Theory Unit_Circle_Preserving_Moebius
section ‹Unit circle preserving Möbius transformations›
text ‹In this section we shall examine Möbius transformations that map the unit circle onto itself.
We shall say that they fix or preserve the unit circle (although, they do not need to fix each of
its points).›
theory Unit_Circle_Preserving_Moebius
imports Unitary11_Matrices Moebius Oriented_Circlines
subsection ‹Möbius transformations that fix the unit circle›
text ‹We define Möbius transformations that preserve unit circle as transformations represented by
generalized unitary matrices with the $1-1$ signature (elements of the gruop $GU_{1,1}(2,
\mathbb{C})$, defined earlier in the theory Unitary11Matrices).›
lift_definition unit_circle_fix_mmat :: "moebius_mat ⇒ bool" is unitary11_gen
lift_definition unit_circle_fix :: "moebius ⇒ bool" is unit_circle_fix_mmat
apply transfer
apply (auto simp del: mult_sm.simps)
apply (simp del: mult_sm.simps add: unitary11_gen_mult_sm)
apply (simp del: mult_sm.simps add: unitary11_gen_div_sm)
text ‹Our algebraic characterisation (by matrices) is geometrically correct.›
lemma unit_circle_fix_iff:
shows "unit_circle_fix M ⟷
moebius_circline M unit_circle = unit_circle" (is "?rhs = ?lhs")
assume ?lhs
thus ?rhs
proof (transfer, transfer)
fix M :: complex_mat
assume "mat_det M ≠ 0"
assume "circline_eq_cmat (moebius_circline_cmat_cmat M unit_circle_cmat) unit_circle_cmat"
then obtain k where "k ≠ 0" "(1, 0, 0, -1) = cor k *⇩s⇩m congruence (mat_inv M) (1, 0, 0, -1)"
by auto
hence "(1/cor k, 0, 0, -1/cor k) = congruence (mat_inv M) (1, 0, 0, -1)"
using mult_sm_inv_l[of "cor k" "congruence (mat_inv M) (1, 0, 0, -1)" ]
by simp
hence "congruence M (1/cor k, 0, 0, -1/cor k) = (1, 0, 0, -1)"
using ‹mat_det M ≠ 0› mat_det_inv[of M]
using congruence_inv[of "mat_inv M" "(1, 0, 0, -1)" "(1/cor k, 0, 0, -1/cor k)"]
by simp
hence "congruence M (1, 0, 0, -1) = cor k *⇩s⇩m (1, 0, 0, -1)"
using congruence_scale_m[of "M" "1/cor k" "(1, 0, 0, -1)"]
using mult_sm_inv_l[of "1/ cor k" "congruence M (1, 0, 0, -1)" "(1, 0, 0, -1)"] ‹k ≠ 0›
by simp
thus "unitary11_gen M"
using ‹k ≠ 0›
unfolding unitary11_gen_def
by simp
assume ?rhs
thus ?lhs
proof (transfer, transfer)
fix M :: complex_mat
assume "mat_det M ≠ 0"
assume "unitary11_gen M"
hence "unitary11_gen (mat_inv M)"
using ‹mat_det M ≠ 0›
using unitary11_gen_mat_inv
by simp
thus " circline_eq_cmat (moebius_circline_cmat_cmat M unit_circle_cmat) unit_circle_cmat"
unfolding unitary11_gen_real
by auto (rule_tac x="1/k" in exI, simp)
lemma circline_set_fix_iff_circline_fix:
assumes "circline_set H' ≠ {}"
shows "circline_set (moebius_circline M H) = circline_set H' ⟷
moebius_circline M H = H'"
using assms
by auto (rule inj_circline_set, auto)
lemma unit_circle_fix_iff_unit_circle_set:
shows "unit_circle_fix M ⟷ moebius_pt M ` unit_circle_set = unit_circle_set"
have "circline_set unit_circle ≠ {}"
using one_in_unit_circle_set
by auto
thus ?thesis
using unit_circle_fix_iff[of M] circline_set_fix_iff_circline_fix[of unit_circle M unit_circle]
by (simp add: unit_circle_set_def)
text ‹Unit circle preserving Möbius transformations form a group. ›
lemma unit_circle_fix_id_moebius [simp]:
shows "unit_circle_fix id_moebius"
by (transfer, transfer, simp add: unitary11_gen_def mat_adj_def mat_cnj_def)
lemma unit_circle_fix_moebius_add [simp]:
assumes "unit_circle_fix M1" and "unit_circle_fix M2"
shows "unit_circle_fix (M1 + M2)"
using assms
unfolding unit_circle_fix_iff
by auto
lemma unit_circle_fix_moebius_comp [simp]:
assumes "unit_circle_fix M1" and "unit_circle_fix M2"
shows "unit_circle_fix (moebius_comp M1 M2)"
using unit_circle_fix_moebius_add[OF assms]
by simp
lemma unit_circle_fix_moebius_uminus [simp]:
assumes "unit_circle_fix M"
shows "unit_circle_fix (-M)"
using assms
unfolding unit_circle_fix_iff
by (metis moebius_circline_comp_inv_left uminus_moebius_def)
lemma unit_circle_fix_moebius_inv [simp]:
assumes "unit_circle_fix M"
shows "unit_circle_fix (moebius_inv M)"
using unit_circle_fix_moebius_uminus[OF assms]
by simp
text ‹Unit circle fixing transforms preserve inverse points.›
lemma unit_circle_fix_moebius_pt_inversion [simp]:
assumes "unit_circle_fix M"
shows "moebius_pt M (inversion z) = inversion (moebius_pt M z)"
using assms
using symmetry_principle[of z "inversion z" unit_circle M]
using unit_circle_fix_iff[of M, symmetric]
using circline_symmetric_inv_homo_disc[of z]
using circline_symmetric_inv_homo_disc'[of "moebius_pt M z" "moebius_pt M (inversion z)"]
by metis
subsection ‹Möbius transformations that fix the imaginary unit circle›
text ‹Only for completeness we show that Möbius transformations that preserve the imaginary unit
