Theory Fair_Otter_Loop_Def

(* Title:        Definition of Fair Otter Loop
   Authors:      Jasmin Blanchette <j.c.blanchette at>, 2022-2023
   Maintainer:   Jasmin Blanchette <j.c.blanchette at>

section ‹Definition of Fair Otter Loop›

text ‹The fair Otter loop assumes that the passive queue is fair and ensures
(dynamic) refutational completeness under that assumption. This section contains
only the loop's definition.›

theory Fair_Otter_Loop_Def

subsection ‹Locale›

type_synonym ('p, 'f) OLf_state = "'f fset × 'f option × 'p × 'f option × 'f fset"

locale fair_otter_loop =
  otter_loop Bot_F Inf_F Bot_G Q entails_q Inf_G_q Red_I_q Red_F_q 𝒢_F_q 𝒢_I_q Equiv_F Prec_F +
  fair_prover_queue empty select add remove felems
    Bot_F :: "'f set" and
    Inf_F :: "'f inference set" and
    Bot_G :: "'g set" and
    Q :: "'q set" and
    entails_q :: "'q  'g set  'g set  bool" and
    Inf_G_q :: "'q  'g inference set" and
    Red_I_q :: "'q  'g set  'g inference set" and
    Red_F_q :: "'q  'g set  'g set" and
    𝒢_F_q :: "'q  'f  'g set" and
    𝒢_I_q :: "'q  'f inference  'g inference set option" and
    Equiv_F :: "'f  'f  bool" (infix  50) and
    Prec_F :: "'f  'f  bool" (infix ≺⋅ 50) and
    empty :: "'p" and
    select :: "'p  'f" and
    add :: "'f  'p  'p" and
    remove :: "'f  'p  'p" and
    felems :: "'p  'f fset" +
    Prec_S :: "'f  'f  bool" (infix ≺S 50)
    wfp_Prec_S: "wfp (≺S)" and
    transp_Prec_S: "transp (≺S)" and
    finite_Inf_between: "finite A  finite (no_labels.Inf_between A {C})"

lemma trans_Prec_S: "trans {(x, y). x ≺S y}"
  using transp_Prec_S transp_trans by blast

lemma irreflp_Prec_S: "irreflp (≺S)"
  using wfp_imp_irreflp wfp_Prec_S by blast

lemma irrefl_Prec_S: "irrefl {(x, y). x ≺S y}"
  by (metis CollectD case_prod_conv irrefl_def irreflp_Prec_S irreflp_def)

subsection ‹Basic Definitions and Lemmas›

abbreviation new_of :: "('p, 'f) OLf_state  'f fset" where
  "new_of St  fst St"
abbreviation xx_of :: "('p, 'f) OLf_state  'f option" where
  "xx_of St  fst (snd St)"
abbreviation passive_of :: "('p, 'f) OLf_state  'p" where
  "passive_of St  fst (snd (snd St))"
abbreviation yy_of :: "('p, 'f) OLf_state  'f option" where
  "yy_of St  fst (snd (snd (snd St)))"
abbreviation active_of :: "('p, 'f) OLf_state  'f fset" where
  "active_of St  snd (snd (snd (snd St)))"

abbreviation all_formulas_of :: "('p, 'f) OLf_state  'f set" where
  "all_formulas_of St  fset (new_of St)  set_option (xx_of St)  elems (passive_of St) 
     set_option (yy_of St)  fset (active_of St)"

fun fstate :: "'f fset × 'f option × 'p × 'f option × 'f fset  ('f × OL_label) set" where
  "fstate (N, X, P, Y, A) = state (fset N, set_option X, elems P, set_option Y, fset A)"

lemma fstate_alt_def:
  "fstate St =
   state (fset (fst St), set_option (fst (snd St)), elems (fst (snd (snd St))),
     set_option (fst (snd (snd (snd St)))), fset (snd (snd (snd (snd St)))))"
  by (cases St) auto

