Theory Cardanos_Formula
section ‹Cardano's formula for solving cubic equations›
theory Cardanos_Formula
subsection ‹Translation to depressed case›
text ‹Solving an arbitrary cubic equation can easily be turned into the depressed case, i.e., where
there is no quadratic part.›
lemma to_depressed_cubic: fixes a :: "'a :: field_char_0"
assumes a: "a ≠ 0"
and xy: "x = y - b / (3 * a)"
and e: "e = (c - b^2 / (3 * a)) / a"
and f: "f = (d + 2 * b^3 / (27 * a^2) - b * c / (3 * a)) / a"
shows "(a * x ^ 3 + b * x⇧2 + c * x + d = 0) ⟷ y^3 + e * y + f = 0"
proof -
let ?yexp = "y^3 + e * y + f"
have "a * x^3 + b * x^2 + c * x + d = 0 ⟷ (a * x^3 + b * x^2 + c * x + d) / a = 0"
using a by auto
also have "(a * x^3 + b * x^2 + c * x + d) / a = ?yexp" unfolding xy e f power3_eq_cube power2_eq_square using a
by (simp add: field_simps)
finally show ?thesis .
subsection ‹Solving the depressed case in arbitrary fields›
lemma cubic_depressed: fixes e :: "'a :: field_char_0"
assumes yz: "e ≠ 0 ⟹ z^2 - y * z - e / 3 = 0"
and u: "e ≠ 0 ⟹ u = z^3"
and v: "v = - (e ^ 3 / 27)"
shows "y^3 + e * y + f = 0 ⟷ (if e = 0 then y^3 = -f else u⇧2 + f * u + v = 0)"
proof -
let ?yexp = "y^3 + e * y + f"
show ?thesis
proof (cases "e = 0")
case False
note yz = yz[OF False]
from yz have eyz: "e = 3 * (z^2 - y * z)" by auto
from yz False have z0: "z ≠ 0" by auto
have "?yexp = 0 ⟷ z^3 * ?yexp = 0" using z0 by simp
also have "z^3 * ?yexp = z^6 + f * z^3 - e^3/27" unfolding eyz by algebra
also have "… = u^2 + f * u + v" unfolding u[OF False] v by algebra
finally show ?thesis using False by auto
case True
show ?thesis unfolding True by (auto, algebra)
subsection ‹Solving the depressed case for complex numbers›
text ‹In the complex-numbers-case, the quadratic equation for u is always solvable,
and the main challenge here is prove that it does not matter which solution of
the quadratic equation is considered (this is the diff:False case in the proof below.)›
lemma solve_cubic_depressed_Cardano_complex: fixes e :: complex
assumes e0: "e ≠ 0"
and v: "v = - (e ^ 3 / 27)"
and u: "u^2 + f * u + v = 0"
shows "y^3 + e * y + f = 0 ⟷ (∃ z. z^3 = u ∧ y = z - e / (3 * z))"
proof -
from v e0 have v0: "v ≠ 0" by auto
from e0 have "(if e = 0 then x else y) = y" for x y :: bool by auto
note main = cubic_depressed[OF _ _ v, unfolded this]
show ?thesis (is "?l = ?r")
assume ?r
then obtain z where z: "z^3 = u" and y: "y = z - e / (3 * z)" by auto
from u v0 have u0: "u ≠ 0" by auto
from z u0 have z0: "z ≠ 0" by auto
show ?l
proof (subst main)
show "u⇧2 + f * u + v = 0" by fact
show "u = z^3" unfolding z by simp
show "z⇧2 - y * z - e / 3 = 0" unfolding y using z0
by (auto simp: field_simps power2_eq_square)
assume ?l
let ?yexp = "y^3 + e * y + f"
have y0: "?yexp = 0" using ‹?l› by auto
define p where "p = [: -e/3, -y, 1:]"
have deg: "degree p = 2" unfolding p_def by auto
define z where "z = hd (croots2 p)"
have "z ∈ set (croots2 p)" unfolding croots2_def Let_def z_def by auto
with croots2[OF deg] have pz: "poly p z = 0" by auto
from pz e0 have z0: "z ≠ 0" unfolding p_def by auto
from pz have yz: "y * z = z * z - e / 3" unfolding p_def by (auto simp: field_simps)
from arg_cong[OF this, of "λ x. x / z"] z0 have "y = z - e / (3 * z)"
by (auto simp: field_simps)
have "∃ u z. u⇧2 + f * u + v = 0 ∧ z^3 = u ∧ y = z - e / (3 * z)"
proof (intro exI conjI)
show "y = z - e / (3 * z)" by fact
from y0 have "0 = ?yexp * z^3" by auto
also have "… = (y * z)^3 + e * (y * z) * z^2 + f * z^3" by algebra
