Theory DFS

theory DFS
  imports Pair_Graph_Specs Set2_Addons Set_Addons  

section‹Depth-Frist Search›

subsection ‹The program state›

datatype return = Reachable | NotReachable

record ('ver, 'vset) DFS_state = stack:: "'ver list" seen:: "'vset"  return:: return

subsection ‹Setup for automation›

named_theorems call_cond_elims
named_theorems call_cond_intros
named_theorems ret_holds_intros
named_theorems invar_props_intros
named_theorems invar_props_elims
named_theorems invar_holds_intros
named_theorems state_rel_intros
named_theorems state_rel_holds_intros 

subsection ‹A \emph{locale} for fixing data structures and their implemenations›

locale DFS =
  (*set_ops: Set2 where empty = empty and insert = insert and isin = vset_isin +*)
  Graph: Pair_Graph_Specs
    where lookup = lookup +
 set_ops: Set2 vset_empty vset_delete _ t_set vset_inv insert

for lookup :: "'adjmap 'v  'vset option" +

fixes G::"'adjmap" and s::"'v" and t::"'v" (*
fixes T_diff::"'vset ⇒ 'vset ⇒ nat"
and T_sel::"'vset ⇒ nat" and T_insert::"'v ⇒ 'vset ⇒ nat"
and T_lookup::"'adjmap⇒ 'v ⇒ nat" and T_G::nat and T_vset_empty::nat*)


definition "DFS_axioms = ( Graph.graph_inv G  Graph.finite_graph G  Graph.finite_vsets
                          s  dVs (Graph.digraph_abs G))"

abbreviation "neighb' v == Graph.neighb G v"

notation "neighb'" ("𝒩G _" 100)

subsection ‹Defining the Algorithm›

function (domintros) DFS::"('v, 'vset) DFS_state  ('v, 'vset) DFS_state" where
  "DFS dfs_state = 
     (case (stack dfs_state) of (v # stack_tl) 
       (if v = t then 
          (dfs_state return := Reachable)
        else ((if (𝒩G v -G (seen dfs_state))  V then
                  let u = (sel ((𝒩G v) -G (seen dfs_state)));
                      stack' = u# (stack dfs_state);
                      seen' = insert u (seen dfs_state)                      
                    (DFS (dfs_state stack := stack',
                                     seen := seen' ))
                  let stack' = stack_tl in
                     DFS (dfs_state stack := stack'))
     | _  (dfs_state return := NotReachable)
  by pat_completeness auto

subsection ‹Setup for Reasoning About the Algorithm›

definition initial_state::"('v,'vset) DFS_state" where
  "initial_state = stack = [s], seen = insert s V, return = NotReachable"

definition "DFS_call_1_conds dfs_state = 
    (case stack dfs_state of (v # stack_tl) 
       (if v = t then 
        else ((if ((𝒩G v) -G (seen dfs_state))  (V) then
                 else False)
     | _  False

lemma DFS_call_1_conds[call_cond_elims]: 
  "DFS_call_1_conds dfs_state  
   v stack_tl. stack dfs_state = v # stack_tl;
    hd (stack dfs_state)  t;
    (𝒩G (hd (stack dfs_state))) -G (seen dfs_state)  (V)  P  
  by(auto simp: DFS_call_1_conds_def split: list.splits option.splits if_splits)

definition "DFS_upd1 dfs_state = (
      N = (𝒩G (hd (stack dfs_state)));
      u = (sel ((N -G (seen dfs_state))));
      stack' = u # (stack dfs_state);
      seen' = insert u (seen dfs_state)
      dfs_state stack := stack', seen := seen')" 

definition DFS_call_2_conds::"('v, 'vset) DFS_state  bool" where
"DFS_call_2_conds dfs_state =
(case stack dfs_state of (v # stack_tl) 
       (if v = t then 
        else (
                (if ((𝒩G v) -G (seen dfs_state))  (V) then
                 else True)
     | _  False

lemma DFS_call_2_condsE[call_cond_elims]: 
  "DFS_call_2_conds dfs_state  
   v stack_tl. stack dfs_state = v # stack_tl;
    hd (stack dfs_state)  t;
    (𝒩G (hd (stack dfs_state))) -G (seen dfs_state) = (V)  P  
  by(auto simp: DFS_call_2_conds_def split: list.splits option.splits if_splits)

definition "DFS_upd2 dfs_state = 
  ((dfs_state stack := tl (stack dfs_state)))"

definition "DFS_ret_1_conds dfs_state =
   (case stack dfs_state of (v # stack_tl) 
       (if v = t then 
        else (
                (if ((𝒩G v) -G (seen dfs_state))  V then
                 else False)
     | _  True

