Theory Complex_Geometry.More_Complex

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
subsection ‹Library Additions for Complex Numbers›
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

text ‹Some additional lemmas about complex numbers.›

theory More_Complex
  imports Complex_Main More_Transcendental Canonical_Angle

text ‹Conjugation and @{term cis}

declare cis_cnj[simp]

lemmas complex_cnj = complex_cnj_diff complex_cnj_mult complex_cnj_add complex_cnj_divide complex_cnj_minus

text ‹Some properties for @{term complex_of_real}. Also, since it is often used in our
formalization we abbreviate it to @{term cor}.›

abbreviation cor :: "real  complex" where
  "cor  complex_of_real"

lemma cmod_cis [simp]:
  assumes "a  0"
  shows "of_real (cmod a) * cis (Arg a) = a"
  using assms
  by (metis rcis_cmod_Arg rcis_def)

lemma cis_cmod [simp]:
  assumes "a  0"
  shows "cis (Arg a) * of_real (cmod a) = a"
  by (metis assms cmod_cis mult.commute)

lemma cor_squared:
  shows "(cor x)2 = cor (x2)"
  by (simp add: power2_eq_square)

lemma cor_sqrt_mult_cor_sqrt [simp]:
  shows "cor (sqrt A) * cor (sqrt A) = cor ¦A¦"
  by (metis of_real_mult real_sqrt_mult_self)

lemma cor_eq_0: "cor x + 𝗂 * cor y = 0  x = 0  y = 0"
 by (metis Complex_eq Im_complex_of_real Im_i_times Re_complex_of_real add_cancel_left_left of_real_eq_0_iff plus_complex.sel(2) zero_complex.code)

lemma one_plus_square_neq_zero [simp]:
  shows "1 + (cor x)2  0"
  by (metis (opaque_lifting, no_types) of_real_1 of_real_add of_real_eq_0_iff of_real_power power_one sum_power2_eq_zero_iff zero_neq_one)

text ‹Additional lemmas about @{term Complex} constructor. Following newer versions of Isabelle,
these should be deprecated.›

lemma complex_real_two [simp]:
  shows "Complex 2 0 = 2"
  by (simp add: Complex_eq)

lemma complex_double [simp]:
  shows "(Complex a b) * 2 = Complex (2*a) (2*b)"
  by (simp add: Complex_eq)

lemma complex_half [simp]:
  shows "(Complex a b) / 2 = Complex (a/2) (b/2)"
  by (subst complex_eq_iff) auto

lemma Complex_scale1:
  shows "Complex (a * b) (a * c) = cor a * Complex b c"
  unfolding complex_of_real_def
  unfolding Complex_eq
  by (auto simp add: field_simps)

lemma Complex_scale2:
  shows "Complex (a * c) (b * c) = Complex a b * cor c"
  unfolding complex_of_real_def
  unfolding Complex_eq
  by (auto simp add: field_simps)

lemma Complex_scale3:
  shows "Complex (a / b) (a / c) = cor a * Complex (1 / b) (1 / c)"
  unfolding complex_of_real_def
  unfolding Complex_eq
  by (auto simp add: field_simps)

lemma Complex_scale4:
  shows "c  0  Complex (a / c) (b / c) = Complex a b / cor c"
  unfolding complex_of_real_def
  unfolding Complex_eq
  by (auto simp add: field_simps power2_eq_square)

lemma Complex_Re_express_cnj:
  shows "Complex (Re z) 0 = (z + cnj z) / 2"
  by (cases z) (simp add: Complex_eq)

lemma Complex_Im_express_cnj:
  shows "Complex 0 (Im z) = (z - cnj z)/2"
  by (cases z) (simp add: Complex_eq)

text ‹Additional properties of @{term cmod}.›

lemma complex_mult_cnj_cmod:
  shows "z * cnj z = cor ((cmod z)2)"
  using complex_norm_square
  by auto

lemma cmod_square:
  shows "(cmod z)2 = Re (z * cnj z)"
  using complex_mult_cnj_cmod[of z]
  by (simp add: power2_eq_square)

lemma cor_cmod_power_4 [simp]:
  shows "cor (cmod z) ^ 4 = (z * cnj z)2"
  by (simp add: complex_mult_cnj_cmod)

lemma cnjE:
  assumes "x  0"
  shows "cnj x = cor ((cmod x)2) / x"
  using complex_mult_cnj_cmod[of x] assms
  by (auto simp add: field_simps)

lemma cmod_cor_divide [simp]:
  shows "cmod (z / cor k) = cmod z / ¦k¦"
  by (simp add: norm_divide)

lemma cmod_mult_minus_left_distrib [simp]:
  shows "cmod (z*z1 - z*z2) = cmod z * cmod(z1 - z2)"
  by (metis norm_mult right_diff_distrib)

lemma cmod_eqI:
  assumes "z1 * cnj z1 = z2 * cnj z2"
  shows "cmod z1 = cmod z2"
  using assms
  by (subst complex_mod_sqrt_Re_mult_cnj)+ auto

lemma cmod_eqE:
  assumes "cmod z1 = cmod z2"
  shows "z1 * cnj z1 = z2 * cnj z2"
  by (simp add: assms complex_mult_cnj_cmod)