also have "… = (z^3)^2 + f * (z^3) + v" unfolding yz v by algebra
finally show "(z^3)^2 + f * (z^3) + v = 0" by simp
qed simp
then obtain uu z where
*: "uu⇧2 + f * uu + v = 0" "z ^ 3 = uu" "y = z - e / (3 * z)" by blast
show ?r
proof (cases "uu = u")
case True
thus ?thesis using * by auto
case diff: False
define p where "p = [:v,f,1:]"
have p2: "degree p = 2" unfolding p_def by auto
have poly: "poly p u = 0" "poly p uu = 0" using u *(1) unfolding p_def
by (auto simp: field_simps power2_eq_square)
have u0: "u ≠ 0" "uu ≠ 0" using poly v0 unfolding p_def by auto
from poly(1) have "[:-u,1:] dvd p" by (meson poly_eq_0_iff_dvd)
then obtain q where pq: "p = q * [:-u,1:]" by auto
from poly(2)[unfolded pq poly_mult] diff have "poly q uu = 0" by auto
hence "[:-uu,1:] dvd q" by (meson poly_eq_0_iff_dvd)
then obtain q' where qq': "q = q' * [:-uu,1:]" by auto
with pq have pq: "p = q' * [:-uu,1:] * [:-u,1:]" by auto
from pq[unfolded p_def] have q': "q' ≠ 0" by auto
from arg_cong[OF pq, of degree, unfolded p2]
have "2 = degree (q' * [:- uu, 1:] * [:- u, 1:])" .
also have "… = degree q' + degree [:- uu, 1:] + degree [:- u, 1:]"
apply (subst degree_mult_eq)
subgoal using q' by (metis mult_eq_0_iff pCons_eq_0_iff zero_neq_one)
subgoal by force
by (subst degree_mult_eq[OF q'], auto)
also have "… = degree q' + 2" by simp
finally have dq: "degree q' = 0" by simp
from dq obtain c where q': "q' = [: c:]" by (metis degree_eq_zeroE)
from pq[unfolded q' p_def] have "c = 1" by auto
with q' have "q' = 1" by simp
with pq have "[: -u, 1:] * [: -uu, 1 :] = p" by simp
from this[unfolded p_def, simplified] have prod: "uu * u = v" by simp
hence uu: "u = v / uu" using u0 by (simp add: field_simps)
define zz where "zz = - e / (3 * z)"
show ?r using *(2-) uu unfolding v using u0
by (intro exI[of _ zz], auto simp: zz_def field_simps)
subsection ‹Solving the depressed case for real numbers›
definition discriminant_cubic_depressed :: "'a :: comm_ring_1 ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a" where
"discriminant_cubic_depressed e f = - (4 * e^3 + 27 * f^2)"
lemma discriminant_cubic_depressed: assumes "[:-x,1:] * [:-y,1:] * [:-z,1:] = [:f,e,0,1:]"
shows "discriminant_cubic_depressed e f = (x-y)^2 * (x - z)^2 * (y - z)^2"
proof -
from assms have f: "f = - (z * (y * x))" and e: "e = y * x - z * (- y - x)" and
z: "z = - y - x" by auto
show ?thesis unfolding discriminant_cubic_depressed_def e f z
by (simp add: power2_eq_square power3_eq_cube field_simps)
text ‹If the discriminant is negative, then there is exactly one real root›
lemma solve_cubic_depressed_Cardano_real: fixes e f v u :: real
defines "y1 ≡ root 3 u - e / (3 * root 3 u)"
and "Δ ≡ discriminant_cubic_depressed e f"
assumes e0: "e ≠ 0"
and v: "v = - (e ^ 3 / 27)"
and u: "u⇧2 + f * u + v = 0"
shows "y1^3 + e * y1 + f = 0"
"Δ ≠ 0 ⟹ y^3 + e * y + f = 0 ⟹ y = y1"
proof -
let ?c = complex_of_real
let ?y = "?c y"
let ?e = "?c e"
let ?u = "?c u"
let ?v = "?c v"
let ?f = "?c f"
fix y :: real
let ?y = "?c y"
have "y^3 + e * y + f = 0 ⟷ ?c (y^3 + e * y + f) = ?c 0"
using of_real_eq_iff by blast
also have "… ⟷ ?y^3 + ?e * ?y + ?f = 0" by simp
also have "… ⟷ (∃ z. z^3 = ?u ∧ ?y = z - ?e / (3 * z))"
proof (rule solve_cubic_depressed_Cardano_complex)
show "?e ≠ 0" using e0 by auto
show "?v = - (?e ^ 3 / 27)" unfolding v by simp
show "?u⇧2 + ?f * ?u + ?v = 0" using arg_cong[OF u, of ?c] by simp
finally have "y^3 + e * y + f = 0 ⟷ (∃ z. z^3 = ?u ∧ ?y = z - ?e / (3 * z))" .
