Theory Pell_Continued_Fraction
section ‹The Connection between the continued fraction expansion of square roots and Pell's equation›
theory Pell_Continued_Fraction
lemma irrational_times_int_eq_intD:
assumes "p * real_of_int a = real_of_int b"
assumes "p ∉ ℚ"
shows "a = 0 ∧ b = 0"
proof -
have "a = 0"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "a ≠ 0"
with assms(1) have "p = b / a" by (auto simp: field_simps)
also have "… ∈ ℚ" by auto
finally show False using assms(2) by contradiction
with assms show ?thesis by simp
text ‹
The solutions to Pell's equation for some non-square ‹D› are linked to the continued
fraction expansion of $\sqrt{D}$, which we shall show here.
fixes D :: nat and c h k P Q l
assumes nonsquare: "¬is_square D"
defines "c ≡ cfrac_of_real (sqrt D)"
defines "h ≡ conv_num c" and "k ≡ conv_denom c"
defines "P ≡ fst ∘ sqrt_remainder_surd D" and "Q ≡ snd ∘ sqrt_remainder_surd D"
defines "l ≡ sqrt_nat_period_length D"
interpretation pell D
by unfold_locales fact+
lemma cfrac_length_infinite [simp]: "cfrac_length c = ∞"
proof -
have "sqrt D ∉ ℚ"
using nonsquare by (simp add: irrat_sqrt_nonsquare)
thus ?thesis
by (simp add: c_def)
lemma conv_num_denom_pell:
"h 0 ^ 2 - D * k 0 ^ 2 < 0"
"m > 0 ⟹ h m ^ 2 - D * k m ^ 2 = (-1) ^ Suc m * Q m"
proof -
define D' where "D' = Discrete.sqrt D"
have "h 0 ^ 2 - D * k 0 ^ 2 = int (D' ^ 2) - int D"
by (simp_all add: h_def k_def c_def Discrete_sqrt_altdef D'_def)
also {
have "int (D' ^ 2) - int D ≤ 0"
using Discrete.sqrt_power2_le[of D] by (simp add: D'_def)
moreover have "D ≠ D' ^ 2" using nonsquare by auto
ultimately have "int (D' ^ 2) - int D < 0" by linarith
finally show "h 0 ^ 2 - D * k 0 ^ 2 < 0" .
assume "m > 0"
define n where "n = m - 1"
define α where "α = cfrac_remainder c"
define α' where "α' = sqrt_remainder_surd D"
have m: "m = Suc n" using ‹m > 0› by (simp add: n_def)
from nonsquare have "D > 1"
by (cases D) (auto intro!: Nat.gr0I)
from nonsquare have irrat: "sqrt D ∉ ℚ"
using irrat_sqrt_nonsquare by blast
have [simp]: "cfrac_lim c = sqrt D"
using irrat ‹D > 1› by (simp add: c_def)
have α_pos: "α n > 0" for n
unfolding α_def using wf ‹D > 1› cfrac_remainder_pos[of c n]
by (cases "n = 0") auto
have α': "α' n = (P n, Q n)" for n by (simp add: α'_def P_def Q_def)
have Q_pos: "Q n > 0" for n
using snd_sqrt_remainder_surd_pos[OF nonsquare] by (simp add: Q_def)
have k_pos: "k n > 0" for n
by (auto simp: k_def intro!: conv_denom_pos)
have k_nonneg: "k n ≥ 0" for n
by (auto simp: k_def intro!: conv_denom_nonneg)
let ?A = "(sqrt D + P (n + 1)) * h (n + 1) + Q (n + 1) * h n"
let ?B = "(sqrt D + P (n + 1)) * k (n + 1) + Q (n + 1) * k n"
have "?B > 0" using k_pos Q_pos k_nonneg
by (intro add_nonneg_pos mult_nonneg_nonneg add_nonneg_nonneg) auto
have "sqrt D = conv' c (Suc (Suc n)) (α (Suc (Suc n)))"
unfolding α_def by (subst conv'_cfrac_remainder) auto
also have "… = (α (n + 2) * h (n + 1) + h n) / (α (n + 2) * k (n + 1) + k n)"
using wf α_pos by (subst conv'_num_denom) (simp_all add: h_def k_def)
also have "α (n + 2) = surd_to_real D (α' (Suc n))"
using surd_to_real_sqrt_remainder_surd[OF nonsquare, of "Suc n"]
