Theory Introduction
chapter‹ Introduction ›
theory Introduction
imports "HOL-CSPM.CSPM_Laws"
section ‹Motivations›
text ‹\<^session>‹HOL-CSP› \<^cite>‹"HOL-CSP-AFP"› is a formalization in Isabelle/HOL of
the work of Hoare and Roscoe on the denotational semantics of the
Failure/Divergence Model of CSP. It follows essentially the presentation of CSP
in Roscoe's Book "Theory and Practice of Concurrency" \<^cite>‹"roscoe:csp:1998"›
and the semantic details in a joint paper of Roscoe and Brooks
"An improved failures model for communicating processes" \<^cite>‹"brookes-roscoe85"›.›
text ‹Basically, the session \<^session>‹HOL-CSP› introduces the type \<^typ>‹('a, 'r) process⇩p⇩t⇩i⇩c⇩k›,
several classic CSP operators and number of ``laws'' (i.e. derived equations)
that govern their interactions.
\<^session>‹HOL-CSP› has been extended by a theory of architectural operators \<^session>‹HOL-CSPM›
inspired by the ‹CSP⇩M› language of the model-checker FDR. While in FDR these operators are
basically macros over finite lists and sets, the \<^session>‹HOL-CSPM› theory treats them in their
own right for the most general cases.›
text ‹The present work addresses the problem of operational semantics for CSP which are the
foundations for finite model-checking and process simulation techniques.
In the literature, there are a few versions of operational semantics for CSP,
which lend themselves to the constructions of labelled transition systems (LTS).
Of course, denotational and operational constructs are expected to coincide,
but this is not obvious at first glance.
As a key contribution, we will define the operational derivation operators ‹P ↝⇩τ Q›
(``‹P› evolves internally to ‹Q›) and ‹P ↝⇩e Q› (``‹P› evolves to ‹Q› by emitting ‹e›'')
in terms of the denotational semantics and derive the expected laws for
operational semantics from these.
It has been published in ITP24 \<^cite>‹"DBLP:conf/itp/BallenghienW24"››
text ‹The overall objective of this work is to provide a formal, machine checked foundation
for the laws provided by Roscoe in \<^cite>‹"roscoe:csp:1998" and "DBLP:journals/entcs/Roscoe15"›.›
text ‹\newpage›
section‹The Global Architecture of \<^session>‹HOL-CSP_OpSem››
\caption{The overall architecture}
text‹The global architecture of \<^session>‹HOL-CSP_OpSem› is shown in \autoref{fig:fig1}.
The package resides on:
▪ \<^session>‹HOL-CSP› 2.0 from the Isabelle Archive of Formal Proofs
▪ \<^session>‹HOL-CSPM› from the Isabelle Archive of Formal Proofs.