Theory Fair_iProver_Loop

(* Title:        Fair iProver Loop
   Authors:      Jasmin Blanchette <j.c.blanchette at>, 2022-2023
   Maintainer:   Jasmin Blanchette <j.c.blanchette at>

section ‹Fair iProver Loop›

text ‹The fair iProver loop assumes that the passive queue is fair and ensures
(dynamic) refutational completeness under that assumption. From this
completeness proof, we also easily derive (in a separate section) the
completeness of the Otter loop.›

theory Fair_iProver_Loop

subsection ‹Locale›

context fair_otter_loop

subsection ‹Basic Definition›

inductive fair_IL :: "('p, 'f) OLf_state  ('p, 'f) OLf_state  bool" (infix ↝ILf 50) where
  ol: "St ↝OLf St'  St ↝ILf St'"
| red_by_children: "C  no_labels.Red_F (fset A  fset M)  fset M = {C'}  C' ≺⋅ C 
  ({||}, None, P, Some C, A) ↝ILf (M, None, P, None, A)"

subsection ‹Initial State and Invariant›

lemma step_ILf_invariant:
  assumes "St ↝ILf St'"
  shows "OLf_invariant St'"
  using assms
proof cases
  case ol
  then show ?thesis
    using step_OLf_invariant by auto
  case (red_by_children C A M C' P)
  then show ?thesis
    using OLf_invariant.intros by presburger

lemma chain_ILf_invariant_lnth:
    chain: "chain (↝ILf) Sts" and
    fair_hd: "OLf_invariant (lhd Sts)" and
    i_lt: "enat i < llength Sts"
  shows "OLf_invariant (lnth Sts i)"
  using i_lt
proof (induct i)
  case 0
  thus ?case
    using fair_hd lhd_conv_lnth zero_enat_def by fastforce
  case (Suc i)
  thus ?case
    using chain chain_lnth_rel step_ILf_invariant by blast

lemma chain_ILf_invariant_llast:
    chain: "chain (↝ILf) Sts" and
    fair_hd: "OLf_invariant (lhd Sts)" and
    fin: "lfinite Sts"
  shows "OLf_invariant (llast Sts)"
proof -
  obtain i :: nat where
    i: "llength Sts = enat i"
    using lfinite_llength_enat[OF fin] by blast

  have im1_lt: "enat (i - 1) < llength Sts"
    using i by (metis chain chain_length_pos diff_less enat_ord_simps(2) less_numeral_extra(1)

  show ?thesis
    using chain_ILf_invariant_lnth[OF chain fair_hd im1_lt]
    by (metis Suc_diff_1 chain chain_length_pos eSuc_enat enat_ord_simps(2) i llast_conv_lnth

subsection ‹Final State›

lemma is_final_OLf_state_iff_no_ILf_step:
  assumes inv: "OLf_invariant St"
  shows "is_final_OLf_state St  (St'. ¬ St ↝ILf St')"
  assume final: "is_final_OLf_state St"
  then obtain A :: "'f fset" where
    st: "St = ({||}, None, empty, None, A)"
    by (auto simp: is_final_OLf_state.simps)
  show "St'. ¬ St ↝ILf St'"
    unfolding st
  proof (intro allI notI)
    fix St'
    assume "({||}, None, empty, None, A) ↝ILf St'"
    thus False
    proof cases
      case ol
      then show False
        using final st is_final_OLf_state_iff_no_OLf_step[OF inv] by blast
  assume "St'. ¬ St ↝ILf St'"
  hence "St'. ¬ St ↝OLf St'"
    using fair_IL.ol by blast
  thus "is_final_OLf_state St"
    using inv is_final_OLf_state_iff_no_OLf_step by blast

subsection ‹Refinement›

lemma fair_IL_step_imp_IL_step:
  assumes ilf: "(N, X, P, Y, A) ↝ILf (N', X', P', Y', A')"
  shows "fstate (N, X, P, Y, A) ↝IL fstate (N', X', P', Y', A')"
  using ilf
proof cases
  case ol
  note olf = this(1)
  have ol: "fstate (N, X, P, Y, A) ↝OL fstate (N', X', P', Y', A')"
    by (rule fair_OL_step_imp_OL_step[OF olf])
  show ?thesis
    by (rule IL.ol[OF ol])
  case (red_by_children C C')
  note defs = this(1-7) and c_in = this(8)
  have il: "state ({}, {}, elems P, {C}, fset A) ↝IL state (fset N', {}, elems P, {}, fset A)"
    by (rule IL.red_by_children[OF c_in])
  show ?thesis
    unfolding defs using il by auto

