Theory List_Space
theory List_Space
section ‹ Measurable space of finite lists ›
text ‹ This entry introduces a measurable space of finite lists over a measurable space. The construction is inspired from Hirata's idea on list quasi-Borel spaces [Hirata et al., ITP 2023]. First, we construct countable coproduct space of product of n spaces. Then, we trasnsfer it to list space via bijections. ›
subsection ‹ miscellaneous lemmas ›
lemma measurable_pair_assoc[measurable]:
shows "(λ((a, b), x). (a, b, x)) ∈ (A ⨂⇩M B) ⨂⇩M C →⇩M A ⨂⇩M B ⨂⇩M C"
have "(λ((a,b),x). (a,b,x)) = (λx. ((fst (fst x)),(snd (fst x)), snd x))"
by auto
also have "... ∈ (A ⨂⇩M B) ⨂⇩M C →⇩M A ⨂⇩M B ⨂⇩M C"
by measurable
finally show "(λ((a, b), x). (a, b, x)) ∈ (A ⨂⇩M B) ⨂⇩M C →⇩M A ⨂⇩M B ⨂⇩M C".
lemma measurable_pair_assoc'[measurable]:
shows "(λ((a, b), x, l). (a, b, x, l)) ∈ (A ⨂⇩M B) ⨂⇩M C ⨂⇩M D →⇩M A ⨂⇩M B ⨂⇩M C ⨂⇩M D"
have "(λ((a,b),x,l). (a,b,x,l)) = (λx. ((fst (fst x)),(snd (fst x)), (fst (snd x)), (snd (snd x))))"
by auto
also have "... ∈ (A ⨂⇩M B) ⨂⇩M C ⨂⇩M D →⇩M A ⨂⇩M B ⨂⇩M C ⨂⇩M D"
by measurable
finally show "(λ((a, b), x, l). (a, b, x, l)) ∈ (A ⨂⇩M B) ⨂⇩M C ⨂⇩M D →⇩M A ⨂⇩M B ⨂⇩M C ⨂⇩M D".
subsection ‹ construction of list space ›
fun pair_to_list :: "(nat × (nat ⇒ 'a)) ⇒ 'a list" where
Zero: "pair_to_list (0,_) = []"
| Suc: "pair_to_list (Suc n,f) = (f 0) # pair_to_list (n, λ n. f (Suc n))"
fun list_to_pair :: "'a list ⇒ (nat × (nat ⇒ 'a))" where
Nil: "list_to_pair [] = (0,λ_.undefined)"
| Cons: "list_to_pair (x#xs) = (Suc (fst(list_to_pair xs)), λn. if n = 0 then x else (snd(list_to_pair xs))(n - 1))"
definition listM :: "'a measure ⇒ 'a list measure" where
"listM M =
initial_source (lists (space M)) {(list_to_pair, ⨿⇩M n∈UNIV. Π⇩S i∈{..<n}. M)}"
lemma space_listM:
shows "space (listM M) = (lists (space M))"
by (auto simp: listM_def)
lemma lists_listM[measurable]:
shows "lists (space M) ∈ sets (listM M)"
by (metis space_listM)
lemma comp_list_to_list:
shows "pair_to_list (list_to_pair xs) = xs"
by(induction xs, auto)
lemma list_to_pair_function:
shows "list_to_pair ∈ lists (space M) → space (⨿⇩M n∈UNIV. Π⇩S i∈{..<n}. M)"
unfolding space_prod_initial_source space_coprod_final_sink space_listM
proof(rule funcsetI)
fix xs
show "xs ∈ lists (space M)⟹ list_to_pair xs ∈ (SIGMA n:UNIV. {..<n} →⇩E space M)"
proof(induction xs)
case Nil
thus "list_to_pair [] ∈ (SIGMA n:UNIV. {..<n} →⇩E space M)"
unfolding PiE_def Sigma_def by auto
case (Cons x ys)
hence propxys: "x ∈ (space M)" "ys ∈ lists (space M)"using Cons_in_lists_iff by auto
from local.Cons obtain n f where propnf: "((list_to_pair ys) = (n,f))" "(n∈(UNIV :: nat set))" "(f ∈ {..<n} →⇩E(space M))"
unfolding Sigma_def by auto
have "list_to_pair (x # ys) ∈ ({Suc n} × ({..<(Suc n)} →⇩E(space M)))"
using propxys propnf unfolding extensional_def PiE_def
by(cases"n = 0",auto)
also have "... ⊆ (SIGMA n:UNIV. {..<n} →⇩E space M)"
unfolding Sigma_def by(intro subsetI, blast)
finally show "list_to_pair (x # ys) ∈ (SIGMA n:UNIV. {..<n} →⇩E space M)".
lemma list_to_pair_measurable:
shows "list_to_pair ∈ (listM M) →⇩M (⨿⇩M n∈UNIV. Π⇩S i∈{..<n}. M)"
unfolding listM_def using list_to_pair_function
by (metis insertI1 measurable_initial_source1)
lemma comp_pair_to_pair:
shows "(n,f) ∈ (SIGMA n:UNIV. {..<n} →⇩E(space M)) ⟹ (list_to_pair (pair_to_list (n,f)) = (n,f))"
proof(induct n arbitrary: f)
case 0
thus ?case by auto
case (Suc n)
have "(Suc n, f) ∈ {(n,f) | n f. n∈ UNIV ∧ f ∈ {..<n} →⇩E(space M)}"
using Suc.prems by blast
hence "(n, λ n. f (Suc n)) ∈ (SIGMA n:UNIV. {..<n} →⇩E space M)"
by (auto simp add: Sigma_def)
hence in1: "list_to_pair (pair_to_list (n, λ n. f (Suc n))) =(n, λ n. f (Suc n))"
by (auto simp add: Suc.hyps)
thus ?case by auto
lemma pair_to_list_function:
shows "pair_to_list ∈ space (⨿⇩M n∈UNIV. Π⇩S i∈{..<n}. M) → lists (space M)"
unfolding space_prod_initial_source space_coprod_final_sink space_listM
fix x :: "(nat × _)" assume "x ∈ (SIGMA n:UNIV. {..<n} →⇩E space M)"
then obtain n f where x: "x = (n,f) ∧ (f ∈ {..<n} →⇩E space M)"
unfolding Sigma_def by auto
have "⋀f. (f ∈ {..<n} →⇩E space M) ⟹ pair_to_list (n,f) ∈ lists (space M)"
proof(induction n)
case 0
thus ?case by auto
case (Suc n)
hence "(f 0) ∈ space M" and "(λ n. f (Suc n))∈ {..<n} →⇩E space M"
and "⋀f. (f ∈ {..<n} →⇩E space M) ⟹ pair_to_list (n,f) ∈ lists (space M)"
by auto
hence "pair_to_list (Suc n, f) ∈ lists (space M)"
using lists.Cons by auto
thus ?case by auto
thus"pair_to_list x ∈ lists (space M)"using x by auto
proposition pair_to_list_measurable:
shows "pair_to_list ∈ (⨿⇩M n∈UNIV. Π⇩S i∈{..<n}. M) →⇩M (listM M)"
unfolding listM_def using pair_to_list_function
proof(rule measurable_initial_source2)
have "list_to_pair ∈ lists (space M) → space (⨿⇩M n∈UNIV. Π⇩S i∈{..<n}. M)"
by (auto simp: list_to_pair_function)
thus"∀(f, N)∈{(list_to_pair, (⨿⇩M n∈UNIV. Π⇩S i∈{..<n}. M))}. f ∈ lists (space M) → space N"
by blast
have "(λx. list_to_pair (pair_to_list x)) ∈ (⨿⇩M n∈UNIV. Π⇩S i∈{..<n}. M) →⇩M (⨿⇩M n∈UNIV. Π⇩S i∈{..<n}. M)"
proof(subst measurable_cong[where g ="id"])