lemma cmod_eq_one [simp]:
  shows "cmod a = 1  a*cnj a = 1"
  by (metis cmod_eqE cmod_eqI complex_cnj_one monoid_mult_class.mult.left_neutral norm_one)

text ‹We introduce @{term is_real} (the imaginary part of complex number is zero) and @{term is_imag}
(real part of complex number is zero) operators and prove some of their properties.›

abbreviation is_real where
  "is_real z  Im z = 0"

abbreviation is_imag where
  "is_imag z  Re z = 0"

lemma real_imag_0:
  assumes "is_real a" "is_imag a"
  shows "a = 0"
  using assms
  by (simp add: complex.expand)

lemma complex_eq_if_Re_eq:
  assumes "is_real z1" and "is_real z2"
  shows "z1 = z2  Re z1 = Re z2"
  using assms
  by (cases z1, cases z2) auto

lemma mult_reals [simp]:
  assumes "is_real a" and "is_real b"
  shows "is_real (a * b)"
  using assms
  by auto

lemma div_reals [simp]:
  assumes "is_real a" and "is_real b"
  shows "is_real (a / b)"
  using assms
  by (simp add: complex_is_Real_iff)

lemma complex_of_real_Re [simp]:
  assumes "is_real k"
  shows "cor (Re k) = k"
  using assms
  by (cases k) (auto simp add: complex_of_real_def)

lemma cor_cmod_real:
  assumes "is_real a"
  shows "cor (cmod a) = a  cor (cmod a) = -a"
  using assms
  unfolding cmod_def
  by (cases "Re a > 0") auto

lemma eq_cnj_iff_real:
  shows "cnj z = z  is_real z"
  by (cases z) (simp add: Complex_eq)

lemma eq_minus_cnj_iff_imag:
  shows "cnj z = -z  is_imag z"
  by (cases z) (simp add: Complex_eq)

lemma Re_divide_real:
  assumes "is_real b" and "b  0"
  shows "Re (a / b) = (Re a) / (Re b)"
  using assms
  by (simp add: complex_is_Real_iff)

lemma Re_mult_real:
  assumes "is_real a"
  shows "Re (a * b) = (Re a) * (Re b)"
  using assms
  by simp

lemma Im_mult_real:
  assumes "is_real a"
  shows "Im (a * b) = (Re a) * (Im b)"
  using assms
  by simp

lemma Im_divide_real:
  assumes "is_real b" and "b  0"
  shows "Im (a / b) = (Im a) / (Re b)"
  using assms
  by (simp add: complex_is_Real_iff)

lemma Re_sgn:
  assumes "is_real R"
  shows "Re (sgn R) = sgn (Re R)"
  using assms
  by (metis Re_sgn complex_of_real_Re norm_of_real real_sgn_eq)

lemma is_real_div:
  assumes "b  0"
  shows "is_real (a / b)  a*cnj b = b*cnj a"
  using assms
  by (metis complex_cnj_divide complex_cnj_zero_iff eq_cnj_iff_real frac_eq_eq mult.commute)

lemma is_real_mult_real:
  assumes "is_real a" and "a  0"
  shows "is_real b  is_real (a * b)"
  using assms
  by (cases a, auto simp add: Complex_eq)

lemma Im_express_cnj:
  shows "Im z = (z - cnj z) / (2 * 𝗂)"
  by (simp add: complex_diff_cnj field_simps)

lemma Re_express_cnj:
  shows "Re z = (z + cnj z) / 2"
  by (simp add: complex_add_cnj)

text ‹Rotation of complex number for 90 degrees in the positive direction.›

abbreviation rot90 where
  "rot90 z  Complex (-Im z) (Re z)"

lemma rot90_ii:
  shows "rot90 z = z * 𝗂"
  by (metis Complex_mult_i complex_surj)

text ‹With @{term cnj_mix} we introduce scalar product between complex vectors. This operation shows
to be useful to succinctly express some conditions.›

abbreviation cnj_mix where
  "cnj_mix z1 z2  cnj z1 * z2 + z1 * cnj z2"

abbreviation scalprod where
  "scalprod z1 z2  cnj_mix z1 z2 / 2"

lemma cnj_mix_minus:
  shows "cnj z1*z2 - z1*cnj z2 = 𝗂 * cnj_mix (rot90 z1) z2"
  by (cases z1, cases z2) (simp add: Complex_eq field_simps)

lemma cnj_mix_minus':
  shows "cnj z1*z2 - z1*cnj z2 = rot90 (cnj_mix (rot90 z1) z2)"
  by (cases z1, cases z2) (simp add: Complex_eq field_simps)

lemma cnj_mix_real [simp]:
  shows "is_real (cnj_mix z1 z2)"
  by (cases z1, cases z2) simp

lemma scalprod_real [simp]:
  shows "is_real (scalprod z1 z2)"
  using cnj_mix_real
  by simp

text ‹Additional properties of @{term cis} function.›

lemma cis_minus_pi2 [simp]:
  shows "cis (-pi/2) = -𝗂"
  by (simp add: cis_inverse[symmetric])

lemma cis_pi2_minus_x [simp]:
  shows "cis (pi/2 - x) = 𝗂 * cis(-x)"
  using cis_divide[of "pi/2" x, symmetric]
  using cis_divide[of 0 x, symmetric]
  by simp