by (simp add: α'_def α_def c_def)
also have "… = (sqrt D + P (Suc n)) / Q (Suc n)" (is "_ = ?α")
by (simp add: α' surd_to_real_def)
also have "?α * h (n + 1) + h n =
1 / Q (n + 1) * ((sqrt D + P (n + 1)) * h (n + 1) + Q (n + 1) * h n)"
using Q_pos by (simp add: field_simps)
also have "?α * k (n + 1) + k n =
1 / Q (n + 1) * ((sqrt D + P (n + 1)) * k (n + 1) + Q (n + 1) * k n)"
(is "_ = ?f k") using Q_pos by (simp add: field_simps)
also have "?f h / ?f k = ((sqrt D + P (n + 1)) * h (n + 1) + Q (n + 1) * h n) /
((sqrt D + P (n + 1)) * k (n + 1) + Q (n + 1) * k n)"
(is "_ = ?A / ?B") using Q_pos by (intro mult_divide_mult_cancel_left) auto
finally have "sqrt D * ?B = ?A"
using ‹?B > 0› by (simp add: divide_simps)
moreover have "sqrt D * sqrt D = D" by simp
ultimately have "sqrt D * (P (n + 1) * k (n + 1) + Q (n + 1) * k n - h (n + 1)) =
P (n + 1) * h (n + 1) + Q (n + 1) * h n - k (n + 1) * D"
unfolding of_int_add of_int_mult of_int_diff of_int_of_nat_eq of_nat_mult of_nat_add
by Groebner_Basis.algebra
from irrational_times_int_eq_intD[OF this] irrat
have 1: "h (Suc n) = P (Suc n) * k (Suc n) + Q (Suc n) * k n"
and 2: "D * k (Suc n) = P (Suc n) * h (Suc n) + Q (Suc n) * h n"
by (simp_all del: of_nat_add of_nat_mult)
have "h (Suc n) * h (Suc n) - D * k (Suc n) * k (Suc n) =
Q (Suc n) * (k n * h (Suc n) - k (Suc n) * h n)"
by (subst 1, subst 2) (simp add: algebra_simps)
also have "k n * h (Suc n) - k (Suc n) * h n = (-1) ^ n"
unfolding h_def k_def by (rule conv_num_denom_prod_diff)
finally have "h (Suc n) ^ 2 - D * k (Suc n) ^ 2 = (-1) ^ n * Q (Suc n)"
by (simp add: power2_eq_square algebra_simps)
thus "h m ^ 2 - D * k m ^ 2 = (-1) ^ Suc m * Q m"
by (simp add: m)
text ‹
Every non-trivial solution to Pell's equation is a convergent in the expansion of $\sqrt{D}$:
theorem pell_solution_is_conv:
assumes "x⇧2 = Suc (D * y⇧2)" and "y > 0"
shows "(int x, int y) ∈ range (λn. (conv_num c n, conv_denom c n))"
proof -
have "∃n. enat n ≤ cfrac_length c ∧ (int x, int y) = (conv_num c n, conv_denom c n)"
proof (rule frac_is_convergentI)
have "gcd (x⇧2) (y⇧2) = 1" unfolding assms(1)
using gcd_add_mult[of "y⇧2" D 1] by (simp add: gcd.commute)
thus "coprime (int x) (int y)"
by (simp add: coprime_iff_gcd_eq_1)
from assms have "D > 1"
using nonsquare by (cases D) (auto intro!: Nat.gr0I)
hence pos: "x + y * sqrt D > 0" using assms
by (intro add_nonneg_pos) auto
from assms have "real (x⇧2) = real (Suc (D * y⇧2))"
by (simp only: of_nat_eq_iff)
hence "1 = real x ^ 2 - D * real y ^ 2"
unfolding of_nat_power by simp
also have "… = (x - y * sqrt D) * (x + y * sqrt D)"
by (simp add: field_simps power2_eq_square)
finally have *: "x - y * sqrt D = 1 / (x + y * sqrt D)"
using pos by (simp add: field_simps)
from pos have "0 < 1 / (x + y * sqrt D)"
by (intro divide_pos_pos) auto
also have "… = x - y * sqrt D" by (rule * [symmetric])
finally have less: "y * sqrt D < x" by simp
have "sqrt D - x / y = -((x - y * sqrt D) / y)"
using ‹y > 0› by (simp add: field_simps)
also have "¦…¦ = (x - y * sqrt D) / y"
using less by simp
also have "(x - y * sqrt D) / y = 1 / (y * (x + y * sqrt D))"
using ‹y > 0› by (subst *) auto
