Theory Pell_Lifting

  File:     Continued_Fractions/Pell_Lifting.thy
  Author:   Manuel Eberl, University of Innsbruck
section ‹Lifting solutions of Pell's Equation›
theory Pell_Lifting
  imports Pell.Pell Pell.Pell_Algorithm

subsection ‹Auxiliary material›

(* TODO Move *)
lemma (in pell) snth_pell_solutions: "snth (pell_solutions D) n = nth_solution n"
  by (simp add: pell_solutions_def Let_def find_fund_sol_correct nonsquare_D nth_solution_def
                pell_power_def pell_mul_commutes[of _ fund_sol])

definition square_squarefree_part_nat :: "nat  nat × nat" where
  "square_squarefree_part_nat n = (square_part n, squarefree_part n)"

lemma prime_factorization_squarefree_part:
  assumes "x  0"
  shows   "prime_factorization (squarefree_part x) =
             mset_set {p  prime_factors x. odd (multiplicity p x)}" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof (rule multiset_eqI)
  fix p show "count ?lhs p = count ?rhs p"
  proof (cases "prime p")
    case False
    thus ?thesis by (auto simp: count_prime_factorization)
    case True
    have "finite (prime_factors x)" by simp
    hence "finite {p. p dvd x  prime p}" using assms 
      by (subst (asm) prime_factors_dvd) (auto simp: conj_commute)
    hence "finite {p. p dvd x  prime p  odd (multiplicity p x)}"
      by (rule finite_subset [rotated]) auto
    moreover have "odd (n :: nat)  n mod 2 = Suc 0" for n by presburger
    ultimately show ?thesis using assms
      by (cases "p dvd x"; cases "even (multiplicity p x)")
         (auto simp: count_prime_factorization prime_multiplicity_squarefree_part
                     in_prime_factors_iff not_dvd_imp_multiplicity_0)

lemma squarefree_part_nat:
  "squarefree_part (n :: nat) = ({p  prime_factors n. odd (multiplicity p n)})"
proof (cases "n = 0")
  case False
  hence "({p  prime_factors n. odd (multiplicity p n)}) = 
          prod_mset (prime_factorization (squarefree_part n))"
    by (subst prime_factorization_squarefree_part) (auto simp: prod_unfold_prod_mset)
  also have " = squarefree_part n"
    by (intro prod_mset_prime_factorization_nat Nat.gr0I) auto
  finally show ?thesis ..
qed auto

lemma prime_factorization_square_part:
  assumes "x  0"
  shows   "prime_factorization (square_part x) =
             (p  prime_factors x. replicate_mset (multiplicity p x div 2) p)" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof (rule multiset_eqI)
  fix p show "count ?lhs p = count ?rhs p"
  proof (cases "prime p  p dvd x")
    case False
    thus ?thesis by (auto simp: count_prime_factorization count_sum
                                prime_multiplicity_square_part not_dvd_imp_multiplicity_0)
    case True
    thus ?thesis using assms
      by (cases "p dvd x")
         (auto simp: count_prime_factorization prime_multiplicity_squarefree_part
                     in_prime_factors_iff count_sum prime_multiplicity_square_part)

lemma prod_mset_sum: "prod_mset (sum f A) = (xA. prod_mset (f x))"
  by (induction A rule: infinite_finite_induct) auto

lemma square_part_nat:
  assumes "n > 0"
  shows   "square_part (n :: nat) = (p  prime_factors n. p ^ (multiplicity p n div 2))"
proof -
  have "(p  prime_factors n. p ^ (multiplicity p n div 2)) = 
          prod_mset (prime_factorization (square_part n))" using assms
    by (subst prime_factorization_square_part) (auto simp: prod_unfold_prod_mset prod_mset_sum)
  also have " = square_part n" using assms
    by (intro prod_mset_prime_factorization_nat Nat.gr0I) auto
  finally show ?thesis ..

lemma square_squarefree_part_nat_code [code]:
  "square_squarefree_part_nat n = (if n = 0 then (0, 1)
     else let ps = prime_factorization n
          in  ((pset_mset ps. p ^ (count ps p div 2)),
                (Set.filter (λp. odd (count ps p)) (set_mset ps))))"
  by (cases "n = 0")
     (auto simp: Let_def square_squarefree_part_nat_def squarefree_part_nat Set.filter_def 
                 count_prime_factorization square_part_nat intro!: prod.cong)

lemma square_part_nat_code [code_unfold]:
  "square_part (n :: nat) = (if n = 0 then 0
     else let ps = prime_factorization n in  (pset_mset ps. p ^ (count ps p div 2)))"
  using square_squarefree_part_nat_code[of n]
  by (simp add: square_squarefree_part_nat_def Let_def split: if_splits)

