to_IP_closed')
then show ?thesis using assms(2)
by blast
have 3: "φ Q' ∈ carrier S"
have "Q' ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
using Q'_fact Pring_car
by blast
then show ?thesis
using assms(2)
by blast
show ?thesis using 0 1 2 3 6
by (metis assms(1) cring.cring_simprules(11) cring.cring_simprules(25) cring.cring_simprules(5))
then show ?thesis
by (metis A Pring_car Pring_cfs_closed Q'_def Q'_fact
‹Q = restrict_poly_to_monom_set R Q M ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ Mt (Q m) m› assms(5) assms(7)
cring.poly_scalar_mult_closed insert_iff is_cring m_M_def mset_to_IP_closed')
show "Q ∈ Pring_set R I "
using A1 Pring_car
by blast
show "⋀x y. x ∈ carrier (Pring R I) ⟹ y ∈ carrier (Pring R I) ⟹ φ (x ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ y) = φ x ⊕⇘S⇙ φ y"
using assms(5)
by blast
show "φ 𝟭⇘Pring R I⇙ = 𝟭⇘S⇙"
by (simp add: assms(3))
lemma(in cring) indexed_const_Pring_mult:
assumes "k ∈ carrier R"
assumes "P ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
shows "(indexed_const k ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ P) m = k ⊗⇘R⇙ (P m)"
"(P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ indexed_const k) m = k ⊗⇘R⇙ (P m)"
apply (metis Pring_car Pring_mult assms(1) assms(2) poly_scalar_mult_def poly_scalar_mult_eq)
by (metis Pring_car Pring_carrier_coeff' Pring_mult assms(1) assms(2) indexed_const_P_multE m_comm)
lemma(in cring) ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom_is_hom:
assumes "cring S"
assumes "ring_hom_ring R S φ"
shows "ring_hom_ring (Pring R I) (Pring S I) (ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom φ)"
proof(rule Pring_morphism)
show 0: "cring (Pring S I)"
by (simp add: assms(1) cring.axioms(1) ring.Pring_is_cring)
show 1: "ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom φ ∈ carrier (Pring R I) → carrier (Pring S I)"
by (meson Pi_I assms(1) assms(2) ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom_closed)
show 2: "ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom φ 𝟭⇘Pring R I⇙ = 𝟭⇘Pring S I⇙"
by (simp add: assms(1) assms(2) ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom_one)
show 3: "ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom φ 𝟬⇘Pring R I⇙ = 𝟬⇘Pring S I⇙"
have "⋀m. φ (𝟬⇘Pring R I⇙ m) = 𝟬⇘S⇙"
using assms
by (metis Pring_carrier_coeff' Pring_zero Pring_zero_closed cring.axioms(1)
cring.cring_simprules(26) indexed_const_Pring_mult(2) is_cring ring.Pring_is_cring
ring_hom_ring.homh ring_hom_zero zero_closed)
then have "⋀m. φ (𝟬⇘Pring R I⇙ m) = 𝟬⇘Pring S I⇙ m"
by (metis assms(1) cring.axioms(1) ring.Pring_zero ring.indexed_const_def)
then show ?thesis unfolding ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom_def
by blast
show 4: " ⋀P Q. P ∈ carrier (Pring R I) ⟹
Q ∈ carrier (Pring R I) ⟹ ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom φ (P ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ Q) = ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom φ P ⊕⇘Pring S I⇙ ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom φ Q"
using assms(1) assms(2) ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom_add by blast
show 5: " ⋀i P. i ∈ I ⟹
P ∈ carrier (Pring R I) ⟹
ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom φ (P ⨂ i) = ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom φ P ⊗⇘Pring S I⇙ ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom φ (mset_to_IP R {#i#})"
fix i P
assume i0: "i ∈ I"
assume P0: "P ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
show "ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom φ (P ⨂ i) = ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom φ P ⊗⇘Pring S I⇙ ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom φ (mset_to_IP R {#i#})"
unfolding ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom_def
fix m
show " φ ((P ⨂ i) m) = ((λm. φ (P m)) ⊗⇘Pring S I⇙ (λm. φ (mset_to_IP R {#i#} m))) m"
proof(cases "i ∈# m")
case True
have "(λm. φ (mset_to_IP R {#i#} m)) = mset_to_IP S {#i#}"
fix m
show "φ (mset_to_IP R {#i#} m) = mset_to_IP S {#i#} m"
apply(cases "{#i#} = m")
apply (metis (mono_tags, lifting) assms(1) assms(2) cring.axioms(1) local.ring_axioms
mset_to_IP_def one_mset_to_IP ring.Pring_one ring.Pring_one ring.one_mset_to_IP
ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom_def ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom_one)
assume "{#i#} ≠ m"
then have LHS: "(mset_to_IP R {#i#} m) = 𝟬⇘R⇙"
by (metis mset_to_IP_simp')
have RHS :"mset_to_IP S {#i#} m = 𝟬⇘S⇙"
by (metis ‹{#i#} ≠ m› mset_to_IP_def)
have "φ 𝟬⇘R⇙ = 𝟬⇘S⇙"
using assms(1) assms(2) cring.axioms(1) local.ring_axioms
ring_hom_ring.homh ring_hom_zero by blast
then show ?thesis
using LHS RHS
by presburger
then have RHS: "((λm. φ (P m)) ⊗⇘Pring S I⇙ (λm. φ (mset_to_IP R {#i#} m))) m =
((λm. φ (P m)) ⊗⇘Pring S I⇙ mset_to_IP S {#i#}) m"
by presburger
then have RHS': "((λm. φ (P m)) ⊗⇘Pring S I⇙ (λm. φ (mset_to_IP R {#i#} m))) m =
(ring.indexed_pmult S (λm. φ (P m)) i) m"
have 0: "(λm. φ (P m)) ∈ Pring_set S I"
using ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom_closed[of S φ P I] ring.Pring_car[of S I] assms
unfolding ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom_def
using P0 cring.axioms(1) by blast
show ?thesis using ring.poly_index_mult[of S "(λm. φ (P m))" I i]
by (metis "0" ‹(λm. φ (mset_to_IP R {#i#} m)) = mset_to_IP S {#i#}›
assms(1) cring.axioms(1) i0 ring.Pring_mult)
then have RHS'': "((λm. φ (P m)) ⊗⇘Pring S I⇙ (λm. φ (mset_to_IP R {#i#} m))) m =
(λm. φ (P m)) (m - {#i#})" using ring.indexed_pmult_def[of S "(λm. φ (P m))" i] True
by (metis assms(1) cring.axioms(1))
then show ?thesis
by (metis True indexed_pmult_def)
case False
have LHS: "((P ⨂ i) m) = 𝟬⇘R⇙"
using False
by (meson indexed_pmult_def)
have "(λm. φ (mset_to_IP R {#i#} m)) = mset_to_IP S {#i#}"
fix m
show "φ (mset_to_IP R {#i#} m) = mset_to_IP S {#i#} m"
apply(cases "{#i#} = m")
apply (metis (mono_tags, lifting) assms(1) assms(2) cring.axioms(1) local.ring_axioms
mset_to_IP_def one_mset_to_IP ring.Pring_one ring.Pring_one ring.one_mset_to_IP
ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom_def ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom_one)
assume "{#i#} ≠ m"
then have LHS: "(mset_to_IP R {#i#} m) = 𝟬⇘R⇙"
by (metis mset_to_IP_simp')
have RHS :"mset_to_IP S {#i#} m = 𝟬⇘S⇙"
by (metis ‹{#i#} ≠ m› mset_to_IP_def)
have "φ 𝟬⇘R⇙ = 𝟬⇘S⇙"
using assms(1) assms(2) cring.axioms(1) local.ring_axioms
ring_hom_ring.homh ring_hom_zero by blast
then show ?thesis
using LHS RHS
by presburger
then have RHS: "((λm. φ (P m)) ⊗⇘Pring S I⇙ (λm. φ (mset_to_IP R {#i#} m))) m =
((λm. φ (P m)) ⊗⇘Pring S I⇙ mset_to_IP S {#i#}) m"
by presburger
then have RHS': "((λm. φ (P m)) ⊗⇘Pring S I⇙ (λm. φ (mset_to_IP R {#i#} m))) m =
(ring.indexed_pmult S (λm. φ (P m)) i) m"
have 0: "(λm. φ (P m)) ∈ Pring_set S I"
using ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom_closed[of S φ P I] ring.Pring_car[of S I] assms
unfolding ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom_def
using P0 cring.axioms(1) by blast
show ?thesis using ring.poly_index_mult[of S "(λm. φ (P m))" I i]
by (metis "0" ‹(λm. φ (mset_to_IP R {#i#} m)) = mset_to_IP S {#i#}›
assms(1) cring.axioms(1) i0 ring.Pring_mult)
then have RHS'': "((λm. φ (P m)) ⊗⇘Pring S I⇙ (λm. φ (mset_to_IP R {#i#} m))) m =
using False
by (metis assms(1) cring.axioms(1) ring.indexed_pmult_def)
then show ?thesis
using LHS False assms ring_hom_zero[of φ R S]
by (metis cring.axioms(1) local.ring_axioms ring_hom_ring.homh)
show "⋀k Q. k ∈ carrier R ⟹
Q ∈ carrier (Pring R I) ⟹
ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom φ (poly_scalar_mult R k Q) = ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom φ (indexed_const k) ⊗⇘Pring S I⇙ ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom φ Q"
fix k Q
assume A0: "k ∈ carrier R"
assume A1: " Q ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
show "ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom φ (poly_scalar_mult R k Q) =
ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom φ (indexed_const k) ⊗⇘Pring S I⇙ ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom φ Q"
fix x
show "ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom φ (poly_scalar_mult R k Q) x = (ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom φ (indexed_const k) ⊗⇘Pring S I⇙ ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom φ Q) x"
have LHS: "ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom φ (poly_scalar_mult R k Q) x = φ (k ⊗⇘R⇙ Q x)"
by (metis poly_scalar_mult_def ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom_def)
then have LHS': "ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom φ (poly_scalar_mult R k Q) x = (φ k) ⊗⇘S⇙ φ (Q x)"
have "Q x ∈ carrier R"
using A1 Pring_car local.ring_axioms ring.Pring_cfs_closed by blast
then show ?thesis
using LHS assms ring_hom_mult[of φ R S k "Q x"]
by (metis A0 ring_hom_ring.homh)
have RHS: "(ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom φ (indexed_const k) ⊗⇘Pring S I⇙ ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom φ Q) x =
(φ k) ⊗⇘S⇙ (φ (Q x))"
have 0: "ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom φ (indexed_const k)= ring.indexed_const S (φ k)"
by (simp add: A0 assms(1) assms(2) ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom_constant)
have 1: "(φ k) ∈ carrier S"
by (meson A0 assms(2) ring_hom_closed ring_hom_ring.homh)
have 2: "ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom φ Q ∈ carrier (Pring S I)"
using A1 assms ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom_closed
by blast
have 3: "(ring.indexed_const S (φ k) ⊗⇘Pring S I⇙ ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom φ Q) x = (φ k) ⊗⇘S⇙ (φ (Q x))"
using assms(1) 1 2
cring.indexed_const_Pring_mult(1)[of S "φ k" "ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom φ Q" I x]
ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom_def[of φ Q x]
by presburger
then show ?thesis
by (metis "0")
then show ?thesis
using LHS'
by metis
lemma ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom_smult:
assumes "cring S"
assumes "ring_hom_ring R S φ"
assumes "P ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
assumes "a ∈ carrier R"
shows "ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom φ (a ⊙⇘Pring R I⇙P) =
φ a ⊙⇘Pring S I⇙ (ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom φ P)"
proof fix m
have 0: "φ ((a ⊙⇘Pring R I⇙ P) m) = φ (a ⊗ (P m))"
using assms
by (metis Pring_smult_cfs)
hence 1: "φ ((a ⊙⇘Pring R I⇙ P) m) = φ a ⊗⇘S⇙ φ (P m)"
using assms ring_hom_mult[of φ R S]
by (metis Pring_carrier_coeff' ring_hom_ring.homh)
have 2: "(φ a ⊙⇘Pring S I⇙ (λm. φ (P m))) m = φ a ⊗⇘S⇙ φ (P m)"
using assms ring.Pring_smult[of S I]
unfolding poly_scalar_mult_def cring_def
by presburger
show "ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom φ (a ⊙⇘Pring R I⇙ P) m =
(φ a ⊙⇘Pring S I⇙ ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom φ P) m"
unfolding ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom_def using assms 1 2
by presburger
subsubsection‹A Universal Property for Indexed Polynomial Rings›
lemma Pring_universal_prop_0:
assumes a_cring: "cring S"
assumes index_map: "closed_fun S g"
assumes ring_hom: "ring_hom_ring R S φ"
assumes "ψ = (total_eval S g) ∘ (ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom φ)"
shows "(ring_hom_ring (Pring R I) S ψ)"
"(∀i ∈ I. ψ (mset_to_IP R {#i#}) = g i)"
"(∀a ∈ carrier R. ψ (indexed_const a) = φ a)"
"∀ ρ. (ring_hom_ring (Pring R I) S ρ) ∧
(∀i ∈ I. ρ (mset_to_IP R {#i#}) = g i) ∧
(∀a ∈ carrier R. ρ (indexed_const a) = φ a) ⟶
(∀x ∈ carrier (Pring R I). ρ x = ψ x)"
have 0: " (ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom φ) ∈ ring_hom (Pring R I) (Pring S I)"
using a_cring ring_hom ring_hom_ring.homh ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom_is_hom
by blast
have 1: "(total_eval S g) ∈ ring_hom (Pring S I) S "
using a_cring cring.total_eval_ring_hom index_map ring_hom_ring.homh
by blast
show P0: "ring_hom_ring (Pring R I) S ψ "
using ring_hom_trans 0 1 Pring_is_ring a_cring assms(4) cring.axioms(1) ring_hom_ringI2
by blast
show P1: "∀i∈I. ψ (mset_to_IP R {#i#}) = g i"
fix i assume Pi: "i ∈ I"
show "ψ (mset_to_IP R {#i#}) = g i"
have 0: "ψ (mset_to_IP R {#i#}) = (total_eval S g) ( (ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom φ) (mset_to_IP R {#i#}))"
by (simp add: assms(4))
