Theory Step_CSPM_Laws
section‹ The Step-Laws ›
theory Step_CSPM_Laws
imports Global_Deterministic_Choice Multi_Synchronization_Product
Multi_Sequential_Composition Interrupt Throw
text ‹The step-laws describe the behaviour of the operators wrt. the multi-prefix choice.›
subsection ‹The Throw Operator›
lemma Throw_Mprefix:
‹(□a ∈ A → P a) Θ b ∈ B. Q b =
□a ∈ A → (if a ∈ B then Q a else P a Θ b ∈ B. Q b)›
(is ‹?lhs = ?rhs›)
proof (subst Process_eq_spec_optimized, safe)
fix s
assume ‹s ∈ 𝒟 ?lhs›
then consider t1 t2 where ‹s = t1 @ t2› ‹t1 ∈ 𝒟 (□a ∈ A → P a)› ‹tF t1›
‹set t1 ∩ ev ` B = {}› ‹ftF t2›
| t1 b t2 where ‹s = t1 @ ev b # t2› ‹t1 @ [ev b] ∈ 𝒯 (□a∈A → P a)›
‹set t1 ∩ ev ` B = {}› ‹b ∈ B› ‹t2 ∈ 𝒟 (Q b)›
by (simp add: D_Throw) blast
thus ‹s ∈ 𝒟 ?rhs›
proof cases
fix t1 t2 assume * : ‹s = t1 @ t2› ‹t1 ∈ 𝒟 (□a∈A → P a)› ‹tF t1›
‹set t1 ∩ ev ` B = {}› ‹ftF t2›
from "*"(2) obtain a t1' where ** : ‹t1 = ev a # t1'› ‹a ∈ A› ‹t1' ∈ 𝒟 (P a)›
by (auto simp add: D_Mprefix)
from "*"(4) "**"(1) have *** : ‹a ∉ B› by (simp add: image_iff)
have ‹t1' @ t2 ∈ 𝒟 (Throw (P a) B Q)›
using "*"(3, 4, 5) "**"(1, 3) by (auto simp add: D_Throw)
with "***" show ‹s ∈ 𝒟 ?rhs›
by (simp add: D_Mprefix "*"(1) "**"(1, 2))
fix t1 b t2 assume * : ‹s = t1 @ ev b # t2› ‹t1 @ [ev b] ∈ 𝒯 (□a∈A → P a)›
‹set t1 ∩ ev ` B = {}› ‹b ∈ B› ‹t2 ∈ 𝒟 (Q b)›
show ‹s ∈ 𝒟 ?rhs›
proof (cases ‹t1›)
from "*"(2) show ‹t1 = [] ⟹ s ∈ 𝒟 ?rhs›
by (simp add: D_Mprefix T_Mprefix "*"(1, 4, 5))
fix a t1'
assume ‹t1 = a # t1'›
then obtain a' where ‹t1 = ev a' # t1'›
by (metis "*"(2) append_Cons append_Nil append_T_imp_tickFree
event⇩p⇩t⇩i⇩c⇩k.exhaust non_tickFree_tick not_Cons_self tickFree_append_iff)
with "*"(2, 3, 4, 5) show ‹s ∈ 𝒟 ?rhs›
by (auto simp add: "*"(1) D_Mprefix T_Mprefix D_Throw)
fix s
assume ‹s ∈ 𝒟 ?rhs›
then obtain a s' where * : ‹a ∈ A› ‹s = ev a # s'›
‹s' ∈ 𝒟 (if a ∈ B then Q a else Throw (P a) B Q)›
by (auto simp add: D_Mprefix)
show ‹s ∈ 𝒟 ?lhs›
proof (cases ‹a ∈ B›)
assume ‹a ∈ B›
hence ** : ‹[] @ [ev a] ∈ 𝒯 (□a∈A → P a) ∧ set [] ∩ ev ` B = {} ∧ s' ∈ 𝒟 (Q a)›
using "*"(3) by (simp add: T_Mprefix "*"(1))
show ‹s ∈ 𝒟 ?lhs›
by (simp add: D_Throw) (metis "*"(2) "**" ‹a ∈ B› append_Nil)