lemma squarefree_part_nat_code [code_unfold]:
  "squarefree_part (n :: nat) = (if n = 0 then 1
     else let ps = prime_factorization n in ((Set.filter (λp. odd (count ps p)) (set_mset ps))))"
  using square_squarefree_part_nat_code[of n]
  by (simp add: square_squarefree_part_nat_def Let_def split: if_splits)

lemma is_nth_power_mult_nth_powerD:
  assumes "is_nth_power n (a * b ^ n)" "b > 0" "n > 0"
  shows   "is_nth_power n (a::nat)"
proof -
  from assms obtain k where k: "k ^ n = a * b ^ n"
    by (auto elim: is_nth_powerE)
  with assms(2,3) have "b dvd k"
    by (metis dvd_triv_right pow_divides_pow_iff)
  then obtain l where "k = b * l"
    by auto
  with k have "a = l ^ n" using assms(2)
    by (simp add: power_mult_distrib)
  thus ?thesis by auto

lemma (in pell) fund_sol_eq_fstI:
  assumes "nontriv_solution (x, y)"
  assumes "x' y'. nontriv_solution (x', y')  x  x'"
  shows   "fund_sol = (x, y)"
proof -
  have "x = fst fund_sol"
    using fund_sol_is_nontriv_solution assms(1) fund_sol_minimal''[of "(x, y)"]
    by (auto intro!: antisym assms(2)[of "fst fund_sol" "snd fund_sol"])
  moreover from this have "y = snd fund_sol"
    using assms(1) solutions_linorder_strict[of x y "fst fund_sol" "snd fund_sol"]
    by (auto simp: nontriv_solution_imp_solution prod_eq_iff)
  ultimately show ?thesis by simp

lemma (in pell) fund_sol_eqI_fst':
  assumes "nontriv_solution xy"
  assumes "x' y'. nontriv_solution (x', y')  fst xy  x'"
  shows   "fund_sol = xy"
  using fund_sol_eq_fstI[of "fst xy" "snd xy"] assms by simp

lemma (in pell) fund_sol_eq_sndI:
  assumes "nontriv_solution (x, y)"
  assumes "x' y'. nontriv_solution (x', y')  y  y'"
  shows   "fund_sol = (x, y)"
proof -
  have "y = snd fund_sol"
    using fund_sol_is_nontriv_solution assms(1) fund_sol_minimal''[of "(x, y)"]
    by (auto intro!: antisym assms(2)[of "fst fund_sol" "snd fund_sol"])
  moreover from this have "x = fst fund_sol"
    using assms(1) solutions_linorder_strict[of x y "fst fund_sol" "snd fund_sol"]
    by (auto simp: nontriv_solution_imp_solution prod_eq_iff)
  ultimately show ?thesis by simp

lemma (in pell) fund_sol_eqI_snd':
  assumes "nontriv_solution xy"
  assumes "x' y'. nontriv_solution (x', y')  snd xy  y'"
  shows   "fund_sol = xy"
  using fund_sol_eq_sndI[of "fst xy" "snd xy"] assms by simp

subsection ‹The lifting mechanism›

text ‹
  The solutions of Pell's equations for parameters D› and a2 D› stand in correspondence to
  one another: every solution (x, y)› for parameter D› can be lowered to a solution (x, ay)›
  for a2 D›, and every solution of the form (x, ay)› for parameter a2 D› can be lifted to a
  solution (x, y)› for parameter D›.

locale pell_lift = pell +
  fixes a D' :: nat
  assumes nz: "a > 0"
  defines "D'  D * a2"

lemma nonsquare_D': "¬is_square D'"
  using nonsquare_D is_nth_power_mult_nth_powerD[of 2 D a] nz by (auto simp: D'_def)

definition lift_solution :: "nat × nat  nat × nat" where
  "lift_solution = (λ(x, y). (x, y div a))"

definition lower_solution :: "nat × nat  nat × nat" where
  "lower_solution = (λ(x, y). (x, y * a))"

definition liftable_solution :: "nat × nat  bool" where
  "liftable_solution = (λ(x, y). a dvd y)"

sublocale lift: pell D'
  by unfold_locales (fact nonsquare_D')

lemma lift_solution_iff: "lift.solution xy  solution (lower_solution xy)"
  unfolding solution_def lift.solution_def
  by (auto simp: lower_solution_def D'_def case_prod_unfold power_mult_distrib)

lemma lift_solution:
  assumes "solution xy" "liftable_solution xy"
  shows   "lift.solution (lift_solution xy)"
  using assms unfolding solution_def lift.solution_def
  by (auto simp: liftable_solution_def lift_solution_def D'_def case_prod_unfold power_mult_distrib
           elim!: dvdE)