have "( (ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom φ) (mset_to_IP R {#i#})) = (mset_to_IP S {#i#})"
by (simp add: a_cring ring_hom ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom_monom)
then have "ψ (mset_to_IP R {#i#}) = (total_eval S g) (mset_to_IP S {#i#})"
by (simp add: 0)
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: a_cring cring.total_eval_var index_map)
show P2: "∀a∈carrier R. ψ (indexed_const a) = φ a"
fix a assume A: "a ∈ carrier R"
show "ψ (indexed_const a) = φ a"
have 0: "ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom φ (indexed_const a) = ring.indexed_const S (φ a)"
by (simp add: A a_cring ring_hom ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom_constant)
have 1: "total_eval S g (ring.indexed_const S (φ a)) = φ a"
by (meson A a_cring cring.total_eval_const ring_hom ring_hom_closed ring_hom_ring.homh)
show ?thesis
using assms 0 1
by (simp add: "0" index_map)
show "∀ ρ. (ring_hom_ring (Pring R I) S ρ) ∧
(∀i ∈ I. ρ (mset_to_IP R {#i#}) = g i) ∧
(∀a ∈ carrier R. ρ (indexed_const a) = φ a) ⟶
(∀x ∈ carrier (Pring R I). ρ x = ψ x)"
fix ρ
show "ring_hom_ring (Pring R I) S ρ ∧ (∀i∈I. ρ (mset_to_IP R {#i#}) = g i) ∧ (∀a∈carrier R. ρ (indexed_const a) = φ a) ⟶
(∀x∈carrier (Pring R I). ρ x = ψ x)"
assume A: "(ring_hom_ring (Pring R I) S ρ) ∧
(∀i ∈ I. ρ (mset_to_IP R {#i#}) = g i) ∧
(∀a ∈ carrier R. ρ (indexed_const a) = φ a)"
show "(∀x ∈ carrier (Pring R I). ρ x = ψ x)"
fix x assume B: "x ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
show "ρ x = ψ x"
apply(rule indexed_pset.induct[of x I "carrier R"])
using B Pring_car apply blast
apply (metis A P2)
show "⋀P Q. P ∈ Pring_set R I ⟹ ρ P = ψ P ⟹ Q ∈ Pring_set R I ⟹ ρ Q = ψ Q ⟹ ρ (P ⨁ Q) = ψ (P ⨁ Q)"
fix P Q
assume A0: "P ∈ Pring_set R I " "ρ P = ψ P" " Q ∈ Pring_set R I" " ρ Q = ψ Q "
show "ρ (P ⨁ Q) = ψ (P ⨁ Q)"
using A A0 ring_hom_add[of ψ "Pring R I" S P Q] ring_hom_add[of ρ "Pring R I" S P Q] P0
by (metis Pring_add Pring_car ring_hom_ring.homh)
show "⋀P i. P ∈ Pring_set R I ⟹ ρ P = ψ P ⟹ i ∈ I ⟹ ρ (P ⨂ i) = ψ (P ⨂ i)"
fix P i
assume A0: " P ∈ Pring_set R I" " ρ P = ψ P" "i ∈ I"
show "ρ (P ⨂ i) = ψ (P ⨂ i)"
have "ρ (P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ (mset_to_IP R {#i#})) = ψ (P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ (mset_to_IP R {#i#}))"
using A A0 ring_hom_mult[of ψ "Pring R I" S P "(mset_to_IP R {#i#})"]
ring_hom_mult[of ρ "Pring R I" S P "(mset_to_IP R {#i#})"] P0
by (metis P1 Pring_car Pring_one Pring_one_closed indexed_pset.indexed_pmult
monom_add_mset one_mset_to_IP ring_hom_ring.homh)
then show ?thesis
by (metis A0(1) A0(3) Pring_mult poly_index_mult)
definition close_fun :: "'c set ⇒ ('e, 'f) ring_scheme ⇒ ('c ⇒ 'e) ⇒ ('c ⇒ 'e)" where
"close_fun I S g = (λi. (if i ∈ I then g i else 𝟬⇘S⇙))"
context cring
lemma close_funE:
assumes "cring S"
assumes "g ∈ I → carrier S"
shows "closed_fun S (close_fun I S g)"
apply(rule cring.closed_funI)
apply (simp add: assms(1))
by (metis close_fun_def PiE assms(1) assms(2) cring.cring_simprules(2))
definition indexed_poly_induced_morphism ::
"'c set ⇒ ('e, 'f) ring_scheme ⇒ ('a, 'e) ring_hom ⇒ ('c ⇒ 'e) ⇒ (('a,'c) mvar_poly, 'e) ring_hom" where
"indexed_poly_induced_morphism I S φ g = (total_eval S (close_fun I S g)) ∘ (ring_hom_to_IP_ring_hom φ)"
context cring
lemma Pring_universal_prop:
assumes a_cring: "cring S"
assumes index_map: "g ∈ I → carrier S"
assumes ring_hom: "ring_hom_ring R S φ"
assumes "ψ = indexed_poly_induced_morphism I S φ g"
shows "(ring_hom_ring (Pring R I) S ψ)"
"(∀i ∈ I. ψ (mset_to_IP R {#i#}) = g i)"
"(∀a ∈ carrier R. ψ (indexed_const a) = φ a)"
"∀ ρ. (ring_hom_ring (Pring R I) S ρ) ∧
(∀i ∈ I. ρ (mset_to_IP R {#i#}) = g i) ∧
(∀a ∈ carrier R. ρ (indexed_const a) = φ a) ⟶
(∀x ∈ carrier (Pring R I). ρ x = ψ x)"
obtain g' where g'_def: "g' = (close_fun I S g)"
by simp
have 0: "closed_fun S g'"
using close_funE a_cring g'_def index_map
by blast
show "(ring_hom_ring (Pring R I) S ψ)" using assms 0
using cring.Pring_universal_prop_0(1) indexed_poly_induced_morphism_def g'_def is_cring
by blast
show "(∀i ∈ I. ψ (mset_to_IP R {#i#}) = g i)"
have "(∀i ∈ I. ψ (mset_to_IP R {#i#}) = g' i)"
apply(intro Pring_universal_prop_0[of S _ φ] assms)
unfolding assms indexed_poly_induced_morphism_def g'_def
using assms 0 g'_def apply fastforce
by auto
thus ?thesis unfolding g'_def using assms
by (simp add: close_fun_def)
show "∀a∈carrier R. ψ (indexed_const a) = φ a"
using 0 indexed_poly_induced_morphism_def Pring_universal_prop_0(3) a_cring assms(4) g'_def ring_hom
by blast
show "∀ρ. ring_hom_ring (Pring R I) S ρ ∧ (∀i∈I. ρ (mset_to_IP R {#i#}) = g i) ∧ (∀a∈carrier R. ρ (indexed_const a) = φ a) ⟶
(∀x∈carrier (Pring R I). ρ x = ψ x)"
have "∀ρ. ring_hom_ring (Pring R I) S ρ ∧ (∀i∈I. ρ (mset_to_IP R {#i#}) = g' i) ∧ (∀a∈carrier R. ρ (indexed_const a) = φ a) ⟶
(∀x∈carrier (Pring R I). ρ x = ψ x)"
using assms 0 Pring_universal_prop_0(4) g'_def
unfolding indexed_poly_induced_morphism_def
by blast
then show ?thesis
using g'_def
unfolding close_fun_def
by meson
subsection‹Mapping Mulitvariate Polynomials over a Single Variable to Univariate Polynomials›
text‹Constructor for multisets which have one distinct element›
definition nat_to_mset :: "'c ⇒ nat ⇒ 'c monomial" where
"nat_to_mset i n = Abs_multiset (λj. if (j = i) then n else 0)"
lemma nat_to_msetE: "count (nat_to_mset i n) i = n"
unfolding nat_to_mset_def by simp
lemma nat_to_msetE':
assumes "j ≠ i"
shows "count (nat_to_mset i n) j = 0"
unfolding nat_to_mset_def using assms by simp
lemma nat_to_mset_add: "nat_to_mset i (n + m) = (nat_to_mset i n) + (nat_to_mset i m)"
apply(rule multiset_eqI)
by (metis add.right_neutral nat_to_msetE nat_to_msetE' count_union)
lemma nat_to_mset_inj:
assumes "n ≠ m"
shows "(nat_to_mset i n) ≠ (nat_to_mset i m)"
using assms
by (metis nat_to_msetE)
lemma nat_to_mset_zero: "nat_to_mset i 0 = {#}"
by (metis add.right_neutral add_cancel_right_right nat_to_mset_add)
lemma nat_to_mset_Suc: "nat_to_mset i (Suc n) = add_mset i (nat_to_mset i n)"
using nat_to_mset_add[of i n 1]
by (simp add: multiset_eqI nat_to_msetE nat_to_msetE')
lemma nat_to_mset_Pring_singleton:
assumes "cring R"
assumes "P ∈ carrier (Pring R {i})"
assumes "m ∈ monomials_of R P"
shows "m = nat_to_mset i (count m i)"
have "⋀ j. count m j = count (nat_to_mset i (count m i)) j"
fix j
show "count m j = count (nat_to_mset i (count m i)) j"
apply(cases "j = i")
apply (simp add: nat_to_msetE; fail)
assume A: "j ≠i"
have P0: "set_mset m ⊆ {i}"
using assms
by (metis cring.axioms(1) ring.Pring_car ring.mset_to_IP_indices)
then have "count m j = 0"
using A assms
by (metis count_inI empty_iff singletonD subset_singletonD)
then show " count m j = count (nat_to_mset i (count m i)) j"
by (simp add: A nat_to_msetE')
then show ?thesis
using multiset_eqI by blast
definition IP_to_UP :: "'d ⇒ ('e, 'd) mvar_poly ⇒ 'e u_poly" where
"IP_to_UP i P = (λ (n::nat). P (nat_to_mset i n))"
lemma IP_to_UP_closed:
assumes "cring R"
assumes "P ∈ carrier (Pring R {i::'c})"
shows "IP_to_UP i P ∈ carrier (UP R)"
have "IP_to_UP i P ∈ up R"
apply(rule mem_upI)
using assms
apply (metis cring_def IP_to_UP_def ring.Pring_carrier_coeff')
unfolding bound_def IP_to_UP_def
apply(rule ccontr)
assume A: "∄n. ∀m>n. P (nat_to_mset i m) = 𝟬⇘R⇙"
then have 0: "∀n. ∃m> n. (nat_to_mset i m) ∈ monomials_of R P"
by (meson assms(1) cring_def ring.complement_of_monomials_of)
have "¬ finite {m. (nat_to_mset i m) ∈ monomials_of R P }"
assume "finite {m. nat_to_mset i m ∈ monomials_of R P}"
then have "∃n. ∀m>n. m ∉ {m. nat_to_mset i m ∈ monomials_of R P}"
by (meson finite_nat_set_iff_bounded nat_less_le order.strict_trans)
then have "∃n. ∀m>n. nat_to_mset i m ∉ monomials_of R P"
by (simp add: monomials_of_def)
then show False using 0
by blast
then obtain S where S_def: "infinite (S::nat set) ∧ (∀m ∈ S. (nat_to_mset i m) ∈ monomials_of R P)"
by blast
have "inj_on (nat_to_mset i) S"
using inj_onI[of S "nat_to_mset i"]
by (meson nat_to_mset_inj)
then have 1: "infinite (nat_to_mset i ` S)"
using S_def finite_imageD
by blast
have 2: "(nat_to_mset i ` S) ⊆ (monomials_of R P)"
using S_def
by blast
then have "infinite (monomials_of R P)"
using S_def "1" finite_subset
by blast
then show False using assms
by (metis Pring_def cring_def partial_object.select_convs(1) ring.monomials_finite)
then show ?thesis
by (metis (no_types, lifting) UP_def partial_object.select_convs(1))
lemma IP_to_UP_var:
shows "IP_to_UP i (mset_to_IP R {#i#}) = X_poly R"
have UP: "UP_cring R"
by (simp add: UP_cring_def cring_axioms)
fix x
show "IP_to_UP i (mset_to_IP R {#i#}) x = X_poly R x"
proof(cases "x = 1")
case True
then have RHS: "X_poly R x = 𝟭⇘R⇙"
unfolding X_poly_def using UP UP_ring.cfs_monom[of R]
unfolding UP_ring_def
using local.ring_axioms one_closed by presburger
have LHS: "IP_to_UP i (mset_to_IP R ((add_mset i) {#})) x
= mset_to_IP R ((add_mset i) {#}) (nat_to_mset i x)"
unfolding IP_to_UP_def
by blast
have "(nat_to_mset i x) = {#i#}"
have "⋀n. count (nat_to_mset i x) n = count {#i#} n"
by (simp add: True nat_to_msetE nat_to_msetE')
then show ?thesis
using multi_count_eq
by blast
then have LHS: "IP_to_UP i (mset_to_IP R ((add_mset i) {#})) x
= mset_to_IP R ((add_mset i) {#}) {#i#}"
using LHS by presburger
then show ?thesis
unfolding deg_zero_cf_def
by (metis RHS mset_to_IP_simp)
case False
then have RHS: "X_poly R x = 𝟬⇘R⇙"
unfolding X_poly_def
using UP UP_ring.cfs_monom[of R]
unfolding UP_ring_def
using local.ring_axioms one_closed by presburger
have LHS: "IP_to_UP i (mset_to_IP R ((add_mset i) {#})) x
= mset_to_IP R ((add_mset i) {#}) (nat_to_mset i x)"
unfolding IP_to_UP_def
by blast
then show ?thesis
unfolding deg_zero_cf_def
by (metis False RHS count_single mset_to_IP_def nat_to_msetE)
context UP_cring
lemma IP_to_UP_monom:
shows "IP_to_UP i (mset_to_IP R (nat_to_mset i n)) = ((X_poly R)[^]⇘UP R⇙n) "
fix x
show "IP_to_UP i (mset_to_IP R (nat_to_mset i n)) x = (X_poly R [^]⇘UP R⇙ n) x"
proof(cases "x = n")
case True
have RHS: "(X_poly R [^]⇘UP R⇙ n) x = 𝟭⇘R⇙"
unfolding X_poly_def
by (metis P.nat_pow_closed P.nat_pow_eone P_def R.one_closed True UP_cring.X_closed
UP_cring.monom_coeff UP_one_closed UP_r_one deg_one is_UP_cring monom_one monom_rep_X_pow
to_poly_inverse to_poly_mult_simp(2))
have LHS: "IP_to_UP i (mset_to_IP R (nat_to_mset i n)) x = 𝟭⇘R⇙"
by (metis R.mset_to_IP_simp True IP_to_UP_def)
then show ?thesis
using RHS by presburger
case False
have 0: "⋀x y::nat. nat_to_mset x = nat_to_mset y ⟹ x = y"
fix a b::nat assume A: "nat_to_mset a = nat_to_mset b"
then show "a = b" unfolding nat_to_mset_def
by (metis A nat_to_msetE nat_to_msetE' zero_neq_one)
have 1: "IP_to_UP i (mset_to_IP R (nat_to_mset i n)) x = (if nat_to_mset i x = nat_to_mset i n then 𝟭 else 𝟬) "
unfolding IP_to_UP_def mset_to_IP_def
by blast
hence 2: "IP_to_UP i (mset_to_IP R (nat_to_mset i n)) x = (if x = n then 𝟭 else 𝟬) "
using 0
by (meson False nat_to_mset_inj)
have 3: "(X_poly R [^]⇘UP R⇙ n) x = 𝟬"
unfolding X_poly_def using False
by (smt ctrm_degree P.nat_pow_closed P.nat_pow_eone P.r_null P_def R.one_closed
UP_cring.ltrm_of_X UP_cring.ltrm_rep_X_pow UP_cring.X_closed UP_cring.monom_coeff
UP_r_one UP_zero_closed X_mult_cf cfs_closed cfs_monom deg_nzero_nzero is_UP_cring
monom_closed monom_one to_poly_inverse to_poly_mult_simp(2))
thus ?thesis using 2 1
using False by presburger
lemma IP_to_UP_one:
"IP_to_UP i 𝟭⇘Pring R {i}⇙ = 𝟭⇘UP R⇙"
fix x
show "IP_to_UP i 𝟭⇘Pring R {i}⇙ x = 𝟭⇘UP R⇙ x"
proof(cases "x = 0")
case True
have RHS: "𝟭⇘UP R⇙ x = 𝟭⇘R⇙"
using P_def True cfs_one by presburger
have "𝟭⇘Pring R {i}⇙ = (λ m. if m = {#} then 𝟭⇘R⇙ else 𝟬⇘R⇙)"
by (metis R.Pring_one R.indexed_const_def)
then have "IP_to_UP i 𝟭⇘Pring R {i}⇙ = IP_to_UP i (λ m. if m = {#} then 𝟭⇘R⇙ else 𝟬⇘R⇙)"
by presburger
then have LHS: "IP_to_UP i 𝟭⇘Pring R {i}⇙ x = 𝟭⇘R⇙"
by (smt True count_empty IP_to_UP_def multi_count_eq nat_to_msetE nat_to_msetE')
then show ?thesis
using RHS by presburger
case False
have RHS: "𝟭⇘UP R⇙ x = 𝟬⇘R⇙"
by (smt False UP_def monoid.simps(2))
show ?thesis
using False count_empty
unfolding IP_to_UP_def
by (metis R.Pring_one R.ring_axioms RHS)
lemma IP_to_UP_zero:
"IP_to_UP i 𝟬⇘Pring R {i}⇙ = 𝟬⇘UP R⇙"
fix x
show "IP_to_UP i 𝟬⇘Pring R {i}⇙ x = 𝟬⇘UP R⇙ x"
unfolding IP_to_UP_def using R.Pring_zero
by (metis P_def R.indexed_zero_def cfs_zero)
lemma IP_to_UP_add:
assumes " x ∈ carrier (Pring R {i})"
