Theory Homogeneous_Coordinates

(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
section ‹Homogeneous coordinates in extended complex plane›
(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

text ‹Extended complex plane $\mathbb{\overline{C}}$ is complex plane with an additional element 
(treated as the infinite point). The extended complex plane $\mathbb{\overline{C}}$ is identified 
with a complex projective line (the one-dimensional projective space over the complex field, sometimes denoted by $\mathbb{C}P^1$).
Each point of $\mathbb{\overline{C}}$ is represented by a pair of complex homogeneous coordinates (not
both equal to zero), and two pairs of homogeneous coordinates represent the same
point in $\mathbb{\overline{C}}$ iff they are proportional by a non-zero complex factor.›

theory Homogeneous_Coordinates
imports More_Complex Matrices

(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
subsection ‹Definition of homogeneous coordinates›
(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

text ‹Two complex vectors are equivalent iff they are proportional.›

definition complex_cvec_eq :: "complex_vec  complex_vec  bool" (infix v 50)  where
  [simp]: "z1 v z2  ( k. k  (0::complex)  z2 = k *sv z1)"

lemma complex_cvec_eq_mix:
  assumes "(z1, z2)  vec_zero" and "(w1, w2)  vec_zero"
  shows "(z1, z2) v (w1, w2)  z1*w2 = z2*w1"
proof safe
  assume "(z1, z2) v (w1, w2)"
  thus "z1 * w2 = z2 * w1"
    by auto
  assume *: "z1 * w2 = z2 * w1"
  show "(z1, z2) v (w1, w2)"
  proof (cases "z2 = 0")
    case True
    thus ?thesis
      using * assms
      by auto
    case False
    hence "w1 = (w2/z2)*z1  w2 = (w2/z2)*z2" "w2/z2  0"
      using * assms
      by (auto simp add: field_simps)
    thus "(z1, z2) v (w1, w2)"
      by (metis complex_cvec_eq_def mult_sv.simps)

lemma complex_eq_cvec_reflp [simp]:
  shows "reflp (≈v)"
  unfolding reflp_def complex_cvec_eq_def
  by safe (rule_tac x="1" in exI, simp)

lemma complex_eq_cvec_symp [simp]:
  shows "symp (≈v)"
  unfolding symp_def complex_cvec_eq_def
  by safe (rule_tac x="1/k" in exI, simp)

lemma complex_eq_cvec_transp [simp]:
  shows "transp (≈v)"
  unfolding transp_def complex_cvec_eq_def
  by safe (rule_tac x="k*ka" in exI, simp)

lemma complex_eq_cvec_equivp [simp]:
  shows "equivp (≈v)"
  by (auto intro: equivpI)

text ‹Non-zero pairs of complex numbers (also treated as non-zero complex vectors)›

typedef complex_homo_coords = "{v::complex_vec. v  vec_zero}"
  by (rule_tac x="(1, 0)" in exI, simp)

setup_lifting type_definition_complex_homo_coords

lift_definition complex_homo_coords_eq :: "complex_homo_coords  complex_homo_coords  bool" (infix  50) is complex_cvec_eq

lemma complex_homo_coords_eq_reflp [simp]:
  shows "reflp (≈)"
  using complex_eq_cvec_reflp
  unfolding reflp_def
  by transfer blast

lemma complex_homo_coords_eq_symp [simp]:
  shows "symp (≈)"
  using complex_eq_cvec_symp
  unfolding symp_def
  by transfer blast

lemma complex_homo_coords_eq_transp [simp]: 
  shows "transp (≈)"
  using complex_eq_cvec_transp
  unfolding transp_def
  by transfer blast

lemma complex_homo_coords_eq_equivp:
  shows "equivp (≈)"
  by (auto intro: equivpI)

lemma complex_homo_coords_eq_refl [simp]:
  shows "z  z"
  using complex_homo_coords_eq_reflp
  unfolding reflp_def refl_on_def
  by blast

lemma complex_homo_coords_eq_sym:
  assumes "z1  z2"
  shows "z2  z1"
  using assms complex_homo_coords_eq_symp
  unfolding symp_def
  by blast

lemma complex_homo_coords_eq_trans:
  assumes "z1  z2" and "z2  z3"
  shows "z1  z3"
  using assms complex_homo_coords_eq_transp
  unfolding transp_def
  by blast

text ‹Quotient type of homogeneous coordinates›
  complex_homo = complex_homo_coords / "complex_homo_coords_eq"
  by (rule complex_homo_coords_eq_equivp)

(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
subsection ‹Some characteristic points in $\mathbb{C}P^1$›
(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

text ‹Infinite point›
definition inf_cvec :: "complex_vec" (v) where
  [simp]: "inf_cvec = (1, 0)"
lift_definition inf_hcoords :: "complex_homo_coords"  (hc) is inf_cvec
  by simp
lift_definition inf :: "complex_homo"  (h)  is inf_hcoords

lemma inf_cvec_z2_zero_iff:
  assumes "(z1, z2)  vec_zero"
  shows "(z1, z2) v v  z2 = 0"
  using assms
  by auto

text ‹Zero›
definition zero_cvec :: "complex_vec" (0v) where
  [simp]: "zero_cvec = (0, 1)"
lift_definition zero_hcoords :: "complex_homo_coords" (0hc) is zero_cvec
  by simp
lift_definition zero :: "complex_homo" (0h) is zero_hcoords

lemma zero_cvec_z1_zero_iff:
  assumes "(z1, z2)  vec_zero"
  shows "(z1, z2) v 0v  z1 = 0"
  using assms
  by auto

text ‹One›
definition one_cvec :: "complex_vec" (1v)where
  [simp]: "one_cvec = (1, 1)"
lift_definition one_hcoords :: "complex_homo_coords" (1hc) is one_cvec
  by simp
lift_definition one :: "complex_homo" (1h) is one_hcoords

lemma zero_one_infty_not_equal [simp]:
  shows "1h  h" and "0h  h" and "0h  1h" and "1h  0h" and "h  0h" and "h  1h"
  by (transfer, transfer, simp)+

text ‹Imaginary unit›
definition ii_cvec :: "complex_vec" (iiv) where
  [simp]: "ii_cvec = (𝗂, 1)"
lift_definition ii_hcoords :: "complex_homo_coords" (iihc) is ii_cvec
  by simp
lift_definition ii :: "complex_homo" (iih) is ii_hcoords

lemma ex_3_different_points:
  fixes z::complex_homo
  shows " z1 z2. z  z1  z1  z2  z  z2"
proof (cases "z  0h  z  1h")
  case True
  thus ?thesis
    by (rule_tac x="0h" in exI, rule_tac x="1h" in exI, auto)
  case False
  hence "z = 0h  z = 1h"
    by simp
  thus ?thesis
    assume "z = 0h"
    thus ?thesis
      by (rule_tac x="h" in exI, rule_tac x="1h" in exI, auto)
    assume "z = 1h"
    thus ?thesis
      by (rule_tac x="h" in exI, rule_tac x="0h" in exI, auto)

