Theory Disjoin_Transform
theory Disjoin_Transform imports
inductive subcmd :: "cmd ⇒ cmd ⇒ bool" where
sub_Skip: "subcmd c Skip"
| sub_Base: "subcmd c c"
| sub_Seq1: "subcmd c1 c ⟹ subcmd (c1;;c2) c"
| sub_Seq2: "subcmd c2 c ⟹ subcmd (c1;;c2) c"
| sub_If1: "subcmd c1 c ⟹ subcmd (if (b) c1 else c2) c"
| sub_If2:"subcmd c2 c ⟹ subcmd (if (b) c1 else c2) c"
| sub_While: "subcmd c' c ⟹ subcmd (while (b) c') c"
fun maxVnameLen_aux :: "expr ⇒ nat" where
"maxVnameLen_aux (Val _ ) = 0"
| "maxVnameLen_aux (Var V) = length V"
| "maxVnameLen_aux (e1 « _ » e2) = max (maxVnameLen_aux e1) (maxVnameLen_aux e2)"
fun maxVnameLen :: "cmd ⇒ nat" where
"maxVnameLen Skip = 0"
| "maxVnameLen (V:=e) = max (length V) (maxVnameLen_aux e)"
| "maxVnameLen (c⇩1;;c⇩2) = max (maxVnameLen c⇩1) (maxVnameLen c⇩2)"
| "maxVnameLen (if (b) c⇩1 else c⇩2) = max (maxVnameLen c⇩1) (max (maxVnameLen_aux b) (maxVnameLen c⇩2))"
| "maxVnameLen (while (b) c) = max (maxVnameLen c) (maxVnameLen_aux b)"
definition tempName :: "cmd ⇒ vname" where "tempName c ≡ replicate (Suc (maxVnameLen c)) (CHR ''a'')"
inductive newname :: "cmd ⇒ vname ⇒ bool" where
"newname Skip V"
| "V ∉ {V'} ∪ rhs_aux e ⟹ newname (V':=e) V"
| "⟦newname c1 V; newname c2 V⟧ ⟹ newname (c1;;c2) V"
| "⟦newname c1 V; newname c2 V; V ∉ rhs_aux b⟧ ⟹ newname (if (b) c1 else c2) V"
| "⟦newname c V; V ∉ rhs_aux b⟧ ⟹ newname (while (b) c) V"
lemma maxVnameLen_aux_newname: "length V > maxVnameLen_aux e ⟹ V ∉ rhs_aux e"
by (induction e) auto
lemma maxVnameLen_newname: "length V > maxVnameLen c ⟹ newname c V"
by (induction c) (auto intro:newname.intros dest:maxVnameLen_aux_newname)
lemma tempname_newname[intro]: "newname c (tempName c)"
by (rule maxVnameLen_newname) (simp add: tempName_def)
fun transform_aux :: "vname ⇒ cmd ⇒ cmd" where
"transform_aux _ Skip = Skip"
| "transform_aux V' (V:=e) =
(if V ∈ rhs (V:=e) then V':=e;; V:=Var V'
else V:=e)"
| "transform_aux V' (c⇩1;;c⇩2) = transform_aux V' c⇩1;; transform_aux V' c⇩2"
| "transform_aux V' (if (b) c⇩1 else c⇩2) =
(if (b) transform_aux V' c⇩1 else transform_aux V' c⇩2)"
| "transform_aux V' (while (b) c) = (while (b) transform_aux V' c)"
abbreviation transform :: "cmd ⇒ cmd" where
"transform c ≡ transform_aux (tempName c) c"
fun leftmostCmd :: "cmd ⇒ cmd" where
"leftmostCmd (c1;;c2) = leftmostCmd c1"
| "leftmostCmd c = c"
lemma leftmost_lhs[simp]: "lhs (leftmostCmd c) = lhs c"
by (induction c) auto
lemma leftmost_rhs[simp]: "rhs (leftmostCmd c) = rhs c"
by (induction c) auto
lemma leftmost_subcmd[intro]: "subcmd c (leftmostCmd c)"
by (induction c) (auto intro:subcmd.intros)
lemma leftmost_labels: "labels c n c' ⟹ subcmd c (leftmostCmd c')"
by (induction rule:labels.induct) (auto intro:subcmd.intros)
theorem transform_disjoint:
assumes "subcmd (transform_aux temp c) (V:=e)" "newname c temp"
shows "V ∉ rhs_aux e"
using assms proof (induction c rule:transform_aux.induct)
case (3 V c1 c2)
from "3.prems"(1) show ?case
apply simp
proof (cases "(transform_aux temp c1;; transform_aux temp c2)" "(V:=e)" rule:subcmd.cases)
case sub_Seq2
with "3.prems"(2) show ?thesis by -(rule "3.IH"(1), auto elim:newname.cases)
case sub_If1
with "3.prems"(2) show ?thesis by -(rule "3.IH"(2), auto elim:newname.cases)
qed auto
case (4 V b c1 c2)
from "4.prems"(1) show ?case
apply simp
proof (cases "(if (b) transform_aux temp c1 else transform_aux temp c2)" "(V:=e)" rule:subcmd.cases)
case sub_If2
with "4.prems"(2) show ?thesis by -(rule "4.IH"(1), auto elim:newname.cases)
case sub_While
with "4.prems"(2) show ?thesis by -(rule "4.IH"(2), auto elim:newname.cases)
qed auto
case 5
from "5.prems" show ?case by -(rule "5.IH", auto elim:subcmd.cases newname.cases)
qed (auto elim!:subcmd.cases newname.cases split:if_split_asm)
lemma transform_disjoint': "subcmd (transform c) (leftmostCmd c') ⟹ lhs c' ∩ rhs c' = {}"
by (induction c') (auto dest: transform_disjoint)
corollary Defs_Uses_transform_disjoint [simp]: "Defs (transform c) n ∩ Uses (transform c) n = {}"
by (auto dest: leftmost_labels transform_disjoint' labels_det)