assume ‹a ∉ B›
with "*"(2, 3)
consider t1 t2 where ‹s = ev a # t1 @ t2› ‹t1 ∈ 𝒟 (P a)› ‹tF t1›
‹set t1 ∩ ev ` B = {}› ‹ftF t2›
| t1 b t2 where ‹s = ev a # t1 @ ev b # t2› ‹t1 @ [ev b] ∈ 𝒯 (P a)›
‹set t1 ∩ ev ` B = {}› ‹b ∈ B› ‹t2 ∈ 𝒟 (Q b)›
by (simp add: D_Throw) blast
thus ‹s ∈ 𝒟 ?lhs›
proof cases
fix t1 t2 assume ** : ‹s = ev a # t1 @ t2› ‹t1 ∈ 𝒟 (P a)› ‹tF t1›
‹set t1 ∩ ev ` B = {}› ‹ftF t2›
have *** : ‹ev a # t1 ∈ 𝒟 (□a∈A → P a) ∧ tickFree (ev a # t1) ∧
set (ev a # t1) ∩ ev ` B = {}›
by (simp add: D_Mprefix image_iff "*"(1) "**"(2, 3, 4) ‹a ∉ B›)
show ‹s ∈ 𝒟 ?lhs›
by (simp add: D_Throw) (metis "**"(1, 5) "***" append_Cons)
fix t1 b t2
assume ** : ‹s = ev a # t1 @ ev b # t2› ‹t1 @ [ev b] ∈ 𝒯 (P a)›
‹set t1 ∩ ev ` B = {}› ‹b ∈ B› ‹t2 ∈ 𝒟 (Q b)›
have *** : ‹(ev a # t1) @ [ev b] ∈ 𝒯 (□a∈A → P a) ∧ set (ev a # t1) ∩ ev ` B = {}›
by (simp add: T_Mprefix image_iff "*"(1) "**"(2, 3) ‹a ∉ B›)
show ‹s ∈ 𝒟 ?lhs›
by (simp add: D_Throw) (metis "**"(1, 4, 5) "***" append_Cons)
fix s X
assume same_div : ‹𝒟 ?lhs = 𝒟 ?rhs›
assume ‹(s, X) ∈ ℱ ?lhs›
then consider ‹(s, X) ∈ ℱ (□a∈A → P a)› ‹set s ∩ ev ` B = {}›
| ‹s ∈ 𝒟 ?lhs›
| t1 b t2 where ‹s = t1 @ ev b # t2› ‹t1 @ [ev b] ∈ 𝒯 (□a∈A → P a)›
‹set t1 ∩ ev ` B = {}› ‹b ∈ B› ‹(t2, X) ∈ ℱ (Q b)›
by (simp add: F_Throw D_Throw) blast
thus ‹(s, X) ∈ ℱ ?rhs›
proof cases
show ‹(s, X) ∈ ℱ (□a∈A → P a) ⟹ set s ∩ ev ` B = {} ⟹ (s, X) ∈ ℱ ?rhs›
by (simp add: F_Mprefix F_Throw)
(metis image_eqI insert_disjoint(1) list.simps(15))
show ‹s ∈ 𝒟 ?lhs ⟹ (s, X) ∈ ℱ ?rhs›
using same_div D_F by blast
fix t1 b t2 assume * : ‹s = t1 @ ev b # t2› ‹t1 @ [ev b] ∈ 𝒯 (□a∈A → P a)›
‹set t1 ∩ ev ` B = {}› ‹b ∈ B› ‹(t2, X) ∈ ℱ (Q b)›
show ‹(s, X) ∈ ℱ ?rhs›
proof (cases t1)
from "*"(2) show ‹t1 = [] ⟹ (s, X) ∈ ℱ ?rhs›
by (auto simp add: F_Mprefix T_Mprefix F_Throw "*"(1, 4, 5))
fix a t1'
assume ‹t1 = a # t1'›
then obtain a' where ‹t1 = ev a' # t1'›
by (metis "*"(2) append_Cons append_Nil append_T_imp_tickFree
event⇩p⇩t⇩i⇩c⇩k.exhaust non_tickFree_tick not_Cons_self tickFree_append_iff)
with "*"(2, 3, 5) show ‹(s, X) ∈ ℱ ?rhs›
by (auto simp add: F_Mprefix T_Mprefix F_Throw "*"(1, 4))