circle are exactly those characterised by generalized unitary matrices (with the (2, 0) signature).›
lemma imag_unit_circle_fixed_iff_unitary_gen:
assumes "mat_det (A, B, C, D) ≠ 0"
shows "moebius_circline (mk_moebius A B C D) imag_unit_circle = imag_unit_circle ⟷
unitary_gen (A, B, C, D)" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
assume ?lhs
thus ?rhs
using assms
proof (transfer, transfer)
fix A B C D :: complex
let ?M = "(A, B, C, D)" and ?E = "(1, 0, 0, 1)"
assume "circline_eq_cmat (moebius_circline_cmat_cmat (mk_moebius_cmat A B C D) imag_unit_circle_cmat) imag_unit_circle_cmat"
"mat_det ?M ≠ 0"
then obtain k where "k ≠ 0" "?E = cor k *⇩s⇩m congruence (mat_inv ?M) ?E"
by auto
hence "unitary_gen (mat_inv ?M)"
using mult_sm_inv_l[of "cor k" "congruence (mat_inv ?M) ?E" "?E"]
unfolding unitary_gen_def
by (metis congruence_def divide_eq_0_iff eye_def mat_eye_r of_real_eq_0_iff one_neq_zero)
thus "unitary_gen ?M"
using unitary_gen_inv[of "mat_inv ?M"] ‹mat_det ?M ≠ 0›
by (simp del: mat_inv.simps)
assume ?rhs
thus ?lhs
using assms
proof (transfer, transfer)
fix A B C D :: complex
let ?M = "(A, B, C, D)" and ?E = "(1, 0, 0, 1)"
assume "unitary_gen ?M" "mat_det ?M ≠ 0"
hence "unitary_gen (mat_inv ?M)"
using unitary_gen_inv[of ?M]
by simp
then obtain k where "k ≠ 0" "mat_adj (mat_inv ?M) *⇩m⇩m (mat_inv ?M) = cor k *⇩s⇩m eye"
using unitary_gen_real[of "mat_inv ?M"] mat_det_inv[of ?M]
by auto
hence *: "?E = (1 / cor k) *⇩s⇩m (mat_adj (mat_inv ?M) *⇩m⇩m (mat_inv ?M))"
using mult_sm_inv_l[of "cor k" eye "mat_adj (mat_inv ?M) *⇩m⇩m (mat_inv ?M)"]
by simp
have "∃k. k ≠ 0 ∧
(1, 0, 0, 1) = cor k *⇩s⇩m (mat_adj (mat_inv (A, B, C, D)) *⇩m⇩m (1, 0, 0, 1) *⇩m⇩m mat_inv (A, B, C, D))"
using ‹mat_det ?M ≠ 0› ‹k ≠ 0›
by (metis "*" Im_complex_of_real Re_complex_of_real ‹mat_adj (mat_inv ?M) *⇩m⇩m mat_inv ?M = cor k *⇩s⇩m eye› complex_of_real_Re eye_def mat_eye_l mult_mm_assoc mult_mm_sm mult_sm_eye_mm of_real_1 of_real_divide of_real_eq_1_iff zero_eq_1_divide_iff)
thus "circline_eq_cmat (moebius_circline_cmat_cmat (mk_moebius_cmat A B C D) imag_unit_circle_cmat) imag_unit_circle_cmat"
using ‹mat_det ?M ≠ 0› ‹k ≠ 0›
by (simp del: mat_inv.simps)
subsection ‹Möbius transformations that fix the oriented unit circle and the unit disc›
text ‹Möbius transformations that fix the unit circle either map the unit disc onto itself or
exchange it with its exterior. The transformations that fix the unit disc can be recognized from
their matrices -- they have the form as before, but additionally it must hold that $|a|^2 > |b|^2$.›
definition unit_disc_fix_cmat :: "complex_mat ⇒ bool" where
[simp]: "unit_disc_fix_cmat M ⟷
(let (A, B, C, D) = M
in unitary11_gen (A, B, C, D) ∧ (B = 0 ∨ Re ((A*D)/(B*C)) > 1))"
lift_definition unit_disc_fix_mmat :: "moebius_mat ⇒ bool" is unit_disc_fix_cmat
lift_definition unit_disc_fix :: "moebius ⇒ bool" is unit_disc_fix_mmat
proof transfer
fix M M' :: complex_mat
assume det: "mat_det M ≠ 0" "mat_det M' ≠ 0"
assume "moebius_cmat_eq M M'"
then obtain k where *: "k ≠ 0" "M' = k *⇩s⇩m M"
by auto
hence **: "unitary11_gen M ⟷ unitary11_gen M'"
using unitary11_gen_mult_sm[of k M] unitary11_gen_div_sm[of k M]
by auto
obtain A B C D where MM: "(A, B, C, D) = M"
by (cases M) auto
obtain A' B' C' D' where MM': "(A', B', C', D') = M'"
by (cases M') auto
show "unit_disc_fix_cmat M = unit_disc_fix_cmat M'"
using * ** MM MM'
by auto
text ‹Transformations that fix the unit disc also fix the unit circle.›
lemma unit_disc_fix_unit_circle_fix [simp]:
assumes "unit_disc_fix M"
shows "unit_circle_fix M"
using assms
by (transfer, transfer, auto)
text ‹Transformations that preserve the unit disc preserve the orientation of the unit circle.›
lemma unit_disc_fix_iff_ounit_circle:
shows "unit_disc_fix M ⟷
moebius_ocircline M ounit_circle = ounit_circle" (is "?rhs ⟷ ?lhs")
assume *: ?lhs
have "moebius_circline M unit_circle = unit_circle"
apply (subst moebius_circline_ocircline[of M unit_circle])
apply (subst of_circline_unit_circle)
apply (subst *)
by simp
hence "unit_circle_fix M"
by (simp add: unit_circle_fix_iff)
thus ?rhs
using *
proof (transfer, transfer)
fix M :: complex_mat
assume "mat_det M ≠ 0"
let ?H = "(1, 0, 0, -1)"
obtain A B C D where MM: "(A, B, C, D) = M"
by (cases M) auto
assume "unitary11_gen M" "ocircline_eq_cmat (moebius_circline_cmat_cmat M unit_circle_cmat) unit_circle_cmat"
then obtain k where "0 < k" "?H = cor k *⇩s⇩m congruence (mat_inv M) ?H"
by auto
hence "congruence M ?H = cor k *⇩s⇩m ?H"
using congruence_inv[of "mat_inv M" "?H" "(1/cor k) *⇩s⇩m ?H"] ‹mat_det M ≠ 0›
using mult_sm_inv_l[of "cor k" "congruence (mat_inv M) ?H" "?H"]
using mult_sm_inv_l[of "1/cor k" "congruence M ?H"]
using congruence_scale_m[of M "1/cor k" "?H"]