assumes " y ∈ carrier (Pring R {i})"
shows " IP_to_UP i (x ⊕⇘Pring R {i}⇙ y) =
IP_to_UP i x ⊕⇘UP R⇙ IP_to_UP i y"
fix n
have LHS: "IP_to_UP i (x ⊕⇘Pring R {i}⇙ y) n = (x ⊕⇘Pring R {i}⇙ y) (nat_to_mset i n)"
by (meson IP_to_UP_def)
then have LHS: "IP_to_UP i (x ⊕⇘Pring R {i}⇙ y) n = x (nat_to_mset i n) ⊕⇘R⇙ y (nat_to_mset i n)"
using assms unfolding IP_to_UP_def
by (metis R.Pring_add R.indexed_padd_def)
have RHS: "(IP_to_UP i x ⊕⇘UP R⇙ IP_to_UP i y) n =
(IP_to_UP i x) n ⊕⇘R⇙ (IP_to_UP i y) n"
using assms UP_ring.cfs_add IP_to_UP_closed
by (simp add: UP_ring.cfs_add R_cring cring.IP_to_UP_closed is_UP_ring)
then show "IP_to_UP i (x ⊕⇘Pring R {i}⇙ y) n = (IP_to_UP i x ⊕⇘UP R⇙ IP_to_UP i y) n"
using assms
by (metis LHS IP_to_UP_def)
lemma IP_to_UP_indexed_const:
assumes "k ∈ carrier R"
shows "IP_to_UP i (ring.indexed_const R k) = to_polynomial R k"
fix x
show "IP_to_UP i (ring.indexed_const R k) x = to_polynomial R k x"
proof(cases "x = 0")
case True
have LHS: "IP_to_UP i (ring.indexed_const R k) x = k"
using True unfolding IP_to_UP_def
by (metis R.indexed_const_def nat_to_mset_zero)
then show ?thesis
using assms
unfolding to_polynomial_def
using True to_polynomial_def
by (metis UP_ring.cfs_monom is_UP_ring)
case False
have LHS: "IP_to_UP i (ring.indexed_const R k) x = 𝟬⇘R⇙"
using False unfolding IP_to_UP_def
by (metis R.indexed_const_def nat_to_mset_inj nat_to_mset_zero)
then show ?thesis
using assms
unfolding to_polynomial_def
using False UP_cring.intro UP_cring.monom_coeff UP_cring.monom_rep_X_pow
using P_def cfs_monom by presburger
lemma IP_to_UP_indexed_pmult:
assumes "p ∈ carrier (Pring R {i})"
shows "IP_to_UP i (ring.indexed_pmult R p i) = (IP_to_UP i p) ⊗⇘UP R⇙ (X_poly R)"
fix n
have 0: "IP_to_UP i p ∈ carrier (UP R)"
by (simp add: R_cring assms cring.IP_to_UP_closed)
show "IP_to_UP i (ring.indexed_pmult R p i) n = (IP_to_UP i p ⊗⇘UP R⇙ X_poly R) n"
proof(cases "n = 0")
case True
then have RHS: "(IP_to_UP i p ⊗⇘UP R⇙ X_poly R) n = 𝟬⇘R⇙"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) "0" lcf_closed One_nat_def P.r_null P_def R.r_null
UP_cring.ltrm_of_X UP_cring.cfs_monom_mult UP_cring.cfs_monom_mult_l UP_zero_closed
X_closed cfs_times_X deg_leE deg_nzero_nzero is_UP_cring lessI neq0_conv plus_1_eq_Suc to_poly_inverse)
have LHS: "IP_to_UP i (ring.indexed_pmult R p i) n = ring.indexed_pmult R p i (nat_to_mset i n)"
unfolding IP_to_UP_def
by blast
then have LHS': "IP_to_UP i (ring.indexed_pmult R p i) n =
(p ⊗⇘Pring R {i}⇙ (mset_to_IP R {#i#})) (nat_to_mset i n)"
using assms(1) ring.Pring_car ring.Pring_mult
ring.poly_index_mult singletonI
by (metis R.ring_axioms)
then have LHS': "IP_to_UP i (ring.indexed_pmult R p i) n =
(p ⊗⇘Pring R {i}⇙ (mset_to_IP R {#i#})) {#}"
using True
by (metis nat_to_mset_zero)
then show ?thesis using RHS LHS True assms(1) nat_to_mset_zero ring.indexed_pmult_def
by (metis R.ring_axioms empty_iff set_mset_empty)
case False
then have RHS: "(IP_to_UP i p ⊗⇘UP R⇙ X_poly R) n = (IP_to_UP i p ) (n -1)"
using "0" Suc_diff_1 Suc_eq_plus1
assms(1) bot_nat_def IP_to_UP_def nat_neq_iff not_less0
by (metis (no_types, lifting) P_def UP_cring X_closed cfs_times_X cring.cring_simprules(14))
have LHS: "IP_to_UP i (ring.indexed_pmult R p i) n = ring.indexed_pmult R p i (nat_to_mset i n)"
unfolding IP_to_UP_def
by blast
then have LHS': "IP_to_UP i (ring.indexed_pmult R p i) n =
(p ⊗⇘Pring R {i}⇙ (mset_to_IP R {#i#})) (nat_to_mset i n)"
using assms(1) ring.Pring_car ring.Pring_mult
ring.poly_index_mult singletonI
by (metis R.ring_axioms)
then have LHS'': "IP_to_UP i (ring.indexed_pmult R p i) n =
(p ⊗⇘Pring R {i}⇙ (mset_to_IP R {#i#})) (add_mset i (nat_to_mset i (n-1))) "
by (metis False Suc_diff_1 nat_to_mset_Suc neq0_conv)
then show ?thesis using RHS unfolding IP_to_UP_def
by (metis (no_types, lifting) False R.indexed_pmult_def Suc_diff_1 add_mset_remove_trivial add_mset_remove_trivial_If multi_self_add_other_not_self nat_to_mset_Suc neq0_conv)
lemma IP_to_UP_ring_hom:
shows "ring_hom_ring (Pring R {i}) (UP R) (IP_to_UP i)"
apply(rule cring.Pring_morphism)
apply (simp add: R_cring; fail)
using P_def UP_cring apply blast
apply (simp add: R.IP_to_UP_closed R_cring; fail)
apply (meson IP_to_UP_one)
apply (meson IP_to_UP_zero)
apply (meson IP_to_UP_add)
apply (metis R.IP_to_UP_var IP_to_UP_indexed_pmult singletonD)
fix k Q
assume A0: "k ∈ carrier R"
assume A1: "Q ∈ carrier (Pring R {i})"
show "IP_to_UP i (poly_scalar_mult R k Q) =
IP_to_UP i (ring.indexed_const R k) ⊗⇘UP R⇙ IP_to_UP i Q"
unfolding poly_scalar_mult_def
fix x
show "IP_to_UP i (λm. k ⊗⇘R⇙ Q m) x =
(IP_to_UP i (ring.indexed_const R k) ⊗⇘UP R⇙ IP_to_UP i Q) x"
have LHS: "IP_to_UP i (λm. k ⊗⇘R⇙ Q m) x = k ⊗⇘R⇙ Q (nat_to_mset i x)"
unfolding IP_to_UP_def
by blast
have RHS: "(IP_to_UP i (ring.indexed_const R k) ⊗⇘UP R⇙ IP_to_UP i Q) x =
(to_polynomial R k ⊗⇘UP R⇙ IP_to_UP i Q) x"
by (metis A0 IP_to_UP_indexed_const)
have RHS': "(IP_to_UP i (ring.indexed_const R k) ⊗⇘UP R⇙ IP_to_UP i Q) x =
k ⊗⇘R⇙ ((IP_to_UP i Q) x)"
have 0: "deg R (to_polynomial R k) = 0"
using A0 degree_to_poly by blast
have 1: "(IP_to_UP i Q) ∈ carrier (UP R)"
using IP_to_UP_closed unfolding P_def
by (simp add: A1 R.IP_to_UP_closed R_cring)
then show ?thesis
proof -
have "UP_cring R ∧ IP_to_UP i Q ∈ carrier (UP R)"
using "1" is_UP_cring by blast
then show ?thesis
by (metis A0 UP_cring.to_poly_mult_simp(1) UP_ring.UP_mult_closed UP_ring.coeff_simp UP_ring.coeff_smult UP_ring.monom_closed IP_to_UP_indexed_const is_UP_ring to_polynomial_def)
then show ?thesis
by (metis IP_to_UP_def)
lemma IP_to_UP_ring_hom_inj:
shows "inj_on (IP_to_UP i) (carrier (Pring R {i}))"
fix x y
assume A: "x ∈ carrier (Pring R {i})" "y ∈ carrier (Pring R {i}) "
assume B: "IP_to_UP i x = IP_to_UP i y"
show "x = y"
fix a
show "x a = y a"
proof(cases "set_mset a ⊆ {i}")
case True
then obtain n where "a = (nat_to_mset i n)"
by (metis count_eq_zero_iff insert_subset multiset_eqI nat_to_msetE nat_to_msetE'
set_eq_subset singletonD singleton_insert_inj_eq' subset_insertI subset_refl)
then have LHS: "x a = IP_to_UP i x n"
by (metis IP_to_UP_def)
then show ?thesis
by (metis B ‹a = nat_to_mset i n› IP_to_UP_def)
case False
then show ?thesis
using ring.Pring_set_zero[of R y "{i}" a] ring.Pring_set_zero[of R x "{i}" a] A
by (metis R.Pring_car R.ring_axioms)
lemma IP_to_UP_scalar_mult:
assumes "a ∈ carrier R"
assumes "p ∈ carrier (Pring R {i})"
shows "(IP_to_UP i (a ⊙⇘Pring R {i}⇙ p)) = a⊙⇘UP R⇙ (IP_to_UP i p)"
apply(rule ring.indexed_pset.induct[of R p "{i}" "carrier R"])
apply (simp add: R.ring_axioms; fail)
using R.Pring_car assms(2) apply blast
apply (metis IP_to_UP_indexed_const P_def R.m_closed R.poly_scalar_mult_const R.ring_axioms assms(1) ring.Pring_smult to_poly_closed to_poly_mult to_poly_mult_simp(1))
show "⋀P Q. P ∈ Pring_set R {i} ⟹
IP_to_UP i (a ⊙⇘Pring R {i}⇙ P) = a ⊙⇘UP R⇙ IP_to_UP i P ⟹
Q ∈ Pring_set R {i} ⟹ IP_to_UP i (a ⊙⇘Pring R {i}⇙ Q) = a ⊙⇘UP R⇙ IP_to_UP i Q ⟹ IP_to_UP i (a ⊙⇘Pring R {i}⇙ (P ⨁ Q)) = a ⊙⇘UP R⇙ IP_to_UP i (P ⨁ Q)"
fix p Q
assume A0: "p ∈ Pring_set R {i}"
"IP_to_UP i (a ⊙⇘Pring R {i}⇙ p) = a ⊙⇘UP R⇙ IP_to_UP i p"
" Q ∈ Pring_set R {i}"
"IP_to_UP i (a ⊙⇘Pring R {i}⇙ Q) = a ⊙⇘UP R⇙ IP_to_UP i Q"
show "IP_to_UP i (a ⊙⇘Pring R {i}⇙ (p ⨁ Q)) = a ⊙⇘UP R⇙ IP_to_UP i (p ⨁ Q)"
have "(a ⊙⇘Pring R {i}⇙ (p ⨁ Q)) = a ⊙⇘Pring R {i}⇙ p ⊕⇘Pring R {i}⇙ a ⊙⇘Pring R {i}⇙ Q"
by (metis A0(1) A0(3) R.Pring_add R.Pring_car R.Pring_smult_r_distr assms(1))
then show ?thesis using A0
by (metis IP_to_UP_add P_def R.IP_to_UP_closed R.Pring_add R.Pring_car R.Pring_smult_closed R_cring UP_smult_r_distr assms(1))
show " ⋀P ia. P ∈ Pring_set R {i} ⟹ IP_to_UP i (a ⊙⇘Pring R {i}⇙ P) = a ⊙⇘UP R⇙ IP_to_UP i P ⟹ ia ∈ {i} ⟹ IP_to_UP i (a ⊙⇘Pring R {i}⇙ (P ⨂ ia)) = a ⊙⇘UP R⇙ IP_to_UP i (P ⨂ ia)"
fix P j x
assume A0: "P ∈ Pring_set R {i}"
assume A1: "IP_to_UP i (a ⊙⇘Pring R {i}⇙ P) = a ⊙⇘UP R⇙ IP_to_UP i P"
assume A2: "j ∈ {i}"
then have A3: "j = i"
by blast
have "IP_to_UP i (ring.indexed_pmult R P j) ∈ carrier (UP R)"
by (simp add: A0 A3 R.Pring_car R.indexed_pset.indexed_pmult R_cring cring.IP_to_UP_closed)
then have "(a ⊙⇘UP R⇙ (λn. ring.indexed_pmult R P j (nat_to_mset i n))) x = a ⊗⇘R⇙((λn. ring.indexed_pmult R P j (nat_to_mset i n))) x"
using A0 A1 A3 assms unfolding IP_to_UP_def
using P_def cfs_smult by blast
then show " IP_to_UP i (a ⊙⇘Pring R {i}⇙ (P ⨂ j)) x = (a ⊙⇘UP R⇙ IP_to_UP i (P ⨂ j)) x"
by (metis A0 A2 IP_to_UP_def P_def R.Pring_car R.Pring_smult_cfs R.indexed_pset.indexed_pmult ‹IP_to_UP i (P ⨂ j) ∈ carrier (UP R)› assms(1) cfs_smult)
text‹Evaluation of indexed polynomials commutes with evaluation of univariate polynomials:›
lemma pvar_closed:
assumes "cring R"
assumes "i ∈ I"
shows "(pvar R i) ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
by (meson assms(1) assms(2) cring.axioms(1) ring.Pring_var_closed)
context UP_cring
lemma pvar_mult:
assumes "i ∈ I"
assumes "j ∈ I"
shows "(pvar R i) ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ (pvar R j) = mset_to_IP R {#i, j#}"
have "{#i#} + {#j#} = {# i, j#}"
by auto
then show ?thesis
unfolding var_to_IP_def
by (metis R.Pring_mult R.monom_mult)
lemma pvar_pow:
assumes "i ∈ I"
shows "(pvar R i)[^]⇘Pring R I⇙(n::nat) = mset_to_IP R (nat_to_mset i n)"
apply(induction n)
apply (metis Group.nat_pow_0 R.one_mset_to_IP R.ring_axioms nat_to_mset_zero ring.Pring_one)
fix n
assume IH: "pvar R i [^]⇘Pring R I⇙ n = mset_to_IP R (nat_to_mset i n)"
show "pvar R i [^]⇘Pring R I⇙ Suc n = mset_to_IP R (nat_to_mset i (Suc n)) "
have "mset_to_IP R (nat_to_mset i (Suc n)) = mset_to_IP R (nat_to_mset i n) ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ pvar R i"
using R.monom_mult[of "nat_to_mset i n" "nat_to_mset i 1"]
by (metis One_nat_def R.Pring_mult Suc_eq_plus1 nat_to_mset_Suc nat_to_mset_add nat_to_mset_zero var_to_IP_def)
then show ?thesis
using IH
by simp
lemma IP_to_UP_poly_eval:
assumes "p ∈ Pring_set R {i}"
assumes "closed_fun R g"
shows "total_eval R g p = to_function R (IP_to_UP i p) (g i)"
apply(rule R.indexed_pset.induct[of p "{i}" "carrier R" ])
apply (simp add: assms(1); fail)
show "⋀k. k ∈ carrier R ⟹ total_eval R g (R.indexed_const k) = to_function R (IP_to_UP i (R.indexed_const k)) (g i)"
fix k
assume A: "k ∈ carrier R"
have P0: "total_eval R g (ring.indexed_const R k) = k"
unfolding total_eval_def eval_in_ring_def
using cring.poly_eval_constant[of R k UNIV g]
by (metis A R.indexed_const_def R_cring)
have P1: "(IP_to_UP i (ring.indexed_const R k)) = to_polynomial R k"
by (meson A IP_to_UP_indexed_const)
have P2: "to_function R (IP_to_UP i (ring.indexed_const R k)) (g i) =
to_function R (to_polynomial R k) (g i)"
using P1 by presburger
have P3: "to_function R (to_polynomial R k) (g i) = k"
using A assms(2) to_fun_to_poly[of k "g i"] unfolding to_fun_def by blast
then show "total_eval R g (R.indexed_const k) = to_function R (IP_to_UP i (R.indexed_const k)) (g i)"
using P0 P2 by presburger
show "⋀P Q. P ∈ Pring_set R {i} ⟹
total_eval R g P = to_function R (IP_to_UP i P) (g i) ⟹
Q ∈ Pring_set R {i} ⟹
total_eval R g Q = to_function R (IP_to_UP i Q) (g i) ⟹ total_eval R g (P ⨁ Q) = to_function R (IP_to_UP i (P ⨁ Q)) (g i)"
fix p Q
assume A0: "p ∈ Pring_set R {i}"
assume A1: " total_eval R g p = to_function R (IP_to_UP i p) (g i)"
assume A2: " Q ∈ Pring_set R {i}"
assume A3: "total_eval R g Q = to_function R (IP_to_UP i Q) (g i)"
have "total_eval R g (R.indexed_padd p Q) = (total_eval R g p) ⊕⇘R⇙ (total_eval R g Q)"
using R.total_eval_add[of p "{i}" Q g] A0 A1
by (metis A2 R.Pring_add R.Pring_car assms(2))
have 0: "total_eval R g (p ⨁ Q) = total_eval R g p ⊕ total_eval R g Q "
by blast
have 1: "IP_to_UP i (p ⨁ Q) = IP_to_UP i p ⊕⇘UP R⇙ IP_to_UP i Q"
using A0 A1 A3 assms A2 R.ring_axioms R_cring IP_to_UP_add
by (metis R.Pring_add R.Pring_car)
have "g i ∈ carrier R"
using assms by blast
hence 2: "to_function R (IP_to_UP i (p ⨁ Q)) (g i) = to_function R (IP_to_UP i p) (g i) ⊕ to_function R (IP_to_UP i Q) (g i)"
using A0 A1 A3 assms A2 R.ring_axioms R_cring to_fun_plus[of "IP_to_UP i p" "IP_to_UP i Q" "g i"]
IP_to_UP_closed is_UP_cring UP_cring.to_fun_def
to_fun_def 0 1
unfolding to_fun_def P_def
by (smt (z3) P_def R.IP_to_UP_closed R.Pring_car to_fun_plus)
show "total_eval R g (R.indexed_padd p Q) = to_function R (IP_to_UP i (ring.indexed_padd R p Q)) (g i) "
using A0 A1 A3 assms A2 R.ring_axioms R_cring is_UP_cring to_fun_def 0 1 2
unfolding to_fun_def by metis
show "⋀P ia.