show ‹(s, X) ∈ ℱ ?rhs ⟹ (s, X) ∈ ℱ ?lhs› for s X
proof (cases s)
show ‹s = [] ⟹ (s, X) ∈ ℱ ?rhs ⟹ (s, X) ∈ ℱ ?lhs›
by (simp add: F_Mprefix F_Throw)
fix a s'
assume assms : ‹s = a # s'› ‹(s, X) ∈ ℱ ?rhs›
from assms(2) obtain a'
where * : ‹a' ∈ A› ‹s = ev a' # s'›
‹(s', X) ∈ ℱ (if a' ∈ B then Q a' else Throw (P a') B Q)›
by (simp add: assms(1) F_Mprefix) blast
show ‹(s, X) ∈ ℱ ?lhs›
proof (cases ‹a' ∈ B›)
assume ‹a' ∈ B›
hence ** : ‹[] @ [ev a'] ∈ 𝒯 (□a∈A → P a) ∧
set [] ∩ ev ` B = {} ∧ (s', X) ∈ ℱ (Q a')›
using "*"(3) by (simp add: T_Mprefix "*"(1))
show ‹(s, X) ∈ ℱ ?lhs›
by (simp add: F_Throw) (metis "*"(2) "**" ‹a' ∈ B› append_Nil)
assume ‹a' ∉ B›
then consider ‹(s', X) ∈ ℱ (P a')› ‹set s' ∩ ev ` B = {}›
| t1 t2 where ‹s' = t1 @ t2› ‹t1 ∈ 𝒟 (P a')› ‹tF t1›
‹set t1 ∩ ev ` B = {}› ‹ftF t2›
| t1 b t2 where ‹s' = t1 @ ev b # t2› ‹t1 @ [ev b] ∈ 𝒯 (P a')›
‹set t1 ∩ ev ` B = {}› ‹b ∈ B› ‹(t2, X) ∈ ℱ (Q b)›
using "*"(3) by (simp add: F_Throw D_Throw) blast
thus ‹(s, X) ∈ ℱ ?lhs›
proof cases
show ‹(s', X) ∈ ℱ (P a') ⟹ set s' ∩ ev ` B = {} ⟹ (s, X) ∈ ℱ ?lhs›
by (simp add: F_Mprefix F_Throw "*"(1, 2) ‹a' ∉ B› image_iff)
fix t1 t2 assume ** : ‹s' = t1 @ t2› ‹t1 ∈ 𝒟 (P a')› ‹tF t1›
‹set t1 ∩ ev ` B = {}› ‹ftF t2›
have *** : ‹s = (ev a' # t1) @ t2 ∧ ev a' # t1 ∈ 𝒟 (□a∈A → P a) ∧
tickFree (ev a' # t1) ∧ set (ev a' # t1) ∩ ev ` B = {}›
by (simp add: D_Mprefix ‹a' ∉ B› image_iff "*"(1, 2) "**"(1, 2, 3, 4))
show ‹(s, X) ∈ ℱ ?lhs›
by (simp add: F_Throw F_Mprefix) (metis "**"(5) "***")
fix t1 b t2
assume ** : ‹s' = t1 @ ev b # t2› ‹t1 @ [ev b] ∈ 𝒯 (P a')›
‹set t1 ∩ ev ` B = {}› ‹b ∈ B› ‹(t2, X) ∈ ℱ (Q b)›
have *** : ‹s = (ev a' # t1) @ ev b # t2 ∧ set (ev a' # t1) ∩ ev ` B = {} ∧
(ev a' # t1) @ [ev b] ∈ 𝒯 (□a∈A → P a)›
by (simp add: T_Mprefix ‹a' ∉ B› image_iff "*"(1, 2) "**"(1, 2, 3))
show ‹(s, X) ∈ ℱ ?lhs›
by (simp add: F_Throw F_Mprefix) (metis "**"(4, 5) "***")
subsection ‹The Interrupt Operator›
lemma Interrupt_Mprefix:
‹(□a ∈ A → P a) △ Q = Q □ (□a ∈ A → P a △ Q)› (is ‹?lhs = ?rhs›)
proof (subst Process_eq_spec_optimized, safe)
fix s
assume ‹s ∈ 𝒟 ?lhs›
then consider ‹s ∈ 𝒟 (□a ∈ A → P a)›
| ‹∃t1 t2. s = t1 @ t2 ∧ t1 ∈ 𝒯 (□a ∈ A → P a) ∧ tF t1 ∧ t2 ∈ 𝒟 Q›