using ‹⋀B. ⟦1 / cor k ≠ 0; (1 / cor k) *⇩s⇩m congruence M (1, 0, 0, - 1) = B⟧ ⟹ congruence M (1, 0, 0, - 1) = (1 / (1 / cor k)) *⇩s⇩m B›
by (auto simp add: mat_det_inv)
then obtain a b k' where "k' ≠ 0" "M = k' *⇩s⇩m (a, b, cnj b, cnj a)" "sgn (Re (mat_det (a, b, cnj b, cnj a))) = 1"
using unitary11_sgn_det_orientation'[of M k] ‹k > 0›
by auto
have "mat_det (a, b, cnj b, cnj a) ≠ 0"
using ‹sgn (Re (mat_det (a, b, cnj b, cnj a))) = 1›
by (smt (verit) sgn_0 zero_complex.simps(1))
show "unit_disc_fix_cmat M"
using unitary11_sgn_det[of k' a b M A B C D]
using MM[symmetric] ‹k > 0› ‹unitary11_gen M›
by (simp add: sgn_1_pos split: if_split_asm)
assume ?rhs
thus ?lhs
proof (transfer, transfer)
fix M :: complex_mat
assume "mat_det M ≠ 0"
obtain A B C D where MM: "(A, B, C, D) = M"
by (cases M) auto
assume "unit_disc_fix_cmat M"
hence "unitary11_gen M" "B = 0 ∨ 1 < Re (A * D / (B * C))"
using MM[symmetric]
by auto
have "sgn (if B = 0 then 1 else sgn (Re (A * D / (B * C)) - 1)) = 1"
using ‹B = 0 ∨ 1 < Re (A * D / (B * C))›
by auto
then obtain k' where "k' > 0" "congruence M (1, 0, 0, -1) = cor k' *⇩s⇩m (1, 0, 0, -1)"
using unitary11_orientation[OF ‹unitary11_gen M› MM[symmetric]]
by (auto simp add: sgn_1_pos)
thus "ocircline_eq_cmat (moebius_circline_cmat_cmat M unit_circle_cmat) unit_circle_cmat"
using congruence_inv[of M "(1, 0, 0, -1)" "cor k' *⇩s⇩m (1, 0, 0, -1)"] ‹mat_det M ≠ 0›
using congruence_scale_m[of "mat_inv M" "cor k'" "(1, 0, 0, -1)"]
by auto
text ‹Our algebraic characterisation (by matrices) is geometrically correct.›
lemma unit_disc_fix_iff [simp]:
assumes "unit_disc_fix M"
shows "moebius_pt M ` unit_disc = unit_disc"
using assms
using unit_disc_fix_iff_ounit_circle[of M]
unfolding unit_disc_def
by (subst disc_moebius_ocircline[symmetric], simp)
lemma unit_disc_fix_discI [simp]:
assumes "unit_disc_fix M" and "u ∈ unit_disc"
shows "moebius_pt M u ∈ unit_disc"
using unit_disc_fix_iff assms
by blast
text ‹Unit disc preserving transformations form a group.›
lemma unit_disc_fix_id_moebius [simp]:
shows "unit_disc_fix id_moebius"
by (transfer, transfer, simp add: unitary11_gen_def mat_adj_def mat_cnj_def)
lemma unit_disc_fix_moebius_add [simp]:
assumes "unit_disc_fix M1" and "unit_disc_fix M2"
shows "unit_disc_fix (M1 + M2)"
using assms
unfolding unit_disc_fix_iff_ounit_circle
by auto
lemma unit_disc_fix_moebius_comp [simp]:
assumes "unit_disc_fix M1" and "unit_disc_fix M2"
shows "unit_disc_fix (moebius_comp M1 M2)"
using unit_disc_fix_moebius_add[OF assms]
by simp
lemma unit_disc_fix_moebius_uminus [simp]:
assumes "unit_disc_fix M"
shows "unit_disc_fix (-M)"
using assms
unfolding unit_disc_fix_iff_ounit_circle
by (metis moebius_ocircline_comp_inv_left uminus_moebius_def)
lemma unit_disc_fix_moebius_inv [simp]:
assumes "unit_disc_fix M"
shows "unit_disc_fix (moebius_inv M)"
using unit_disc_fix_moebius_uminus[OF assms]
by simp
subsection ‹Rotations are unit disc preserving transformations›
lemma unit_disc_fix_rotation [simp]:
shows "unit_disc_fix (moebius_rotation φ)"
unfolding moebius_rotation_def moebius_similarity_def
by (transfer, transfer, simp add: unitary11_gen_def mat_adj_def mat_cnj_def cis_mult)
lemma moebius_rotation_unit_circle_fix [simp]:
shows "moebius_pt (moebius_rotation φ) u ∈ unit_circle_set ⟷ u ∈ unit_circle_set"
using moebius_pt_moebius_inv_in_set unit_circle_fix_iff_unit_circle_set
by fastforce
lemma ex_rotation_mapping_u_to_positive_x_axis:
assumes "u ≠ 0⇩h" and "u ≠ ∞⇩h"
shows "∃ φ. moebius_pt (moebius_rotation φ) u ∈ positive_x_axis"
from assms obtain c where *: "u = of_complex c"
using inf_or_of_complex
by blast
have "is_real (cis (- Arg c) * c)" "Re (cis (-Arg c) * c) > 0"
using "*" assms is_real_rot_to_x_axis positive_rot_to_x_axis of_complex_zero_iff
by blast+
thus ?thesis
using *
by (rule_tac x="-Arg c" in exI) (simp add: positive_x_axis_def circline_set_x_axis)
lemma ex_rotation_mapping_u_to_positive_y_axis:
assumes "u ≠ 0⇩h" and "u ≠ ∞⇩h"
shows "∃ φ. moebius_pt (moebius_rotation φ) u ∈ positive_y_axis"
from assms obtain c where *: "u = of_complex c"
using inf_or_of_complex
by blast
have "is_imag (cis (pi/2 - Arg c) * c)" "Im (cis (pi/2 - Arg c) * c) > 0"
using "*" assms is_real_rot_to_x_axis positive_rot_to_x_axis of_complex_zero_iff
by - (simp, simp, simp add: field_simps)
thus ?thesis
using *
by (rule_tac x="pi/2-Arg c" in exI) (simp add: positive_y_axis_def circline_set_y_axis)
lemma wlog_rotation_to_positive_x_axis:
assumes in_disc: "u ∈ unit_disc" and not_zero: "u ≠ 0⇩h"
assumes preserving: "⋀φ u. ⟦u ∈ unit_disc; u ≠ 0⇩h; P (moebius_pt (moebius_rotation φ) u)⟧ ⟹ P u"
assumes x_axis: "⋀x. ⟦is_real x; 0 < Re x; Re x < 1⟧ ⟹ P (of_complex x)"
shows "P u"
from in_disc obtain φ where *:
"moebius_pt (moebius_rotation φ) u ∈ positive_x_axis"
using ex_rotation_mapping_u_to_positive_x_axis[of u]
using inf_notin_unit_disc not_zero
by blast
let ?Mu = "moebius_pt (moebius_rotation φ) u"
have "P ?Mu"
let ?x = "to_complex ?Mu"
have "?Mu ∈ unit_disc" "?Mu ≠ 0⇩h" "?Mu ≠ ∞⇩h"
using ‹u ∈ unit_disc› ‹u ≠ 0⇩h›
by auto
hence "is_real (to_complex ?Mu)" "0 < Re ?x" "Re ?x < 1"
using *
unfolding positive_x_axis_def circline_set_x_axis
by (auto simp add: cmod_eq_Re)
thus ?thesis
using x_axis[of ?x] ‹?Mu ≠ ∞⇩h›
by simp
thus ?thesis
using preserving[OF in_disc] not_zero
by simp
lemma wlog_rotation_to_positive_x_axis':
assumes not_zero: "u ≠ 0⇩h" and not_inf: "u ≠ ∞⇩h"
assumes preserving: "⋀φ u. ⟦u ≠ 0⇩h; u ≠ ∞⇩h; P (moebius_pt (moebius_rotation φ) u)⟧ ⟹ P u"
assumes x_axis: "⋀x. ⟦is_real x; 0 < Re x⟧ ⟹ P (of_complex x)"
shows "P u"
from not_zero and not_inf obtain φ where *:
"moebius_pt (moebius_rotation φ) u ∈ positive_x_axis"
using ex_rotation_mapping_u_to_positive_x_axis[of u]
using inf_notin_unit_disc
by blast
let ?Mu = "moebius_pt (moebius_rotation φ) u"
have "P ?Mu"
let ?x = "to_complex ?Mu"
have "?Mu ≠ 0⇩h" "?Mu ≠ ∞⇩h"
using ‹u ≠ ∞⇩h› ‹u ≠ 0⇩h›
by auto
hence "is_real (to_complex ?Mu)" "0 < Re ?x"
using *
unfolding positive_x_axis_def circline_set_x_axis
by (auto simp add: cmod_eq_Re)
thus ?thesis
using x_axis[of ?x] ‹?Mu ≠ ∞⇩h›
by simp
thus ?thesis
using preserving[OF not_zero not_inf]
by simp
lemma wlog_rotation_to_positive_y_axis:
assumes in_disc: "u ∈ unit_disc" and not_zero: "u ≠ 0⇩h"
assumes preserving: "⋀φ u. ⟦u ∈ unit_disc; u ≠ 0⇩h; P (moebius_pt (moebius_rotation φ) u)⟧ ⟹ P u"
assumes y_axis: "⋀x. ⟦is_imag x; 0 < Im x; Im x < 1⟧ ⟹ P (of_complex x)"
shows "P u"
from in_disc and not_zero obtain φ where *:
"moebius_pt (moebius_rotation φ) u ∈ positive_y_axis"
using ex_rotation_mapping_u_to_positive_y_axis[of u]
using inf_notin_unit_disc
by blast
let ?Mu = "moebius_pt (moebius_rotation φ) u"
have "P ?Mu"
let ?y = "to_complex ?Mu"
have "?Mu ∈ unit_disc" "?Mu ≠ 0⇩h" "?Mu ≠ ∞⇩h"
using ‹u ∈ unit_disc› ‹u ≠ 0⇩h›
by auto
hence "is_imag (to_complex ?Mu)" "0 < Im ?y" "Im ?y < 1"
using *
unfolding positive_y_axis_def circline_set_y_axis
by (auto simp add: cmod_eq_Im)
thus ?thesis
using y_axis[of ?y] ‹?Mu ≠ ∞⇩h›
by simp
thus ?thesis
using preserving[OF in_disc not_zero]
by simp
subsection ‹Blaschke factors are unit disc preserving transformations›
text ‹For a given point $a$, Blaschke factor transformations are of the form $k \cdot
\left(\begin{array}{cc}1 & -a\\ -\overline{a} & 1\end{array}\right)$. It is a disc preserving
Möbius transformation that maps the point $a$ to zero (by the symmetry principle, it must map the
inverse point of $a$ to infinity).›
definition blaschke_cmat :: "complex ⇒ complex_mat" where
[simp]: "blaschke_cmat a = (if cmod a ≠ 1 then (1, -a, -cnj a, 1) else eye)"
lift_definition blaschke_mmat :: "complex ⇒ moebius_mat" is blaschke_cmat
by simp
lift_definition blaschke :: "complex ⇒ moebius" is blaschke_mmat
lemma blaschke_0_id [simp]: "blaschke 0 = id_moebius"
by (transfer, transfer, simp)
lemma blaschke_a_to_zero [simp]:
assumes "cmod a ≠ 1"
shows "moebius_pt (blaschke a) (of_complex a) = 0⇩h"
using assms
by (transfer, transfer, simp)
lemma blaschke_inv_a_inf [simp]:
assumes "cmod a ≠ 1"
shows "moebius_pt (blaschke a) (inversion (of_complex a)) = ∞⇩h"
using assms
unfolding inversion_def
by (transfer, transfer) (simp add: vec_cnj_def, rule_tac x="1/(1 - a*cnj a)" in exI, simp)
lemma blaschke_inf [simp]:
assumes "cmod a < 1" and "a ≠ 0"
shows "moebius_pt (blaschke a) ∞⇩h = of_complex (- 1 / cnj a)"
using assms
by (transfer, transfer, simp add: complex_mod_sqrt_Re_mult_cnj)
lemma blaschke_0_minus_a [simp]:
assumes "cmod a ≠ 1"
shows "moebius_pt (blaschke a) 0⇩h = ~⇩h (of_complex a)"
using assms
by (transfer, transfer, simp)
lemma blaschke_unit_circle_fix [simp]:
assumes "cmod a ≠ 1"
shows "unit_circle_fix (blaschke a)"
using assms
by (transfer, transfer) (simp add: unitary11_gen_def mat_adj_def mat_cnj_def)
lemma blaschke_unit_disc_fix [simp]:
assumes "cmod a < 1"
shows "unit_disc_fix (blaschke a)"
using assms
proof (transfer, transfer)
fix a
assume *: "cmod a < 1"
show "unit_disc_fix_cmat (blaschke_cmat a)"
proof (cases "a = 0")
case True
thus ?thesis
by (simp add: unitary11_gen_def mat_adj_def mat_cnj_def)
case False
hence "Re (a * cnj a) < 1"
using *
by (metis complex_mod_sqrt_Re_mult_cnj real_sqrt_lt_1_iff)
hence "1 / Re (a * cnj a) > 1"
using False
by (smt (verit) complex_div_gt_0 less_divide_eq_1_pos one_complex.simps(1) right_inverse_eq)
hence "Re (1 / (a * cnj a)) > 1"
by (simp add: complex_is_Real_iff)
thus ?thesis
by (simp add: unitary11_gen_def mat_adj_def mat_cnj_def)
