Theory Refinement_Lattice

section ‹Refinement Lattice \label{S:lattice}›

theory Refinement_Lattice

unbundle lattice_syntax

text ‹
  The underlying lattice of commands is complete and distributive.
  We follow the refinement calculus tradition so that $\nondet$ 
  is non-deterministic choice and $c \refsto d$ means $c$ is refined 
  (or implemented) by $d$.

declare [[show_sorts]]

text ‹Remove existing notation for quotient as it interferes with the rely quotient›
no_notation Equiv_Relations.quotient  (infixl "'/'/" 90)

class refinement_lattice = complete_distrib_lattice

text ‹The refinement lattice infimum corresponds to non-deterministic choice for commands.›

  refine :: "'a  'a  bool" (infix "" 50)
  "c  d  less_eq c d"

  refine_strict :: "'a  'a  bool" (infix "" 50)
  "c  d  less c d"

text ‹Non-deterministic choice is monotonic in both arguments›
lemma inf_mono_left: "a  b  a  c  b  c"
  using inf_mono by auto

lemma inf_mono_right: "c  d  a  c  a  d"
  using inf_mono by auto

text ‹Binary choice is a special case of choice over a set.›
lemma Inf2_inf: "{ f x | x. x  {c, d}} = f c  f d"
proof -
  have "{ f x | x. x  {c, d}} = {f c, f d}" by blast
  then have "{ f x | x. x  {c, d}} = {f c, f d}" by simp
  also have "... = f c  f d" by simp
  finally show ?thesis .

text ‹Helper lemma for choice over indexed set.›
lemma INF_Inf: "(xX. f x) = ({f x |x. x  X})"
  by (simp add: Setcompr_eq_image)

lemma (in -) INF_absorb_args: "(i j. (f::nat  'c::complete_lattice) (i + j)) = (k. f k)"
proof (rule order_class.order.antisym)
  show "(k. f k)  (i j. f (i + j))"
    by (simp add: complete_lattice_class.INF_lower complete_lattice_class.le_INF_iff)
  have "k. i j. f (i + j)  f k"
    by (metis Nat.add_0_right order_refl)
  then have "k. i. (j. f (i + j))  f k"
    by (meson UNIV_I complete_lattice_class.INF_lower2)
  then show "(i j. f (i + j))  (k. f k)"
    by (simp add: complete_lattice_class.INF_mono)

lemma (in -) nested_Collect: "{f y |y. y  {g x |x. x  X}} = {f (g x) |x. x  X}"
  by blast

text ‹A transition lemma for INF distributivity properties, going from Inf to INF,
  qualified version followed by a straightforward one.›

lemma Inf_distrib_INF_qual:
  fixes f :: "'a  'a  'a"
  assumes qual: "P {d x |x. x  X}"
  assumes f_Inf_distrib: "c D. P D  f c ( D) =  {f c d | d . d  D }"
  shows "f c (xX. d x) = (xX. f c (d x))"
proof -
  have "f c (xX. d x) = f c ({d x |x. x  X})" by (simp add: INF_Inf)
  also have "... = ({f c dx |dx. dx  {d x | x. x  X}})" by (simp add: qual f_Inf_distrib)
  also have "... = ({f c (d x) |x. x  X})" by (simp only: nested_Collect)
  also have "... = (xX. f c (d x))" by (simp add: INF_Inf)
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma Inf_distrib_INF:
  fixes f :: "'a  'a  'a"
  assumes f_Inf_distrib: "c D. f c ( D) =  {f c d | d . d  D }"
  shows "f c (xX. d x) = (xX. f c (d x))"
  by (simp add: Setcompr_eq_image f_Inf_distrib image_comp)


lemmas refine_trans = order.trans

text ‹More transitivity rules to make calculational reasoning smoother›
declare ord_eq_le_trans[trans]
declare ord_le_eq_trans[trans]
declare dual_order.trans[trans]

  dist_over_sup :: "('a::refinement_lattice  'a)  bool"
  "dist_over_sup F  ( X . F ( X) = (xX. F (x)))"

  dist_over_inf :: "('a::refinement_lattice  'a)  bool"
  "dist_over_inf F  ( X . F ( X) = (xX. F (x)))"