lemma cis_pm_pi [simp]:
  shows "cis (x - pi) = - cis x" and  "cis (x + pi) = - cis x"
  by (simp add: cis.ctr complex_minus)+

lemma cis_times_cis_opposite [simp]:
  shows "cis φ * cis (- φ) = 1"
  by (simp add: cis_mult)

text @{term cis} repeats only after $2k\pi$›
lemma cis_eq:
  assumes "cis a = cis b"
  shows " k::int. a - b = 2 * k * pi"
  using assms sin_cos_eq[of a b]
  using cis.sel[of a] cis.sel[of b]
  by (cases "cis a", cases "cis b") auto

text @{term cis} is injective on $(-\pi, \pi]$.›
lemma cis_inj:
  assumes "-pi < α" and "α  pi" and "-pi < α'" and "α'  pi"
  assumes "cis α = cis α'"
  shows "α = α'"
  using assms
  by (metis cis_Arg_unique sgn_cis)

text @{term cis} of an angle combined with @{term cis} of the opposite angle›

lemma cis_diff_cis_opposite [simp]:
  shows "cis φ - cis (- φ) = 2 * 𝗂 * sin φ"
  using Im_express_cnj[of "cis φ"]
  by simp

lemma cis_opposite_diff_cis [simp]:
  shows "cis (-φ) - cis (φ) = - 2 * 𝗂 * sin φ"
  using cis_diff_cis_opposite[of "-φ"]
  by simp

lemma cis_add_cis_opposite [simp]:
  shows "cis φ + cis (-φ) = 2 * cos φ"
  by (metis cis.sel(1) cis_cnj complex_add_cnj)

text @{term cis} equal to 1 or -1›
lemma cis_one [simp]:
  assumes "sin φ = 0" and "cos φ = 1"
  shows "cis φ = 1"
  using assms
  by (auto simp add: cis.ctr one_complex.code)

lemma cis_minus_one [simp]:
  assumes "sin φ = 0" and "cos φ = -1"
  shows "cis φ = -1"
  using assms
  by (auto simp add: cis.ctr Complex_eq_neg_1)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
subsubsection ‹Additional properties of complex number argument›
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

text @{term Arg} of real numbers›

lemma is_real_arg1:
  assumes "Arg z = 0  Arg z = pi"
  shows "is_real z"
  using assms
  using rcis_cmod_Arg[of z] Im_rcis[of "cmod z" "Arg z"]
  by auto

lemma is_real_arg2:
  assumes "is_real z"
  shows "Arg z = 0  Arg z = pi"
proof (cases "z = 0")
  case False
  thus ?thesis
    using Arg_bounded[of z]
    by (smt (verit, best) Im_sgn assms cis.simps(2) cis_Arg div_0 sin_zero_pi_iff)
qed (auto simp add: Arg_zero)

lemma arg_complex_of_real_positive [simp]:
  assumes "k > 0"
  shows "Arg (cor k) = 0"
  have "cos (Arg (Complex k 0)) > 0"
    using assms
    using rcis_cmod_Arg[of "Complex k 0"] Re_rcis[of "cmod (Complex k 0)" "Arg (Complex k 0)"]
    using cmod_eq_Re by force
  thus ?thesis
    using assms is_real_arg2[of "cor k"]
    unfolding complex_of_real_def
    by auto

lemma arg_complex_of_real_negative [simp]:
  assumes "k < 0"
  shows "Arg (cor k) = pi"
  have "cos (Arg (Complex k 0)) < 0"
    using k < 0 rcis_cmod_Arg[of "Complex k 0"] Re_rcis[of "cmod (Complex k 0)" "Arg (Complex k 0)"]
    by (metis complex.sel(1) mult_less_0_iff norm_not_less_zero)
  thus ?thesis
    using assms is_real_arg2[of "cor k"]
    unfolding complex_of_real_def
    by auto

lemma arg_0_iff:
  shows "z  0  Arg z = 0  is_real z  Re z > 0"
  by (smt (verit, best) arg_complex_of_real_negative arg_complex_of_real_positive Arg_zero complex_of_real_Re is_real_arg1 pi_gt_zero zero_complex.simps)

lemma arg_pi_iff:
  shows "Arg z = pi  is_real z  Re z < 0"
  by (smt (verit, best) arg_complex_of_real_negative arg_complex_of_real_positive Arg_zero complex_of_real_Re is_real_arg1 pi_gt_zero zero_complex.simps)

text @{term Arg} of imaginary numbers›

lemma is_imag_arg1:
  assumes "Arg z = pi/2  Arg z = -pi/2"
  shows "is_imag z"
  using assms
  using rcis_cmod_Arg[of z] Re_rcis[of "cmod z" "Arg z"]
  by (metis cos_minus cos_pi_half minus_divide_left mult_eq_0_iff)

lemma is_imag_arg2:
  assumes "is_imag z" and "z  0"
  shows "Arg z = pi/2  Arg z = -pi/2"
  using Arg_bounded assms cos_0_iff_canon cos_Arg_i_mult_zero by presburger

