Theory Differential_Privacy.Differential_Privacy_Standard

 Title: differential_privacy_Standard.thy
 Author: Tetsuya Sato

theory Differential_Privacy_Standard

section ‹Formalization of Differential privacy›

text ‹AFDP in this section means the textbook "The Algorithmic Foundations of Differential Privacy"written by Cynthia Dwork and Aaron Roth.›

subsection ‹Predicate of Differential privacy›

paragraph ‹The inequality for DP (cf. [Def 2.4, AFDP])›

definition DP_inequality:: "'a measure  'a measure  real  real  bool"where
  "DP_inequality M N ε δ  ( A  sets M. measure M A  (exp ε) * measure N A + δ)"

paragraph ‹The divergence for DP (cf. [Barthe \& Olmedo, ICALP 2013])›

proposition DP_inequality_cong_DP_divergence:
  shows "DP_inequality M N ε δ  DP_divergence M N ε  δ"
  by(auto simp: DP_divergence_forall[THEN sym] DP_inequality_def)

corollary DP_inequality_zero:
  assumes "M  space (prob_algebra L)"
    and "N  space (prob_algebra L)"
    and "DP_inequality M N 0 0"
  shows "M = N"
  using assms DP_divergence_zero unfolding DP_inequality_cong_DP_divergence by auto

paragraph ‹Definition of the standard differential privacy with adjacency, and its basic properties›

text ‹ We first we abstract the domain of database and the adjacency relations. later we instantiate them according to the textbook.›

definition differential_privacy :: "('a  'b measure)  ('a rel)  real  real  bool "where
  "differential_privacy M adj ε δ  (d1,d2)adj. DP_inequality (M d1) (M d2) ε δ  DP_inequality (M d2) (M d1) ε δ"

(*TODO: DP for pmf/spmf*)

lemma differential_privacy_adj_sym:
  assumes "sym adj"
  shows "differential_privacy M adj ε δ  ( (d1,d2)  adj. DP_inequality (M d1) (M d2) ε δ)"
  using assms by(auto simp: differential_privacy_def sym_def)

lemma differential_privacy_symmetrize:
  assumes "differential_privacy M adj ε δ"
  shows "differential_privacy M (adj  adj¯) ε δ"
  using assms unfolding differential_privacy_def by blast

lemma differential_privacy_restrict:
  assumes "differential_privacy M adj ε δ"
    and "adj'  adj"
  shows "differential_privacy M adj' ε δ"
  using assms unfolding differential_privacy_def by blast

paragraph ‹Lemmas for group privacy (cf. [Theorem 2.2, AFDP])›

lemma pure_differential_privacy_comp:
  assumes "adj1  (space X) × (space X)"
    and "adj2  (space X) × (space X)"
    and "differential_privacy M adj1 ε1 0"
    and "differential_privacy M adj2 ε2 0"
    and M:"M  X M (prob_algebra R)"
  shows "differential_privacy M (adj1 O adj2) (ε1 + ε2) 0"
  using assms unfolding differential_privacy_def
proof(intro ballI)
  note [measurable] = M
  fix x assume a1: "(d1, d2) adj1. DP_inequality (M d1) (M d2) ε1 0  DP_inequality (M d2) (M d1) ε1 0"
    and a2: "(d2, d3) adj2. DP_inequality (M d2) (M d3) ε2 0  DP_inequality (M d3) (M d2) ε2 0"
    and "x  (adj1 O adj2)"
  then obtain d1 d2 d3
    where x: "x = (d1,d3)"and a: "(d1,d2) Restr adj1 (space X) "and b: "(d2,d3) Restr adj2 (space X) "
    using assms by blast
  then have "DP_inequality (M d1) (M d2) ε1 0" "DP_inequality (M d2) (M d1) ε1 0" "DP_inequality (M d2) (M d3) ε2 0" "DP_inequality (M d3) (M d2) ε2 0"
    using a1 a2 by auto
  moreover have "M d1  space (prob_algebra R)" "M d2  space (prob_algebra R)" "M d3  space (prob_algebra R)"
    using a b by(auto intro!: measurable_space[OF M])
  ultimately have 1: "DP_inequality (M d1) (M d3) (ε1 + ε2) 0" and "DP_inequality (M d3) (M d1) (ε2 + ε1) 0"
    unfolding DP_inequality_cong_DP_divergence zero_ereal_def[symmetric] by(intro DP_divergence_transitivity[of _  "(M d2)"],auto)+
  hence "DP_inequality (M d3) (M d1) (ε1 + ε2) 0"
    by argo
  with 1 show "case x of (d1, d2)  DP_inequality (M d1) (M d2) (ε1 + ε2) 0  DP_inequality (M d2) (M d1) (ε1 + ε2) 0"
    unfolding x case_prod_beta by auto