lemma blaschke_unit_circle_fix':
assumes "cmod a ≠ 1"
shows "moebius_circline (blaschke a) unit_circle = unit_circle"
using assms
using blaschke_unit_circle_fix unit_circle_fix_iff
by simp
lemma blaschke_ounit_circle_fix':
assumes "cmod a < 1"
shows "moebius_ocircline (blaschke a) ounit_circle = ounit_circle"
have "Re (a * cnj a) < 1"
using assms
by (metis complex_mod_sqrt_Re_mult_cnj real_sqrt_lt_1_iff)
thus ?thesis
using assms
using blaschke_unit_disc_fix unit_disc_fix_iff_ounit_circle
by simp
lemma moebius_pt_blaschke [simp]:
assumes "cmod a ≠ 1" and "z ≠ 1 / cnj a"
shows "moebius_pt (blaschke a) (of_complex z) = of_complex ((z - a) / (1 - cnj a * z))"
using assms
proof (cases "a = 0")
case True
thus ?thesis
by auto
case False
thus ?thesis
using assms
apply (transfer, transfer)
apply (simp add: complex_mod_sqrt_Re_mult_cnj)
apply (rule_tac x="1 / (1 - cnj a * z)" in exI)
apply (simp add: field_simps)
subsubsection ‹Blaschke factors for a real point $a$›
text ‹If the point $a$ is real, the Blaschke factor preserve x-axis and the upper and the lower
lemma blaschke_real_preserve_x_axis [simp]:
assumes "is_real a" and "cmod a < 1"
shows "moebius_pt (blaschke a) z ∈ circline_set x_axis ⟷ z ∈ circline_set x_axis"
proof (cases "a = 0")
case True
thus ?thesis
by simp
case False
have "cmod a ≠ 1"
using assms
by linarith
let ?a = "of_complex a"
let ?i = "inversion ?a"
let ?M = "moebius_pt (blaschke a)"
have *: "?M ?a = 0⇩h" "?M ?i = ∞⇩h" "?M 0⇩h = of_complex (-a)"
using ‹cmod a ≠ 1› blaschke_a_to_zero[of a] blaschke_inv_a_inf[of a] blaschke_0_minus_a[of a]
by auto
let ?Mx = "moebius_circline (blaschke a) x_axis"
have "?a ∈ circline_set x_axis" "?i ∈ circline_set x_axis" "0⇩h ∈ circline_set x_axis"
using ‹is_real a› ‹a ≠ 0› eq_cnj_iff_real[of a]
by auto
hence "0⇩h ∈ circline_set ?Mx" "∞⇩h ∈ circline_set ?Mx" "of_complex (-a) ∈ circline_set ?Mx"
using *
apply -
apply (force simp add: image_iff)+
apply (simp add: image_iff, rule_tac x="0⇩h" in bexI, simp_all)
have "0⇩h ∈ circline_set x_axis" "∞⇩h ∈ circline_set x_axis" "of_complex (-a) ∈ circline_set x_axis"
using ‹is_real a›
by auto
have "of_complex (-a) ≠ 0⇩h"
using ‹a ≠ 0›
by simp
hence "0⇩h ≠ of_complex (-a)"
by metis
hence "∃!H. 0⇩h ∈ circline_set H ∧ ∞⇩h ∈ circline_set H ∧ of_complex (- a) ∈ circline_set H"
using unique_circline_set[of "0⇩h" "∞⇩h" "of_complex (-a)"] ‹a ≠ 0›
by simp
have "moebius_circline (blaschke a) x_axis = x_axis"
by auto
thus ?thesis
by (metis circline_set_moebius_circline_iff)
lemma blaschke_real_preserve_sgn_Im [simp]:
assumes "is_real a" and "cmod a < 1" and "z ≠ ∞⇩h" and "z ≠ inversion (of_complex a)"
shows "sgn (Im (to_complex (moebius_pt (blaschke a) z))) = sgn (Im (to_complex z))"
proof (cases "a = 0")
case True
thus ?thesis
by simp
case False
obtain z' where z': "z = of_complex z'"
using inf_or_of_complex[of z] ‹z ≠ ∞⇩h›
by auto
have "z' ≠ 1 / cnj a"
using assms z' ‹a ≠ 0›
by (auto simp add: of_complex_inj)
have "a * cnj a ≠ 1"
using ‹cmod a < 1›
by auto (simp add: complex_mod_sqrt_Re_mult_cnj)
have "sgn (Im ((z' - a) / (1 - a * z'))) = sgn (Im z')"
have "a * z' ≠ 1"
using ‹is_real a› ‹z' ≠ 1 / cnj a› ‹a ≠ 0› eq_cnj_iff_real[of a]
by (simp add: field_simps)
have "Re (1 - a⇧2) > 0"
using ‹is_real a› ‹cmod a < 1›
by (smt (verit) Re_power2 minus_complex.simps(1) norm_complex_def one_complex.simps(1) power2_less_0 real_sqrt_lt_1_iff)
have "Im ((z' - a) / (1 - a * z')) = Re (((1 - a⇧2) * Im z') / (cmod (1 - a*z'))⇧2)"
have "1 - a * cnj z' ≠ 0"
using ‹z' ≠ 1 / cnj a›
by (metis Im_complex_div_eq_0 complex_cnj_zero_iff diff_eq_diff_eq diff_numeral_special(9) eq_divide_imp is_real_div mult_not_zero one_complex.simps(2) zero_neq_one)
hence "Im ((z' - a) / (1 - a * z')) = Im (((z' - a) * (1 - a * cnj z')) / ((1 - a * z') * cnj (1 - a * z')))"
using ‹is_real a› eq_cnj_iff_real[of a]
by simp
also have "... = Im ((z' - a - a * z' * cnj z' + a⇧2 * cnj z') / (cmod (1 - a*z'))⇧2)"
unfolding complex_mult_cnj_cmod
by (simp add: power2_eq_square field_simps)
finally show ?thesis
using ‹is_real a›
by (simp add: field_simps)
have "0 < (1 - (Re a)⇧2) * Im z' / (cmod (1 - a * z'))⇧2 ⟹ Im z' > 0"
using ‹is_real a› ‹0 < Re (1 - a⇧2)›
by (smt (verit) Re_power_real divide_le_0_iff minus_complex.simps(1) not_sum_power2_lt_zero one_complex.simps(1) zero_less_mult_pos)
show ?thesis
unfolding sgn_real_def
using ‹cmod a < 1› ‹a * z' ≠ 1› ‹is_real a›
by (auto simp add: cmod_eq_Re)
show ?thesis
using assms z' moebius_pt_blaschke[of a z'] ‹is_real a› eq_cnj_iff_real[of a]
by simp
lemma blaschke_real_preserve_sgn_arg [simp]:
assumes "is_real a" and "cmod a < 1" and "z ∉ circline_set x_axis"
shows "sgn (Arg (to_complex (moebius_pt (blaschke a) z))) = sgn (Arg (to_complex z))"