} note pre = this
show y1: "y1^3 + e * y1 + f = 0" unfolding pre y1_def
by (intro exI[of _ "?c (root 3 u)"], simp only: of_real_power[symmetric],
simp del: of_real_power add: odd_real_root_pow)
from u have "{z. poly [:v,f,1:] z = 0} ≠ {}"
by (auto simp add: field_simps power2_eq_square)
hence "set (rroots2 [:v,f,1:]) ≠ {}"
by (subst rroots2[symmetric], auto)
hence "rroots2 [:v,f,1:] ≠ []" by simp
from this[unfolded rroots2_def Let_def, simplified]
have "f^2 - 4 * v ≥ 0"
by (auto split: if_splits simp: numeral_2_eq_2 field_simps power2_eq_square)
hence delta_le_0: "Δ ≤ 0" unfolding Δ_def discriminant_cubic_depressed_def v by auto
assume Delta_non_0: "Δ ≠ 0"
with delta_le_0 have delta_neg: "Δ < 0" by simp
let ?p = "[:f,e,0,1:]"
have poly: "poly ?p y = 0 ⟷ y^3 + e * y + f = 0" for y
by (simp add: field_simps power2_eq_square power3_eq_cube)
from y1 have "poly ?p y1 = 0" unfolding poly .
hence "[:-y1,1:] dvd ?p" using poly_eq_0_iff_dvd by blast
then obtain q where pq: "?p = [:-y1,1:] * q" by blast
fix y2
assume "poly ?p y2 = 0" "y2 ≠ y1"
from this[unfolded pq] poly_mult have "poly q y2 = 0" by auto
from this[unfolded poly_eq_0_iff_dvd] obtain r where qr: "q = [:-y2,1:] * r" by blast
have r0: "r ≠ 0" using pq unfolding qr poly_mult by auto
have "3 = degree ?p" by simp
also have "… = 2 + degree r" unfolding pq qr
apply (subst degree_mult_eq, force)
subgoal using r0 pq qr by force
by (subst degree_mult_eq[OF _ r0], auto)
finally have "degree r = 1" by simp
from degree1_coeffs[OF this] obtain yy a where r: "r = [:yy,a:]" by metis
define y3 where "y3 = -yy"
with r have r: "r = [:-y3,a:]" by auto
from pq[unfolded qr r] have "a = 1" by auto
with r have "∃ y3. r = [:-y3,1:]" by auto
then obtain y3 where r: "r = [:-y3,1:]" by auto
have py: "?p = [:-y1,1:] * [:-y2,1:] * [:-y3,1:]" unfolding pq qr r by algebra
from discriminant_cubic_depressed[OF this[symmetric], folded Δ_def]
have delta: "Δ = (y1 - y2)⇧2 * (y1 - y3)⇧2 * (y2 - y3)⇧2" .
have d0: "Δ ≥ 0" unfolding delta by auto
with delta_neg have False by auto
with y1 show "y^3 + e * y + f = 0 ⟹ y = y1" unfolding poly by auto
text ‹If the discriminant is non-negative, then all roots are real›
lemma solve_cubic_depressed_Cardano_all_real_roots: fixes e f v :: real and y :: complex
defines "Δ ≡ discriminant_cubic_depressed e f"
assumes Delta: "Δ ≥ 0"
and rt: "y^3 + e * y + f = 0"
shows "y ∈ ℝ"
proof -
note powers = field_simps power3_eq_cube power2_eq_square
let ?c = complex_of_real
let ?e = "?c e"
let ?f = "?c f"
let ?cp = "[:?f,?e,0,1:]"
let ?p = "[:f,e,0,1:]"
from odd_degree_imp_real_root[of ?p] obtain x1 where "poly ?p x1 = 0" by auto
hence "[:-x1,1:] dvd ?p" using poly_eq_0_iff_dvd by blast
then obtain q where pq: "?p = [:-x1,1:] * q" by auto
from arg_cong[OF pq, of degree]
have "3 = degree ([:-x1,1:] * q)" by simp
also have "… = 1 + degree q"
by (subst degree_mult_eq, insert pq, auto)
finally have dq: "degree q = 2" by auto
let ?cc = "map_poly ?c"
let ?q = "?cc q"
have cpq: "?cc ?p = ?cc [:-x1,1:] * ?q" unfolding pq hom_distribs by simp
let ?x1 = "?c x1"
have dq': "degree ?q = 2" using dq by simp
have "¬ constant (poly ?q)" using dq by (simp add: constant_degree)
from fundamental_theorem_of_algebra[OF this] obtain x2 where x2: "poly ?q x2 = 0" by blast
have "x2 ∈ ℝ"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume x2r: "x2 ∉ ℝ"