lemma adj_trans_k:
  assumes "adj  A × A"
    and "0 < k"
  shows "(adj ^^ k)  A × A"
  using assms(2) by (induction k)(use assms(1) in fastforce)+

lemma pure_differential_privacy_trans_k:
  assumes "adj  (space X) × (space X)"
    and "differential_privacy M adj ε 0"
    and M[measurable]:"M  X M (prob_algebra R)"
  shows "differential_privacy M (adj ^^ k) (k * ε) 0"
proof(induction k)
  case 0
  then show ?case
    by(auto simp: differential_privacy_adj_sym sym_on_def DP_divergence_reflexivity DP_inequality_cong_DP_divergence)
  case (Suc k)
  then show ?case
  proof(cases k)
    case 0
    then show ?thesis
      using assms(1) assms(2) inf.orderE mult_eq_1_iff by fastforce
    case (Suc l)
    then have 1: "0 < k"
      by auto
    have 2: "((Suc k) * ε) = (k * ε) + ε "
      by (simp add: mult.commute nat_distrib(2))
    show ?thesis
      unfolding relpow.simps 2
    proof(subst pure_differential_privacy_comp[where X = X and R = R])
      show "adj ^^ k  space X × space X"
        by(unfold Suc, rule adj_trans_k, auto simp: assms)
    qed(auto simp: assms Suc.IH)

paragraph ‹The relaxation of parameters (obvious in the pencil and paper manner).›

lemma DP_inequality_relax:
  assumes 1: "ε  ε'" and 2: "δ  δ'"
    and DP: "DP_inequality M N ε δ"
  shows "DP_inequality M N ε' δ'"
  unfolding DP_inequality_def
  fix A assume A: "A  sets M "
  hence "measure M A  exp ε * measure N A + δ"
    using DP by(auto simp: DP_inequality_def)
  also have "...  exp ε' * measure N A + δ'"
    by (auto simp: add_mono mult_right_mono 1 2)
  finally show "measure M A  exp ε' * measure N A + δ'".

proposition differential_privacy_relax:
  assumes DP:"differential_privacy M adj ε δ"
    and 1: "ε  ε'"and 2: "δ  δ'"
  shows "differential_privacy M adj ε' δ'"
  using DP DP_inequality_relax [OF 1 2] unfolding differential_privacy_def by blast

paragraph ‹Stability for post-processing (cf. [Prop 2.1, AFDP])›

proposition differential_privacy_postprocessing:
  assumes "ε  0" 
    and "differential_privacy M adj ε δ"
    and M: "M  X M (prob_algebra R)"
    and f: "f  R M (prob_algebra R')" (*probabilistic post-process*)
    and "adj  (space X) × (space X)"
  shows "differential_privacy (λx. do{y  M x; f y}) adj ε δ"
proof(subst differential_privacy_def)
  note [measurable] = M f
  note [arith] = assms(1)
  show "(d1, d2) adj. DP_inequality (M d1  f) (M d2  f) ε δ  DP_inequality (M d2  f) (M d1  f) ε δ "
    fix x ::"'a × 'a"assume x:"x  adj"
    then obtain d1 d2 ::'a
      where x: "x = (d1,d2)"
        and d1: "d1  space X"
        and d2: "d2  space X"
        and d: "(d1,d2)  Restr adj (space X)"
        and div1[simp]: "DP_divergence (M d1) (M d2) ε  δ "
        and div2[simp]: "DP_divergence (M d2) (M d1) ε  δ"
      using DP_inequality_cong_DP_divergence assms differential_privacy_def[of M adj ε δ] by fastforce+
    hence Md1[simp]: "M d1  space (prob_algebra R)"and Md2[simp]: "M d2  space (prob_algebra R)"
      by(metis M measurable_space)+
    have "DP_divergence (M d1  f) (M d2  f) ε  δ"
      by(auto simp: DP_divergence_postprocessing[where L = R and K = R'])
    moreover have "DP_divergence (M d2  f) (M d1  f) ε  δ"
      by(auto simp: DP_divergence_postprocessing[where L = R and K = R'])
    ultimately show "case x of (d1,d2)  DP_inequality (M d1  f) (M d2  f) ε δ  DP_inequality (M d2  f) (M d1  f) ε δ"
      unfolding DP_inequality_cong_DP_divergence using x by auto