also have "… ≤ 1 / (y * (y * sqrt D + y * sqrt D))"
using ‹y > 0› ‹D > 1› pos less
by (intro divide_left_mono mult_left_mono add_right_mono mult_pos_pos) auto
also have "… = 1 / (2 * y⇧2 * sqrt D)"
by (simp add: power2_eq_square)
also have "… < 1 / (real (2 * y⇧2) * 1)" using ‹y > 0› ‹D > 1›
by (intro divide_strict_left_mono mult_strict_left_mono mult_pos_pos) auto
finally show "¦cfrac_lim c - int x / int y¦ < 1 / (2 * int y ^ 2)"
unfolding c_def using irrat_sqrt_nonsquare[of D] ‹¬is_square D› by simp
qed (insert assms irrat_sqrt_nonsquare[of D], auto simp: c_def)
thus ?thesis by auto
text ‹
Let ‹l› be the length of the period in the continued fraction expansion of $\sqrt{D}$ and let
$h_i$ and $k_i$ be the numerator and denominator of the ‹i›-th convergent.
Then the non-trivial solutions of Pell's equation are exactly the pairs of the form
$(h_{lm -1}, k_{lm-1})$ for any ‹m› such that $lm$ is even.
lemma nontriv_solution_iff_conv_num_denom:
"nontriv_solution (x, y) ⟷
(∃m>0. int x = h (l * m - 1) ∧ int y = k (l * m - 1) ∧ even (l * m))"
proof safe
fix m assume xy: "x = h (l * m - 1)" "y = k (l * m - 1)"
and lm: "even (l * m)" and m: "m > 0"
have l: "l > 0" using period_nonempty[OF nonsquare] by (auto simp: l_def)
from lm have "l * m ≠ 1" by (intro notI) auto
with l m have lm': "l * m > 1" by (cases "l * m") auto
have "(h (l * m - 1))⇧2 - D * (k (l * m - 1))⇧2 =
(- 1) ^ Suc (l * m - 1) * int (Q (l * m - 1))"
using lm' by (intro conv_num_denom_pell) auto
also have "(- 1) ^ Suc (l * m - 1) = (1 :: int)"
using lm l m by (subst neg_one_even_power) auto
also have "Q (l * m - 1) = Q ((l * m - 1) mod l)"
unfolding Q_def l_def o_def by (subst sqrt_remainder_surd_periodic[OF nonsquare]) simp
also {
have "l * m - 1 = (m - 1) * l + (l - 1)"
using m l lm' by (cases m) (auto simp: mult_ac)
also have "… mod l = (l - 1) mod l"
by simp
also have "… = l - 1"
using l by (intro mod_less) auto
also have "Q … = 1"
using sqrt_remainder_surd_last[OF nonsquare] by (simp add: Q_def l_def)
finally have "Q ((l * m - 1) mod l) = 1" .
finally have "h (l * m - 1) ^ 2 = D * k (l * m - 1) ^ 2 + 1"
unfolding of_nat_Suc by (simp add: algebra_simps)
hence "h (l * m - 1) ^ 2 = D * k (l * m - 1) ^ 2 + 1"
by (simp only: of_nat_eq_iff)
moreover have "k (l * m - 1) > 0"
unfolding k_def by (intro conv_denom_pos)
ultimately have "nontriv_solution (int x, int y)"
using xy by (simp add: nontriv_solution_def)
thus "nontriv_solution (x, y)"
by simp
assume "nontriv_solution (x, y)"
hence asm: "x ^ 2 = Suc (D * y ^ 2)" "y > 0"
by (auto simp: nontriv_solution_def abs_square_eq_1 intro!: Nat.gr0I)
from asm have asm': "int x ^ 2 = int D * int y ^ 2 + 1"
by (metis add.commute of_nat_Suc of_nat_mult of_nat_power_eq_of_nat_cancel_iff)
have l: "l > 0" using period_nonempty[OF nonsquare] by (auto simp: l_def)
from pell_solution_is_conv[OF asm] obtain m where
xy: "h m = x" "k m = y" by (auto simp: c_def h_def k_def)
have m: "m > 0"
using asm' conv_num_denom_pell(1) xy by (intro Nat.gr0I) auto
have "1 = h m ^ 2 - D * k m ^ 2"
using asm' xy by simp
also have "… = (- 1) ^ Suc m * int (Q m)"
using conv_num_denom_pell(2)[OF m] .