  Liminf_fstate :: "('p, 'f) OLf_state llist  'f set × 'f set × 'f set × 'f set × 'f set"
  "Liminf_fstate Sts =
   (Liminf_llist (lmap (fset  new_of) Sts),
    Liminf_llist (lmap (set_option  xx_of) Sts),
    Liminf_llist (lmap (elems  passive_of) Sts),
    Liminf_llist (lmap (set_option  yy_of) Sts),
    Liminf_llist (lmap (fset  active_of) Sts))"

lemma Liminf_fstate_commute: "Liminf_llist (lmap fstate Sts) = state (Liminf_fstate Sts)"
proof -
  have "Liminf_llist (lmap fstate Sts) =
    (λC. (C, New)) ` Liminf_llist (lmap (fset  new_of) Sts) 
    (λC. (C, XX)) ` Liminf_llist (lmap (set_option  xx_of) Sts) 
    (λC. (C, Passive)) ` Liminf_llist (lmap (elems  passive_of) Sts) 
    (λC. (C, YY)) ` Liminf_llist (lmap (set_option  yy_of) Sts) 
    (λC. (C, Active)) ` Liminf_llist (lmap (fset  active_of) Sts)"
    unfolding fstate_alt_def state_alt_def
    apply (subst Liminf_llist_lmap_union, fast)+
    apply (subst Liminf_llist_lmap_image, simp add: inj_on_convol_ident)+
    by auto
 thus ?thesis
   unfolding Liminf_fstate_def by fastforce

fun state_union :: "'f set × 'f set × 'f set × 'f set × 'f set  'f set" where
  "state_union (N, X, P, Y, A) = N  X  P  Y  A"

inductive fair_OL :: "('p, 'f) OLf_state  ('p, 'f) OLf_state  bool" (infix ↝OLf 50) where
  choose_n: "C |∉| N  (N |∪| {|C|}, None, P, None, A) ↝OLf (N, Some C, P, None, A)"
| delete_fwd: "C  no_labels.Red_F (elems P  fset A)  (C'  elems P  fset A. C' ≼⋅ C) 
    (N, Some C, P, None, A) ↝OLf (N, None, P, None, A)"
| simplify_fwd: "C' ≺S C  C  no_labels.Red_F (elems P  fset A  {C'}) 
    (N, Some C, P, None, A) ↝OLf (N, Some C', P, None, A)"
| delete_bwd_p: "C'  elems P  C'  no_labels.Red_F {C}  C ≺⋅ C' 
    (N, Some C, P, None, A) ↝OLf (N, Some C, remove C' P, None, A)"
| simplify_bwd_p: "C'' ≺S C'  C'  elems P  C'  no_labels.Red_F {C, C''} 
    (N, Some C, P, None, A) ↝OLf (N |∪| {|C''|}, Some C, remove C' P, None, A)"
| delete_bwd_a: "C' |∉| A  C'  no_labels.Red_F {C}  C ≺⋅ C' 
    (N, Some C, P, None, A |∪| {|C'|}) ↝OLf (N, Some C, P, None, A)"
| simplify_bwd_a: "C'' ≺S C'  C' |∉| A  C'  no_labels.Red_F {C, C''} 
    (N, Some C, P, None, A |∪| {|C'|}) ↝OLf (N |∪| {|C''|}, Some C, P, None, A)"
| transfer: "(N, Some C, P, None, A) ↝OLf (N, None, add C P, None, A)"
| choose_p: "P  empty 
    ({||}, None, P, None, A) ↝OLf ({||}, None, remove (select P) P, Some (select P), A)"
| infer: "no_labels.Inf_between (fset A) {C}  no_labels.Red_I (fset A  {C}  fset M) 
    ({||}, None, P, Some C, A) ↝OLf (M, None, P, None, A |∪| {|C|})"

subsection ‹Initial State and Invariant›

inductive is_initial_OLf_state :: "('p, 'f) OLf_state  bool" where
  "is_initial_OLf_state (N, None, empty, None, {||})"

inductive OLf_invariant :: "('p, 'f) OLf_state  bool" where
  "(N = {||}  X = None)  Y = None  OLf_invariant (N, X, P, Y, A)"

lemma initial_OLf_invariant: "is_initial_OLf_state St  OLf_invariant St"
  unfolding is_initial_OLf_state.simps OLf_invariant.simps by auto

lemma step_OLf_invariant:
  assumes step: "St ↝OLf St'"
  shows "OLf_invariant St'"
  using step by cases (auto intro: OLf_invariant.intros)

