Theory Safety
subsection ‹Safety and Hoare Triples›
theory Safety
imports Guards
subsubsection ‹Preliminaries›
definition sat_inv :: "store ⇒ ('i, 'a) heap ⇒ ('i, 'a, nat) single_context ⇒ bool" where
"sat_inv s hj Γ ⟷ (s, hj), (s, hj) ⊨ invariant Γ ∧ no_guard hj"
lemma sat_invI:
assumes "(s, hj), (s, hj) ⊨ invariant Γ"
and "no_guard hj"
shows "sat_inv s hj Γ"
by (simp add: assms(1) assms(2) sat_inv_def)
text ‹s and s' can differ on variables outside of vars, does not change anything.
upper-fvs S vars means that vars is an upper-bound of "fv S"›
definition upper_fvs :: "(store × ('i, 'a) heap) set ⇒ var set ⇒ bool" where
"upper_fvs S vars ⟷ (∀s s' h. (s, h) ∈ S ∧ agrees vars s s' ⟶ (s', h) ∈ S)"
text ‹Only need to agree on vars›
definition upperize where
"upperize S vars = { σ' |σ σ'. σ ∈ S ∧ snd σ = snd σ' ∧ agrees vars (fst σ) (fst σ')}"
definition close_var where
"close_var S x = { ((fst σ)(x := v), snd σ) |σ v. σ ∈ S }"
lemma upper_fvsI:
assumes "⋀s s' h. (s, h) ∈ S ∧ agrees vars s s' ⟹ (s', h) ∈ S"
shows "upper_fvs S vars"
using assms upper_fvs_def by blast
lemma pair_sat_comm:
assumes "pair_sat S S' A"
shows "pair_sat S' S A"
proof (rule pair_satI)
fix s h s' h' assume "(s, h) ∈ S' ∧ (s', h') ∈ S"
then show "(s, h), (s', h') ⊨ A"
using assms pair_sat_def sat_comm by blast
lemma in_upperize:
"(s', h) ∈ upperize S vars ⟷ (∃s. (s, h) ∈ S ∧ agrees vars s s')" (is "?A ⟷ ?B")
show "?A ⟹ ?B"
by (simp add: upperize_def)
show "?B ⟹ ?A"
using upperize_def by fastforce
lemma upper_fvs_upperize:
"upper_fvs (upperize S vars) vars"
proof (rule upper_fvsI)
fix s s' h
assume "(s, h) ∈ upperize S vars ∧ agrees vars s s'"
then obtain s'' where "(s'', h) ∈ S ∧ agrees vars s'' s"
by (meson in_upperize)
then have "agrees vars s'' s'"
using ‹(s, h) ∈ upperize S vars ∧ agrees vars s s'› agrees_def[of vars s s']
agrees_def[of vars s'' s] agrees_def[of vars s'' s']
by simp
then show "(s', h) ∈ upperize S vars"
using ‹(s'', h) ∈ S ∧ agrees vars s'' s› upperize_def by fastforce
lemma upperize_larger:
"S ⊆ upperize S vars"
fix x assume "x ∈ S"
moreover have "agrees vars (fst x) (fst x)"
using agrees_def by blast
ultimately show "x ∈ upperize S vars"
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) CollectI upperize_def)
lemma pair_sat_upperize:
assumes "pair_sat S S' A"
shows "pair_sat (upperize S (fvA A)) S' A"
proof (rule pair_satI)
fix s h s' h'
assume asm0: "(s, h) ∈ upperize S (fvA A) ∧ (s', h') ∈ S'"
then obtain s'' where "agrees (fvA A) s s''" "(s'', h) ∈ S"
using agrees_def[of "fvA A" s s'] in_upperize[of s h S "fvA A"]
by (metis agrees_def)
then show "(s, h), (s', h') ⊨ A"
using agrees_same asm0 assms pair_sat_def by blast
lemma in_close_var:
"(s', h) ∈ close_var S x ⟷ (∃s v. (s, h) ∈ S ∧ s' = s(x := v))" (is "?A ⟷ ?B")
show "?A ⟹ ?B"
using close_var_def[of S x] mem_Collect_eq prod.inject surjective_pairing
by auto
show "?B ⟹ ?A"
using close_var_def by fastforce
lemma pair_sat_close_var:
assumes "x ∉ fvA A"
and "pair_sat S S' A"
shows "pair_sat (close_var S x) S' A"
proof (rule pair_satI)
fix s h s' h'
assume "(s, h) ∈ close_var S x ∧ (s', h') ∈ S'"
then show "(s, h), (s', h') ⊨ A"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) agrees_same agrees_update assms in_close_var pair_sat_def)