have "z ≠ ∞⇩h"
using assms
using special_points_on_x_axis''(3) by blast
have "z ≠ inversion (of_complex a)"
using assms
by (metis calculation circline_equation_x_axis circline_set_x_axis_I conjugate_of_complex inversion_of_complex inversion_sym is_real_inversion o_apply of_complex_zero reciprocal_zero to_complex_of_complex)
show ?thesis
using blaschke_real_preserve_sgn_Im[OF assms(1) assms(2), of z]
by (smt (verit) arg_Im_sgn assms(3) circline_set_x_axis_I norm_sgn of_complex_to_complex)
subsubsection ‹Inverse Blaschke transform›
definition inv_blaschke_cmat :: "complex ⇒ complex_mat" where
[simp]: "inv_blaschke_cmat a = (if cmod a ≠ 1 then (1, a, cnj a, 1) else eye)"
lift_definition inv_blaschke_mmat :: "complex ⇒ moebius_mat" is inv_blaschke_cmat
by simp
lift_definition inv_blaschke :: "complex ⇒ moebius" is inv_blaschke_mmat
lemma inv_blaschke_neg [simp]: "inv_blaschke a = blaschke (-a)"
by (transfer, transfer) simp
lemma inv_blaschke:
assumes "cmod a ≠ 1"
shows "blaschke a + inv_blaschke a = 0"
apply simp
apply (transfer, transfer)
by auto (rule_tac x="1/(1 - a*cnj a)" in exI, simp)
lemma ex_unit_disc_fix_mapping_u_to_zero:
assumes "u ∈ unit_disc"
shows "∃ M. unit_disc_fix M ∧ moebius_pt M u = 0⇩h"
from assms obtain c where *: "u = of_complex c"
by (metis inf_notin_unit_disc inf_or_of_complex)
hence "cmod c < 1"
using assms unit_disc_iff_cmod_lt_1
by simp
thus ?thesis
using *
by (rule_tac x="blaschke c" in exI)
(smt (verit) blaschke_a_to_zero blaschke_ounit_circle_fix' unit_disc_fix_iff_ounit_circle)
lemma wlog_zero:
assumes in_disc: "u ∈ unit_disc"
assumes preserving: "⋀ a u. ⟦u ∈ unit_disc; cmod a < 1; P (moebius_pt (blaschke a) u)⟧ ⟹ P u"
assumes zero: "P 0⇩h"
shows "P u"
have *: "moebius_pt (blaschke (to_complex u)) u = 0⇩h"
by (smt (verit) blaschke_a_to_zero in_disc inf_notin_unit_disc of_complex_to_complex unit_disc_iff_cmod_lt_1)
thus ?thesis
using preserving[of u "to_complex u"] in_disc zero
using inf_or_of_complex[of u]
by auto
lemma wlog_real_zero:
assumes in_disc: "u ∈ unit_disc" and real: "is_real (to_complex u)"
assumes preserving: "⋀ a u. ⟦u ∈ unit_disc; is_real a; cmod a < 1; P (moebius_pt (blaschke a) u)⟧ ⟹ P u"
assumes zero: "P 0⇩h"
shows "P u"
have *: "moebius_pt (blaschke (to_complex u)) u = 0⇩h"
by (smt (verit) blaschke_a_to_zero in_disc inf_notin_unit_disc of_complex_to_complex unit_disc_iff_cmod_lt_1)
thus ?thesis
using preserving[of u "to_complex u"] in_disc zero real
using inf_or_of_complex[of u]
by auto
lemma unit_disc_fix_transitive:
assumes in_disc: "u ∈ unit_disc" and "u' ∈ unit_disc"
shows "∃ M. unit_disc_fix M ∧ moebius_pt M u = u'"
have "∀ u ∈ unit_disc. ∃ M. unit_disc_fix M ∧ moebius_pt M u = u'" (is "?P u'")
proof (rule wlog_zero)
show "u' ∈ unit_disc" by fact
show "?P 0⇩h"
by (simp add: ex_unit_disc_fix_mapping_u_to_zero)
fix a u
assume "cmod a < 1" and *: "?P (moebius_pt (blaschke a) u)"
show "?P u"
fix u'
assume "u' ∈ unit_disc"
then obtain M' where "unit_disc_fix M'" "moebius_pt M' u' = moebius_pt (blaschke a) u"
using *
by auto
thus "∃M. unit_disc_fix M ∧ moebius_pt M u' = u"
using ‹cmod a < 1› blaschke_unit_disc_fix[of a]
using unit_disc_fix_moebius_comp[of "- blaschke a" "M'"]
using unit_disc_fix_moebius_inv[of "blaschke a"]
by (rule_tac x="(- (blaschke a)) + M'" in exI, simp)
thus ?thesis
using assms
by auto
subsection ‹Decomposition of unit disc preserving Möbius transforms›
text ‹Each transformation preserving unit disc can be decomposed to a rotation around the origin and
a Blaschke factors that maps a point within the unit disc to zero.›
lemma unit_disc_fix_decompose_blaschke_rotation:
assumes "unit_disc_fix M"
shows "∃ k φ. cmod k < 1 ∧ M = moebius_rotation φ + blaschke k"
using assms
unfolding moebius_rotation_def moebius_similarity_def
proof (simp, transfer, transfer)
fix M
assume *: "mat_det M ≠ 0" "unit_disc_fix_cmat M"
then obtain k a b :: complex where
**: "k ≠ 0" "mat_det (a, b, cnj b, cnj a) ≠ 0" "M = k *⇩s⇩m (a, b, cnj b, cnj a)"
using unitary11_gen_iff[of M]
by auto
have "a ≠ 0"
using * **
by auto
then obtain a' k' φ
where ***: "k' ≠ 0 ∧ a' * cnj a' ≠ 1 ∧ M = k' *⇩s⇩m (cis φ, 0, 0, 1) *⇩m⇩m (1, - a', - cnj a', 1)"
using ** unitary11_gen_cis_blaschke[of k M a b]
by auto blast
have "a' = 0 ∨ 1 < 1 / (cmod a')⇧2"
using * *** complex_mult_cnj_cmod[of a']
by simp
hence "cmod a' < 1"
by (smt (verit) less_divide_eq_1_pos norm_zero one_less_power one_power2 pos2)
thus "∃k. cmod k < 1 ∧
(∃φ. moebius_cmat_eq M (moebius_comp_cmat (mk_moebius_cmat (cis φ) 0 0 1) (blaschke_cmat k)))"
using ***
apply (rule_tac x=a' in exI)
apply simp
apply (rule_tac x=φ in exI)
apply simp
apply (rule_tac x="1/k'" in exI)
by auto
lemma wlog_unit_disc_fix:
assumes "unit_disc_fix M"