lemma chain_OLf_invariant_lnth:
    chain: "chain (↝OLf) Sts" and
    fair_hd: "OLf_invariant (lhd Sts)" and
    i_lt: "enat i < llength Sts"
  shows "OLf_invariant (lnth Sts i)"
  using i_lt
proof (induct i)
  case 0
  thus ?case
    using fair_hd lhd_conv_lnth zero_enat_def by fastforce
  case (Suc i)
  thus ?case
    using chain chain_lnth_rel step_OLf_invariant by blast

lemma chain_OLf_invariant_llast:
    chain: "chain (↝OLf) Sts" and
    fair_hd: "OLf_invariant (lhd Sts)" and
    fin: "lfinite Sts"
  shows "OLf_invariant (llast Sts)"
proof -
  obtain i :: nat where
    i: "llength Sts = enat i"
    using lfinite_llength_enat[OF fin] by blast

  have im1_lt: "enat (i - 1) < llength Sts"
    using i by (metis chain chain_length_pos diff_less enat_ord_simps(2) less_numeral_extra(1)

  show ?thesis
    using chain_OLf_invariant_lnth[OF chain fair_hd im1_lt]
    by (metis Suc_diff_1 chain chain_length_pos eSuc_enat enat_ord_simps(2) i llast_conv_lnth

subsection ‹Final State›

inductive is_final_OLf_state :: "('p, 'f) OLf_state  bool" where
  "is_final_OLf_state ({||}, None, empty, None, A)"

lemma is_final_OLf_state_iff_no_OLf_step:
  assumes inv: "OLf_invariant St"
  shows "is_final_OLf_state St  (St'. ¬ St ↝OLf St')"
  assume "is_final_OLf_state St"
  then obtain A :: "'f fset" where
    st: "St = ({||}, None, empty, None, A)"
    by (auto simp: is_final_OLf_state.simps)
  show "St'. ¬ St ↝OLf St'"
    unfolding st
  proof (intro allI notI)
    fix St'
    assume "({||}, None, empty, None, A) ↝OLf St'"
    thus False
      by cases auto
  assume no_step: "St'. ¬ St ↝OLf St'"
  show "is_final_OLf_state St"
  proof (rule ccontr)
    assume not_fin: "¬ is_final_OLf_state St"

    obtain N A :: "'f fset" and X Y :: "'f option" and P :: 'p where
      st: "St = (N, X, P, Y, A)"
      by (cases St)

    have inv': "(N = {||}  X = None)  Y = None"
      using inv st OLf_invariant.simps by simp

    have "N  {||}  X  None  P  empty  Y  None"
      using not_fin unfolding st is_final_OLf_state.simps by auto
    moreover {
        n: "N  {||}" and
        x: "X = None"

      obtain N' :: "'f fset" and C :: 'f where
        n': "N = N' |∪| {|C|}" and
        c_ni: "C |∉| N'"
        using n finsert_is_funion by blast
      have y: "Y = None"
        using n x inv' by meson

      have "St'. St ↝OLf St'"
        using fair_OL.choose_n[OF c_ni] unfolding st n' x y by fast
    } moreover {
      assume "X  None"
      then obtain C :: 'f where
        x: "X = Some C"
        by blast

      have y: "Y = None"
        using x inv' by auto

      have "St'. St ↝OLf St'"
        using fair_OL.transfer unfolding st x y by fast
    } moreover {
        p: "P  empty" and
        n: "N = {||}" and
        x: "X = None" and
        y: "Y = None"

      have "St'. St ↝OLf St'"
        using fair_OL.choose_p[OF p] unfolding st n x y by fast
    } moreover {
      assume "Y  None"
      then obtain C :: 'f where
        y: "Y = Some C"
        by blast

      have n: "N = {||}" and
        x: "X = None"
        using y inv' by blast+

      let ?M = "concl_of ` no_labels.Inf_between (fset A) {C}"

      have fin: "finite ?M"
        by (simp add: finite_Inf_between)
      have fset_abs_m: "fset (Abs_fset ?M) = ?M"
        by (rule Abs_fset_inverse[simplified, OF fin])

      have inf_red: "no_labels.Inf_between (fset A) {C}
         no_labels.Red_I_𝒢 (fset A  {C}  fset (Abs_fset ?M))"
        by (simp add: fset_abs_m no_labels.Inf_if_Inf_between no_labels.empty_ord.Red_I_of_Inf_to_N