lemma pair_sat_close_var_double:
assumes "pair_sat S S' A"
and "x ∉ fvA A"
shows "pair_sat (close_var S x) (close_var S' x) A"
using assms pair_sat_close_var pair_sat_comm by blast
lemma close_var_subset:
"S ⊆ close_var S x"
fix y assume "y ∈ S"
then have "fst y = (fst y)(x := (fst y x))"
by simp
then show "y ∈ close_var S x"
by (metis ‹y ∈ S› in_close_var prod.exhaust_sel)
lemma upper_fvs_close_vars:
"upper_fvs (close_var S x) (- {x})"
proof (rule upper_fvsI)
fix s s' h
assume "(s, h) ∈ close_var S x ∧ agrees (- {x}) s s'"
have "s(x := s' x) = s'"
proof (rule ext)
fix y show "(s(x := s' x)) y = s' y"
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) ComplI ‹(s, h) ∈ close_var S x ∧ agrees (- {x}) s s'› agrees_def fun_upd_apply singleton_iff)
then show "(s', h) ∈ close_var S x"
by (metis ‹(s, h) ∈ close_var S x ∧ agrees (- {x}) s s'› fun_upd_upd in_close_var)
lemma sat_inv_agrees:
assumes "sat_inv s hj Γ"
and "agrees (fvA (invariant Γ)) s s'"
shows "sat_inv s' hj Γ"
by (meson agrees_same assms sat_comm sat_inv_def)
lemma abort_iff_fvC:
assumes "agrees (fvC C) s s'"
shows "aborts C (s, h) ⟷ aborts C (s', h)"
using aborts_agrees assms fst_conv snd_eqD
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) agrees_def)
lemma view_function_of_invE:
assumes "view_function_of_inv Γ"
and "sat_inv s h Γ"
and "(h' :: ('i, 'a) heap) ≽ h"
shows "view Γ (normalize (get_fh h)) = view Γ (normalize (get_fh h'))"
using assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) sat_inv_def view_function_of_inv_def by blast
subsubsection Safety
fun no_abort :: "('i, 'a, nat) cont ⇒ cmd ⇒ store ⇒ ('i, 'a) heap ⇒ bool" where
"no_abort None C s h ⟷ (∀hf H. Some H = Some h ⊕ Some hf ∧ full_ownership (get_fh H) ∧ no_guard H
⟶ ¬ aborts C (s, normalize (get_fh H)))"
| "no_abort (Some Γ) C s h ⟷ (∀hf H hj v0. Some H = Some h ⊕ Some hj ⊕ Some hf ∧ full_ownership (get_fh H) ∧
semi_consistent Γ v0 H ∧ sat_inv s hj Γ
⟶ ¬ aborts C (s, normalize (get_fh H)))"
lemma no_abortI:
assumes "⋀(hf :: ('i, 'a) heap) (H :: ('i, 'a) heap). Some H = Some h ⊕ Some hf ∧ Δ = None ∧ full_ownership (get_fh H) ∧ no_guard H ⟹ ¬ aborts C (s, normalize (get_fh H))"
and "⋀H hf hj v0 Γ. Δ = Some Γ ∧ Some H = Some h ⊕ Some hj ⊕ Some hf ∧ full_ownership (get_fh H) ∧ semi_consistent Γ v0 H ∧ sat_inv s hj Γ
⟹ ¬ aborts C (s, normalize (get_fh H))"
shows "no_abort Δ C s (h :: ('i, 'a) heap)"
apply (cases Δ)
using assms(1) no_abort.simps(1) apply blast
using assms(2) no_abort.simps(2) by blast
lemma no_abortSomeI:
assumes "⋀H hf hj v0. Some H = Some h ⊕ Some hj ⊕ Some hf ∧ full_ownership (get_fh H) ∧ semi_consistent Γ v0 H ∧ sat_inv s hj Γ
⟹ ¬ aborts C (s, normalize (get_fh H))"
shows "no_abort (Some Γ) C s (h :: ('i, 'a) heap)"
using assms no_abort.simps(2) by blast
lemma no_abortNoneI:
assumes "⋀(hf :: ('i, 'a) heap) (H :: ('i, 'a) heap). Some H = Some h ⊕ Some hf ∧ full_ownership (get_fh H) ∧ no_guard H ⟹ ¬ aborts C (s, normalize (get_fh H))"
shows "no_abort (None :: ('i, 'a, nat) cont) C s (h :: ('i, 'a) heap)"
using assms no_abort.simps(1) by blast
lemma no_abortE:
assumes "no_abort Δ C s h"
shows "Some H = Some h ⊕ Some hf ⟹ Δ = None ⟹ full_ownership (get_fh H) ⟹ no_guard H ⟹ ¬ aborts C (s, normalize (get_fh H))"