lemma fair_IL_step_imp_GC_step:
  "(N, X, P, Y, A) ↝ILf (N', X', P', Y', A') 
   fstate (N, X, P, Y, A) ↝GC fstate (N', X', P', Y', A')"
  by (rule IL_step_imp_GC_step[OF fair_IL_step_imp_IL_step])

subsection ‹Completeness›

fun mset_of_fstate :: "('p, 'f) OLf_state  'f multiset" where
  "mset_of_fstate (N, X, P, Y, A) =
   mset_set (fset N) + mset_set (set_option X) + mset_set (elems P) + mset_set (set_option Y) +
   mset_set (fset A)"

abbreviation Precprec_S :: "'f multiset  'f multiset  bool" (infix ≺≺S 50) where
  "(≺≺S)  multp (≺S)"

lemma wfP_Precprec_S: "wfP (≺≺S)"
  using wfp_multp wfp_Prec_S by blast

definition Less1_state :: "('p, 'f) OLf_state  ('p, 'f) OLf_state  bool" (infix ⊏1 50) where
  "St' ⊏1 St 
   mset_of_fstate St' ≺≺S mset_of_fstate St
    (mset_of_fstate St' = mset_of_fstate St
       (mset_set (fset (new_of St')) ≺≺S mset_set (fset (new_of St))
          (mset_set (fset (new_of St')) = mset_set (fset (new_of St))
             mset_set (set_option (xx_of St')) ≺≺S mset_set (set_option (xx_of St)))))"

lemma wfP_Less1_state: "wfP (⊏1)"
proof -
  let ?msetset = "{(M', M). M' ≺≺S M}"
  let ?triple_of =
    "λSt. (mset_of_fstate St, mset_set (fset (new_of St)), mset_set (set_option (xx_of St)))"

  have wf_msetset: "wf ?msetset"
    using wfP_Precprec_S wfp_def by auto
  have wf_lex_prod: "wf (?msetset <*lex*> ?msetset <*lex*> ?msetset)"
    by (rule wf_lex_prod[OF wf_msetset wf_lex_prod[OF wf_msetset wf_msetset]])

  have Less1_state_alt_def: "St' St. St' ⊏1 St 
    (?triple_of St', ?triple_of St)  ?msetset <*lex*> ?msetset <*lex*> ?msetset"
    unfolding Less1_state_def by simp

  show ?thesis
    unfolding wfp_def Less1_state_alt_def using wf_app[of _ ?triple_of] wf_lex_prod by blast

definition Less2_state :: "('p, 'f) OLf_state  ('p, 'f) OLf_state  bool" (infix ⊏2 50) where
  "St' ⊏2 St 
   mset_set (set_option (yy_of St')) ≺≺S mset_set (set_option (yy_of St))
    (mset_set (set_option (yy_of St')) = mset_set (set_option (yy_of St))
       St' ⊏1 St)"

lemma wfP_Less2_state: "wfP (⊏2)"
proof -
  let ?msetset = "{(M', M). M' ≺≺S M}"
  let ?stateset = "{(St', St). St' ⊏1 St}"
  let ?pair_of = "λSt. (mset_set (set_option (yy_of St)), St)"

  have wf_msetset: "wf ?msetset"
    using wfP_Precprec_S wfp_def by auto
  have wf_stateset: "wf ?stateset"
    using wfP_Less1_state wfp_def by auto
  have wf_lex_prod: "wf (?msetset <*lex*> ?stateset)"
    by (rule wf_lex_prod[OF wf_msetset wf_stateset])

  have Less2_state_alt_def:
    "St' St. St' ⊏2 St  (?pair_of St', ?pair_of St)  ?msetset <*lex*> ?stateset"
    unfolding Less2_state_def by simp

  show ?thesis
    unfolding wfp_def Less2_state_alt_def using wf_app[of _ ?pair_of] wf_lex_prod by blast

lemma fair_IL_Liminf_yy_empty:
    full: "full_chain (↝ILf) Sts" and
    inv: "OLf_invariant (lhd Sts)"
  shows "Liminf_llist (lmap (set_option  yy_of) Sts) = {}"
proof (rule ccontr)
  assume lim_nemp: "Liminf_llist (lmap (set_option  yy_of) Sts)  {}"

  have chain: "chain (↝ILf) Sts"
    by (rule full_chain_imp_chain[OF full])

  obtain i :: nat where
    i_lt: "enat i < llength Sts" and
    inter_nemp: " ((set_option  yy_of  lnth Sts) ` {j. i  j  enat j < llength Sts})  {}"
    using lim_nemp unfolding Liminf_llist_def by auto

  have inv_at_i: "OLf_invariant (lnth Sts i)"
    by (simp add: chain chain_ILf_invariant_lnth i_lt inv)