P ∈ Pring_set R {i} ⟹
total_eval R g P = to_function R (IP_to_UP i P) (g i) ⟹ ia ∈ {i} ⟹ total_eval R g (P ⨂ ia) = to_function R (IP_to_UP i (P ⨂ ia)) (g i)"
fix P
fix j
assume A0: "P ∈ Pring_set R {i}"
assume A1: "total_eval R g P = to_function R (IP_to_UP i P) (g i)"
assume A2: "j ∈ {i}"
then have A3: "j = i"
by blast
show "total_eval R g (P ⨂ j) = to_function R (IP_to_UP i (P ⨂ j)) (g i)"
have LHS: "total_eval R g (P ⨂ j) = (total_eval R g P) ⊗⇘R⇙ (g i)"
using assms A0 A3
by (metis R.Pring_car R_cring cring.total_eval_indexed_pmult insertI1)
have RHS: "IP_to_UP i (P ⨂ j)= IP_to_UP i P ⊗⇘ UP R⇙ X_poly R"
by (metis A0 A3 IP_to_UP_indexed_pmult R.Pring_car)
have "g i ∈ carrier R"
using assms by blast
then show ?thesis
using A0 A1 A3 X_closed to_fun_X[of "g i"] to_fun_mult[of "IP_to_UP i P" "X_poly R" "g i"] LHS RHS
assms cring.axioms(1) domain.axioms(1)
IP_to_UP_indexed_pmult IP_to_UP_closed
Pring_car unfolding to_fun_def P_def
by (smt (z3) P.m_comm P_def R.m_comm R_cring cring.IP_to_UP_closed ring.Pring_car to_fun_closed to_fun_def)
subsection‹Mapping Univariate Polynomials to Multivariate Polynomials over a Singleton Variable Set›
definition UP_to_IP :: "('a,'b) ring_scheme ⇒ 'c ⇒ 'a u_poly ⇒ ('a, 'c) mvar_poly" where
"UP_to_IP R i P = (λ m. if (set_mset m) ⊆ {i} then P (count m i) else 𝟬⇘R⇙)"
context UP_cring
lemma UP_to_IP_inv:
assumes "p ∈ Pring_set R {i}"
shows "UP_to_IP R i (IP_to_UP i p) = p"
fix x
show "UP_to_IP R i (IP_to_UP i p) x = p x"
proof(cases "(set_mset x) = {i}")
case True
have "{a. 0 < (λj. if j = i then count x i else 0) a} = {i}"
by (smt Collect_cong True count_eq_zero_iff neq0_conv singletonI singleton_conv)
then have "finite {j. (if j = i then count x i else 0) ≠ 0}"
by auto
have "(λj. if j = i then count x i else 0) = count x"
fix j
show "(if j = i then count x i else 0) = count x j "
apply(cases "j = i")
using True
apply (simp; fail)
using True
by (metis count_inI singletonD)
then have "(Abs_multiset (λj. if j = i then count x i else 0)) = x"
using count_inverse
by simp
then show ?thesis
unfolding UP_to_IP_def IP_to_UP_def nat_to_mset_def
by (metis True set_eq_subset)
case False
then show ?thesis
apply(cases "x = {#}")
apply (metis count_empty empty_subsetI IP_to_UP_def nat_to_mset_zero set_mset_empty UP_to_IP_def)
unfolding UP_to_IP_def IP_to_UP_def nat_to_mset_def
using False assms
by (metis R.Pring_set_zero set_mset_eq_empty_iff subset_singletonD)
lemma UP_to_IP_const:
assumes "a ∈ carrier R"
shows "UP_to_IP R i (to_polynomial R a) = ring.indexed_const R a"
fix x
show "UP_to_IP R i (to_polynomial R a) x = ring.indexed_const R a x"
apply(cases "x = {#}")
unfolding UP_to_IP_def
apply (metis R.indexed_const_def UP_ring.cfs_monom assms count_eq_zero_iff insert_absorb insert_not_empty is_UP_ring set_mset_empty subset_insert subset_refl to_polynomial_def)
by (metis R.indexed_const_def UP_ring.cfs_monom assms count_eq_zero_iff is_UP_ring set_mset_eq_empty_iff subset_empty subset_insert to_polynomial_def)
lemma UP_to_IP_add:
assumes "p ∈ carrier (UP R)"
assumes "Q ∈ carrier (UP R)"
shows "UP_to_IP R i (p ⊕⇘UP R⇙ Q) =
UP_to_IP R i p ⊕⇘Pring R {i}⇙ UP_to_IP R i Q"
fix x
show "UP_to_IP R i (p ⊕⇘UP R⇙ Q) x = (UP_to_IP R i p ⊕⇘Pring R {i}⇙ UP_to_IP R i Q) x"
proof(cases "set_mset x ⊆ {i}")
case True
have "(UP_to_IP R i p ⊕⇘Pring R {i}⇙ UP_to_IP R i Q) x =
(UP_to_IP R i p) x ⊕⇘R⇙ (UP_to_IP R i Q) x"
using True assms
by (metis R.Pring_add R.indexed_padd_def)
then show ?thesis using assms True
unfolding UP_to_IP_def UP_def
by (smt partial_object.select_convs(1) restrict_def ring_record_simps(12))
case False
have "(UP_to_IP R i p ⊕⇘Pring R {i}⇙ UP_to_IP R i Q) x =
(UP_to_IP R i p) x ⊕⇘R⇙ (UP_to_IP R i Q) x"
using False assms
by (metis R.Pring_add R.indexed_padd_def)
then show ?thesis using False assms
unfolding UP_to_IP_def UP_def
using R.l_zero R.zero_closed by presburger
lemma UP_to_IP_var:
shows "UP_to_IP R i (X_poly R) = pvar R i"
have 0: "(count {#i#} i) = 1"
by simp
have 1: "set_mset {#i#} ⊆ {i}"
by simp
have 2: "pvar R i {#i#} = 𝟭"
by (metis R.mset_to_IP_simp var_to_IP_def)
fix x
show "UP_to_IP R i (X_poly R) x = pvar R i x"
apply(cases "x = {#i#}")
using X_poly_def[of R] cfs_monom[of 𝟭 1 "count x i"] 0 1 2
unfolding UP_to_IP_def P_def
using R.one_closed apply presburger
assume A: "x ≠{#i#}"
then show "(if set_mset x ⊆ {i} then X_poly R (count x i) else 𝟬⇘R⇙) = pvar R i x"
proof(cases "set_mset x ⊆ {i}")
case True
have "count x i ≠ 1" using True A
by (metis One_nat_def count_empty count_inI count_single empty_iff multiset_eqI
set_mset_add_mset_insert set_mset_empty set_mset_eq_empty_iff singletonD singletonI subset_singletonD)
then have 0: "X_poly R (count x i) = 𝟬⇘R⇙"
using A UP_cring.X_closed UP_cring.degree_X UP_cring.intro True
unfolding X_poly_def
using P_def R.one_closed ‹𝟭 ∈ carrier R ⟹ up_ring.monom P 𝟭 1 (count x i) = (if 1 = count x i then 𝟭 else 𝟬)› by presburger
have "pvar R i x = 𝟬⇘R⇙"
using A var_to_IP_def
by (metis R.mset_to_IP_simp')
then show ?thesis
using A "0" by presburger
case False
have "pvar R i x = 𝟬⇘R⇙" using A var_to_IP_def False
by (metis "1" R.Pring_set_zero R.mset_to_IP_closed)
then show ?thesis
unfolding UP_to_IP_def
using False by presburger
lemma UP_to_IP_var_pow:
shows "UP_to_IP R i ((X_poly R)[^]⇘UP R⇙ (n::nat)) = (pvar R i)[^]⇘Pring R {i}⇙n"
fix x
show "UP_to_IP R i (X_poly R [^]⇘UP R⇙ n) x = (pvar R i [^]⇘Pring R {i}⇙ n) x "
proof(cases "set_mset x ⊆ {i}")
case True
show ?thesis
proof(cases "count x i = n")
case T: True
then have 0: "x = nat_to_mset i n"
using True
by (metis count_inI emptyE insert_iff multiset_eqI nat_to_msetE
nat_to_msetE' subsetD)
have 1: "x = nat_to_mset i (count x i)"
using "0" T by auto
then have LHS: "(pvar R i [^]⇘Pring R {i}⇙ n) x = 𝟭⇘R⇙"
using T True 0 1
by (metis R.mset_to_IP_simp insertI1 pvar_pow)
have 2: "UP_to_IP R i (X_poly R [^]⇘UP R⇙ n) x = (up_ring.monom (UP R) 𝟭 n) (count x i)"
unfolding UP_to_IP_def X_poly_def using True
by (metis ctrm_degree P.nat_pow_closed P.nat_pow_eone P_def R.one_closed UP_cring.monom_coeff
UP_one_closed UP_r_one X_closed is_UP_cring monom_one monom_rep_X_pow to_poly_inverse
then show ?thesis
using True T LHS P_def R.one_closed cfs_monom
by presburger
case False
have "(pvar R i [^]⇘Pring R {i}⇙ n) = mset_to_IP R (nat_to_mset i n)"
by (simp add: pvar_pow)
hence 0: "(pvar R i [^]⇘Pring R {i}⇙ n) x = 𝟬"
by (metis False R.mset_to_IP_simp' nat_to_msetE)
have 1: "UP_to_IP R i (X_poly R [^]⇘UP R⇙ n) x = (up_ring.monom (UP R) 𝟭 n) (count x i)"
unfolding UP_to_IP_def X_poly_def using False True
by (metis ctrm_degree P.nat_pow_closed P.nat_pow_eone P_def R.one_closed UP_one_closed
UP_r_one X_closed cfs_monom monom_one monom_rep_X_pow to_poly_inverse to_poly_mult_simp(2))
thus ?thesis using True False
unfolding UP_to_IP_def X_poly_def 0
by (metis P_def R.one_closed cfs_monom)
case False
then have 0: "UP_to_IP R i (X_poly R [^]⇘UP R⇙ n) x = 𝟬"
unfolding UP_to_IP_def
by meson
have "(pvar R i [^]⇘Pring R {i}⇙ n) = mset_to_IP R (nat_to_mset i n)"
by (simp add: pvar_pow)
hence "(pvar R i [^]⇘Pring R {i}⇙ n) x = 𝟬"
by (metis False R.mset_to_IP_simp' count_eq_zero_iff nat_to_msetE' singleton_iff subsetI)
then show ?thesis using 0
by presburger
lemma one_var_indexed_poly_monom_simp:
assumes "a ∈ carrier R"
shows "(a ⊙⇘Pring R {i}⇙ ((pvar R i) [^]⇘Pring R {i}⇙ n)) x = (if x = (nat_to_mset i n) then a else 𝟬)"
have 0: "(a ⊙⇘Pring R {i}⇙ ((pvar R i) [^]⇘Pring R {i}⇙ n)) x =
a ⊗ (((pvar R i) [^]⇘Pring R {i}⇙ n) x)"
using Pring_smult_cfs Pring_var_closed assms cring_def is_cring monoid.nat_pow_closed ring.Pring_is_monoid singletonI
by (simp add: monoid.nat_pow_closed ring.Pring_is_monoid R.Pring_smult_cfs R.Pring_var_closed R.ring_axioms)
have 1: "(pvar R i) [^]⇘Pring R {i}⇙ n = mset_to_IP R (nat_to_mset i n)"
using insertI1
by (simp add: pvar_pow)
then have 1: "(a ⊙⇘Pring R {i}⇙ ((pvar R i) [^]⇘Pring R {i}⇙ n)) x=
a ⊗ (mset_to_IP R (nat_to_mset i n) x)"
using "0" by presburger
show ?thesis
using assms 1 unfolding mset_to_IP_def
using r_null r_one by simp
lemma UP_to_IP_monom:
assumes "a ∈ carrier R"
shows "UP_to_IP R i (up_ring.monom (UP R) a n) = a ⊙⇘Pring R {i}⇙ ((pvar R i)[^]⇘Pring R {i}⇙n)"
fix x
show "UP_to_IP R i (up_ring.monom (UP R) a n) x = (a ⊙⇘Pring R {i}⇙ ((pvar R i) [^]⇘Pring R {i}⇙ n)) x"
proof(cases "set_mset x ⊆ {i}")
case True
then show ?thesis
proof(cases "count x i = n")
case T: True
then have "x = nat_to_mset i n"
using True
by (metis count_inI emptyE insert_iff multiset_eqI nat_to_msetE
nat_to_msetE' subsetD)
then have LHS: " (a ⊙⇘Pring R {i}⇙ ((pvar R i) [^]⇘Pring R {i}⇙ n)) x = a"
using assms
by (simp add: one_var_indexed_poly_monom_simp)
then show ?thesis
unfolding UP_to_IP_def
using T True assms(1)
by (metis UP_ring.cfs_monom is_UP_ring)
case False
then show ?thesis using True
unfolding UP_to_IP_def
by (metis INTEG.R.nat_to_msetE P_def assms cfs_monom one_var_indexed_poly_monom_simp)
case False
then show ?thesis
unfolding UP_to_IP_def
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) one_var_indexed_poly_monom_simp assms
count_eq_zero_iff equalityD2 insert_subset nat_to_msetE' subsetI subset_eq)
lemma UP_to_IP_monom':
assumes "a ∈ carrier R"
shows "UP_to_IP R i (up_ring.monom (UP R) a n) = a ⊙⇘Pring R {i}⇙ ((pvar R i)[^]⇘Pring R {i}⇙n)"
by (metis R.Pring_smult UP_to_IP_monom assms)
lemma UP_to_IP_closed:
assumes "p ∈ carrier P"
shows "(UP_to_IP R i p) ∈ carrier (Pring R {i})"
apply(rule poly_induct3[of ])
using assms apply blast
apply (metis P_def R.Pring_add_closed UP_to_IP_add)
fix a fix n::nat
assume A0: "a ∈ carrier R"
have "(pvar R i [^]⇘Pring R {i}⇙ n) ∈ carrier (Pring R {i})"
using pvar_closed[of R ] monoid.nat_pow_closed[of "Pring R {i}"]
proof -
show ?thesis
by (meson R.Pring_is_monoid R.Pring_var_closed monoid.nat_pow_closed singleton_iff)
then show "a ∈ carrier R ⟹
UP_to_IP R i (up_ring.monom P a n) ∈ carrier (Pring R {i})"
using A0 assms(1) UP_to_IP_monom[of a i n] cring.poly_scalar_mult_closed [of R a _ "{i}"]
by (metis P_def R.Pring_smult_closed)
lemma IP_to_UP_inv:
assumes "p ∈ carrier P"
shows "IP_to_UP i (UP_to_IP R i p) = p"
apply(rule poly_induct3[of ])
using assms apply linarith
show "⋀p q. q ∈ carrier P ⟹
p ∈ carrier P ⟹
IP_to_UP i (UP_to_IP R i p) = p ⟹
IP_to_UP i (UP_to_IP R i q) = q ⟹
IP_to_UP i (UP_to_IP R i (p ⊕⇘P⇙ q)) = p ⊕⇘P⇙ q"
fix p q assume A:
"q ∈ carrier P"
"p ∈ carrier P"
"IP_to_UP i (UP_to_IP R i p) = p"
"IP_to_UP i (UP_to_IP R i q) = q"
show "IP_to_UP i (UP_to_IP R i (p ⊕⇘P⇙ q)) = p ⊕⇘P⇙ q"
using A UP_to_IP_add[of p q i]
unfolding P_def
by metis
show "⋀a n. a ∈ carrier R ⟹
IP_to_UP i (UP_to_IP R i (up_ring.monom P a n)) =
up_ring.monom P a n"
fix a fix n::nat
assume A0: "a ∈ carrier R"
have A1: "pvar R i [^]⇘Pring R {i}⇙ n ∈ carrier (Pring R {i})"
using pvar_closed monoid.nat_pow_closed
by (metis R.Pring_is_monoid R_cring singletonI)
have "UP_to_IP R i (up_ring.monom (UP R) a n) = a ⊙⇘Pring R {i}⇙ (pvar R i [^]⇘Pring R {i}⇙ n)"
by (meson A0 UP_to_IP_monom')
then have A2: "IP_to_UP i (UP_to_IP R i (up_ring.monom (UP R) a n)) =
IP_to_UP i (a ⊙⇘Pring R {i}⇙ (pvar R i [^]⇘Pring R {i}⇙ n))"
by presburger
have A3: "IP_to_UP i (pvar R i [^]⇘Pring R {i}⇙ n) = (up_ring.monom P 𝟭 n)"
proof(induction n)
case 0
then show ?case
by (metis Group.nat_pow_0 IP_to_UP_one P_def monom_one)
case (Suc n)
then show ?case
using IP_to_UP_ring_hom[of i]
ring_hom_mult[of "IP_to_UP i" "Pring R {i}" "UP R" "pvar R i" "pvar R i [^]⇘Pring R {i}⇙ n"]
ring_hom_ring.homh[of "Pring R {i}" "UP R" "IP_to_UP i"]