corollary differential_privacy_postprocessing_deterministic:
  assumes "ε  0"
    and "differential_privacy M adj ε δ"
    and M[measurable]: "M  X M (prob_algebra R)"
    and f[measurable]: "f  R M R'" (*deterministic post-process*)
    and "adj  (space X) × (space X)"
  shows "differential_privacy (λx. do{y  M x; return R' (f y) } ) adj ε δ"
  by(rule differential_privacy_postprocessing[where f = "(λ y. return R' (f y))"and X = X and R = R and R'= R'],auto simp: assms)

text ‹ To handle the sensitivity, we prepare the conversions of adjacency relations by pre-processing. ›

lemma differential_privacy_preprocessing:
  assumes "ε  0"
    and "differential_privacy M adj ε δ"
    and f: "f  X' M X" (*deterministic pre-process*)
    and ftr: "(x,y)  adj'. (f x, f y)  adj"
    and "adj  (space X) × (space X)"
    and "adj'  (space X') × (space X')"
  shows "differential_privacy (M o f) adj' ε δ"
proof(subst differential_privacy_def)
  note [measurable] = f
  show "(d1, d2) adj'. DP_inequality ((M  f) d1) ((M  f) d2) ε δ  DP_inequality ((M  f) d2) ((M  f) d1) ε δ"
    fix x ::"'c × 'c"assume x:"x  adj'"
    then obtain d1 d2 ::'c where x: "x = (d1,d2)"and d1: "d1  space X'"and d2: "d2  space X'"and d: "(d1,d2)  Restr adj' (space X')"
      using assms by auto
    hence fd: "(f d1, f d2)  adj"
      using ftr by auto
    hence "DP_inequality (M (f d1)) (M (f d2)) ε δ  DP_inequality (M (f d2)) (M (f d1)) ε δ"
      using differential_privacy_def[of M adj ε δ] assms by blast
    thus "case x of (d1,d2)  DP_inequality ((M o f) d1) ((M o f) d2) ε δ  DP_inequality ((M o f) d2) ((M o f) d1) ε δ"
      using x by auto