lemma arg_complex_of_real_times_i_positive [simp]:
  assumes "k > 0"
  shows "Arg (cor k * 𝗂) = pi / 2"
  have "sin (Arg (Complex 0 k)) > 0"
    using k > 0 rcis_cmod_Arg[of "Complex 0 k"] Im_rcis[of "cmod (Complex 0 k)" "Arg (Complex 0 k)"]
    by (smt (verit, best) complex.sel(2) mult_nonneg_nonpos norm_ge_zero)
  thus ?thesis
    using assms is_imag_arg2[of "cor k * 𝗂"]
    using Arg_zero complex_of_real_i
    by force

lemma arg_complex_of_real_times_i_negative [simp]:
  assumes "k < 0"
  shows "Arg (cor k * 𝗂) = - pi / 2"
  have "sin (Arg (Complex 0 k)) < 0"
    using k < 0 rcis_cmod_Arg[of "Complex 0 k"] Im_rcis[of "cmod (Complex 0 k)" "Arg (Complex 0 k)"]
    by (metis complex.sel(2) mult_less_0_iff norm_not_less_zero)
  thus ?thesis
    using assms is_imag_arg2[of "cor k * 𝗂"]
    using Arg_zero complex_of_real_i[of k]
    by (smt (verit, best) complex.sel(1) sin_pi_half sin_zero)

lemma arg_pi2_iff:
  shows "z  0  Arg z = pi / 2  is_imag z  Im z > 0"
  by (smt (verit, best) Im_rcis Re_i_times Re_rcis arcsin_minus_1 cos_pi_half divide_minus_left mult.commute mult_cancel_right1 rcis_cmod_Arg is_imag_arg2 sin_arcsin sin_pi_half zero_less_mult_pos zero_less_norm_iff)

lemma arg_minus_pi2_iff:
  shows "z  0  Arg z = - pi / 2  is_imag z  Im z < 0"
  by (smt (verit, best) arg_pi2_iff complex.expand divide_cancel_right pi_neq_zero is_imag_arg1 is_imag_arg2 zero_complex.simps(1) zero_complex.simps(2))

text ‹Argument is a canonical angle›

lemma canon_ang_arg:
  shows "Arg z = Arg z"
  using canon_ang_id[of "Arg z"] Arg_bounded
  by simp

lemma arg_cis:
  shows "Arg (cis φ) = φ"
  using cis_Arg_unique canon_ang canon_ang_cos canon_ang_sin cis.ctr sgn_cis by presburger

text ‹Cosine and sine of @{term Arg}

lemma cos_arg:
  assumes "z  0"
  shows "cos (Arg z) = Re z / cmod z"
  by (metis Complex.Re_sgn cis.simps(1) assms cis_Arg)

lemma sin_arg:
  assumes "z  0"
  shows "sin (Arg z) = Im z / cmod z"
  by (metis Complex.Im_sgn cis.simps(2) assms cis_Arg)

text ‹Argument of product›

lemma cis_arg_mult:
  assumes "z1 * z2  0"
  shows "cis (Arg (z1 * z2)) = cis (Arg z1 + Arg z2)"
  by (metis assms cis_Arg cis_mult mult_eq_0_iff sgn_mult)

lemma arg_mult_2kpi:
  assumes "z1 * z2  0"
  shows " k::int. Arg (z1 * z2) = Arg z1 + Arg z2 + 2*k*pi"
  have "cis (Arg (z1*z2)) = cis (Arg z1 + Arg z2)"
    by (rule cis_arg_mult[OF assms])
  thus ?thesis
    using cis_eq[of "Arg (z1*z2)" "Arg z1 + Arg z2"]
    by (auto simp add: field_simps)

lemma arg_mult:
  assumes "z1 * z2  0"
  shows "Arg(z1 * z2) = Arg z1 + Arg z2"
  obtain k::int where "Arg(z1 * z2) = Arg z1 + Arg z2 + 2*k*pi"
    using arg_mult_2kpi[of z1 z2]
    using assms
    by auto
  hence "Arg(z1 * z2) = Arg z1 + Arg z2"
    using canon_ang_eq
    by(simp add:field_simps)
  thus ?thesis
    using canon_ang_arg[of "z1*z2"]
    by auto

lemma arg_mult_real_positive [simp]:
  assumes "k > 0"
  shows "Arg (cor k * z) = Arg z"
proof (cases "z = 0")
  case False
  thus ?thesis
    using arg_mult assms canon_ang_arg by force
qed (auto simp: Arg_zero)

lemma arg_mult_real_negative [simp]:
  assumes "k < 0"
  shows "Arg (cor k * z) = Arg (-z)"
proof (cases "z = 0")
  case False
  thus ?thesis
    using assms
    by (metis arg_mult_real_positive minus_mult_commute neg_0_less_iff_less of_real_minus minus_minus)
qed (auto simp: Arg_zero)

lemma arg_div_real_positive [simp]:
  assumes "k > 0"
  shows "Arg (z / cor k) = Arg z"
proof(cases "z = 0")
  case True
  thus ?thesis
    by auto
  case False
  thus ?thesis
    using assms
    using arg_mult_real_positive[of "1/k" z]
    by auto

lemma arg_div_real_negative [simp]:
  assumes "k < 0"
  shows "Arg (z / cor k) = Arg (-z)"
proof(cases "z = 0")
  case True
  thus ?thesis
    by auto
  case False
  thus ?thesis
    using assms
    using arg_mult_real_negative[of "1/k" z]
    by auto