  from inter_nemp obtain C :: 'f where
    c_in: "P  lnth Sts ` {j. i  j  enat j < llength Sts}. C  set_option (yy_of P)"
    by auto
  hence c_in': "j  i. enat j < llength Sts  C  set_option (yy_of (lnth Sts j))"
    by auto

  have yy_at_i: "yy_of (lnth Sts i) = Some C"
    using c_in' i_lt by blast
  have new_at_i: "new_of (lnth Sts i) = {||}" and
    xx_at_i: "new_of (lnth Sts i) = {||}"
    using yy_at_i chain_ILf_invariant_lnth[OF chain inv i_lt]
    by (force simp: OLf_invariant.simps)+

  have "St'. lnth Sts i ↝ILf St'"
    using is_final_OLf_state_iff_no_ILf_step[OF inv_at_i]
    by (metis fst_conv is_final_OLf_state.cases option.simps(3) snd_conv yy_at_i)
  hence si_lt: "enat (Suc i) < llength Sts"
    by (metis Suc_ile_eq full full_chain_lnth_not_rel i_lt order_le_imp_less_or_eq)

  obtain P :: 'p and A :: "'f fset" where
    at_i: "lnth Sts i = ({||}, None, P, Some C, A)"
    using OLf_invariant.simps inv_at_i yy_at_i by auto

  have "lnth Sts i ↝ILf lnth Sts (Suc i)"
    by (simp add: chain chain_lnth_rel si_lt)
  hence "({||}, None, P, Some C, A) ↝ILf lnth Sts (Suc i)"
    unfolding at_i .
  hence "yy_of (lnth Sts (Suc i)) = None"
  proof cases
    case ol
    then show ?thesis
      by cases simp
    case (red_by_children M C')
    then show ?thesis
      by simp
  thus False
    using c_in' si_lt by simp

lemma xx_nonempty_OLf_step_imp_Precprec_S:
    step: "St ↝OLf St'" and
    xx: "xx_of St  None" and
    xx': "xx_of St'  None"
  shows "mset_of_fstate St' ≺≺S mset_of_fstate St"
  using step
proof cases
  case (simplify_fwd C' C P A N)
  note defs = this(1,2) and prec = this(3)

  have aft: "add_mset C' (mset_set (fset N) + mset_set (elems P) + mset_set (fset A)) =
    mset_set (fset N) + mset_set (elems P) + mset_set (fset A) + {#C'#}"
    (is "?old_aft = ?new_aft")
    by auto
  have bef: "add_mset C (mset_set (fset N) + mset_set (elems P) + mset_set (fset A)) =
    mset_set (fset N) + mset_set (elems P) + mset_set (fset A) + {#C#}"
    (is "?old_bef = ?new_bef")
    by auto

  have "?new_aft ≺≺S ?new_bef"
    unfolding multp_def
  proof (subst mult_cancelL[OF trans_Prec_S irrefl_Prec_S], fold multp_def)
    show "{#C'#} ≺≺S {#C#}"
      by (simp add: multp_def prec singletons_in_mult)
  hence "?old_aft ≺≺S ?old_bef"
    unfolding bef aft .
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding defs by auto
  case (delete_bwd_p C' P C N A)
  note defs = this(1,2) and c'_in = this(3)
  have "mset_set (elems P - {C'}) ⊂# mset_set (elems P)"
    by (metis Diff_iff c'_in finite_fset finite_set_mset_mset_set elems_remove insertCI
        insert_Diff subset_imp_msubset_mset_set subset_insertI subset_mset.less_le)
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding defs using c'_in
    by (auto simp: elems_remove intro!: subset_implies_multp)
  case (simplify_bwd_p C'' C' P C N A)
  note defs = this(1,2) and prec = this(3) and c'_in = this(4)

  let ?old_aft = "add_mset C (mset_set (insert C'' (fset N)) + mset_set (elems (remove C' P)) +
    mset_set (fset A))"
  let ?old_bef = "add_mset C (mset_set (fset N) + mset_set (elems P) + mset_set (fset A))"

  have "?old_aft ≺≺S ?old_bef"
  proof (cases "C''  fset N")
    case c''_in: True

    have "mset_set (elems P - {C'}) ⊂# mset_set (elems P)"
      by (metis c'_in finite_fset mset_set.remove multi_psub_of_add_self)
    thus ?thesis
      unfolding defs
      by (auto simp: elems_remove insert_absorb[OF c''_in] intro!: subset_implies_multp)
    case c''_ni: False

    have aft: "?old_aft = add_mset C (mset_set (fset N) + mset_set (elems (remove C' P)) +
      mset_set (fset A)) + {#C''#}"
      (is "_ = ?new_aft")
      using c''_ni by auto
    have bef: "?old_bef = add_mset C (mset_set (fset N) + mset_set (elems (remove C' P)) +
      mset_set (fset A)) + {#C'#}"
      (is "_ = ?new_bef")
      using c'_in by (auto simp: elems_remove mset_set.remove)

