Theory Differential_Privacy_Laplace_Mechanism_Multi
theory Differential_Privacy_Laplace_Mechanism_Multi
imports "List_Space/List_Space"
subsection ‹Bundled Laplace Noise›
lemma space_listM_borel_UNIV[measurable,simp]:
shows "space (listM borel) = UNIV"
unfolding space_listM by auto
fixes b::real
paragraph ‹ The list of Laplace distribution with scale ‹b› and average ‹0› ›
primrec Lap_dist0_list :: "nat ⇒ (real list) measure" where
"Lap_dist0_list 0 = return (listM borel) []" |
"Lap_dist0_list (Suc n) = do{x1 ← (Lap_dist0 b); x2 ← (Lap_dist0_list n); return (listM borel) (x1 # x2)}"
paragraph ‹ A function adding Laplace noise to each element of a real list ›
primrec Lap_dist_list :: "real list ⇒ (real list) measure" where
"Lap_dist_list [] = return (listM borel) []"|
"Lap_dist_list (x # xs) = do{x1 ← (Lap_dist b x); x2 ← (Lap_dist_list xs); return (listM borel) (x1 # x2)}"
lemma measurable_Lap_dist_list[measurable]:
shows "Lap_dist_list ∈ listM borel →⇩M prob_algebra (listM borel)"
have 1: "(return (listM borel) []) ∈ space (prob_algebra (listM borel))"
by (metis UNIV_I lists_UNIV measurable_return_prob_space measurable_space space_borel space_listM)
show ?thesis
unfolding Lap_dist_list_def using 1 measurable_rec_list''' by measurable
lemma prob_space_Lap_dist_list[measurable,simp]:
shows "prob_space (Lap_dist_list xs)"
using space_listM_borel_UNIV measurable_Lap_dist_list measurable_space[of Lap_dist_list] actual_prob_space by blast
lemma Laprepsp'[measurable,simp]:
shows "Lap_dist_list xs ∈ space (prob_algebra (listM borel))"
by (metis UNIV_I measurable_Lap_dist_list measurable_space space_listM_borel_UNIV)
lemma Laprepsp[measurable,simp]:
shows "Lap_dist_list xs ∈ space (subprob_algebra (listM borel))"
by (simp add: prob_space_imp_subprob_space space_prob_algebra_sets space_subprob_algebra)
lemma sets_Lap_dist_list[measurable_cong]:
shows "⋀zs. sets(Lap_dist_list zs) = sets(listM borel)"
by (simp add: space_prob_algebra_sets)
lemma space_Lap_dist_list:
shows "⋀zs. space(Lap_dist_list zs) = space (listM borel)"
by (simp add: sets_Lap_dist_list sets_eq_imp_space_eq)
lemma emeasure_Lap_dist_list_length:
shows "emeasure (Lap_dist_list ys) {xs. length xs = length ys} = 1"
proof(induction ys)
case Nil
have 1: "{xs. length xs = length []} = {[]}"
by auto
have 2: "{[]} ∈ sets (listM borel)"
using sets_listM_length[of borel"0"] unfolding space_listM by auto
thus ?case by(auto simp: 2 1)
case (Cons a ys)
note [simp] = sets_Lap_dist_list sets_Lap_dist space_pair_measure space_Lap_dist
have [measurable]: "return (Lap_dist b a ⨂⇩M Lap_dist_list ys) ∈ borel ⨂⇩M listM borel →⇩M subprob_algebra (borel ⨂⇩M listM borel)"
by (metis (mono_tags, opaque_lifting) sets_Lap_dist_list return_measurable return_sets_cong sets_Lap_dist sets_pair_measure_cong)
have "Lap_dist_list (a # ys) = Lap_dist b a ⤜ (λx1. Lap_dist_list ys ⤜ (λx2. return (listM borel) (x1 # x2)))"
unfolding Lap_dist_list.simps(2) by auto
also have "... = ((Lap_dist b a) ⨂⇩M (Lap_dist_list ys)) ⤜ (λ(x1,x2). return (listM borel) (x1 # x2))"
proof(subst pair_prob_space.pair_measure_eq_bind)
show "Lap_dist b a ⤜ (λx1. Lap_dist_list ys ⤜ (λx2. return (listM borel) (x1 # x2))) = Lap_dist b a ⤜ (λx. Lap_dist_list ys ⤜ (λy. return (Lap_dist b a ⨂⇩M Lap_dist_list ys) (x, y))) ⤜ (λ(x1, x2). return (listM borel) (x1 # x2))"