(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
subsection ‹Connection to ordinary complex plane $\mathbb{C}$›
(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

text ‹Conversion from complex›

definition of_complex_cvec :: "complex  complex_vec" where
  [simp]: "of_complex_cvec z = (z, 1)"
lift_definition of_complex_hcoords :: "complex  complex_homo_coords" is of_complex_cvec
  by simp
lift_definition of_complex :: "complex  complex_homo" is of_complex_hcoords

lemma of_complex_inj:
  assumes "of_complex x = of_complex y"
  shows "x = y"
  using assms
  by (transfer, transfer, simp)

lemma of_complex_image_inj:
  assumes "of_complex ` A = of_complex ` B"
  shows "A = B"
  using assms
  using of_complex_inj
  by auto

lemma of_complex_not_inf [simp]:
  shows "of_complex x  h"
  by (transfer, transfer, simp)

lemma inf_not_of_complex [simp]:
  shows "h  of_complex x"
  by (transfer, transfer, simp)

lemma inf_or_of_complex:
  shows "z = h  ( x. z = of_complex x)"
proof (transfer, transfer)
  fix z :: complex_vec
  obtain z1 z2 where *: "z = (z1, z2)"
    by (cases z) auto
  assume "z  vec_zero"
  thus "z v v  (x. z v of_complex_cvec x)"
    using *
    by (cases "z2 = 0", auto)

lemma of_complex_zero [simp]:
  shows "of_complex 0 = 0h"
  by (transfer, transfer, simp)

lemma of_complex_one [simp]:
  shows "of_complex 1 = 1h"
  by (transfer, transfer, simp)

lemma of_complex_ii [simp]:
  shows "of_complex 𝗂 = iih"
  by (transfer, transfer, simp)

lemma of_complex_zero_iff [simp]:
  shows "of_complex x = 0h  x = 0"
  by (subst of_complex_zero[symmetric]) (auto simp add: of_complex_inj)

lemma of_complex_one_iff [simp]:
  shows "of_complex x = 1h  x = 1"
  by (subst of_complex_one[symmetric]) (auto simp add: of_complex_inj)

lemma of_complex_ii_iff [simp]:
  shows "of_complex x = iih  x = 𝗂"
  by (subst of_complex_ii[symmetric]) (auto simp add: of_complex_inj)

text ‹Conversion to complex›

definition to_complex_cvec :: "complex_vec  complex" where
  [simp]: "to_complex_cvec z = (let (z1, z2) = z in z1/z2)"
lift_definition to_complex_homo_coords :: "complex_homo_coords  complex" is to_complex_cvec
lift_definition to_complex :: "complex_homo  complex" is to_complex_homo_coords
  fix z w
  assume "z  w"
  thus "to_complex_homo_coords z = to_complex_homo_coords w"
    by transfer auto

lemma to_complex_of_complex [simp]:
  shows "to_complex (of_complex z) = z"
  by (transfer, transfer, simp)

lemma of_complex_to_complex [simp]:
  assumes "z  h"
  shows "(of_complex (to_complex z)) = z"
  using assms
proof (transfer, transfer)
  fix z :: complex_vec
  obtain z1 z2 where *: "z = (z1, z2)"
    by (cases z, auto)
  assume "z  vec_zero" "¬ z v v"
  hence "z2  0"
    using *
    by (simp, erule_tac x="1/z1" in allE, auto)
  thus "(of_complex_cvec (to_complex_cvec z)) v z"
    using *
    by simp

lemma to_complex_zero_zero [simp]:
  shows "to_complex 0h = 0"
  by (metis of_complex_zero to_complex_of_complex)

lemma to_complex_one_one [simp]:
  shows "to_complex 1h = 1"
  by (metis of_complex_one to_complex_of_complex)

lemma to_complex_img_one [simp]:
  shows "to_complex iih = 𝗂"
  by (metis of_complex_ii to_complex_of_complex)

(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
subsection ‹Arithmetic operations›
(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

text ‹Due to the requirement of HOL that all functions are total, we could not define the function
only for the well-defined cases, and in the lifting proofs we must also handle the ill-defined
cases. For example, $\infty_h +_h \infty_h$ is ill-defined, but we must define it, so we define it
arbitrarily to be $\infty_h$.›

(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
subsubsection ‹Addition›
(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

text ‹$\infty_h\ +_h\ \infty_h$ is ill-defined. Since functions must be total, for formal reasons we
define it arbitrarily to be $\infty_h$.›

definition add_cvec :: "complex_vec  complex_vec  complex_vec" (infixl +v 60) where
  [simp]: "add_cvec z w = (let (z1, z2) = z; (w1, w2) = w
                                in if z2  0  w2  0 then
                                      (z1*w2 + w1*z2, z2*w2)
                                      (1, 0))"
lift_definition add_hcoords :: "complex_homo_coords  complex_homo_coords  complex_homo_coords" (infixl +hc 60) is add_cvec
  by (auto split: if_split_asm)