lemma DFS_ret_1_conds[call_cond_elims]:
  "DFS_ret_1_conds dfs_state  
   stack dfs_state = []  P  
  by(auto simp: DFS_ret_1_conds_def split: list.splits option.splits if_splits)

lemma DFS_call_4_condsI[call_cond_intros]:
  "stack dfs_state = []  DFS_ret_1_conds dfs_state"
  by(auto simp: DFS_ret_1_conds_def split: list.splits option.splits if_splits)

definition "DFS_ret1 dfs_state = (dfs_state return := NotReachable)"

definition "DFS_ret_2_conds dfs_state =
   (case stack dfs_state of (v # stack_tl) 
       (if v = t then 
        else (
                (if (𝒩G v -G (seen dfs_state))  V then
                 else False)
     | _  False

lemma DFS_ret_2_conds[call_cond_elims]:
  "DFS_ret_2_conds dfs_state  
   v stack_tl. stack dfs_state = v # stack_tl;
    (hd (stack dfs_state)) = t  P  
  by(auto simp: DFS_ret_2_conds_def split: list.splits option.splits if_splits)

lemma DFS_ret_2_condsI[call_cond_intros]:
  "v stack_tl. stack dfs_state = v # stack_tl; (hd (stack dfs_state)) = t  DFS_ret_2_conds dfs_state"
  by(auto simp: DFS_ret_2_conds_def split: list.splits option.splits if_splits)

definition "DFS_ret2 dfs_state = (dfs_state return := Reachable)"

lemma DFS_cases:
  assumes "DFS_call_1_conds dfs_state  P"
      "DFS_call_2_conds dfs_state  P"
      "DFS_ret_1_conds dfs_state  P"
      "DFS_ret_2_conds dfs_state  P"
  shows "P"
  have "DFS_call_1_conds dfs_state  DFS_call_2_conds dfs_state 
        DFS_ret_1_conds dfs_state  DFS_ret_2_conds dfs_state"
    by (auto simp add: DFS_call_1_conds_def DFS_call_2_conds_def
                        DFS_ret_1_conds_def DFS_ret_2_conds_def
           split: list.split_asm option.split_asm if_splits)
  then show ?thesis
    using assms
    by auto

lemma DFS_simps:
  assumes "DFS_dom dfs_state" 
  shows"DFS_call_1_conds dfs_state  DFS dfs_state = DFS (DFS_upd1 dfs_state)"
      "DFS_call_2_conds dfs_state  DFS dfs_state = DFS (DFS_upd2 dfs_state)"
      "DFS_ret_1_conds dfs_state  DFS dfs_state = DFS_ret1 dfs_state"
      "DFS_ret_2_conds dfs_state  DFS dfs_state = DFS_ret2 dfs_state"
  by (auto simp add: DFS.psimps[OF assms] Let_def
                       DFS_call_1_conds_def DFS_upd1_def DFS_call_2_conds_def DFS_upd2_def
                       DFS_ret_1_conds_def DFS_ret1_def
                       DFS_ret_2_conds_def DFS_ret2_def
            split: list.splits option.splits if_splits )

lemma DFS_induct: 
  assumes "DFS_dom dfs_state"
  assumes "dfs_state. DFS_dom dfs_state;
                        DFS_call_1_conds dfs_state  P (DFS_upd1 dfs_state);
                        DFS_call_2_conds dfs_state  P (DFS_upd2 dfs_state)  P dfs_state"
  shows "P dfs_state"
  apply(rule DFS.pinduct[OF assms(1)])
  apply(rule assms(2)[simplified DFS_call_1_conds_def DFS_upd1_def DFS_call_2_conds_def DFS_upd2_def])
  by (auto simp: Let_def split: list.splits option.splits if_splits)

lemma DFS_domintros: 
  assumes "DFS_call_1_conds dfs_state  DFS_dom (DFS_upd1 dfs_state)"
  assumes "DFS_call_2_conds dfs_state  DFS_dom (DFS_upd2 dfs_state)"
  shows "DFS_dom dfs_state"
proof(rule DFS.domintros, goal_cases)
  case (1 x21 x22)
  then show ?case
    using assms(1)[simplified DFS_call_1_conds_def DFS_upd1_def]
    by (force simp: Let_def split: list.splits option.splits if_splits)
  case (2 x21 x22)
  then show ?case
    using assms(2)[simplified DFS_call_2_conds_def DFS_upd2_def]
    by (force split: list.splits option.splits if_splits)

subsection ‹Loop Invariants›

definition invar_well_formed::"('v,'vset) DFS_state  bool" where
  "invar_well_formed dfs_state = vset_inv (seen dfs_state)"

definition invar_stack_walk::"('v,'vset) DFS_state  bool" where 
  "invar_stack_walk dfs_state = (Vwalk.vwalk (Graph.digraph_abs G) (rev (stack dfs_state)))"