show "⋀w. w ∈ space (⨿⇩M n∈UNIV. Π⇩S i∈{..<n}. M) ⟹ list_to_pair (pair_to_list w) = id w"
unfolding space_prod_initial_source space_coprod_final_sink using comp_pair_to_pair by fastforce
thus"∀(f, N)∈{(list_to_pair, (⨿⇩M n∈UNIV. Π⇩S i∈{..<n}. M))}. (λx. f (pair_to_list x)) ∈ (⨿⇩M n∈UNIV. Π⇩S i∈{..<n}. M) →⇩M N"
by blast
proposition measurable_iff_list_and_pair:
shows measurable_iff_pair_to_list: "⋀ f. (f ∈ (listM M) →⇩M N) ⟷ (f o pair_to_list ∈ (⨿⇩M n∈UNIV. Π⇩S i∈{..<n}. M) →⇩M N)"
and measurable_iff_list_to_pair: "⋀ f. (f o list_to_pair ∈ (listM M) →⇩M N) ⟷ (f ∈ (⨿⇩M n∈UNIV. Π⇩S i∈{..<n}. M) →⇩M N)"
and measurable_iff_pair_to_list2: "⋀ f. (f ∈ N →⇩M (⨿⇩M n∈UNIV. Π⇩S i∈{..<n}. M)) ⟷ (pair_to_list ∘ f∈ N →⇩M listM M ∧ f ∈ space N → space (⨿⇩M n∈UNIV. Π⇩S i∈{..<n}. M))"
and measurable_iff_list_to_pair2: "⋀ f. (f ∈ N →⇩M listM M) ⟷ (list_to_pair ∘ f ∈ N →⇩M (⨿⇩M n∈UNIV. Π⇩S i∈{..<n}. M) ∧ f ∈ space N → space (listM M))"
have A: "∀x∈space (⨿⇩M n∈UNIV. Π⇩S i∈{..<n}. M). list_to_pair (pair_to_list x) = x"
and B: "∀y∈space (listM M). pair_to_list (list_to_pair y) = y"
unfolding space_coprod_final_sink space_prod_initial_source
using comp_list_to_list comp_pair_to_pair by auto
show "⋀ f. (f ∈ (listM M) →⇩M N) ⟷ (f o pair_to_list ∈ (⨿⇩M n∈UNIV. Π⇩S i∈{..<n}. M) →⇩M N)"
and "⋀ f. (f o list_to_pair ∈ (listM M) →⇩M N) ⟷ (f ∈ (⨿⇩M n∈UNIV. Π⇩S i∈{..<n}. M) →⇩M N)"
and "⋀ f. (f ∈ N →⇩M (⨿⇩M n∈UNIV. Π⇩S i∈{..<n}. M)) ⟷ (pair_to_list ∘ f∈ N →⇩M listM M ∧ f ∈ space N → space (⨿⇩M n∈UNIV. Π⇩S i∈{..<n}. M))"
and "⋀ f. (f ∈ N →⇩M listM M) ⟷ (list_to_pair ∘ f ∈ N →⇩M (⨿⇩M n∈UNIV. Π⇩S i∈{..<n}. M) ∧ f ∈ space N → space (listM M))"
using measurable_isomorphism_iff[of pair_to_list"⨿⇩M n∈UNIV. Π⇩S i∈{..<n}. M" "(listM M)"list_to_pair _ N,OF pair_to_list_measurable list_to_pair_measurable A B] by blast+
proposition measurable_iff_list_and_pair_plus:
shows measurable_iff_pair_to_list_plus: "⋀ f. (f ∈ K ⨂⇩M (listM M) →⇩M N) ⟷ (f o (λ q. ((fst q),pair_to_list (snd q))) ∈ K ⨂⇩M (⨿⇩M n∈UNIV. Π⇩S i∈{..<n}. M) →⇩M N)"
and measurable_iff_list_to_pair_plus: "⋀ f. (f ∈ K ⨂⇩M (⨿⇩M n∈UNIV. Π⇩S i∈{..<n}. M) →⇩M N) ⟷ (f o (λ p. ((fst p), list_to_pair (snd p))) ∈ K ⨂⇩M (listM M) →⇩M N)"
have 1: "(λ q. ((fst q),pair_to_list (snd q))) ∈ K ⨂⇩M (⨿⇩M n∈UNIV. Π⇩S i∈{..<n}. M) →⇩M K ⨂⇩M listM M"
using pair_to_list_measurable by measurable
have 2: "⋀f. (λ p. ((fst p), list_to_pair (snd p))) ∈ K ⨂⇩M listM M →⇩M K ⨂⇩M (⨿⇩M n∈UNIV. Π⇩S i∈{..<n}. M)"
using list_to_pair_measurable by measurable
have 3: "∀x∈space (K ⨂⇩M (⨿⇩M n∈UNIV. Π⇩S i∈{..<n}. M)).(fst (fst x, pair_to_list (snd x)), list_to_pair (snd (fst x, pair_to_list (snd x)))) = x"
by(auto simp add: comp_pair_to_pair comp_def space_pair_measure space_prod_initial_source space_coprod_final_sink)
have 4: "∀y∈space (K ⨂⇩M listM M).(fst (fst y, list_to_pair (snd y)), pair_to_list (snd (fst y, list_to_pair (snd y)))) = y"
by(auto simp add: comp_list_to_list comp_def space_pair_measure space_prod_initial_source space_coprod_final_sink)
show "⋀f. (f ∈ K ⨂⇩M listM M →⇩M N) ⟷ (f ∘ (λq. (fst q, pair_to_list (snd q))) ∈ K ⨂⇩M (⨿⇩M n∈UNIV. Π⇩S i∈{..<n}. M) →⇩M N)"
by(rule measurable_isomorphism_iff [OF 1 2 3 4])
show "⋀ f. (f ∈ K ⨂⇩M (⨿⇩M n∈UNIV. Π⇩S i∈{..<n}. M) →⇩M N) ⟷ (f o (λ p. ((fst p), list_to_pair (snd p))) ∈ K ⨂⇩M (listM M) →⇩M N)"
by(rule measurable_isomorphism_iff [OF 1 2 3 4])
lemma measurable_iff_on_list:
shows "⋀ f. (f ∈ (listM M) →⇩M N) ⟷ (∀ n∈UNIV. (f o pair_to_list o coProj n) ∈ (Π⇩S i∈{..<n}. M) →⇩M N)"
by(auto simp add: measurable_iff_pair_to_list coprod_measurable_iff[THEN sym])
subsection‹measurability of functions defined inductively on lists›
subsubsection ‹ Measurability of @{term Cons} ›
definition shift_prod :: "'a ⇒ (nat ⇒ 'a) ⇒ (nat ⇒ 'a)" where
"shift_prod x f = (λ m. if m = 0 then x else f(m - 1))"
lemma shift_prod_function:
shows "(λ (x,xs).(shift_prod x xs)) ∈ space M × (Π⇩E i∈{..<n}. space M) → (Π⇩E i∈{..<(Suc n)}. space M)"
fix x f assume x: "x ∈ (space M)" and f: "f ∈ {..<n} →⇩E space M"
thus"shift_prod x f ∈ {..<Suc n} →⇩E space M"
unfolding shift_prod_def
proof(induction n)
case 0
thus ?case by(intro PiE_I, auto)
case (Suc n)
assume f: "f ∈ {..<Suc n} →⇩E space M"
show "(λm. if m = 0 then x else f (m - 1)) ∈ {..<Suc (Suc n)} →⇩E space M"
proof(intro PiE_I)
fix m
show "m ∈ {..<Suc (Suc n)} ⟹ (if m = 0 then x else f (m - 1)) ∈ space M"
using PiE_mem[OF f,where x ="m - 1"] x by auto
show "m ∉ {..<Suc (Suc n)} ⟹ (if m = 0 then x else f (m - 1)) = undefined"
using PiE_arb[OF f,where x ="m - 1"] x by auto
lemma shift_prod_measurable:
shows "(λ (x,xs).(shift_prod x xs)) ∈ M ⨂⇩M (prod_initial_source {..<n} (λ_.M)) →⇩M (prod_initial_source {..<(Suc n)} (λ_.M))"
unfolding prod_initial_source_def
proof(rule measurable_initial_source2)
show "(λa. case a of (x, xs) ⇒ shift_prod x xs) ∈ space (M ⨂⇩M initial_source ({..<n} →⇩E space M) {(λf. f i, M) |i. i ∈ {..<n}}) → {..<Suc n} →⇩E space M"
unfolding space_pair_measure by (metis shift_prod_function space_initial_source)
show "∀(f, Ma)∈{(λf. f i, M) |i. i ∈ {..<Suc n}}. f ∈ ({..<Suc n} →⇩E space M) → space Ma"
by blast
show "∀(f, Ma)∈{(λf. f i, M) |i. i ∈ {..<Suc n}}.