lift_definition add :: "complex_homo  complex_homo  complex_homo" (infixl +h 60) is add_hcoords
proof transfer
  fix z w z' w' :: complex_vec
  obtain z1 z2 w1 w2 z'1 z'2 w'1 w'2 where
    *: "z = (z1, z2)" "w = (w1, w2)" "z' = (z'1, z'2)" "w' = (w'1, w'2)"
    by (cases z, auto, cases w, auto, cases z', auto, cases w', auto)
  assume **:
         "z  vec_zero" "w  vec_zero" "z v z'"
         "z'  vec_zero" "w'  vec_zero" "w v w'"
  show "z +v w v z' +v w'"
  proof (cases "z2  0  w2  0")
    case True
    hence "z'2  0  w'2  0"
      using * **
      by auto
    show ?thesis
      using z2  0  w2  0 z'2  0  w'2  0
      using * **
      by simp ((erule exE)+, rule_tac x="k*ka" in exI, simp add: field_simps)
    case False
    hence "z'2 = 0  w'2 = 0"
      using * **
      by auto
    show ?thesis
      using ¬ (z2  0  w2  0) z'2 = 0  w'2 = 0
      using * **
      by auto

lemma add_commute:
  shows "z +h w = w +h z"
  apply (transfer, transfer)
  unfolding complex_cvec_eq_def
  by (rule_tac x="1" in exI, auto split: if_split_asm)

lemma add_zero_right [simp]:
  shows "z +h 0h = z"
  by (transfer, transfer, force)

lemma add_zero_left [simp]:
  shows "0h +h z = z"
  by (subst add_commute) simp

lemma of_complex_add_of_complex [simp]:
  shows "(of_complex x) +h (of_complex y) = of_complex (x + y)"
  by (transfer, transfer, simp)

lemma of_complex_add_inf [simp]:
  shows "(of_complex x) +h h = h"
  by (transfer, transfer, simp)

lemma inf_add_of_complex [simp]:
  shows "h +h (of_complex x) = h"
  by (subst add_commute) simp

lemma inf_add_right:
  assumes "z  h"
  shows "z +h h = h"
  using assms
  using inf_or_of_complex[of z]
  by auto

lemma inf_add_left:
  assumes "z  h"
  shows "h +h z = h"
  using assms
  by (subst add_commute) (rule inf_add_right, simp)

text ‹This is ill-defined, but holds by our definition›
lemma inf_add_inf:
  shows "h +h h = h"
  by (transfer, transfer, simp)

(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
subsubsection ‹Unary minus›
(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

definition uminus_cvec :: "complex_vec  complex_vec" (~v) where
  [simp]: "~v z = (let (z1, z2) = z in (-z1, z2))"
lift_definition uminus_hcoords :: "complex_homo_coords  complex_homo_coords" (~hc) is uminus_cvec
  by auto
lift_definition uminus :: "complex_homo  complex_homo" (~h) is uminus_hcoords
  by transfer auto

lemma uminus_of_complex [simp]:
  shows "~h (of_complex z) = of_complex (-z)"
  by (transfer, transfer, simp)

lemma uminus_zero [simp]:
  shows "~h 0h = 0h"
  by (transfer, transfer, simp)

lemma uminus_inf [simp]:
  shows "~h h = h"
  apply (transfer, transfer)
  unfolding complex_cvec_eq_def
  by (rule_tac x="-1" in exI, simp)

lemma uminus_inf_iff:
  shows "~h z = h  z = h"
  apply (transfer, transfer)
  by auto (rule_tac x="-1/a" in exI, auto)

lemma uminus_id_iff:
  shows "~h z = z  z = 0h  z = h"
  apply (transfer, transfer)
  apply auto
   apply (erule_tac x="1/a" in allE, simp)
  apply (rule_tac x="-1" in exI, simp)

(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
subsubsection ‹Subtraction›
(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

text ‹Operation $\infty_h\ -_h\ \infty_h$ is ill-defined, but we define it arbitrarily to $0_h$. It breaks the connection between
   subtraction with addition and unary minus, but seems more intuitive.›

definition sub :: "complex_homo  complex_homo  complex_homo" (infixl -h 60) where
  "z -h w = (if z = h  w = h then 0h else z +h (~h w))"

lemma of_complex_sub_of_complex [simp]:
  shows "(of_complex x) -h (of_complex y) = of_complex (x - y)"
  unfolding sub_def
  by simp

lemma zero_sub_right[simp]:
  shows "z -h 0h = z"
  unfolding sub_def
  by simp

lemma zero_sub_left[simp]:
  shows "0h -h of_complex x = of_complex (-x)"
  by (subst of_complex_zero[symmetric], simp del: of_complex_zero)

lemma zero_sub_one[simp]:
  shows "0h -h 1h = of_complex (-1)"
  by (metis of_complex_one zero_sub_left)

lemma of_complex_sub_one [simp]:
  shows "of_complex x -h 1h = of_complex (x - 1)"
  by (metis of_complex_one of_complex_sub_of_complex)

lemma sub_eq_zero [simp]:
  assumes "z  h"
  shows "z -h z = 0h"
  using assms
  using inf_or_of_complex[of z]
  by auto

lemma sub_eq_zero_iff:
  assumes "z  h  w  h"
  shows "z -h w = 0h  z = w"
  assume "z -h w = 0h"
  thus "z = w"
    using assms
    unfolding sub_def
  proof (transfer, transfer)
    fix z w :: complex_vec
    obtain z1 z2 w1 w2 where *: "z = (z1, z2)" "w = (w1, w2)"
      by (cases z, auto, cases w, auto)
    assume "z  vec_zero" "w  vec_zero" "¬ z v v  ¬ w v v" and
           **: "(if z v v  w v v then 0v else z +v ~v w) v 0v"
    have "z2  0  w2  0"
      using * ¬ z v v  ¬ w v v z  vec_zero w  vec_zero
      apply auto
       apply (erule_tac x="1/z1" in allE, simp)
      apply (erule_tac x="1/w1" in allE, simp)

    thus "z v w"
      using * **
      by simp (rule_tac x="w2/z2" in exI, auto simp add: field_simps)
  assume "z = w"
  thus "z -h w = 0h"
    using sub_eq_zero[of z] assms
    by auto

lemma inf_sub_left [simp]:
  assumes "z  h"
  shows "h -h z = h"
  using assms
  using uminus_inf_iff
  using inf_or_of_complex
  unfolding sub_def
  by force

lemma inf_sub_right [simp]:
  assumes "z  h"
  shows "z -h h = h"
  using assms
  using inf_or_of_complex
  unfolding sub_def
  by force

text ‹This is ill-defined, but holds by our definition›
lemma inf_sub_inf:
  shows "h -h h = 0h"
  unfolding sub_def
  by simp

lemma sub_noteq_inf:
  assumes "z  h" and "w  h"
  shows "z -h w  h"
  using assms
  using inf_or_of_complex[of z]
  using inf_or_of_complex[of w]
  using inf_or_of_complex[of "z -h w"]
  using of_complex_sub_of_complex
  by auto

lemma sub_eq_inf:
  assumes "z -h w = h"
  shows "z = h  w = h"
  using assms sub_noteq_inf
  by blast