proof(subst bind_assoc)
show "Lap_dist b a ⤜ (λx1. Lap_dist_list ys ⤜ (λx2. return (listM borel) (x1 # x2))) = Lap_dist b a ⤜ (λx. Lap_dist_list ys ⤜ (λy. return (Lap_dist b a ⨂⇩M Lap_dist_list ys) (x, y)) ⤜ (λ(x1, x2). return (listM borel) (x1 # x2)))"
by(subst bind_assoc,measurable)(subst bind_return[where N ="(listM borel)"],auto simp: sets_eq_imp_space_eq)
show "(λ(x1, x2). return (listM borel) (x1 # x2)) ∈ borel ⨂⇩M listM borel →⇩M subprob_algebra (listM borel)"
by measurable
show "(λx. Lap_dist_list ys ⤜ (λy. return (Lap_dist b a ⨂⇩M Lap_dist_list ys) (x, y))) ∈ Lap_dist b a →⇩M subprob_algebra (borel ⨂⇩M listM borel)"
proof(subst measurable_bind)
show "(λx. return (Lap_dist b a ⨂⇩M Lap_dist_list ys) (fst x, snd x)) ∈ Lap_dist b a ⨂⇩M (Lap_dist_list ys) →⇩M subprob_algebra (borel ⨂⇩M listM borel)"
by(rule measurable_compose,measurable)
show "(λx. Lap_dist_list ys) ∈ Lap_dist b a →⇩M subprob_algebra (Lap_dist_list ys)"
by (auto simp: prob_space.M_in_subprob)
show "pair_prob_space (Lap_dist b a) (Lap_dist_list ys)"
unfolding pair_prob_space_def pair_sigma_finite_def using prob_space_Lap_dist prob_space_Lap_dist_list
by (auto simp: prob_space_imp_sigma_finite)
finally have eq1: "Lap_dist_list (a # ys) = Lap_dist b a ⨂⇩M Lap_dist_list ys ⤜ (λ(x1, x2). return (listM borel) (x1 # x2))".
show "emeasure (Lap_dist_list (a # ys)) {xs. length xs = length (a # ys)} = (1 :: ennreal)"unfolding eq1
proof(subst Giry_Monad.emeasure_bind emeasure_return)
show "(∫⇧+ x. emeasure (case x of (x1, x2) ⇒ (return (listM borel) (x1 # x2))) {xs. (length xs) = (length (a # ys))} ∂((Lap_dist b a) ⨂⇩M (Lap_dist_list ys))) = 1"
proof(subst pair_sigma_finite.nn_integral_snd[THEN sym])
show "(∫⇧+ y. ∫⇧+ x. emeasure (case (x, y) of (x1, x2) ⇒ return (listM borel) (x1 # x2)) {xs. length xs = length (a # ys)} ∂Lap_dist b a ∂Lap_dist_list ys) = 1"
fix y :: "real list"
have "(∫⇧+ x. emeasure (case (x, y) of (x1, x2) ⇒ return (listM borel) (x1 # x2)) {xs. length xs = length (a # ys)} ∂Lap_dist b a) = (∫⇧+ x. emeasure (return (listM borel) (x # y)) {xs. length xs = length (a # ys)} ∂Lap_dist b a)"by auto
also have "... = (∫⇧+ x. indicator {x. length (x # y) = length (a # ys)} x ∂Lap_dist b a)"
proof(subst emeasure_return)
show "⋀x. {xs. length xs = length (a # ys)} ∈ sets (listM borel)"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Collect_cong iso_tuple_UNIV_I sets_listM_length space_listM_borel_UNIV)
show "(∫⇧+ x. indicator {xs. length xs = length (a # ys)} (x # y) ∂Lap_dist b a) = (∫⇧+ x. indicator {x. length (x # y) = length (a # ys)} x ∂Lap_dist b a)"
by(rule nn_integral_cong,auto)
also have "... = (∫⇧+ x. indicator {x. length y = length ys} x ∂Lap_dist b a)"
by auto
also have "... = indicator {z. length z = length ys} y"
proof(split split_indicator,intro conjI impI)
show "y ∉ {z. length z = length ys} ⟹ integral⇧N (Lap_dist b a) (indicator {x. length y = length ys}) = 0"
by auto
show "y ∈ {z. length z = length ys} ⟹ integral⇧N (Lap_dist b a) (indicator {x. length y = length ys}) = 1"
using prob_space_Lap_dist prob_space.emeasure_space_1 by fastforce
finally have "(∫⇧+ x. emeasure (case (x, y) of (x1, x2) ⇒ return (listM borel) (x1 # x2)) {xs. length xs = length (a # ys)} ∂Lap_dist b a) = indicator {z. length z = length ys} y".
