Theory DP_QBS
theory DP_QBS
imports "Differential_Privacy.Differential_Privacy_Divergence"
declare qbs_morphism_imp_measurable[measurable_dest]
section ‹ Definitions›
text ‹ Details of differential privacy using quasi-Borel spaces are found at~\cite{Sato_Katsumata_2023}›
subsection ‹ Divergence for Differential Privacy using QBS›
definition DP_qbs_divergence :: "'a qbs_measure ⇒ 'a qbs_measure ⇒ real ⇒ ereal" ("DP'_divergence⇩Q") where
DP_qbs_divergence_qbs_l: "DP_divergence⇩Q p q e ≡ DP_divergence (qbs_l p) (qbs_l q) e"
abbreviation DP_qbs_inequality ("DP'_inequality⇩Q") where
"DP_qbs_inequality p q ε δ ≡ DP_divergence⇩Q p q ε ≤ ereal δ"
lemmas DP_qbs_divergence_def = DP_qbs_divergence_qbs_l[simplified DP_divergence_SUP]
lemma DP_qbs_divergence_nonneg[simp]: "0 ≤ DP_divergence⇩Q p q e"
by(auto simp: le_SUP_iff zero_ereal_def DP_qbs_divergence_def intro!: bexI[where x="{}"])
lemma DP_qbs_divergence_le_ereal_iff:
"DP_divergence⇩Q p q ε ≤ ereal δ ⟷ (∀A ∈ sets (qbs_l p). measure (qbs_l p) A - exp ε * measure (qbs_l q) A ≤ δ)"
by (auto simp: DP_divergence_forall DP_qbs_divergence_qbs_l)
corollary DP_qbs_divergence_le_ereal_dest:
assumes "DP_divergence⇩Q p q ε ≤ ereal δ"
shows "measure (qbs_l p) A ≤ exp ε * measure (qbs_l q) A + δ"
using assms order.trans[OF DP_qbs_divergence_nonneg assms]
by(cases "A ∈ sets (qbs_l p)") (auto simp: DP_qbs_divergence_le_ereal_iff measure_notin_sets)
corollary DP_qbs_divergence_le_erealI:
assumes "⋀ A. A ∈ sets (qbs_l p) ⟹ measure (qbs_l p) A ≤ exp ε * measure (qbs_l q) A + δ"
shows "DP_divergence⇩Q p q ε ≤ ereal δ"
using assms by(fastforce simp: DP_qbs_divergence_le_ereal_iff)
lemma DP_qbs_divergence_zero:
assumes "p ∈ monadP_qbs X"
and "q ∈ monadP_qbs X"
and "DP_inequality⇩Q p q 0 0"
shows "p = q"
by(auto intro!: inj_onD[OF qbs_l_inj_P] DP_divergence_zero[where L="qbs_to_measure X"]
assms[simplified DP_qbs_divergence_qbs_l] measurable_space[OF qbs_l_measurable_prob]
simp: space_L)
lemma DP_qbs_divergence_antimono: "a ≤ b ⟹ DP_divergence⇩Q p q b ≤ DP_divergence⇩Q p q a"
by(auto simp: DP_qbs_divergence_def intro!: SUP_mono' mult_right_mono)
lemma DP_qbs_divergence_refl[simp]: "DP_divergence⇩Q p p 0 = 0"
unfolding DP_qbs_divergence_qbs_l by(rule DP_divergence_reflexivity)
lemma DP_qbs_divergence_refl'[simp]: "0 ≤ e ⟹ DP_divergence⇩Q p p e = 0"
by(intro antisym DP_qbs_divergence_nonneg) (auto simp: DP_qbs_divergence_def SUP_le_iff mult_le_cancel_right1)
lemma DP_qbs_divergence_trans':
assumes "DP_inequality⇩Q p q ε δ"
and "DP_inequality⇩Q q l ε' 0"
shows "DP_inequality⇩Q p l (ε + ε') δ"
unfolding DP_qbs_divergence_le_ereal_iff diff_le_eq
proof safe
fix A
assume [measurable]:"A ∈ sets (qbs_l p)"
show "measure (qbs_l p) A ≤ δ + exp (ε + ε') * measure (qbs_l l) A"
proof -
have "measure (qbs_l p) A ≤ δ + exp ε * measure (qbs_l q) A"