    have "?new_aft ≺≺S ?new_bef"
      unfolding multp_def
    proof (subst mult_cancelL[OF trans_Prec_S irrefl_Prec_S], fold multp_def)
      show "{#C''#} ≺≺S {#C'#}"
        unfolding multp_def using prec by (auto intro: singletons_in_mult)
    thus ?thesis
      unfolding bef aft .
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding defs by auto
  case (delete_bwd_a C' A C N P)
  note defs = this(1,2) and c'_ni = this(3)
  show ?thesis
    unfolding defs using c'_ni by (auto intro!: subset_implies_multp)
  case (simplify_bwd_a C'' C' A C N P)
  note defs = this(1,2) and prec = this(3) and c'_ni = this(4)

  have aft:
    "add_mset C (mset_set (insert C'' (fset N)) + mset_set (elems P) + mset_set (fset A)) =
     {#C#} + mset_set (elems P) + mset_set (fset A) + mset_set (insert C'' (fset N))"
    (is "?old_aft = ?new_aft")
    by auto
  have bef:
    "add_mset C' (add_mset C (mset_set (fset N) + mset_set (elems P) + mset_set (fset A))) =
     {#C#} + mset_set (elems P) + mset_set (fset A) + ({#C'#} + mset_set (fset N))"
    (is "?old_bef = ?new_bef")
    by auto

  have "?new_aft ≺≺S ?new_bef"
    unfolding multp_def
  proof (subst mult_cancelL[OF trans_Prec_S irrefl_Prec_S], fold multp_def)
    show "mset_set (insert C'' (fset N)) ≺≺S {#C'#} + mset_set (fset N)"
    proof (cases "C''  fset N")
      case True
      hence ins: "insert C'' (fset N) = fset N"
        by blast
      show ?thesis
        unfolding ins by (auto intro!: subset_implies_multp)
      case c''_ni: False

      have aft: "mset_set (insert C'' (fset N)) = mset_set (fset N) + {#C''#}"
        using c''_ni by auto
      have bef: "{#C'#} + mset_set (fset N) = mset_set (fset N) + {#C'#}"
        by auto

      show ?thesis
        unfolding aft bef multp_def
      proof (subst mult_cancelL[OF trans_Prec_S irrefl_Prec_S], fold multp_def)
        show "{#C''#} ≺≺S {#C'#}"
          unfolding multp_def using prec by (auto intro: singletons_in_mult)
  hence "?old_aft ≺≺S ?old_bef"
    unfolding bef aft .
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding defs using c'_ni by auto
qed (use xx xx' in auto)

lemma xx_nonempty_ILf_step_imp_Precprec_S:
    step: "St ↝ILf St'" and
    xx: "xx_of St  None" and
    xx': "xx_of St'  None"
  shows "mset_of_fstate St' ≺≺S mset_of_fstate St"
  using step
proof cases
  case ol
  then show ?thesis
    using xx_nonempty_OLf_step_imp_Precprec_S[OF _ xx xx'] by blast
  case (red_by_children C A M C' P)
  note defs = this(1,2)
  have False
    using xx unfolding defs by simp
  thus ?thesis
    by blast

lemma fair_IL_Liminf_xx_empty:
    len: "llength Sts = " and
    full: "full_chain (↝ILf) Sts" and
    inv: "OLf_invariant (lhd Sts)"
  shows "Liminf_llist (lmap (set_option  xx_of) Sts) = {}"
proof (rule ccontr)
  assume lim_nemp: "Liminf_llist (lmap (set_option  xx_of) Sts)  {}"

  obtain i :: nat where
    i_lt: "enat i < llength Sts" and
    inter_nemp: " ((set_option  xx_of  lnth Sts) ` {j. i  j  enat j < llength Sts})  {}"
    using lim_nemp unfolding Liminf_llist_def by auto

  from inter_nemp obtain C :: 'f where
    c_in: "P  lnth Sts ` {j. i  j  enat j < llength Sts}. C  set_option (xx_of P)"
    by auto
  hence c_in': "j  i. enat j < llength Sts  C  set_option (xx_of (lnth Sts j))"
    by auto

  have si_lt: "enat (Suc i) < llength Sts"
    unfolding len by auto

  have xx_j: "xx_of (lnth Sts j)  None" if j_ge: "j  i" for j
    using c_in' len j_ge by auto
  hence xx_sj: "xx_of (lnth Sts (Suc j))  None" if j_ge: "j  i" for j
    using le_Suc_eq that by presburger
  have step: "lnth Sts j ↝ILf lnth Sts (Suc j)" if j_ge: "j  i" for j
    using full_chain_imp_chain[OF full] infinite_chain_lnth_rel len llength_eq_infty_conv_lfinite
    by blast