assumes b: "⋀ k. cmod k < 1 ⟹ P (blaschke k)"
assumes r: "⋀ φ. P (moebius_rotation φ)"
assumes comp: "⋀M1 M2. ⟦unit_disc_fix M1; P M1; unit_disc_fix M2; P M2⟧ ⟹ P (M1 + M2)"
shows "P M"
using assms
using unit_disc_fix_decompose_blaschke_rotation[OF assms(1)]
using blaschke_unit_disc_fix
by auto
lemma ex_unit_disc_fix_to_zero_positive_x_axis:
assumes "u ∈ unit_disc" and "v ∈ unit_disc" and "u ≠ v"
shows "∃ M. unit_disc_fix M ∧
moebius_pt M u = 0⇩h ∧ moebius_pt M v ∈ positive_x_axis"
from assms obtain B where
*: "unit_disc_fix B" "moebius_pt B u = 0⇩h"
using ex_unit_disc_fix_mapping_u_to_zero
by blast
let ?v = "moebius_pt B v"
have "?v ∈ unit_disc"
using ‹v ∈ unit_disc› *
by auto
hence "?v ≠ ∞⇩h"
using inf_notin_unit_disc by auto
have "?v ≠ 0⇩h"
using ‹u ≠ v› *
by (metis moebius_pt_invert)
obtain R where
"unit_disc_fix R"
"moebius_pt R 0⇩h = 0⇩h" "moebius_pt R ?v ∈ positive_x_axis"
using ex_rotation_mapping_u_to_positive_x_axis[of ?v] ‹?v ≠ 0⇩h› ‹?v ≠ ∞⇩h›
using moebius_pt_rotation_inf_iff moebius_pt_moebius_rotation_zero unit_disc_fix_rotation
by blast
thus ?thesis
using * moebius_comp[of R B, symmetric]
using unit_disc_fix_moebius_comp
by (rule_tac x="R + B" in exI) (simp add: comp_def)
lemma wlog_x_axis:
assumes in_disc: "u ∈ unit_disc" "v ∈ unit_disc"
assumes preserved: "⋀ M u v. ⟦unit_disc_fix M; u ∈ unit_disc; v ∈ unit_disc; P (moebius_pt M u) (moebius_pt M v)⟧ ⟹ P u v"
assumes axis: "⋀ x. ⟦is_real x; 0 ≤ Re x; Re x < 1⟧ ⟹ P 0⇩h (of_complex x)"
shows "P u v"
proof (cases "u = v")
case True
have "P u u" (is "?Q u")
proof (rule wlog_zero[where P="?Q"])
show "u ∈ unit_disc"
by fact
show "?Q 0⇩h"
using axis[of 0]
by simp
fix a u
assume "u ∈ unit_disc" "cmod a < 1" "?Q (moebius_pt (blaschke a) u)"
thus "?Q u"
using preserved[of "blaschke a" u u]
using blaschke_unit_disc_fix[of a]
by simp
thus ?thesis
using True
by simp
case False
from in_disc obtain M where
*: "unit_disc_fix M" "moebius_pt M u = 0⇩h" "moebius_pt M v ∈ positive_x_axis"
using ex_unit_disc_fix_to_zero_positive_x_axis False
by auto
then obtain x where **: "moebius_pt M v = of_complex x" "is_real x"
unfolding positive_x_axis_def circline_set_x_axis
by auto
have "of_complex x ∈ unit_disc"
using ‹unit_disc_fix M› ‹v ∈ unit_disc› **
using unit_disc_fix_discI
by fastforce
hence "0 < Re x" "Re x < 1"
using ‹moebius_pt M v ∈ positive_x_axis› **
by (auto simp add: positive_x_axis_def cmod_eq_Re)
have "P 0⇩h (of_complex x)"
using ‹is_real x› axis
by auto
thus ?thesis
using preserved[OF *(1) assms(1-2)] *(2) **(1)
by simp
lemma wlog_positive_x_axis:
assumes in_disc: "u ∈ unit_disc" "v ∈ unit_disc" "u ≠ v"
assumes preserved: "⋀ M u v. ⟦unit_disc_fix M; u ∈ unit_disc; v ∈ unit_disc; u ≠ v; P (moebius_pt M u) (moebius_pt M v)⟧ ⟹ P u v"
assumes axis: "⋀ x. ⟦is_real x; 0 < Re x; Re x < 1⟧ ⟹ P 0⇩h (of_complex x)"
shows "P u v"
have "u ≠ v ⟶ P u v" (is "?Q u v")
proof (rule wlog_x_axis)
show "u ∈ unit_disc" "v ∈ unit_disc"
by fact+
fix M u v
assume "unit_disc_fix M" "u ∈ unit_disc" "v ∈ unit_disc"
"?Q (moebius_pt M u) (moebius_pt M v)"
thus "?Q u v"
using preserved[of M u v]
using moebius_pt_invert
by blast
fix x
assume "is_real x" "0 ≤ Re x" "Re x < 1"
thus "?Q 0⇩h (of_complex x)"
using axis[of x] of_complex_zero_iff[of x] complex.expand[of x 0]
by fastforce
thus ?thesis
using ‹u ≠ v›
by simp
subsection ‹All functions that fix the unit disc›
text ‹It can be proved that continuous functions that fix the unit disc are either actions of
Möbius transformations that fix the unit disc (homographies), or are compositions of actions of
Möbius transformations that fix the unit disc and the conjugation (antihomographies). We postulate
this as a definition, but it this characterisation could also be formally shown (we do not need this
for our further applications).›
definition unit_disc_fix_f where
"unit_disc_fix_f f ⟷
(∃ M. unit_disc_fix M ∧ (f = moebius_pt M ∨ f = moebius_pt M ∘ conjugate))"
text ‹Unit disc fixing functions really fix unit disc.›
lemma unit_disc_fix_f_unit_disc:
assumes "unit_disc_fix_f M"
shows "M ` unit_disc = unit_disc"
using assms
unfolding unit_disc_fix_f_def
using image_comp
by force
text ‹Actions of unit disc fixing Möbius transformations (unit disc fixing homographies) are unit
disc fixing functions.›
lemma unit_disc_fix_f_moebius_pt [simp]:
assumes "unit_disc_fix M"
shows "unit_disc_fix_f (moebius_pt M)"
using assms
unfolding unit_disc_fix_f_def
by auto
text ‹Compositions of unit disc fixing Möbius transformations and conjugation (unit disc fixing
antihomographies) are unit disc fixing functions.›
lemma unit_disc_fix_conjugate_moebius [simp]:
assumes "unit_disc_fix M"
shows "unit_disc_fix (conjugate_moebius M)"