(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
subsubsection ‹Multiplication›
(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

text ‹Operations $0_h \cdot_h \infty_h$ and $\infty_h \cdot_h 0_h$ are ill defined. Since all
functions must be total, for formal reasons we define it arbitrarily to be $1_h$.›

definition mult_cvec :: "complex_vec  complex_vec  complex_vec" (infixl *v 70) where
 [simp]: "z *v w = (let (z1, z2) = z; (w1, w2) = w
                     in if (z1 = 0  w2 = 0)  (w1 = 0  z2 = 0) then
                          (1, 1)
                          (z1*w1, z2*w2))"
lift_definition mult_hcoords :: "complex_homo_coords  complex_homo_coords  complex_homo_coords" (infixl *hc 70) is mult_cvec
  by (auto split: if_split_asm)

lift_definition mult :: "complex_homo  complex_homo  complex_homo" (infixl *h 70) is mult_hcoords
proof transfer
  fix z w z' w' :: complex_vec
  obtain z1 z2 w1 w2 z'1 z'2 w'1 w'2 where
    *: "z = (z1, z2)" "w = (w1, w2)" "z' = (z'1, z'2)" "w' = (w'1, w'2)"
    by (cases z, auto, cases w, auto, cases z', auto, cases w', auto)
  assume **:
         "z  vec_zero" "w  vec_zero" "z v z'"
         "z'  vec_zero" "w'  vec_zero" "w v w'"
  show "z *v w v z' *v w'"
  proof (cases "(z1 = 0  w2 = 0)  (w1 = 0  z2 = 0)")
    case True
    hence "(z'1 = 0  w'2 = 0)  (w'1 = 0  z'2 = 0)"
      using * **
      by auto
    show ?thesis
      using (z1 = 0  w2 = 0)  (w1 = 0  z2 = 0) (z'1 = 0  w'2 = 0)  (w'1 = 0  z'2 = 0)
      using * **
      by simp
    case False
    hence "¬((z'1 = 0  w'2 = 0)  (w'1 = 0  z'2 = 0))"
      using * **
      by auto
    hence ***: "z *v w = (z1*w1, z2*w2)" "z' *v w' = (z'1*w'1, z'2*w'2)"
      using ¬((z1 = 0  w2 = 0)  (w1 = 0  z2 = 0)) ¬((z'1 = 0  w'2 = 0)  (w'1 = 0  z'2 = 0))
      using *
      by auto
    show ?thesis
      apply (subst ***)+
      using * **
      by simp ((erule exE)+, rule_tac x="k*ka" in exI, simp)

lemma of_complex_mult_of_complex [simp]:
  shows "(of_complex z1) *h (of_complex z2) = of_complex (z1 * z2)"
  by (transfer, transfer, simp)

lemma mult_commute:
  shows "z1 *h z2 = z2 *h z1"
  apply (transfer, transfer)
  unfolding complex_cvec_eq_def
  by (rule_tac x="1" in exI, auto split: if_split_asm)

lemma mult_zero_left [simp]:
  assumes "z  h"
  shows "0h *h z = 0h"
  using assms
proof (transfer, transfer)
  fix z :: complex_vec
  obtain z1 z2 where *: "z = (z1, z2)"
    by (cases z, auto)
  assume "z  vec_zero" "¬ (z v v)"
  hence "z2  0"
    using *
    by force
  thus "0v *v z v 0v"
    using *
    by simp

lemma mult_zero_right [simp]:
  assumes "z  h"
  shows "z *h 0h = 0h"
  using mult_zero_left[OF assms]
  by (simp add: mult_commute)

lemma mult_inf_right [simp]:
  assumes "z  0h"
  shows "z *h h = h"
using assms
proof (transfer, transfer)
  fix z :: complex_vec
  obtain z1 z2 where *: "z = (z1, z2)"
    by (cases z, auto)
  assume "z  vec_zero" "¬ (z v 0v)"
  hence "z1  0"
    using *
    by force
  thus "z *v v v v"
    using *
    by simp

lemma mult_inf_left [simp]:
  assumes "z  0h"
  shows "h *h z = h"
  using mult_inf_right[OF assms]
  by (simp add: mult_commute)

lemma mult_one_left [simp]:
  shows "1h *h z = z"
  by (transfer, transfer, force)

lemma mult_one_right [simp]:
  shows "z *h 1h = z"
  using mult_one_left[of z]
  by (simp add: mult_commute)

text ‹This is ill-defined, but holds by our definition›
lemma inf_mult_zero:
  shows "h *h 0h = 1h"
  by (transfer, transfer, simp)
lemma zero_mult_inf: 
  shows "0h *h h = 1h"
  by (transfer, transfer, simp)

lemma mult_eq_inf:
  assumes "z *h w = h"
  shows "z = h  w = h"
  using assms
  using inf_or_of_complex[of z]
  using inf_or_of_complex[of w]
  using inf_or_of_complex[of "z *h w"]
  using of_complex_mult_of_complex
  by auto

lemma mult_noteq_inf:
  assumes "z  h" and "w  h"
  shows "z *h w  h"
  using assms mult_eq_inf
  by blast

subsubsection ‹Reciprocal›
definition reciprocal_cvec :: "complex_vec  complex_vec" where
  [simp]: "reciprocal_cvec z = (let (z1, z2) = z in (z2, z1))"
lift_definition reciprocal_hcoords :: "complex_homo_coords  complex_homo_coords" is reciprocal_cvec
  by auto

lift_definition reciprocal :: "complex_homo  complex_homo" is reciprocal_hcoords
  by transfer auto

lemma reciprocal_involution [simp]: "reciprocal (reciprocal z) = z"
  by (transfer, transfer, auto)

lemma reciprocal_zero [simp]: "reciprocal 0h = h"
  by (transfer, transfer, simp)