and "Δ = Some Γ ⟹ Some H = Some h ⊕ Some hj ⊕ Some hf ⟹ sat_inv s hj Γ ⟹ full_ownership (get_fh H) ⟹ semi_consistent Γ v0 H
⟹ ¬ aborts C (s, normalize (get_fh H))"
using assms no_abort.simps(1) apply blast
by (metis assms no_abort.simps(2))
fun safe :: "nat ⇒ ('i, 'a, nat) cont ⇒ cmd ⇒ (store × ('i, 'a) heap) ⇒ (store × ('i, 'a) heap) set ⇒ bool" where
"safe 0 _ _ _ _ ⟷ True"
| "safe (Suc n) None C (s, h) S ⟷ (C = Cskip ⟶ (s, h) ∈ S) ∧ no_abort (None :: ('i, 'a, nat) cont) C s h ∧
(∀H hf C' s' h'. Some H = Some h ⊕ Some hf ∧ full_ownership (get_fh H) ∧ no_guard H
∧ red C (s, normalize (get_fh H)) C' (s', h')
⟶ (∃h'' H'. full_ownership (get_fh H') ∧ no_guard H' ∧ h' = normalize (get_fh H') ∧ Some H' = Some h'' ⊕ Some hf ∧ safe n (None :: ('i, 'a, nat) cont) C' (s', h'') S))"
| "safe (Suc n) (Some Γ) C (s, h) S ⟷ (C = Cskip ⟶ (s, h) ∈ S) ∧ no_abort (Some Γ) C s h ∧
(∀H hf C' s' h' hj v0. Some H = Some h ⊕ Some hj ⊕ Some hf ∧ full_ownership (get_fh H) ∧ semi_consistent Γ v0 H ∧ sat_inv s hj Γ
∧ red C (s, normalize (get_fh H)) C' (s', h')
⟶ (∃h'' H' hj'. full_ownership (get_fh H') ∧ semi_consistent Γ v0 H' ∧ sat_inv s' hj' Γ
∧ h' = normalize (get_fh H') ∧ Some H' = Some h'' ⊕ Some hj' ⊕ Some hf ∧ safe n (Some Γ) C' (s', h'') S))"
lemma safeNoneI:
assumes "C = Cskip ⟹ (s, h) ∈ S"
and "no_abort None C s h"
and "⋀H hf C' s' h'. Some H = Some h ⊕ Some hf ∧ full_ownership (get_fh H) ∧ no_guard H ∧ red C (s, normalize (get_fh H)) C' (s', h')
⟹ (∃h'' H'. full_ownership (get_fh H') ∧ no_guard H' ∧ h' = normalize (get_fh H') ∧ Some H' = Some h'' ⊕ Some hf ∧ safe n (None :: ('i, 'a, nat) cont) C' (s', h'') S)"
shows "safe (Suc n) (None :: ('i, 'a, nat) cont) C (s, h :: ('i, 'a) heap) S"
using assms by auto
lemma safeSomeI:
assumes "C = Cskip ⟹ (s, h) ∈ S"
and "no_abort (Some Γ) C s h"
and "⋀H hf C' s' h' hj v0. Some H = Some h ⊕ Some hj ⊕ Some hf ∧ full_ownership (get_fh H)
∧ semi_consistent Γ v0 H ∧ sat_inv s hj Γ ∧ red C (s, normalize (get_fh H)) C' (s', h')
⟹ (∃h'' H' hj'. full_ownership (get_fh H') ∧ semi_consistent Γ v0 H' ∧ sat_inv s' hj' Γ
∧ h' = normalize (get_fh H') ∧ Some H' = Some h'' ⊕ Some hj' ⊕ Some hf ∧ safe n (Some Γ) C' (s', h'') S)"
shows "safe (Suc n) (Some Γ) C (s, h :: ('i, 'a) heap) S"
using assms by auto
lemma safeI:
fixes Δ :: "('i, 'a, nat) cont"
assumes "C = Cskip ⟹ (s, h) ∈ S"
and "no_abort Δ C s h"
and "⋀H hf C' s' h'. Δ = None ⟹ Some H = Some h ⊕ Some hf ∧ full_ownership (get_fh H) ∧ no_guard H ∧ red C (s, normalize (get_fh H)) C' (s', h')
⟹ (∃h'' H'. full_ownership (get_fh H') ∧ no_guard H' ∧ h' = normalize (get_fh H') ∧ Some H' = Some h'' ⊕ Some hf ∧ safe n (None :: ('i, 'a, nat) cont) C' (s', h'') S)"
and "⋀H hf C' s' h' hj v0 Γ. Δ = Some Γ ⟹ Some H = Some h ⊕ Some hj ⊕ Some hf ∧ full_ownership (get_fh H)
∧ semi_consistent Γ v0 H ∧ sat_inv s hj Γ ∧ red C (s, normalize (get_fh H)) C' (s', h')
⟹ (∃h'' H' hj'. full_ownership (get_fh H') ∧ semi_consistent Γ v0 H' ∧ sat_inv s' hj' Γ
∧ h' = normalize (get_fh H') ∧ Some H' = Some h'' ⊕ Some hj' ⊕ Some hf ∧ safe n (Some Γ) C' (s', h'') S)"
shows "safe (Suc n) Δ C (s, h :: ('i, 'a) heap) S"
proof (cases Δ)
case None
then show ?thesis
using assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) by auto
case (Some Γ)