(λx. f (case x of (x, xs) ⇒ shift_prod x xs)) ∈ M ⨂⇩M initial_source ({..<n} →⇩E space M) {(λf. f i, M) |i. i ∈ {..<n}} →⇩M Ma"
proof(intro ballI, elim exE conjE CollectE)
fix x :: "((nat ⇒ 'a) ⇒ 'a) × 'a measure" and i assume x: "x = (λf. f i, M)" and i: "i ∈ {..<Suc n}"
show "case x of (f, N) ⇒ (λx. f (case x of (x, xs) ⇒ shift_prod x xs)) ∈ M ⨂⇩M initial_source ({..<n} →⇩E space M) {(λf. f i, M) |i. i ∈ {..<n}} →⇩M N"
proof(cases"i = 0")
case True
hence *: "case x of (f, N) ⇒ (λx. f (case x of (x, xs) ⇒ shift_prod x xs)) = fst"
by (auto simp: case_prod_unfold shift_prod_def x i)
thus ?thesis
by (auto simp: x)
case False
hence *: "(case x of (f, N) ⇒ (λx. f (case x of (x, xs) ⇒ shift_prod x xs))) = (λ xa. xa(i - 1)) o snd"
by (auto simp: case_prod_unfold comp_def shift_prod_def x i)
have "(λ xa. xa(i - 1)) ∈ initial_source ({..<n} →⇩E space M) {(λf. f i, M) |i. i ∈ {..<n}} →⇩M M"
proof(intro measurable_initial_source1)
show **: "((λ xa. xa(i - 1)),M) ∈ {(λf. f i, M) |i. i ∈ {..<n}}"
using False i by auto
show "(λxa. xa (i - 1)) ∈ ({..<n} →⇩E space M) → space M"
using i ** by fastforce
thus ?thesis
using * x by force
lemma shift_prod_measurable':
assumes "x ∈ (space M)"
shows "(shift_prod x) ∈ (prod_initial_source {..<n} (λ_.M)) →⇩M (prod_initial_source {..<(Suc n)} (λ_.M))"
using measurable_Pair2[OF shift_prod_measurable assms] by auto
definition shift_list :: "'a measure ⇒ 'a ⇒ nat × (nat ⇒ 'a) ⇒ nat × (nat ⇒ 'a)" where
"shift_list M x =
coTuple (UNIV :: nat set)
(λ n :: nat. (space (prod_initial_source {..<n} (λ_.M))))
(λ n :: nat. coProj (Suc n) o (shift_prod x))"
lemma shift_list_def2:
shows "shift_list M x (n, f) = (Suc n, shift_prod x f)"
unfolding shift_list_def shift_prod_def coTuple_def coProj_def by auto
lemma shift_list_measurable:
shows "(λ (x,(n,f)). (shift_list M x (n,f))) ∈ (M ⨂⇩M (⨿⇩M n∈UNIV. Π⇩S i∈{..<n}. M)) →⇩M (⨿⇩M n∈UNIV. Π⇩S i∈{..<n}. M)"
proof(subst measurable_iff_dist_law_A)
show "countable (UNIV :: nat set)"
by auto
show "(λ(x, n, f). shift_list M x (n, f)) ∘ dist_law_A UNIV (λn. Π⇩S _∈{..<n}. M) M ∈ (⨿⇩M i∈UNIV. M ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S _∈{..<i}. M)) →⇩M (⨿⇩M n∈UNIV. Π⇩S _∈{..<n}. M)"
proof(subst coprod_measurable_iff,intro ballI)
fix i :: nat assume "i∈UNIV"
thus "(λ(x, n, f). shift_list M x (n, f)) ∘ dist_law_A UNIV (λn. Π⇩S _∈{..<n}. M) M ∘ coProj i ∈ M ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S _∈{..<i}. M) →⇩M (⨿⇩M n∈UNIV. Π⇩S _∈{..<n}. M)"
using shift_prod_measurable[of M i ] coProj_measurable[of"Suc i"UNIV"(λ i. (Π⇩S _∈{..<i}. M))"]
by(subst measurable_cong, unfold coTuple_def shift_list_def dist_law_A_def shift_prod_def coProj_def, blast,auto)
lemma shift_list_measurable':
assumes "x ∈ (space M)"
shows "(shift_list M x) ∈ (⨿⇩M n∈UNIV. Π⇩S i∈{..<n}. M) →⇩M (⨿⇩M n∈UNIV. Π⇩S i∈{..<n}. M)"
using measurable_Pair2[OF shift_list_measurable[of M] assms] by auto
lemma measurable_Cons[measurable]:
shows "(λ (x,xs). x # xs) ∈ M ⨂⇩M (listM M) →⇩M (listM M)"
fix x fix xs :: "_ list"
have "x # xs = (pair_to_list o (λ (x,(n,f)). (shift_list M x (n,f)))) (x, list_to_pair xs)"
unfolding shift_list_def coTuple_def shift_prod_def
by(induction xs ,auto simp add: comp_list_to_list coProj_def)
hence *: "(λ (x,xs). x # xs) = (pair_to_list o (λ (x,(n,f)). (shift_list M x (n,f)))) o (λ (x,xs :: _list). (x, list_to_pair xs))"
by (auto simp: cond_case_prod_eta)
show ?thesis
using list_to_pair_measurable pair_to_list_measurable shift_list_measurable
by(unfold *, measurable)
lemma listM_Nil[measurable]:
shows "Nil ∈ space (listM M)"
unfolding listM_def space_initial_source by auto
lemma measurable_Cons'[measurable]:
shows "x ∈ space M ⟹ Cons x ∈ (listM M) →⇩M (listM M)"
using measurable_Pair2 by auto
subsubsection ‹ Measurability of @{term"(λp. [p])"}, the unit of list monad. ›
lemma measurable_unit_ListM[measurable]:
shows "(λp. [p]) ∈ M →⇩M listM M"
by measurable
subsubsection ‹ Measurability of @{term rec_list} ›
text ‹Since the notion of measurable functions does not support higher-order functions in general,
the following theorems for measurability of@{term rec_list} are restricted. ›
lemma measurable_rec_list_func2':
fixes T :: "'a ⇒ ('b ⇒ 'd)"
and F :: "'a ⇒ 'c ⇒ 'c list ⇒ ('b ⇒ 'd) ⇒ ('b ⇒ 'd)"
assumes "(λ(a,b). T a b) ∈ K ⨂⇩M L →⇩M N "
and "⋀i g. (λ ((a, q), l). g a q l) ∈ (K ⨂⇩M L) ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<i}. M) →⇩M N
⟹ (λ((a,b),x,l). (F a x ((pair_to_list o (coProj i)) l)) (λq. (g a q l)) b) ∈ (K ⨂⇩M L) ⨂⇩M M ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<i}. M) →⇩M N"
shows "(λ((a,b),xs). (rec_list (T a) (F a)) xs b) ∈ (K ⨂⇩M L) ⨂⇩M (listM M) →⇩M N"
proof(subst measurable_iff_pair_to_list_plus,subst measurable_iff_dist_laws)
show "countable (UNIV :: nat set)"by auto
show "(λ((a, b), xs). rec_list (T a) (F a) xs b) ∘ (λq. (fst q, pair_to_list (snd q))) ∘ dist_law_A UNIV (λn. Π⇩S i∈{..<n}. M) (K ⨂⇩M L)
∈ (⨿⇩M i∈UNIV. (K ⨂⇩M L) ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<i}. M)) →⇩M N"
unfolding dist_law_A_def2
proof(subst coprod_measurable_iff, intro ballI)
fix i :: nat assume i: "i ∈ UNIV"
show "(λ((a, b), xs). rec_list (T a) (F a) xs b) ∘ (λq. (fst q, pair_to_list (snd q))) ∘ (λp. (fst (snd p), fst p, snd (snd p))) ∘ coProj i ∈ (K ⨂⇩M L) ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<i}. M) →⇩M N"
proof(induction i)
case 0
have "((λa. case a of (a, b) ⇒ (case a of (a, b) ⇒ λxs. rec_list (T a) (F a) xs b) b) ∘ (λq. (fst q, pair_to_list (snd q))) ∘
(λp. (fst (snd p), fst p, snd (snd p))) ∘
coProj 0) = ((λ (a,b). T a b) o fst)"
by (auto simp: coProj_def )
also have "... ∈ (K ⨂⇩M L) ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<0}. M) →⇩M N"
using assms(1) by auto
finally show ?case .
case (Suc i)
have "((λa. case a of (a, b) ⇒ (case a of (a, b) ⇒ λxs. rec_list (T a) (F a) xs b) b) ∘ (λq. (fst q, pair_to_list (snd q))) ∘ (λp. (fst (snd p), fst p, snd (snd p))) ∘ coProj (Suc i)) = ((λ((a,b),x,l). (F a) x ((pair_to_list o (coProj i)) l) (rec_list (T a) (F a) ((pair_to_list o (coProj i)) l)) b) o (λ ((a,b),l). ((a,b),l 0,λn. l(Suc n))))"
using List.list.rec(2)
by (auto simp: coProj_def)
also have "... ∈ (K ⨂⇩M L) ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. M) →⇩M N"
proof(rule measurable_comp)
show "(λ((a, b), l). ((a, b), l 0, λn. l (Suc n))) ∈ (K ⨂⇩M L) ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. M) →⇩M (K ⨂⇩M L) ⨂⇩M M ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<i}. M)"
proof(intro measurable_pair)
have 1: "(λ l. l (0 :: nat)) ∈ (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. M) →⇩M M"using
measurable_prod_initial_source_projections by measurable
have "fst ∘ (snd ∘ (λ((a, b), l). ((a, b), l 0, λn. l (Suc n)))) = (λ l. l 0) o snd"by auto
also have "... ∈ (K ⨂⇩M L) ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. M) →⇩M M"
using 1 by auto
finally show "fst ∘ (snd ∘ (λ((a, b), l). ((a, b), l 0, λn. l (Suc n)))) ∈ (K ⨂⇩M L) ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. M) →⇩M M".
have "snd ∘ (snd ∘ (λ((a, b), l). ((a, b), l 0, λn. l (Suc n)))) = (λ l. λn. l (Suc n)) o snd"by auto
also have "... ∈ (K ⨂⇩M L) ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. M) →⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<i}. M)"
using measurable_projection_shift by measurable
finally show "snd ∘ (snd ∘ (λ((a, b), l). ((a, b), l 0, λn. l (Suc n)))) ∈ (K ⨂⇩M L) ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. M) →⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<i}. M)".
have "fst ∘ (fst ∘ (λ((a, b), l). ((a, b), l 0, λn. l (Suc n)))) = fst ∘ fst"by auto
also have "... ∈ (K ⨂⇩M L) ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. M) →⇩M K"by auto
finally show "fst ∘ (fst ∘ (λ((a, b), l). ((a, b), l 0, λn. l (Suc n)))) ∈ (K ⨂⇩M L) ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. M) →⇩M K".
have "snd ∘ (fst ∘ (λ((a, b), l). ((a, b), l 0, λn. l (Suc n)))) = snd ∘ fst"by auto
also have "... ∈ (K ⨂⇩M L) ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. M) →⇩M L"by auto
finally show "snd ∘ (fst ∘ (λ((a, b), l). ((a, b), l 0, λn. l (Suc n)))) ∈ (K ⨂⇩M L) ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. M) →⇩M L".
show "(λ((a, b), x, l). F a x ((pair_to_list ∘ coProj i) l) (rec_list (T a) (F a) ((pair_to_list ∘ coProj i) l)) b)
∈ (K ⨂⇩M L) ⨂⇩M M ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<i}. M) →⇩M N"
proof(intro assms(2)[of"λ a b l. (rec_list (T a) (F a) ((pair_to_list ∘ coProj i) l)) b"i])
have "(λ((a, q), l). rec_list (T a) (F a) ((pair_to_list ∘ coProj i) l) q) = (λa. case a of (a, b) ⇒ (case a of (a, b) ⇒ λxs. rec_list (T a) (F a) xs b) b) ∘ (λq. (fst q, pair_to_list (snd q))) ∘
(λp. (fst (snd p), fst p, snd (snd p))) ∘
coProj i"
by (auto simp: coProj_def)
also have "... ∈ (K ⨂⇩M L) ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<i}. M) →⇩M N"using Suc by measurable
finally show "(λ((a, q), l). rec_list (T a) (F a) ((pair_to_list ∘ coProj i) l) q) ∈ (K ⨂⇩M L) ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<i}. M) →⇩M N".