by (simp add: D_Interrupt) blast
thus ‹s ∈ 𝒟 ?rhs›
proof cases
show ‹s ∈ 𝒟 (□a ∈ A → P a) ⟹ s ∈ 𝒟 ?rhs›
by (auto simp add: D_Det D_Mprefix D_Interrupt)
assume ‹∃t1 t2. s = t1 @ t2 ∧ t1 ∈ 𝒯 (□a ∈ A → P a) ∧ tF t1 ∧ t2 ∈ 𝒟 Q›
then obtain t1 t2
where ‹s = t1 @ t2› ‹t1 ∈ 𝒯 (□a ∈ A → P a)› ‹tF t1› ‹t2 ∈ 𝒟 Q› by blast
thus ‹s ∈ 𝒟 ?rhs› by (fastforce simp add: D_Det Mprefix_projs D_Interrupt)
fix s
assume ‹s ∈ 𝒟 ?rhs›
then consider ‹s ∈ 𝒟 Q› | a s' where ‹s = ev a # s'› ‹a ∈ A› ‹s' ∈ 𝒟 (P a △ Q)›
by (auto simp add: D_Det D_Mprefix image_iff)
thus ‹s ∈ 𝒟 ?lhs›
proof cases
show ‹s ∈ 𝒟 Q ⟹ s ∈ 𝒟 ?lhs›
by (simp add: D_Interrupt) (use Nil_elem_T tickFree_Nil in blast)
fix a s' assume ‹s = ev a # s'› ‹a ∈ A› ‹s' ∈ 𝒟 (P a △ Q)›
from this(3) consider ‹s' ∈ 𝒟 (P a)›
| t1 t2 where ‹s' = t1 @ t2› ‹t1 ∈ 𝒯 (P a)› ‹tF t1› ‹t2 ∈ 𝒟 Q›
by (auto simp add: D_Interrupt)
thus ‹s ∈ 𝒟 ?lhs›
proof cases
show ‹s' ∈ 𝒟 (P a) ⟹ s ∈ 𝒟 ?lhs›
by (simp add: D_Interrupt D_Mprefix ‹a ∈ A› ‹s = ev a # s'›)
show ‹⟦s' = t1 @ t2; t1 ∈ 𝒯 (P a); tF t1; t2 ∈ 𝒟 Q⟧ ⟹ s ∈ 𝒟 ?lhs› for t1 t2
by (simp add: ‹s = ev a # s'› D_Interrupt T_Mprefix)
(metis Cons_eq_appendI ‹a ∈ A› event⇩p⇩t⇩i⇩c⇩k.disc(1) tickFree_Cons_iff)
fix s X
assume same_div : ‹𝒟 ?lhs = 𝒟 ?rhs›
assume ‹(s, X) ∈ ℱ ?lhs›
then consider ‹s ∈ 𝒟 ?lhs›
| t1 r where ‹s = t1 @ [✓(r)]› ‹t1 @ [✓(r)] ∈ 𝒯 (Mprefix A P)›
| r where ‹s @ [✓(r)] ∈ 𝒯 (Mprefix A P)› ‹✓(r) ∉ X›
| ‹(s, X) ∈ ℱ (Mprefix A P)› ‹tickFree s› ‹([], X) ∈ ℱ Q›
| t1 t2 where ‹s = t1 @ t2› ‹t1 ∈ 𝒯 (Mprefix A P)› ‹tickFree t1› ‹(t2, X) ∈ ℱ Q› ‹t2 ≠ []›
| r where ‹s ∈ 𝒯 (Mprefix A P)› ‹tickFree s› ‹[✓(r)] ∈ 𝒯 Q› ‹✓(r) ∉ X›
by (simp add: F_Interrupt D_Interrupt) blast
thus ‹(s, X) ∈ ℱ ?rhs›
proof cases
from D_F same_div show ‹s ∈ 𝒟 ?lhs ⟹ (s, X) ∈ ℱ ?rhs› by blast
show ‹s = t1 @ [✓(r)] ⟹ t1 @ [✓(r)] ∈ 𝒯 (Mprefix A P) ⟹ (s, X) ∈ ℱ ?rhs› for t1 r
by (simp add: F_Det T_Mprefix F_Mprefix F_Interrupt image_iff)
(metis append_Nil event⇩p⇩t⇩i⇩c⇩k.distinct(1) list.inject list.sel(3) tl_append2)
show ‹s @ [✓(r)] ∈ 𝒯 (Mprefix A P) ⟹ ✓(r) ∉ X ⟹ (s, X) ∈ ℱ ?rhs› for r
by (simp add: F_Det T_Mprefix F_Mprefix F_Interrupt image_iff)
(metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) Diff_insert_absorb append_Nil