  have "mset_of_fstate (lnth Sts (Suc j)) ≺≺S mset_of_fstate (lnth Sts j)" if j_ge: "j  i" for j
    using xx_nonempty_ILf_step_imp_Precprec_S by (meson step j_ge xx_j xx_sj)
  hence "(≺≺S)¯¯ (mset_of_fstate (lnth Sts j)) (mset_of_fstate (lnth Sts (Suc j)))"
    if j_ge: "j  i" for j
    using j_ge by blast
  hence inf_down_chain: "chain (≺≺S)¯¯ (ldropn i (lmap mset_of_fstate Sts))"
    using chain_ldropn_lmapI[OF _ si_lt] by blast

  have inf_i: "¬ lfinite (ldropn i Sts)"
    using len by (simp add: llength_eq_infty_conv_lfinite)

  show False
    using inf_i inf_down_chain wfP_iff_no_infinite_down_chain_llist[of "(≺≺S)"] wfP_Precprec_S
    by (metis lfinite_ldropn lfinite_lmap)

lemma xx_nonempty_OLf_step_imp_Less1_state:
  assumes step: "(N, Some C, P, Y, A) ↝OLf (N', Some C', P', Y', A')" (is "?bef ↝OLf ?aft")
  shows "?aft ⊏1 ?bef"
proof -
  have "mset_of_fstate ?aft ≺≺S mset_of_fstate ?bef"
    using xx_nonempty_OLf_step_imp_Precprec_S
    by (metis fst_conv local.step option.distinct(1) snd_conv)
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding Less1_state_def by blast

lemma yy_empty_OLf_step_imp_Less1_state:
    step: "St ↝OLf St'" and
    yy: "yy_of St = None" and
    yy': "yy_of St' = None"
  shows "St' ⊏1 St"
  using step
proof cases
  case (choose_n C N P A)
  note defs = this(1,2) and c_ni = this(3)

  have mset_eq: "mset_of_fstate St' = mset_of_fstate St"
    unfolding defs using c_ni by fastforce
  have new_lt: "mset_set (fset (new_of St')) ≺≺S mset_set (fset (new_of St))"
    unfolding defs using c_ni
    by (auto intro!: subset_implies_multp)

  show ?thesis
    unfolding Less1_state_def using mset_eq new_lt by blast
  case (delete_fwd C P A N)
  note defs = this(1,2)
  have "mset_of_fstate St' ≺≺S mset_of_fstate St"
    unfolding defs by (auto intro: subset_implies_multp)
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding Less1_state_def by blast
  case (simplify_fwd C' C P A N)
  note defs = this(1,2)
  show ?thesis
    unfolding defs by (rule xx_nonempty_OLf_step_imp_Less1_state[OF step[unfolded defs]])
  case (delete_bwd_p C' P C N A)
  note defs = this(1,2)
  show ?thesis
    unfolding defs by (rule xx_nonempty_OLf_step_imp_Less1_state[OF step[unfolded defs]])
  case (simplify_bwd_p C'' C' P C N A)
  note defs = this(1,2)
  show ?thesis
    unfolding defs by (rule xx_nonempty_OLf_step_imp_Less1_state[OF step[unfolded defs]])
  case (delete_bwd_a C' A C N P)
  note defs = this(1,2)
  show ?thesis
    unfolding defs by (rule xx_nonempty_OLf_step_imp_Less1_state[OF step[unfolded defs]])
  case (simplify_bwd_a C'' C' A C N P)
  note defs = this(1,2)
  show ?thesis
    unfolding defs by (rule xx_nonempty_OLf_step_imp_Less1_state[OF step[unfolded defs]])
  case (transfer N C P A)
  note defs = this(1,2)
  show ?thesis
  proof (cases "C  elems P")
    case c_in: True
    have "mset_of_fstate St' ≺≺S mset_of_fstate St"
      unfolding defs using c_in add_again
      by (auto intro!: subset_implies_multp)
    thus ?thesis
      unfolding Less1_state_def by blast
    case c_ni: False

    have mset_eq: "mset_of_fstate St' = mset_of_fstate St"
      unfolding defs using c_ni by (auto simp: elems_add)
    have new_mset_eq: "mset_set (fset (new_of St')) = mset_set (fset (new_of St))"
      unfolding defs using c_ni by auto
    have xx_lt: "mset_set (set_option (xx_of St')) ≺≺S mset_set (set_option (xx_of St))"
      unfolding defs using c_ni by (auto intro!: subset_implies_multp)

    show ?thesis
      unfolding Less1_state_def using mset_eq new_mset_eq xx_lt by blast
qed (use yy yy' in auto)