finally show ?case .
lemma measurable_rec_list_func2:
fixes T :: "'a ⇒ ('b ⇒ 'd)"
and F :: "'a ⇒ 'c ⇒ 'c list ⇒ ('b ⇒ 'd) ⇒ ('b ⇒ 'd)"
assumes "(λ(a,b). T a b) ∈ K ⨂⇩M L →⇩M N "
and "⋀i g. (λ (a, q, l). g a q l) ∈ K ⨂⇩M L ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<i}. M) →⇩M N
⟹ (λ(a,b,x,l). (F a x ((pair_to_list o (coProj i)) l)) (λq. (g a q l)) b) ∈ K ⨂⇩M L ⨂⇩M M ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<i}. M) →⇩M N"
shows "(λ(a,b,xs). (rec_list (T a) (F a)) xs b) ∈ K ⨂⇩M L ⨂⇩M (listM M) →⇩M N"
fix i :: nat and g
assume g: "(λ ((a, q), l). g a q l) ∈ (K ⨂⇩M L) ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<i}. M) →⇩M N"
have "(λ (a, q, l). g a q l) = (λ ((a, q), l). g a q l) o (λ (a, q, l). ((a, q), l))"
by auto
also have "... ∈ K ⨂⇩M L ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<i}. M) →⇩M N"
using g by measurable
finally have g2: "(λ(a, q, l). g a q l) ∈ K ⨂⇩M L ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<i}. M) →⇩M N".
hence m: "(λ(a,b,x,l). (F a x ((pair_to_list o (coProj i)) l)) (λq. (g a q l)) b) ∈ K ⨂⇩M L ⨂⇩M M ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<i}. M) →⇩M N"
using assms(2) by measurable
have "(λ((a,b),x,l). (F a x ((pair_to_list o (coProj i)) l)) (λq. (g a q l)) b) = ((λ(a,b,x,l). (F a x ((pair_to_list o (coProj i)) l)) (λq. (g a q l)) b)) o (λ((a,b),x,l).(a,b,x,l))"by auto
also have "... ∈ (K ⨂⇩M L) ⨂⇩M M ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<i}. M) →⇩M N"
using m by measurable
finally have F: "(λ((a, b), x, l). F a x ((pair_to_list ∘ coProj i) l) (λq. g a q l) b) ∈ (K ⨂⇩M L) ⨂⇩M M ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<i}. M) →⇩M N".
note 2 = this
have 3: "(λ((a,b),xs). (rec_list (T a) (F a)) xs b) ∈ (K ⨂⇩M L) ⨂⇩M (listM M) →⇩M N"
by(rule measurable_rec_list_func2'[OF assms(1) 2],auto)
have "(λ(a,b,xs). (rec_list (T a) (F a)) xs b) = (λ((a,b),xs). (rec_list (T a) (F a)) xs b) o (λ(a,b,xs).((a,b),xs))"
by auto
also have "... ∈ K ⨂⇩M L ⨂⇩M (listM M) →⇩M N"using 3 by measurable
finally show "(λ(a, b, xs). rec_list (T a) (F a) xs b) ∈ K ⨂⇩M L ⨂⇩M listM M →⇩M N".
lemma measurable_rec_list'_func:
fixes T :: "('c ⇒ 'd)"
and F :: "'b ⇒ 'b list ⇒ ('c ⇒ 'd) ⇒ ('c ⇒ 'd)"
assumes "T ∈ K →⇩M N "
and "⋀i g. g ∈ K ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<i}. M) →⇩M N
⟹ (λp. (F (fst (snd p)) (pair_to_list (coProj i(snd (snd (p))))) (λq. (g (q,snd (snd (p)))))) (fst p)) ∈ K ⨂⇩M M ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<i}. M) →⇩M N"
shows "(λp. (rec_list T F) (snd p) (fst p)) ∈ K ⨂⇩M (listM M) →⇩M N"
proof(subst measurable_iff_pair_to_list_plus,subst measurable_iff_dist_laws)
show "countable (UNIV :: nat set)"by auto
show "(λp. rec_list T F (snd p) (fst p)) ∘ (λq. (fst q, pair_to_list (snd q))) ∘ dist_law_A UNIV (λn. Π⇩S i∈{..<n}. M) K ∈ (⨿⇩M i∈UNIV. K ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<i}. M)) →⇩M N"
unfolding dist_law_A_def2
proof(subst coprod_measurable_iff, intro ballI)
fix i :: nat assume "i ∈ UNIV"
show "(λp. rec_list T F (snd p) (fst p)) ∘ (λq. (fst q, pair_to_list (snd q))) ∘ (λp. (fst (snd p), fst p, snd (snd p))) ∘ coProj i ∈ K ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<i}. M) →⇩M N"
proof(induction i)
case 0
fix p :: "(_ × (nat⇒_))" assume "p ∈ space (K ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<0}. M))"
hence "(snd p) = (λ n. undefined)"
unfolding space_pair_measure space_prod_initial_source by auto
hence "((λp. rec_list T F (snd p) (fst p)) ∘ (λq. (fst q, pair_to_list (snd q))) ∘ (λp. (fst (snd p), fst p, snd (snd p))) ∘ coProj 0) p = T (fst p)"
by (auto simp: case_prod_beta comp_def coProj_def)
}note * = this
thus ?case
by(subst measurable_cong[OF *],auto intro: assms measurable_compose)
case (Suc i)
have eq1: "(λp. (rec_list T F (pair_to_list (i,(snd p)))) (fst p)) = (λp. rec_list T F (snd p) (fst p)) ∘ (λq. (fst q, pair_to_list (snd q))) ∘ (λp. (fst (snd p), fst p, snd (snd p))) ∘ coProj i"
by (auto simp: coProj_def comp_def)
also have "... ∈ K ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<i}. M) →⇩M N"using local.Suc by blast
finally have meas1: "(λp. (rec_list T F (pair_to_list (i,(snd p)))) (fst p)) ∈ K ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<i}. M) →⇩M N".
fix p :: "(_ × (nat⇒_))" assume "p ∈ space (K ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. M))"
hence "(pair_to_list (Suc i,snd p)) = ((snd p 0) # (pair_to_list (i,λn. (snd p)(Suc n))))"
by auto
hence "((λp. rec_list T F (snd p) (fst p)) ∘ (λq. (fst q, pair_to_list (snd q))) ∘ (λp. (fst (snd p), fst p, snd (snd p))) ∘ coProj (Suc i)) p =
rec_list T F ((snd p 0) # (pair_to_list (i,λn. (snd p)(Suc n))))(fst p)
by (auto simp: coProj_def)
also have "... = F (snd p 0) (pair_to_list (i,λn. (snd p)(Suc n))) (rec_list T F (pair_to_list (i,λn. (snd p)(Suc n)))) (fst p)"
by auto
finally have "((λp. rec_list T F (snd p) (fst p)) ∘ (λq. (fst q, pair_to_list (snd q))) ∘ (λp. (fst (snd p), fst p, snd (snd p))) ∘ coProj (Suc i)) p = ((λp. F (fst (snd p)) (pair_to_list (coProj i (snd (snd p)))) (λq. rec_list T F (pair_to_list (i, snd (q, snd (snd p)))) (fst (q, snd (snd p)))) (fst p)) o (λ p. (fst p,snd p 0, λn. (snd p)(Suc n)))) p"
by (auto simp: coProj_def)
}note * = this
show ?case
proof(subst measurable_cong[OF *])
show "⋀ w. w ∈ space (K ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. M)) ⟹ w ∈ space (K ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. M))"by auto
show "(λp. F (fst (snd p)) (pair_to_list (coProj i (snd (snd p)))) (λq. rec_list T F (pair_to_list (i, snd (q, snd (snd p)))) (fst (q, snd (snd p)))) (fst p)) ∘ (λp. (fst p, snd p 0, λn. snd p (Suc n)))
∈ K ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. M) →⇩M N"
proof(rule measurable_comp)
show "(λp. F (fst (snd p)) (pair_to_list (coProj i (snd (snd p)))) (λq. rec_list T F (pair_to_list (i, snd (q, snd (snd p)))) (fst (q, snd (snd p)))) (fst p)) ∈ K ⨂⇩M M ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<i}. M) →⇩M N"
using assms(2)[OF meas1] by auto
show "(λp. (fst p, snd p 0, λn. snd p (Suc n))) ∈ K ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. M) →⇩M K ⨂⇩M M ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<i}. M) "
proof(intro measurable_pair)
have eq1: "fst ∘ (snd ∘ (λp. (fst p, snd p 0, λn. snd p (Suc n)))) = (λp. p 0) o snd"by auto
have eq2: "snd ∘ (snd ∘ (λp. (fst p, snd p 0, λn. snd p (Suc n)))) = (λp. λn. p (Suc n)) o snd"by auto
show "fst ∘ (λp. (fst p, snd p 0, λn. snd p (Suc n))) ∈ K ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. M) →⇩M K"by(auto simp: comp_def)
show "fst ∘ (snd ∘ (λp. (fst p, snd p 0, λn. snd p (Suc n)))) ∈ K ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. M) →⇩M M"
by(subst eq1, auto intro: measurable_comp measurable_prod_initial_source_projections)
show "snd ∘ (snd ∘ (λp. (fst p, snd p 0, λn. snd p (Suc n)))) ∈ K ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. M) →⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<i}. M)"
proof(subst eq2,rule measurable_comp)
show "snd ∈ K ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. M) →⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. M)"by auto
show "(λp n. p (Suc n)) ∈ (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. M) →⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<i}. M)"