definition invar_seen_stack::"('v,'vset) DFS_state  bool" where 
  "invar_seen_stack dfs_state  
    distinct (stack dfs_state)
     set (stack dfs_state)  t_set (seen dfs_state)
     t_set (seen dfs_state)  dVs (Graph.digraph_abs G)"

definition invar_s_in_stack::"('v,'vset) DFS_state  bool" where
  "invar_s_in_stack dfs_state  
    (stack (dfs_state)  []  last (stack dfs_state) = s)"

definition invar_visited_through_seen::"('v,'vset) DFS_state  bool" where 
  "invar_visited_through_seen dfs_state = 
    (v  t_set (seen dfs_state).
       (p. Vwalk.vwalk_bet (Graph.digraph_abs G) v p t  distinct p  (set p  set (stack dfs_state)  {})))"

definition call_1_measure::"('v,'vset) DFS_state  nat" where 
  "call_1_measure dfs_state = card (dVs (Graph.digraph_abs G) -  t_set (seen dfs_state))"

definition call_2_measure::"('v,'vset) DFS_state  nat" where
  "call_2_measure dfs_state = card (set (stack dfs_state))"

definition DFS_term_rel::"(('v,'vset) DFS_state × ('v,'vset) DFS_state) set" where
  "DFS_term_rel = (call_1_measure) <*mlex*> (call_2_measure) <*mlex*> {}"


locale DFS_thms = DFS +

assumes DFS_axioms: DFS_axioms


includes set_ops.automation and Graph.adjmap.automation and Graph.vset.set.automation 

lemma graph_inv[simp,intro]:
          "Graph.graph_inv G"
          "Graph.finite_graph G"
  using DFS_axioms
  by (auto simp: DFS_axioms_def)

lemma s_in_G[simp,intro]: "s  dVs (Graph.digraph_abs G)"
  using DFS_axioms
  by (auto simp: DFS_axioms_def)

lemma finite_neighbourhoods[simp]:                                                 
          "finite (t_set N)"
  using graph_inv(3)
  by fastforce

lemmas simps[simp] = Graph.neighbourhood_abs[OF graph_inv(1)] Graph.are_connected_abs[OF graph_inv(1)]

lemma invar_well_formed_props[invar_props_elims]:
  "invar_well_formed dfs_state 
     (vset_inv (seen dfs_state)  P) 
  by (auto simp: invar_well_formed_def)

lemma invar_well_formed_intro[invar_props_intros]: "vset_inv (seen dfs_state)
                      invar_well_formed dfs_state"
  by (auto simp: invar_well_formed_def)

lemma invar_well_formed_holds_1[invar_holds_intros]:
  "DFS_call_1_conds dfs_state; invar_well_formed dfs_state  
      invar_well_formed (DFS_upd1 dfs_state)"
  by (auto simp: Let_def DFS_upd1_def elim!: invar_props_elims intro!: invar_props_intros)

lemma invar_well_formed_holds_2[invar_holds_intros]: "DFS_call_2_conds dfs_state; invar_well_formed dfs_state  invar_well_formed (DFS_upd2 dfs_state)"
  by (auto simp: DFS_upd2_def elim!: invar_props_elims intro: invar_props_intros)

lemma invar_well_formed_holds_4[invar_holds_intros]: "DFS_ret_1_conds dfs_state; invar_well_formed dfs_state  invar_well_formed (DFS_ret1 dfs_state)"
  by (auto elim!: invar_props_elims  intro: invar_props_intros simp: DFS_ret1_def)

lemma invar_well_formed_holds_5[invar_holds_intros]: "DFS_ret_2_conds dfs_state; invar_well_formed dfs_state  invar_well_formed (DFS_ret2 dfs_state)"
  by (auto elim!: invar_props_elims intro: invar_props_intros simp: DFS_ret2_def)

lemma invar_well_formed_holds[invar_holds_intros]: 
   assumes "DFS_dom dfs_state" "invar_well_formed dfs_state"
   shows "invar_well_formed (DFS dfs_state)"
  using assms(2)
proof(induction rule: DFS_induct[OF assms(1)])
  case IH: (1 dfs_state)
  show ?case
    apply(rule DFS_cases[where dfs_state = dfs_state])
    by (auto intro!: IH(2-4) invar_holds_intros  simp: DFS_simps[OF IH(1)])

lemma invar_stack_walk_props[invar_props_elims]: 
  "invar_stack_walk dfs_state 
     ((Vwalk.vwalk (Graph.digraph_abs G) (rev (stack dfs_state)))  P)  P"
  by (auto simp: invar_stack_walk_def)

lemma invar_stack_walk_intro[invar_props_intros]: "Vwalk.vwalk (Graph.digraph_abs G) (rev (stack dfs_state))  invar_stack_walk dfs_state"
  by (auto simp: invar_stack_walk_def)