lemma yy_empty_ILf_step_imp_Less1_state:
    step: "St ↝ILf St'" and
    yy: "yy_of St = None" and
    yy': "yy_of St' = None"
  shows "St' ⊏1 St"
  using step
proof cases
  case ol
  then show ?thesis
    using yy_empty_OLf_step_imp_Less1_state[OF _ yy yy'] by blast
  case (red_by_children C A M C' P)
  note defs = this(1,2)
  have False
    using yy unfolding defs by simp
  then show ?thesis
    by blast

lemma fair_IL_Liminf_new_empty:
    len: "llength Sts = " and
    full: "full_chain (↝ILf) Sts" and
    inv: "OLf_invariant (lhd Sts)"
  shows "Liminf_llist (lmap (fset  new_of) Sts) = {}"
proof (rule ccontr)
  assume lim_nemp: "Liminf_llist (lmap (fset  new_of) Sts)  {}"

  obtain i :: nat where
    i_lt: "enat i < llength Sts" and
    inter_nemp: " ((fset  new_of  lnth Sts) ` {j. i  j  enat j < llength Sts})  {}"
    using lim_nemp unfolding Liminf_llist_def by auto

  from inter_nemp obtain C :: 'f where
    c_in: "P  lnth Sts ` {j. i  j  enat j < llength Sts}. C  fset (new_of P)"
    by auto
  hence c_in': "j  i. enat j < llength Sts  C  fset (new_of (lnth Sts j))"
    by auto

  have si_lt: "enat (Suc i) < llength Sts"
    by (simp add: len)

  have new_j: "new_of (lnth Sts j)  {||}" if j_ge: "j  i" for j
    using c_in' len that by fastforce

  have yy: "yy_of (lnth Sts j) = None" if j_ge: "j  i" for j
    by (smt (z3) chain_ILf_invariant_lnth enat_ord_code(4) OLf_invariant.cases fst_conv full
        full_chain_imp_chain inv len new_j snd_conv j_ge)
  hence yy': "yy_of (lnth Sts (Suc j)) = None" if j_ge: "j  i" for j
    using j_ge by auto
  have step: "lnth Sts j ↝ILf lnth Sts (Suc j)" if j_ge: "j  i" for j
    using full_chain_imp_chain[OF full] infinite_chain_lnth_rel len llength_eq_infty_conv_lfinite
    by blast

  have "lnth Sts (Suc j) ⊏1 lnth Sts j" if j_ge: "j  i" for j
    by (rule yy_empty_ILf_step_imp_Less1_state[OF step[OF j_ge] yy[OF j_ge] yy'[OF j_ge]])
  hence "(⊏1)¯¯ (lnth Sts j) (lnth Sts (Suc j))" if j_ge: "j  i" for j
    using j_ge by blast
  hence inf_down_chain: "chain (⊏1)¯¯ (ldropn i Sts)"
    using chain_ldropn_lmapI[OF _ si_lt, of _ id, simplified llist.map_id] by simp

  have inf_i: "¬ lfinite (ldropn i Sts)"
    using len lfinite_ldropn llength_eq_infty_conv_lfinite by blast

  show False
    using inf_i inf_down_chain wfP_iff_no_infinite_down_chain_llist[of "(⊏1)"] wfP_Less1_state
    by blast

lemma yy_empty_OLf_step_imp_Less2_state:
  assumes step: "(N, X, P, None, A) ↝OLf (N', X', P', None, A')" (is "?bef ↝OLf ?aft")
  shows "?aft ⊏2 ?bef"
proof -
  have "?aft ⊏1 ?bef"
    using yy_empty_OLf_step_imp_Less1_state by (simp add: step)
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding Less2_state_def by force