finally have *: "(- 1) ^ Suc m * int (Q m) = 1" ..
from * have m': "odd m ∧ Q m = 1"
by (cases "even m") auto
define n where "n = Suc m div l"
have "l dvd Suc m"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume *: "¬(l dvd Suc m)"
have "Q m = Q (m mod l)"
unfolding Q_def l_def o_def by (subst sqrt_remainder_surd_periodic[OF nonsquare]) simp
also {
have "m mod l < l" using ‹l > 0› by simp
moreover have "Suc (m mod l) ≠ l" using * l ‹m > 0›
using mod_Suc[of m l] by auto
ultimately have "m mod l < l - 1" by simp
hence "Q (m mod l) > 1" unfolding Q_def o_def l_def
by (rule snd_sqrt_remainder_surd_gt_1[OF nonsquare])
finally show False using m' by simp
hence m_eq: "Suc m = n * l" "m = n * l - 1"
by (simp_all add: n_def)
hence "n > 0" by (auto intro!: Nat.gr0I)
thus "∃n>0. int x = h (l * n - 1) ∧ int y = k (l * n - 1) ∧ even (l * n)"
using xy m_eq m' by (intro exI[of _ n]) (auto simp: mult_ac)
text ‹
Consequently, the fundamental solution is $(h_n, k_n)$ where $n = l - 1$
if ‹l› is even and $n = 2l-1$ otherwise:
lemma fund_sol_conv_num_denom:
defines "n ≡ if even l then l - 1 else 2 * l - 1"
shows "fund_sol = (nat (h n), nat (k n))"
proof (rule fund_sol_eq_sndI)
have [simp]: "h n ≥ 0" "k n ≥ 0" for n
by (auto simp: h_def k_def c_def intro!: conv_num_nonneg)
show "nontriv_solution (nat (h n), nat (k n))"
by (subst nontriv_solution_iff_conv_num_denom, rule exI[of _ "if even l then 1 else 2"])
(simp_all add: n_def mult_ac)
fix x y :: nat assume "nontriv_solution (x, y)"
then obtain m where m: "m > 0" "x = h (l * m - 1)" "y = k (l * m - 1)" "even (l * m)"
by (subst (asm) nontriv_solution_iff_conv_num_denom) auto
have l: "l > 0" using period_nonempty[OF nonsquare] by (auto simp: l_def)
from m l have "Suc n ≤ l * m" by (auto simp: n_def)
hence "n ≤ l * m - 1" by simp
hence "k n ≤ k (l * m - 1)"
unfolding k_def c_def using irrat_sqrt_nonsquare[OF nonsquare]
by (intro conv_denom_leI) auto
with m show "nat (k n) ≤ y" by simp
text ‹
The following algorithm computes the fundamental solution (or the dummy result ‹(0, 0)› if
‹D› is a square) fairly quickly by computing the continued fraction expansion of $\sqrt{D}$
and then computing the fundamental solution as the appropriate convergent.
lemma find_fund_sol_code [code]:
"find_fund_sol D =
(let info = sqrt_cfrac_info_array D;
l = fst info
in if l = 0 then (0, 0) else
c = cfrac_sqrt_nth info;
n = if even l then l - 1 else 2 * l - 1
(nat (conv_num_fun c n), nat (conv_denom_fun c n)))"
proof -
have *: "is_cfrac (cfrac_sqrt_nth (sqrt_cfrac_info_array D))" if "¬is_square D"
using that cfrac_sqrt_nth[of D] unfolding is_cfrac_def
by (metis cfrac_nth_nonzero neq0_conv of_nat_0 of_nat_0_less_iff)
have **: "cfrac (λx. int (cfrac_sqrt_nth (sqrt_cfrac_info_array D) x)) = cfrac_of_real (sqrt D)"
if "¬is_square D"
using that cfrac_sqrt_nth[of D] * by (intro cfrac_eqI) auto
show ?thesis using * **
by (auto simp: square_test_correct find_fund_sol_correct conv_num_fun_eq conv_denom_fun_eq
Let_def cfrac_sqrt_nth fund_sol_conv_num_denom conv_num_nonneg)
lemma find_nth_solution_square [simp]: "is_square D ⟹ find_nth_solution D n = (0, 0)"
by (simp add: find_nth_solution_def)
lemma fst_find_fund_sol_eq_0_iff [simp]: "fst (find_fund_sol D) = 0 ⟷ is_square D"
proof (cases "is_square D")
case False
then interpret pell D by unfold_locales
from False have "find_fund_sol D = fund_sol" by (simp add: find_fund_sol_correct)
moreover from fund_sol_is_nontriv_solution have "fst fund_sol > 0"
by (auto simp: nontriv_solution_def intro!: Nat.gr0I)
ultimately show ?thesis using False
by (simp add: find_fund_sol_def square_test_correct split: if_splits)
qed (auto simp: find_fund_sol_def square_test_correct)
text ‹
Arbitrary solutions can now be computed as powers of the fundamental solution.