then show ?thesis using safeSomeI assms(1) assms(2) assms(4)
by simp
lemma safeSomeAltI:
assumes "C = Cskip ⟹ (s, h) ∈ S"
and "⋀H hf hj v0. Some H = Some h ⊕ Some hj ⊕ Some hf ∧ full_ownership (get_fh H) ∧ semi_consistent Γ v0 H ∧ sat_inv s hj Γ
⟹ ¬ aborts C (s, normalize (get_fh H))"
and "⋀H hf C' s' h' hj v0. Some H = Some h ⊕ Some hj ⊕ Some hf ∧ full_ownership (get_fh H)
∧ semi_consistent Γ v0 H ∧ sat_inv s hj Γ ⟹ red C (s, normalize (get_fh H)) C' (s', h')
⟹ (∃h'' H' hj'. full_ownership (get_fh H') ∧ semi_consistent Γ v0 H' ∧ sat_inv s' hj' Γ
∧ h' = normalize (get_fh H') ∧ Some H' = Some h'' ⊕ Some hj' ⊕ Some hf ∧ safe n (Some Γ) C' (s', h'') S)"
shows "safe (Suc n) (Some Γ) C (s, h :: ('i, 'a) heap) S"
using assms(1)
proof (rule safeSomeI)
show "no_abort (Some Γ) C s h" using assms(2) no_abortSomeI by blast
show "⋀H hf C' s' h' hj v0.
Some H = Some h ⊕ Some hj ⊕ Some hf ∧ full_ownership (get_fh H) ∧ semi_consistent Γ v0 H ∧ sat_inv s hj Γ ∧ red C (s, FractionalHeap.normalize (get_fh H)) C' (s', h') ⟹
(∃h'' H' hj'.
full_ownership (get_fh H') ∧
semi_consistent Γ v0 H' ∧ sat_inv s' hj' Γ ∧ h' = FractionalHeap.normalize (get_fh H') ∧ Some H' = Some h'' ⊕ Some hj' ⊕ Some hf ∧ safe n (Some Γ) C' (s', h'') S)"
using assms(3) by blast
qed (simp)
lemma safeSomeE:
assumes "safe (Suc n) (Some Γ) C (s, h :: ('i, 'a) heap) S"
shows "C = Cskip ⟹ (s, h) ∈ S"
and "no_abort (Some Γ) C s h"
and "Some H = Some h ⊕ Some hj ⊕ Some hf ⟹ full_ownership (get_fh H)
⟹ semi_consistent Γ v0 H ⟹ sat_inv s hj Γ ⟹ red C (s, normalize (get_fh H)) C' (s', h')
⟹ (∃h'' H' hj'. full_ownership (get_fh H') ∧ semi_consistent Γ v0 H' ∧ sat_inv s' hj' Γ
∧ h' = normalize (get_fh H') ∧ Some H' = Some h'' ⊕ Some hj' ⊕ Some hf ∧ safe n (Some Γ) C' (s', h'') S)"
using assms safe.simps(3)[of n Γ C s h S] by blast+
lemma safeNoneE:
assumes "safe (Suc n) (None :: ('i, 'a, nat) cont) C (s, h :: ('i, 'a) heap) S"
shows "C = Cskip ⟹ (s, h) ∈ S"
and "no_abort (None :: ('i, 'a, nat) cont) C s h"
and "Some H = Some h ⊕ Some hf ⟹ full_ownership (get_fh H) ⟹ no_guard H ⟹ red C (s, normalize (get_fh H)) C' (s', h')
⟹ (∃h'' H'. full_ownership (get_fh H') ∧ no_guard H' ∧ h' = normalize (get_fh H') ∧ Some H' = Some h'' ⊕ Some hf ∧ safe n (None :: ('i, 'a, nat) cont) C' (s', h'') S)"
using assms safe.simps(2)[of n C s h S] by blast+
lemma safeNoneE_bis:
fixes no_cont :: "('i, 'a, nat) cont"
assumes "safe (Suc n) no_cont C (s, h :: ('i, 'a) heap) S"
and "no_cont = None"
shows "C = Cskip ⟹ (s, h) ∈ S"
and "no_abort no_cont C s h"
and "Some H = Some h ⊕ Some hf ⟹ full_ownership (get_fh H) ⟹ no_guard H ⟹ red C (s, normalize (get_fh H)) C' (s', h')
⟹ (∃h'' H'. full_ownership (get_fh H') ∧ no_guard H' ∧ h' = normalize (get_fh H') ∧ Some H' = Some h'' ⊕ Some hf ∧ safe n no_cont C' (s', h'') S)"
using assms safe.simps(2)[of n C s h S] by blast+
subsubsection ‹Useful results about safety›
lemma no_abort_larger:
assumes "h' ≽ h"
and "no_abort Γ C s h"
shows "no_abort Γ C s h'"
proof (rule no_abortI)
show "⋀hf H. Some H = Some h' ⊕ Some hf ∧ Γ = None ∧ full_ownership (get_fh H) ∧ no_guard H ⟹ ¬ aborts C (s, FractionalHeap.normalize (get_fh H))"
using assms(1) assms(2) larger_def larger_trans no_abort.simps(1) by blast
show "⋀H hf hj v0 Γ'.