by(rule measurable_prod_initial_sourceI,unfold space_prod_initial_source, auto intro :measurable_prod_initial_source_projections)
lemma measurable_rec_list''_func:
fixes T :: "('c ⇒ 'd)"
and F :: "'b ⇒ 'b list ⇒ ('c ⇒ 'd) ⇒ ('c ⇒ 'd)"
assumes "T ∈ K →⇩M N"
and "⋀i g. (λ(q,v). g q v) ∈ K ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<i}. M) →⇩M N
⟹ (λ(x,y,xs). (F y (pair_to_list (coProj i xs)) (λq. (g q xs))) x) ∈ K ⨂⇩M M ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<i}. M) →⇩M N"
shows "(λ(x,xs). (rec_list T F) xs x) ∈ K ⨂⇩M (listM M) →⇩M N"
fix i :: nat and g assume "g ∈ K ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<i}. M) →⇩M N"
hence "(λx. F (fst (snd x)) (pair_to_list (coProj i (snd (snd x)))) (λq. g (q, snd (snd x))) (fst x)) ∈ K ⨂⇩M M ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<i}. M) →⇩M N"
using assms(2)[of"(λq xs. g (q, xs))"] by (auto simp: case_prod_beta')
hence "⋀i g. g ∈ K ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<i}. M) →⇩M N ⟹ (λx. F (fst (snd x)) (pair_to_list (coProj i (snd (snd x)))) (λq. g (q, snd (snd x))) (fst x)) ∈ K ⨂⇩M M ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<i}. M) →⇩M N"by auto
thus ?thesis using assms(1) measurable_rec_list'_func by measurable
lemma measurable_rec_list':
assumes "F ∈ (N ⨂⇩M M ⨂⇩M (listM M) →⇩M N)"
shows "(λp. (rec_list (fst p) (λ y xs x. F(x,y,xs)) (snd p))) ∈ N ⨂⇩M (listM M) →⇩M N"
proof(subst measurable_iff_list_and_pair_plus, subst measurable_iff_dist_laws measurable_iff_dist_laws)
show "countable (UNIV :: nat set)"by auto
show "(λp. rec_list (fst p) (λy xs x. F (x, y, xs)) (snd p)) ∘ (λq. (fst q, pair_to_list (snd q))) ∘ dist_law_A UNIV (λn. Π⇩S i∈{..<n}. M) N ∈ (⨿⇩M i∈UNIV. N ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<i}. M)) →⇩M N"
unfolding dist_law_A_def2
proof(subst coprod_measurable_iff, intro ballI)
fix i :: nat assume "i ∈ UNIV"
show "(λp. rec_list (fst p) (λy xs x. F (x, y, xs)) (snd p)) ∘ (λq. (fst q, pair_to_list (snd q))) ∘ (λp. (fst (snd p), fst p, snd (snd p))) ∘ coProj i ∈ N ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<i}. M) →⇩M N"
proof(induction i)
case 0
fix p :: "(_ × (nat⇒_))" assume "p ∈ space (N ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<0}. M))"
hence "(snd p) = (λ n. undefined)"
unfolding space_pair_measure space_prod_initial_source by auto
hence "((λp. rec_list (fst p) (λy xs x. F (x, y, xs)) (snd p)) ∘ (λq. (fst q, pair_to_list (snd q))) ∘ (λp. (fst (snd p), fst p, snd (snd p))) ∘ coProj 0) p = fst p"
by (auto simp: case_prod_beta comp_def coProj_def)
}note * = this
show ?case
by(subst measurable_cong[OF *],auto)
case (Suc i)
define X where "X = (λp. rec_list (fst p) (λy xs x. F (x, y, xs)) (snd p)) ∘ (λq. (fst q, pair_to_list (snd q))) ∘ (λp. (fst (snd p), fst p, snd (snd p))) ∘ coProj i"
hence X[measurable]: "X ∈ N ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<i}. M) →⇩M N"
by (auto simp: local.Suc)
fix p :: "(_ × (nat⇒_))" assume "p ∈ space (N ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. M))"
"((λp. rec_list (fst p) (λy xs x. F (x, y, xs)) (snd p)) ∘ (λq. (fst q, pair_to_list (snd q))) ∘ (λp. (fst (snd p), fst p, snd (snd p))) ∘ coProj (Suc i)) p
= rec_list (fst p) (λy xs x. F (x, y, xs)) (pair_to_list (Suc i, snd p))"
by (auto simp: case_prod_beta comp_def coProj_def)
also have "... =F(((λp. rec_list (fst p) (λy xs x. F (x, y, xs)) (snd p)) ∘ (λq. (fst q, pair_to_list (snd q))) ∘ (λp. (fst (snd p), fst p, snd (snd p))) ∘ coProj i)(fst p , λn. snd p (Suc n)), snd p 0, pair_to_list (i, λn. snd p (Suc n)))"
by(auto simp: case_prod_beta comp_def coProj_def)
also have "... = (F o (λ p. (X (fst p , λn. snd p (Suc n)), snd p 0, pair_to_list (i, λn. snd p (Suc n))))) p"
unfolding X_def by auto
finally have "((λp. rec_list (fst p) (λy xs x. F (x, y, xs)) (snd p)) ∘ (λq. (fst q, pair_to_list (snd q))) ∘ (λp. (fst (snd p), fst p, snd (snd p))) ∘ coProj (Suc i)) p = (F o (λ p. (X (fst p , λn. snd p (Suc n)), snd p 0, pair_to_list (i, λn. snd p (Suc n))))) p".
}note * = this
show "(λp. rec_list (fst p) (λy xs x. F (x, y, xs)) (snd p)) ∘ (λq. (fst q, pair_to_list (snd q))) ∘ (λp. (fst (snd p), fst p, snd (snd p))) ∘ coProj (Suc i) ∈ N ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. M) →⇩M N"
proof(subst measurable_cong[OF *])
show "⋀w. w ∈ space (N ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. M)) ⟹ w ∈ space (N ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. M))"by auto
show "F ∘ (λp. (X (fst p, λn. snd p (Suc n)), snd p 0, pair_to_list (i, λn. snd p (Suc n)))) ∈ N ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. M) →⇩M N"
proof(intro measurable_comp)
show "F ∈ (N ⨂⇩M M ⨂⇩M (listM M) →⇩M N)"by (auto simp: assms(1))
show "(λp. (X (fst p, λn. snd p (Suc n)), snd p 0, pair_to_list (i, λn. snd p (Suc n)))) ∈ N ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. M) →⇩M N ⨂⇩M M ⨂⇩M listM M"
proof(intro measurable_pair)
have "fst ∘ (snd ∘ (λp. (X (fst p, λn. snd p (Suc n)), snd p 0, pair_to_list (i, λn. snd p (Suc n))))) = (λp. p 0) o snd"by auto
also have "... ∈ N ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. M) →⇩M M"
proof(rule measurable_comp)
show "snd ∈ N ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. M) →⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. M)"by auto
show "(λp. p 0) ∈ (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. M) →⇩M M"
unfolding prod_initial_source_def by(rule measurable_initial_source1,auto)
finally show "fst ∘ (snd ∘ (λp. (X (fst p, λn. snd p (Suc n)), snd p 0, pair_to_list (i, λn. snd p (Suc n))))) ∈ N ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. M) →⇩M M".
have "snd ∘ (snd ∘ (λp. (X (fst p, λn. snd p (Suc n)), snd p 0, pair_to_list (i, λn. snd p (Suc n))))) = (λp. pair_to_list (i, λn. p (Suc n))) o snd"by auto
also have "... ∈ N ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. M) →⇩M listM M"
proof(rule measurable_comp)
show "snd ∈ N ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. M) →⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. M)"by auto
have "(λp. pair_to_list (i, λn. p (Suc n))) = pair_to_list o (coProj i) o (λp. (λn. p (Suc n)))"
by(auto simp: comp_def coProj_def)
also have "... ∈ (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. M) →⇩M listM M"
proof(subst measurable_iff_prod_initial_source,intro measurable_comp)
show "(λp n. if n = 0 then fst p else snd p (n - 1)) ∈ M ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<i}. M) →⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. M)"
by(auto simp: measurable_integrate_prod_initial_source_Suc_n)
show "pair_to_list ∈ (⨿⇩M n∈UNIV. Π⇩S i∈{..<n}. M) →⇩M (listM M)"
by(auto simp: pair_to_list_measurable)
show "coProj i ∈(Π⇩S i∈{..<i}. M) →⇩M (⨿⇩M n∈UNIV. Π⇩S i∈{..<n}. M)"
by auto
show "(λp n. p (Suc n)) ∈ (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. M) →⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<i}. M)"
by(auto simp: measurable_projection_shift)
finally show "(λp. pair_to_list (i, λn. p (Suc n))) ∈ (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. M) →⇩M listM M".
finally show "snd ∘ (snd ∘ (λp. (X (fst p, λn. snd p (Suc n)), snd p 0, pair_to_list (i, λn. snd p (Suc n))))) ∈ N ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. M) →⇩M listM M".
