Theory Eval_Class

section ‹A type class for correspondence between HOL expressions and terms›

theory Eval_Class

no_notation Mpat_Antiquot.mpaq_App (infixl "$$" 900)
hide_const (open) Strong_Term.wellformed
declare Strong_Term.wellformed_term_def[simp del]

class evaluate =
  fixes eval :: "rule fset  term  'a  bool" ("_/ / (_ / _)" [50,0,50] 50)
  assumes eval_wellformed: "rs  t  a  wellformed t"

definition eval' :: "rule fset  term  'a  bool" ("_/ / (_ / _)" [50,0,50] 50) where
"rs  t  a  wellformed t  (t'. rs  t ⟶* t'  rs  t'  a)"

lemma eval'I[intro]:
  assumes "wellformed t" "rs  t ⟶* t'" "rs  t'  a"
  shows "rs  t  a"
using assms unfolding eval'_def by auto

lemma eval'E[elim]:
  assumes "rs  t  a"
  obtains t' where "wellformed t" "rs  t ⟶* t'" "rs  t'  a"
using assms unfolding eval'_def by auto

lemma eval_trivI: "rs  t  a  rs  t  a"
by (auto dest: eval_wellformed)

lemma eval_compose:
  assumes "wellformed t" "rs  t ⟶* t'" "rs  t'  a"
  shows "rs  t  a"
proof -
  from rs  t'  a obtain t'' where "rs  t' ⟶* t''" "rs  t''  a"
    by blast
  moreover hence "rs  t ⟶* t''"
    using assms by auto
  ultimately show "rs  t  a"
    using assms by auto


instantiation "fun" :: (evaluate, evaluate) evaluate begin

  definition eval_fun where
  "eval_fun rs t a  wellformed t  (x tx. rs  tx  x  rs  t $ tx  a x)"

    by standard (simp add: eval_fun_def)


corollary eval_funD:
  assumes "rs  t  f" "rs  tx  x"
  shows "rs  t $ tx  f x"
using assms unfolding eval_fun_def by blast

corollary eval'_funD:
  assumes "rs  t  f" "rs  tx  x"
  shows "rs  t $ tx  f x"
proof -
  from assms obtain t' where "rs  t ⟶* t'" "rs  t'  f"
    by auto
  have "wellformed (t $ tx)"
    using assms by auto
  moreover have "rs  t $ tx ⟶* t' $ tx"
    using rs  t ⟶* t' by (rule rewrite.rt_fun[unfolded app_term_def])
  moreover have "rs  t' $ tx  f x"
    using rs  t'  f assms(2) by (rule eval_funD)
  ultimately show "rs  t $ tx  f x"
    by (rule eval_compose)

lemma eval_ext:
  assumes "wellformed f" "x t. rs  t  x  rs  f $ t  a x"
  shows "rs  f  a"
using assms unfolding eval_fun_def by blast

lemma eval'_ext:
  assumes "wellformed f" "x t. rs  t  x  rs  f $ t  a x"
  shows "rs  f  a"
apply (rule eval'I[OF wellformed f])
apply (rule rtranclp.rtrancl_refl)
apply (rule eval_ext)
using assms by auto

lemma eval'_ext_alt:
  fixes f :: "'a::evaluate  'b::evaluate"
  assumes "wellformed' 1 t" "u x. rs  u  x  rs  t [u]β  f x"
  shows "rs  Λ t  f"
proof (rule eval'_ext)
  show "wellformed (Λ t)"
    using assms by simp
  fix x :: 'a and u
  assume "rs  u  x"
  show "rs  Λ t $ u  f x"
    proof (rule eval_compose)
      show "wellformed (Λ t $ u)"
        using assms rs  u  x by auto
      show "rs  Λ t $ u ⟶* t [u]β"
        using rs  u  x by (auto intro: rewrite.beta)
      show "rs  t [u]β  f x"
        using assms rs  u  x by auto

lemma eval_impl_wellformed[dest]: "rs  t  a  wellformed' n t"
by (auto dest: wellformed_inc eval_wellformed[unfolded wellformed_term_def])

lemma eval'_impl_wellformed[dest]: "rs  t  a  wellformed' n t"
unfolding eval'_def by (auto dest: wellformed_inc)

lemma wellformed_unpack:
  "wellformed' n (t $ u)  wellformed' n t"
  "wellformed' n (t $ u)  wellformed' n u"
  "wellformed' n (Λ t)  wellformed' (Suc n) t"
by auto

lemma replace_bound_aux:
  "n < 0  False"
  "Suc n < Suc m  n < m"
  "0 < Suc n  True"
  "((0::nat) = 0)  True"
  "(0 = Suc m)  False"
  "(Suc m = Suc n)  n = m"
  "(Suc m = 0)  False"
  "(if True then P else Q) = P"
  "(if False then P else Q) = Q"
  "int (0::nat) = 0"
by auto

named_theorems eval_data_intros
named_theorems eval_data_elims

context begin

(* for code generation, used in Tactics.code_tac *)
private definition rewrite_step_term :: "term × term  term  term option" where
"rewrite_step_term = rewrite_step"

private lemmas rewrite_rt_fun = rewrite.rt_fun[unfolded app_term_def]
private lemmas rewrite_rt_arg = rewrite.rt_arg[unfolded app_term_def]

ML_file "tactics.ML"


method_setup wellformed = Scan.succeed (SIMPLE_METHOD' o Tactics.wellformed_tac)