}note * = this
hence "(∫⇧+ y. ∫⇧+ x. emeasure (case (x, y) of (x1, x2) ⇒ return (listM borel) (x1 # x2)) {xs. length xs = length (a # ys)} ∂Lap_dist b a ∂Lap_dist_list ys) = (∫⇧+ y. indicator {z. length z = length ys} y ∂Lap_dist_list ys)"
by auto
also have "... = emeasure (Lap_dist_list ys) {z. length z = length ys}"
by(subst nn_integral_indicator)(use sets_listM_length[of borel"length ys"] in auto)
also have "... = 1"
by(auto simp:Cons.IH)
finally show ?thesis.
show "pair_sigma_finite (Lap_dist b a) (Lap_dist_list ys)"
by (auto simp: pair_sigma_finite_def prob_space_imp_subprob_space subprob_space_imp_sigma_finite)
have "(λx. emeasure (case x of (x1, x2) ⇒ return (listM borel) (x1 # x2)) {xs. length xs = length (a # ys)}) = (λx. emeasure x {xs. length xs = length (a # ys)}) o (λx. (case x of (x1, x2) ⇒ return (listM borel) (x1 # x2)))"
by auto
also have "... ∈ borel_measurable (Lap_dist b a ⨂⇩M Lap_dist_list ys)"
proof(intro measurable_comp)
show "(λx. case x of (x1, x2) ⇒ return (listM borel) (x1 # x2)) ∈ Lap_dist b a ⨂⇩M Lap_dist_list ys →⇩M subprob_algebra(listM borel)"
by measurable
show "(λx. emeasure x {xs. length xs = length (a # ys)}) ∈ borel_measurable (subprob_algebra (listM borel))"
by(rule measurable_emeasure_subprob_algebra)(use sets_listM_length[of borel"length (a#ys)"] in auto)
finally show "(λx. emeasure (case x of (x1, x2) ⇒ return (listM borel) (x1 # x2)) {xs. length xs = length (a # ys)}) ∈ borel_measurable (Lap_dist b a ⨂⇩M Lap_dist_list ys)".
show "space (Lap_dist b a ⨂⇩M Lap_dist_list ys) ≠ {}"
by (auto simp: prob_space.not_empty prob_space_pair)
show "{xs. length xs = length (a # ys)} ∈ sets (listM borel)"
by (use sets_listM_length[of borel"length (a#ys)"] in auto)
show "(λ(x1, x2). return (listM borel) (x1 # x2)) ∈ Lap_dist b a ⨂⇩M Lap_dist_list ys →⇩M subprob_algebra (listM borel)"
by measurable
lemma Lap_dist0_list_Lap_dist_list:
shows "Lap_dist_list (replicate n 0) = Lap_dist0_list n"
by(induction n,auto simp: Lap_dist0_def)
shows prob_space_Lap_dist0_list[measurable,simp]: "prob_space ( Lap_dist0_list n)"
and prob_algebra_Lap_dist0_list[measurable,simp]: " Lap_dist0_list n ∈ space (prob_algebra (listM borel))"
and subprob_algebra_Lap_dist0_list[measurable,simp]: " Lap_dist0_list n ∈ space (subprob_algebra (listM borel))"
and sets_Lap_dist0_list[measurable_cong]:"sets(Lap_dist0_list n) = sets(listM borel)"
by(auto simp add: Lap_dist0_list_Lap_dist_list[symmetric] sets_Lap_dist_list)
corollary emeasure_Lap_dist0_list_length:
shows "emeasure (Lap_dist0_list n) {xs. length xs = n} = 1"
using emeasure_Lap_dist_list_length[of " (replicate n 0)"]
by(auto simp: Lap_dist0_list_Lap_dist_list[symmetric] )
lemma Lap_dist_list_def2:
shows "Lap_dist_list xs = do{ys ← (Lap_dist0_list (length xs)); return (listM borel) (map2 (+) xs ys)}"
proof(induction xs)
case Nil
