Theory Examples_Echelon_Form_IArrays

    Title:      Examples_Echelon_Form_IArrays.thy
    Author:     Jose Divasón <jose.divasonm at>
    Author:     Jesús Aransay <jesus-maria.aransay at>

section‹Examples of computations using immutable arrays›

theory Examples_Echelon_Form_IArrays

text‹The file @{file ‹Examples_Echelon_Form_Abstract.thy›} is only imported to 
  include the definitions of matrices that we use in the following examples. 
  Otherwise, it could be removed.›

subsection‹Computing echelon forms, determinants, characteristic polynomials and so on using
  immutable arrays›

subsubsection‹Serializing gcd›

text‹First of all, we serialize the gcd to the ones of PolyML and MLton as we did in the
  Gauss-Jordan development.›

includes integer.lifting

lift_definition gcd_integer :: "integer => integer => integer"
  is "gcd :: int => int => int" .

lemma gcd_integer_code [code]:
"gcd_integer l k = ¦if l = (0::integer) then k else gcd_integer l (¦k¦ mod ¦l¦)¦"
  by transfer (simp add: gcd_code_int [symmetric] ac_simps)


 constant "abs :: integer => _"  (SML) "IntInf.abs"
 | constant "gcd_integer :: integer => _ => _"  (SML) "(PolyML.IntInf.gcd ((_),(_)))" (*Only for Poly/ML*)
 (* | constant "gcd_integer :: integer => _ => _" ⇀ (SML) "(MLton.IntInf.gcd ((_),(_)))"*) (*Only for MLton*)

lemma gcd_code [code]:
  "gcd a b = int_of_integer (gcd_integer (of_int a) (of_int b))"
  by (metis gcd_integer.abs_eq int_of_integer_integer_of_int integer_of_int_eq_of_int)

  constant "abs :: real => real" 
    (SML) "Real.abs"

declare [[code drop: "abs :: real  real"]]
constant "divmod_integer :: integer => _ => _"  (SML) "(IntInf.divMod ((_),(_)))"


value "det test_int_3x3"

value "det test_int_3x3_03"

value "det test_int_6x6"

value "det test_int_8x8"

value "det test_int_20x20"

value "charpoly test_real_3x3"
value "charpoly test_real_6x6"

value "inverse_matrix test_int_3x3_02"

value "matrix_to_iarray (echelon_form_of test_int_3x3 euclid_ext2)"

value "matrix_to_iarray (echelon_form_of test_int_8x8 euclid_ext2)"

text‹The following computations are much faster when code is exported.›

(*value "matrix_to_iarray (echelon_form_of_euclidean test_int_20x20)"*)

(*value "echelon_form_of_iarrays (matrix_to_iarray test_int_20x20) euclid_ext2"*)

(*value "matrix_to_iarray (echelon_form_of test_int_20x20 euclid_ext2)"*)

text‹The following matrix will have an integer inverse since its determinant is equal to one›

value "det test_int_3x3_03"

value "the (matrix_to_iarray_option (inverse_matrix test_int_3x3_03))"

text‹We check that the previous inverse has been correctly computed:›

value "matrix_matrix_mult_iarray 
              (matrix_to_iarray test_int_3x3_03) 
              (the (matrix_to_iarray_option (inverse_matrix test_int_3x3_03)))"

value "matrix_matrix_mult_iarray 
              (the (matrix_to_iarray_option (inverse_matrix test_int_3x3_03)))
              (matrix_to_iarray test_int_3x3_03)"

text‹The following matrices have determinant different from zero, 
    and thus do not have an integer inverse›
value "det test_int_6x6"
value "matrix_to_iarray_option (inverse_matrix test_int_6x6)"

value "det test_int_20x20"
value "matrix_to_iarray_option (inverse_matrix test_int_20x20)"

text‹The inverse in dimension 20 has (trivial) inverse.›

value "the (matrix_to_iarray_option (inverse_matrix (mat 1::int^20^20)))"

value "the (matrix_to_iarray_option (inverse_matrix (mat 1::int^20^20))) = matrix_to_iarray (mat 1::int^20^20)"

definition "print_echelon_int (A::int^20^20) = echelon_form_of_iarrays (matrix_to_iarray A) euclid_ext2"

text‹Performance is better when code is exported. In addition, it depends on the growth of 
the integer coefficients of the matrices. For instance, test_int_20x20›
is a matrix of integer numbers between $-10$ and $10$. The computation of its echelon form (by means
of print_echelon_int›) needs about 2 seconds. However, the matrix test_int_20x20_2›
has elements between $0$ and $1010$. The computation of its echelon form (by means
of print_echelon_int› too) needs about 0.310 seconds. These benchmarks have been carried
out in a laptop with an i5-3360M processor with 4 GB of RAM.›

export_code charpoly det echelon_form_of test_int_8x8 test_int_20x20 test_int_20x20_2 print_echelon_int
  in SML module_name Echelon (*file "Echelon.sml"*)

  PolyML.use "Echelon.sml"; open Echelon; open Timer; 
  let val now=startCPUTimer (); in print_echelon_int (test_int_20x20); checkCPUTimes (now) end;

(*Analogously, code can be exported to Haskell using the file Code_Rational presented in the
  Gauss-Jordan AFP entry.*)