event⇩p⇩t⇩i⇩c⇩k.distinct(1) hd_append2 list.sel(1, 3) neq_Nil_conv tl_append2)
show ‹(s, X) ∈ ℱ (Mprefix A P) ⟹ tickFree s ⟹ ([], X) ∈ ℱ Q ⟹ (s, X) ∈ ℱ ?rhs›
by (simp add: F_Det F_Mprefix F_Interrupt image_iff) (metis tickFree_Cons_iff)
show ‹s = t1 @ t2 ⟹ t1 ∈ 𝒯 (Mprefix A P) ⟹ tickFree t1 ⟹ (t2, X) ∈ ℱ Q ⟹
t2 ≠ [] ⟹ (s, X) ∈ ℱ ?rhs› for t1 t2
by (simp add: F_Det T_Mprefix F_Mprefix F_Interrupt image_iff)
(metis append_Cons append_Nil tickFree_Cons_iff)
show ‹s ∈ 𝒯 (Mprefix A P) ⟹ tickFree s ⟹ [✓(r)] ∈ 𝒯 Q ⟹
✓(r) ∉ X ⟹ (s, X) ∈ ℱ ?rhs› for r
by (simp add: F_Det T_Mprefix F_Mprefix F_Interrupt image_iff)
(metis Diff_insert_absorb tickFree_Cons_iff)
fix s X
assume same_div : ‹𝒟 ?lhs = 𝒟 ?rhs›
assume assm : ‹(s, X) ∈ ℱ ?rhs›
show ‹(s, X) ∈ ℱ ?lhs›
proof (cases ‹s = []›)
from assm show ‹s = [] ⟹ (s, X) ∈ ℱ ?lhs›
by (simp add: F_Det F_Mprefix F_Interrupt) blast
assume ‹s ≠ []›
with assm consider ‹(s, X) ∈ ℱ Q›
| ‹∃a s'. s = ev a # s' ∧ a ∈ A ∧ (s', X) ∈ ℱ (P a △ Q)›
by (auto simp add: F_Det F_Mprefix image_iff)
thus ‹(s, X) ∈ ℱ ?lhs›
proof cases
show ‹(s, X) ∈ ℱ Q ⟹ (s, X) ∈ ℱ ?lhs›
by (simp add: F_Interrupt)
(metis Nil_elem_T ‹s ≠ []› append_Nil tickFree_Nil)
assume ‹∃a s'. s = ev a # s' ∧ a ∈ A ∧ (s', X) ∈ ℱ (P a △ Q)›
then obtain a s'
where * : ‹s = ev a # s'› ‹a ∈ A› ‹(s', X) ∈ ℱ (P a △ Q)› by blast
from "*"(3) consider ‹s' ∈ 𝒟 (P a △ Q)›
| t1 r where ‹s' = t1 @ [✓(r)]› ‹t1 @ [✓(r)] ∈ 𝒯 (P a)›
| r where ‹s' @ [✓(r)] ∈ 𝒯 (P a)› ‹✓(r) ∉ X›
| ‹(s', X) ∈ ℱ (P a)› ‹tickFree s'› ‹([], X) ∈ ℱ Q›
| t1 t2 where ‹s' = t1 @ t2› ‹t1 ∈ 𝒯 (P a)› ‹tickFree t1› ‹(t2, X) ∈ ℱ Q› ‹t2 ≠ []›
| r where ‹s' ∈ 𝒯 (P a)› ‹tickFree s'› ‹[✓(r)] ∈ 𝒯 Q› ‹✓(r) ∉ X›
by (simp add: F_Interrupt D_Interrupt) blast
thus ‹(s, X) ∈ ℱ ?lhs›
proof cases
assume ‹s' ∈ 𝒟 (P a △ Q)›
hence ‹s ∈ 𝒟 ?lhs›
apply (simp add: D_Interrupt D_Mprefix T_Mprefix "*"(1, 2) image_iff)
apply (elim disjE exE conjE; simp)
by (metis "*"(2) Cons_eq_appendI event⇩p⇩t⇩i⇩c⇩k.disc(1) tickFree_Cons_iff)
with D_F same_div show ‹(s, X) ∈ ℱ ?lhs› by blast
show ‹s' = t1 @ [✓(r)] ⟹ t1 @ [✓(r)] ∈ 𝒯 (P a) ⟹ (s, X) ∈ ℱ ?lhs› for t1 r
by (simp add: "*"(1, 2) F_Interrupt T_Mprefix)