define x3 where "x3 = cnj x2"
from x2r have x23: "x2 ≠ x3" unfolding x3_def using Reals_cnj_iff by force
have x3: "poly ?q x3 = 0" unfolding x3_def
by (rule complex_conjugate_root[OF _ x2], auto)
from x2[unfolded poly_eq_0_iff_dvd] obtain r where qr: "?q = [:-x2,1:] * r" by auto
from arg_cong[OF this[symmetric], of "λ x. poly x x3", unfolded poly_mult x3 mult_eq_0_iff] x23
have x3: "poly r x3 = 0" by auto
from arg_cong[OF qr, of degree]
have "2 = degree ([:-x2,1:] * r)" using dq' by simp
also have "… = 1 + degree r" by (subst degree_mult_eq, insert pq qr, auto)
finally have "degree r = 1" by simp
then obtain a b where r: "r = [:a,b:]" by (metis degree1_coeffs)
from cpq[unfolded qr r] have b1: "b = 1" by simp
with x3 r have "a + x3 = 0" by simp
hence "a = - x3" by algebra
with b1 r have r: "r = [:-x3,1:]" by auto
have "?cc ?p = ?cc [:-x1,1:] * [:-x2,1:] * [:-x3,1:]" unfolding cpq qr r by algebra
also have "?cc [:-x1,1:] = [:-?x1,1:]" by simp
also have "?cc ?p = ?cp" by simp
finally have id: "[:-?x1,1:] * [:-x2,1:] * [:-x3,1:] = ?cp" by simp
define x23 where "x23 = - 4 * (Im x2)^2"
define x12c where "x12c = ?x1 - x2"
define x12 where "x12 = (Re x12c) ^ 2 + (Im x12c)^2"
have x23_0: "x23 < 0" unfolding x23_def using x2r using complex_is_Real_iff by force
have "Im x12c ≠ 0" unfolding x12c_def using x2r using complex_is_Real_iff by force
hence "(Im x12c)^2 > 0" by simp
hence x12: "x12 > 0" unfolding x12_def using sum_power2_gt_zero_iff by auto
from discriminant_cubic_depressed[OF id]
have "?c Δ = ((?x1 - x2)⇧2 * (?x1 - x3)⇧2) * (x2 - x3)⇧2"
unfolding Δ_def discriminant_cubic_depressed_def by simp
also have "(x2 - x3)^2 = ?c x23" unfolding x3_def x23_def by (simp add: complex_eq_iff power2_eq_square)
also have "(?x1 - x2)⇧2 * (?x1 - x3)⇧2 = ((?x1 - x2) * (?x1 - x3))^2"
by (simp add: power2_eq_square)
also have "?x1 - x3 = cnj (?x1 - x2)" unfolding x3_def by simp
also have "(?x1 - x2) = x12c" unfolding x12c_def ..
also have "x12c * cnj x12c = ?c x12" by (simp add: x12_def complex_eq_iff power2_eq_square)
finally have "?c Δ = ?c (x12^2 * x23)" by simp
hence "Δ = x12^2 * x23" by (rule of_real_hom.injectivity)
also have "… < 0" using x12 x23_0 by (meson mult_pos_neg zero_less_power)
finally show False using Delta by simp
with x2 obtain x2 where "poly ?q (?c x2) = 0" unfolding Reals_def by auto
hence x2: "poly q x2 = 0" by simp
from x2[unfolded poly_eq_0_iff_dvd] obtain r where qr: "q = [:-x2,1:] * r" by auto
from arg_cong[OF qr, of degree]
have "2 = degree ([:-x2,1:] * r)" using dq' by simp
also have "… = 1 + degree r" by (subst degree_mult_eq, insert pq qr, auto)
finally have "degree r = 1" by simp
then obtain a b where r: "r = [:a,b:]" by (metis degree1_coeffs)
from pq[unfolded qr r] have b1: "b = 1" by simp
define x3 where "x3 = -a"
have r: "r = [:-x3,1:]" unfolding r b1 x3_def by simp
let ?pp = "[:-x1,1:] * [:-x2,1:] * [:-x3,1:]"
have id: "?p = ?pp" unfolding pq qr r by linarith
have "True ⟷ y^3 + e * y + f = 0" using rt by auto
also have "y^3 + e * y + f = poly (?cc ?p) y" by (simp add: powers)
also have "… = poly (?cc ?pp) y" unfolding id by simp
also have "?cc ?pp = [:-?c x1, 1:] * [:-?c x2, 1:] * [:- ?c x3, 1:]"
by simp
also have "poly … y = 0 ⟷ y = ?c x1 ∨ y = ?c x2 ∨ y = ?c x3"
unfolding poly_mult mult_eq_0_iff by auto
finally show "y ∈ ℝ" by auto