lemma reciprocal_inf [simp]: "reciprocal h = 0h"
  by (transfer, transfer, simp)

lemma reciprocal_one [simp]: "reciprocal 1h = 1h"
  by (transfer, transfer, simp)

lemma reciprocal_inf_iff [iff]: "reciprocal z = h  z = 0h"
  by (transfer, transfer, auto)

lemma reciprocal_zero_iff [iff]: "reciprocal z = 0h  z = h"
  by (transfer, transfer, auto)

lemma reciprocal_of_complex [simp]:
  assumes "z  0"
  shows "reciprocal (of_complex z) = of_complex (1 / z)"
  using assms
  by (transfer, transfer, simp)

lemma reciprocal_real:
  assumes "is_real (to_complex z)" and "z  0h" and "z  h"
  shows "Re (to_complex (reciprocal z)) = 1 / Re (to_complex z)"
  obtain c where "z = of_complex c" "c  0" "is_real c"
    using assms inf_or_of_complex[of z]
    by auto
  thus ?thesis
    by (simp add: Re_divide_real)

lemma reciprocal_id_iff: 
  shows "reciprocal z = z  z = of_complex 1  z = of_complex (-1)"
proof (cases "z = 0h")
  case True
  thus ?thesis
    by (metis inf_not_of_complex of_complex_zero_iff reciprocal_inf_iff zero_neq_neg_one zero_neq_one)
  case False
  thus ?thesis
    using inf_or_of_complex[of z]
    by (smt (verit) complex_sqrt_1 of_complex_zero_iff reciprocal_inf_iff reciprocal_of_complex to_complex_of_complex)

(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
subsubsection ‹Division›
(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

text ‹Operations $0_h :_h 0_h$ and $\infty_h :_h \infty_h$ are ill-defined. For formal reasons they
are defined to be $1_h$ (by the definition of multiplication).›

definition divide :: "complex_homo  complex_homo  complex_homo" (infixl :h 70) where
  "x :h y = x *h (reciprocal y)"

lemma divide_zero_right [simp]:
  assumes "z  0h"
  shows "z :h 0h = h"
  using assms
  unfolding divide_def
  by simp

lemma divide_zero_left [simp]:
  assumes "z  0h"
  shows "0h :h z = 0h"
  using assms
  unfolding divide_def
  by simp

lemma divide_inf_right [simp]:
  assumes "z  h"
  shows "z :h h = 0h"
  using assms
  unfolding divide_def
  by simp

lemma divide_inf_left [simp]:
  assumes "z  h"
  shows "h :h z = h"
  using assms reciprocal_zero_iff[of z] mult_inf_left
  unfolding divide_def
  by simp

lemma divide_eq_inf:
  assumes "z :h w = h"
  shows "z = h  w = 0h"
  using assms
  using reciprocal_inf_iff[of w] mult_eq_inf
  unfolding divide_def
  by auto

lemma inf_divide_zero [simp]:
  shows "h :h 0h = h"
  unfolding divide_def
  by (transfer, simp)

lemma zero_divide_inf [simp]:
  shows "0h :h h =  0h"
  unfolding divide_def
  by (transfer, simp)

lemma divide_one_right [simp]:
  shows "z :h 1h = z"
  unfolding divide_def
  by simp

lemma of_complex_divide_of_complex [simp]:
  assumes "z2  0"
  shows "(of_complex z1) :h (of_complex z2) = of_complex (z1 / z2)"
using assms
  unfolding divide_def
  apply transfer
  apply transfer
  by (simp, rule_tac x="1/z2" in exI, simp)

lemma one_div_of_complex [simp]:
  assumes "x  0"
  shows "1h :h of_complex x = of_complex (1 / x)"
  using assms
  unfolding divide_def
  by simp

text ‹ This is ill-defined, but holds by our definition›
lemma inf_divide_inf: 
  shows "h :h h = 1h"
  unfolding divide_def
  by (simp add: inf_mult_zero)

text ‹ This is ill-defined, but holds by our definition›
lemma zero_divide_zero:
  shows "0h :h 0h = 1h"
  unfolding divide_def
  by (simp add: zero_mult_inf)

(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
subsubsection ‹Conjugate›
(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

definition conjugate_cvec :: "complex_vec  complex_vec" where
  [simp]: "conjugate_cvec z = vec_cnj z"
lift_definition conjugate_hcoords :: "complex_homo_coords  complex_homo_coords" is conjugate_cvec
  by (auto simp add: vec_cnj_def)
lift_definition conjugate :: "complex_homo  complex_homo" is conjugate_hcoords
  by transfer (auto simp add: vec_cnj_def)

lemma conjugate_involution [simp]:
  shows "conjugate (conjugate z) = z"
  by (transfer, transfer, auto)

lemma conjugate_conjugate_comp [simp]:
  shows "conjugate  conjugate = id"
  by (rule ext, simp)

lemma inv_conjugate [simp]:
  shows "inv conjugate = conjugate"
  using inv_unique_comp[of conjugate conjugate]
  by simp

lemma conjugate_of_complex [simp]:
  shows "conjugate (of_complex z) = of_complex (cnj z)"
  by (transfer, transfer, simp add: vec_cnj_def)

lemma conjugate_inf [simp]:
  shows "conjugate h = h"
  by (transfer, transfer, simp add: vec_cnj_def)

lemma conjugate_zero [simp]:
  shows "conjugate 0h = 0h"
  by (transfer, transfer, simp add: vec_cnj_def)

lemma conjugate_one [simp]:
  shows "conjugate 1h = 1h"
  by (transfer, transfer, simp add: vec_cnj_def)

lemma conjugate_inj:
  assumes "conjugate x = conjugate y"
  shows "x = y"
  using assms
  using conjugate_involution[of x] conjugate_involution[of y]
  by metis

lemma bij_conjugate [simp]:
  shows "bij conjugate"
  unfolding bij_def inj_on_def
proof auto
  fix x y
  assume "conjugate x = conjugate y"
  thus "x = y"
   by (simp add: conjugate_inj)
  fix x
  show "x  range conjugate"
    by (metis conjugate_involution range_eqI)

lemma conjugate_id_iff: 
  shows "conjugate a = a  is_real (to_complex a)  a = h"
  using inf_or_of_complex[of a]
  by (metis conjugate_inf conjugate_of_complex eq_cnj_iff_real to_complex_of_complex)