by (metis IP_to_UP_monom P.l_one P.nat_pow_closed P_def R.one_closed UP_cring.ctrm_degree UP_cring.monom_rep_X_pow UP_one_closed X_closed cfs_monom is_UP_cring monom_one pvar_pow singletonI to_poly_inverse to_poly_mult_simp(1))
then show "IP_to_UP i (UP_to_IP R i (up_ring.monom P a n)) =
up_ring.monom P a n"
using A2 IP_to_UP_scalar_mult[of a "pvar R i [^]⇘Pring R {i}⇙ n" i]
A0 A1 P_def monic_monom_smult by presburger
lemma UP_to_IP_mult:
assumes "p ∈ carrier (UP R)"
assumes "Q ∈ carrier (UP R)"
shows "UP_to_IP R i (p ⊗⇘UP R⇙ Q) =
UP_to_IP R i p ⊗⇘Pring R {i}⇙ UP_to_IP R i Q"
have 0: "IP_to_UP i (UP_to_IP R i (p ⊗⇘UP R⇙ Q)) = (p ⊗⇘UP R⇙ Q)"
by (meson UP_cring.IP_to_UP_inv UP_ring.UP_mult_closed assms(1) assms(2) is_UP_cring is_UP_ring)
have 1: "IP_to_UP i (UP_to_IP R i p ⊗⇘Pring R {i}⇙ UP_to_IP R i Q) =
IP_to_UP i (UP_to_IP R i p) ⊗⇘UP R⇙ IP_to_UP i ( UP_to_IP R i Q)"
using IP_to_UP_ring_hom[of i]
ring_hom_mult[of "IP_to_UP i"]
UP_to_IP_closed assms
by (smt P_def ring_hom_ring.homh)
have 2: "IP_to_UP i (UP_to_IP R i (p ⊗⇘UP R⇙ Q)) =
IP_to_UP i (UP_to_IP R i p ⊗⇘Pring R {i}⇙ UP_to_IP R i Q)"
using 0 1 assms
by (metis UP_cring.IP_to_UP_inv is_UP_cring)
then show ?thesis
by (metis "0" P_def R.Pring_mult_closed R.ring_axioms assms(1) assms(2) ring.Pring_car UP_to_IP_closed UP_to_IP_inv)
lemma UP_to_IP_ring_hom:
shows "ring_hom_ring (UP R) (Pring R {i}) (UP_to_IP R i)"
apply(rule ring_hom_ringI)
using P_def UP_ring apply force
apply (simp add: R.Pring_is_ring; fail)
apply (metis P_def UP_to_IP_closed)
apply (meson UP_to_IP_mult)
apply (meson UP_to_IP_add)
by (metis IP_to_UP_one R.Pring_car R.Pring_one_closed UP_to_IP_inv)
subsubsection‹The isomorphism $R[I\cup J] \sim R[I][J]$, where $I$ and $J$ are disjoint variable sets›
Given a ring $R$ and variable sets $I$ and $J$, we'd like to construct the canonical
(iso)morphism $R[I\cup J] \to R[I][J]$. This can be done with the univeral property of the
previous section. Let $\phi: R \to R[J]$ be the inclusion of constants, and $f: J \to R[I]$ be
the map which sends the variable $i$ to the polynomial variable $i$ over the ring $R[I][J]$.
Then these are the two basic pieces of input required to give us a canonical homomoprhism
$R[I \cup J] \to R[I][J]$ with the universal property. The first map $\phi$ will be
"\texttt{dist\_varset\_morpshim}" below, and the second map will be
"\texttt{dist\_varset\_var\_ass}". The desired induced isomorphism will be
called "\texttt{var\_factor}". ›
definition(in ring) dist_varset_morphism
:: "'d set ⇒ 'd set ⇒
('a, (('a, 'd) mvar_poly, 'd) mvar_poly) ring_hom" where
"dist_varset_morphism (I:: 'd set) (J:: 'd set) =
(ring.indexed_const (Pring R J) :: ('d multiset ⇒ 'a) ⇒ 'd multiset ⇒ ('d multiset ⇒ 'a))∘ (ring.indexed_const R ::'a ⇒ 'd multiset ⇒ 'a)"
definition(in ring) dist_varset_var_ass
:: "'d set ⇒ 'd set ⇒ 'd ⇒ (('a, 'd) mvar_poly, 'd) mvar_poly"
"dist_varset_var_ass (I:: 'd set) (J:: 'd set) = (λi. if i ∈ J then ring.indexed_const (Pring R J) (pvar R i) else
pvar (Pring R J) i )"
context cring
lemma dist_varset_morphism_is_morphism:
assumes "(I:: 'd set) ⊆ J0 ∪ J1"
assumes "J1 ⊆ I"
assumes "φ = dist_varset_morphism I J0"
shows "ring_hom_ring R (Pring (Pring R J0) J1) φ"
have 0:"ring_hom_ring R (Pring R J0) indexed_const"
by (simp add: indexed_const_ring_hom)
have 1:"ring_hom_ring (Pring R J0) (Pring (Pring R J0) J1) (ring.indexed_const (Pring R J0))"
by (simp add: cring.indexed_const_ring_hom is_cring local.ring_axioms ring.Pring_is_cring)
show ?thesis using 0 1 assms ring_hom_trans[of "indexed_const" R "Pring R J0" "ring.indexed_const (Pring R J0)"
"(Pring (Pring R J0) J1) "]
unfolding dist_varset_morphism_def
by (meson ring_hom_ring.axioms(1) ring_hom_ring.axioms(2) ring_hom_ring.homh ring_hom_ringI2)
definition var_factor ::
"'d set ⇒ 'd set ⇒ 'd set ⇒
(('a, 'd) mvar_poly, (('a, 'd) mvar_poly, 'd) mvar_poly) ring_hom "where
"var_factor (I:: 'd set) (J0:: 'd set) (J1:: 'd set) = indexed_poly_induced_morphism I (Pring (Pring R J0) J1)
(dist_varset_morphism I J0) (dist_varset_var_ass I J0)"
lemma indexed_const_closed:
assumes "x ∈ carrier R"
shows "indexed_const x ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
using Pring_car assms indexed_pset.indexed_const by blast
lemma var_factor_morphism:
assumes "(I:: 'd set) ⊆ J0 ∪ J1"
assumes "J1 ⊆ I"
assumes "J1 ∩ J0 = {}"
assumes "g = dist_varset_var_ass I J0"
assumes "φ = dist_varset_morphism I J0"
assumes "ψ = (var_factor I J0 J1)"
shows "ring_hom_ring (Pring R I) (Pring (Pring R J0) J1) ψ "
"⋀i. i ∈ J0 ∩ I ⟹ ψ (pvar R i) = ring.indexed_const (Pring R J0) (pvar R i)"
"⋀i. i ∈ J1 ⟹ ψ (pvar R i) = pvar (Pring R J0) i"
"⋀a. a ∈ carrier (Pring R (J0 ∩ I)) ⟹ ψ a = ring.indexed_const (Pring R J0) a"
have 0: "g ∈ I → carrier (Pring (Pring R J0) J1)"
fix x
assume A0: "x ∈ I"
then have A1: "x ∈ J0 ∨ x ∈ J1"
by (meson UnE assms(1) subsetD)
have A2: "x ∉ J0 ⟹ x ∈ J1"
using A1 by blast
show "g x ∈ carrier (Pring (Pring R J0) J1)"
apply(cases "x ∈ J0")
using assms A0 A1 A2 pvar_closed[of R x J0]
pvar_closed[of "Pring R J0" x J1]
cring.indexed_const_closed[of "Pring R J0" ]
unfolding dist_varset_var_ass_def
apply (smt Pring_is_cring is_cring)
using assms A0 A1 A2 pvar_closed[of R x J0]
pvar_closed[of "Pring R J0" x J1]
cring.indexed_const_closed[of "Pring R J0" ]
unfolding dist_varset_var_ass_def
by (smt Pring_is_cring is_cring)
have 1: " cring (Pring R J0)"
by (simp add: Pring_is_cring is_cring)
have 2: " cring (Pring (Pring R J0) J1)"
by (simp add: "1" Pring_is_ring ring.Pring_is_cring)
show C0: "ring_hom_ring (Pring R I) (Pring (Pring R J0) J1) ψ "
using 0 assms Pring_universal_prop[of "Pring (Pring R J0) J1" g I φ ψ]
dist_varset_morphism_is_morphism[of I J0 J1]
unfolding var_factor_def
by (meson Pring_is_cring Pring_is_ring is_cring ring.Pring_is_cring)
show C1: "⋀i. i ∈ J0 ∩ I ⟹ ψ (pvar R i) = ring.indexed_const (Pring R J0) (pvar R i)"
using 0 1 2 assms Pring_universal_prop(2)[of "Pring (Pring R J0) J1" g I φ ψ]
dist_varset_morphism_is_morphism[of I J0 J1 φ] dist_varset_var_ass_def
dist_varset_morphism_def unfolding var_factor_def var_to_IP_def
by (smt IntE dist_varset_var_ass_def inf_commute inf_le2 ring.Pring_is_cring subsetD var_to_IP_def)
have 3: "⋀i. i ∈ J1 ⟹ g i = mset_to_IP (Pring R J0) {#i#} "
using assms unfolding dist_varset_var_ass_def var_to_IP_def
by (meson disjoint_iff_not_equal)
show C2: "⋀i. i ∈ J1 ⟹ ψ (pvar R i) = pvar (Pring R J0) i"
using 0 1 2 3 assms Pring_universal_prop(2)[of "Pring (Pring R J0) J1" g I φ ψ]
dist_varset_morphism_is_morphism[of I J0 J1 φ]
unfolding var_factor_def var_to_IP_def
by (metis subsetD)
have 4: "⋀k. k ∈ carrier R ⟹ ψ (indexed_const k) = ring.indexed_const (Pring R J0) (indexed_const k)"
using 0 1 2 3 assms Pring_universal_prop(3)[of "Pring (Pring R J0) J1" g I φ ψ]
dist_varset_morphism_is_morphism[of I J0 J1 φ] comp_apply
unfolding var_factor_def var_to_IP_def dist_varset_morphism_def
by metis
show C3: "⋀a. a ∈ carrier (Pring R (J0 ∩ I)) ⟹ ψ a = ring.indexed_const (Pring R J0) a"
proof- fix a assume A: "a ∈ carrier (Pring R (J0 ∩ I))"
show " ψ a = ring.indexed_const (Pring R J0) a"
apply(rule indexed_pset.induct[of a "J0 ∩ I" "carrier R"])
using A Pring_car apply blast
using 4
apply blast
show "⋀P Q. P ∈ Pring_set R (J0 ∩ I) ⟹
ψ P = ring.indexed_const (Pring R J0) P ⟹
Q ∈ Pring_set R (J0 ∩ I) ⟹ ψ Q = ring.indexed_const (Pring R J0) Q ⟹ ψ (P ⨁ Q) = ring.indexed_const (Pring R J0) (P ⨁ Q)"
proof- fix P Q
assume A0: "P ∈ Pring_set R (J0 ∩ I)"
assume A1: "ψ P = ring.indexed_const (Pring R J0) P"
assume A2: "Q ∈ Pring_set R (J0 ∩ I)"
assume A3: "ψ Q = ring.indexed_const (Pring R J0) Q"
have A0': "P ∈ Pring_set R I"
using A0
by (meson Int_lower2 Pring_carrier_subset subsetD)
have A1': "Q ∈ Pring_set R I"
by (meson A2 Int_lower2 Pring_carrier_subset subsetD)
have B: "ψ (P ⨁ Q) = ψ P ⊕⇘Pring (Pring R J0) J1⇙ ψ Q"
using A0' A1' A2 A3 C0 assms ring_hom_add
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Pring_add local.ring_axioms ring.Pring_car ring_hom_ring.homh)
have " ring.indexed_const (Pring R J0) (P ⨁ Q) = ring.indexed_const (Pring R J0) P
⊕⇘Pring (Pring R J0) J1⇙ring.indexed_const (Pring R J0) Q"
by (simp add: Pring_add Pring_is_ring ring.Pring_add ring.indexed_padd_const)
then show " ψ (P ⨁ Q) = ring.indexed_const (Pring R J0) (P ⨁ Q)"
using B
by (simp add: A1 A3)
show "⋀P i. P ∈ Pring_set R (J0 ∩ I) ⟹ ψ P = ring.indexed_const (Pring R J0) P ⟹
i ∈ J0 ∩ I ⟹ ψ (P ⨂ i) = ring.indexed_const (Pring R J0) (P ⨂ i)"
proof- fix P i assume A0: "P ∈ Pring_set R (J0 ∩ I)"
assume A1: "ψ P = ring.indexed_const (Pring R J0) P"
assume A2: "i ∈ J0 ∩ I"
have A0': "P ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
using A0 Pring_carrier_subset
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) Pring_car in_mono inf_commute le_inf_iff subset_refl)
have A0'': "P ∈ carrier (Pring R J0)"
using A0 Pring_carrier_subset
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) Pring_car in_mono inf_commute le_inf_iff subset_refl)
have " ψ (P ⨂ i) = ψ P ⊗⇘Pring (Pring R J0) J1⇙ ring.indexed_const (Pring R J0) (pvar R i)"
have "(P ⨂ i) = P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ pvar R i"
using A0' A2 unfolding var_to_IP_def
by (metis A0 Pring_mult poly_index_mult)
then show ?thesis
using A0' C0 A2 C1[of i] ring_hom_ring.homh
ring_hom_mult[of ψ "Pring R I" "Pring (Pring R J0) J1" P "pvar R i"]
by (metis IntE Pring_var_closed)
then have" ψ (P ⨂ i) = ring.indexed_const (Pring R J0) P ⊗⇘Pring (Pring R J0) J1⇙
ring.indexed_const (Pring R J0) (pvar R i)"
by (simp add: A1)
then have " ψ (P ⨂ i) = ring.indexed_const (Pring R J0) (P ⊗⇘Pring R J0⇙ (pvar R i))"
using A0'' A2 cring.indexed_const_ring_hom[of "Pring R J0" J1] ring_hom_ring.homh
ring_hom_mult[of "ring.indexed_const (Pring R J0)" "Pring R J0" _ P "pvar R i"]
by (smt "1" IntE Pring_var_closed)
then show "ψ (P ⨂ i) = ring.indexed_const (Pring R J0) (P ⨂ i)"
using poly_index_mult[of P J0 i] unfolding var_to_IP_def
by (metis A0'' A2 IntE Pring_car Pring_mult)
lemma var_factor_morphism':
assumes "I = J0 ∪ J1"
assumes "J1 ⊆ I"
assumes "J1 ∩ J0 = {}"
assumes "ψ = (var_factor I J0 J1)"
shows "ring_hom_ring (Pring R I) (Pring (Pring R J0) J1) ψ "
"⋀i. i ∈ J1 ⟹ ψ (pvar R i) = pvar (Pring R J0) i"
"⋀a. a ∈ carrier (Pring R (J0 ∩ I)) ⟹ ψ a = ring.indexed_const (Pring R J0) a"
using assms var_factor_morphism
apply blast
using assms var_factor_morphism(3)
apply (metis subset_refl)
using assms var_factor_morphism(4)
by (metis Un_subset_iff Un_upper1)
text‹Constructing the inverse morphism for \texttt{var\_factor\_morphism} ›
lemma pvar_ass_closed:
assumes "J1 ⊆ I"
shows "pvar R ∈ J1 → carrier (Pring R I)"
by (meson Pi_I Pring_var_closed assms subsetD)
text‹The following function gives us the inverse morphism $R[I][J] \to R[I \cup J]$:›
definition var_factor_inv :: "'d set ⇒ 'd set ⇒ 'd set ⇒
((('a, 'd) mvar_poly, 'd) mvar_poly, ('a, 'd) mvar_poly) ring_hom" where
"var_factor_inv (I:: 'd set) (J0:: 'd set) (J1:: 'd set) = indexed_poly_induced_morphism J1 (Pring R I)
(id:: ('d multiset ⇒ 'a) ⇒ 'd multiset ⇒ 'a)
(pvar R)"
lemma var_factor_inv_morphism:
assumes "I = J0 ∪ J1"
assumes "J1 ⊆ I"
assumes "J1 ∩ J0 = {}"
assumes "ψ = (var_factor_inv I J0 J1)"
shows "ring_hom_ring (Pring (Pring R J0) J1) (Pring R I) ψ "
"⋀i. i ∈ J1 ⟹ ψ (pvar (Pring R J0) i) = pvar R i"
"⋀a. a ∈ carrier (Pring R J0) ⟹ ψ (ring.indexed_const (Pring R J0) a) = a"
have 0: "ring_hom_ring (Pring R J0) (Pring R I) id"
apply(rule ring_hom_ringI)
apply (simp add: Pring_is_ring; fail)