lemma non_choose_p_OLf_step_imp_Less2_state:
    step: "St ↝OLf St'" and
    yy: "yy_of St' = None"
  shows "St' ⊏2 St"
  using step
proof cases
  case (choose_n C N P A)
  note defs = this(1,2)
  show ?thesis
    unfolding defs by (rule yy_empty_OLf_step_imp_Less2_state[OF step[unfolded defs]])
  case (delete_fwd C P A N)
  note defs = this(1,2)
  show ?thesis
    unfolding defs by (rule yy_empty_OLf_step_imp_Less2_state[OF step[unfolded defs]])
  case (simplify_fwd C' C P A N)
  note defs = this(1,2)
  show ?thesis
    unfolding defs by (rule yy_empty_OLf_step_imp_Less2_state[OF step[unfolded defs]])
  case (delete_bwd_p C' P C N A)
  note defs = this(1,2)
  show ?thesis
    unfolding defs by (rule yy_empty_OLf_step_imp_Less2_state[OF step[unfolded defs]])
  case (simplify_bwd_p C'' C' P C N A)
  note defs = this(1,2)
  show ?thesis
    unfolding defs by (rule yy_empty_OLf_step_imp_Less2_state[OF step[unfolded defs]])
  case (delete_bwd_a C' A C N P)
  note defs = this(1,2)
  show ?thesis
    unfolding defs by (rule yy_empty_OLf_step_imp_Less2_state[OF step[unfolded defs]])
  case (simplify_bwd_a C'' C' A C N P)
  note defs = this(1,2)
  show ?thesis
    unfolding defs by (rule yy_empty_OLf_step_imp_Less2_state[OF step[unfolded defs]])
  case (transfer N C P A)
  note defs = this(1,2)
  show ?thesis
    unfolding defs by (rule yy_empty_OLf_step_imp_Less2_state[OF step[unfolded defs]])
  case (choose_p P A)
  note defs = this(1,2)
  have False
    using step yy unfolding defs by simp
  thus ?thesis
    by blast
  case (infer A C M P)
  note defs = this(1,2)
  have "mset_set (set_option (yy_of St')) ≺≺S mset_set (set_option (yy_of St))"
    unfolding defs by (auto intro!: subset_implies_multp)
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding Less2_state_def by blast

lemma non_choose_p_ILf_step_imp_Less2_state:
    step: "St ↝ILf St'" and
    yy: "yy_of St' = None"
  shows "St' ⊏2 St"
  using step
proof cases
  case ol
  then show ?thesis
    using non_choose_p_OLf_step_imp_Less2_state[OF _ yy] by blast
  case (red_by_children C A M C' P)
  note defs = this(1,2)
  show ?thesis
    unfolding defs Less2_state_def by (simp add: subset_implies_multp)

lemma OLf_step_imp_queue_step:
  assumes "St ↝OLf St'"
  shows "queue_step (passive_of St) (passive_of St')"
  using assms by cases (auto intro: queue_step_idleI queue_step_addI queue_step_removeI)

lemma ILf_step_imp_queue_step:
  assumes step: "St ↝ILf St'"
  shows "queue_step (passive_of St) (passive_of St')"
  using step
proof cases
  case ol
  then show ?thesis
    using OLf_step_imp_queue_step by blast
  case (red_by_children C A M C' P)
  note defs = this(1,2)
  show ?thesis
    unfolding defs by (auto intro: queue_step_idleI)

lemma fair_IL_Liminf_passive_empty:
    len: "llength Sts = " and
    full: "full_chain (↝ILf) Sts" and
    init: "is_initial_OLf_state (lhd Sts)"
  shows "Liminf_llist (lmap (elems  passive_of) Sts) = {}"
proof -
  have chain_step: "chain queue_step (lmap passive_of Sts)"
    using ILf_step_imp_queue_step chain_lmap full_chain_imp_chain[OF full]
    by (metis (no_types, lifting))

  have inf_oft: "infinitely_often select_queue_step (lmap passive_of Sts)"
    assume "finitely_often select_queue_step (lmap passive_of Sts)"
    then obtain i :: nat where
        "j  i. ¬ select_queue_step (passive_of (lnth Sts j)) (passive_of (lnth Sts (Suc j)))"
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) enat_ord_code(4) finitely_often_def len llength_lmap lnth_lmap)

    have si_lt: "enat (Suc i) < llength Sts"
      unfolding len by auto

    have step: "lnth Sts j ↝ILf lnth Sts (Suc j)" if j_ge: "j  i" for j
      using full_chain_imp_chain[OF full] infinite_chain_lnth_rel len llength_eq_infty_conv_lfinite
      by blast

    have yy: "yy_of (lnth Sts (Suc j)) = None" if j_ge: "j  i" for j
      using step[OF j_ge]
    proof cases
      case ol
      then show ?thesis
      proof cases
        case (choose_p P A)
        note defs = this(1,2) and p_ne = this(3)
        have False
          using no_sel defs p_ne select_queue_stepI that by fastforce
        thus ?thesis
          by blast
      qed auto
      case (red_by_children C A M C' P)
      then show ?thesis
        by simp

    have "lnth Sts (Suc j) ⊏2 lnth Sts j" if j_ge: "j  i" for j
      by (rule non_choose_p_ILf_step_imp_Less2_state[OF step[OF j_ge] yy[OF j_ge]])
    hence "(⊏2)¯¯ (lnth Sts j) (lnth Sts (Suc j))" if j_ge: "j  i" for j
      using j_ge by blast
    hence inf_down_chain: "chain (⊏2)¯¯ (ldropn i Sts)"
      using chain_ldropn_lmapI[OF _ si_lt, of _ id, simplified llist.map_id] by simp

    have inf_i: "¬ lfinite (ldropn i Sts)"
      using len lfinite_ldropn llength_eq_infty_conv_lfinite by blast