thus ?case unfolding Lap_dist_list.simps(1) zip_Nil by(subst Giry_Monad.bind_const',auto intro!: prob_space_return subprob_space_return simp: space_listM)
case (Cons a xs)
note [measurable del] = borel_measurable_count_space
have [simp]: "(replicate (length xs) 0) ∈ space(listM borel)"
unfolding space_listM by auto
have 4[measurable]: "sets (Lap_dist b 0 ⤜ (λx. return borel (a + x))) = sets borel"
unfolding Lap_dist_shift[symmetric] sets_Lap_dist by auto
have 5[measurable]: "sets (Lap_dist_list (replicate (length xs) 0)) = sets (listM borel)"
by(simp add:sets_Lap_dist_list)
hence [measurable]: "(map2 (+) (a#xs)) ∈ listM borel →⇩M listM borel"
by measurable
have [simp]: "prob_space (Lap_dist b 0 ⤜ (λx. return borel (a + x)))"
by(rule prob_space_bind'[of _ borel _ borel],auto)
have "Lap_dist_list (a # xs) = Lap_dist b a ⤜ (λx1. Lap_dist0_list (length xs) ⤜ (λys. return (listM borel) (map2 (+) xs ys)) ⤜ (λx2. return (listM borel) (x1 # x2)))"
unfolding Lap_dist_list.simps(2) Cons by auto
also have "... = Lap_dist b 0 ⤜ (λx. return borel (a + x)) ⤜ (λx1. Lap_dist0_list (length xs) ⤜ (λys. return (listM borel) (map2 (+) xs ys)) ⤜ (λx2. return (listM borel) (x1 # x2)))"
unfolding Lap_dist_shift[of b 0 a,simplified] by auto
also have "... = Lap_dist b 0 ⤜ (λx. return borel (a + x)) ⤜ (λx1. Lap_dist0_list (length xs) ⤜ (λys. return (listM borel) (map2 (+) xs ys) ⤜ (λx2. return (listM borel) (x1 # x2))))"
proof(subst bind_assoc[THEN sym])
show "⋀x1. (λx2. return (listM borel) (x1 # x2)) ∈(listM borel) →⇩M subprob_algebra (listM borel)"
by measurable
have "sets (Lap_dist0_list (length xs)) = sets (listM borel)"
by(auto simp: sets_Lap_dist0_list)
thus"(λys. return (listM borel) (map2 (+) xs ys)) ∈ Lap_dist0_list (length xs) →⇩M subprob_algebra (listM borel)"
by measurable
also have "... = Lap_dist b 0 ⤜ (λx. return borel (a + x)) ⤜ (λx1. Lap_dist0_list (length xs) ⤜ (λys. return (listM borel) (x1 # (map2 (+) xs ys))))"
by(subst bind_return[where N ="listM borel"],auto)
also have "... = Lap_dist0_list (length xs) ⤜ (λy. Lap_dist b 0 ⤜ (λx. return borel (a + x)) ⤜ (λx. return (listM borel) (x # map2 (+) xs y)))"
proof(subst pair_prob_space.bind_rotate[where N ="listM borel"])
show "pair_prob_space (Lap_dist b 0 ⤜ (λx. return borel (a + x))) (Lap_dist0_list(length xs))"
by (auto simp: prob_space_imp_sigma_finite pair_prob_space_def pair_sigma_finite_def)
have 6: "sets ((Lap_dist b 0 ⤜ (λx. return borel (a + x))) ⨂⇩M Lap_dist0_list (length xs)) = sets(borel ⨂⇩M listM borel)"
using 4 5 by(auto simp: Lap_dist0_list_Lap_dist_list)
show "(λ(x, y). return (listM borel) (x # map2 (+) xs y)) ∈ (Lap_dist b 0 ⤜ (λx. return borel (a + x))) ⨂⇩M Lap_dist0_list (length xs) →⇩M subprob_algebra (listM borel)"
by(subst measurable_cong_sets[OF 6],auto simp: Lap_dist0_list_Lap_dist_list)
also have "... = Lap_dist0_list (length xs) ⤜ (λy. Lap_dist b 0 ⤜ (λx. (return borel (a + x)) ⤜ (λx. return (listM borel) (x # map2 (+) xs y))))"