paragraph ‹ "Adaptive"composition (cf. [Theorem B.1, AFDP])›

proposition differential_privacy_composition_adaptive:
  assumes "ε  0"
    and "ε'  0"
    and M: "M  X M (prob_algebra Y)"
    and DPM: "differential_privacy M adj ε δ"
    and N: "N  (X M Y) M (prob_algebra Z)"
    and DPN: " y  space Y. differential_privacy (λ x. N (x,y)) adj ε' δ'"
    and "adj  (space X) × (space X)"
  shows "differential_privacy (λx. do{y  M x; N (x, y)}) adj (ε + ε') (δ + δ')"
proof(subst differential_privacy_def)
  note [measurable] = M N
  note [simp] = space_pair_measure
  show "(d1, d2)adj.
 DP_inequality (M d1  (λy. N (d1, y))) (M d2  (λy. N (d2, y))) (ε + ε') (δ + δ') 
 DP_inequality (M d2  (λy. N (d2, y))) (M d1  (λy. N (d1, y))) (ε + ε') (δ + δ') "
    fix x ::"'a × 'a"
    assume x:"x  adj"
    then obtain x1 x2 ::'a
      where x: "x = (x1,x2)"
        and x1: "x1  space X"
        and x2: "x2  space X"
        and x': "(x1,x2)  Restr adj (space X)"
        and div1: "DP_divergence (M x1) (M x2) ε  δ "
        and div2: "DP_divergence (M x2) (M x1) ε  δ"
      using DP_inequality_cong_DP_divergence assms differential_privacy_def[of M adj ε δ] by fastforce+
    hence N1: "(λy. N (x1, y))  Y M prob_algebra Z"and N2: "(λy. N (x2, y))  Y M prob_algebra Z"
      by auto
    have Mx1: "(M x1) space(prob_algebra Y)"and Mx2: "(M x2) space(prob_algebra Y)"
      by (meson measurable_space M x1 x2)+
      fix y::'b assume y: "y  space Y"
      have "DP_divergence (N (x1, y)) (N (x2, y)) ε'  δ'  DP_divergence (N (x2, y)) (N (x1, y)) ε'  δ'"
        using DPN DP_inequality_cong_DP_divergence differential_privacy_def[of "(λ x. N (x,y))"adj ε' δ'] x1 x2 x' y by fastforce+
    hence p1: "y  space Y. DP_divergence (N (x1, y)) (N (x2, y)) ε'  δ'"and p2: "y  space Y. DP_divergence (N (x2, y)) (N (x1, y)) ε'  δ'"
      by auto
    hence "DP_divergence ( M x1  (λy. N (x1, y))) ( M x2  (λy. N (x2, y))) (ε + ε')  (δ + δ')  DP_divergence ( M x2  (λy. N (x2, y))) ( M x1  (λy. N (x1, y))) (ε + ε')  (δ + δ')"
      using DP_divergence_composability[of "M x1 "Y "M x2 ""(λy. N (x1, y))"Z "(λy. N (x2, y))"ε δ ε' δ' ,OF Mx1 Mx2 N1 N2 div1 _ assms(1,2)]
        DP_divergence_composability[of "M x2 "Y "M x1 ""(λy. N (x2, y))"Z "(λy. N (x1, y))"ε δ ε' δ' ,OF Mx2 Mx1 N2 N1 div2 _ assms(1,2)] by auto
    thus "case x of (x1,x2)  DP_inequality ( M x1  (λy. N (x1, y))) ( M x2  (λy. N (x2, y))) (ε + ε') (δ + δ')  DP_inequality ( M x2  (λy. N (x2, y))) ( M x1  (λy. N (x1, y))) (ε + ε') (δ + δ')"
      by (auto simp: x DP_inequality_cong_DP_divergence)

paragraph ‹ "Sequential"composition [Theorem 3.14, AFDP, generalized] ›

proposition differential_privacy_composition_pair:
  assumes "ε  0"
    and "ε'  0"
    and DPM: "differential_privacy M adj ε δ"
    and M[measurable]: "M  X M (prob_algebra Y)"
    and DPN: "differential_privacy N adj ε' δ'"
    and N[measurable]: "N  X M (prob_algebra Z)"
    and "adj  (space X) × (space X)"
  shows "differential_privacy (λx. do{y  M x; z  N x; return (Y M Z) (y,z)} ) adj (ε + ε') (δ + δ')"
  have p: "(λx. do{y  M x; z  N x; return (Y M Z) (y,z)} ) = (λx. M x  (λy. case (x, y) of (x, y)  N x  (λz. return (Y M Z) (y, z))))"
    by auto
  have "y. y  space Y  differential_privacy (λx. N x  (λz. return (Y M Z) (y, z))) adj ε' δ'"
    fix y assume [measurable]: "y  space Y"
    hence m: "(λx. N x  (λz. return (Y M Z) (y, z)))  X M prob_algebra (Y M Z)"
      by auto
    show "differential_privacy (λx. N x  (λz. return (Y M Z) (y, z))) adj ε' δ'"
      by(rule differential_privacy_postprocessing[where f = "(λz. return (Y M Z) (y, z))" and R' = "(Y M Z)" and R = "Z" and X = X], auto simp: assms)
  thus ?thesis unfolding p using assms
    by(subst differential_privacy_composition_adaptive[where N ="(λ(x,y). N x  (λz. return (Y M Z) (y, z)) )"and Z = "(Y M Z)"], auto ) (*takes a bit long time*)

paragraph ‹ Laplace mechanism (1-dimensional version) (cf. [Def. 3.3 and Thm 3.6, AFDP]) ›

locale Lap_Mechanism_1dim =
  fixes X::"'a measure"
    and f::"'a  real"
    and adj::"('a rel)"
  assumes [measurable]: "f  X M borel"(*A query to add noise*)
    and adj: "adj  (space X) × (space X)"

definition sensitivity:: ereal where
  "sensitivity = Sup{ ereal ¦(f x) - (f y)¦ | x y::'a. x  space X  y  space X  (x,y)  adj }"

definition LapMech_1dim::"real  'a  real measure"where
  "LapMech_1dim ε x = Lap_dist ((real_of_ereal sensitivity) / ε) (f x)"