lemma invar_stack_walk_holds_1[invar_holds_intros]:
  assumes "DFS_call_1_conds dfs_state" "invar_well_formed dfs_state" "invar_stack_walk dfs_state"
  shows "invar_stack_walk (DFS_upd1 dfs_state)"
    using assms graph_inv 
    by (force simp: Let_def DFS_upd1_def elim!: call_cond_elims elim!: invar_props_elims
                intro!: Vwalk.vwalk_append2 neighbourhoodI invar_props_intros)

lemma invar_stack_walk_holds_2[invar_holds_intros]: "DFS_call_2_conds dfs_state; invar_stack_walk dfs_state  invar_stack_walk (DFS_upd2 dfs_state)"
  by (auto simp: DFS_upd2_def dest!: append_vwalk_pref elim!: invar_props_elims intro!: invar_props_intros elim: call_cond_elims)

lemma invar_stack_walk_holds_4[invar_holds_intros]: "DFS_ret_1_conds dfs_state; invar_stack_walk dfs_state  invar_stack_walk (DFS_ret1 dfs_state)"
  by (auto elim!: invar_props_elims intro: invar_props_intros simp: DFS_ret1_def)

lemma invar_2_holds_5[invar_holds_intros]: "DFS_ret_2_conds dfs_state; invar_stack_walk dfs_state  invar_stack_walk (DFS_ret2 dfs_state)"
  by (auto elim!: invar_props_elims intro: invar_props_intros simp: DFS_ret2_def)

lemma invar_2_holds[invar_holds_intros]:
   assumes "DFS_dom dfs_state" "invar_well_formed dfs_state" "invar_stack_walk dfs_state"
   shows "invar_stack_walk (DFS dfs_state)"
  using assms(2-3)
proof(induction rule: DFS_induct[OF assms(1)])
  case IH: (1 dfs_state)
  show ?case
    apply(rule DFS_cases[where dfs_state = dfs_state])
    by (auto intro!: IH(2-5) invar_holds_intros simp: DFS_simps[OF IH(1)])

lemma invar_seen_stack_props[invar_props_elims]:
   "invar_seen_stack dfs_state  
     (distinct (stack dfs_state); set (stack dfs_state)  t_set (seen dfs_state);
       t_set (seen dfs_state)  dVs (Graph.digraph_abs G)  P)  P "
  by (auto simp: invar_seen_stack_def)

lemma invar_seen_stack_intro[invar_props_intros]:
  "distinct (stack dfs_state); set (stack dfs_state)  t_set (seen dfs_state); t_set (seen dfs_state)  dVs (Graph.digraph_abs G)  invar_seen_stack dfs_state"
  by (auto simp: invar_seen_stack_def)

lemma invar_seen_stack_holds_1[invar_holds_intros]:
  "DFS_call_1_conds dfs_state; invar_well_formed dfs_state; invar_seen_stack dfs_state  invar_seen_stack (DFS_upd1 dfs_state)"
  by (force simp: Let_def DFS_upd1_def dest!: append_vwalk_pref elim!: call_cond_elims
            elim!: invar_props_elims intro!: invar_props_intros)

lemma invar_seen_stack_holds_2[invar_holds_intros]: 
  "DFS_call_2_conds dfs_state; invar_well_formed dfs_state; invar_seen_stack dfs_state 
     invar_seen_stack (DFS_upd2 dfs_state)"
  by (auto elim!: call_cond_elims simp: DFS_upd2_def elim: vwalk_betE
           elim!: invar_props_elims dest!: Graph.vset.emptyD append_vwalk_pref intro!: invar_props_intros)

lemma invar_seen_stack_holds_4[invar_holds_intros]:
   "DFS_ret_1_conds dfs_state; invar_seen_stack dfs_state 
       invar_seen_stack (DFS_ret1 dfs_state)"
  by (auto elim!: invar_props_elims intro!: invar_props_intros simp: DFS_ret1_def)

lemma invar_seen_stack_holds_5[invar_holds_intros]: "DFS_ret_2_conds dfs_state; invar_seen_stack dfs_state  invar_seen_stack (DFS_ret2 dfs_state)"
  by (auto elim!: invar_props_elims intro!: invar_props_intros simp: DFS_ret2_def)

lemma invar_seen_stack_holds[invar_holds_intros]:
   assumes "DFS_dom dfs_state" "invar_well_formed dfs_state" "invar_seen_stack dfs_state"
   shows "invar_seen_stack (DFS dfs_state)" 
   using assms(2-)
proof(induction rule: DFS_induct[OF assms(1)])
  case IH: (1 dfs_state)
  show ?case
    apply(rule DFS_cases[where dfs_state = dfs_state])
    by (auto intro!: IH(2-5) invar_holds_intros simp: DFS_simps[OF IH(1)])