have "fst ∘ (λp. (X (fst p, λn. snd p (Suc n)), snd p 0, pair_to_list (i, λn. snd p (Suc n)))) = X o (λp. (fst p, λn. snd p (Suc n)))"by auto
also have "... ∈ N ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. M) →⇩M N"
proof(rule measurable_comp)
show "X ∈ N ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<i}. M) →⇩M N"by(auto simp: X)
show "(λp. (fst p, λn. snd p (Suc n))) ∈ N ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. M) →⇩M N ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<i}. M)"
proof(rule measurable_pair)
show "fst ∘ (λp. (fst p, λn. snd p (Suc n))) ∈ N ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. M) →⇩M N"
by (auto simp: measurable_cong_simp)
have "snd ∘ (λp. (fst p, λn. snd p (Suc n))) = (λp n. p (Suc n)) o snd"by auto
also have "... ∈ N ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. M) →⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<i}. M)"
proof(rule measurable_comp)
show "snd ∈ N ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. M) →⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. M)"by auto
show "(λp n. p (Suc n)) ∈ (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. M) →⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<i}. M)"
by(auto simp: measurable_projection_shift)
finally show "snd ∘ (λp. (fst p, λn. snd p (Suc n))) ∈ N ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. M) →⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<i}. M)".
finally show "fst ∘ (λp. (X (fst p, λn. snd p (Suc n)), snd p 0, pair_to_list (i, λn. snd p (Suc n)))) ∈ N ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. M) →⇩M N".
lemma measurable_rec_list'2:
assumes "(λp. (F (fst (snd p)) (snd (snd p)) (fst p))) ∈ (N ⨂⇩M M ⨂⇩M (listM M) →⇩M N)"
shows "(λp. (rec_list (fst p) F (snd p))) ∈ N ⨂⇩M (listM M) →⇩M N"
using measurable_rec_list'[OF assms] by auto
lemma measurable_rec_list:
assumes "F ∈ (N ⨂⇩M M ⨂⇩M (listM M) →⇩M N)"
and "T ∈ space N"
shows "rec_list T (λ y xs x. F(x,y,xs)) ∈ (listM M) →⇩M N"
have "rec_list T (λ y xs x. F(x,y,xs)) = (λp. (rec_list (fst p) (λ y xs x. F(x,y,xs)) (snd p))) o (λ r.(T, r))"
by auto
also have "... ∈ (listM M) →⇩M N"
using measurable_rec_list' assms by measurable
finally show ?thesis .
lemma measurable_rec_list2:
assumes "(λp. (F (fst (snd p)) (snd (snd p)) (fst p))) ∈ (N ⨂⇩M M ⨂⇩M (listM M) →⇩M N)"
and "T ∈ space N"
shows "rec_list T F ∈ (listM M) →⇩M N"
using measurable_rec_list[OF assms] by auto
lemma measurable_rec_list''':
assumes "(λ(x,y,xs). F x y xs) ∈ N ⨂⇩M M ⨂⇩M (listM M) →⇩M N"
and "T ∈ space N"
shows "rec_list T (λ y xs x. F x y xs) ∈ (listM M) →⇩M N"
using measurable_rec_list[OF assms] by fastforce
subsubsection ‹ Measurability of @{term case_list} ›
lemma measurable_case_list[measurable(raw)]:
assumes [measurable]:"(λp. (F (fst p) (snd p))) ∈ M ⨂⇩M (listM M) →⇩M N "
and "T ∈ space N"
shows "case_list T F ∈ (listM M) →⇩M N"
proof(subst measurable_iff_list_and_pair, subst coprod_measurable_iff, rule ballI)
note [measurable] = measurable_decompose_prod_initial_source_Suc_n
fix i :: nat assume i: "i ∈ UNIV"
show "case_list T F ∘ pair_to_list ∘ coProj i ∈ (Π⇩S i∈{..<i}. M) →⇩M N"
unfolding comp_def coProj_def
proof(induction i)
case 0
thus "(λx. case pair_to_list (0, x) of [] ⇒ T | z # zs ⇒ F z zs) ∈ (Π⇩S i∈{..<0}. M) →⇩M N"
using assms(2) by auto
case (Suc i)
fix y assume "y ∈ space (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. M)"
then obtain z zs where pair: "pair_to_list (Suc i, y) = z # zs" and z : "z = y 0" and zs: "zs = pair_to_list(i, (λn :: nat. y(Suc n)))"
by auto
hence "(λx. case pair_to_list (Suc i, x) of [] ⇒ T | z # zs ⇒ F z zs) y = F z zs"
by auto
also have "... = ((λp. (F (fst p) (snd p))) o (λ p. ((fst p),(pair_to_list o (coProj i))(snd p))) o (λ f. (f 0, (λ n. f (Suc n))))) y"
by (auto simp: z zs coProj_def)
finally have "(case pair_to_list (Suc i, y) of [] ⇒ T | z # zs ⇒ F z zs) = ((λp. F (fst p) (snd p)) ∘ (λp. (fst p, (pair_to_list ∘ coProj i) (snd p))) ∘ (λf. (f 0, λn. f (Suc n)))) y".
}note * = this
show ?case
unfolding coProj_def
proof(subst measurable_cong[OF *])
show "⋀w. w ∈ space (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. M) ⟹ w ∈ space (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. M)"
by auto
show "(λp. F (fst p) (snd p)) ∘ (λp. (fst p, (pair_to_list ∘ coProj i) (snd p))) ∘ (λf. (f 0, λn. f (Suc n))) ∈ (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. M) →⇩M N"
unfolding comp_def using pair_to_list_measurable assms by measurable
lemma measurable_case_list2[measurable]:
assumes [measurable]:"(λ(x,b,bl). g x b bl) ∈ N ⨂⇩M L ⨂⇩M (listM L) →⇩M M"
and [measurable]:"a ∈ N →⇩M M"
shows "(λ(x,xs). case_list (a x) (g x) xs) ∈ N ⨂⇩M (listM L) →⇩M M"
proof(subst measurable_iff_list_and_pair_plus, subst measurable_iff_dist_laws)
note [measurable] = pair_to_list_measurable list_to_pair_measurable dist_law_A_measurable measurable_projection_shift
show "countable (UNIV :: nat set)"
by auto
show "(λ(x, y). case_list (a x) (g x) y) ∘ (λq. (fst q, pair_to_list (snd q))) ∘ dist_law_A UNIV (λn. Π⇩S i∈{..<n}. L) N ∈ (⨿⇩M i∈UNIV. N ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<i}. L)) →⇩M M"
proof(subst coprod_measurable_iff,rule ballI)
fix i :: nat assume i: "i ∈ (UNIV :: nat set)"
show "(λ(x, y). case_list (a x) (g x) y) ∘ (λq. (fst q, pair_to_list (snd q))) ∘ dist_law_A UNIV (λn. Π⇩S i∈{..<n}. L) N ∘ coProj i ∈ N ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<i}. L) →⇩M M"
proof(induction i)
case 0
fix w :: "'a × (nat ⇒ 'b)" assume "w ∈ space (N ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<0}. L))"
have "((λb. case b of (x, []) ⇒ a x | (x, a # b) ⇒ g x a b) ∘ (λq. (fst q, pair_to_list (snd q))) ∘ dist_law_A UNIV (λn. Π⇩S i∈{..<n}. L) N ∘ coProj 0) w = (a (fst w))"
unfolding comp_def coProj_def dist_law_A_def2 pair_to_list.simps by auto
}note * = this
show ?case
using assms by(subst measurable_cong[OF *],measurable)
case (Suc i)
fix w :: "'a × (nat ⇒ 'b)" assume "w ∈ space (N ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. L))"
have "((λb. case b of (x, []) ⇒ a x | (x, a # b) ⇒ g x a b) ∘ (λq. (fst q, pair_to_list (snd q))) ∘ dist_law_A UNIV (λn. Π⇩S i∈{..<n}. L) N ∘ coProj (Suc i)) w = ((λ(x,b,bl). g x b bl) ∘ (λ w. (fst w, (((snd w) 0) , (pair_to_list (i, λ n. (snd w)(Suc n))))))) w "
unfolding comp_def coProj_def dist_law_A_def2 pair_to_list.simps by auto
}note * = this
show ?case
proof(subst measurable_cong[OF *])
show "⋀w. w ∈ space (N ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. L)) ⟹ w ∈ space (N ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. L))"
by auto
show "(λ(x, xa, y). g x xa y) ∘ (λw. (fst w, snd w 0, pair_to_list (i, λn. snd w (Suc n)))) ∈ N ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. L) →⇩M M"
proof(rule measurable_comp)
show "(λw. (fst w, snd w 0, pair_to_list (i, λn. snd w (Suc n)))) ∈ N ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. L) →⇩M N ⨂⇩M (L ⨂⇩M (listM L))"
proof(intro measurable_pair)
show "fst ∘ (λw. (fst w, snd w 0, pair_to_list (i, λn. snd w (Suc n)))) ∈ N ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. L) →⇩M N"
by(auto simp: comp_def)
have "(λx. snd x 0) = ((λf. f 0) o snd)"
by auto
also have "... ∈ N ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. L) →⇩M L"
by(auto intro: measurable_comp measurable_prod_initial_source_projections)
finally have "(λx. snd x 0) ∈ N ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. L) →⇩M L".