text ‹
  In particular, the fundamental solution for a2 D› is the smallest liftable solution for D›:
lemma lift_fund_sol:
  assumes "n. 0 < n  n < m  ¬liftable_solution (nth_solution n)"
  assumes "liftable_solution (nth_solution m)" "m > 0"
  shows   "lift.fund_sol = lift_solution (nth_solution m)"
proof (rule lift.fund_sol_eqI_fst')
  from assms have "nontriv_solution (nth_solution m)"
    by (intro nth_solution_sound')
  hence "lift_solution (nth_solution m)  (1, 0)" using nz assms(2)
    by (auto simp: lift_solution_def case_prod_unfold nontriv_solution_def liftable_solution_def)
  with assms show "lift.nontriv_solution (lift_solution (nth_solution m))"
    by (auto simp: lift.nontriv_solution_altdef intro: lift_solution)
  fix x' y' :: nat
  assume *: "lift.nontriv_solution (x', y')"
  hence nz': "x'  1" using nonsquare_D'
    by (auto simp: lift.nontriv_solution_altdef lift.solution_def)
  from * have "solution (lower_solution (x', y'))"
    by (simp add: lift_solution_iff lift.nontriv_solution_altdef)
  hence "lower_solution (x', y')  range nth_solution" by (rule nth_solution_complete)
  then obtain n where n: "nth_solution n = lower_solution (x', y')" by auto
  with nz' have "n > 0" by (auto intro!: Nat.gr0I simp: nth_solution_def lower_solution_def)
  with n have "liftable_solution (nth_solution n)"
    by (auto simp: liftable_solution_def lower_solution_def)
  with n > 0 and assms(1)[of n] have "n  m" by (cases "n  m") auto
  hence "fst (nth_solution m)  fst (nth_solution n)"
    using strict_mono_less_eq[OF strict_mono_nth_solution(1)] by simp
  thus "fst (lift_solution (nth_solution m))  x'"
    by (simp add: lift_solution_def lower_solution_def n case_prod_unfold)


subsection ‹Accelerated computation of the fundamental solution for non-squarefree inputs›

text ‹
  Solving Pell's equation for some D› of the form a2 D'› can be done by solving
  it for D'› and then lifting the solution. Thus, if D› is not squarefree, we can compute
  its squarefree decomposition a2 D'› with D'› squarefree and thus speed up the computation
  (since D'› is smaller than D›).

  The squarefree decomposition can only be computed (according to current knowledge in mathematics)
  through the prime decomposition. However, given how big the solutions are for even
  moderate values of D›, it is usually worth doing it if D› is not squarefree.

lemma squarefree_part_of_square [simp]:
  assumes "is_square (x :: 'a :: {factorial_semiring, normalization_semidom_multiplicative})"
  assumes "x  0"
  shows   "squarefree_part x = unit_factor x"
proof -
  from assms obtain y where [simp]: "x = y ^ 2"
    by (auto simp: is_nth_power_def)
  have "unit_factor x * normalize x = squarefree_part x * square_part x ^ 2"
    by (subst squarefree_decompose [symmetric]) auto
  also have " = squarefree_part x * normalize x"
    by (simp add: square_part_even_power normalize_power)
  finally show ?thesis using assms
    by (subst (asm) mult_cancel_right) auto

lemma squarefree_part_1_imp_square:
  assumes "squarefree_part x = 1"
  shows   "is_square x"
proof -
  have "is_square (square_part x ^ 2)"
    by auto
  also have "square_part x ^ 2 = squarefree_part x * square_part x ^ 2"
    using assms by simp
  also have " = x"
    by (rule squarefree_decompose [symmetric])
  finally show ?thesis .

definition find_fund_sol_fast where
  "find_fund_sol_fast D =
     (let (a, D') = square_squarefree_part_nat D
        if D' = 0  D' = 1 then (0, 0)
        else if a = 1 then pell.fund_sol D
        else map_prod id (λy. y div a)
               (shd (sdrop_while (λ(_, y). y = 0  ¬a dvd y) (pell_solutions D'))))"