lemma arg_mult_eq:
  assumes "z * z1  0" and "z * z2  0"
  assumes "Arg (z * z1) = Arg (z * z2)"
  shows "Arg z1 = Arg z2"
  by (metis (no_types, lifting) arg_cis assms canon_ang_arg cis_Arg mult_eq_0_iff nonzero_mult_div_cancel_left sgn_divide)

text ‹Argument of conjugate›

lemma arg_cnj_pi:
  assumes "Arg z = pi"
  shows "Arg (cnj z) = pi"
  using arg_pi_iff assms by auto

lemma arg_cnj_not_pi:
  assumes "Arg z  pi"
  shows "Arg (cnj z) = -Arg z"
proof(cases "Arg z = 0")
  case True
  thus ?thesis
    using eq_cnj_iff_real[of z] is_real_arg1[of z] by force
  case False
  have "Arg (cnj z) = Arg z  Arg(cnj z) = -Arg z"
    using Arg_bounded[of z] Arg_bounded[of "cnj z"]
    by (smt (verit, best) arccos_cos arccos_cos2 cnj.sel(1) complex_cnj_zero_iff complex_mod_cnj cos_arg)
  have "Arg (cnj z)  Arg z"
    using sin_0_iff_canon[of "Arg (cnj z)"] Arg_bounded False assms
    by (metis complex_mod_cnj eq_cnj_iff_real is_real_arg2 rcis_cmod_Arg)
  show ?thesis
    by auto

text ‹Argument of reciprocal›

lemma arg_inv_not_pi:
  assumes "z  0" and "Arg z  pi"
  shows "Arg (1 / z) = - Arg z"
  have "1/z = cnj z / cor ((cmod z)2 )"
    using z  0 complex_mult_cnj_cmod[of z]
    by (auto simp add:field_simps)
  thus ?thesis
    using arg_div_real_positive[of "(cmod z)2" "cnj z"] z  0
    using arg_cnj_not_pi[of z] Arg z  pi
    by auto

lemma arg_inv_pi:
  assumes "z  0" and "Arg z = pi"
  shows "Arg (1 / z) = pi"
  have "1/z = cnj z / cor ((cmod z)2 )"
    using z  0 complex_mult_cnj_cmod[of z]
    by (auto simp add:field_simps)
  thus ?thesis
    using arg_div_real_positive[of "(cmod z)2" "cnj z"] z  0
    using arg_cnj_pi[of z] Arg z = pi
    by auto

lemma arg_inv_2kpi:
  assumes "z  0"
  shows " k::int. Arg (1 / z) = - Arg z + 2*k*pi"
  using arg_inv_pi[OF assms]
  using arg_inv_not_pi[OF assms]
  by (cases "Arg z = pi") (rule_tac x="1" in exI, simp, rule_tac x="0" in exI, simp)

lemma arg_inv:
  assumes "z  0"
  shows "Arg (1 / z) = - Arg z"
  by (metis arg_inv_not_pi arg_inv_pi assms canon_ang_arg canon_ang_uminus_pi)

text ‹Argument of quotient›

lemma arg_div_2kpi:
  assumes "z1  0" and "z2  0"
  shows " k::int. Arg (z1 / z2) = Arg z1 - Arg z2 + 2*k*pi"
  obtain x1 where "Arg (z1 * (1 / z2)) = Arg z1 + Arg (1 / z2) + 2 * real_of_int x1 * pi"
    using assms arg_mult_2kpi[of z1 "1/z2"]
    by auto
  obtain x2 where "Arg (1 / z2) = - Arg z2 + 2 * real_of_int x2 * pi"
    using assms arg_inv_2kpi[of z2]
    by auto
  show ?thesis
    by (rule_tac x="x1 + x2" in exI, simp add: field_simps)

lemma arg_div:
  assumes "z1  0" and "z2  0"
  shows "Arg(z1 / z2) = Arg z1 - Arg z2"
  obtain k::int where "Arg(z1 / z2) = Arg z1 - Arg z2 + 2*k*pi"
    using arg_div_2kpi[of z1 z2]
    using assms
    by auto
  hence "canon_ang(Arg(z1 / z2)) = canon_ang(Arg z1 - Arg z2)"
    using canon_ang_eq
    by(simp add:field_simps)
  thus ?thesis
    using canon_ang_arg[of "z1/z2"]
    by auto

text ‹Argument of opposite›

lemma arg_uminus:
  assumes "z  0"
  shows "Arg (-z) = Arg z + pi"
  using assms
  using arg_mult[of "-1" z]
  using arg_complex_of_real_negative[of "-1"]
  by (auto simp add: field_simps)

lemma arg_uminus_opposite_sign:
  assumes "z  0"
  shows "Arg z > 0  ¬ Arg (-z) > 0"
proof (cases "Arg z = 0")
  case True
  thus ?thesis
    using assms
    by (simp add: arg_uminus)
  case False
  show ?thesis
  proof (cases "Arg z > 0")
    case True
    thus ?thesis
      using assms
      using Arg_bounded[of z]
      using canon_ang_plus_pi1[of "Arg z"]
      by (simp add: arg_uminus)
    case False
    thus ?thesis
      using Arg z  0
      using assms
      using Arg_bounded[of z]
      using canon_ang_plus_pi2[of "Arg z"]
      by (simp add: arg_uminus)

