Theory Parallel

section ‹Parallel Operator \label{S:parallel}›

theory Parallel
imports Refinement_Lattice

subsection ‹Basic parallel operator›

text ‹
  The parallel operator is associative, commutative and has unit skip
  and has as an annihilator the lattice bottom. 

locale skip = 
  fixes skip :: "'a::refinement_lattice"  ("skip") 

locale par =
  fixes par :: "'a::refinement_lattice  'a  'a" (infixl "" 75)
  assumes abort_par:   "  c = "    (* ++ *)

locale parallel = par + skip + par: comm_monoid par skip

lemmas [algebra_simps, field_simps] =

lemmas par_assoc = par.assoc            (* 36 *)
lemmas par_commute = par.commute        (* 37 *)
lemmas par_skip = par.right_neutral     (* 38 *)
lemmas par_skip_left = par.left_neutral (* 38 + 37 *)


subsection ‹Distributed parallel›

text ‹
  The parallel operator distributes across arbitrary non-empty infima.
locale par_distrib = parallel + 
  assumes par_Inf_distrib: "D  {}  c  ( D) = (dD. c  d)"    (* 39+ *)


lemma Inf_par_distrib: "D  {}  ( D)  c = (dD. d  c)"
  using par_Inf_distrib par_commute by simp

lemma par_INF_distrib: "X  {}  c  (xX. d x) = (xX. c  d x)"
  using par_Inf_distrib by (auto simp add: image_comp)

lemma INF_par_distrib: "X  {}  (xX. d x)  c = (xX. d x  c)"
  using par_INF_distrib par_commute by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) INF_cong) 

lemma INF_INF_par_distrib: 
    "X  {}  Y  {}  (xX. c x)  (yY. d y) = (xX. yY. c x  d y)"
proof -
  assume nonempty_X: "X  {}"
  assume nonempty_Y: "Y  {}"
  have "(xX. c x)  (yY. d y) = (xX. c x  (yY. d y))"
    using INF_par_distrib by (metis nonempty_X)
  also have " = (xX. yY. c x  d y)" using par_INF_distrib by (metis nonempty_Y)
  thus ?thesis by (simp add: calculation) 

lemma inf_par_distrib: "(c0  c1)  d = (c0  d)  (c1  d)"
proof -
  have "(c0  c1)  d = ( {c0, c1})  d" by simp
  also have "... = (c  {c0, c1}. c  d)" using Inf_par_distrib by (meson insert_not_empty) 
  also have "... = c0  d  c1  d" by simp
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma inf_par_distrib2: "d  (c0  c1) = (d  c0)  (d  c1)"
  using inf_par_distrib par_commute by auto

lemma inf_par_product: "(a  b)  (c  d) = (a  c)  (a  d)  (b  c)  (b  d)"
  by (simp add: inf_commute inf_par_distrib inf_par_distrib2 inf_sup_aci(3))

lemma par_mono: "c1  d1  c2  d2  c1  c2  d1  d2"
  by (metis inf.orderE le_inf_iff order_refl inf_par_distrib par_commute)