show ‹s' @ [✓(r)] ∈ 𝒯 (P a) ⟹ ✓(r) ∉ X ⟹ (s, X) ∈ ℱ ?lhs› for r
by (simp add: "*"(1, 2) F_Interrupt T_Mprefix) blast
show ‹(s', X) ∈ ℱ (P a) ⟹ tickFree s' ⟹ ([], X) ∈ ℱ Q ⟹ (s, X) ∈ ℱ ?lhs›
by (simp add: "*"(1, 2) F_Interrupt F_Mprefix image_iff)
show ‹s' = t1 @ t2 ⟹ t1 ∈ 𝒯 (P a) ⟹ tickFree t1 ⟹ (t2, X) ∈ ℱ Q ⟹
t2 ≠ [] ⟹ (s, X) ∈ ℱ ?lhs› for t1 t2
apply (simp add: F_Interrupt T_Mprefix "*"(1))
by (metis (no_types, lifting) "*"(1, 2) Cons_eq_appendI F_imp_front_tickFree
append_is_Nil_conv assm front_tickFree_Cons_iff tickFree_Cons_iff)
show ‹s' ∈ 𝒯 (P a) ⟹ tickFree s' ⟹ [✓(r)] ∈ 𝒯 Q ⟹ ✓(r) ∉ X ⟹ (s, X) ∈ ℱ ?lhs› for r
by (simp add: F_Interrupt T_Mprefix "*"(1, 2) image_iff) blast
subsection ‹Global Deterministic Choice›
lemma GlobalDet_Mprefix :
‹(□a ∈ A. □b ∈ B a → P a b) =
□b ∈ (⋃a ∈ A. B a) → ⊓a ∈ {a ∈ A. b ∈ B a}. P a b› (is ‹?lhs = ?rhs›)
proof (subst Process_eq_spec, safe)
show ‹s ∈ 𝒟 ?lhs ⟹ s ∈ 𝒟 ?rhs›
and ‹s ∈ 𝒟 ?rhs ⟹ s ∈ 𝒟 ?lhs› for s
by (auto simp add: D_Mprefix D_GlobalDet D_GlobalNdet)
show ‹(s, X) ∈ ℱ ?lhs ⟹ (s, X) ∈ ℱ ?rhs› for s X
by (simp add: F_Mprefix F_GlobalDet F_GlobalNdet D_Mprefix) blast
show ‹(s, X) ∈ ℱ ?rhs ⟹ (s, X) ∈ ℱ ?lhs› for s X
by (auto simp add: F_Mprefix F_GlobalDet F_GlobalNdet split: if_split_asm)
subsection ‹Multiple Synchronization Product›
lemma MultiSync_Mprefix_pseudo_distrib:
‹(❙⟦S❙⟧ B ∈# M. □ x ∈ B → P B x) =
□ x ∈ (⋂B ∈ set_mset M. B) → (❙⟦S❙⟧ B ∈# M. P B x)›
if nonempty: ‹M ≠ {#}› and hyp: ‹⋀B. B ∈# M ⟹ B ⊆ S›
from nonempty obtain b M' where ‹b ∈# M - M'›
‹ M = add_mset b M'› ‹M' ⊆# M›
by (metis add_diff_cancel_left' diff_subset_eq_self insert_DiffM
insert_DiffM2 multi_member_last multiset_nonemptyE)
show ?thesis
apply (subst (1 2 3) ‹M = add_mset b M'›)
using ‹b ∈# M - M'› ‹M' ⊆# M›
proof (induct rule: msubset_induct_singleton')
case m_singleton show ?case by fastforce
case (add x F) show ?case
apply (simp, subst Mprefix_Sync_Mprefix_subset[symmetric])
apply (meson add.hyps(1) hyp in_diffD,
metis ‹b ∈# M - M'› hyp in_diffD le_infI1)
using add.hyps(3) by fastforce
lemmas MultiPar_Mprefix_pseudo_distrib =
MultiSync_Mprefix_pseudo_distrib[where S = ‹UNIV›, simplified]