lemma invar_s_in_stack_props[invar_props_elims]:
   "invar_s_in_stack dfs_state  
     ((stack (dfs_state)  []  last (stack dfs_state) = s)  P)  P "
  by (auto simp: invar_s_in_stack_def)

lemma invar_s_in_stack_intro[invar_props_intros]:
  "(stack (dfs_state)  []  last (stack dfs_state) = s)  invar_s_in_stack dfs_state"
  by (auto simp: invar_s_in_stack_def)

lemma invar_s_in_stack_holds_1[invar_holds_intros]:
  "DFS_call_1_conds dfs_state; invar_well_formed dfs_state; invar_s_in_stack dfs_state  invar_s_in_stack (DFS_upd1 dfs_state)"
  by (force simp: Let_def DFS_upd1_def dest!: append_vwalk_pref elim!: call_cond_elims
            elim!: invar_props_elims intro!: invar_props_intros)

lemma invar_s_in_stack_holds_2[invar_holds_intros]: 
  "DFS_call_2_conds dfs_state; invar_well_formed dfs_state; invar_s_in_stack dfs_state 
     invar_s_in_stack (DFS_upd2 dfs_state)"
  by (auto elim!: call_cond_elims simp: DFS_upd2_def elim: vwalk_betE
           elim!: invar_props_elims dest!: Graph.vset.emptyD append_vwalk_pref intro!: invar_props_intros)

lemma invar_s_in_stack_holds_4[invar_holds_intros]:
   "DFS_ret_1_conds dfs_state; invar_s_in_stack dfs_state 
       invar_s_in_stack (DFS_ret1 dfs_state)"
  by (auto elim!: invar_props_elims intro!: invar_props_intros simp: DFS_ret1_def)

lemma invar_s_in_stack_holds_5[invar_holds_intros]: "DFS_ret_2_conds dfs_state; invar_s_in_stack dfs_state  invar_s_in_stack (DFS_ret2 dfs_state)"
  by (auto elim!: invar_props_elims intro!: invar_props_intros simp: DFS_ret2_def)

lemma invar_s_in_stack_holds[invar_holds_intros]: 
   assumes "DFS_dom dfs_state" "invar_well_formed dfs_state" "invar_s_in_stack dfs_state"
   shows "invar_s_in_stack (DFS dfs_state)" 
   using assms(2-)
proof(induction rule: DFS_induct[OF assms(1)])
  case IH: (1 dfs_state)
  show ?case
    apply(rule DFS_cases[where dfs_state = dfs_state])
    by (auto intro!: IH(2-5) invar_holds_intros simp: DFS_simps[OF IH(1)])

lemma invar_visited_through_seen_props[elim!]:
   "invar_visited_through_seen dfs_state  
     (v p. v  t_set (seen dfs_state);
              (Vwalk.vwalk_bet (Graph.digraph_abs G) v p t); distinct p  
              set p  set (stack dfs_state)  {}  P)  P "
  by (auto simp: invar_visited_through_seen_def)

lemma invar_visited_through_seen_intro[invar_props_intros]:
  "v p. v  t_set (seen dfs_state);
           (Vwalk.vwalk_bet (Graph.digraph_abs G) v p t); distinct p 
           set p  set (stack dfs_state)  {}  invar_visited_through_seen dfs_state"
  by (auto simp: invar_visited_through_seen_def)

subsection ‹Proofs that the Invariants Hold›

lemma invar_visited_through_seen_holds_1[invar_holds_intros]:
  "DFS_call_1_conds dfs_state; invar_well_formed dfs_state; invar_seen_stack dfs_state;
    invar_visited_through_seen dfs_state 
     invar_visited_through_seen (DFS_upd1 dfs_state)"
  by(fastforce simp: Let_def DFS_upd1_def dest: append_vwalk_pref hd_of_vwalk_bet''
               elim!: invar_props_elims intro!: invar_props_intros)

lemma invar_visited_through_seen_holds_2[invar_holds_intros]: 
  "DFS_call_2_conds dfs_state; invar_well_formed dfs_state; invar_seen_stack dfs_state;
    invar_visited_through_seen dfs_state  invar_visited_through_seen (DFS_upd2 dfs_state)"
proof(rule invar_props_intros, elim invar_visited_through_seen_props call_cond_elims exE,  goal_cases)
  case (1 v1 p v2 stack_tl)
  text ‹We know one thing: a path starting at @{term v1} and ending at @{term t} intersects with the
        old stack @{term "v2 # stack_tl"}.
        We have two cases:›
  hence "set p  set (stack dfs_state)  {}"
    by (auto simp: DFS_upd2_def)
  then obtain u where "u  set p  set (stack dfs_state)"
    by auto
  show ?case
  proof(cases "u  set stack_tl")
    case True
    text ‹
        Case 1: If the point of intersection of the path is in @{term stack_tl}, then we are done.›
    thus ?thesis
      using 1 u  set p  set (stack dfs_state)
      by (auto simp: DFS_upd2_def)
    case False
    hence "u = v2"
      using 1 u  set p  set (stack dfs_state)
      by auto
    text ‹
        Case 2: If it intersects the old stack at @{term v2}, which is the more interesting case as
                @{term v2} will not be in the new stack.›
    then obtain p1 p2 where [simp]: "p = p1 @ [v2] @ p2"
      using u  set p  set (stack dfs_state)
      by (auto simp: in_set_conv_decomp)
    text ‹
                Let @{term "p = p1 @ [v2] @ p2"}.›