using assms(1) by(auto simp: DP_qbs_divergence_le_ereal_iff diff_le_eq)
also have "... ≤ δ + exp ε * (exp ε' * measure (qbs_l l) A)"
using DP_qbs_divergence_le_ereal_dest assms(2) by fastforce
finally show ?thesis
by (simp add: exp_add)
lemmas DP_qbs_divergence_trans = DP_qbs_divergence_trans'[where δ=0]
proposition DP_qbs_divergence_compose:
assumes [qbs,measurable]:"p ∈ monadP_qbs X" "q ∈ monadP_qbs X" "f ∈ X →⇩Q monadP_qbs Y" "g ∈ X →⇩Q monadP_qbs Y"
and dp1:"DP_divergence⇩Q p q ε ≤ ereal δ"
and dp2:"⋀x. x ∈ qbs_space X ⟹ DP_divergence⇩Q (f x) (g x) ε' ≤ ereal δ'"
and [arith]: "0 ≤ ε" "0 ≤ ε'"
shows "DP_divergence⇩Q (p ⤜ f) (q ⤜ g) (ε + ε') ≤ ereal (δ + δ')"
proof -
interpret comparable_probability_measures "qbs_to_measure X" "qbs_l p" "qbs_l q"
by(auto simp: comparable_probability_measures_def space_L intro!: qbs_l_measurable_prob[THEN measurable_space])
note [measurable,simp] = qbs_l_measurable_prob
show ?thesis
by(auto simp: qbs_l_bind_qbsP[of _ X _ Y] space_L M N DP_qbs_divergence_qbs_l
intro!: DP_divergence_composability[where K="qbs_to_measure Y" and L="qbs_to_measure X"]
dp1[simplified DP_qbs_divergence_qbs_l] dp2[simplified DP_qbs_divergence_qbs_l])
corollary DP_qbs_divergence_dataprocessing:
assumes [qbs]:"p ∈ monadP_qbs X" "q ∈ monadP_qbs X" "f ∈ X →⇩Q monadP_qbs Y"
and dp: "DP_divergence⇩Q p q ε ≤ ereal δ"
and [arith]:"0 ≤ ε"
shows "DP_divergence⇩Q (p ⤜ f) (q ⤜ f) ε ≤ ereal δ"
proof -
interpret comparable_probability_measures "qbs_to_measure X" "qbs_l p" "qbs_l q"
by(auto simp: comparable_probability_measures_def space_L intro!: qbs_l_measurable_prob[THEN measurable_space])
note [measurable] = qbs_l_measurable_prob qbs_morphism_imp_measurable[OF assms(3)]
show ?thesis
by(auto simp: qbs_l_bind_qbsP[of _ X _ Y] space_L M N DP_qbs_divergence_qbs_l
intro!: DP_divergence_postprocessing[where L= "qbs_to_measure X" and K="qbs_to_measure Y"]
dp[simplified DP_qbs_divergence_qbs_l])
lemma DP_qbs_divergence_additive:
assumes [qbs]:"p ∈ monadP_qbs X" "q ∈ monadP_qbs X" "p' ∈ monadP_qbs Y" "q' ∈ monadP_qbs Y"
and div1: "DP_divergence⇩Q p q ε ≤ ereal δ"
and div2: "DP_divergence⇩Q p' q' ε' ≤ ereal δ'"
and [arith]:"0 ≤ ε" "0 ≤ ε'"
shows "DP_divergence⇩Q (p ⨂⇩Q⇩m⇩e⇩s p') (q ⨂⇩Q⇩m⇩e⇩s q') (ε + ε') ≤ ereal (δ + δ')"
proof -
note [qbs] = return_qbs_morphismP bind_qbs_morphismP qbs_space_monadPM
have "DP_divergence⇩Q (p ⨂⇩Q⇩m⇩e⇩s p') (q ⨂⇩Q⇩m⇩e⇩s q') (ε + ε')
= DP_divergence⇩Q (p ⤜ (λx. p' ⤜ (λy. return_qbs (X ⨂⇩Q Y) (x, y))))
(q ⤜ (λx. q' ⤜ (λy. return_qbs (X ⨂⇩Q Y) (x, y)))) (ε + ε')"
by(simp add: qbs_pair_measure_def[of _ X _ Y])
also have "... ≤ ereal (δ + δ')"
by(auto intro!: DP_qbs_divergence_compose[of _ X _ _ "X ⨂⇩Q Y"] div1 div2
DP_qbs_divergence_dataprocessing[of _ Y _ _ "X ⨂⇩Q Y"])
finally show ?thesis .