lemma find_fund_sol_fast: "find_fund_sol D = find_fund_sol_fast D"
proof (cases "is_square D  square_part D = 1")
  case True
  thus ?thesis
    using squarefree_part_1_imp_square[of D]
    by (cases "D = 0")
       (auto simp: find_fund_sol_correct find_fund_sol_fast_def
                    square_squarefree_part_nat_def square_test_correct unit_factor_nat_def)
  case False
  define D' a where "D' = squarefree_part D" and "a = square_part D"
  have "D > 0"
    using False by (intro Nat.gr0I) auto
  have "a > 0"
    using D > 0 by (intro Nat.gr0I) (auto simp: a_def)
  moreover have "¬is_square D'"
    unfolding D'_def
    by (metis False is_nth_power_mult is_nth_power_nth_power squarefree_decompose)
  ultimately interpret lift: pell_lift D' a D
    using False D > 0           
    by unfold_locales (auto simp: D'_def a_def squarefree_decompose [symmetric])

  define i where "i = (LEAST i. case lift.nth_solution i of (_, y)  y > 0  a dvd y)"
  have ex: "i. case lift.nth_solution i of (_, y)  y > 0  a dvd y"
  proof -
    define sol where "sol = lift.lift.fund_sol"
    have is_sol: "lift.solution (lift.lower_solution sol)"
      unfolding sol_def using lift.lift.fund_sol_is_nontriv_solution lift.lift_solution_iff by blast
    then obtain j where j: "lift.lower_solution sol = lift.nth_solution j"
      using lift.solution_iff_nth_solution by blast
    have "snd (lift.lower_solution sol) > 0"
    proof (rule Nat.gr0I)
      assume *: "snd (lift.lower_solution sol) = 0"
      have "lift.solution (fst (lift.lower_solution sol), snd (lift.lower_solution sol))"
        using is_sol by simp
      hence "fst (lift.lower_solution sol) = 1"
        by (subst (asm) *) simp
      with * have "lift.lower_solution sol = (1, 0)"
        by (cases "lift.lower_solution sol") auto
      hence "fst sol = 1"
        unfolding lift.lower_solution_def by (auto simp: lift.lower_solution_def case_prod_unfold)
      thus False
        unfolding sol_def
        using lift.lift.fund_sol_is_nontriv_solution D > 0
        by (auto simp: lift.lift.nontriv_solution_def)
    moreover have "a dvd snd (lift.lower_solution sol)"
      by (auto simp: lift.lower_solution_def case_prod_unfold)
    ultimately show ?thesis
      using j by (auto simp: case_prod_unfold)

  define sol where "sol = lift.nth_solution i"
  have sol: "snd sol > 0" "a dvd snd sol"
    using LeastI_ex[OF ex] by (simp_all add: sol_def i_def case_prod_unfold)
  have "i > 0"
    using sol by (intro Nat.gr0I) (auto simp: sol_def lift.nth_solution_def)

  have "find_fund_sol_fast D = map_prod id (λy. y div a)
          (shd (sdrop_while (λ(_, y). y = 0  ¬a dvd y) (pell_solutions D')))"
    unfolding D'_def a_def find_fund_sol_fast_def using False squarefree_part_1_imp_square[of D]
    by (auto simp: square_squarefree_part_nat_def)
  also have "sdrop_while (λ(_, y). y = 0  ¬a dvd y) (pell_solutions D') =
             sdrop_while (Not  (λ(_, y). y > 0  a dvd y)) (pell_solutions D')"
    by (simp add: o_def case_prod_unfold)
  also have " = sdrop i (pell_solutions D')"
    using ex by (subst sdrop_while_sdrop_LEAST) (simp_all add: lift.snth_pell_solutions i_def)
  also have "shd  = sol"
    by (simp add: lift.snth_pell_solutions sol_def)
  finally have eq: "find_fund_sol_fast D = map_prod id (λy. y div a) sol" .

  have "lift.lift.fund_sol = lift.lift_solution sol"
    unfolding sol_def
  proof (rule lift.lift_fund_sol)
    show "i > 0" by fact
    show "lift.liftable_solution (lift.nth_solution i)"
      using sol by (simp add: sol_def lift.liftable_solution_def case_prod_unfold)
    fix j :: nat assume j: "j > 0" "j < i"
    show "¬lift.liftable_solution (lift.nth_solution j)"
      assume liftable: "lift.liftable_solution (lift.nth_solution j)"
      have "snd (lift.nth_solution j) > 0"
        using j > 0 by (metis gr0I lift.nontriv_solution_altdef lift.nth_solution_sound' 
                                lift.solution_0_snd_nat_iff prod.collapse)
      hence "case lift.nth_solution j of (_, y)  y > 0  a dvd y"
        using j > 0 liftable by (auto simp: lift.liftable_solution_def)
      hence "i  j"
        unfolding i_def by (rule Least_le)
      thus False using j < i by simp
  also have " = find_fund_sol_fast D"
    by (simp add: eq lift.lift_solution_def case_prod_unfold map_prod_def)
  finally show ?thesis
    using D > 0 False by (simp add: find_fund_sol_correct)