lemma find_nth_solution_code [code]:
"find_nth_solution D n =
(let xy = find_fund_sol D
in if fst xy = 0 then (0, 0) else efficient_pell_power D xy n)"
proof (cases "is_square D")
case False
then interpret pell D by unfold_locales
from fund_sol_is_nontriv_solution have "fst fund_sol > 0"
by (auto simp: nontriv_solution_def intro!: Nat.gr0I)
thus ?thesis using False
by (simp add: find_nth_solution_correct Let_def nth_solution_def pell_power_def
pell_mul_commutes[of _ "fund_sol"] find_fund_sol_correct)
qed auto
lemma nth_solution_code [code]:
"pell.nth_solution D n =
(let info = sqrt_cfrac_info_array D;
l = fst info
in if l = 0 then
Code.abort (STR ''nth_solution is undefined for perfect square parameter.'')
(λ_. pell.nth_solution D n)
c = cfrac_sqrt_nth info;
m = if even l then l - 1 else 2 * l - 1;
fund_sol = (nat (conv_num_fun c m), nat (conv_denom_fun c m))
efficient_pell_power D fund_sol n)"
proof (cases "is_square D")
case False
then interpret pell by unfold_locales
have *: "is_cfrac (cfrac_sqrt_nth (sqrt_cfrac_info_array D))"
using False cfrac_sqrt_nth[of D] unfolding is_cfrac_def
by (metis cfrac_nth_nonzero neq0_conv of_nat_0 of_nat_0_less_iff)
have **: "cfrac (λx. int (cfrac_sqrt_nth (sqrt_cfrac_info_array D) x)) = cfrac_of_real (sqrt D)"
using False cfrac_sqrt_nth[of D] * by (intro cfrac_eqI) auto
from False * ** show ?thesis
by (auto simp: Let_def cfrac_sqrt_nth fund_sol_conv_num_denom nth_solution_def
pell_power_def pell_mul_commutes[of _ "(_, _)"]
conv_num_fun_eq conv_denom_fun_eq conv_num_nonneg)
qed auto
lemma fund_sol_code [code]:
"pell.fund_sol D = (let info = sqrt_cfrac_info_array D;
l = fst info
in if l = 0 then
Code.abort (STR ''fund_sol is undefined for perfect square parameter.'')
(λ_. pell.fund_sol D)
c = cfrac_sqrt_nth info;
n = if even l then l - 1 else 2 * l - 1
(nat (conv_num_fun c n), nat (conv_denom_fun c n)))"
proof (cases "is_square D")
case False
then interpret pell by unfold_locales
have *: "is_cfrac (cfrac_sqrt_nth (sqrt_cfrac_info_array D))"
using False cfrac_sqrt_nth[of D] unfolding is_cfrac_def
by (metis cfrac_nth_nonzero neq0_conv of_nat_0 of_nat_0_less_iff)
have **: "cfrac (λx. int (cfrac_sqrt_nth (sqrt_cfrac_info_array D) x)) = cfrac_of_real (sqrt D)"
using False cfrac_sqrt_nth[of D] * by (intro cfrac_eqI) auto
from False * ** show ?thesis
by (auto simp: Let_def cfrac_sqrt_nth fund_sol_conv_num_denom nth_solution_def
pell_power_def pell_mul_commutes[of _ "(_, _)"]
conv_num_fun_eq conv_denom_fun_eq conv_num_nonneg)
qed auto