Γ = Some Γ' ∧ Some H = Some h' ⊕ Some hj ⊕ Some hf ∧ full_ownership (get_fh H) ∧ semi_consistent Γ' v0 H ∧ sat_inv s hj Γ' ⟹
¬ aborts C (s, FractionalHeap.normalize (get_fh H))"
proof -
fix H hf hj v0 Γ'
assume asm0: "Γ = Some Γ' ∧ Some H = Some h' ⊕ Some hj ⊕ Some hf ∧ full_ownership (get_fh H) ∧ semi_consistent Γ' v0 H ∧ sat_inv s hj Γ'"
moreover obtain r where "Some h' = Some h ⊕ Some r"
using assms(1) larger_def by blast
then obtain hf' where "Some hf' = Some hf ⊕ Some r"
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) calculation not_None_eq plus.simps(1) plus_asso plus_comm)
then have "Some H = Some h ⊕ Some hj ⊕ Some hf'"
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) ‹Some h' = Some h ⊕ Some r› calculation plus_asso plus_comm)
then show "¬ aborts C (s, FractionalHeap.normalize (get_fh H))"
using assms(2) calculation no_abortE(2) by blast
lemma safe_larger_set_aux:
fixes Δ :: "('i, 'a, nat) cont"
assumes "safe n Δ C (s, h) S"
and "S ⊆ S'"
shows "safe n Δ C (s, h) S'"
using assms
proof (induct n arbitrary: s h C)
case (Suc n)
show ?case
proof (rule safeI)
show "C = Cskip ⟹ (s, h) ∈ S'"
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) Suc.prems(1) assms(2) not_Some_eq safeNoneE_bis(1) safeSomeE(1) subset_iff)
show "no_abort Δ C s h"
apply (cases Δ)
using Suc.prems(1) safeNoneE_bis(2) apply blast
using Suc.prems(1) safeSomeE(2) by blast
show "⋀H hf C' s' h'.
Δ = None ⟹
Some H = Some h ⊕ Some hf ∧ full_ownership (get_fh H) ∧ no_guard H ∧ red C (s, FractionalHeap.normalize (get_fh H)) C' (s', h') ⟹
∃h'' H'. full_ownership (get_fh H') ∧ no_guard H' ∧ h' = FractionalHeap.normalize (get_fh H') ∧ Some H' = Some h'' ⊕ Some hf ∧ safe n (None :: ('i, 'a, nat) cont) C' (s', h'') S'"
using Suc.hyps Suc.prems(1) assms(2) safeNoneE(3)[of n C s h] by blast
show "⋀H hf C' s' h' hj v0 Γ.
Δ = Some Γ ⟹
Some H = Some h ⊕ Some hj ⊕ Some hf ∧
full_ownership (get_fh H) ∧ semi_consistent Γ v0 H ∧ sat_inv s hj Γ ∧ red C (s, FractionalHeap.normalize (get_fh H)) C' (s', h') ⟹
∃h'' H' hj'.
full_ownership (get_fh H') ∧
semi_consistent Γ v0 H' ∧ sat_inv s' hj' Γ ∧ h' = FractionalHeap.normalize (get_fh H') ∧ Some H' = Some h'' ⊕ Some hj' ⊕ Some hf ∧ safe n (Some Γ) C' (s', h'') S'"
proof -
fix H hf C' s' h' hj v0 Γ
assume asm0: "Δ = Some Γ" "Some H = Some h ⊕ Some hj ⊕ Some hf ∧
full_ownership (get_fh H) ∧ semi_consistent Γ v0 H ∧ sat_inv s hj Γ ∧ red C (s, FractionalHeap.normalize (get_fh H)) C' (s', h')"
then show "∃h'' H' hj'. full_ownership (get_fh H') ∧ semi_consistent Γ v0 H' ∧ sat_inv s' hj' Γ
∧ h' = FractionalHeap.normalize (get_fh H') ∧ Some H' = Some h'' ⊕ Some hj' ⊕ Some hf ∧ safe n (Some Γ) C' (s', h'') S'"
using safeSomeE(3)[of n Γ C s h S] Suc.hyps Suc.prems(1) assms(2) by blast
qed (simp)
lemma safe_larger_set:
assumes "safe n Δ C σ S"
and "S ⊆ S'"
shows "safe n Δ C σ S'"
using assms safe_larger_set_aux[of n Δ C "fst σ" "snd σ" S S']
by auto
lemma safe_smaller_aux:
fixes Δ :: "('i, 'a, nat) cont"
assumes "m ≤ n"
and "safe n Δ C (s, h) S"
shows "safe m Δ C (s, h) S"
using assms
proof (induct n arbitrary: s h C m)
case (Suc n)
show ?case
proof (cases m)
case (Suc k)
then have "k ≤ n"
using Suc.prems(1) by fastforce
moreover have "safe (Suc k) Δ C (s, h) S"
proof (rule safeI)
show "C = Cskip ⟹ (s, h) ∈ S"
using Suc.prems(2) safe.elims(2) by blast
show "no_abort Δ C s h"
apply (cases Δ)
using Suc.prems(2) safeNoneE(2) apply blast
using Suc.prems(2) safeSomeE(2) by blast
show "⋀H hf C' s' h'.
