Theory Measurable_Isomorphism

 Author: Tetsuya Sato

theory Measurable_Isomorphism

lemma measurable_isomorphism_iff:
  assumes "f  M M N"
    and "g  N M M"
    and " x  space M. g(f(x)) = x"
    and " y  space N. f(g(y)) = y"
  shows " h. (h  N M K)  (h o f  M M K)"
    " h. (h  M M K)  (h o g  N M K)"
    " h. (h  K M M)  (f o h  K M N)(h  space K  space M)"
    " h. (h  K M N)  (g o h  K M M)(h  space K  space N)"
  show " h. (h  N M K)  (h o f  M M K)"
  proof(intro iffI measurable_comp[OF assms(1)],clarify)
    fix h assume "h  f  M M K"
    hence "h o f o g  N M K"
      using assms(2) measurable_comp by blast
    thus"h  N M K"
      by(subst measurable_cong, auto simp add: assms)
  show "h. (h  M M K) = (h  g  N M K)"
  proof(intro iffI measurable_comp[OF assms(2)],clarify)
    fix h assume "h  g  N M K"
    hence "h o g o f  M M K"
      using assms(1) measurable_comp by blast
    thus"h  M M K"
      by(subst measurable_cong, auto simp add: assms)
  show "h. (h  K M M)  (f o h  K M N)(h  space K  space M)"
  proof(intro iffI conjI measurable_comp[OF _ assms(1)],clarify)
    fix h assume "f  h  K M N  h  space K  space M"
    hence "g o f o h  K M M  h  space K  space M"
      using assms(2) measurable_comp by(subst comp_assoc, auto)
    hence "g o f o h  K M M  (w  space K. (g o f o h) w = (h w))"
      using assms (3,4) by auto
    thus"h  K M M"
      using assms (3,4) by(subst measurable_cong, auto)
  qed(auto simp:measurable_def)
  show "h. (h  K M N) = (g  h  K M M  h  space K  space N)"
  proof(intro iffI conjI measurable_comp[OF _ assms(2)],clarify)
    fix h assume "g  h  K M M  h  space K  space N"
    hence "f o g  h  K M N  h  space K  space N"
      using assms(1) measurable_comp by(subst comp_assoc, auto)
    hence "f o g o h  K M N  (w  space K. (f o g o h) w = (h w))"
      using assms (3,4) by auto
    thus"h  K M N"
      using assms (3,4) by(subst measurable_cong, auto)
  qed(auto simp:measurable_def)