    show False
      using inf_i inf_down_chain wfP_iff_no_infinite_down_chain_llist[of "(⊏2)"] wfP_Less2_state
      by blast

  have hd_emp: "lhd (lmap passive_of Sts) = empty"
    using init full full_chain_not_lnull unfolding is_initial_OLf_state.simps by fastforce

  thm fair

  have "Liminf_llist (lmap elems (lmap passive_of Sts)) = {}"
    by (rule fair[of "lmap passive_of Sts", OF chain_step inf_oft hd_emp])
  thus ?thesis
    by (simp add: llist.map_comp)

    full: "full_chain (↝ILf) Sts" and
    init: "is_initial_OLf_state (lhd Sts)"
    fair_IL_Liminf_saturated: "saturated (state (Liminf_fstate Sts))" and
    fair_IL_complete_Liminf: "B  Bot_F  fset (new_of (lhd Sts)) ⊨∩𝒢 {B} 
      B'  Bot_F. B'  state_union (Liminf_fstate Sts)" and
    fair_IL_complete: "B  Bot_F  fset (new_of (lhd Sts)) ⊨∩𝒢 {B} 
      i. enat i < llength Sts  (B'  Bot_F. B'  all_formulas_of (lnth Sts i))"
proof -
  have chain: "chain (↝ILf) Sts"
    by (rule full_chain_imp_chain[OF full])
  have il_chain: "chain (↝IL) (lmap fstate Sts)"
    by (rule chain_lmap[OF _ chain]) (use fair_IL_step_imp_IL_step in force)

  have inv: "OLf_invariant (lhd Sts)"
    using init initial_OLf_invariant by blast

  have nnul: "¬ lnull Sts"
    using chain chain_not_lnull by blast
  hence lhd_lmap: "f. lhd (lmap f Sts) = f (lhd Sts)"
    by (rule llist.map_sel(1))

  have "active_of (lhd Sts) = {||}"
    by (metis is_initial_OLf_state.cases init snd_conv)
  hence act: "active_subset (lhd (lmap fstate Sts)) = {}"
    unfolding active_subset_def lhd_lmap by (cases "lhd Sts") auto

  have pas: "passive_subset (Liminf_llist (lmap fstate Sts)) = {}"
  proof (cases "lfinite Sts")
    case fin: True

    have lim: "Liminf_llist (lmap fstate Sts) = fstate (llast Sts)"
      using lfinite_Liminf_llist fin nnul
      by (metis chain_not_lnull il_chain lfinite_lmap llast_lmap)

    have last_inv: "OLf_invariant (llast Sts)"
      by (rule chain_ILf_invariant_llast[OF chain inv fin])

    have "St'. ¬ llast Sts ↝ILf St'"
      using full_chain_lnth_not_rel[OF full] by (metis fin full_chain_iff_chain full)
    hence "is_final_OLf_state (llast Sts)"
      unfolding is_final_OLf_state_iff_no_ILf_step[OF last_inv] .
    then obtain A :: "'f fset" where
      at_l: "llast Sts = ({||}, None, empty, None, A)"
      unfolding is_final_OLf_state.simps by blast
    show ?thesis
      unfolding is_final_OLf_state.simps passive_subset_def lim at_l by auto
    case False
    hence len: "llength Sts = "
      by (simp add: not_lfinite_llength)
    show ?thesis
      unfolding Liminf_fstate_commute passive_subset_def Liminf_fstate_def
      using fair_IL_Liminf_new_empty[OF len full inv]
        fair_IL_Liminf_xx_empty[OF len full inv]
        fair_IL_Liminf_passive_empty[OF len full init]
        fair_IL_Liminf_yy_empty[OF full inv]
      by simp

  show "saturated (state (Liminf_fstate Sts))"
    using IL_Liminf_saturated act Liminf_fstate_commute il_chain pas by fastforce

      bot: "B  Bot_F" and
      unsat: "fset (new_of (lhd Sts)) ⊨∩𝒢 {B}"

    have unsat': "fst ` lhd (lmap fstate Sts) ⊨∩𝒢 {B}"
      using unsat unfolding lhd_lmap by (cases "lhd Sts") (auto intro: no_labels_entails_mono_left)

    have "BL  Bot_FL. BL  Liminf_llist (lmap fstate Sts)"
      using IL_complete_Liminf[OF il_chain act pas bot unsat'] .
    thus "B'  Bot_F. B'  state_union (Liminf_fstate Sts)"
      unfolding Liminf_fstate_def Liminf_fstate_commute by auto
    thus "i. enat i < llength Sts  (B'  Bot_F. B'  all_formulas_of (lnth Sts i))"
      unfolding Liminf_fstate_def Liminf_llist_def by auto