subsubsection ‹Inversion›

text ‹Geometric inversion wrt. the unit circle›

definition inversion where
  "inversion = conjugate  reciprocal"

lemma inversion_sym:
  shows "inversion = reciprocal  conjugate"
  unfolding inversion_def
  apply (rule ext, simp)
  apply transfer
  apply transfer
  apply (auto simp add: vec_cnj_def)
  using one_neq_zero
  by blast+

lemma inversion_involution [simp]:
  shows "inversion (inversion z) = z"
  have *: "conjugate  reciprocal = reciprocal  conjugate"
    using inversion_sym
    by (simp add: inversion_def)
  show ?thesis
    unfolding inversion_def
    by (subst *) simp

lemma inversion_inversion_id [simp]:
  shows "inversion  inversion = id"
  by (rule ext, simp)

lemma inversion_zero [simp]:
  shows "inversion 0h = h"
  by (simp add: inversion_def)

lemma inversion_infty [simp]:
  shows "inversion h = 0h"
  by (simp add: inversion_def)

lemma inversion_of_complex [simp]:
  assumes "z  0"
  shows "inversion (of_complex z) = of_complex (1 / cnj z)"
  using assms
  by (simp add: inversion_def)

lemma is_real_inversion:
  assumes "is_real x" and "x  0"
  shows "is_real (to_complex (inversion (of_complex x)))"
  using assms eq_cnj_iff_real[of x]
  by simp

lemma inversion_id_iff: 
  shows "a = inversion a  a  h  (to_complex a) * cnj (to_complex a) = 1" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
  assume "a = inversion a"
  thus ?rhs
    unfolding inversion_def
    using inf_or_of_complex[of a]
    by (metis (full_types) comp_apply complex_cnj_cancel_iff complex_cnj_zero inversion_def inversion_infty inversion_of_complex inversion_sym nonzero_eq_divide_eq of_complex_zero reciprocal_zero to_complex_of_complex zero_one_infty_not_equal(5))
  assume ?rhs
  thus ?lhs
    using inf_or_of_complex[of a]
    by (metis inversion_of_complex mult_not_zero nonzero_mult_div_cancel_right one_neq_zero to_complex_of_complex)

(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
subsection ‹Ratio and cross-ratio›
(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
subsubsection ‹Ratio›
(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

text ‹Ratio of points $z$, $v$ and $w$ is usually defined as
$\frac{z-v}{z-w}$. Our definition introduces it in homogeneous
coordinates. It is well-defined if $z_1 \neq z_2 \vee z_1 \neq z_3$ and $z_1 \neq \infty_h$ and 
$z_2 \neq \infty_h \vee z_3 \neq \infty_h$›

definition ratio :: "complex_homo  complex_homo  complex_homo  complex_homo" where
  "ratio za zb zc = (za -h zb) :h (za -h zc)"

text ‹This is ill-defined, but holds by our definition›
  assumes "zb  h" and "zc  h"
  shows "ratio h zb zc = 1h"
  using assms
  using inf_sub_left[OF assms(1)]
  using inf_sub_left[OF assms(2)]
  unfolding ratio_def
  by (simp add: inf_divide_inf)

  assumes "za  h" and "zc  h"
  shows "ratio za h zc = h"
  using assms
  unfolding ratio_def
  using inf_sub_right[OF assms(1)]
  using sub_noteq_inf[OF assms]
  using divide_inf_left
  by simp

  assumes "za  h" and "zb  h"
  shows "ratio za zb h = 0h"
  unfolding ratio_def
  using sub_noteq_inf[OF assms]
  using inf_sub_right[OF assms(1)]
  using divide_inf_right
  by simp

  assumes "z1  z2" and "z1  h"
  shows "ratio z1 z2 z1 = h"
  using assms
  unfolding ratio_def
  using divide_zero_right[of "z1 -h z2"]
  using sub_eq_zero_iff[of z1 z2]
  by simp

(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
subsubsection ‹Cross-ratio›
(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

text ‹The cross-ratio is defined over 4 points $(z, u, v, w)$, usually as
$\frac{(z-u)(v-w)}{(z-w)(v-u)}$. We define it using homogeneous coordinates. Cross ratio is
ill-defined when $z = u \vee v = w$ and $z = w$ and $v = u$ i.e. when 3 points are equal. Since
function must be total, in that case we define it arbitrarily to 1.›

definition cross_ratio_cvec :: "complex_vec  complex_vec  complex_vec  complex_vec  complex_vec" where
  [simp]: "cross_ratio_cvec z u v w =
     (let (z', z'') = z;
          (u', u'') = u;
          (v', v'') = v;
          (w', w'') = w;
          n1 = z'*u'' - u'*z'';
          n2 = v'*w'' - w'*v'';
          d1 = z'*w'' - w'*z'';
          d2 = v'*u'' - u'*v''
         if n1 * n2  0  d1 * d2  0 then
              (n1 * n2, d1 * d2)
              (1, 1))"

lift_definition cross_ratio_hcoords :: "complex_homo_coords  complex_homo_coords  complex_homo_coords  complex_homo_coords  complex_homo_coords" is cross_ratio_cvec
  by (auto split: if_split_asm)

lift_definition cross_ratio :: "complex_homo  complex_homo  complex_homo  complex_homo  complex_homo" is cross_ratio_hcoords
proof transfer
  fix z u v w z' u' v' w' :: complex_vec
  obtain z1 z2 u1 u2 v1 v2 w1 w2 z'1 z'2 u'1 u'2 v'1 v'2 w'1 w'2
    where *: "z = (z1, z2)" "u = (u1, u2)" "v = (v1, v2)" "w = (w1, w2)"
             "z' = (z'1, z'2)" "u' = (u'1, u'2)" "v' = (v'1, v'2)" "w' = (w'1, w'2)"
    by (cases z, auto, cases u, auto, cases v, auto, cases w, auto,
        cases z', auto, cases u', auto, cases v', auto, cases w', auto)
  let ?n1 = "z1*u2 - u1*z2"
  let ?n2 = "v1*w2 - w1*v2"
  let ?d1 = "z1*w2 - w1*z2"
  let ?d2 = "v1*u2 - u1*v2"
  let ?n1' = "z'1*u'2 - u'1*z'2"
  let ?n2' = "v'1*w'2 - w'1*v'2"
  let ?d1' = "z'1*w'2 - w'1*z'2"
  let ?d2' = "v'1*u'2 - u'1*v'2"