    hence "set (v2 # p2)  set (stack dfs_state)  {}"
      using 1
      by (auto simp: DFS_upd2_def)
    text ‹
                Since the invariant holds for the old state, then @{term "[v2] @ p2"}
                intersects the old stack @{term "v2 # stack_tl"}.›

    show ?thesis
    proof(cases "p2 = []")
      case True
    text ‹
                There are two cases we need to consider
                Case a: @{term "p2 = []"} This cannot be the case, since it would imply that @{term "v2 = t"}, which 
                        violates the assumption of us being in this execution branch.›
      thus ?thesis
        using 1
          by (auto simp: vwalk_bet_snoc)
      case False
      text ‹
                Case b: @{term "p2  []"} From the current branch's assumptions, we know that @{term "hd p2"}, who
                        is a neighbour of @{term v2}, is in @{term "seen dfs_state"}. This means that, from the 
                        invariant at @{term dfs_state}, we can conclude that @{term "v2#p2"} intersects with the
                        old stack. However, since it is distinct, that means that @{term p2}
                        cannot contain @{term v2}. This means that it intersects @{term stack_tl},
                        which implies that @{term p} with @{term stack_tl}. This finishes our proof.›
      hence "hd p2  t_set (𝒩G v2)"
        using vwalk_bet (Graph.digraph_abs G) v1 p t 
        by (auto dest!: split_vwalk simp:  neq_Nil_conv)
      hence "hd p2  t_set (seen dfs_state)"
        using 1
        by (fastforce elim!: invar_props_elims simp del: p = p1 @ [v2] @ p2)
      hence "set p2  set (stack dfs_state)  {}" 
        using 1 False 
        by (fastforce simp: DFS_upd2_def neq_Nil_conv dest!: split_vwalk)
      moreover have "v2  set p2"
        using distinct p
        by auto
      ultimately have "set p2  set (stack (DFS_upd2 dfs_state))  {}" 
        using 1 
        by (auto simp: DFS_upd2_def)
      thus ?thesis
        by auto

lemma invar_visited_through_seen_holds_4[invar_holds_intros]: "DFS_ret_1_conds dfs_state; invar_visited_through_seen dfs_state  invar_visited_through_seen (DFS_ret1 dfs_state)"
  by (auto simp: intro: invar_props_intros simp: DFS_ret1_def)

lemma invar_visited_through_seen_holds_5[invar_holds_intros]: "DFS_ret_2_conds dfs_state; invar_visited_through_seen dfs_state  invar_visited_through_seen (DFS_ret2 dfs_state)"
  by (auto simp: intro: invar_props_intros simp: DFS_ret2_def)

lemma invar_visited_through_seen_holds[invar_holds_intros]: 
   assumes "DFS_dom dfs_state" "invar_well_formed dfs_state" "invar_seen_stack dfs_state"
           "invar_visited_through_seen dfs_state"
   shows "invar_visited_through_seen (DFS dfs_state)" 
   using assms(2-)
proof(induction rule: DFS_induct[OF assms(1)])
  case IH: (1 dfs_state)
  show ?case
    apply(rule DFS_cases[where dfs_state = dfs_state])
    by (auto intro!: IH(2-6) invar_holds_intros simp: DFS_simps[OF IH(1)])

(*abbreviation "seen_verts dfs_state ≡ (set (stack dfs_state) ∪ t_set (visited dfs_state))"*)
definition "state_rel_1 dfs_state_1 dfs_state_2 
              = ( t_set (seen dfs_state_1)  t_set (seen dfs_state_2))"

lemma state_rel_1_props[elim!]: "state_rel_1 dfs_state_1 dfs_state_2 
                                  (t_set (seen dfs_state_1)  t_set (seen dfs_state_2)  P)  P "
  by (auto simp: state_rel_1_def)

lemma state_rel_1_intro[state_rel_intros]:
  "t_set (seen dfs_state_1)  t_set (seen dfs_state_2)  state_rel_1 dfs_state_1 dfs_state_2"
  by (auto simp: state_rel_1_def)