by(subst bind_assoc,measurable)
also have "... = Lap_dist0_list (length xs) ⤜ (λy. Lap_dist b 0 ⤜ (λx. (return (listM borel) ((a + x) # map2 (+) xs y))))"
by(subst bind_return,measurable)
also have "... = Lap_dist b 0 ⤜ (λx. Lap_dist0_list (length xs) ⤜ (λys. (return (listM borel) (map2 (+) (a#xs) (x#ys)))))"
by(subst pair_prob_space.bind_rotate[where N ="listM borel"],auto simp: prob_space_imp_sigma_finite pair_prob_space_def pair_sigma_finite_def)
also have "... = Lap_dist b 0 ⤜ (λx. Lap_dist0_list (length xs) ⤜ (λzs. (return (listM borel)(x # zs)) ⤜ (λys. (return (listM borel) (map2 (+) (a#xs) (ys))))))"
by(subst bind_return[where N ="listM borel"],auto)
also have "... = (Lap_dist b 0 ⤜ (λx. Lap_dist0_list (length xs) ⤜ (λzs. (return (listM borel)(x # zs))) ⤜ (λys. (return (listM borel) (map2 (+) (a#xs) (ys))))))"
by(subst bind_assoc[THEN sym],measurable)
also have "... = Lap_dist0_list (length (a # xs)) ⤜ (λys. return (listM borel) (map2 (+) (a # xs) ys))"
unfolding Lap_dist_list.simps(2) length_Cons Lap_dist0_list.simps(2) Lap_dist0_def
by(subst bind_assoc[THEN sym],measurable)
finally show ?case by auto
lemma sum_list_cons:
fixes xs ys :: "'a list" and n :: nat
assumes "length xs = n" and "length ys = n"
shows "(∑ i∈{1..Suc n}. d (nth (x # xs) (i-1)) (nth (y # ys) (i-1) )) = d x y + (∑ i∈{1..n}. d (nth xs (i-1)) (nth ys (i-1)))"
have 0: "{0..n} = {0..0} ∪ {1..n}"
by auto
show "(∑i = 1..Suc n. d (nth (x # xs) (i-1)) (nth (y # ys) (i-1))) = d x y + (∑(i :: nat)∈{1..n}. d (nth (xs) (i-1)) (nth (ys ) (i-1)))"
by(subst sum.reindex_bij_witness[ of "{1..Suc n}" Suc "λi. i - 1" "{0..n}"],auto simp: 0)
lemma adj_Cons_partition:
fixes xs ys :: "real list" and n :: nat and r :: real
assumes "length xs = n" and "length ys = n"
and adj: "(∑ i∈{1..Suc n}. ¦ nth (x # xs) (i-1) - nth (y # ys) (i-1) ¦) ≤ r"
and posr: "r ≥ 0"
obtains r1 r2::real where "0 ≤ r1" and "0 ≤ r2" and "¦x - y¦ ≤ r1" and "(∑i = 1..n. ¦xs ! (i - 1) - ys ! (i - 1)¦) ≤ r2 " and "r1 + r2 ≤ r"
have "(∑i = 1..Suc n. ¦(x # xs) ! (i - 1) - (y # ys) ! (i - 1)¦) = ¦ x - y¦ + (∑(i :: nat)∈{1..n}. ¦xs ! (i-1) - ys ! (i-1)¦)"
using sum_list_cons[OF assms(1,2)] by auto
with adj have " ¦x - y¦ + (∑i = 1..n. ¦xs ! (i - 1) - ys ! (i - 1)¦) ≤ r" and "0 ≤ ¦x - y¦" and "0 ≤ (∑i = 1..n. ¦xs ! (i - 1) - ys ! (i - 1)¦) "
by auto
thus " (⋀r1 r2. 0 ≤ r1 ⟹ 0 ≤ r2 ⟹ ¦x - y¦ ≤ r1 ⟹ (∑i = 1..n. ¦xs ! (i - 1) - ys ! (i - 1)¦) ≤ r2 ⟹ r1 + r2 ≤ r ⟹ thesis) ⟹ thesis"
by blast
lemma adj_list_0:
fixes xs ys :: "real list" and n :: nat
shows "length xs = n ⟹ length ys = n ⟹ (∑ i∈{1..n}. ¦ nth xs (i-1) - nth ys (i-1) ¦) ≤ 0 ⟹ xs = ys"
proof(induction xs arbitrary: ys n )
case Nil
thus ?case by auto
case (Cons x xs2)
then obtain m y ys2 where n: "n = Suc m" and ys: "ys = (y # ys2)" and xs2: "length xs2 = m" and ys2: "length ys2 = m"
by (metis length_Suc_conv)