apply (simp add: Pring_is_ring;fail )
apply (metis Pring_car Pring_carrier_subset Un_upper1 assms(1) id_apply subsetD)
apply (metis Pring_mult_eq id_apply)
apply (metis Pring_add_eq id_apply)
by (simp add: Pring_one_eq)
then show "ring_hom_ring (Pring (Pring R J0) J1) (Pring R I) ψ "
using cring.Pring_universal_prop(1)[of "Pring R J0" "Pring R I" "pvar R" J1 id ψ]
pvar_ass_closed[of J0 I]
by (metis Pring_is_cring assms(2) assms(4) is_cring pvar_ass_closed var_factor_inv_def)
show "⋀i. i ∈ J1 ⟹ ψ (pvar (Pring R J0) i) = pvar R i"
using 0 assms pvar_ass_closed[of J0 I]
cring.Pring_universal_prop(2)[of "Pring R J0" "Pring R I" "pvar R" J1 id ψ]
by (metis Pring_is_cring is_cring pvar_ass_closed var_factor_inv_def var_to_IP_def)
show "⋀a. a ∈ carrier (Pring R J0) ⟹ ψ (ring.indexed_const (Pring R J0) a) = a"
using 0 assms pvar_ass_closed[of J0 I]
cring.Pring_universal_prop(3)[of "Pring R J0" "Pring R I" "pvar R" J1 id ψ]
by (smt Pi_I Pring_is_cring Pring_var_closed id_def is_cring subsetD var_factor_inv_def)
lemma var_factor_inv_inverse:
assumes "I = J0 ∪ J1"
assumes "J1 ⊆ I"
assumes "J1 ∩ J0 = {}"
assumes "ψ1 = (var_factor_inv I J0 J1)"
assumes "ψ0 = (var_factor I J0 J1)"
assumes "P ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
shows "ψ1 (ψ0 P) = P"
apply(rule indexed_pset.induct[of P I "carrier R"])
using Pring_car assms(6) apply blast
using var_factor_inv_morphism(3)[of I J0 J1 "ψ1"] var_factor_morphism'(3)[of I J0 J1 ψ0] assms
apply (metis indexed_const_closed inf_sup_absorb)
have 0: "ring_hom_ring (Pring (Pring R J0) J1) (Pring R I) ψ1"
by (simp add: assms(1) assms(3) assms(4) var_factor_inv_morphism(1))
have 1: "ring_hom_ring (Pring R I) (Pring (Pring R J0) J1) ψ0"
by (simp add: assms(1) assms(3) assms(5) var_factor_morphism'(1))
have 2: "ψ1 ∘ ψ0 ∈ ring_hom (Pring R I) (Pring R I)"
using 0 1 ring_hom_trans[of ψ0 "Pring R I" "Pring (Pring R J0) J1" ψ1 "Pring R I"]
ring_hom_ring.homh[of "Pring R I" "Pring (Pring R J0) J1" ψ0]
ring_hom_ring.homh[of "Pring (Pring R J0) J1" "Pring R I" ψ1]
by blast
show "⋀P Q. P ∈ Pring_set R I ⟹
ψ1 (ψ0 P) = P ⟹ Q ∈ Pring_set R I ⟹ ψ1 (ψ0 Q) = Q ⟹ ψ1 (ψ0 (P ⨁ Q)) = P ⨁ Q"
proof- fix P Q assume A0: "P ∈ Pring_set R I" "ψ1 (ψ0 P) = P"
assume A1: "Q ∈ Pring_set R I" "ψ1 (ψ0 Q) = Q"
show "ψ1 (ψ0 (P ⨁ Q)) = P ⨁ Q"
using A0 A1 2 ring_hom_add[of "ψ1 ∘ ψ0" "Pring R I" "Pring R I" P Q] comp_apply[of ψ1 ψ0]
by (simp add: "2" ‹P ∈ Pring_set R I› ‹Q ∈ Pring_set R I› Pring_add Pring_car)
show "⋀P i. P ∈ Pring_set R I ⟹ ψ1 (ψ0 P) = P ⟹ i ∈ I ⟹ ψ1 (ψ0 (P ⨂ i)) = P ⨂ i"
fix P i assume A: "P ∈ Pring_set R I" "ψ1 (ψ0 P) = P" "i ∈ I"
show "ψ1 (ψ0 (P ⨂ i)) = P ⨂ i"
have A0: "P ⨂ i = P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ pvar R i"
by (metis A(1) A(3) Pring_mult local.ring_axioms ring.poly_index_mult var_to_IP_def)
have A1: "ψ1 (ψ0 (pvar R i)) = pvar R i"
by (metis A(3) Int_iff Pring_var_closed UnE Un_subset_iff Un_upper1 assms(1) assms(2)
assms(3) assms(4) assms(5) cring.var_factor_morphism(2) is_cring
var_factor_inv_morphism(2) var_factor_inv_morphism(3) var_factor_morphism'(2))
then show ?thesis
using 2 A0 A ring_hom_mult[of "ψ1 ∘ ψ0" "Pring R I" _ P "pvar R i" ]
Pring_car Pring_var_closed comp_apply[of ψ1 ψ0]
by smt
lemma var_factor_total_eval:
assumes "I = J0 ∪ J1"
assumes "J1 ⊆ I"
assumes "J1 ∩ J0 = {}"
assumes "ψ = (var_factor I J0 J1)"
assumes "closed_fun R g"
assumes "P ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
shows "total_eval R g P = total_eval R g (total_eval (Pring R J0) (indexed_const ∘ g) (ψ P))"
apply(rule indexed_pset.induct[of P I "carrier R"])
using Pring_car assms apply blast
apply (metis Pring_is_cring assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) assms(4) cring.total_eval_const
indexed_const_closed is_cring var_factor_morphism'(3))
show "⋀P Q. P ∈ Pring_set R I ⟹
total_eval R g P = total_eval R g (total_eval (Pring R J0) (indexed_const ∘ g) (ψ P)) ⟹
Q ∈ Pring_set R I ⟹
total_eval R g Q = total_eval R g (total_eval (Pring R J0) (indexed_const ∘ g) (ψ Q)) ⟹
total_eval R g (P ⨁ Q) = total_eval R g (total_eval (Pring R J0) (indexed_const ∘ g) (ψ (P ⨁ Q)))"
proof- fix P Q
assume A: " P ∈ Pring_set R I"
"total_eval R g P = total_eval R g (total_eval (Pring R J0) (indexed_const ∘ g) (ψ P))"
assume B: " Q ∈ Pring_set R I"
"total_eval R g Q = total_eval R g (total_eval (Pring R J0) (indexed_const ∘ g) (ψ Q))"
have 0: "ψ (P ⨁ Q) = ψ P ⊕⇘Pring (Pring R J0) J1⇙ ψ Q"
using A B assms var_factor_morphism'(1)[of I J0 J1 ψ]
Pring_add[of I P Q] Pring_car[of I]
ring_hom_ring.homh[of "Pring R I" "Pring (Pring R J0) J1" ψ]
ring_hom_add[of ψ "Pring R I" "Pring (Pring R J0) J1" P Q]
by metis
have 1: "closed_fun (Pring R J0) (indexed_const ∘ g)"
using assms comp_apply
by (smt Pi_I closed_fun_simp indexed_const_closed)
have 2: "ψ P ∈ carrier (Pring (Pring R J0) J1)"
using assms A var_factor_morphism'(1)[of I J0 J1 ψ]
ring_hom_ring.homh ring_hom_closed Pring_car
by metis
have 3: "ψ Q ∈ carrier (Pring (Pring R J0) J1)"
using assms B var_factor_morphism'(1)[of I J0 J1 ψ]
ring_hom_ring.homh ring_hom_closed Pring_car
by metis
have 4: "(total_eval (Pring R J0) (indexed_const ∘ g) (ψ (P ⨁ Q))) =
(total_eval (Pring R J0) (indexed_const ∘ g) (ψ P)) ⊕⇘Pring R J0⇙
(total_eval (Pring R J0) (indexed_const ∘ g) (ψ Q))"
using 0 1 2 3 A B assms cring.total_eval_add[of "Pring R J0" "ψ P" J1 "ψ Q" "indexed_const ∘ g"]
by (metis Pring_car Pring_is_cring is_cring)
have 5: "(total_eval (Pring R J0) (indexed_const ∘ g) (ψ P)) ∈ carrier (Pring R J0)"
using 3 assms cring.total_eval_closed "1" "2" Pring_is_cring is_cring
by blast
have 6: "(total_eval (Pring R J0) (indexed_const ∘ g) (ψ Q)) ∈ carrier (Pring R J0)"
using 4 assms "1" "3" Pring_is_cring cring.total_eval_closed is_cring
by blast
show "total_eval R g (P ⨁ Q) = total_eval R g (total_eval (Pring R J0) (indexed_const ∘ g) (ψ (P ⨁ Q)))"
using 5 6 4 assms
total_eval_add[of "(total_eval (Pring R J0) (indexed_const ∘ g) (ψ p))" J0
"(total_eval (Pring R J0) (indexed_const ∘ g) (ψ Q))" ]
by (smt A(1) A(2) B(1) B(2) Pring_add Pring_car in_mono indexed_pset_mono order_refl
subsetD subset_iff total_eval_add)
show "⋀P i. P ∈ Pring_set R I ⟹
total_eval R g P = total_eval R g (total_eval (Pring R J0) (indexed_const ∘ g) (ψ P)) ⟹
i ∈ I ⟹ total_eval R g (P ⨂ i) = total_eval R g (total_eval (Pring R J0) (indexed_const ∘ g) (ψ (P ⨂ i)))"
proof- fix P i
assume A: "P ∈ Pring_set R I"
"total_eval R g P = total_eval R g (total_eval (Pring R J0) (indexed_const ∘ g) (ψ P))"
"i ∈ I"
have 0: "(P ⨂ i) = P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ (pvar R i)"
using A poly_index_mult
by (metis Pring_mult var_to_IP_def)
have 1: "ψ (P ⨂ i) = ψ P ⊗⇘Pring (Pring R J0) J1⇙ ψ (pvar R i)"
using 0 A assms var_factor_morphism'(1)[of I J0 J1 ψ]
pvar_closed[of R i] ring_hom_mult ring_hom_ring.homh
by (smt Pring_car Pring_var_closed)
have 2: "ψ P ∈ carrier (Pring (Pring R J0) J1)"
using assms A var_factor_morphism'(1)[of I J0 J1 ψ]
ring_hom_ring.homh ring_hom_closed Pring_car
by metis
have 3: "ψ (pvar R i) ∈ carrier (Pring (Pring R J0) J1)"
using assms A var_factor_morphism'(1)[of I J0 J1 ψ]
ring_hom_ring.homh ring_hom_closed Pring_car pvar_closed[of R i I]
by (metis is_cring)
have 4: "closed_fun (Pring R J0) (indexed_const ∘ g)"
apply(rule cring.closed_funI)
using Pring_is_cring is_cring apply blast
using assms indexed_const_closed closed_fun_simp[of g] comp_apply[of indexed_const g]
proof -
fix x :: 'c
show "(indexed_const ∘ g) x ∈ carrier (Pring R J0)"
by (metis (no_types) ‹⋀n. closed_fun R g ⟹ g n ∈ carrier R› ‹⋀x. (indexed_const ∘ g) x = indexed_const (g x)› ‹closed_fun R g› indexed_const_closed)
have 5: "(total_eval (Pring R J0) (indexed_const ∘ g) (ψ (P ⨂ i))) =
(total_eval (Pring R J0) (indexed_const ∘ g) (ψ P)) ⊗⇘Pring R J0⇙
(total_eval (Pring R J0) (indexed_const ∘ g) (ψ (pvar R i)))"
using 2 3 4 cring.total_eval_ring_hom[of "Pring R J0" "indexed_const ∘ g" J1]
by (metis "1" Pring_is_cring cring.total_eval_mult is_cring)
have 6: "(total_eval (Pring R J0) (indexed_const ∘ g) (ψ P)) ∈ carrier (Pring R J0)"
using total_eval_closed "2" "4" Pring_is_cring cring.total_eval_closed is_cring
by blast
have 7: " (total_eval (Pring R J0) (indexed_const ∘ g) (ψ (pvar R i))) ∈ carrier (Pring R J0)"
using "3" "4" Pring_is_cring cring.total_eval_closed is_cring
by blast
have 8: " total_eval R g (total_eval (Pring R J0) (indexed_const ∘ g) (ψ (P ⨂ i))) =
total_eval R g (total_eval (Pring R J0) (indexed_const ∘ g) (ψ P)) ⊗⇘R⇙
total_eval R g (total_eval (Pring R J0) (indexed_const ∘ g) (ψ (pvar R i)))"
using 6 7
by (metis "5" assms(5) cring.total_eval_mult is_cring)
have 9: " total_eval R g (total_eval (Pring R J0) (indexed_const ∘ g) (ψ (P ⨂ i))) =
total_eval R g P ⊗⇘R⇙
total_eval R g (total_eval (Pring R J0) (indexed_const ∘ g) (ψ (pvar R i)))"
using "8" A(2)
by presburger
have 10: "total_eval R g (total_eval (Pring R J0) (indexed_const ∘ g) (ψ (pvar R i))) =
g i"
proof(cases "i ∈ J0")
case True
then have "ψ (pvar R i) = ring.indexed_const (Pring R J0) (pvar R i)"
using assms
by (metis Pring_var_closed inf_sup_absorb var_factor_morphism'(3))
then have "(total_eval (Pring R J0) (indexed_const ∘ g) (ψ (pvar R i))) = (pvar R i)"
by (metis Pring_is_cring Pring_var_closed True cring.total_eval_const is_cring)
then show ?thesis
using total_eval_var[of g i] assms var_to_IP_def
by metis
case False
then have "ψ (pvar R i) = (pvar (Pring R J0) i)"
by (metis A(3) UnE assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) assms(4) cring.var_factor_morphism'(2) is_cring)
then have "total_eval (Pring R J0) (indexed_const ∘ g) (ψ (pvar R i)) =
indexed_const (g i)"
using cring.total_eval_var[of "Pring R J0" "indexed_const ∘ g" i] comp_apply
by (metis "4" Pring_is_cring is_cring var_to_IP_def)
then show ?thesis
using total_eval_const[of "g i" g] assms closed_fun_simp[of g i]
by metis
show "total_eval R g (P ⨂ i) = total_eval R g (total_eval (Pring R J0) (indexed_const ∘ g) (ψ (P ⨂ i)))"
using 9 10
by (metis A(1) A(3) Pring_car assms(5) total_eval_indexed_pmult)
lemma var_factor_closed:
assumes "I = J0 ∪ J1"
assumes "J1 ⊆ I"
assumes "J1 ∩ J0 = {}"
assumes "P ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
shows "var_factor I J0 J1 P ∈ carrier (Pring (Pring R J0 ) J1)"
using assms var_factor_morphism'[of I J0 J1] ring_hom_ring.homh
by (metis ring_hom_closed)
lemma var_factor_add:
assumes "I = J0 ∪ J1"
assumes "J1 ⊆ I"
assumes "J1 ∩ J0 = {}"
assumes "P ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
assumes "Q ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
shows "var_factor I J0 J1 (P ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ Q) = var_factor I J0 J1 P ⊕⇘Pring (Pring R J0) J1⇙
var_factor I J0 J1 Q"
using assms var_factor_morphism'[of I J0 J1] ring_hom_ring.homh
by (metis (no_types, lifting) ring_hom_add)
lemma var_factor_mult:
assumes "I = J0 ∪ J1"
assumes "J1 ⊆ I"
assumes "J1 ∩ J0 = {}"
assumes "P ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
assumes "Q ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
shows "var_factor I J0 J1 (P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ Q) = var_factor I J0 J1 P ⊗⇘Pring (Pring R J0) J1⇙
var_factor I J0 J1 Q"
using assms var_factor_morphism'[of I J0 J1] ring_hom_ring.homh
by (metis (no_types, lifting) ring_hom_mult)
subsubsection‹Viewing a Mulitvariable Polynomial as a Univariate Polynomial over a Multivariate Polynomial Base Ring›
definition multivar_poly_to_univ_poly ::
"'c set ⇒ 'c ⇒ ('a,'c) mvar_poly ⇒
(('a,'c) mvar_poly) u_poly " where