lemma measurable_LapMech_1dim[measurable]:
  shows "LapMech_1dim ε  X M prob_algebra borel"
  unfolding LapMech_1dim_def by auto

lemma LapMech_1dim_def2:
  shows "LapMech_1dim ε x = do{y  Lap_dist0 ((real_of_ereal sensitivity) / ε); return borel (f x + y) }"
  using Lap_dist_def2 LapMech_1dim_def by auto

proposition differential_privacy_LapMech_1dim:
  assumes pose: "0 < ε "and "sensitivity > 0"and "sensitivity < "
  shows "differential_privacy (LapMech_1dim ε) adj ε 0"
proof(subst differential_privacy_def)
  show "(d1::'a, d2::'a)adj.
 DP_inequality (LapMech_1dim ε d1) (LapMech_1dim ε d2) ε (0::real) 
 DP_inequality (LapMech_1dim ε d2) (LapMech_1dim ε d1) ε (0::real)"
    fix x::"'a × 'a"assume "x  adj"
    then obtain d1 d2 where x: "x = (d1,d2)"and "(d1,d2)  adj "and "d1  (space X)"and "d2  (space X)"
      using adj by blast
    with assms have "¦(f d1) - (f d2)¦  sensitivity "
      unfolding sensitivity_def using le_Sup_iff by blast
    with assms have q: "¦(f d1) - (f d2)¦  real_of_ereal sensitivity"
      by (auto simp: ereal_le_real_iff)
    hence q2: "¦(f d2) - (f d1)¦  real_of_ereal sensitivity"
      by auto
    from assms have pos: "0 < (real_of_ereal sensitivity)/ε"
      by (auto simp: zero_less_real_of_ereal)
    have a1: "DP_inequality (LapMech_1dim (ε::real) d1) (LapMech_1dim ε d2) ε (0::real)"
      by (auto simp: DP_divergence_Lap_dist'_eps pose q DP_inequality_cong_DP_divergence LapMech_1dim_def )
    have a2: "DP_inequality (LapMech_1dim (ε::real) d2) (LapMech_1dim ε d1) ε (0::real)"
      by (auto simp: DP_divergence_Lap_dist'_eps pose q2 DP_inequality_cong_DP_divergence LapMech_1dim_def )
    from a1 a2 show "case x of
 (d1::'a, d2::'a) 
 DP_inequality (LapMech_1dim ε d1) (LapMech_1dim ε d2) ε (0::real) 
 DP_inequality (LapMech_1dim ε d2) (LapMech_1dim ε d1) ε (0::real)"
      by(auto simp:x)

(*Future work: accuracy*)

end (* end-of-locale*)

paragraph ‹ Laplace mechanism (generalized version) (cf. [Def. 3.3 and Thm 3.6, AFDP]) ›

locale Lap_Mechanism_list =
  fixes X::"'a measure"
    and f::"'a  real list"
    and adj::"('a rel)"
    and m::nat (* length of output *)
  assumes [measurable]: "f  X M (listM borel)"(*A query to add noise*)
    and len: " x. x  space X  length (f x) = m"
    and adj: "adj  (space X) × (space X)"

definition sensitivity:: ereal where
  "sensitivity = Sup{ ereal (  i{1..m}. ¦ nth (f x) (i-1) - nth (f y) (i-1) ¦) | x y::'a. x  space X  y  space X  (x,y)  adj}"

definition LapMech_list::"real  'a  (real list) measure"where
  "LapMech_list ε x = Lap_dist_list ((real_of_ereal sensitivity) / ε) (f x)"

(* corresponds to [Def 3.3, AFDP] *)
lemma LapMech_list_def2:
  assumes "x  space X"
  shows "LapMech_list ε x = do{ xs  Lap_dist0_list (real_of_ereal sensitivity / ε) m; return (listM borel) (map2 (+) (f x) xs)}"
  using Lap_dist_list_def2 len[OF assms] LapMech_list_def by auto