Δ = None ⟹
Some H = Some h ⊕ Some hf ∧ full_ownership (get_fh H) ∧ no_guard H ∧ red C (s, FractionalHeap.normalize (get_fh H)) C' (s', h') ⟹
∃h'' H'. full_ownership (get_fh H') ∧ no_guard H' ∧ h' = FractionalHeap.normalize (get_fh H') ∧ Some H' = Some h'' ⊕ Some hf ∧ safe k (None :: ('i, 'a, nat) cont) C' (s', h'') S"
proof -
fix H hf C' s' h'
assume asm0: "Δ = None" "Some H = Some h ⊕ Some hf ∧ full_ownership (get_fh H) ∧ no_guard H ∧ red C (s, FractionalHeap.normalize (get_fh H)) C' (s', h')"
then obtain h'' H' where "full_ownership (get_fh H') ∧ no_guard H' ∧ h' = FractionalHeap.normalize (get_fh H') ∧ Some H' = Some h'' ⊕ Some hf ∧ safe n (None :: ('i, 'a, nat) cont) C' (s', h'') S"
using Suc.prems(2) safeNoneE(3) by blast
then show "∃h'' H'. full_ownership (get_fh H') ∧ no_guard H' ∧ h' = FractionalHeap.normalize (get_fh H') ∧ Some H' = Some h'' ⊕ Some hf ∧ safe k (None :: ('i, 'a, nat) cont) C' (s', h'') S"
using Suc.hyps asm0(1) calculation by blast
fix H hf C' s' h' hj v0 Γ
assume asm0: "Δ = Some Γ" "Some H = Some h ⊕ Some hj ⊕ Some hf ∧
full_ownership (get_fh H) ∧ semi_consistent Γ v0 H ∧ sat_inv s hj Γ ∧ red C (s, FractionalHeap.normalize (get_fh H)) C' (s', h')"
then show "∃h'' H' hj'.
full_ownership (get_fh H') ∧
semi_consistent Γ v0 H' ∧ sat_inv s' hj' Γ ∧ h' = FractionalHeap.normalize (get_fh H') ∧ Some H' = Some h'' ⊕ Some hj' ⊕ Some hf ∧ safe k (Some Γ) C' (s', h'') S"
using Suc.prems(2) safeSomeE(3)[of n Γ C s h S H hj hf v0 C' s' h'] Suc.hyps
using calculation by blast
ultimately show ?thesis
using Suc by auto
qed (simp)
qed (simp)
lemma safe_smaller:
assumes "m ≤ n"
and "safe n Δ C σ S"
shows "safe m Δ C σ S"
by (metis assms(1) assms(2) safe_smaller_aux surj_pair)
lemma safe_free_vars_aux:
fixes Δ :: "('i, 'a, nat) cont"
assumes "safe n Δ C (s0, h) S"
and "agrees (fvC C ∪ vars) s0 s1"
and "upper_fvs S vars"
and "⋀Γ. Δ = Some Γ ⟹ agrees (fvA (invariant Γ)) s0 s1"
shows "safe n Δ C (s1, h) S"
using assms
proof (induct n arbitrary: s0 h s1 C)
case (Suc n)
show ?case
proof (rule safeI)
show "C = Cskip ⟹ (s1, h) ∈ S"
by (metis Suc.prems(1) Suc.prems(2) agrees_union assms(3) not_Some_eq safeNoneE_bis(1) safeSomeE(1) upper_fvs_def)
show "no_abort Δ C s1 h"
proof (rule no_abortI)
show "⋀hf H. Some H = Some h ⊕ Some hf ∧ Δ = None ∧ full_ownership (get_fh H) ∧ no_guard H ⟹ ¬ aborts C (s1, FractionalHeap.normalize (get_fh H))"
using Suc.prems(1) Suc.prems(2) abort_iff_fvC agrees_union no_abortE(1) safeNoneE(2) by blast
show "⋀H hf hj v0 Γ. Δ = Some Γ ∧ Some H = Some h ⊕ Some hj ⊕ Some hf ∧ full_ownership (get_fh H) ∧ semi_consistent Γ v0 H ∧ sat_inv s1 hj Γ ⟹
¬ aborts C (s1, FractionalHeap.normalize (get_fh H))"
proof -
fix H hf hj v0 Γ
assume asm0: "Δ = Some Γ ∧ Some H = Some h ⊕ Some hj ⊕ Some hf ∧ full_ownership (get_fh H) ∧ semi_consistent Γ v0 H ∧ sat_inv s1 hj Γ"
then have "sat_inv s0 hj Γ"
using Suc.prems(4) agrees_def sat_inv_agrees
by (metis (mono_tags, opaque_lifting))
then have "¬ aborts C (s0, FractionalHeap.normalize (get_fh H))"
using Suc.prems(1) asm0 no_abort.simps(2) safeSomeE(2) by blast
then show "¬ aborts C (s1, FractionalHeap.normalize (get_fh H))"
using Suc.prems(2) abort_iff_fvC agrees_union by blast
show "⋀H hf C' s1' h'.