text ‹Sign of argument is the same as the sign of the Imaginary part›

lemma arg_Im_sgn:
  assumes "¬ is_real z"
  shows "sgn (Arg z) = sgn (Im z)"
  have "z  0"
    using assms
    by auto
  then obtain r φ where polar: "z = cor r * cis φ" "φ = Arg z" "r > 0"
    by (smt (verit, best) cmod_cis mult_eq_0_iff norm_ge_zero of_real_0)
  hence "Im z = r * sin φ"
    by (metis Im_mult_real Re_complex_of_real cis.simps(2) Im_complex_of_real)
  hence  "Im z > 0  sin φ > 0" "Im z < 0  sin φ < 0"
    using r > 0
    using mult_pos_pos mult_nonneg_nonneg zero_less_mult_pos mult_less_cancel_left
    by (smt (verit, best))+
  have "φ  pi" "φ  0"
    using ¬ is_real z polar cis_pi
    by force+
  hence "sin φ > 0  φ > 0" "φ < 0  sin φ < 0"
    using φ = Arg z φ  0 φ  pi
    using Arg_bounded[of z]
    by (smt (verit, best) sin_gt_zero sin_le_zero sin_pi_minus sin_0_iff_canon sin_ge_zero)+
  show ?thesis
    using φ = Arg z
    by auto

subsubsection ‹Complex square root›

  "ccsqrt z = rcis (sqrt (cmod z)) (Arg z / 2)"

lemma square_ccsqrt [simp]:
  shows "(ccsqrt x)2 = x"
  unfolding ccsqrt_def
  by (subst DeMoivre2) (simp add: rcis_cmod_Arg)

lemma ex_complex_sqrt:
  shows " s::complex. s*s = z"
  unfolding power2_eq_square[symmetric]
  by (rule_tac x="csqrt z" in exI) simp

lemma ccsqrt:
  assumes "s * s = z"
  shows "s = ccsqrt z  s = -ccsqrt z"
proof (cases "s = 0")
  case True
  thus ?thesis
    using assms
    unfolding ccsqrt_def
    by simp
  case False
  then obtain k::int where "cmod s * cmod s = cmod z" "2 * Arg s - Arg z = 2*k*pi"
    using assms
    using rcis_cmod_Arg[of z] rcis_cmod_Arg[of s]
    using arg_mult[of s s]
    using canon_ang(3)[of "2*Arg s"]
    by (auto simp add: norm_mult arg_mult)
  have *: "sqrt (cmod z) = cmod s"
    using cmod s * cmod s = cmod z
    by (smt (verit, best) norm_not_less_zero real_sqrt_abs2)

  have **: "Arg z / 2 = Arg s - k*pi"
    using 2 * Arg s - Arg z = 2*k*pi
    by simp

  have "cis (Arg s - k*pi) = cis (Arg s)  cis (Arg s - k*pi) = -cis (Arg s)"
  proof (cases "even k")
    case True
    hence "cis (Arg s - k*pi) = cis (Arg s)"
      by (simp add: cis_def complex.corec cos_diff sin_diff)
    thus ?thesis
      by simp
    case False
    hence "cis (Arg s - k*pi) = -cis (Arg s)"
      by (simp add: cis_def complex.corec Complex_eq cos_diff sin_diff)
    thus ?thesis
      by simp
  thus ?thesis
    assume ***: "cis (Arg s - k * pi) = cis (Arg s)"
    hence "s = ccsqrt z"
      using rcis_cmod_Arg[of s]
      unfolding ccsqrt_def rcis_def
      by (subst *, subst **, subst ***, simp)
    thus ?thesis
      by simp
    assume ***: "cis (Arg s - k * pi) = -cis (Arg s)"
    hence "s = - ccsqrt z"
      using rcis_cmod_Arg[of s]
      unfolding ccsqrt_def rcis_def
      by (subst *, subst **, subst ***, simp)
    thus ?thesis
      by simp

lemma null_ccsqrt [simp]:
  shows "ccsqrt x = 0  x = 0"
  unfolding ccsqrt_def
  by auto

lemma ccsqrt_mult:
  shows "ccsqrt (a * b) = ccsqrt a * ccsqrt b 
         ccsqrt (a * b) = - ccsqrt a * ccsqrt b"
proof (cases "a = 0  b = 0")
  case True
  thus ?thesis
    by auto
  case False
  obtain k::int where "Arg a + Arg b - Arg a + Arg b = 2 * real_of_int k * pi"
    using canon_ang(3)[of "Arg a + Arg b"]
    by auto
  hence *: "Arg a + Arg b = Arg a + Arg b - 2 * (real_of_int k) * pi"
    by (auto simp add: field_simps)

  have "cis (Arg a + Arg b / 2) = cis (Arg a / 2 + Arg b / 2)  cis (Arg a + Arg b / 2) = - cis (Arg a / 2 + Arg b / 2)"
    using cos_even_kpi[of k] cos_odd_kpi[of k]
    by ((subst *)+, (subst diff_divide_distrib)+, (subst add_divide_distrib)+)
       (cases "even k", auto simp add: cis_def complex.corec Complex_eq cos_diff sin_diff)
  thus ?thesis
    using False
    unfolding ccsqrt_def
    by (smt (verit, best) arg_mult mult_minus_left mult_minus_right no_zero_divisors norm_mult rcis_def rcis_mult real_sqrt_mult)