(* corresponds to [Thm 3.6, AFDP] *)
proposition differential_privacy_LapMech_list:
  assumes pose: "ε > 0"
    and "sensitivity > 0"
    and "sensitivity < "
  shows "differential_privacy (LapMech_list ε) adj ε 0"
proof(subst differential_privacy_def)
  show "(d1, d2) adj. DP_inequality (LapMech_list ε d1) (LapMech_list ε d2) ε 0
   DP_inequality (LapMech_list ε d2) (LapMech_list ε d1) ε 0"
  proof(rule ballI)
    fix x::"'a × 'a"assume "x  adj"
    then obtain d1 d2::'a
      where x: "x = (d1,d2)"
        and "(d1,d2)  adj "
        and d1: "d1  (space X)"
        and d2: "d2  (space X)"
      using adj by blast
    with assms have "( i{1..m}. ¦ nth (f d1) (i-1) - nth (f d2) (i-1) ¦)  sensitivity "
      unfolding sensitivity_def using le_Sup_iff by blast
    with assms have q: "( i{1..m}. ¦ nth (f d1) (i-1) - nth (f d2) (i-1) ¦)  real_of_ereal sensitivity"
      by (auto simp: ereal_le_real_iff)
    hence q2: "( i{1..m}. ¦ nth (f d2) (i-1) - nth (f d1) (i-1) ¦)  real_of_ereal sensitivity"
      by (simp add: abs_minus_commute)
    from assms have pos: "0  (real_of_ereal sensitivity)"
      by (simp add: real_of_ereal_pos)
    have fd1: "length (f d1) = m"and fd2: "length (f d2) = m"
      using len d1 d2 by auto
    have a1: "DP_inequality (LapMech_list (ε::real) d1) (LapMech_list ε d2) ε 0"
      using DP_Lap_dist_list_eps[OF pose fd1 fd2 q pos] by (simp add: LapMech_list_def DP_inequality_cong_DP_divergence zero_ereal_def)
    have a2: "DP_inequality (LapMech_list (ε::real) d2) (LapMech_list ε d1) ε 0"
      using DP_Lap_dist_list_eps[OF pose fd2 fd1 q2 pos] by (simp add: LapMech_list_def DP_inequality_cong_DP_divergence zero_ereal_def)
    show "case x of (d1, d2)  DP_inequality (local.LapMech_list ε d1) (local.LapMech_list ε d2) ε 0  DP_inequality (local.LapMech_list ε d2) (local.LapMech_list ε d1) ε 0"
      by(auto simp:x a1 a2 )
    (*Future work: accuracy*)(* corresponds to [Thm 3.8, AFDP] *)

end (*end of locale*)

subsection ‹ Formalization of Results in [AFDP]›

text‹We finally instantiate @{term X} and @{term adj} according to the textbook [AFDP] ›

locale results_AFDP =
  fixes n ::nat (* length of input *)

interpretation L1_norm_list "(UNIV::nat set)" "(λ x y. ¦int x - int y¦)" n

definition sp_Dataset :: "nat list measure"where
  "sp_Dataset  restrict_space (listM (count_space UNIV)) space_L1_norm_list"

definition adj_L1_norm :: "(nat list × nat list) set"where
  "adj_L1_norm  {(xs,ys)| xs ys. xs  space sp_Dataset  ys  space sp_Dataset  dist_L1_norm_list xs ys  1}"

definition dist_L1_norm :: "nat  (nat list × nat list) set"where
  "dist_L1_norm k  {(xs,ys)| xs ys. xs  space sp_Dataset  ys  space sp_Dataset  dist_L1_norm_list xs ys  k}"

  "differential_privacy_AFDP M ε δ  differential_privacy M adj_L1_norm ε δ"

lemma adj_sub: "adj_L1_norm  space sp_Dataset × space sp_Dataset"
  unfolding sp_Dataset_def adj_L1_norm_def by blast

lemmas differential_privacy_relax_AFDP' =
  differential_privacy_relax[of  _  adj_L1_norm]
  (* postprocessing [Prop 2.1, AFDP] *)
lemmas differential_privacy_postprocessing_AFDP =
  differential_privacy_postprocessing[of _ _  adj_L1_norm, OF _ _ _ _  adj_sub]
  (* "adaptive"composition [Theorem B.1, AFDP] *)
lemmas differential_privacy_composition_adaptive_AFDP =
  differential_privacy_composition_adaptive[of _ _ _ _ _  adj_L1_norm, OF _ _ _ _ _ _ adj_sub]
  (* "sequential"composition [Theorem 3.14, AFDP, generalized] *)
lemmas differential_privacy_composition_pair_AFDP =
  differential_privacy_composition_pair[of _ _ _ adj_L1_norm, OF _ _ _ _ _ _ adj_sub]

