Theory Iteration

section ‹Iteration \label{S:iteration}›

theory Iteration

subsection ‹Possibly infinite iteration›

text ‹
  Iteration of finite or infinite steps can be defined using a least fixed point.

(* hide_fact (open) Random_Sequence.iter_def *)

locale finite_or_infinite_iteration = seq_distrib + upper_galois_connections

  iter :: "'a  'a" ("_ω" [103] 102) (* this can be entered as \sup\circ *)
  "cω  lfp (λ x. nil  c;x)"

lemma iter_step_mono: "mono (λ x. nil  c;x)"
  by (meson inf_mono order_refl seq_mono_right mono_def)

text ‹
  This fixed point definition leads to the two core iteration lemmas:
  folding and induction.

theorem iter_unfold: "cω = nil  c;cω"
  using iter_def iter_step_mono lfp_unfold by auto

lemma iter_induct_nil: "nil  c;x  x  cω  x"
  by (simp add: iter_def lfp_lowerbound)

lemma iter0: "cω  nil"
  by (metis iter_unfold sup.orderI sup_inf_absorb)

lemma iter1: "cω  c"
  by (metis inf_le2 iter0 iter_unfold order.trans seq_mono_right seq_nil_right)

lemma iter2 [simp]: "cω;cω = cω"
proof (rule antisym)
  show "cω;cω  cω" using iter0 seq_mono_right by fastforce
  have a: "nil  c;cω;cω  nil  c;cω  c;cω;cω"
    by (metis inf_greatest inf_le2 inf_mono iter0 order_refl seq_distrib_left.seq_mono_right seq_distrib_left_axioms seq_nil_right) 
  then have b: " = cω  c;cω;cω" using iter_unfold by auto 
  then have c: " = (nil  c;cω);cω" by (simp add: inf_seq_distrib)
  thus "cω  cω;cω" using a iter_induct_nil iter_unfold seq_assoc by auto 

lemma iter_mono: "c  d  cω  dω"
proof -
  assume "c  d"
  then have "nil  c;dω  d;dω" by (metis inf.absorb_iff2 inf_left_commute inf_seq_distrib)
  then have "nil  c;dω  dω" by (metis inf.bounded_iff inf_sup_ord(1) iter_unfold) 
  thus ?thesis by (simp add: iter_induct_nil)

lemma iter_abort: " = nilω"
  by (simp add: antisym iter_induct_nil)

lemma nil_iter: "ω = nil"
   by (metis (no_types) inf_top.right_neutral iter_unfold seq_top)
lemma iter_conj_distrib:
  assumes nil: "c ⊑ nil"
    and repeat: "c ⊑ c ; c"
  shows "c \<iinter> dω ⊑ (c \<iinter> d)ω"
proof (unfold iter_def)
  def F ≡ "(λ x. c \<iinter> x)"
  def G ≡ "(λ x. nil ⊓ d;x)"
  def H ≡ "(λ x. nil ⊓ ((c \<iinter> d);x))"

  have FG: "F ∘ G = (λ x. c \<iinter> (nil ⊓ d;x))"  by (metis comp_def F_def G_def) 
  have HF: "H ∘ F = (λ x. (nil ⊓ (c \<iinter> d);(c \<iinter> x)))" by (metis comp_def H_def F_def) 

  have "F (lfp G) ⊑ lfp H"
  proof (rule fusion_lfp_leq)
    show "mono H" by (simp add: H_def iter_step_mono)
    show "dist_over_sup F" by (simp add: F_def conj_Sup_distrib)
    fix x
    have "c \<iinter> (nil ⊓ d;x) = (c \<iinter> nil) ⊓ (c \<iinter> d;x)" by (metis inf_conj_distrib conj_commute)
    also have "... ⊑ nil ⊓ (c \<iinter> d;x)" by (metis conjunction_sup inf_mono_left le_iff_sup nil)
    also have "... ⊑ nil ⊓ (c;c \<iinter> d;x)" by (metis inf_conj_distrib inf.absorb_iff2 inf_mono_right repeat)
    also have "... ⊑ nil ⊓ (c \<iinter> d);(c \<iinter> x)" by (meson inf_mono_right sequential_interchange)
    finally show "(F ∘ G) x ⊑ (H ∘ F) x" by (simp add: FG HF)

  then show "c \<iinter> lfp(λx. nil ⊓ d ; x) ⊑ lfp (λx. nil ⊓ (c \<iinter> d) ; x)" using F_def G_def H_def by simp

lemma iter_conj_distrib1: "cω \<iinter> dω ⊑ (cω \<iinter> d)ω"
  by (simp add: iter0 iter_conj_distrib)

lemma iter_conj_distrib2: "cω \<iinter> dω ⊑ (c \<iinter> d)ω"
proof -
  have a: "cω ⊑ c" by (metis iter1)
  have b: "cω \<iinter> dω ⊑ (cω \<iinter> d)ω" by (metis iter_conj_distrib1)
  have "cω \<iinter> d ⊑ c \<iinter> d" by (metis a conj_mono order.refl) 
  thus ?thesis using a b by (metis refine_trans iter_mono) 

subsection ‹Finite iteration›

text ‹
  Iteration of a finite number of steps (Kleene star) is defined
  using the greatest fixed point.

locale finite_iteration = seq_distrib + lower_galois_connections

  fiter :: "'a  'a" ("_" [101] 100)
  "c  gfp (λ x. nil  c;x)"

lemma fin_iter_step_mono: "mono (λ x. nil  c;x)"
  by (meson inf_mono order_refl seq_mono_right mono_def)

text ‹
  This definition leads to the two core iteration lemmas:
  folding and induction.