hence *: " (∑ i∈{1..Suc m}. ¦ nth (x # xs2) (i-1) - nth (y # ys2) (i-1) ¦) ≤ 0"
using Cons.prems(3) unfolding ys n by auto
then obtain r1 r2::real where r1: "0 ≤ r1" and r2: "0 ≤ r2" and r1a: "¦x - y¦ ≤ r1" and r2a: "(∑i = 1..m. ¦xs2 ! (i - 1) - ys2 ! (i - 1)¦) ≤ r2 " and req: "r1 + r2 ≤ 0"
using adj_Cons_partition[of xs2 m ys2 x y 0, OF xs2 ys2 *] by auto
hence "r1 = 0" and "r2 = 0" and "x = y" and "xs2 = ys2"
using Cons.IH[of m ys2, OF xs2 ys2] r2a r1a by auto
thus "x # xs2 = ys" unfolding ys by auto
lemma DP_Lap_dist_list:
fixes xs ys :: "real list" and n :: nat and r :: real and b::real
assumes posb: "b > (0 :: real)"
and "length xs = n" and "length ys = n"
and adj: "(∑ i∈{1..n}. ¦ nth xs (i-1) - nth ys (i-1) ¦) ≤ r"
and posr: "r ≥ 0"
shows "DP_divergence (Lap_dist_list b xs) (Lap_dist_list b ys) (r / b) ≤ 0"
using assms
proof(induction xs arbitrary: ys n r b)
case Nil
hence "n = 0" and "ys = []"
by auto
hence 1: "Lap_dist_list b ys = (Lap_dist_list b [])"
by auto
have 2: " 0 ≤ r / b"
using Nil by auto
have "DP_divergence (Lap_dist_list b []) (Lap_dist_list b ys) (r/b) ≤ DP_divergence (Lap_dist_list b []) (Lap_dist_list b []) 0"
by(unfold 1, rule DP_divergence_monotonicity)
(auto simp: prob_space_return space_prob_algebra 2)
then show ?case
by (simp add: DP_divergence_reflexivity)
case (Cons x xs2)
then obtain y ys2 m where n: "n = Suc m" and ys: "ys = y # ys2" and xs2: "length xs2 = m" and ys2: "length ys2 = m"
by (auto simp: length_Suc_conv)
then obtain r1 r2::real
where r1: "0 ≤ r1"
and r2: "0 ≤ r2"
and r1a: "¦x - y¦ ≤ r1"
and r2a: "(∑i = 1..m. ¦xs2 ! (i - 1) - ys2 ! (i - 1)¦) ≤ r2 "
and req: "r1 + r2 ≤ r"
using adj_Cons_partition[of xs2 m ys2 x y r] Cons by blast
have DPr2: "DP_divergence (Lap_dist_list b xs2) (Lap_dist_list b ys2) (r2 / b) ≤ 0"
by (auto simp: Cons.IH[of b m ys2 r2, OF Cons.prems(1) xs2 ys2 r2a r2])
have DPr1: "DP_divergence (Lap_dist b x) (Lap_dist b y) (r1 / b) ≤ 0"
by (auto simp: DP_divergence_Lap_dist'[of b x y r1 , OF Cons.prems(1) r1a] zero_ereal_def)
have " r1 / b + r2 / b ≤ r / b"
by (metis Cons.prems(1) add_divide_distrib divide_right_mono leI order_trans_rules(20) req)
hence "DP_divergence (Lap_dist_list b (x # xs2)) (Lap_dist_list b ys) (r / b) ≤ DP_divergence (Lap_dist_list b (x # xs2)) (Lap_dist_list b ys) (r1 / b + r2 / b)"
by(intro DP_divergence_monotonicity Laprepsp') auto
also have " ... ≤ ereal (0 + 0)"
unfolding ys Lap_dist_list.simps(2)
proof(rule DP_divergence_composability[of "Lap_dist b x" borel "Lap_dist b y" _ _ _ "r1 / b" 0 "r2 / b" 0])
show "Lap_dist b x ∈ space (prob_algebra borel)"
and "Lap_dist b y ∈ space (prob_algebra borel)"
and "(λx1. Lap_dist_list b xs2 ⤜ (λx2. return (listM borel) (x1 # x2))) ∈ borel →⇩M prob_algebra (listM borel)"
and "(λx1. Lap_dist_list b ys2 ⤜ (λx2. return (listM borel) (x1 # x2))) ∈ borel →⇩M prob_algebra (listM borel)"
by auto
show " ∀x∈space borel.