  assume **:
         "z  vec_zero" "u  vec_zero" "v  vec_zero" "w  vec_zero"
         "z'  vec_zero" "u'  vec_zero" "v'  vec_zero" "w'  vec_zero"
         "z v z'" "v v v'" "u v u'" "w v w'"
  show "cross_ratio_cvec z u v w v cross_ratio_cvec z' u' v' w'"
  proof (cases "?n1*?n2  0  ?d1*?d2  0")
    case True
    hence "?n1'*?n2'  0  ?d1'*?d2'  0"
      using * **
      by simp ((erule exE)+, simp)
    show ?thesis
      using ?n1*?n2  0  ?d1*?d2  0
      using ?n1'*?n2'  0  ?d1'*?d2'  0
      using * **
      by simp ((erule exE)+, rule_tac x="k*ka*kb*kc" in exI, simp add: field_simps)
    case False
    hence "¬ (?n1'*?n2'  0  ?d1'*?d2'  0)"
      using * **
      by simp ((erule exE)+, simp)
    show ?thesis
      using ¬ (?n1*?n2  0  ?d1*?d2  0)
      using ¬ (?n1'*?n2'  0  ?d1'*?d2'  0)
      using * **
      by simp blast

lemma cross_ratio_01inf_id [simp]:
  shows "cross_ratio z 0h 1h h = z"
proof (transfer, transfer)
  fix z :: complex_vec
  obtain z1 z2 where *: "z = (z1, z2)"
    by (cases z, auto)
  assume "z  vec_zero"
  thus "cross_ratio_cvec z 0v 1v v v z"
    using *
    by simp (rule_tac x="-1" in exI, simp)

lemma cross_ratio_0:
  assumes "u  v" and "u  w"
  shows "cross_ratio u u v w = 0h"
  using assms
proof (transfer, transfer)
  fix u v w  :: complex_vec
  obtain u1 u2 v1 v2 w1 w2
    where *: "u = (u1, u2)" "v = (v1, v2)" "w = (w1, w2)"
    by (cases u, auto, cases v, auto, cases w, auto)
  assume "u  vec_zero" "v  vec_zero" "w  vec_zero" "¬ u v v" "¬ u v w"
  thus "cross_ratio_cvec u u v w v 0v"
    using * complex_cvec_eq_mix[of u1 u2 v1 v2] complex_cvec_eq_mix[of u1 u2 w1 w2]
    by (force simp add: mult.commute)

lemma cross_ratio_1:
  assumes "u  v" and "v  w"
  shows "cross_ratio v u v w = 1h"
  using assms
proof (transfer, transfer)
  fix u v w  :: complex_vec
  obtain u1 u2 v1 v2 w1 w2
    where *: "u = (u1, u2)" "v = (v1, v2)" "w = (w1, w2)"
    by (cases u, auto, cases v, auto, cases w, auto)
  let ?n1 = "v1*u2 - u1*v2"
  let ?n2 = "v1*w2 - w1*v2"
  assume "u  vec_zero" "v  vec_zero" "w  vec_zero" "¬ u v v" "¬ v v w"
  hence "?n1  0  ?n2  0"
    using * complex_cvec_eq_mix[of u1 u2 v1 v2] complex_cvec_eq_mix[of v1 v2 w1 w2]
    by (auto simp add: field_simps)
  thus "cross_ratio_cvec v u v w v 1v"
    using *
    by simp (rule_tac x="1 / (?n1 * ?n2)" in exI, simp)

lemma cross_ratio_inf:
  assumes "u  w" and "v  w"
  shows "cross_ratio w u v w = h"
  using assms
proof (transfer, transfer)
  fix u v w  :: complex_vec
  obtain u1 u2 v1 v2 w1 w2
    where *: "u = (u1, u2)" "v = (v1, v2)" "w = (w1, w2)"
    by (cases u, auto, cases v, auto, cases w, auto)
  let ?n1 = "w1*u2 - u1*w2"
  let ?n2 = "v1*w2 - w1*v2"
  assume "u  vec_zero" "v  vec_zero" "w  vec_zero" "¬ u v w" "¬ v v w"
  hence "?n1  0  ?n2  0"
    using * complex_cvec_eq_mix[of u1 u2 w1 w2] complex_cvec_eq_mix[of v1 v2 w1 w2]
    by (auto simp add: field_simps)
  thus "cross_ratio_cvec w u v w v v"
    using *
    by simp

lemma cross_ratio_0inf:
  assumes "y  0"
  shows "cross_ratio (of_complex x) 0h (of_complex y) h = (of_complex (x / y))"
  using assms
  by (transfer, transfer) (simp, rule_tac x="-1/y" in exI, simp)

lemma cross_ratio_commute_13:
  shows "cross_ratio z u v w = reciprocal (cross_ratio v u z w)"
  by (transfer, transfer, case_tac z, case_tac u, case_tac v, case_tac w, simp)

lemma cross_ratio_commute_24:
  shows "cross_ratio z u v w = reciprocal (cross_ratio z w v u)"
  by (transfer, transfer, case_tac z, case_tac u, case_tac v, case_tac w, simp)

lemma cross_ratio_not_inf:
  assumes "z  w" and "u  v"
  shows "cross_ratio z u v w  h"
  using assms
proof (transfer, transfer)
  fix z u v w
  assume nz: "z  vec_zero" "u  vec_zero" "v  vec_zero" "w  vec_zero"
  obtain z1 z2 u1 u2 v1 v2 w1 w2 where *: "z = (z1, z2)" "u = (u1, u2)" "v = (v1, v2)" "w = (w1, w2)"
    by (cases z, cases u, cases v, cases w, auto)
  obtain x1 x2 where **: "cross_ratio_cvec z u v w = (x1, x2)"
    by (cases "cross_ratio_cvec z u v w", auto)
  assume "¬ z v w" "¬ u v v"
  hence "z1*w2  z2*w1" "u1*v2  u2*v1"
    using * nz complex_cvec_eq_mix
    by blast+
  hence "x2  0"
    using * **
    by (auto split: if_split_asm) (simp add: field_simps)
  thus "¬ cross_ratio_cvec z u v w v v"
    using inf_cvec_z2_zero_iff * **
    by simp