text‹Group privacy [Theorem 2.2, AFDP].›

lemma group_privacy_AFDP:
  assumes M: "M  sp_Dataset M prob_algebra Y"
    and DP: " differential_privacy_AFDP M ε 0"
  shows "differential_privacy M (dist_L1_norm k) (real k * ε) 0" 
proof(rule differential_privacy_restrict[where adj = "adj_L1_norm ^^ k"and adj' = "dist_L1_norm k"])
  show "differential_privacy M (adj_L1_norm ^^ k) (real k * ε) 0"
    by(rule pure_differential_privacy_trans_k[OF adj_sub DP M])
  show "dist_L1_norm k  adj_L1_norm ^^ k"
    using L1_adj_iterate[of _ n _ k] unfolding space_restrict_space space_listM space_count_space lists_UNIV adj_L1_norm_def dist_L1_norm_def sp_Dataset_def by auto

  fixes f::"nat list  real"
  assumes [measurable]: "f  sp_Dataset M borel" (*A query to add noise*)

interpretation Lap_Mechanism_1dim "sp_Dataset"f "adj_L1_norm"
  by(unfold_locales,auto simp: adj_sub)

thm LapMech_1dim_def

definition LapMech_1dim_AFDP :: "real  nat list  real measure"where
  "LapMech_1dim_AFDP ε x = do{y  Lap_dist0 ((real_of_ereal sensitivity) / ε); return borel (f x + y) }"

lemma LapMech_1dim_AFDP':
  shows "LapMech_1dim_AFDP = LapMech_1dim"
  unfolding LapMech_1dim_AFDP_def LapMech_1dim_def2 by auto

(* Differential privacy of Laplace mechanism, 1-dimensional version [Thm 3.6, AFDP]*)

lemmas differential_privacy_Lap_Mechanism_1dim_AFDP =
  differential_privacy_LapMech_1dim[of _ , simplified LapMech_1dim_AFDP'[symmetric]]


  fixes f::"nat list  real list"
    and m::nat (* length of output *)
  assumes [measurable]: "f  sp_Dataset M (listM borel)"(*A query to add noise*)
    and len: " x. x  space X  length (f x) = m"

interpretation Lap_Mechanism_list "sp_Dataset"f "adj_L1_norm" m
  by(unfold_locales,auto simp: len adj_sub)

definition LapMech_list_AFDP :: "real  nat list  real list measure"where
  "LapMech_list_AFDP ε x = do{ ys  (Lap_dist0_list(real_of_ereal sensitivity / ε) m); return (listM borel) (map2 (+) (f x) ys) }"

thm LapMech_list_def

lemma LapMech_list_AFDP':
  assumes "x  space sp_Dataset"
  shows "LapMech_list_AFDP ε x = LapMech_list ε x"
  unfolding LapMech_list_AFDP_def LapMech_list_def2[OF assms] by auto

(* Differential privacy of Laplace mechanism [Thm 3.6, AFDP]*)

lemma differential_privacy_Lap_Mechanism_list_AFDP:
  assumes "0 < ε"
    and "0 < sensitivity"
    and "sensitivity < "
  shows "differential_privacy_AFDP (LapMech_list_AFDP ε) ε 0"
proof(subst differential_privacy_def)
    fix d1 d2 assume d: "(d1, d2) adj_L1_norm"
    then have 1: "d1  (space sp_Dataset)"and 2: "d2  (space sp_Dataset)"
      using adj_sub by auto
    have "DP_inequality (LapMech_list_AFDP ε d1) (LapMech_list_AFDP ε d2) ε 0  DP_inequality (LapMech_list_AFDP ε d2) (LapMech_list_AFDP ε d1) ε 0"
      using differential_privacy_LapMech_list[OF assms(1)] assms(2,3) d
      unfolding LapMech_list_AFDP'[OF 1] LapMech_list_AFDP'[OF 2] differential_privacy_def by blast
  thus "(d1, d2) adj_L1_norm. DP_inequality (LapMech_list_AFDP ε d1) (LapMech_list_AFDP ε d2) ε 0  DP_inequality (LapMech_list_AFDP ε d2) (LapMech_list_AFDP ε d1) ε 0"
    by blast

end (*end of context*)

end (*end of lcoale*)