DP_divergence (Lap_dist_list b xs2 ⤜ (λx2. return (listM borel) (x # x2))) (Lap_dist_list b ys2 ⤜ (λx2. return (listM borel) (x # x2))) (r2 / b) ≤ ereal 0"
fix z::real assume "z ∈ space borel"
have " DP_divergence (Lap_dist_list b xs2 ⤜ (λx2. return (listM borel) (z # x2))) (Lap_dist_list b ys2 ⤜ (λx2. return (listM borel) (z # x2))) (r2 / b + 0) ≤ ereal (0 + 0)"
proof(rule DP_divergence_composability[of "Lap_dist_list b xs2" "listM borel" "Lap_dist_list b ys2" _ _ _ "r2 / b" 0 ])
show "Lap_dist_list b xs2 ∈ space (prob_algebra (listM borel))"
and "Lap_dist_list b ys2 ∈ space (prob_algebra (listM borel))"
and "(λx2. return (listM borel) (z # x2)) ∈ listM borel →⇩M prob_algebra (listM borel)"
and "(λx2. return (listM borel) (z # x2)) ∈ listM borel →⇩M prob_algebra (listM borel)"
and "(0::real) ≤ 0 "
by auto
show " DP_divergence (Lap_dist_list b xs2) (Lap_dist_list b ys2) (r2 / b) ≤ ereal 0"
using DPr2 by(auto simp: zero_ereal_def)
show "∀x∈space (listM borel). DP_divergence (return (listM borel) (z # x)) (return (listM borel) (z # x)) 0 ≤ ereal 0"
by (auto simp: DP_divergence_reflexivity order.refl zero_ereal_def)
show " 0 ≤ r2 / b"
by (auto simp: Cons.prems(1) r2 divide_nonneg_pos)
thus "DP_divergence (Lap_dist_list b xs2 ⤜ (λx2. return (listM borel) (z # x2))) (Lap_dist_list b ys2 ⤜ (λx2. return (listM borel) (z # x2))) (r2 / b) ≤ ereal 0"
by auto
show "DP_divergence (Lap_dist b x) (Lap_dist b y) (r1 / b) ≤ ereal 0"
using DPr1 by(auto simp: zero_ereal_def)
show " 0 ≤ r1 / b"
and " 0 ≤ r2 / b"
by (auto simp: Cons.prems(1) r1 r2 divide_nonneg_pos)
also have "... = 0"
by auto
finally show " DP_divergence (Lap_dist_list b (x # xs2)) (Lap_dist_list b ys) (r / b) ≤ 0" .
corollary DP_Lap_dist_list_eps:
fixes xs ys :: "real list" and n :: nat and r :: real
assumes pose: "ε > (0 :: real)"
and "length xs = n" and "length ys = n"
and adj: "(∑ i∈{1..n}. ¦ nth xs (i-1) - nth ys (i-1) ¦) ≤ r"
and posr: "r ≥ 0"
shows "DP_divergence (Lap_dist_list (r / ε) xs) (Lap_dist_list (r / ε) ys) ε ≤ 0"
proof(cases "r = 0")
case True
with assms adj_list_0 have *: "xs = ys"
by blast
have nne: "0 ≤ ε"
using pose by auto
then show ?thesis
unfolding * using DP_divergence_reflexivity'[of ε "Lap_dist_list (r / ε) ys"] by auto
case False
with posr have posr': "0 < r"
by auto
note * = DP_Lap_dist_list[of " (r / ε)" xs n ys r , OF _ assms(2,3,4) posr]
from posr' pose have 1: "r / (r / ε) = ε" and 2: "0 < r / ε"
by auto
then show ?thesis using *[OF 2] unfolding 1 by blast
hide_fact(open) adj_Cons_partition sum_list_cons adj_list_0