Theory EtaExpansion
theory EtaExpansion
imports Launchbury.Terms Launchbury.Substitution
definition fresh_var :: "exp ⇒ var" where
"fresh_var e = (SOME v. v ∉ fv e)"
lemma fresh_var_not_free:
"fresh_var e ∉ fv e"
obtain v :: var where "atom v ♯ e" by (rule obtain_fresh)
hence "v ∉ fv e" by (metis fv_not_fresh)
thus ?thesis unfolding fresh_var_def by (rule someI)
lemma fresh_var_fresh[simp]:
"atom (fresh_var e) ♯ e"
by (metis fresh_var_not_free fv_not_fresh)
lemma fresh_var_subst[simp]:
"e[fresh_var e::=x] = e"
by (metis fresh_var_fresh subst_fresh_noop)
fun eta_expand :: "nat ⇒ exp ⇒ exp" where
"eta_expand 0 e = e"
| "eta_expand (Suc n) e = (Lam [fresh_var e]. eta_expand n (App e (fresh_var e)))"
lemma eta_expand_eqvt[eqvt]:
"π ∙ (eta_expand n e) = eta_expand (π ∙ n) (π ∙ e)"
apply (induction n arbitrary: e π)
apply (auto simp add: fresh_Pair permute_pure)
apply (metis fresh_at_base_permI fresh_at_base_permute_iff fresh_var_fresh subst_fresh_noop subst_swap_same)
lemma fresh_eta_expand[simp]: "a ♯ eta_expand n e ⟷ a ♯ e"
apply (induction n arbitrary: e)
apply (simp add: fresh_Pair)
apply (clarsimp simp add: fresh_Pair fresh_at_base)
by (metis fresh_var_fresh)
lemma subst_eta_expand: "(eta_expand n e)[x ::= y] = eta_expand n (e[x ::= y])"
proof (induction n arbitrary: e)
case 0 thus ?case by simp
case (Suc n)
obtain z :: var where "atom z ♯ (e, fresh_var e, x, y)" by (rule obtain_fresh)
have "(eta_expand (Suc n) e)[x::=y] = (Lam [fresh_var e]. eta_expand n (App e (fresh_var e)))[x::=y]" by simp
also have "… = (Lam [z]. eta_expand n (App e z))[x::=y]"
apply (subst change_Lam_Variable[where y' = z])
using ‹atom z ♯ _›
by (auto simp add: fresh_Pair eta_expand_eqvt pure_fresh permute_pure flip_fresh_fresh intro!: eqvt_fresh_cong2[where f = eta_expand, OF eta_expand_eqvt])
also have "… = Lam [z]. (eta_expand n (App e z))[x::=y]"
using ‹atom z ♯ _› by simp
also have "… = Lam [z]. eta_expand n (App e z)[x::=y]" unfolding Suc.IH..
also have "… = Lam [z]. eta_expand n (App e[x::=y] z)"
using ‹atom z ♯ _› by simp
also have "… = Lam [fresh_var (e[x::=y])]. eta_expand n (App e[x::=y] (fresh_var (e[x::=y])))"
apply (subst change_Lam_Variable[where y' = "fresh_var (e[x::=y])"])
using ‹atom z ♯ _›
by (auto simp add: fresh_Pair eqvt_fresh_cong2[where f = eta_expand, OF eta_expand_eqvt] pure_fresh eta_expand_eqvt flip_fresh_fresh subst_pres_fresh simp del: exp_assn.eq_iff)
also have "… = eta_expand (Suc n) e[x::=y]" by simp
finally show ?case.
lemma isLam_eta_expand:
"isLam e ⟹ isLam (eta_expand n e)" and "n > 0 ⟹ isLam (eta_expand n e)"
by (induction n) auto
lemma isVal_eta_expand:
"isVal e ⟹ isVal (eta_expand n e)" and "n > 0 ⟹ isVal (eta_expand n e)"
by (induction n) auto