lemma state_rel_1_trans:
  "state_rel_1 dfs_state_1 dfs_state_2; state_rel_1 dfs_state_2 dfs_state_3 
   state_rel_1 dfs_state_1 dfs_state_3"
  by (auto intro!: state_rel_intros)

lemma state_rel_1_holds_1[state_rel_holds_intros]:
  "DFS_call_1_conds dfs_state; invar_well_formed dfs_state  state_rel_1 dfs_state (DFS_upd1 dfs_state)"
  by (auto simp: Let_def DFS_upd1_def elim!: invar_props_elims intro!: state_rel_intros)

lemma state_rel_1_holds_2[state_rel_holds_intros]:
  "DFS_call_2_conds dfs_state; invar_well_formed dfs_state  state_rel_1 dfs_state (DFS_upd2 dfs_state)"
  by (auto simp: DFS_upd2_def intro!: state_rel_intros elim: call_cond_elims)

lemma state_rel_1_holds_4[state_rel_holds_intros]:
  "DFS_ret_1_conds dfs_state  state_rel_1 dfs_state (DFS_ret1 dfs_state)"
  by (auto simp: intro!: state_rel_intros simp: DFS_ret1_def)

lemma state_rel_1_holds_5[state_rel_holds_intros]:
  "DFS_ret_2_conds dfs_state  state_rel_1 dfs_state (DFS_ret2 dfs_state)"
  by (auto simp: intro!: state_rel_intros simp: DFS_ret2_def)

lemma state_rel_1_holds[state_rel_holds_intros]:
   assumes "DFS_dom dfs_state" "invar_well_formed dfs_state"
   shows "state_rel_1 dfs_state (DFS dfs_state)" 
   using assms(2-)
proof(induction rule: DFS_induct[OF assms(1)])
  case IH: (1 dfs_state)
  show ?case
    apply(rule DFS_cases[where dfs_state = dfs_state])
    by (auto intro: state_rel_1_trans invar_holds_intros state_rel_holds_intros intro!: IH(2-) simp: DFS_simps[OF IH(1)])

lemma DFS_ret_1[ret_holds_intros]: "DFS_ret_1_conds (dfs_state)  DFS_ret_1_conds (DFS_ret1 dfs_state)"
  by (auto simp: elim!: call_cond_elims intro!: call_cond_intros simp: DFS_ret1_def)

lemma ret1_holds[ret_holds_intros]:
   assumes "DFS_dom dfs_state" "return (DFS dfs_state) = NotReachable"
   shows "DFS_ret_1_conds (DFS dfs_state)" 
   using assms(2-)
proof(induction  rule: DFS_induct[OF assms(1)])
  case IH: (1 dfs_state)
  show ?case
    apply(rule DFS_cases[where dfs_state = dfs_state])
    using IH(4)                                                                
    by (auto intro: ret_holds_intros intro!: IH(2-) simp: DFS_simps[OF IH(1)] DFS_ret2_def)

lemma DFS_correct_ret_1:
  "invar_visited_through_seen dfs_state; DFS_ret_1_conds dfs_state; u  t_set (seen dfs_state)
          p. distinct p  vwalk_bet (Graph.digraph_abs G) u p t"
  by (auto elim!: call_cond_elims invar_props_elims)

lemma DFS_ret_2[ret_holds_intros]: "DFS_ret_2_conds (dfs_state)  DFS_ret_2_conds (DFS_ret2 dfs_state)"
  by (auto simp: elim!: call_cond_elims intro!: call_cond_intros simp: DFS_ret2_def)

lemma ret2_holds[ret_holds_intros]:
   assumes "DFS_dom dfs_state" "return (DFS dfs_state) = Reachable"
   shows "DFS_ret_2_conds (DFS dfs_state)" 
   using assms(2-)
proof(induction  rule: DFS_induct[OF assms(1)])
  case IH: (1 dfs_state)
  show ?case
    apply(rule DFS_cases[where dfs_state = dfs_state])
    using IH(4)                                                                
    by (auto intro: ret_holds_intros intro!: IH(2-) simp: DFS_simps[OF IH(1)] DFS_ret1_def)

lemma DFS_correct_ret_2:
  "invar_stack_walk dfs_state; DFS_ret_2_conds dfs_state
          vwalk_bet (Graph.digraph_abs G) (last (stack dfs_state)) (rev (stack dfs_state)) t"
  by (auto elim!: call_cond_elims invar_props_elims simp: hd_rev vwalk_bet_def)

subsection ‹Termination›

named_theorems termination_intros

declare termination_intros

lemma in_prod_relI[intro!,termination_intros]:
  "f1 a = f1 a'; (a, a')  f2 <*mlex*> r  (a,a')  (f1 <*mlex*> f2 <*mlex*> r)"
   by (simp add: mlex_iff)+