"multivar_poly_to_univ_poly I i P = ((IP_to_UP i) ∘ (var_factor I (I - {i}) {i})) P"
definition univ_poly_to_multivar_poly ::
"'c set ⇒ 'c ⇒ (('a,'c) mvar_poly) u_poly ⇒
('a,'c) mvar_poly" where
"univ_poly_to_multivar_poly I i P =((var_factor_inv I (I - {i}) {i}) ∘ (UP_to_IP (Pring R (I - {i})) i)) P"
lemma multivar_poly_to_univ_poly_is_hom:
assumes "i ∈ I"
shows "multivar_poly_to_univ_poly I i ∈ ring_hom (Pring R I) (UP (Pring R (I - {i})))"
unfolding multivar_poly_to_univ_poly_def comp_apply
apply(rule ring_hom_compose[of _ "Pring (Pring R (I - {i})) {i}" _ "var_factor I (I - {i}) {i}" "IP_to_UP i"])
apply (simp add: Pring_is_ring; fail)
apply (simp add: local.ring_axioms ring.Pring_is_ring; fail)
apply(rule UP_ring.UP_ring) unfolding UP_ring_def
apply (simp add: Pring_is_ring; fail)
using assms var_factor_morphism'[of I "I - {i}" "{i}"] unfolding ring_hom_ring_def ring_hom_ring_axioms_def
apply blast
using UP_cring.IP_to_UP_ring_hom[of "Pring R (I - {i})" i]
unfolding ring_hom_ring_def ring_hom_ring_axioms_def UP_cring_def
using Pring_is_cring is_cring apply blast
by blast
lemma multivar_poly_to_univ_poly_inverse:
assumes "i ∈ I"
assumes "ψ0 = multivar_poly_to_univ_poly I i"
assumes "ψ1 = univ_poly_to_multivar_poly I i"
assumes "P ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
shows "ψ1 (ψ0 P) = P"
have closed: "var_factor I (I - {i}) {i} P ∈ carrier (Pring (Pring R (I - {i})) {i})"
using assms var_factor_closed[of I "I - {i}" "{i}" P]
by blast
have cancel_1: "UP_to_IP (Pring R (I - {i})) i
(IP_to_UP i (var_factor I (I - {i}) {i} P)) =
var_factor I (I - {i}) {i} P"
using closed assms ring.Pring_car
UP_cring.UP_to_IP_inv[of "Pring R (I - {i})" "var_factor I (I - {i}) {i} P" i]
Pring_is_ring unfolding UP_cring_def
using is_cring local.ring_axioms ring.Pring_is_cring
by blast
have "univ_poly_to_multivar_poly I i (multivar_poly_to_univ_poly I i P) =
univ_poly_to_multivar_poly I i ((IP_to_UP i) (var_factor I (I - {i}) {i} P))"
by (metis comp_apply multivar_poly_to_univ_poly_def)
then have "univ_poly_to_multivar_poly I i (multivar_poly_to_univ_poly I i P) =
((var_factor_inv I (I - {i}) {i}) ((UP_to_IP (Pring R (I - {i})) i)
((IP_to_UP i) (var_factor I (I - {i}) {i} P))))"
using comp_apply univ_poly_to_multivar_poly_def
by metis
then have "univ_poly_to_multivar_poly I i (multivar_poly_to_univ_poly I i P) =
((var_factor_inv I (I - {i}) {i}) (var_factor I (I - {i}) {i} P))"
using cancel_1
by presburger
then show ?thesis using assms var_factor_inv_inverse[of I "I - {i}" "{i}" _ _ P]
by (metis Diff_cancel Diff_disjoint Diff_eq_empty_iff Diff_partition Un_Diff_cancel
Un_Diff_cancel2 Un_insert_right empty_Diff empty_subsetI insert_Diff_if insert_absorb )
lemma multivar_poly_to_univ_poly_total_eval:
assumes "i ∈ I"
assumes "ψ = multivar_poly_to_univ_poly I i"
assumes "P ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
assumes "closed_fun R g"
shows "total_eval R g P = total_eval R g (to_function (Pring R (I - {i})) (ψ P) (indexed_const (g i)))"
have 0: "var_factor I (I - {i}) {i} P ∈ Pring_set (Pring R (I - {i})) {i}"
have 00: " ring (Pring R (I - {i}))"
using Pring_is_ring
by blast
then show ?thesis
using assms(1) assms(3) var_factor_closed[of I "I - {i}" "{i}" P] ring.Pring_car[of "Pring R (I - {i})" "{i}"]
by blast
have 1: "closed_fun (Pring R (I - {i})) (indexed_const ∘ g)"
using assms comp_apply indexed_const_closed cring.closed_funI[of "Pring R (I - {i})"]
by (metis Pring_is_cring closed_fun_simp is_cring)
have 2: "cring (Pring R (I - {i}))"
using Pring_is_cring is_cring by blast
have "(to_function (Pring R (I - {i})) (ψ P) (indexed_const (g i)))
= total_eval (Pring R (I - {i})) (indexed_const ∘ g) ((var_factor I (I - {i}) {i}) P) "
using assms 0 1 2 comp_apply UP_cring.IP_to_UP_poly_eval[of "Pring R (I - {i})"
"(var_factor I (I - {i}) {i}) P" i "indexed_const ∘ g"]
unfolding UP_cring_def multivar_poly_to_univ_poly_def
by metis
then have 3: "total_eval R g ((to_function (Pring R (I - {i})) (ψ P) (indexed_const (g i))) )
= total_eval R g ( total_eval (Pring R (I - {i})) (indexed_const ∘ g) ((var_factor I (I - {i}) {i}) P)) "
by presburger
then have "total_eval R g P = total_eval R g (total_eval (Pring R (I - {i})) (indexed_const ∘ g) ((var_factor I (I - {i}) {i}) P)) "
using assms var_factor_total_eval[of I "I - {i}" "{i}" "var_factor I (I - {i}) {i}" g P]
by blast
then show ?thesis
using 3
by presburger
Induction for polynomial rings. Basically just \texttt{indexed\_pset.induct} with some
boilerplate translations removed
lemma(in ring) Pring_car_induct'':
assumes "Q ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
assumes "⋀c. c ∈ carrier R ⟹ P (indexed_const c)"
assumes "⋀p q. p ∈ carrier (Pring R I) ⟹ q ∈ carrier (Pring R I) ⟹ P p ⟹ P q ⟹ P (p ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ q)"
assumes "⋀p i. p ∈ carrier (Pring R I) ⟹ i ∈ I ⟹ P p ⟹ P (p ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ pvar R i)"
shows "P Q"
apply(rule indexed_pset.induct[of Q I "carrier R"])
using Pring_car assms(1) apply blast
using assms(2) apply blast
apply (metis (full_types) Pring_add Pring_car assms(3))
fix Pa i assume A: "Pa ∈ Pring_set R I" "P Pa" "i ∈ I"
then have 0: "Pa ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
using assms A Pring_car
by blast
have "Pa ⨂ i = Pa ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ pvar R i"
using 0 poly_index_mult assms A
by (metis Pring_mult var_to_IP_def)
then show "P (Pa ⨂ i)"
by (simp add: "0" A(2) A(3) assms)
subsubsection‹Application: A Polynomial Ring over a Domain is a Domain›
text ‹
In this section, we use the fact the UP ‹R› is a domain when ‹R› is a domain to show the analogous
result for indexed polynomial rings. We first prove it inductively for rings with a finite
variable set, and then generalize to infinite variable sets using the fact that any two
multivariable polynomials over an indexed polynomial ring must also lie in a finitely indexed
polynomial subring.
lemma indexed_const_mult:
assumes "a ∈ carrier R"
assumes "b ∈ carrier R"
shows "indexed_const a ⊗⇘ Pring R I⇙ indexed_const b = indexed_const (a ⊗ b)"
by (metis Pring_mult assms(1) assms(2) indexed_const_P_mult_eq)
lemma(in domain) Pring_fin_vars_is_domain:
assumes "finite (I ::'c set)"
shows "domain (Pring R I)"
proof(rule finite_induct, rule assms)
show "domain (Pring R ({}::'c set))"
proof(rule domainI)
show " cring (Pring R {})"
by (simp add: Pring_is_cring is_cring)
show "𝟭⇘Pring R {}⇙ ≠ 𝟬⇘Pring R {}⇙"
have "𝟭⇘Pring R {}⇙ {#} ≠ 𝟬⇘Pring R {}⇙ {#}"
by (metis Pring_one Pring_zero local.ring_axioms ring.indexed_const_def zero_not_one)
thus ?thesis
by metis
show "⋀a b. a ⊗⇘Pring R ({}::'c set)⇙ b = 𝟬⇘Pring R {}⇙ ⟹
a ∈ carrier (Pring R {}) ⟹ b ∈ carrier (Pring R {}) ⟹ a = 𝟬⇘Pring R {}⇙ ∨ b = 𝟬⇘Pring R {}⇙"
fix a b assume A: "a ⊗⇘Pring R ({}::'c set)⇙ b = 𝟬⇘Pring R {}⇙"
"a ∈ carrier (Pring R {})" " b ∈ carrier (Pring R {})"
have 0: "monomials_of R a ⊆ {{#}}"
using A Pring_set_zero unfolding monomials_of_def Pring_car
by blast
have 1: "monomials_of R b ⊆ {{#}}"
using A Pring_set_zero unfolding monomials_of_def Pring_car
by blast
obtain A where A_def: "A = a {#}"
by blast
obtain B where B_def: "B = b {#}"
by blast
have 2: "a = indexed_const A"
unfolding A_def
apply(rule ext)
by (metis 0 complement_of_monomials_of empty_iff in_mono indexed_const_def insert_iff)
have 3: "b = indexed_const B"
unfolding B_def
apply(rule ext)
by (metis 1 complement_of_monomials_of empty_iff in_mono indexed_const_def insert_iff)
have 4: "a ⊗⇘Pring R {}⇙ b = indexed_const (A ⊗ B)"
using A unfolding 2 3
by (metis "2" "3" A_def B_def Pring_carrier_coeff' indexed_const_mult)
have 5: "A ⊗ B = 𝟬"
using A unfolding 4 by (metis Pring_zero indexed_const_def)
have 6: "A = 𝟬 ∨ B = 𝟬"
using 5 A_def B_def A
by (simp add: domain.integral_iff domain_axioms)
show "a = 𝟬⇘Pring R {}⇙ ∨ b = 𝟬⇘Pring R {}⇙"
unfolding 2 3 using 6
by (metis Pring_zero)
show "⋀x F. finite (F:: 'c set) ⟹ x ∉ F ⟹ domain (Pring R F) ⟹ domain (Pring R (insert x F))"
proof- fix S:: "'c set" fix s assume A: "finite S" "s ∉ S" "domain (Pring R S)"
show "domain (Pring R (insert s S))"
have ring_hom: "multivar_poly_to_univ_poly (insert s S) s ∈ ring_hom (Pring R (insert s S)) (UP (Pring R S))"
using multivar_poly_to_univ_poly_is_hom
by (metis A(2) Diff_insert_absorb insertI1)
have domain: "domain (UP (Pring R S))"
apply(rule UP_domain.UP_domain)
unfolding UP_domain_def by(rule A)
show "domain (Pring R (insert s S))"
apply(rule ring_hom_ring.inj_on_domain[of _ "UP (Pring R S)" "multivar_poly_to_univ_poly (insert s S) s"])
apply(rule ring_hom_ring.intro)
apply (simp add: Pring_is_ring; fail)
apply(rule UP_ring.UP_ring)
unfolding UP_ring_def
apply (simp add: Pring_is_ring; fail)
unfolding ring_hom_ring_axioms_def apply(rule ring_hom)
proof(rule inj_onI)
fix x y assume A: "x ∈ carrier (Pring R (insert s S))"
"y ∈ carrier (Pring R (insert s S))"
"multivar_poly_to_univ_poly (insert s S) s x = multivar_poly_to_univ_poly (insert s S) s y"
then have 0: "univ_poly_to_multivar_poly (insert s S) s (multivar_poly_to_univ_poly (insert s S) s x)
= univ_poly_to_multivar_poly (insert s S) s (multivar_poly_to_univ_poly (insert s S) s y)"
by auto
have 1: "univ_poly_to_multivar_poly (insert s S) s (multivar_poly_to_univ_poly (insert s S) s x) = x"
using A by (meson cring.multivar_poly_to_univ_poly_inverse insertI1 is_cring)
have 2: "univ_poly_to_multivar_poly (insert s S) s (multivar_poly_to_univ_poly (insert s S) s y) = y"
using A by (meson insertI1 multivar_poly_to_univ_poly_inverse)
show "x = y"
using 0 unfolding 1 2 by auto
show "domain (UP (Pring R S))"
apply(rule UP_domain.UP_domain)
unfolding UP_domain_def by(rule A)
lemma locally_finite:
assumes "a ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
shows "∃J. J ⊆ I ∧ finite J ∧ a ∈ carrier (Pring R J)"
proof(rule Pring_car_induct[of _ I], rule assms)
have 0: "𝟬⇘Pring R I⇙ = 𝟬⇘Pring R {}⇙"
by (simp add: Pring_zero_eq)
show "∃J⊆I. finite J ∧ 𝟬⇘Pring R I⇙ ∈ carrier (Pring R J)"
unfolding 0
by (meson Pring_zero_closed empty_subsetI finite.emptyI)
fix m k assume A: "set_mset m ⊆ I ∧ k ∈ carrier R"
obtain J where J_def: "J = set_mset m"
by blast
have 0: "k ⊙⇘Pring R I⇙ mset_to_IP R m = k ⊙⇘Pring R J⇙ mset_to_IP R m"
unfolding J_def by (simp add: Pring_smult)
have 1: "k ⊙⇘Pring R I⇙ mset_to_IP R m ∈ carrier (Pring R J)"
unfolding 0 J_def using A
by (simp add: Pring_car Pring_smult mset_to_IP_closed poly_scalar_mult_closed)
show "∃J⊆I. finite J ∧ k ⊙⇘Pring R I⇙ mset_to_IP R m ∈ carrier (Pring R J)"
using J_def 1 A by blast
fix Q m k
assume A: "Q ∈ carrier (Pring R I)∧(∃J⊆I. finite J ∧ Q ∈ carrier (Pring R J)) ∧ set_mset m ⊆ I ∧ k ∈ carrier R"
then obtain J where J_def: "J⊆I ∧ finite J ∧ Q ∈ carrier (Pring R J)"
by blast
obtain J' where J'_def: "J' = J ∪ set_mset m"
by blast
have 0: "finite J'"
unfolding J'_def using J_def by blast
have 1: "k ⊙⇘Pring R I⇙ mset_to_IP R m = k ⊙⇘Pring R J'⇙ mset_to_IP R m"
unfolding J'_def using A by (simp add: Pring_smult)
have 2: "Q ∈ carrier (Pring R J')"
using J_def unfolding J'_def
by (metis Pring_car Pring_carrier_subset Un_upper1 subsetD)
have 3: "Q ⨁ k ⊙⇘Pring R I⇙ mset_to_IP R m ∈ carrier (Pring R J')"
using 0 1 2 J'_def A
by (metis Pring_car Pring_smult_closed indexed_pset.indexed_padd mset_to_IP_closed sup.cobounded2)
show "∃J'⊆I. finite J' ∧ Q ⨁ k ⊙⇘Pring R I⇙ mset_to_IP R m ∈ carrier (Pring R J')"
using 3 0
by (metis A J'_def J_def Un_subset_iff)
lemma(in domain) Pring_is_domain:
"domain (Pring R I)"