lemma cross_ratio_not_zero:
  assumes "z  u" and "v  w"
  shows "cross_ratio z u v w  0h"
  using assms
proof (transfer, transfer)
  fix z u v w
  assume nz: "z  vec_zero" "u  vec_zero" "v  vec_zero" "w  vec_zero"
  obtain z1 z2 u1 u2 v1 v2 w1 w2 where *: "z = (z1, z2)" "u = (u1, u2)" "v = (v1, v2)" "w = (w1, w2)"
    by (cases z, cases u, cases v, cases w, auto)
  obtain x1 x2 where **: "cross_ratio_cvec z u v w = (x1, x2)"
    by (cases "cross_ratio_cvec z u v w", auto)
  assume "¬ z v u" "¬ v v w"
  hence "z1*u2  z2*u1" "v1*w2  v2*w1"
    using * nz complex_cvec_eq_mix
    by blast+
  hence "x1  0"
    using * **
    by (auto split: if_split_asm)
  thus "¬ cross_ratio_cvec z u v w v 0v"
    using zero_cvec_z1_zero_iff * **
    by simp

lemma cross_ratio_real:
  assumes "is_real z" and "is_real u" and "is_real v" and "is_real w" 
  assumes "z  u  v  w  z  w  u  v"
  shows "is_real (to_complex (cross_ratio (of_complex z) (of_complex u) (of_complex v) (of_complex w)))"
  using assms
  by (transfer, transfer, auto)

lemma cross_ratio:
  assumes "(z  u  v  w)  (z  w  u  v)" and
          "z  h" and  "u  h" and "v  h" and "w  h"
  shows "cross_ratio z u v w = ((z -h u) *h (v -h w)) :h ((z -h w) *h (v -h u))"
  unfolding sub_def divide_def
  using assms
  apply transfer
  apply simp
  apply transfer
  fix z u v w :: complex_vec
  obtain z1 z2 u1 u2 v1 v2 w1 w2
    where *: "z = (z1, z2)" "u = (u1, u2)" "v = (v1, v2)" "w = (w1, w2)"
    by (cases z, auto, cases u, auto, cases v, auto, cases w, auto)

  let ?n1 = "z1*u2 - u1*z2"
  let ?n2 = "v1*w2 - w1*v2"
  let ?d1 = "z1*w2 - w1*z2"
  let ?d2 = "v1*u2 - u1*v2"
  assume **: "z  vec_zero" "u  vec_zero" "v  vec_zero" "w  vec_zero"
         "¬ z v u  ¬ v v w  ¬ z v w  ¬ u v v"
         "¬ z v v" "¬ u v v" "¬ v v v" "¬ w v v"

  hence ***: "?n1 * ?n2  0  ?d1 * ?d2  0"
    using *
    using complex_cvec_eq_mix[of z1 z2 u1 u2] complex_cvec_eq_mix[of v1 v2 w1 w2]
    using complex_cvec_eq_mix[of z1 z2 w1 w2] complex_cvec_eq_mix[of u1 u2 v1 v2]
    by (metis eq_iff_diff_eq_0 mult.commute mult_eq_0_iff)

  have ****: "z2  0" "w2  0" "u2  0" "v2  0"
    using * **(1-4) **(6-9)
    using inf_cvec_z2_zero_iff[of z1 z2]
    using inf_cvec_z2_zero_iff[of u1 u2]
    using inf_cvec_z2_zero_iff[of v1 v2]
    using inf_cvec_z2_zero_iff[of w1 w2]
    by blast+

  have "cross_ratio_cvec z u v w = (?n1*?n2, ?d1*?d2)"
    using * ***
    by simp
  let ?k = "z2*u2*v2*w2"
  have "(z +v ~v u) *v (v +v ~v w) *v reciprocal_cvec ((z +v ~v w) *v (v +v ~v u)) = (?k * ?n1 * ?n2, ?k * ?d1 * ?d2)"
    using * *** ****
    by auto
  show "cross_ratio_cvec z u v w v
           (z +v ~v u) *v (v +v ~v w) *v reciprocal_cvec ((z +v ~v w) *v (v +v ~v u))"
    using ****
    unfolding complex_cvec_eq_def
    by (rule_tac x="?k" in exI) simp


(* Although it seems useful, we did not use this. *)

text ‹Transfer extended complex plane to complex plane›

definition HC :: "complex_homo ⇒ complex ⇒ bool"
  where "HC = (λ h c. h = of_complex c)"

lemma Domainp_HC [transfer_domain_rule]: "Domainp HC = (λ x. x ≠ ∞h)"
  unfolding HC_def Domainp_iff[abs_def]
  apply (rule ext)
  using inf_or_of_complex
  by auto

lemma bi_unique_HC [transfer_rule]: "bi_unique HC"
  using of_complex_inj
  unfolding HC_def bi_unique_def
  by auto

lemma right_total_HC [transfer_rule]: "right_total HC"
  unfolding HC_def right_total_def
  by auto

lemma HC_0 [transfer_rule]: "HC 0h 0"
  unfolding HC_def
  by simp

lemma HC_1 [transfer_rule]: "HC 1h 1"
  unfolding HC_def
  by simp

context includes lifting_syntax
lemma HC_add [transfer_rule]: "(HC ===> HC ===> HC) (op +h) (op +)"
  unfolding rel_fun_def HC_def
  by auto

lemma HC_mult [transfer_rule]: "(HC ===> HC ===> HC) (op *h) ( op * )"
  unfolding rel_fun_def HC_def
  by auto

lemma HC_All [transfer_rule]:
  "((HC ===> op =) ===> op =) (Ball {z. z ≠ ∞h}) All"
  using inf_or_of_complex
  unfolding rel_fun_def HC_def
  by auto

lemma HC_transfer_forall [transfer_rule]:
  "((HC ===> op =) ===> op =) (transfer_bforall (λx. x ≠ ∞h)) transfer_forall"
  using inf_or_of_complex
  unfolding transfer_forall_def transfer_bforall_def
  unfolding rel_fun_def HC_def
  by auto