      have "St'. St ↝OLf St'"
        using fair_OL.infer[OF inf_red] unfolding st n x y by fast
    } ultimately show False
      using no_step by force

subsection ‹Refinement›

lemma fair_OL_step_imp_OL_step:
  assumes olf: "(N, X, P, Y, A) ↝OLf (N', X', P', Y', A')"
  shows "fstate (N, X, P, Y, A) ↝OL fstate (N', X', P', Y', A')"
  using olf
proof cases
  case (choose_n C)
  note defs = this(1-7) and c_ni = this(8)
  show ?thesis
    unfolding defs fstate.simps option.set using OL.choose_n c_ni by simp
  case (delete_fwd C)
  note defs = this(1-7) and c_red = this(8)
  show ?thesis
    unfolding defs fstate.simps option.set by (rule OL.delete_fwd[OF c_red])
  case (simplify_fwd C' C)
  note defs = this(1-7) and c_red = this(9)
  show ?thesis
    unfolding defs fstate.simps option.set by (rule OL.simplify_fwd[OF c_red])
  case (delete_bwd_p C' C)
  note defs = this(1-7) and c'_in_p = this(8) and c'_red = this(9)

  have p_rm_c'_uni_c': "elems (remove C' P)  {C'} = elems P"
    unfolding felems_remove by (auto intro: c'_in_p)
  have p_mns_c': "elems P - {C'} = elems (remove C' P)"
    unfolding felems_remove by auto

  show ?thesis
    unfolding defs fstate.simps option.set
    by (rule OL.delete_bwd_p[OF c'_red, of _ "elems P - {C'}",
          unfolded p_rm_c'_uni_c' p_mns_c'])
  case (simplify_bwd_p C'' C' C)
  note defs = this(1-7) and c'_in_p = this(9) and c'_red = this(10)

  have p_rm_c'_uni_c': "elems (remove C' P)  {C'} = elems P"
    unfolding felems_remove by (auto intro: c'_in_p)
  have p_mns_c': "elems P - {C'} = elems (remove C' P)"
    unfolding felems_remove by auto

  show ?thesis
    unfolding defs fstate.simps option.set
    using OL.simplify_bwd_p[OF c'_red, of "fset N" "elems P - {C'}",
        unfolded p_rm_c'_uni_c' p_mns_c']
    by simp
  case (delete_bwd_a C' C)
  note defs = this(1-7) and c'_red = this(9)
  show ?thesis
    unfolding defs fstate.simps option.set using OL.delete_bwd_a[OF c'_red] by simp
  case (simplify_bwd_a C' C'' C)
  note defs = this(1-7) and c'_red = this(10)
  show ?thesis
    unfolding defs fstate.simps option.set using OL.simplify_bwd_a[OF c'_red] by simp
  case (transfer C)
  note defs = this(1-7)

  have p_uni_c: "elems P  {C} = elems (add C P)"
    using felems_add by auto

  show ?thesis
    unfolding defs fstate.simps option.set
    by (rule OL.transfer[of _ C "elems P", unfolded p_uni_c])
  case choose_p
  note defs = this(1-8) and p_nemp = this(9)

  have sel_ni_rm: "select P  elems (remove (select P) P)"
    unfolding felems_remove by auto

  have rm_sel_uni_sel: "elems (remove (select P) P)  {select P} = elems P"
    unfolding felems_remove using p_nemp select_in_felems
    by (metis Un_insert_right finsert.rep_eq finsert_fminus sup_bot_right)

  show ?thesis
    unfolding defs fstate.simps option.set
    using OL.choose_p[of "select P" "elems (remove (select P) P)", OF sel_ni_rm,
        unfolded rm_sel_uni_sel]
    by simp
  case (infer C)
  note defs = this(1-7) and infers = this(8)
  show ?thesis
    unfolding defs fstate.simps option.set using OL.infer[OF infers] by simp

lemma fair_OL_step_imp_GC_step:
  "(N, X, P, Y, A) ↝OLf (N', X', P', Y', A') 
   fstate (N, X, P, Y, A) ↝GC fstate (N', X', P', Y', A')"
  by (rule OL_step_imp_GC_step[OF fair_OL_step_imp_OL_step])