proof(rule domainI, simp add: Pring_is_cring is_cring)
have 0: "𝟭⇘Pring R I⇙ {#} = 𝟭"
by (simp add: Pring_one indexed_const_def)
have 1: "𝟬⇘Pring R I⇙ {#} = 𝟬"
by (simp add: Pring_zero indexed_const_def)
have 2: "𝟭 ≠ 𝟬"
by simp
show "𝟭⇘Pring R I⇙ ≠ 𝟬⇘Pring R I⇙"
using 0 1 2 by auto
fix a b assume A: "a ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ b = 𝟬⇘Pring R I⇙"
"a ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
"b ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
obtain J0 where J0_def: "J0 ⊆ I ∧ finite J0 ∧ a ∈ carrier (Pring R J0)"
using A locally_finite by blast
obtain J1 where J1_def: "J1 ⊆ I ∧ finite J1 ∧ b ∈ carrier (Pring R J1)"
using A locally_finite by blast
obtain J where J_def: "J = J0 ∪ J1"
by blast
have J_finite: "finite J"
using J_def J0_def J1_def by blast
have 0: "a ∈ carrier (Pring R J)"
using J0_def unfolding J_def
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Pring_car Pring_carrier_subset Un_upper1 subset_eq)
have 1: "b ∈ carrier (Pring R J)"
using J1_def unfolding J_def
by (metis Pring_car Pring_carrier_subset in_mono sup.cobounded2)
have 2: "a ⊗⇘Pring R J⇙ b = 𝟬⇘Pring R J⇙"
using A J_def 0 1 by (metis Pring_mult_eq Pring_zero_eq)
have 3: "domain (Pring R J)"
using J_finite Pring_fin_vars_is_domain[of J] by blast
have 4: "a = 𝟬⇘Pring R J⇙ ∨ b = 𝟬⇘Pring R J⇙"
using 3 2 0 1 by (simp add: domain.integral)
thus "a = 𝟬⇘Pring R I⇙ ∨ b = 𝟬⇘Pring R I⇙"
using Pring_zero_eq by blast
subsubsection‹Relabelling of Variables for Indexed Polynomial Rings›
definition relabel_vars :: "'d set ⇒ 'e set ⇒ ('d ⇒ 'e) ⇒
('a, 'd) mvar_poly ⇒ ('a, 'e) mvar_poly" where
"relabel_vars I J g = indexed_poly_induced_morphism I (Pring R J) indexed_const (λi. pvar R (g i))"
lemma relabel_vars_is_morphism:
assumes "g ∈ I → J"
shows "ring_hom_ring (Pring R I) (Pring R J) (relabel_vars I J g)"
"⋀i. i ∈ I ⟹ relabel_vars I J g (pvar R i) = pvar R (g i)"
"⋀c. c ∈ carrier R ⟹ relabel_vars I J g (indexed_const c) = indexed_const c"
using Pring_universal_prop(1)[of "Pring R J" "λi. pvar R (g i)" I indexed_const]
assms unfolding relabel_vars_def
apply (meson Pi_iff Pring_is_cring Pring_var_closed indexed_const_ring_hom is_cring)
have 0: "cring (Pring R J)" " (λi. mset_to_IP R {#g i#}) ∈ I → carrier (Pring R J)"
"ring_hom_ring R (Pring R J) indexed_const"
using assms Pring_is_cring is_cring apply blast
apply (smt Pi_iff Pring_var_closed assms var_to_IP_def)
by (simp add: indexed_const_ring_hom)
show "⋀i. i ∈ I ⟹ indexed_poly_induced_morphism I (Pring R J)
indexed_const (λi. pvar R (g i)) (pvar R i) = pvar R (g i)"
using 0 assms Pring_universal_prop(2)[of "Pring R J" "λi. pvar R (g i)" I indexed_const]
unfolding relabel_vars_def var_to_IP_def
by blast
show "⋀c. c ∈ carrier R ⟹ indexed_poly_induced_morphism I (Pring R J)
indexed_const (λi. pvar R (g i)) (indexed_const c) = indexed_const c"
using 0 assms Pring_universal_prop(3)[of "Pring R J" "λi. pvar R (g i)" I indexed_const]
unfolding var_to_IP_def
by blast
lemma relabel_vars_add:
assumes "g ∈ I → J"
assumes "P ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
assumes "Q ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
shows "relabel_vars I J g (P ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ Q) = relabel_vars I J g P ⊕⇘Pring R J⇙ relabel_vars I J g Q"
using assms relabel_vars_is_morphism(1)[of g I J] ring_hom_ring.homh ring_hom_add
by (metis (no_types, lifting))
lemma relabel_vars_mult:
assumes "g ∈ I → J"
assumes "P ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
assumes "Q ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
shows "relabel_vars I J g (P ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ Q) = relabel_vars I J g P ⊗⇘Pring R J⇙ relabel_vars I J g Q"
using assms relabel_vars_is_morphism(1)[of g I J] ring_hom_ring.homh ring_hom_mult
by (metis (no_types, lifting))
lemma relabel_vars_closed:
assumes "g ∈ I → J"
assumes "P ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
shows "relabel_vars I J g P ∈ carrier (Pring R J)"
using assms relabel_vars_is_morphism(1)[of g I J] ring_hom_ring.homh
by (metis ring_hom_closed)
lemma relabel_vars_smult:
assumes "g ∈ I → J"
assumes "P ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
assumes "a ∈ carrier R"
shows "relabel_vars I J g (a ⊙⇘Pring R I⇙P) = a ⊙⇘Pring R J⇙relabel_vars I J g P"
have 0: "a ⊙⇘Pring R I⇙P = indexed_const a ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ P"
by (metis Pring_car Pring_mult Pring_smult assms(2) assms(3) poly_scalar_mult_eq)
have 1: "a ⊙⇘Pring R J⇙relabel_vars I J g P = indexed_const a ⊗⇘Pring R J⇙ relabel_vars I J g P"
by (metis Pring_car Pring_mult Pring_smult assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) poly_scalar_mult_eq relabel_vars_closed)
show ?thesis using 0 1 assms relabel_vars_mult relabel_vars_is_morphism(3)[of g I J a]
by (metis indexed_const_closed)
lemma relabel_vars_inverse:
assumes "g ∈ I → J"
assumes "h ∈ J → I"
assumes "⋀i. i ∈ I ⟹ h (g i) = i"
assumes "P ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
shows "relabel_vars J I h (relabel_vars I J g P) = P"
apply(rule Pring_car_induct''[of _ I])
using assms(4) apply blast
using assms
apply (metis relabel_vars_is_morphism(3))
show "⋀p q. p ∈ carrier (Pring R I) ⟹
q ∈ carrier (Pring R I) ⟹
relabel_vars J I h (relabel_vars I J g p) = p ⟹
relabel_vars J I h (relabel_vars I J g q) = q ⟹
relabel_vars J I h (relabel_vars I J g (p ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ q)) = p ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ q"
proof- fix p q assume A: " p ∈ carrier (Pring R I)" "q ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
"relabel_vars J I h (relabel_vars I J g p) = p"
"relabel_vars J I h (relabel_vars I J g q) = q"
show "relabel_vars J I h (relabel_vars I J g (p ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ q)) = p ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ q"
have 0: "relabel_vars I J g (p ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ q) = relabel_vars I J g p ⊕⇘Pring R J⇙ relabel_vars I J g q"
using A(1) A(2) assms(1) relabel_vars_add by blast
then show ?thesis
using assms A relabel_vars_is_morphism(3)[of g I J] relabel_vars_is_morphism(3)[of h J I]
relabel_vars_closed[of g I J p] relabel_vars_closed[of g I J q]
relabel_vars_add[of h J I "relabel_vars I J g p" "relabel_vars I J g q"]
by presburger
show "⋀p i. p ∈ carrier (Pring R I) ⟹
i ∈ I ⟹
relabel_vars J I h (relabel_vars I J g p) = p ⟹
relabel_vars J I h (relabel_vars I J g (p ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ pvar R i)) = p ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ pvar R i"
proof- fix p i assume A: " p ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
"relabel_vars J I h (relabel_vars I J g p) = p"
"i ∈ I"
show " relabel_vars J I h (relabel_vars I J g (p ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ pvar R i)) = p ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ pvar R i"
have "relabel_vars J I h (relabel_vars I J g (pvar R i)) = pvar R i"
using assms relabel_vars_is_morphism[of g I J] relabel_vars_is_morphism[of h J I]
by (metis A(3) funcset_mem )
then show ?thesis
using assms relabel_vars_is_morphism[of g I J] relabel_vars_is_morphism[of h J I]
relabel_vars_closed[of g I J p] relabel_vars_closed[of g I J "pvar R i"]
relabel_vars_mult[of g I J "p" "pvar R i"]
relabel_vars_mult[of h J I "relabel_vars I J g p" "relabel_vars I J g (pvar R i)"]
by (metis A(1) A(2) A(3) Pring_var_closed)
lemma relabel_vars_total_eval:
assumes "g ∈ I → J"
assumes "P ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
assumes "closed_fun R f"
shows "total_eval R (f ∘ g) P = total_eval R f (relabel_vars I J g P)"
proof(rule Pring_car_induct''[of P I])
show "P ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
using assms(2) by blast
show "⋀c. c ∈ carrier R ⟹ total_eval R (f ∘ g) (indexed_const c) = total_eval R f (relabel_vars I J g (indexed_const c))"
by (metis assms(1) relabel_vars_is_morphism(3) total_eval_const)
show " ⋀p q. p ∈ carrier (Pring R I) ⟹
q ∈ carrier (Pring R I) ⟹
total_eval R (f ∘ g) p = total_eval R f (relabel_vars I J g p) ⟹
total_eval R (f ∘ g) q = total_eval R f (relabel_vars I J g q) ⟹
total_eval R (f ∘ g) (p ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ q) = total_eval R f (relabel_vars I J g (p ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ q))"
proof- fix p q assume A: "p ∈ carrier (Pring R I)" "q ∈ carrier (Pring R I)"
"total_eval R (f ∘ g) p = total_eval R f (relabel_vars I J g p)"
"total_eval R (f ∘ g) q = total_eval R f (relabel_vars I J g q)"
have 0: "closed_fun R (f ∘ g)"
apply(rule closed_funI)
using comp_apply[of f g] closed_fun_simp[of f] assms(3) by presburger
have 1: " (relabel_vars I J g (p ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ q)) =
(relabel_vars I J g p) ⊕⇘Pring R J⇙ (relabel_vars I J g q)"
using A(1) A(2) assms(1) relabel_vars_add by blast
have 2: "total_eval R f (relabel_vars I J g (p ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ q)) =
(total_eval R f (relabel_vars I J g p)) ⊕⇘R⇙ (total_eval R f (relabel_vars I J g q))"
using total_eval_add[of _ J _ f]
by (metis "1" A(1) A(2) A(3) A(4) assms(1) assms(3) relabel_vars_closed)
show "total_eval R (f ∘ g) (p ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ q) = total_eval R f (relabel_vars I J g (p ⊕⇘Pring R I⇙ q))"
using A 0 1 2
by (metis total_eval_add)
show "⋀p i. p ∈ carrier (Pring R I) ⟹
i ∈ I ⟹
total_eval R (f ∘ g) p = total_eval R f (relabel_vars I J g p) ⟹
total_eval R (f ∘ g) (p ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ pvar R i) = total_eval R f (relabel_vars I J g (p ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ pvar R i))"
proof- fix p i assume A: "p ∈ carrier (Pring R I)" " i ∈ I "
"total_eval R (f ∘ g) p = total_eval R f (relabel_vars I J g p)"
have 0: "closed_fun R (f ∘ g)"
apply(rule closed_funI)
using comp_apply[of f g] closed_fun_simp[of f] assms(3) by presburger
have 1: " (relabel_vars I J g (p ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ (pvar R i))) =
(relabel_vars I J g p) ⊗⇘Pring R J⇙ (relabel_vars I J g (pvar R i))"
by (meson A(1) A(2) assms(1) local.ring_axioms relabel_vars_mult ring.Pring_var_closed)
have 2: "total_eval R f (relabel_vars I J g (p ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ (pvar R i))) =
(total_eval R f (relabel_vars I J g p)) ⊗⇘R⇙ (total_eval R f (relabel_vars I J g (pvar R i)))"
using total_eval_mult[of "relabel_vars I J g p" J "relabel_vars I J g (pvar R i)"]
by (metis "1" A(1) A(2) A(3) assms(1) assms(3) is_cring pvar_closed relabel_vars_closed)
have 3: " total_eval R (f ∘ g) (p ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ pvar R i) =
total_eval R (f ∘ g) p ⊗⇘R⇙ total_eval R (f ∘ g)( pvar R i)"
by (meson "0" A(1) A(2) Pring_var_closed total_eval_mult)
have 4: "total_eval R (f ∘ g)( pvar R i) = (total_eval R f (relabel_vars I J g (pvar R i)))"
have 40: "total_eval R (f ∘ g)( pvar R i) = (f ∘ g) i"
using total_eval_var[of "f ∘g" i]
by (metis "0" var_to_IP_def)
have 41: "relabel_vars I J g (pvar R i) = pvar R (g i)"
by (simp add: A(2) assms(1) relabel_vars_is_morphism(2))
have 42: "total_eval R f (relabel_vars I J g (pvar R i)) = f (g i)"
using total_eval_var
by (metis "41" assms(3) var_to_IP_def)
show ?thesis
by (metis "40" "42" comp_apply)
show " total_eval R (f ∘ g) (p ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ pvar R i) =
total_eval R f (relabel_vars I J g (p ⊗⇘Pring R I⇙ pvar R i))"
using A 0 1 2 3 4
by presburger