thus"fst ∘ (snd ∘ (λw. (fst w, snd w 0, pair_to_list (i, λn. snd w (Suc n))))) ∈ N ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. L) →⇩M L"
unfolding comp_def prod_initial_source_def using pair_to_list_measurable[of L] by auto
have "(λx. pair_to_list (i, λn. snd x (Suc n))) = pair_to_list o (coProj i) o (λ f. λn. f (Suc n)) o snd"
by(auto simp: comp_def coProj_def)
also have "... ∈ N ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. L) →⇩M (listM L)"
proof(intro measurable_comp)
show "coProj i ∈ (Π⇩S i∈{..<i}. L) →⇩M ((⨿⇩M i∈UNIV. Π⇩S i∈{..<i}. L))"
by auto
finally have "(λx. pair_to_list (i, λn. snd x (Suc n))) ∈ N ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. L) →⇩M listM L".
thus"snd ∘ (snd ∘ (λw. (fst w, snd w 0, pair_to_list (i, λn. snd w (Suc n))))) ∈ N ⨂⇩M (Π⇩S i∈{..<Suc i}. L) →⇩M listM L"
unfolding comp_def by auto
show "(λ(x, xa, y). g x xa y) ∈ N ⨂⇩M L ⨂⇩M listM L →⇩M M"
by (auto simp: assms)
lemma measurable_case_list':
assumes "(λ(x,b,bl). g x b bl) ∈ N ⨂⇩M L ⨂⇩M (listM L) →⇩M M"
and "a ∈ N →⇩M M"
and "l ∈ N →⇩M listM L"
shows "(λx. case_list (a x) (g x) (l x)) ∈ N →⇩M M"
using measurable_case_list2 assms by measurable
subsubsection ‹ Measurability of @{term foldr} ›
lemma measurable_foldr:
assumes "(λ (x,y). F x y) ∈ (N ⨂⇩M M →⇩M N)"
shows "(λ (T,xs). foldr (λ x y. F y x) xs T) ∈ N ⨂⇩M (listM M) →⇩M N"
have 1: "(λ (x ,y , xs). (λ y xs x. F x y) y xs x) ∈ N ⨂⇩M M ⨂⇩M listM M →⇩M N"
using assms by measurable
fix T xs
have "(foldr (λ x y. F y x) xs T) = (rec_list T (λ y xs x. F x y) xs)"
by(induction xs,auto)
hence "(λ (T,xs). foldr (λ x y. F y x) xs T) = (λ (T,xs). (rec_list T (λ y xs x. (λ (x ,y , xs). (λ y xs x. F x y) y xs x)(x,y,xs)) xs))"
by auto
also have "... ∈ N ⨂⇩M (listM M) →⇩M N"
using measurable_rec_list'[OF 1 ] by measurable
finally show ?thesis .
subsubsection ‹ Measurability of @{term append} ›
lemma measurable_append[measurable]:
shows "(λ (xs,ys). xs @ ys) ∈ (listM M) ⨂⇩M (listM M) →⇩M (listM M)"
fix xs ys :: "'a list"
have "xs @ ys = (rec_list ys (λx xs ys. x # ys)) xs"
by(induction xs,auto)
hence "(λ (xs :: 'a list,ys :: 'a list). xs @ ys) = (λp. rec_list (fst p) (λx xs ys. x # ys) (snd p)) o (λ(xs, ys). (ys, xs))"
by auto
also have "... ∈ (listM M) ⨂⇩M (listM M) →⇩M (listM M)"
using measurable_rec_list'2 by measurable
finally show ?thesis .
subsubsection ‹ Measurability of @{term rev} ›
lemma measurable_rev[measurable]:
shows "rev ∈ (listM M) →⇩M (listM M)"
note [measurable] = measurable_pair listM_Nil
have "rev = (λ xs :: 'a list. rec_list [] (λy xs x. (((λ(xs, ys). xs @ ys)o (λp. (fst p,[fst (snd p)]))) (x, y, xs))) xs)"
by (auto simp add: rev_def)
also have "... ∈ listM M →⇩M listM M"
by(rule measurable_rec_list,measurable)
finally show ?thesis .
subsubsection ‹ Measurability of @{term concat}, that is, the bind of the list monad›
lemma measurable_concat[measurable]:
shows "concat ∈ listM (listM M) →⇩M (listM M)"
note [measurable] = measurable_append listM_Nil
have "concat = (λ xs :: 'a list list. rec_list [] (λy xs x. (((λ(xs, ys). xs @ ys) o (λp. (fst (snd p), fst p))) (x, y, xs))) xs)"
by (auto simp add: concat_def comp_def)
also have "... ∈ listM (listM M) →⇩M listM M"
by(rule measurable_rec_list,measurable)
finally show ?thesis .
subsubsection ‹ Measurability of @{term map}, the functor part of the list monad›
lemma measurable_map[measurable]:
assumes [measurable]: "f ∈ M →⇩M N "
shows "(map f) ∈ (listM M) →⇩M (listM N)"
note [measurable] = measurable_pair listM_Nil
fix xs :: "'a list"
have "map f xs = (rec_list [] (λx xs ys. (f x) # ys)) xs"
by(induction xs,auto)
hence "(map f) = (λp. (rec_list [] (λy' xs' x'. ((λ (x,xs). x # xs) o (λp. (f (fst (snd p)), fst p))) (x', y', xs')) p))"
by auto
also have "... ∈ listM M →⇩M listM N"
by(rule measurable_rec_list, measurable)
finally show ?thesis.
subsubsection ‹ Measurability of @{term length} ›
lemma measurable_length[measurable]:
shows "length ∈ listM M →⇩M count_space (UNIV :: nat set)"
proof -
fix xs :: "'a list"
have "length xs = (rec_list 0 (λy xs x. (Suc o fst) (x, y ,xs))) xs "
by(induction xs,auto)
hence "length = (λ xs :: 'a list.(rec_list 0 (λy xs x :: nat. (Suc o fst) (x, y ,xs)) xs))"
by auto
also have "... ∈ listM M →⇩M count_space UNIV"
by(rule measurable_rec_list, auto)
finally show ?thesis .
lemma sets_listM_length[measurable]:
shows "{xs. xs ∈ space (listM M) ∧ length xs = n} ∈ sets (listM M)"
by measurable
subsubsection ‹ Measurability of @{term foldl} ›
lemma measurable_foldl [measurable]:
assumes [measurable]:"(λ(x,y). F y x) ∈ (M ⨂⇩M N →⇩M N)"
shows "(λ (T,xs). foldl F T xs) ∈ N ⨂⇩M (listM M) →⇩M N"
proof(subst foldl_conv_foldr)
have "(λ(T, xs). foldr (λx y. F y x) (rev xs) T) = (λ(T, xs). foldr (λx y. F y x) xs T) o (λ(T, xs). (T, rev xs))"
by auto
also have "... ∈ N ⨂⇩M listM M →⇩M N"
using measurable_foldr by measurable
finally show "(λ(T, xs). foldr (λx y. F y x) (rev xs) T) ∈ N ⨂⇩M listM M →⇩M N".
subsubsection ‹ Measurability of @{term fold} ›
lemma measurable_fold [measurable]:
assumes [measurable]: "(λ(x,y). F x y) ∈ (M ⨂⇩M N→⇩M N)"
shows "(λ (T,xs). fold F xs T) ∈ N ⨂⇩M (listM M) →⇩M N"
have "(λ (T,xs). fold F xs T) = (λ (T,xs). foldr F xs T) o (λ (T,xs). (T, rev xs))"
by (auto simp add: foldr_conv_fold)
also have "... ∈ N ⨂⇩M listM M →⇩M N"
using measurable_foldr by measurable
finally show "(λ(T, xs). fold F xs T) ∈ N ⨂⇩M listM M →⇩M N".
