Theory Rewriting_Term
section ‹Higher-order term rewriting using de-Bruijn indices›
theory Rewriting_Term
subsection ‹Matching and rewriting›
type_synonym rule = "term × term"
inductive rewrite :: "rule fset ⇒ term ⇒ term ⇒ bool" ("_/ ⊢/ _ ⟶/ _" [50,0,50] 50) for rs where
step: "r |∈| rs ⟹ r ⊢ t → u ⟹ rs ⊢ t ⟶ u" |
beta: "rs ⊢ (Λ t $ t') ⟶ t [t']⇩β" |
"fun": "rs ⊢ t ⟶ t'⟹ rs ⊢ t $ u ⟶ t' $ u" |
arg: "rs ⊢ u ⟶ u'⟹ rs ⊢ t $ u ⟶ t $ u'"
global_interpretation rewrite: rewriting "rewrite rs" for rs
by standard (auto intro: rewrite.intros simp: app_term_def)+
abbreviation rewrite_rt :: "rule fset ⇒ term ⇒ term ⇒ bool" ("_/ ⊢/ _ ⟶*/ _" [50,0,50] 50) where
"rewrite_rt rs ≡ (rewrite rs)⇧*⇧*"
lemma rewrite_beta_alt: "t [t']⇩β = u ⟹ wellformed t' ⟹ rs ⊢ (Λ t $ t') ⟶ u"
by (metis rewrite.beta)
subsection ‹Wellformedness›
primrec rule :: "rule ⇒ bool" where
"rule (lhs, rhs) ⟷ basic_rule (lhs, rhs) ∧ Term.wellformed rhs"
lemma ruleI[intro]:
assumes "basic_rule (lhs, rhs)"
assumes "Term.wellformed rhs"
shows "rule (lhs, rhs)"
using assms by simp
lemma split_rule_fst: "fst (split_rule r) = head (fst r)"
unfolding head_def by (smt prod.case_eq_if prod.collapse prod.inject split_rule.simps)
locale rules = constants C_info "heads_of rs" for C_info and rs :: "rule fset" +
assumes all_rules: "fBall rs rule"
assumes arity: "arity_compatibles rs"
assumes fmap: "is_fmap rs"
assumes patterns: "pattern_compatibles rs"
assumes nonempty: "rs ≠ {||}"
assumes not_shadows: "fBall rs (λ(lhs, _). ¬ shadows_consts lhs)"
assumes welldefined_rs: "fBall rs (λ(_, rhs). welldefined rhs)"
lemma rewrite_wellformed:
assumes "rs ⊢ t ⟶ t'" "wellformed t"
shows "wellformed t'"
using assms
proof (induction rule: rewrite.induct)
case (step r t u)
obtain lhs rhs where "r = (lhs, rhs)"
by force
hence "wellformed rhs"
using all_rules step by force
show ?case
apply (rule wellformed.rewrite_step)
apply (rule step(2)[unfolded ‹r = _›])
apply fact+
case (beta u t)
show ?case
unfolding wellformed_term_def
apply (rule replace_bound_wellformed)
using beta by auto
qed auto
lemma rewrite_rt_wellformed: "rs ⊢ t ⟶* t' ⟹ wellformed t ⟹ wellformed t'"
by (induction rule: rtranclp.induct) (auto intro: rewrite_wellformed simp del: wellformed_term_def)
lemma rewrite_closed: "rs ⊢ t ⟶ t' ⟹ closed t ⟹ closed t'"
proof (induction t t' rule: rewrite.induct)
case (step r t u)
obtain lhs rhs where "r = (lhs, rhs)"
by force
with step have "rule (lhs, rhs)"
using all_rules by blast
hence "frees rhs |⊆| frees lhs"
by simp
moreover have "(lhs, rhs) ⊢ t → u"
using step unfolding ‹r = _› by simp
show ?case
apply (rule rewrite_step_closed)
apply fact+
case (beta t t')
have "frees t [t']⇩β |⊆| frees t |∪| frees t'"
by (rule replace_bound_frees)
with beta show ?case
unfolding closed_except_def by auto
qed (auto simp: closed_except_def)
lemma rewrite_rt_closed: "rs ⊢ t ⟶* t' ⟹ closed t ⟹ closed t'"
by (induction rule: rtranclp.induct) (auto intro: rewrite_closed)