lemma csqrt_real:
  assumes "is_real x"
  shows "(Re x  0  ccsqrt x = cor (sqrt (Re x))) 
         (Re x < 0  ccsqrt x = 𝗂 * cor (sqrt (- (Re x))))"
proof (cases "x = 0")
  case True
  thus ?thesis
    by auto
  case False
  show ?thesis
  proof (cases "Re x > 0")
    case True
    hence "Arg x = 0"
      using is_real x
      by (metis arg_complex_of_real_positive complex_of_real_Re)
    thus ?thesis
      using Re x > 0 is_real x
      unfolding ccsqrt_def
      by (simp add: cmod_eq_Re)
    case False
    hence "Re x < 0"
      using x  0 is_real x
      using complex_eq_if_Re_eq by auto
    hence "Arg x = pi"
      using is_real x
      by (metis arg_complex_of_real_negative complex_of_real_Re)
    thus ?thesis
      using Re x < 0 is_real x
      unfolding ccsqrt_def rcis_def
      by (simp add: cis_def complex.corec Complex_eq cmod_eq_Re)

text ‹Rotation of complex vector to x-axis.›

lemma is_real_rot_to_x_axis:
  assumes "z  0"
  shows "is_real (cis (-Arg z) * z)"
proof (cases "Arg z = pi")
  case True
  thus ?thesis
    using is_real_arg1[of z]
    by auto
  case False
  hence "- Arg z = - Arg z"
    using canon_ang_eqI[of "- Arg z" "-Arg z"]
    using Arg_bounded[of z]
    by (auto simp add: field_simps)
  hence "Arg (cis (- (Arg z)) * z) = 0"
    using arg_mult[of "cis (- (Arg z))" z] z  0
    using arg_cis[of "- Arg z"]
    by simp
  thus ?thesis
    using is_real_arg1[of "cis (- Arg z) * z"]
    by auto

lemma positive_rot_to_x_axis:
  assumes "z  0"
  shows "Re (cis (-Arg z) * z) > 0"
  using assms
  by (smt (verit) ab_group_add_class.ab_left_minus add_eq_0_iff arg_cis arg_inv arg_inv_not_pi arg_mult arg_pi_iff cis_neq_zero cis_pm_pi(2)
      divisors_zero is_real_rot_to_x_axis pi_canonical pi_neq_zero real_imag_0 zero_canonical)

text ‹Inequalities involving @{term cmod}.›

lemma cmod_1_plus_mult_le:
  shows "cmod (1 + z*w)  sqrt((1 + (cmod z)2) * (1 + (cmod w)2))"
  have "Re ((1+z*w)*(1+cnj z*cnj w))  Re (1+z*cnj z)* Re (1+w*cnj w)"
    have "Re ((w - cnj z)*cnj(w - cnj z))  0"
      by (subst complex_mult_cnj_cmod) (simp add: power2_eq_square)
    hence "Re (z*w + cnj z * cnj w)  Re (w*cnj w) + Re(z*cnj z)"
      by (simp add: field_simps)
    thus ?thesis
      by (simp add: field_simps)
  hence "(cmod (1 + z * w))2  (1 + (cmod z)2) * (1 + (cmod w)2)"
    by (subst cmod_square)+ simp
  thus ?thesis
    by (metis abs_norm_cancel real_sqrt_abs real_sqrt_le_iff)

lemma cmod_diff_ge:
  shows "cmod (b - c)  sqrt (1 + (cmod b)2) - sqrt (1 + (cmod c)2)"
  have "(cmod (b - c))2 + (1/2*Im(b*cnj c - c*cnj b))2  0"
    by simp
  hence "(cmod (b - c))2  - (1/2*Im(b*cnj c - c*cnj b))2"
    by simp
  hence "(cmod (b - c))2  (1/2*Re(b*cnj c + c*cnj b))2 - Re(b*cnj b*c*cnj c) "
    by (auto simp add: power2_eq_square field_simps)
  hence "Re ((b - c)*(cnj b - cnj c))  (1/2*Re(b*cnj c + c*cnj b))2 - Re(b*cnj b*c*cnj c)"
    by (subst (asm) cmod_square) simp
  have "(1 + (cmod b)2) * (1 + (cmod c)2) = 1 + Re(b*cnj b) + Re(c*cnj c) + Re(b*cnj b*c*cnj c)"
    by (subst cmod_square)+ (simp add: field_simps power2_eq_square)
  have "(1 + Re (scalprod b c))2 = 1 + 2*Re(scalprod b c) + ((Re (scalprod b c))2)"
    by (subst power2_sum) simp
  hence "(1 + Re (scalprod b c))2 = 1 + Re(b*cnj c + c*cnj b) + (1/2 * Re (b*cnj c + c*cnj b))2"
    by simp
  have "(1 + (cmod b)2) * (1 + (cmod c)2)  (1 + Re (scalprod b c))2"
    by (simp add: field_simps)
  have "sqrt((1 + (cmod b)2) * (1 + (cmod c)2))  0"
    by (metis one_power2 real_sqrt_sum_squares_mult_ge_zero)
  have "sqrt((1 + (cmod b)2) * (1 + (cmod c)2))  1 + Re (scalprod b c)"
    by (metis power2_le_imp_le real_sqrt_ge_0_iff real_sqrt_pow2_iff)
  hence "Re ((b - c) * (cnj b - cnj c))  1 + Re (c*cnj c) + 1 + Re (b*cnj b) - 2*sqrt((1 + (cmod b)2) * (1 + (cmod c)2))"
    by (simp add: field_simps)
  hence *: "(cmod (b - c))2  (sqrt (1 + (cmod b)2) - sqrt (1 + (cmod c)2))2"
    apply (subst cmod_square)+
    apply (subst (asm) cmod_square)+
    apply (subst power2_diff)
    apply (subst real_sqrt_pow2, simp)
    apply (subst real_sqrt_pow2, simp)
    apply (simp add: real_sqrt_mult)
  thus ?thesis
  proof (cases "sqrt (1 + (cmod b)2) - sqrt (1 + (cmod c)2) > 0")
    case True
    thus ?thesis
      using power2_le_imp_le[OF *]
      by simp
    case False
    hence "0  sqrt (1 + (cmod b)2) - sqrt (1 + (cmod c)2)"
      by (metis less_eq_real_def linorder_neqE_linordered_idom)
    have "cmod (b - c)  0"
      by simp
    show ?thesis
      by (metis add_increasing monoid_add_class.add.right_neutral)