subsubsection ‹ Measurability of @{term drop} ›
lemma measurable_drop[measurable]:
shows "drop n ∈ listM M →⇩M listM M"
have "(λa. []) ∈ space (Pi⇩M UNIV (λa. listM M))"
using listM_Nil space_PiM by fastforce
with measurable_rec_list''' listM_Nil space_PiM
show ?thesis unfolding drop_def by measurable
lemma measurable_drop'[measurable]:
shows "(λ (n,xs). drop n xs) ∈ count_space (UNIV :: nat set) ⨂⇩M listM M →⇩M listM M"
by measurable
subsubsection ‹ Measurability of @{term take} ›
lemma measurable_take[measurable]:
shows "take n ∈ listM M →⇩M listM M"
have "(λ (n,xs). take n xs) = (λ (n,xs). rev (drop (length xs - n) (rev xs)))"
by (metis rev_swap rev_take)
also have "... ∈ count_space (UNIV :: nat set) ⨂⇩M listM M →⇩M listM M"
using measurable_drop by measurable
finally show ?thesis by measurable
lemma measurable_take'[measurable]:
shows "(λ (n,xs). take n xs) ∈ count_space (UNIV :: nat set) ⨂⇩M listM M →⇩M listM M"
by measurable
subsubsection ‹ Measurability of @{term nth} plus a default value ›
text ‹ Since the {@term undefined} is harmful to prove measurability, we introduce the total function version of @{term nth} that returns a fixed default value when the nth element is not found. ›
primrec nth_total :: "'a ⇒ 'a list ⇒ nat ⇒ 'a" where
"nth_total d [] n = d" |
"nth_total d (x # xs) n = (case n of 0 ⇒ x | Suc k ⇒ nth_total d xs k)"
value"nth_total (15 :: nat) [] (0 :: nat) :: nat"
value"nth_total (15 :: nat) [1] (0 :: nat) :: nat"
value"nth_total (15 :: nat) [1,2,3] (0 :: nat) :: nat"
value"nth_total (15 :: nat) [1,2,3] (1 :: nat) :: nat"
value"nth_total (15 :: nat) [1,2,3] (2 :: nat) :: nat"
value"nth_total (15 :: nat) [1,2,3] (3 :: nat) :: nat"
value"nth [1] (0 :: nat) :: nat"
value"nth [1,2,3] (0 :: nat) :: nat"
value"nth [1,2,3] (1 :: nat) :: nat"
value"nth [1,2,3] (2 :: nat) :: nat"
text ‹ The total version @{term nth_total} is the same as @{term nth} if the nth element exists and otherwise it returns the default value. ›
lemma cong_nth_total_nth:
shows "((n :: nat) < length xs ∧ 0 < length xs) ⟹ nth_total d xs n = nth xs n"
proof(induction xs arbitrary :n)
case Nil
thus ?case by auto
case (Cons a xs)
show "nth_total d (a # xs) n = (a # xs) ! n"
case True
thus ?thesis by auto
case False
hence 1: "n = Suc (n-1)" and 3: "n-1 < length xs"
using Cons(2) by auto
hence 2: "nth_total d xs (n-1) = xs ! (n-1)"
using Cons(1) by fastforce
thus ?thesis unfolding nth_total.simps(2) nth.simps
by (metis"2"Nitpick.case_nat_unfold)
lemma cong_nth_total_default:
shows "¬((n :: nat) < length xs ∧ 0 < length xs) ⟹ nth_total d xs n = d"
proof(induction xs arbitrary :n)
case Nil
thus ?case by auto
case (Cons a xs)
hence "0 < length (a # xs)" by auto
then obtain m where n: "n = Suc m"
using Cons.prems not0_implies_Suc by force
thus ?case unfolding n nth_total.simps using Cons.IH[of m]
using Cons.prems n by auto
lemma nth_total_def2:
shows " nth_total d xs n = (if (n < length xs ∧ 0 < length xs) then xs ! n else d)"
using cong_nth_total_nth cong_nth_total_default by (metis (no_types))
fixes d
primrec nth_total' :: "'a list ⇒ nat ⇒ 'a" where
"nth_total' [] n = d" |
"nth_total' (x # xs) n = (case n of 0 ⇒ x | Suc k ⇒ nth_total' xs k)"
lemma measurable_nth_total':
assumes d: "d ∈ space M"
shows "(λ (n,xs). nth_total' xs n) ∈ (count_space UNIV) ⨂⇩M listM M →⇩M M"
unfolding nth_total'_def using assms
by(intro measurable_rec_list''_func, auto simp add: d)
lemma nth_total_nth_total':
shows "nth_total d xs n = nth_total' xs n"
proof(induction xs arbitrary: n)
case Nil
thus ?case by auto
case (Cons a xs)
thus ?case unfolding nth_total'.simps nth_total.simps
by meson
lemma measurable_nth_total[measurable]:
assumes "d ∈ space M"
shows "(λ (n,xs). nth_total d xs n) ∈ (count_space UNIV) ⨂⇩M listM M →⇩M M"
by (auto simp: measurable_nth_total'[OF assms] nth_total_nth_total')
subsubsection ‹ Definition and Measurability of list insert. ›
definition list_insert :: "'a ⇒ 'a list ⇒ nat ⇒ 'a list" where
"list_insert x xs i = (take i xs) @ [x] @ (drop i xs)"
value"list_insert (15 :: nat) [] (0 :: nat) :: nat list"
value"list_insert (15 :: nat) [] (1 :: nat) :: nat list"
value"list_insert (15 :: nat) [1,2,3] (0 :: nat) :: nat list"
value"list_insert (15 :: nat) [1,2,3] (1 :: nat) :: nat list"
value"list_insert (15 :: nat) [1,2,3] (2 :: nat) :: nat list"
value"list_insert (15 :: nat) [1,2,3] (3 :: nat) :: nat list"
value"list_insert (15 :: nat) [1,2,3] (4 :: nat) :: nat list"
lemma measurable_list_insert[measurable]:
fixes n :: nat
shows "(λ (d,xs). list_insert d xs n) ∈ M ⨂⇩M listM M →⇩M listM M"
unfolding list_insert_def by measurable
primrec list_insert' :: "'a ⇒ 'a list ⇒ nat ⇒ 'a list" where
"list_insert' d [] n = [d]"
| "list_insert' d (x # xs) n = (case n of 0 ⇒ d # (x # xs) | Suc k ⇒ x # (list_insert' d xs k))"
lemma list_insert'_is_list_insert:
shows "list_insert' x xs i = list_insert x xs i"
proof(induction xs arbitrary: x i)
case Nil
thus ?case unfolding list_insert_def by auto
case (Cons a xs)
thus ?case
proof(cases"i = 0")
case True
thus ?thesis unfolding list_insert_def list_insert'.simps(2) take.simps(2) drop.simps(2) by auto
case False
then obtain j :: nat where i: "i = Suc j"
using not0_implies_Suc by auto
thus ?thesis unfolding i list_insert_def list_insert'.simps(2) take.simps(2) drop.simps(2) using Cons
using list_insert_def by fastforce
definition list_exclude :: "nat⇒ 'a list ⇒ 'a list" where
"list_exclude n xs = ((take n xs) @ (drop (Suc n) xs))"
value"list_exclude (0 :: nat) [] :: nat list"
value"list_exclude (0 :: nat) [1,2] :: nat list"
value"list_exclude (1 :: nat) [1,2] :: nat list"
value"list_exclude (2 :: nat) [1,2] :: nat list"
lemma measurable_list_exclude[measurable]:
shows "list_exclude n ∈ listM M →⇩M listM M"
unfolding list_exclude_def by measurable
lemma insert_exclude:
shows "n < length xs ⟹ xs ≠ [] ⟹ list_insert' (nth_total d xs n) (list_exclude n xs) n = xs"
unfolding list_exclude_def
proof(induction xs arbitrary : d n)
case Nil
thus ?case by auto
case (Cons a xs)
thus "n < length (a # xs) ⟹ a # xs ≠ [] ⟹ list_insert' (nth_total d (a # xs) n) (take n (a # xs) @ drop (Suc n) (a # xs)) n = a # xs"
proof(cases"xs = []")
case True
then have q: "a # xs = [a]" and "n = 0"
using Cons by auto
thus ?thesis
by auto
case False
thus "n < length (a # xs) ⟹ list_insert' (nth_total d (a # xs) n) (take n (a # xs) @ drop (Suc n) (a # xs)) n = a # xs"
proof(induction n)
case 0
then obtain b ys where xs: "xs = b # ys"
using list_to_pair.cases by auto
thus ?case
by auto
case (Suc n)
have "n < length xs"
using Suc by auto
thus ?case
using False Cons(1) by auto
subsubsection ‹ Measurability of @{term list_update}›
lemma update_insert_exclude:
shows "n < length xs ⟹ xs ≠ [] ⟹ list_update xs n x = list_insert' x (list_exclude n xs) n"
proof(induction xs arbitrary : x n)
case Nil
thus ?case by auto
case (Cons a xs)
thus "n < length (a # xs) ⟹(a # xs) ≠ [] ⟹ list_update (a # xs) n x = list_insert' x (list_exclude n (a # xs)) n"
proof(cases"xs = []")
case True
with Cons have q: "a # xs = [a]" and q2: "n = 0"by auto
show ?thesis unfolding q q2 list_exclude_def by auto
case False
thus "n < length (a # xs) ⟹(a # xs) ≠ [] ⟹ list_update (a # xs) n x = list_insert' x (list_exclude n (a # xs)) n"
proof(induction n)
case 0
then obtain b ys where xs: "xs = b # ys"
using list_to_pair.cases by auto
show ?case unfolding xs list_exclude_def by auto
case (Suc n)
have nn: "n < length xs"using Suc by auto
thus ?case unfolding list_exclude_def list_insert'.simps(2) take.simps(2) drop.simps(2) list_update.simps(2)
using Cons(1)
by (metis Cons_eq_appendI False list_exclude_def list_insert'.simps(2) old.nat.simps(5))
lemma list_update_def2:
shows "list_update xs n x = If (n < length xs ∧ xs ≠ []) (list_insert' x (list_exclude n xs) n) xs"
proof(cases"(n < length xs ∧ xs ≠ [])")
case True
thus ?thesis by(subst update_insert_exclude,auto)
case False
thus ?thesis by auto
lemma measurable_list_update[measurable]:
shows "(λ (x,xs). list_update xs (n :: nat) x) ∈ M ⨂⇩M (listM M) →⇩M (listM M)"
have 1 : "(λx. length (snd x)) ∈ (M ⨂⇩M listM M) →⇩M (count_space UNIV)"
by auto
have "(λx. snd x ≠ []) = (λxs. (length xs ≠ 0)) o snd"
by auto
also have "... ∈ (M ⨂⇩M listM M) →⇩M (count_space (UNIV :: bool set))"
by measurable
finally have "Measurable.pred (M ⨂⇩M listM M) (λx. snd x ≠ [])".
thus ?thesis
unfolding list_insert'_is_list_insert list_update_def2
using 1 by auto
subsubsection ‹ Measurability of @{term zip}›
lemma measurable_zip[measurable]:
shows "(λ(xs,ys). (zip xs ys)) ∈ (listM M) ⨂⇩M (listM N) →⇩M (listM (M ⨂⇩M N))"
unfolding zip_def
by(rule measurable_rec_list''_func,auto)
subsubsection ‹ Measurability of @{term map2}›
lemma measurable_map2[measurable]:
assumes [measurable]: "(λ(x,y). f x y) ∈ M ⨂⇩M M' →⇩M N "
shows "(λ(xs,ys). map2 f xs ys) ∈ (listM M) ⨂⇩M (listM M') →⇩M (listM N)"
by auto