definition "less_rel = {(x::nat, y::nat). x < y}"

lemma wf_less_rel[intro!]: "wf less_rel"
  by(auto simp: less_rel_def wf_less)

lemma call_1_measure_nonsym[simp]: "(call_1_measure dfs_state, call_1_measure dfs_state)  less_rel"
  by (auto simp: less_rel_def)

lemma call_1_terminates[termination_intros]:
  "DFS_call_1_conds dfs_state; invar_well_formed dfs_state; invar_seen_stack dfs_state 
     (DFS_upd1 dfs_state, dfs_state)  call_1_measure <*mlex*> r"
  by(fastforce elim!: invar_props_elims call_cond_elims
          simp add: DFS_upd1_def call_1_measure_def Let_def 
          intro!: mlex_less psubset_card_mono
          dest!: Graph.vset.choose')

lemma call_2_measure_nonsym[simp]: "(call_2_measure dfs_state, call_2_measure dfs_state)  less_rel"
  by (auto simp: less_rel_def)

lemma call_2_measure_1[termination_intros]:
  "DFS_call_2_conds dfs_state; invar_well_formed dfs_state 
    call_1_measure dfs_state = call_1_measure (DFS_upd2 dfs_state)"
  by(auto simp add: DFS_upd2_def call_1_measure_def Let_def
          intro!: psubset_card_mono)

lemma call_2_terminates[termination_intros]:
  "DFS_call_2_conds dfs_state; invar_well_formed dfs_state; invar_seen_stack dfs_state 
     (DFS_upd2 dfs_state, dfs_state)  call_2_measure <*mlex*> r"
  by(auto elim!: invar_props_elims elim!: call_cond_elims
          simp add: DFS_upd2_def call_2_measure_def
          intro!: mlex_less)

lemma wf_term_rel: "wf DFS_term_rel"
  by(auto simp: wf_mlex DFS_term_rel_def)

lemma in_DFS_term_rel[termination_intros]:
  "DFS_call_1_conds dfs_state; invar_well_formed dfs_state; invar_seen_stack dfs_state 
            (DFS_upd1 dfs_state, dfs_state)  DFS_term_rel" 
  "DFS_call_2_conds dfs_state; invar_well_formed dfs_state; invar_seen_stack dfs_state 
            (DFS_upd2 dfs_state, dfs_state)  DFS_term_rel"
  by (simp add: DFS_term_rel_def termination_intros)+

lemma DFS_terminates[termination_intros]:
  assumes "invar_well_formed dfs_state" "invar_seen_stack dfs_state"
  shows "DFS_dom dfs_state"
  using wf_term_rel assms
proof(induction rule: wf_induct_rule)
  case (less x)
  show ?case
    by (rule DFS_domintros) (auto intro!: invar_holds_intros less in_DFS_term_rel)

subsection ‹Final Correctness Theorems›

lemma initial_state_props[invar_holds_intros, termination_intros]:
  "invar_well_formed (initial_state)" "invar_stack_walk (initial_state)" "invar_seen_stack (initial_state)"
  "invar_visited_through_seen (initial_state)" "invar_s_in_stack initial_state" 
  "DFS_dom initial_state"
  by (auto simp: initial_state_def
           elim: vwalk_betE
           intro!: termination_intros invar_props_intros)

lemma DFS_correct_1:
  assumes "return (DFS initial_state) = NotReachable"
  shows   "p. distinct p  vwalk_bet (Graph.digraph_abs G) s p t"
  have "s  t_set (seen (DFS initial_state))"
    by(auto intro!: invar_holds_intros ret_holds_intros state_rel_holds_intros
            intro: state_rel_1_props[where ?dfs_state_1.0 = initial_state]
            simp add: initial_state_def)
  thus ?thesis
    using assms
    by(intro DFS_correct_ret_1[where dfs_state = "DFS initial_state"])
      (auto intro!: invar_holds_intros ret_holds_intros state_rel_holds_intros)

lemma DFS_correct_2:
  assumes  "return (DFS initial_state) = Reachable"
  shows "vwalk_bet (Graph.digraph_abs G) s (rev (stack (DFS initial_state))) t"
  have "vwalk_bet
              (Graph.digraph_abs G)
              (last (stack (DFS initial_state)))
              (rev (stack (DFS initial_state))) t"
    using assms
    by(auto intro!: invar_holds_intros ret_holds_intros state_rel_holds_intros
                       DFS_correct_ret_2[where dfs_state = "DFS initial_state"])
  moreover hence "(last (stack (DFS initial_state))) = s"
    by(fastforce intro!: invar_holds_intros
                 intro: invar_s_in_stack_props[where dfs_state = "DFS initial_state"])+
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by auto