lemma fiter_unfold: "c = nil  c;c"
  using fiter_def gfp_unfold fin_iter_step_mono by auto

lemma fiter_induct_nil: "x  nil  c;x  x  c"
  by (simp add: fiter_def gfp_upperbound)

lemma fiter0: "c  nil"
  by (metis fiter_unfold inf.cobounded1)

lemma fiter1: "c  c"
  by (metis fiter0 fiter_unfold inf_le2 order.trans seq_mono_right seq_nil_right)

lemma fiter_induct_eq: "c;d = gfp (λ x. c;x  d)"
proof -
  define F where "F = (λ x. x;d)"
  define G where "G = (λ x. nil  c;x)"
  define H where "H = (λ x. c;x  d)"

  have FG: "F  G = (λ x. c;x;d  d)" by (simp add: F_def G_def comp_def inf_commute inf_seq_distrib)
  have HF: "H  F = (λ x. c;x;d  d)" by (metis comp_def seq_assoc H_def F_def) 

  have adjoint: "dist_over_inf F" using Inf_seq_distrib F_def by simp
  have monoH: "mono H"
    by (metis H_def inf_mono_left monoI seq_distrib_left.seq_mono_right seq_distrib_left_axioms)
  have monoG: "mono G" by (metis G_def inf_mono_right mono_def seq_mono_right) 
  have " x. ((F  G) x = (H  F) x)" using FG HF by simp
  then have "F (gfp G) = gfp H" using adjoint monoG monoH fusion_gfp_eq by blast 
  then have "(gfp (λ x. nil  c;x));d = gfp (λ x. c;x  d)" using F_def G_def H_def inf_commute by simp
  thus ?thesis by (metis fiter_def) 

theorem fiter_induct: "x  d  c;x  x  c;d"
proof -
  assume "x  d  c;x"
  then have "x  c;x  d" using inf_commute by simp
  then have "x  gfp (λ x. c;x  d)" by (simp add: gfp_upperbound)
  thus ?thesis by (metis (full_types) fiter_induct_eq)

lemma fiter2 [simp]: "c;c = c"
proof -
  have lr: "c;c  c" using fiter0 seq_mono_right seq_nil_right by fastforce 
  have rl: "c  c;c" by (metis fiter_induct fiter_unfold inf.right_idem order_refl) 
  thus ?thesis by (simp add: antisym lr) 

lemma fiter3 [simp]: "(c) = c"
  by (metis dual_order.refl fiter0 fiter1 fiter2 fiter_induct inf.commute inf_absorb1 seq_nil_right)

lemma fiter_mono: "c  d  c  d"
proof -
  assume "c  d"
  then have "c  nil  d;c" by (metis fiter0 fiter1 fiter2 inf.bounded_iff refine_trans seq_mono_left)
  thus ?thesis  by (metis seq_nil_right fiter_induct)


subsection ‹Infinite iteration›

text ‹
  Iteration of infinite number of steps can be defined
  using a least fixed point.

locale infinite_iteration = seq_distrib + lower_galois_connections

  infiter :: "'a   'a" ("_" [105] 106)
  "c  lfp (λ x. c;x)"

lemma infiter_step_mono: "mono (λ x. c;x)"
  by (meson inf_mono order_refl seq_mono_right mono_def)

text ‹
  This definition leads to the two core iteration lemmas:
  folding and induction.

theorem infiter_unfold: "c = c;c"
  using infiter_def infiter_step_mono lfp_unfold by auto

lemma infiter_induct: "c;x  x  c  x"
  by (simp add: infiter_def lfp_lowerbound)

theorem infiter_unfold_any: "c = (c ;^ i) ; c"
proof (induct i)
  case 0
  thus ?case by simp
  case (Suc i)
  thus ?case using infiter_unfold seq_assoc seq_power_Suc by auto

lemma infiter_annil: "c;x = c"
proof -
  have "a. (::'a)  a"
    by auto
  thus ?thesis
    by (metis (no_types) eq_iff inf.cobounded2 infiter_induct infiter_unfold inf_sup_ord(1) seq_assoc seq_bot weak_seq_inf_distrib seq_nil_right)


subsection ‹Combined iteration›

text ‹
  The three different iteration operators can be combined to show that 
  finite iteration refines finite-or-infinite iteration.

locale iteration = finite_or_infinite_iteration + finite_iteration + 

lemma refine_iter: "cω  c"
  by (metis seq_nil_right order.refl iter_unfold fiter_induct)

lemma iter_absorption [simp]: "(cω) = cω"
proof (rule antisym)
  show "(cω)  cω" by (metis fiter1)
  show "cω  (cω)" by (metis fiter1 fiter_induct inf_left_idem iter2 iter_unfold seq_nil_right sup.cobounded2 sup.orderE sup_commute)

lemma infiter_inf_top: "c = cω ; " 
proof -
  have lr: "c  cω ; "
  proof -
    have "c ; (cω ; ) = nil ;   c ; cω ; "
      using semigroup.assoc seq.semigroup_axioms by fastforce
    then show ?thesis
      by (metis (no_types) eq_refl finite_or_infinite_iteration.iter_unfold 
         finite_or_infinite_iteration_axioms infiter_induct 
         seq_distrib_right.inf_seq_distrib seq_distrib_right_axioms)
  have rl: "cω ;   c"
    by (metis inf_le2 infiter_annil infiter_unfold iter_induct_nil seq_mono_left) 
  thus ?thesis using antisym_conv lr by blast 

lemma infiter_fiter_top:
  shows "c  c ; "
  by (metis eq_iff fiter_induct inf_top_left infiter_unfold)

lemma inf_ref_infiter: "cω  c"
  using infiter_unfold iter_induct_nil by auto