lemma cmod_diff_le:
  shows "cmod (b - c)  sqrt (1 + (cmod b)2) + sqrt (1 + (cmod c)2)"
  have "(cmod (b + c))2 + (1/2*Im(b*cnj c - c*cnj b))2  0"
    by simp
  hence "(cmod (b + c))2  - (1/2*Im(b*cnj c - c*cnj b))2"
    by simp
  hence "(cmod (b + c))2  (1/2*Re(b*cnj c + c*cnj b))2 - Re(b*cnj b*c*cnj c) "
    by (auto simp add: power2_eq_square field_simps)
  hence "Re ((b + c)*(cnj b + cnj c))  (1/2*Re(b*cnj c + c*cnj b))2 - Re(b*cnj b*c*cnj c)"
    by (subst (asm) cmod_square) simp
  have "(1 + (cmod b)2) * (1 + (cmod c)2) = 1 + Re(b*cnj b) + Re(c*cnj c) + Re(b*cnj b*c*cnj c)"
    by (subst cmod_square)+ (simp add: field_simps power2_eq_square)
  have ++: "2*Re(scalprod b c) = Re(b*cnj c + c*cnj b)"
    by simp
  have "(1 - Re (scalprod b c))2 = 1 - 2*Re(scalprod b c) + ((Re (scalprod b c))2)"
    by (subst power2_diff) simp
  hence "(1 - Re (scalprod b c))2 = 1 - Re(b*cnj c + c*cnj b) + (1/2 * Re (b*cnj c + c*cnj b))2"
    by (subst ++[symmetric]) simp
  have "(1 + (cmod b)2) * (1 + (cmod c)2)  (1 - Re (scalprod b c))2"
    by (simp add: field_simps)
  have "sqrt((1 + (cmod b)2) * (1 + (cmod c)2))  0"
    by (metis one_power2 real_sqrt_sum_squares_mult_ge_zero)
  have "sqrt((1 + (cmod b)2) * (1 + (cmod c)2))  1 - Re (scalprod b c)"
    by (metis power2_le_imp_le real_sqrt_ge_0_iff real_sqrt_pow2_iff)
  hence "Re ((b - c) * (cnj b - cnj c))  1 + Re (c*cnj c) + 1 + Re (b*cnj b) + 2*sqrt((1 + (cmod b)2) * (1 + (cmod c)2))"
    by (simp add: field_simps)
  hence *: "(cmod (b - c))2  (sqrt (1 + (cmod b)2) + sqrt (1 + (cmod c)2))2"
    apply (subst cmod_square)+
    apply (subst (asm) cmod_square)+
    apply (subst power2_sum)
    apply (subst real_sqrt_pow2, simp)
    apply (subst real_sqrt_pow2, simp)
    apply (simp add: real_sqrt_mult)
  thus ?thesis
    using power2_le_imp_le[OF *]
    by simp

text ‹Definition of Euclidean distance between two complex numbers.›

definition cdist where
  [simp]: "cdist z1 z2  cmod (z2 - z1)"

text ‹Misc. properties of complex numbers.›

lemma ex_complex_to_complex [simp]:
  fixes z1 z2 :: complex
  assumes "z1  0" and "z2  0"
  shows "k. k  0  z2 = k * z1"
  using assms
  by (rule_tac x="z2/z1" in exI) simp

lemma ex_complex_to_one [simp]:
  fixes z::complex
  assumes "z  0"
  shows "k. k  0  k * z = 1"
  using assms
  by (rule_tac x="1/z" in exI) simp

lemma ex_complex_to_complex2 [simp]:
  fixes z::complex
  shows "k. k  0  k * z = z"
  by (rule_tac x="1" in exI) simp

lemma complex_sqrt_1:
  fixes z::complex
  assumes "z  0"
  shows "z = 1 / z  z = 1  z = -1"
  using assms
  using nonzero_eq_divide_eq square_eq_iff
  by fastforce