corollary DP_qbs_divergence_strength:
assumes [qbs]:"p ∈ monadP_qbs X" "q ∈ monadP_qbs X" "x ∈ qbs_space Y"
and dp: "DP_divergence⇩Q p q ε ≤ ereal δ"
and [simp]:"0 ≤ ε"
shows "DP_divergence⇩Q (return_qbs Y x ⨂⇩Q⇩m⇩e⇩s p) (return_qbs Y x ⨂⇩Q⇩m⇩e⇩s q) ε ≤ ereal δ"
proof -
note [qbs] = return_qbs_morphismP
show ?thesis
by(auto intro!: DP_qbs_divergence_additive[of _ Y _ _ X _ 0 0,simplified] dp)
subsection ‹Differential Privacy using QBS›
definition DP_qbs ("differential'_privacy⇩Q") where
DP_qbs_qbs_L:"differential_privacy⇩Q M ≡ differential_privacy (λx. qbs_l (M x))"
lemma DP_qbs_def:
"differential_privacy⇩Q M adj ε δ ⟷
(∀(d1, d2)∈adj. DP_inequality⇩Q (M d1) (M d2) ε δ ∧ DP_inequality⇩Q (M d2) (M d1) ε δ)"
by(simp add: DP_inequality_cong_DP_divergence differential_privacy_def DP_qbs_qbs_L DP_qbs_divergence_qbs_l)
lemma DP_qbs_adj_sym:
assumes "sym adj"
shows "differential_privacy⇩Q M adj ε δ ⟷ (∀ (d1,d2) ∈ adj. DP_inequality⇩Q (M d1) (M d2) ε δ)"
by(auto simp: differential_privacy_adj_sym[OF assms] DP_inequality_cong_DP_divergence
DP_qbs_qbs_L DP_qbs_divergence_qbs_l)
lemma pure_DP_qbs_comp:
assumes "adj ⊆ qbs_space X × qbs_space X"
and "adj' ⊆ qbs_space X × qbs_space X"
and "differential_privacy⇩Q M adj ε 0"
and "differential_privacy⇩Q M adj' ε' 0"
and "M ∈ X →⇩Q monadP_qbs Y"
shows "differential_privacy⇩Q M (adj O adj') (ε + ε') 0"
using assms
by(auto intro!: pure_differential_privacy_comp[where X="qbs_to_measure X" and R="qbs_to_measure Y"]
simp: space_L DP_qbs_qbs_L)
lemma pure_DP_qbs_trans_k:
assumes "adj ⊆ qbs_space X × qbs_space X"
and "differential_privacy⇩Q M adj ε 0"
and "M ∈ X →⇩Q monadP_qbs Y"
shows "differential_privacy⇩Q M (adj ^^ k) (k * ε) 0"
using assms
by(auto intro!: pure_differential_privacy_trans_k[where X="qbs_to_measure X" and R="qbs_to_measure Y"]
simp: space_L DP_qbs_qbs_L)
proposition DP_qbs_postprocessing:
assumes "ε ≥ 0"
and "differential_privacy⇩Q M adj ε δ"
and [qbs,measurable]:"M ∈ X →⇩Q monadP_qbs Y"
and [qbs,measurable]:"N ∈ Y →⇩Q monadP_qbs Z"
and "adj ⊆ qbs_space X × qbs_space X"
shows "differential_privacy⇩Q (λx. M x ⤜ N) adj ε δ"
using assms by(auto simp: DP_qbs_def intro!: DP_qbs_divergence_dataprocessing[of _ Y _ _ Z])
corollary DP_qbs_postprocessing_return:
assumes "ε ≥ 0"
and "differential_privacy⇩Q M adj ε δ"
and "M ∈ X →⇩Q monadP_qbs Y"
and "N ∈ Y →⇩Q Z"
and "adj ⊆ qbs_space X × qbs_space X"
shows "differential_privacy⇩Q (λx. M x ⤜ (λy. return_qbs Z (N y))) adj ε δ"
by(intro DP_qbs_postprocessing[where X=X and Y=Y and Z=Z])
(use return_qbs_morphismP[of Z] assms in auto)
lemma DP_qbs_preprocessing:
assumes "ε ≥ 0"
and "differential_privacy⇩Q M adj ε δ"
and [measurable]:"f ∈ X' →⇩Q X"
and "∀(x,y) ∈ adj'. ((f x), (f y)) ∈ adj"
and "adj ⊆ qbs_space X × qbs_space X"
and "adj' ⊆ qbs_space X' × qbs_space X'"
shows "differential_privacy⇩Q (M ∘ f) adj' ε δ"
using assms by(auto simp: DP_qbs_def)
proposition DP_qbs_bind_adaptive:
assumes "ε ≥ 0" and "ε' ≥ 0"
and [qbs]:"M ∈ X →⇩Q monadP_qbs Y"
and "differential_privacy⇩Q M adj ε δ"
and [qbs]:"N ∈ X ⇒⇩Q Y ⇒⇩Q monadP_qbs Z"
and "⋀y. y ∈ qbs_space Y ⟹ differential_privacy⇩Q (λx. N x y) adj ε' δ'"
and "adj ⊆ qbs_space X × qbs_space X"
shows "differential_privacy⇩Q (λx. M x ⤜ N x) adj (ε + ε') (δ + δ')"
using assms by(fastforce simp add: DP_qbs_def intro!: DP_qbs_divergence_compose[of _ Y _ _ Z])
proposition DP_qbs_bind_pair:
assumes "ε ≥ 0" "ε' ≥ 0"
and [qbs]:"M ∈ X →⇩Q monadP_qbs Y"
and "differential_privacy⇩Q M adj ε δ"
and [qbs]:"N ∈ X →⇩Q monadP_qbs Z"
and "differential_privacy⇩Q N adj ε' δ'"
and "adj ⊆ qbs_space X × qbs_space X"
shows "differential_privacy⇩Q (λx. M x ⤜ (λy. N x ⤜ (λz. return_qbs (Y ⨂⇩Q Z) (y,z)))) adj (ε + ε') (δ + δ')"
proof -
note [qbs] = return_qbs_morphismP bind_qbs_morphismP
show "?thesis"
using assms by(auto intro!: DP_qbs_bind_adaptive[where X=X and Y=Y and Z="Y ⨂⇩Q Z"]
DP_qbs_postprocessing[where X=X and Y=Z and Z="Y ⨂⇩Q Z"])