Δ = None ⟹
Some H = Some h ⊕ Some hf ∧ full_ownership (get_fh H) ∧ no_guard H ∧ red C (s1, FractionalHeap.normalize (get_fh H)) C' (s1', h') ⟹
∃h'' H'. full_ownership (get_fh H') ∧ no_guard H' ∧ h' = FractionalHeap.normalize (get_fh H') ∧ Some H' = Some h'' ⊕ Some hf ∧ safe n (None :: ('i, 'a, nat) cont) C' (s1', h'') S"
proof -
fix H hf C' s1' h'
assume asm0: "Δ = None"
"Some H = Some h ⊕ Some hf ∧ full_ownership (get_fh H) ∧ no_guard H ∧ red C (s1, FractionalHeap.normalize (get_fh H)) C' (s1', h')"
then obtain s0' where "red C (s0, FractionalHeap.normalize (get_fh H)) C' (s0', h')" "agrees (fvC C ∪ vars) s1' s0'"
using red_agrees[of C "(s1, FractionalHeap.normalize (get_fh H))" C' "(s1', h')" "fvC C ∪ vars"]
using Suc.prems(2) agrees_def fst_conv snd_conv sup_ge1
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting))
then obtain h'' H' where
r: "full_ownership (get_fh H') ∧ no_guard H' ∧ h' = FractionalHeap.normalize (get_fh H') ∧ Some H' = Some h'' ⊕ Some hf ∧ safe n (None :: ('i, 'a, nat) cont) C' (s0', h'') S"
using Suc.prems(1) asm0(1) asm0(2) safeNoneE(3) by blast
then have "safe n (None :: ('i, 'a, nat) cont) C' (s1', h'') S"
using Suc.hyps[of C' s0' h'' s1']
using ‹agrees (fvC C ∪ vars) s1' s0'› agrees_union asm0(1) asm0(2) assms(3) option.distinct(1) red_properties(1)
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) agrees_def subset_iff)
then show "∃h'' H'. full_ownership (get_fh H') ∧ no_guard H' ∧ h' = FractionalHeap.normalize (get_fh H') ∧ Some H' = Some h'' ⊕ Some hf ∧ safe n (None :: ('i, 'a, nat) cont) C' (s1', h'') S"
using r by blast
fix H hf C' s1' h' hj v0 Γ
assume asm0: "Δ = Some Γ"
"Some H = Some h ⊕ Some hj ⊕ Some hf ∧ full_ownership (get_fh H) ∧ semi_consistent Γ v0 H ∧ sat_inv s1 hj Γ ∧ red C (s1, normalize (get_fh H)) C' (s1', h')"
then obtain s0' where "red C (s0, FractionalHeap.normalize (get_fh H)) C' (s0', h')" "agrees (fvC C ∪ vars ∪ fvA (invariant Γ)) s1' s0'"
using red_agrees[of C "(s1, FractionalHeap.normalize (get_fh H))" C' "(s1', h')" "fvC C ∪ vars ∪ fvA (invariant Γ)"]
using Suc.prems(2) Suc.prems(4) agrees_comm agrees_union fst_conv snd_conv sup_assoc sup_ge1
by (metis (no_types, lifting))
moreover have "sat_inv s0 hj Γ"
using Suc.prems(4) agrees_comm asm0(1) asm0(2) sat_inv_agrees by blast
ultimately obtain h'' H' hj' where r: "full_ownership (get_fh H') ∧ semi_consistent Γ v0 H' ∧ sat_inv s0' hj' Γ
∧ h' = FractionalHeap.normalize (get_fh H') ∧ Some H' = Some h'' ⊕ Some hj' ⊕ Some hf ∧ safe n (Some Γ) C' (s0', h'') S"
using Suc.prems(1) asm0(1) asm0(2) safeSomeE(3)[of n Γ C s0 h S H hj hf]
by blast
then have "sat_inv s1' hj' Γ"
using ‹agrees (fvC C ∪ vars ∪ fvA (invariant Γ)) s1' s0'› agrees_comm agrees_union sat_inv_agrees by blast
moreover have "safe n (Some Γ) C' (s1', h'') S"
using Suc.hyps[of C' s0' h'' s1'] ‹agrees (fvC C ∪ vars ∪ fvA (invariant Γ)) s1' s0'› ‹red C (s0, FractionalHeap.normalize (get_fh H)) C' (s0', h')›
agrees_def agrees_union asm0(1) assms(3) option.inject r red_properties
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) subset_Un_eq)
ultimately show "∃h'' H' hj'.