have "⋀a aa ab b. ⟦1 < Re (a * b / (aa * ab)); ¬ 1 < Re (cnj a * cnj b / (cnj aa * cnj ab))⟧ ⟹ aa = 0"
by (metis cnj.simps(1) complex_cnj_divide complex_cnj_mult)
thus ?thesis
using assms
by (transfer, transfer)
(auto simp add: mat_cnj_def unitary11_gen_def mat_adj_def field_simps)
lemma unit_disc_fix_conjugate_comp_moebius [simp]:
assumes "unit_disc_fix M"
shows "unit_disc_fix_f (conjugate ∘ moebius_pt M)"
using assms
apply (subst conjugate_moebius)
apply (simp add: unit_disc_fix_f_def)
apply (rule_tac x="conjugate_moebius M" in exI, simp)
text ‹Uniti disc fixing functions form a group under function composition.›
lemma unit_disc_fix_f_comp [simp]:
assumes "unit_disc_fix_f f1" and "unit_disc_fix_f f2"
shows "unit_disc_fix_f (f1 ∘ f2)"
using assms
apply (subst (asm) unit_disc_fix_f_def)
apply (subst (asm) unit_disc_fix_f_def)
proof safe
fix M M'
assume "unit_disc_fix M" "unit_disc_fix M'"
thus "unit_disc_fix_f (moebius_pt M ∘ moebius_pt M')"
unfolding unit_disc_fix_f_def
by (rule_tac x="M + M'" in exI) auto
fix M M'
assume "unit_disc_fix M" "unit_disc_fix M'"
thus "unit_disc_fix_f (moebius_pt M ∘ (moebius_pt M' ∘ conjugate))"
unfolding unit_disc_fix_f_def
by (subst comp_assoc[symmetric])+
(rule_tac x="M + M'" in exI, auto)
fix M M'
assume "unit_disc_fix M" "unit_disc_fix M'"
thus "unit_disc_fix_f ((moebius_pt M ∘ conjugate) ∘ moebius_pt M')"
unfolding unit_disc_fix_f_def
by (subst comp_assoc, subst conjugate_moebius, subst comp_assoc[symmetric])+
(rule_tac x="M + conjugate_moebius M'" in exI, auto)
fix M M'
assume "unit_disc_fix M" "unit_disc_fix M'"
thus "unit_disc_fix_f ((moebius_pt M ∘ conjugate) ∘ (moebius_pt M' ∘ conjugate))"
apply (subst comp_assoc[symmetric], subst comp_assoc)
apply (subst conjugate_moebius, subst comp_assoc, subst comp_assoc)
apply (simp add: unit_disc_fix_f_def)
apply (rule_tac x="M + conjugate_moebius M'" in exI, auto)
lemma unit_disc_fix_f_inv:
assumes "unit_disc_fix_f M"
shows "unit_disc_fix_f (inv M)"
using assms
apply (subst (asm) unit_disc_fix_f_def)
proof safe
fix M
assume "unit_disc_fix M"
have "inv (moebius_pt M) = moebius_pt (-M)"
by (rule ext) (simp add: moebius_inv)
thus "unit_disc_fix_f (inv (moebius_pt M))"
using ‹unit_disc_fix M›
unfolding unit_disc_fix_f_def
by (rule_tac x="-M" in exI, simp)
fix M
assume "unit_disc_fix M"
have "inv (moebius_pt M ∘ conjugate) = conjugate ∘ inv (moebius_pt M)"
by (subst o_inv_distrib, simp_all)
also have "... = conjugate ∘ (moebius_pt (-M))"
using moebius_inv
by auto
also have "... = moebius_pt (conjugate_moebius (-M)) ∘ conjugate"
by (simp add: conjugate_moebius)
show "unit_disc_fix_f (inv (moebius_pt M ∘ conjugate))"
using ‹unit_disc_fix M›
unfolding unit_disc_fix_f_def
by (rule_tac x="conjugate_moebius (-M)" in exI, simp)
subsubsection ‹Action of unit disc fixing functions on circlines›
definition unit_disc_fix_f_circline where
"unit_disc_fix_f_circline f H =
(if ∃ M. unit_disc_fix M ∧ f = moebius_pt M then
moebius_circline (THE M. unit_disc_fix M ∧ f = moebius_pt M) H
else if ∃ M. unit_disc_fix M ∧ f = moebius_pt M ∘ conjugate then
(moebius_circline (THE M. unit_disc_fix M ∧ f = moebius_pt M ∘ conjugate) ∘ conjugate_circline) H
lemma unique_moebius_pt_conjugate:
assumes "moebius_pt M1 ∘ conjugate = moebius_pt M2 ∘ conjugate"
shows "M1 = M2"
from assms have "moebius_pt M1 = moebius_pt M2"
using conjugate_conjugate_comp rewriteL_comp_comp2 by fastforce
thus ?thesis
using unique_moebius_pt
by auto
lemma unit_disc_fix_f_circline_direct:
assumes "unit_disc_fix M" and "f = moebius_pt M"
shows "unit_disc_fix_f_circline f H = moebius_circline M H"
have "M = (THE M. unit_disc_fix M ∧ f = moebius_pt M)"
using assms
using theI_unique[of "λ M. unit_disc_fix M ∧ f = moebius_pt M" M]
using unique_moebius_pt[of M]
by auto
thus ?thesis
using assms
unfolding unit_disc_fix_f_circline_def
by auto
lemma unit_disc_fix_f_circline_indirect:
assumes "unit_disc_fix M" and "f = moebius_pt M ∘ conjugate"
shows "unit_disc_fix_f_circline f H = ((moebius_circline M) ∘ conjugate_circline) H"
have "¬ (∃ M. unit_disc_fix M ∧ f = moebius_pt M)"
using assms homography_antihomography_exclusive[of f]
unfolding is_homography_def is_antihomography_def is_moebius_def
by auto
have "M = (THE M. unit_disc_fix M ∧ f = moebius_pt M ∘ conjugate)"
using assms
using theI_unique[of "λ M. unit_disc_fix M ∧ f = moebius_pt M ∘ conjugate" M]
using unique_moebius_pt_conjugate[of M]
by auto
show ?thesis
using assms
unfolding unit_disc_fix_f_circline_def
by metis
text ‹Disc automorphisms - it would be nice to show that there are no disc automorphisms other than
unit disc fixing homographies and antihomographies, but this part of the theory is not yet
definition is_disc_aut where "is_disc_aut f ⟷ bij_betw f unit_disc unit_disc"