full_ownership (get_fh H') ∧
semi_consistent Γ v0 H' ∧
sat_inv s1' hj' Γ ∧ h' = FractionalHeap.normalize (get_fh H') ∧ Some H' = Some h'' ⊕ Some hj' ⊕ Some hf ∧ safe n (Some Γ) C' (s1', h'') S"
using r by blast
qed (simp)
lemma safe_free_vars_None:
assumes "safe n (None :: ('i, 'a, nat) cont) C (s, h) S"
and "agrees (fvC C ∪ vars) s s'"
and "upper_fvs S vars"
shows "safe n (None :: ('i, 'a, nat) cont) C (s', h) S"
by (meson assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) not_Some_eq safe_free_vars_aux)
lemma safe_free_vars_Some:
assumes "safe n (Some Γ) C (s, h) S"
and "agrees (fvC C ∪ vars ∪ fvA (invariant Γ)) s s'"
and "upper_fvs S vars"
shows "safe n (Some Γ) C (s', h) S"
by (metis agrees_union assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) option.inject safe_free_vars_aux)
lemma safe_free_vars:
fixes Δ :: "('i, 'a, nat) cont"
assumes "safe n Δ C (s, h) S"
and "agrees (fvC C ∪ vars) s s'"
and "upper_fvs S vars"
and "⋀Γ. Δ = Some Γ ⟹ agrees (fvA (invariant Γ)) s s'"
shows "safe n Δ C (s', h) S"
proof (cases Δ)
case None
then show ?thesis
using assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) safe_free_vars_None by blast
case (Some Γ)
then show ?thesis
using agrees_union assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) assms(4) safe_free_vars_Some by blast
subsubsection ‹Hoare triples›
definition hoare_triple_valid :: "('i, 'a, nat) cont ⇒ ('i, 'a, nat) assertion ⇒ cmd ⇒ ('i, 'a, nat) assertion ⇒ bool"
("_ ⊨ {_} _ {_}" [51,0,0] 81) where
"hoare_triple_valid Γ P C Q ⟷ (∃Σ. (∀σ n. σ, σ ⊨ P ⟶ safe n Γ C σ (Σ σ)) ∧
(∀σ σ'. σ, σ' ⊨ P ⟶ pair_sat (Σ σ) (Σ σ') Q))"
lemma hoare_triple_validI:
assumes "⋀s h n. (s, h), (s, h) ⊨ P ⟹ safe n Γ C (s, h) (Σ (s, h))"
and "⋀s h s' h'. (s, h), (s', h') ⊨ P ⟹ pair_sat (Σ (s, h)) (Σ (s', h')) Q"
shows "hoare_triple_valid Γ P C Q"
by (metis assms(1) assms(2) hoare_triple_valid_def prod.collapse)
lemma hoare_triple_valid_smallerI:
assumes "⋀σ n. σ, σ ⊨ P ⟹ safe n Γ C σ (Σ σ)"
and "⋀σ σ'. σ, σ' ⊨ P ⟹ pair_sat (Σ σ) (Σ σ') Q"
shows "hoare_triple_valid Γ P C Q"
using assms hoare_triple_valid_def by metis
lemma hoare_triple_validE:
assumes "hoare_triple_valid Γ P C Q"
shows "∃Σ.(∀σ n. σ, σ ⊨ P ⟶ safe n Γ C σ (Σ σ)) ∧
(∀σ σ'. σ, σ' ⊨ P ⟶ pair_sat (Σ σ) (Σ σ') Q)"
using assms hoare_triple_valid_def by blast
lemma hoare_triple_valid_simplerE:
assumes "hoare_triple_valid Γ P C Q"
and "σ, σ' ⊨ P"
shows "∃S S'. safe n Γ C σ S ∧ safe n Γ C σ' S' ∧ pair_sat S S' Q"
by (meson always_sat_refl assms(1) assms(2) hoare_triple_validE sat_comm)